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I tested the beta and found that cheat engine would affect the game. Is the beta not going to have closed, online server with characters stored on server side?

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Last Epoch will support both online-only and offline-only characters at release.

The online version of the game will be server-authorative to minimize the cheating that occurs and maximize the cheating we detect and subsequently deal with. As with the rest of the game, the multiplayer is not yet completed. Throughout beta we will ramp up testing from internal testing, to friends & family, to community people under NDA, to the general beta population.

We'll be wiping characters at release - and once a character is played offline, that character will never be playable online. I can't claim that there'll never be any cheating - not sure any company can - but we'll always do our best to give our players as much information as we can so that they can make an informed decision about what they want to do, and where they wish to do it.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by killadrix

Quick question, will there be cloud save support? As someone who travels for work, I was shocked to find the characters whom I play on my PC were not available on my laptop.

We'd like to do it, however I can't offer an ETA.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by I_dont_read_names

Wouldn't it come out the same time the online-only version does? Since you would have to check if an online character is legitimate doesn't that mean you would need to have a copy of a character stored on your servers? Just a question, I could be way off.

Offline-only characters are saved on your computer. /u/killadrix is asking about Steam Cloud being told to monitor the location where we save information about offline-only characters and storing a copy of it so it is more convenient to access the same offline-only characters across multiple computers. This is a nice Quality of Life benefit we're not opposed to.

Just because there's a copy of the save file being stored in the cloud doesn't mean that those characters would be playable server-side or able to interact with those that do. They would have no access to the Bazaar, PvP, or any other elements of multiplayer.