almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey there Travelers I'm Judd kobler game
3s director for lost Epoch and today I'm
5s excited to bring you the highlights of
6s the latest upcoming Early Access patch
8s Rising Flames 0.9.1 releasing May 25th
12s Rising Flames introduces a fully
15s reimagined first chapter of last Epoch
17s you the traveler find yourself tasked to
20s protect an organization known as the
22s keepers this mysterious group is rumored
24s to work for the goddess of Terra herself
26s as swarm Protectors of her most sacred
28s artifact the epoch amidst a Relentless
31s assault from Raye's Army the protection
33s of the epoch is under threat as Raya has
35s learned of this artifacts near Limitless
37s potential to manipulate both time and
39s space atara's past as well as its future
42s hangs in the balance
44s you'll meet a whole host of formidable
46s new enemies across new zones in your
48s attempt to prevent Raye's Army from
50s obtaining this sacred device and learn
52s about the secrets of the keepers along
53s the way we hope you enjoy this new
55s chapter which lays the groundwork for
57s the events to come in last epoch's
59s campaign
60s Rising Flames comes with a host of
62s features to improve the multiplayer
64s experience now when you enter towns
66s you'll find other random travelers from
67s the server who you can interact with and
69s form parties you'll be able to show off
71s your awesome loot to other Travelers
73s in-game via item linking you can leak
75s items in chat by control right clicking
77s an item with the dialog box open also
80s you can now select your server region
82s before you enter the game on your
84s character
84s ladders have been re-added and
86s redesigned for multiplayer including the
88s ability to rank on the leaderboards in
90s different team sizes modes and classes
93s now that last Epoch is online and server
95s authoritative ladders will showcase
97s those that have legitimately become the
99s best of the best combatants in a terra's
101s Arena
102s we have additional functionality for
103s interactions coming to towns and parties
105s before 1.0 we hope these improvements
108s greatly add to your experience when
109s forming parties and interacting with
110s individuals in a Terra Rising Flames
113s introduces many new unique items
115s including a brand new type of unique
117s item called Weaver uniques Weaver
119s uniques are a new type of unique that
120s upgrade to legendaries in a different
122s way instead of dropping with zero to
124s four legendary potential they drop with
126s between 5 and 28 Weaver's will when an
129s item has Weaver's will while you kill
131s enemies the Weaver a mysterious entity
133s coming to later cycles of last Epoch
135s slowly rebuilds the item by adding
137s random mods and then upgrading them with
139s higher tiers with the potential to go
141s all the way up to tier VII each tier of
143s an affix added consumes one Weaver's
145s will these Weaver uniques can all drop
147s during the campaign so they can gain
149s power with you as you progress however
151s once that drop at higher levels will
153s have more Weaver's will on average I'll
155s show off one new normal unique item and
157s then two Weavers items
159s apostate Sanctuary is a potentially very
162s powerful amulet that adds a harsh
164s penalty for direct spell casting what
166s builds can you make that exclude direct
167s spellcasts to take advantage of the
169s large defensive bonuses of this item
171s our first Weaver unique is cradle of the
174s erased a unique Shield that gains up to
176s four Stacks increasing your block chance
178s over time making it great for blocking
180s occasional hits its starting block
182s Effectiveness is low but you can stack
184s more resistances to improve it as you
186s progress through the game and there's
187s always a chance the Weaver gives it a
189s block Effectiveness ethics too
191s knowledge of an erased Mage one of five
194s unique Weaver relics with this unique
196s keeping your Mana Low by using high cost
198s skills or damage dealt to Mana allows
201s you to take better advantage of your
202s endurance like the other class specific
204s Weaver relics this has a bonus chance to
206s gain level of skill affixes so those
208s won't be as rare as when they're on
210s regular relics and there's even a chance
212s of it giving a skill up to five levels
214s happy hunting and we can't wait to see
216s what powerful items the Weaver has in
218s store for you in patch 0.9.1 we're also
221s introducing an early version of the
223s Cosmetic shop where you can purchase
224s visual items for your characters many of
227s you will already have Epoch points to
228s spin from your early supportive last
230s Epoch and while the inventory for the
231s Cosmetic shop is limited with the Early
233s Access release we're excited to expand
236s the offerings and see our supporters
237s look incredibly cool with skins for
239s armor skills non-combat pets and more
242s you'll encounter many new enemies with
244s the release of rising Flames 13 new
246s enemies have been added to fill the
248s ranks of Raye's Army and new and
249s exciting Wildlife can be found
252s we've also updated the models for
253s re-perform forged weapons and all wolves
257s and bears across a Terra including the
259s primeless summon bear and summon wolf
261s additionally we've updated over 70 of
264s the in-game unique weapons to have
265s fantastic new 3D models
268s 0.9.1 Rising Flames continues the
271s mission of updates fixes and increasing
273s the overall quality of last Epoch before
275s our large upcoming 1.0 release later
277s this year we hope you enjoy the latest
279s and as always we'll see you in a Terra