My best friend got very into LE, he’s been convincing me to play it for weeks and I finally gave in and played for a few hours and it’s so fun I can’t believe it took me this long. I was replaying my comfort game (Bloodborne) for the millionth time, feeling lazy and kinda depressed after failing an exam I busted my ass for, but I’m glad I got off the couch for this.
The character customization is seriously next level, you can pretty much customize everything. There are some really cool armors and amulets, I currently have my eyes on the Advent of the Erased boots– they actually look good and they should make me more tanky (I’m playing Spellblade) the loot system is another plus, it’s really satisfying when I find a cool new piece of gear and try to figure out how it fits into my build. I also love how deep the skill trees can go and in how many different ways you can build your character.
Also, the game’s art style and graphics are pretty cool. The environments and character designs have this distinct fantasy charm that really pulls me into the game. I’m enjoying the overall vibe and the setting—it’s immersive without being overwhelming or boring, unlike most popular RPGs.
I’m still pretty new to the game and I may be wearing rose-tinted glasses, but I feel like it’s the best RPG.
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