about 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s good afternoon everybody and welcome
6s back to the last Epoch Dev stream
8s as always I'm your host Mike hello how's
12s it going everybody
13s it's been a while hasn't it come on in
16s close here
17s a little close
19s hey how's it going
21s long time no see let's play some
22s multiplayer together right
26s I have uh
28s got an old character that been playing
29s for a while
31s stop right then
33s have a good day so far I am having a
36s good day so far are you having a good
38s day so far
48s if this is your first time here we've
50s and we've been away for a little while
51s please put any questions you have for me
53s in the chat with an at last Epoch game
55s tag on them and I will get them as soon
57s as I can as always we do stream for
59s charity here and our charity for the
61s month is Doctors Without Borders
67s what
72s I'm doing empowered monos at 85 on a
75s very non-optimal character that I
76s haven't played in weeks
84s so we'll see how well this goes
92s got some Arena stuff going today I don't
94s think any of you tried that yet or not
95s but
100s pretty good it's a little buggy still
102s we're you know rolling out as quick as
104s we can and
105s a lot better than it was until really
107s really recently
110s I am playing a rogue Marksman while
112s playing a rogue and very intentionally
113s with today's
115s uh teaser
117s we got a special one today
124s oh
129s little chunk there
131s will Shaman class ever get any love
133s absolutely
143s it's a little tricky So like um
145s you may have noted that there wasn't any
148s major updates to Shaman stuff this uh
150s this patch the the updates that need to
153s happen for Shaman are a little more
154s substantial
158s um so we are we want to do them all sort
160s of together at once and little little
161s Band-Aids are
163s going to be likely not as useful as we'd
166s like them to be
184s talking long term
186s oh
193s kind of garbage death is that
197s that's fine
199s uh it's fine
203s the Hario has reselled for 21 months in
206s a row
207s wow
208s getting close to that two-year Mark
210s there thank you very much
212s welcome back glad to have you
215s a little bug there
224s is our calcium blasting agent Cinder
227s Strike Bow build
235s oh there's no way we do this right
245s he's just like all right you're fire on
247s better fire all right
256s oh something shift would let me go
258s through there
267s it
276s was
277s oh my goodness he's trying to go for the
280s health Bots wasn't worth it
282s I think we may have left more than we
284s can shoot let's just go somewhere else
286s let's just let's just not just die over
287s and over again
288s let's do some some 90s regular what do
291s we need
293s that one's pretty good
296s they're called as like
298s way over
304s it's been a while apparently
308s you missed two weeks in a row of
309s streaming which was yeah it was good
311s though
313s a little break lots of stuff going on in
315s and around here so it's worthwhile
319s back to a 90.
322s will there be some sort of some type of
324s season or ladder in the upcoming future
326s of the game yeah for sure
329s both actually we'll be doing
331s um we're calling them cycles and it'll
333s be very similar to what you're used to
335s with
336s um seasonal content that you get in
338s other arpgs
340s um
341s and then we'll be doing uh ladders that
343s reset along with them
362s it's pretty it's a pretty common staple
363s with RPGs these days and that sort of
365s stuff like that's
366s I need to staple the genre at this point
378s can we expect certain Rogue body armors
381s being retailed a bit they look a bit too
383s off model I mean maybe if you've got
386s feedback or comments like that the best
387s place to put them is in the Forum so you
389s can actually uh collate them uh I mean
392s everything's always being updated and
393s made to look prettier and everything
394s it's it's a matter of um
397s you know picking them the where the best
398s wins are gonna come for the least amount
400s of time at this point for stuff that's
403s going to get into 0.9 still we're
404s getting pretty close to the cutoff
423s oh gosh trying to type
429s oh
431s come on
433s system commands
443s oh my God it's not working John if you
445s can hear me yes I am
468s just invite everyone see what happens
472s foreign
477s are we some at the exact same level
482s that's hilarious
512s okay John bring them to you
514s hahaha
522s I will let them kill him
538s what's after reign of dragons first time
540s you got this far
542s um there's so the Raider Dragon splits
544s into three possible these are all the
546s same level
547s um so you can do them in any order and
549s you need to do each of them in order to
550s unlock empowered monoliths in the center
552s here
557s Steam
562s welcome welcome
596s message
598s oh just gonna reboot he'll be back
601s though
602s so how's everything I'm interested to
604s know people that are here if you've been
605s playing the multiplayer beta
607s um how'd it go how like did you did you
609s enjoy yourself were you uh underwhelmed
611s were you uh were there things you didn't
614s expect to see that you're excited about
615s was there
617s um you know like like give me some give
619s me some give me some live feedback I
621s want to hear wanna hear what's going on
627s oh oh no you wanted to wasn't it it's
630s not an invite it's an opt-in
633s uh all you have to do is is click the
635s button and you get in
645s sorry if that wasn't clear enough yeah
648s it was just like sign up and you're in
653s it was all automated as soon as the
654s steam account linked it uh it just gave
657s you the instructions on how to get in
660s we just had to go through that process
661s because it actually had to set something
663s in your account
678s and if we didn't uh if we didn't do that
681s uh
683s that's the couple Brothers
687s give you one more week ah I mean number
690s 0.9 is getting kind of close so we're
692s less than a month away
694s yeah we are less oh my God we are less
697s than a month away
704s oh
706s and it's a short month oh
719s you know what time to play is you would
720s have lights real life and d d got in the
723s way oh DND
728s so I assume you've caught up to uh the
731s other half of the complaints department
732s that uh that hazardous Fielding from uh
737s from from the other from the magic
738s community
741s that's not fair
744s um
745s deity is great
748s I wish I had more time to play DD
751s which sadly I don't
754s Oh weird
762s power together actually
768s high limit our games will there be an
771s update every quarter after release we
772s can't I'm not going to guarantee
774s specific timelines on updates like that
777s um but there is we are returning to a
782s um the a much more frequent Cadence a
786s much more regular Cadence
789s um much more akin to what you've come to
791s expect to us before this year uh this
794s year happened and
795s um we're gonna be we're gonna be back to
798s pumping out regular updates
800s um and you know everything's gonna be
802s awesome again
807s some it might not be
809s um perfectly synced quarterly updates or
812s anything like that but you know it
815s it will be consistent frequent and
818s awesome
829s real life Hogwarts Legacy on the way
831s yeah I've
832s um
833s I don't have a I want to play it on my
836s TV
837s but I don't have a uh an Xbox or
839s Playstation yet
841s um
843s it's like I'm kind of half waiting for
844s the switch version kind of considering
846s like finally making a media center for
849s my for my living room type thing
860s experience thumbs are working nice okay
862s they weren't for a long time
865s this is we're gonna try it let's let's
868s Spike the spike the difficulty and see
870s if uh see if Chad notices
878s but I don't [ __ ] hear me anyways
883s uh how's the studio morale going into
885s point nine release and now that
886s multiplayer is mostly implemented and
888s more content can be worked on I mean
890s great everyone's pumped the um like get
893s getting into multiplayer is is such a
896s huge milestone that we've all been
897s working together towards for so long
900s um that like it's
902s the closer you get to it the better it
904s is
908s there's
909s um it's like you may have just heard of
911s my voice it's a little scary the the
912s like oh we're less than a month away oh
914s gosh
916s um
917s but you know it's it's
918s exciting more than anything
921s it's just really exciting
926s just carrying me hard here I'm like pew
930s pew he's like meteor meteor
934s foreign
946s and they do
963s oh
966s trying to reach out here I'm gonna die
969s hey Lama how's it going
976s the kid is back on he loves llama llama
978s again
984s read the story with his mama gets two
987s kisses stuff
988s when you read a story too many times
1011s hello Judd didn't go with a HD tagging
1014s game yeah he doesn't need it
1020s we'll get out of that
1037s I should play something beefier
1051s what ah
1059s too much time at work just finished
1061s December yesterday oh no
1068s that's not good
1078s gotta gotta find that time to take off
1081s and
1084s still get through everything somehow
1092s just a brief reminder if you got
1094s questions please put out I see my game
1095s in the question so I see it pop out at
1097s me real easy
1098s um but got one here before
1101s probably been asked before but are we
1102s likely to get a campaign skip at 1.0 for
1105s us people who've already done it a
1106s million times over well the campaign
1107s skip system is going to continue to be
1109s what it is now
1111s um with the dungeons so yes and no
1114s because you're gonna get the same one we
1116s have now
1117s but not a new one not not a uh D3
1121s adventure mode
1123s um click a button and no campaign we're
1126s not finding that
1131s we are planning ways to uh expand that
1135s system because right now it's not doing
1136s a good enough job at being that campaign
1138s skip
1140s um
1142s or or a camp it's probably the wrong
1144s word for it campaign customization I
1146s think might be a better term so
1148s um like a method by which you can adjust
1151s the campaign experience to suit your
1152s needs a little bit better
1155s um
1156s and so we're not done with that
1158s but um
1161s yeah that's that's still the same
1162s courses and that's going to be happening
1164s going forward
1172s when multiplayer with multiplayer close
1174s what are the plans for abilities that
1176s benefit a party
1178s um
1179s probably just the what they are now
1183s do they do they need to change
1184s dramatically
1189s um
1191s like most Buffs
1193s don't
1195s um don't stack with themselves most
1196s unique Buffs don't stack themselves to
1198s like
1199s um
1201s if there's like uh two people granting
1204s haste Buffs to the party
1206s um haste doesn't stack so like it's it's
1209s balanced like like you can have you can
1211s have higher up time but you can't have
1212s mega haste you know
1215s um
1227s it's funny there's the the concept of
1229s like stacking Buffs always gets me into
1231s like magic rules and uh there's there's
1234s one of the ons one of the joke sets
1237s um there was a building called last
1239s strike which which means like your
1241s creature does damage second afterwards
1244s and then uh there's another ability
1246s called First Strike which means your
1247s creature does damage first but the way
1249s they're worded
1250s um
1251s oh and uh there's also another one
1253s called Doubles right which means you do
1254s first and regular strike damage but if
1256s you have double strike and last strike
1258s you actually attack three times
1262s yeah weird stacking Buffs
1284s all right what art style uh do you enjoy
1288s most on arpgs something like Torchlight
1290s or Diablo or last Epoch or some other
1291s game I mean I'm crazy Ultra biased my
1295s favorite's last Epoch but it's like I
1297s I've been here for the the creation of
1299s this art style and everything so like
1300s I've had input in it
1302s um
1304s by no means am I uh the charge on
1306s anything but I give feedback on them as
1308s they're coming through and things like
1309s that and I I do like this this more
1311s realistic-esque art style but that's not
1314s to say you can't do others really well
1315s too like um
1318s like like even even I guess like extreme
1321s differences like the um uh Minecraft
1324s crap we can't really do adventures
1326s heroes uh dungeons Minecraft dungeon uh
1330s the air for the Minecraft RPG that's
1332s extremely different like it's a it's a
1335s very stylized version of
1339s um of a non-realistic you know like it's
1342s it's very out there and it works great
1345s it works great for them so like
1348s um
1349s I don't know it's a like I I prefer my
1352s favorite is an art style done well but
1354s if I'm gonna pick a style if I was gonna
1356s be like Mike snap your fingers and and
1358s the art style blast Depot can be
1360s whatever you want I wouldn't change it
1364s oh that's actually interesting there
1370s bow Elemental damage just love what
1372s we're doing a man efficiency with decoy
1375s is dunking our Mana right now
1377s I'm gonna try to put that on somewhere
1379s and mervin's Red Skull like
1383s can we do
1389s we've got like some LP uniques oh I kind
1393s of wanna
1394s I have a good Relic okay if I find a
1395s good Relic we'll go do it
1409s dependence or effect minions yep
1413s you want to support your your friend
1414s summon nekro oh yeah it works great
1418s and I know there's like a little bit of
1419s a thematic disconnect there where it's
1421s like you know a a Holy Paladin is giving
1425s help to Undead minions and there's sort
1426s of like a thematic disconnect there
1428s that's sort of that's rooted back in
1430s things like d d
1432s um
1433s but having having the mechanical Synergy
1435s work uh in in this case outweighs any
1439s sort of thematic Oddities there and
1442s there's oh
1444s there is room for uh like like
1446s distinctions on like why that makes
1448s sense
1451s I am not as good as you are please join
1455s me
1464s somebody pops right now just like blah
1468s oh I'm going this way
1474s with the campaign skip you guys are
1476s going for with dungeons are you going to
1478s stop letting people go straight to
1480s mono's at the end of time take level
1482s ones to get carrying the models we don't
1484s plan to
1485s um I guess I guess yeah there's there's
1486s that um multiplayer skip as well
1490s um which is just have someone rush you
1493s right
1496s um
1500s in order to make the
1503s um Quest system smooth and
1507s um and play nice when you're um when you
1510s when you're in a group with someone that
1511s maybe isn't quite perfectly synced in
1513s the campaign as you are so like hey like
1515s everyone has played Diablo 2.
1518s how many times
1521s have you been in a situation where uh
1524s you didn't get the this you didn't have
1527s the full staff before going into the
1529s tomb and you couldn't you couldn't walk
1531s down but the door was opened and uh you
1534s know you could complete the quest and
1535s you got left behind and uh the rush went
1537s on without you how
1539s times has that happened to you or how
1541s many times have you been rushing for
1542s someone and they went oh I didn't get
1544s the quest and you're like oh no I'm
1547s gonna start all over again
1549s or or or someone releases in Trav right
1552s as you finish the kill on the council
1554s and you just like it it just
1559s um it's okay calm down like
1563s um
1565s you know you know what I mean so like we
1566s really wanted the quest system to be
1568s very friendly in that situation where
1570s where um
1572s there's there's Easy Auto catch-up
1573s mechanics and things like that
1575s um and in order to have that it kind of
1578s forces a uh really easy rushing systems
1584s at least at least with the solution we
1586s had so there's
1588s um
1589s and we decided is it better to have a
1591s really easy rushing system to exploit
1593s how the leveling happens
1595s um and and have the questing work nicely
1598s in situations where people aren't
1599s necessarily in the exact right sequence
1601s of each other
1604s um and we chose to make things just
1607s play a little friendlier in the
1608s sequencing for quests
1610s um yeah
1613s and and like not to say it could never
1615s change if there's something some big
1616s reason not to but
1618s um
1620s complaints that rushing is super duper
1623s easy
1624s you know
1626s like it doesn't affect the very first
1628s characters at the start of a ladder uh
1630s or cycle sorry
1632s um
1640s you know I would I would still if it's
1641s your first time playing through the game
1642s I still would really recommend
1644s um playing for the campaign even if it's
1646s your first time playing through that
1647s class
1649s or or Mastery class or just a different
1651s theme in that Master Class playing
1653s through the campaign is set up really
1654s carefully to to to try and uh ease you
1657s into the mechanics and and you like you
1659s get new abilities slowly as you're going
1661s through the campaign and everything and
1663s um it it kind of lets you explore that
1665s class
1667s um in in a evolving environment instead
1669s of just and I'm sure for people who like
1672s they're like oh this is my 100th
1673s Marksman I don't need to to do that
1675s great you know like I agree
1680s it's just it's it's hard to
1683s um
1684s kind of lay out a good early user path
1688s um
1689s and and still allow like hyper
1692s experienced players to enjoy the system
1694s as well
1699s all right how are fixes going for
1700s multiplayer connectivity issues
1702s um
1703s Smooth release like 3.9 so far it's it's
1705s yeah it's overall very good there are
1708s definite problems and we are tackling
1711s those
1712s um
1713s it's not perfect by any means but like
1716s um I'm confident we'll be we will be
1718s hitting point nine on time
1721s with with a with a good level of quality
1741s it's it's pretty crazy considering some
1743s of the um
1745s so some of the multiplayer systems that
1747s are like that are in were added the week
1750s that the that the first like that the um
1754s the the Invitational event like that
1757s week there was there were things fresh
1758s things being added to CTS like days
1760s before the Invitational event went out
1763s um and there was stuff that was added
1764s between the Invitational and the the
1767s larger skeletons happening now like it's
1770s um so it's surprisingly good I'm happy
1773s with it
1781s I've been testing multiple and it feels
1782s very good thank you nice job sadly it's
1785s gonna end soon it is funny thing 10 days
1787s felt Too Short probably because uh
1789s there's so many builds to try on yeah
1790s and and
1792s um
1793s I I think it's really good that we're
1795s ending and we still got a couple days
1797s left but like I think we're ending this
1798s event and people are saying hey I want
1801s to play more and I think that's a really
1802s good sign and that's what we hoped would
1803s happen I know that's how it sounds mean
1805s oh I hope you really don't get
1807s everything you know
1809s um but it's important for us to be able
1810s to take this information make some
1811s changes offline and
1813s um prepare for the next event and
1816s um like having this online does take
1818s resources away from the team and doing
1820s other things as well
1826s so yeah so sorry you don't get to do
1828s everything you wanted for it and I know
1830s a lot of people are are sitting in the
1831s boat where they're like everything was
1833s fine for me like just release
1834s multiplayer you know I've seen a couple
1836s posts like that like there's nothing to
1838s fix just do it
1840s and I'm thrilled that that's what's
1843s happening for absolutely it's
1844s unfortunately not everyone yet
1848s okay this is gonna be bad
1851s be very very bad just hide behind the
1854s meteor image
1855s thank you very much uh tarek coming up
1859s with a reading party welcome everyone
1860s from there glad to have you with us
1864s a familiar ice Goliath of haste
1868s there's something very
1872s reassuring about that
1880s oh I just wanted to oh yeah
1882s I just want to say congrats the
1884s multiplayer it's pleasantly surprised me
1886s how well it has gone obviously there are
1888s bugs but oh frog great experience yeah
1889s thanks that's great it's exactly let's
1892s just say it love it
1897s uh you don't think having that easy
1900s rushing will cause all the multiplayer
1902s to just be everyone trying to get
1903s boosted and not actually play the game I
1905s feel like it should only be doable after
1906s your first playthrough yeah I mean
1909s there's there's still there's still
1910s debates there to be had for sure
1912s um
1913s I think that because the initial like
1916s wave of people
1920s um who who are coming in like when a
1922s cycle starts there'll be no rush that
1924s happens there really or very minimal at
1925s least in the initial wave because people
1926s who are uh ahead early will want to keep
1929s being ahead I think
1931s um
1932s and people who are
1934s um
1937s like joining like a week later or
1940s something like that yeah it's it would
1943s probably be nice to have that experience
1944s be
1945s um normal and and fresh for everyone
1948s It's Tricky It's Tricky like
1953s I I think I think we're gonna be looking
1955s for feedback on things like that and I
1957s think we'll we'll be keeping an eye on
1958s how it works and everything and
1960s um
1963s part of what's going to be is there like
1964s is the campaign rewarding to do
1966s um both from a gameplay perspective and
1968s from uh like itemized reward so like
1971s there's there's things in the campaign
1972s still that even if you get rushed you
1974s still have to get like you still have to
1975s get your
1977s um your passive Quest and you still have
1979s to get your idol quests
1981s um and completing the campaign at the
1982s end gives I think plus one to all
1984s attributes I think question mark
1986s um my point is that there's there are
1988s like end game rewards for a character
1990s throughout the campaign so if you want
1992s to have that completed character that
1994s finished character it's it has to go
1996s through the campaign
1998s or at least part of it and that's that's
1999s that's a big part of the reason why we
2001s have these
2002s um why there's more than 15 quests that
2005s have passive points as a reward and
2006s there's more than eight quests that have
2007s idle slots as a reward and this is an
2009s attempt to say hey like there's this
2012s content we want you to interact with
2014s um but but you can interact with it in a
2017s unique way for you and trying not to say
2019s like here's the path you have to follow
2022s um
2024s and we're still slowly layering those
2026s systems together
2027s so
2029s see how that goes
2036s uh it helps curb the choice paralysis
2038s when you have tons of new things thrown
2040s in here
2043s uh I was showing a friend last night who
2046s was King to try free weekend like I told
2047s him there will be bugs but generally
2049s speaking really smooth easily on par
2051s with other multiple games we play thanks
2055s that's yeah that's like
2061s I'm I'm hoping that it's I'm hoping that
2063s people feel
2065s like they're getting a good experience
2066s and the bugs that they do interact with
2069s are not
2071s um
2073s experience destroying
2075s I don't know game breaking's the wrong
2077s word I think because sometimes game
2079s breaking bugs are not experienced
2080s destroying
2082s and there's probably better term for ah
2086s oh he was right here that's why the
2087s problem I tried to go on my own
2092s I Need You John I can't do it on my own
2099s hey quiet two things hi Mike love you
2102s hope you've been well thank you glad to
2103s hear it hope you're doing great yourself
2105s uh second thing spring and form where
2107s you ride uh roots on top of the ground
2110s kind of like a surfboard logic as a dash
2112s skill or turn into a veil spirit and zip
2115s Across The Surge like movement springing
2116s from form Dash ability
2120s you want these things
2122s losing
2125s yeah there's some cool stuff there John
2126s you just spamming trying to get back
2128s spam videos
2129s come join me this time huh
2134s I know quite I know there's still
2136s there's still um
2138s stuff stuff going on with
2141s uh friggin movement I'm pretty sure I
2143s don't think all of the stuff we had
2144s planned for that's in yet I could be
2145s wrong though
2157s come on
2162s wow I got stunned interrupted right in
2164s the middle of gas in that
2167s oh I don't put your spinals
2170s Hell Fire Res yes please
2176s excuse me crit fires yeah that one's all
2181s right
2204s oh
2205s uh pop up
2210s oh
2226s there's this rock in the middle and it's
2228s just like just messing up all the ships
2248s foreign
2261s all right next question uh what is your
2264s biggest relief and your biggest
2265s disappointment with this event uh
2275s uh okay
2279s one question two answers
2281s that the servers didn't blow up and
2284s crash completely and explode into fiery
2286s ball
2291s um so I am relieved that these servers
2293s did not explode in a big fiery ball of
2295s death
2296s um throughout the main event I'm a
2298s little disappointed that when we tried
2300s to they didn't explode a big Fireball
2301s attack because I was hoping we could
2303s um
2309s see ya same answer
2325s all right next question
2328s is it intended maybe but if you think it
2331s might not be leave a bug report because
2332s that's very helpful
2334s um is it intended that we cannot use any
2336s skills in town hubs I know we actually
2339s have to walk instead of teleporting
2340s around yes it is intended
2343s townhubs are uh ability usage-free zones
2358s echo in progress get out of there
2362s all right next one can we get uh more
2365s support skill and uniques for lightning
2367s Paladin
2368s um yeah I mean so there's still
2370s um a major skill a primary skill for
2372s Paladin that is a like a clear support
2375s skill
2377s um that is not
2381s um
2383s this is good here
2386s um that doesn't have a skill tree yet so
2387s that'll be a big part of it so yes
2390s and more items will come and as we as we
2393s update things as well so you'll get more
2394s of those too
2400s all right
2404s any plans to bring back dummies early on
2406s for helping new players remember the
2407s first time messing with dummies to
2409s figure out stuff I mean so there is
2411s there are still dummies in heroria
2414s um
2414s I don't think we have plans to I know we
2417s don't have plans to bring them to oh
2419s gosh shouldn't have moved
2420s um
2422s John help
2425s or if you can hear me or not
2427s but I'm gonna die
2432s um
2433s yeah he's here wonderful
2435s um
2444s uh dummies I I could see um some dummies
2448s appearing in a new Zone they can't be in
2451s towns is the problem so
2453s um the the dummy won't be going back to
2455s eot
2456s um
2459s yeah
2469s oh goodness mean
2491s okay
2498s it's a little bit of damage coming out
2500s from places
2518s okay
2526s yep
2529s taking some hits here
2535s got him
2537s take it
2538s oh got some rings to look through I
2540s should uh
2541s I do have it turned on it's just not
2544s very strict
2560s Judd you wanted to be leader
2580s foreign
2586s happy right now
2601s I'm just gonna start one anyways
2605s doing it
2617s oh we're going full party that's what's
2619s happening okay
2623s all right that works for me what's your
2625s opinion of putting uh socks on wet feet
2628s for my kids swimming lessons uh and this
2631s is total weirdo next to me is doing it
2633s not biased at all
2635s um I think that there are select
2636s situations where you have to but if can
2639s be avoided avoid it
2642s you know
2646s uh is this [ __ ] bring this in the PS5
2649s eventually we hope to but um it will not
2651s be releasing on PS5 initially at least
2656s I love you Mike felishi team thank you
2658s very much these events are a blast you
2660s have any ideas for the events past point
2662s nine at release or after
2664s um we've got some some ideas for things
2666s we don't know exactly what we're gonna
2667s do
2669s um I mean once once point nine goes live
2671s like that's that's multiplayers live
2673s period type thing so there's there's
2676s less of a draw for a multiplayer event
2678s but um yeah we'll still do events for
2681s things
2682s oh it's like
2689s oh
2693s caught up oh my God
2697s yes we are joined by it's me Luigi and
2700s Jukes for Jesus TV
2704s no I actually don't know who either
2705s those people are
2708s I assume they've
2711s gotta be people on the team I think
2716s maybe not though
2719s it's me Luigi welcome to the party
2722s oh you're rocking the rocket rocking the
2724s rain of winter there eh
2725s I've got one but uh
2729s or not we're not gonna expect for it
2730s here properly
2735s oh they're much stronger than I am
2742s ice Beetle time
2744s I'm going to name this one Michelangelo
2747s this one Raphael this one
2768s oh hey strong zoom zoom
2775s that's the way we'd like to zoom uh-huh
2787s thinking about visual types of events
2789s like racism but more official yeah and I
2791s think that there's opportunities for
2792s people who have been
2794s um creating and running those events
2796s already that probably know like more
2799s about what works and what doesn't and
2801s what the community wants to see in an
2803s event like that
2805s um so I suspect we'll be we'll be
2807s talking probably specifically to Vision
2809s GL about
2810s um about events and and and what sort of
2812s ones they'd like to see or or their what
2815s their Community would like to see
2823s but yeah those those events are great
2836s okay serious question all right quiet
2838s let's do this have you guys ever thought
2839s about doing a group ssf in the same mode
2842s of ssf people can invite to Lobby to
2846s create the ssf group to play ssf uh
2849s alone you do a Lobby by yourself then
2851s separating leaderboard 1p2 p3p4p then
2854s using regular software hardcore as more
2857s free trade so people could choose their
2859s own economy this could help me be cut
2861s down on community divide and cast more
2862s developer focused support yes we have
2865s considered that
2866s um
2868s I I think that
2871s um
2877s uh we we're we're probably leaning a
2881s different direction right now
2884s um
2885s done that it is
2887s um it is it so it is an interesting
2889s proposition
2891s um
2892s and
2894s it does hit a lot of the really key
2896s points and things that we'd like to hit
2898s with
2900s um
2902s uh with a system like this because
2904s you're right there are a lot of people
2905s that are very split on the issue and
2908s um
2911s uh and and getting that into sort of one
2914s cohesive uh space would be really great
2919s um
2922s I I I think the part about that that
2924s personally I'm not a huge fan of
2926s um and and this has come up in
2928s discussions we've had about it before is
2929s that it does
2931s um
2933s it it does kind of restrict like you you
2936s have to limit who can be in this ssf
2938s league sort of so to speak
2940s um and having
2943s um having
2945s those like predetermined lines is a
2949s little tricky to to have feel good I
2951s think
2952s um
2953s I think in a in an ideal situation
2955s people would be able to have more of a
2958s hop-in hop out Vibe on like oh I want to
2962s play with my friends but I don't always
2964s want to play with my friends sometimes I
2966s want to play with other friends
2967s um like like there's there's no
2969s one-size-fits all like you can you can
2972s do your your group with four people you
2974s group with seven people like there's
2976s um everyone's got different numbers of
2978s friends right and
2979s um and different combinations of those
2981s numbers that'll be on at different times
2984s um and so I think it's I Think It's
2985s tricky to do it that way it it it does
2988s there's verses that you can do where
2990s it's basically just like private leagues
2992s um
2997s I I think there's easier ways to do it
3000s that would end up being more
3002s straightforward a little smoother and
3007s yeah
3008s I think it's it's all very hypothetical
3010s until we until we until we get through
3012s all this and uh
3015s I'm uh a little bit followed on the
3017s buggy side here
3023s we're gonna
3029s I'm gonna kill the game and come right
3031s back
3039s oh no desktop got shown
3042s it's okay though
3043s my desktop is super boring
3048s it's gonna do this real quick while I
3049s log in and everything so I don't know
3050s what's gonna show up
3058s I don't think anything sensitive shows
3059s up but on the off chance it does
3065s yeah okay just shows my display name
3068s that's fine
3071s and on the off chance any of my
3072s characters are inappropriately named
3074s they're all appropriately named oh my
3076s gosh look at that likes you can't I'll
3079s fix it it's too late now anyways
3084s we're good
3086s look at that almost like I know what I'm
3088s doing
3089s almost not quite
3098s okay
3114s ah
3124s just a little organization stuff here
3126s the party
3127s get back in talk to me not voice people
3131s foreign
3134s there we are
3168s I have my chat offs I couldn't see what
3170s uh
3171s the judge just just paying for for
3173s people
3174s love it
3176s that that's so cool that is so cool
3179s let's try different one so don't break
3180s it again
3183s enrage and rage
3187s hi Health yeah let's see High Health
3197s future plans regarding performance make
3199s it better
3201s constant improvements
3205s I significantly hope or uh
3209s like seriously hope that um 0.9 or the
3213s what you've been playing with was the
3214s point one point eight one four E I have
3217s 0.14.81
3219s 0.8.14 e was uh much better performance
3222s for you than eight five was
3229s I hope it is for me
3241s gold
3244s I'm gonna hold it everywhere
3248s how about a form of train which allows
3251s me to give somebody an item in exchange
3253s for their base stats
3256s wait what
3262s I don't understand it sounds horrible
3289s all right uh new player even though I
3292s purchased a while ago yeah we actually
3294s see that a lot
3296s um it's which is interesting
3300s um are the chances being lowered in the
3302s normal uh
3305s let's get into this
3311s hello
3312s hello can you hear me yeah I think
3314s everyone can hear you probably awesome
3316s awesome this is Judd the game director
3320s oh you know what I need to do I need to
3322s turn on the uh sound on your stream
3324s there we go turn off the sound of my
3326s stream assuming yeah yeah serious Echo
3329s yeah just invited a couple people out of
3332s the community yeah that's cool I think I
3335s think the other night I actually grouped
3336s with both of these players funny enough
3338s Ah that's awesome I've just been doing
3340s pickup games in the evening
3341s yeah I've seen young quite a bit
3345s I've been playing with that I've been
3346s playing with my son at night actually
3348s it's been a lot of fun nice mm-hmm
3353s started off yeah yeah
3355s um what are the thoughts of the team
3357s regarding the new item exalted drop
3359s rates looking at the ongoing event data
3362s speedrunning not only the campaign but
3363s also gear progression at the moment
3369s um
3370s we we definitely did we we buffed a
3372s bunch of drop rates really recently
3374s didn't we
3375s there there definitely was some Buffs to
3378s resolve to drop rates I think the
3380s percentage that we increased it by
3383s it seems like people are saying that
3386s they're getting more than was intended
3388s though
3389s that might be slightly out of the loop
3391s on that though
3392s that's the same thought I had to use the
3394s the difference that I was seeing people
3395s talking about I'm like
3397s we we hardly nudged the dials yeah yeah
3400s it seems like it shouldn't have been
3403s felt to the extent that it is yeah yeah
3408s I think that's another question that's
3410s similar um
3412s new new player purchase a while ago are
3414s the drop chances being lowered in the
3415s normal game and is there any way to
3417s better highlight chest
3422s I have disability it's kind of hard to
3423s see oh um
3426s the chest like oh like the chest exists
3429s there
3430s um maybe that's the sort of stuff that
3432s that's really good is form feedback like
3434s a screenshot of like this is where it's
3436s hard for me to see that that sort of
3437s stuff's really useful there I don't
3439s think we have any plans for it
3440s specifically right now though we've
3441s always intended to bring in like color
3443s blind options and stuff like that but
3445s they haven't they haven't quite gotten
3446s to the top of the list yet I would love
3448s if we could get some of those in before
3449s 1.0 though we've even made graphics for
3452s the different uh Rarities of items in
3455s the paper doll and the inventory and
3456s stuff like that so that people are
3457s colorblind they can uh differentiate
3459s more easily there but we we haven't
3461s quite got them into a build yet yeah
3471s I'm being told that we did that the the
3472s early drop rates for exalties did go up
3474s quite a bit
3476s it's yeah it's it's and this is the sort
3478s of stuff that we'll we'll be tweaking
3480s and changing and experimenting with you
3483s know
3487s Aaron hello welcome
3490s and she had some Idols to have
3493s um plus two all skills
3496s um no well I mean come on Mike
3500s maybe like a unique one or a finger on
3504s the monkey spot curls plus one to all
3506s skills you can't cast spells
3512s oh it's actually a nice ring
3515s not good for this build but you know
3519s anyone in here doing The Chronic damage
3521s doesn't look like it
3522s oh I made a pretty sick ring a minute
3524s ago uh we don't have item link again
3526s quite yet all right to show you but uh
3528s apparently there is a branch where we
3530s have the local item leaking happening
3532s I'm gonna see if we can get it to spread
3533s across channels before the 0.9 release
3535s we'll see that's because the chat um
3538s chat issues though right not good at the
3540s episode
3547s and when you say local just declare
3549s people that are listening you mean
3550s people who are physically in the same
3552s Zone as you local in the sense of when
3554s items drop if they're shared or not
3557s right
3559s I was reading something I'm not good at
3561s multitasking on these streets like you
3563s are yet
3567s uh
3569s the uh the item linking stuff for the
3572s fact that it's only on local is is
3573s referring to local servers where like
3575s yeah yeah and and so you know we were
3579s aiming we are aiming to get some version
3581s of item linking out and that's kind of
3583s like an MVP version that we know that we
3585s could get out but it's not quite the
3586s experience that you would expect with
3588s item linking and I I fear that people
3590s would be a little bit annoyed if they
3592s couldn't link them in the way that you
3593s would expect them to be linked at all
3595s times so we're gonna see if we can patch
3597s that up and get that out in time it
3599s would be a big win especially when we're
3601s talking about like the uh item gifting
3603s system and stuff that's the main reason
3605s that we're trying to get it in uh sooner
3607s rather than later yeah
3612s but we will have it to where it's like
3614s completely cross Channel and everything
3616s works as expected oh yeah it's just
3618s whether or not that happens pretty
3619s certain patch or not is yeah yeah
3624s always the question can we do it yes can
3627s we do it in time maybe
3635s how about an auto loot option for shards
3637s I mean it's it's like we can talk about
3640s it but uh
3642s not playing it at the moment
3646s that one has been debated internally a
3649s lot actually so yeah which usually is a
3653s sign that not everyone is uh aligned and
3656s it keeps getting debated yeah yeah
3659s I mean I think most of us are pretty
3663s happy with it now that we have the local
3666s area pickup in the way that we have that
3668s made it way way better I have horrible
3671s carpal tunnel from playing Diablo 2 and
3674s path Exile and Grim Dawn and Marvel
3675s heroes for a ridiculous amount of hours
3678s and uh if we before we had that in I was
3681s a very big proponent of the auto pickup
3683s yeah
3687s and I'm sure that debate's not going
3689s anywhere anytime soon yeah
3693s it was gay bad right now it's feeling
3694s great nice oh you're not you're not
3696s jumping around like for you before I
3697s guess we fixed it yeah yeah no yeah no
3699s we uh we did we have we have it uh
3701s updating in in very quick intervals now
3703s so that is feeling much better nice I
3705s didn't even notice
3707s um
3708s I actually almost made a comment when
3709s you first joined that I'm like you see
3711s Judd's playing on keyboard and mouse now
3713s instead of gamepads he's not jumping
3714s around like last time
3717s I just don't even know everything's
3718s going to the game
3719s it's hard to keep up now that the team
3721s is a little bit bigger yeah I even have
3723s a hard time keeping up with quite a few
3725s things that are going in
3733s remember when it was just like just
3735s keeping an eye on the patch Judd's
3736s Channel it would get updated every day
3737s or so you know
3739s yeah easy easy squishy yeah absolutely
3742s we were all involved in every meeting
3744s there was there was no there was no
3747s separate meetings for like World
3748s building and stuff like that it was just
3750s everybody hopping we're talking about a
3752s Tarot
3754s three
3755s oh it's just a little bit since then
3758s questions here can you ask Judd when
3760s I'll get my spring and movement skill
3762s please
3764s no he's known for leaks
3768s I am I'm good about that aren't I uh
3772s I think um actually I forget where we
3774s left off in that conversation I know
3775s that we were talking about spring
3776s movement uh
3779s not not too long ago I do have the notes
3783s from that meeting like right in front of
3784s you really really yeah
3786s should we not leak that no no it's not
3788s like that okay that's not like this I'm
3790s sorry quiet I'm sorry it's not it's not
3793s in yet it's the problem yeah yeah but uh
3795s but we we know that it's wanted and
3797s needed so yeah yes
3806s okay uh
3810s the the one stuff from you hey Judd when
3813s when are we getting that passive reset
3814s button
3816s we're talking about the like like got
3820s some passive respects and and not having
3821s to do them individually
3823s oh yeah did we ever did we implement the
3826s uh
3827s yes the ability to just press the enter
3829s key yes we definitely did definitely did
3831s that oh hello The Waiting party thank
3833s you very much and a reset for 21 months
3835s in a row welcome welcome welcome
3838s glad to have you here for sure
3841s mcfluff and you want to hop in a party
3842s with us we got one more spot
3844s yep
3849s the overall passive respect button I
3853s would say that that is probably pretty
3854s low on the list at the moment if I'm if
3856s I'm being realistic well it did it did
3858s so first off we do have that button
3860s internally already that's all it is is
3862s exposing a function until
3865s so the the the the barrier to put this
3867s in is super low who's who's feeling
3870s leaky now Mike I've told them this is
3872s not new info that's not even though
3875s that's old old info
3878s um last time we talked about it we said
3880s no
3881s remember when we had uh that button on
3885s the start screen that would delete all
3887s characters and it was just like a two by
3889s two pixel and we just like nobody ever
3891s found it but we would use it uh on the
3893s dev team yep yeah those for for years
3896s there was like a little tiny spot on the
3898s on the loading screen you could click
3899s and it would just nuke your whole
3900s account
3908s but if you found that two by two pixel
3910s spot it would probably be a little
3911s surprising when you were presented with
3913s the confirmation model yeah
3916s I think the confirmation popped up like
3917s right underneath it too
3920s if you were stand looking you hit it
3921s accidentally goodness
3925s and like no one ever learned where oh I
3928s died rip up yep I'm getting I'm so
3931s squishy like smashing here too
3933s this is like a level 86 character with
3936s like level 75 gear
3941s yeah this this build is really good as
3942s long as my meteor can kill everything
3944s with one hit uh once we get past that
3947s point way less good
3949s yup way less good
3952s did find a Bastion though really like
3954s just now no no no no no
3956s like actually I think it was like level
3958s 50 or something it was it was pretty
3960s early on yeah we just Sprint drop
3963s what's what's the bit of level of that
3966s let's see
3969s 50. wow okay study
3973s naughty I did not realize it's possible
3975s drop that low
3977s I mean it's sweet
3978s yeah let me just like oh
3980s someone gets it to me nope
3984s all right let's get some we got tons of
3985s questions here I'm gonna I'm gonna start
3986s rattling through some of these here all
3988s right go through it
3989s um let's scroll up a bit
3994s uh hello yes it's great I'm really
3997s rooting for Ellie the whole team love
3998s the game thank you very much squid
4001s um
4003s I was actually getting most of these
4005s uh the the NPC from uh liberating the
4008s nomads are missing in your game
4011s head on over to the foreign photographer
4012s please
4013s uh hey Mike last time I asked about 100
4015s offline mode for 0.9 it was unknown at
4018s the time if it was 0.9 or a 1.0 feature
4021s curious if that is known yet
4024s which feature
4025s um pure offline mode like like don't
4027s even have to have Steam on I see I see
4030s so so we're working towards uh a more
4033s pure offline build here uh we will be
4036s releasing offline with services with 0.9
4039s so we do expect that she'll be able to
4041s like use the chat feature and stuff like
4043s that but
4044s um it's actually just a little bit of
4045s work to decouple those things and it
4047s hasn't hit the top of the priority stack
4049s yet so 0.9 will launch with uh somewhat
4053s offline feature it'll be it'll be very
4054s similar to what you guys are
4055s experiencing on live though
4058s yeah it'll we'll have basically the the
4060s same offline mode that's already there
4062s um
4063s and then the other one still is in the
4066s pipe
4068s that's a nice Idol did I wait long
4070s enough or did you get those
4072s yeah a guy came in right as she hit
4075s Jukes will be back in a minute we gotta
4077s do this on our own I think I think
4079s oh yeah oh yeah this is gonna get Rippy
4083s fast yep just just one of us has to keep
4086s surviving
4088s if we if we really Pace it I can just
4091s use nope there we go I'm dead
4094s the middle of my sentence uh if we Pace
4097s it we can use my black hole as cover all
4100s right oh no no I'm dead again it's not
4103s gonna happen
4107s take a bag we need you apparently I'm
4112s gonna stand a chat for looking for one
4113s more all right that's really curious I
4116s love one more carry
4118s yeah
4120s he's doing some beefy like uh like like
4122s a necro tank or like a a zookeeper or uh
4127s like a
4128s sword board they said looking for one
4131s more empowered models come carry the
4132s devs
4134s hope your backpack's big yeah
4139s oh my God I got an invite from somebody
4142s I'll have to turn that around and invite
4144s them though yeah
4150s uh do we know if slash invite is
4153s actually hooked up to work I have no
4156s idea we're about to find out there's an
4159s invite button that you can type in the
4160s name in the
4162s um
4163s oh that's right that's right and I think
4165s you can right click on chat messages on
4166s the names can you turn right there
4168s uh yes but this person he just uh
4171s invited me straight out oh yeah so I
4173s just have the the invite the name yeah
4178s well button on there be like actually
4179s invite them invite back yeah that was
4183s actually that was actually really
4184s helpful that would actually be helpful
4186s uh one thing that I noticed that we also
4188s need is we we need a way for people to
4191s um give other people party lead yeah
4194s oh neither of those things should be
4196s hard I don't think
4197s I don't know
4200s I don't know if the party lead
4202s transference requires a party reform but
4203s I don't no because when someone leaves
4205s you can transfer party yeah
4216s all right how about a nine slot Idol
4218s that gives me the ability to Auto pick
4219s up shards
4222s I think if someone was willing to give
4224s up nine idle slots
4227s yeah I mean okay yeah yeah like a finger
4229s on the monkey spot curls granted but
4232s they're all in a square oh is that the
4234s real is that the real Aaron
4240s because there's no nine by there's no
4241s three by three grid
4244s in in the game
4246s yeah I'm pretty sure that's Aaron yeah
4248s all right
4252s so what I asked for a necro Tank come on
4254s come check for us
4256s yes you can carry us yeah we're gonna
4259s have a lot more hours
4261s I just died me too thank you Aaron come
4266s quick
4269s oh gosh
4271s oh yeah yeah
4274s all right
4278s uh MTX win give us something
4281s MTX win um so we're looking to include
4284s an MVP version of the uh MTX system with
4288s 0.9 the inventory will be very limited
4292s uh but what's really exciting about that
4294s is everybody everybody that has
4295s purchased the game actually does have uh
4298s pets and coins and stuff like that so
4300s for the first time ever you guys will be
4301s able to equip your pets and see your uh
4304s the amount of currency you have
4306s so we do we do expect to have that with
4309s 0.9 barring any you know last minute
4313s I don't know crazy hiccups that we could
4314s experience but right now I mean Mike
4316s you've actually been working on that
4317s quite a lot as the person implementing
4319s that I'm confident okay
4321s yeah or one of the people implementing
4323s that yeah
4325s very involved system yeah it's so many
4329s edge cases oh my God and you have to be
4332s hyper hyper careful about it because if
4334s people are spending uh real money we
4336s have to make sure it's it's watertight
4338s yeah big time
4343s I just I just did the air States and
4346s messages for uh if the panel doesn't
4349s load properly initially mm-hmm
4353s I'm excited to show everybody uh all of
4355s the cool like videos and cosmetics
4358s because I don't think we've really shown
4359s the community way too much of any of the
4361s Cosmetic stuff have we we've shown
4364s quite a few concept images and a couple
4366s renders but not much really yeah yeah
4370s it's good stuff
4372s we've seen this doing a great job on all
4373s those yeah
4382s you know a melee lightning Paladin skill
4385s I don't have any of those yet
4387s they make Lightning's a secondary
4389s paladins that so it makes sense
4397s I can see that being a thing that would
4398s come in with an item like a unique that
4401s that adds
4403s lightning to a melee skill or um or
4406s converts a lightning seal to melee or
4407s something like that yeah I guess that
4409s being unique that added that ability
4414s we'll have uh we'll have four masteries
4416s which looks like completely lightning
4418s based Sentinel
4424s never can make the teslines
4430s this one just for that name
4431s that's the holy shock file that was D2
4434s is called yeah
4441s holy shock is
4443s um actually a holy shock but also the
4445s lightning resists
4448s um skills in D2 are like
4450s are are the least understood skills in
4453s that game I think
4456s it's probably that's probably Fair like
4458s the way that you scale them and stuff do
4460s you know each each one of them resist uh
4463s you probably only answer this but each
4464s each of the resist element skill auras
4466s in Diablo 2 all three of them the resist
4469s fire resist cold there's this lightning
4470s they all have a hidden effect
4474s a hidden passive effect
4477s that's not listed anywhere but you
4479s notice it when you start getting it do
4480s you know what it is
4481s oh gosh you're so good with D2 trivia
4484s the fact that I played that for a good
4486s billion hours and you know so much more
4488s about it than I do is worrying
4494s that's the reason I just used to sleep
4495s first period every morning at High
4497s School
4499s oh yeah oh yeah I would I would uh there
4501s was plenty of times I just didn't go to
4503s class because I would be up funny enough
4504s I the the story where uh I would I would
4508s stay up all night playing Diablo 2 uh
4510s Ever every night and uh my parents were
4513s very lenient and they would never tell
4515s me not to do it but well one one day
4517s they woke up it was time for school I
4520s was still awake playing Diablo 2 and and
4523s they were like if you if we wake up
4526s again and you're still playing Diablo 2
4527s when we wake up we're gonna throw away
4530s the computer and so the next night I
4533s played Diablo 2 all night again and then
4537s and then I heard the alarm clock go off
4539s in my parents room and I quickly hit the
4541s monitor power button uh and I laid in
4544s bed acting like I was asleep and as soon
4547s as my parents came in to check on me uh
4549s I pretended that when they came in it
4552s woke me up because I pretend that it
4554s woke me up I got back onto the computer
4556s and just resumed uh my PlayStation
4558s classic well well done perfect no
4561s addiction no addiction at all it was
4563s completely fine
4570s I I feel like I did some of the things
4572s the answer to the question though just
4574s just uh because I'm gonna I'm gonna not
4575s leave it hanging uh for every two points
4578s in a resist element Aura you gain one
4582s maximum resist of that element
4586s I feel like I do that yeah I think I do
4588s that from back in the day
4594s but I haven't been playing like a bunch
4595s of t2r or anything like that
4597s oh they some of the update like tons of
4600s new roon words and everything I was
4601s tempted but like I just don't have any
4603s time
4609s okay bunch more questions here I also
4611s have a little spoiler image to pop up
4612s you gave me oh yeah yeah what have you
4616s said about that one what are some items
4618s in the top of that priority stack any
4620s new content favorite system
4622s uh lost memories something else
4625s yeah it's a very good question uh
4629s we we have a lot of good stuff coming I
4632s I won't get that spoilery because I mean
4635s if we're talking about stuff that high
4637s level that's like major patch editions
4639s that were that were coming out there
4641s there are a number of really cool
4643s additions that we have planned to bring
4645s into the game at like 1.1 1.2 that
4648s nobody has any idea about and we're
4651s talking you know drastically extending
4653s the in-game and the item haunt and
4654s giving us new axes to work with and
4656s stuff like that um excited to talk about
4658s those but not not quite yet
4661s this uh this Lego man is doing work
4666s oh yeah
4670s yeah I think I'm dead
4673s I don't think I'm dead but I'm not sure
4675s really
4677s uh
4680s I keep coming to take me guys yeah oh we
4682s got this I'm pretty far behind here
4686s uh can you put names over minimap tab
4689s map over player icon so I know who is
4692s where yeah
4693s um that's that's that's definitely a
4695s thing
4696s um
4698s to have names there's options the the
4700s first feature that we want to put there
4702s is have colors be there so um have like
4705s a background color here associated with
4707s each person
4709s and then have the colors of the icons on
4711s the map you just did the matching of
4713s that color
4714s um so if you want you just do my color
4715s you're like oh so and so is purple oh I
4717s know who purple is if you're playing
4718s with the same people in the same group
4719s for a while
4721s um it's it's pretty obvious who's who
4724s but yeah adding names there is is the
4726s same level difficulty there's a major
4728s problem that caused us to not do that I
4730s can't remember what it was but um
4732s ideally we will be getting that in
4738s uh so it's the Forum see what bug report
4741s um I went to get a pick for proof he
4743s came back
4745s yep the old we just called the old magic
4747s car ride when I worked at a computer
4750s store
4752s we will call in I got this problem all
4754s right bring it down they bring it down
4755s we plug it in it's totally fine
4758s take it home it's totally fine magic car
4761s ride
4762s I'm gonna reinvite the party here in a
4765s second all the loot it didn't despawn
4768s and it's physically located
4771s uh in the world at the same spot as yeah
4774s interesting that's I've never seen that
4776s before no that's that's new and it's not
4779s our updated on ground loot models either
4782s because I see the hockey oh yeah there's
4783s the hockey [ __ ] are you sure yeah
4786s I should just uh that got in
4788s uh I don't think that's merged in yeah I
4791s think it's on an outstanding Branch but
4793s but we had a lot of really good work
4794s done with uh the loot on ground models
4797s how loot spawns and feels when it's it's
4799s actually popping out of stuff yeah a
4801s little like little flop yeah
4804s it'll be a lot better
4808s Idols plus Cosmetics to make uh it look
4810s like a donut
4815s oh I should get back again
4818s uh [ __ ] not an age uh sorry if I sound
4822s groggy by the way I've been uh Texas
4824s we're not used to the cold so we have
4827s the heater pumping and my throat is just
4829s like completely raw from the heater I
4831s remember last time I was there in
4833s January the only time I've been there
4835s but when I was there I was in there in
4836s January for
4837s um packs
4839s yep and like everyone's walking around
4842s in like big jackets and like like huge
4846s pants and everything and I'm like
4847s sending a t-shirt and shorts like it's
4849s so hot here oh yeah if it's if it's
4852s below 65 like everybody's got their
4855s sweaters on we've got yeah our big puffy
4858s coats yep
4860s but if it's 110 we're fine
4863s completely it's 110 I'm praying for
4865s death
4870s all right let's go back we're doing age
4872s of winter I think okay
4878s uh have you hit all the RPG archetypes
4880s you'd love to play there's still like
4883s there's there's a couple still yeah
4884s there's definitely some missing ones
4887s yeah yeah we uh
4890s so so classes and skills I think is
4894s probably what our team loves the most
4896s and I'll say that I we're not we're not
4899s done there last Epoch you know if we're
4901s going to be producing content for this
4902s game for many years into the future and
4905s uh you should expect that we're not just
4907s going to be done with introducing
4909s classes and skills once we introduce the
4911s three remaining masteries at 1.0 yeah
4916s and I missed it Master Sword has been
4919s suffered 21 months in a row thank you
4921s very much this is all these 21s coming
4922s in we we missed uh we missed a couple
4925s streams there so that makes sense
4926s they're all line it up but thank you
4928s very much that's great to see welcome
4930s welcome make this and lizard welcome to
4932s the ready party glad to have all y'all
4935s here with us we do have special guests
4937s impromptu special guest Judd here uh
4940s taking questions through me if you want
4944s the game can't handle your end it's
4946s right I can't just too strong
4949s uh hello will there be a character with
4951s barrier skills like Elemental walls
4953s Fields protection bail uh thanks yes um
4957s there's
4958s the tricky thing with physical walls
4961s that show up and there are like um
4962s Necromancer already has wall abilities
4965s that they can make but um
4967s it's it's like really limited and
4968s there's like big gaps in it usually uh
4971s things like that because like I've never
4972s played bone prison or with a bone prison
4975s nekro in D2 it kind of sucks sometimes
4977s so like
4979s a lot of the wall Concepts we've come up
4981s with and and worked with to to get in
4984s are like
4985s um like energy walls or like
4988s um Spirit walls or you know like like
4991s like the the type of wall where like a
4993s player could could walk through pretty
4994s easily
4995s um but someone who's an enemy might be
4997s affected when going through it like like
4999s a debuff or something like that that's
5000s that's the sort of a style of wall that
5003s we've been approaching more in in design
5005s and concept stuff
5007s Mike have you ever heard of this uh this
5009s person quiet quiet for me
5012s um ever I I thought it was uh Kawaii and
5018s then just Tiff more yeah yeah yeah
5024s eventually we should go and do this in
5025s the uh in the public Discord or we'd
5028s probably have to like lock the channel
5029s or something like that but uh being able
5030s to like pop in here and talk to some of
5032s these folks while we're playing would be
5033s really cool yeah
5035s you just do a private call I think it's
5037s easy to do it yeah
5044s where's everybody come back to the
5046s safety of the group
5049s here we go uh
5053s uh will it be possible the safety of
5055s Aaron just just stay next to Aaron
5057s that's that's the plan I see green
5058s health bars and I'm like yeah it's cozy
5060s yeah yeah
5062s um I think I think White's got some some
5064s minions too possibly here
5068s maybe not I don't know there's at least
5070s one spriggan I saw that might be
5072s actually had been quiet as the spriggan
5074s which I think it was
5080s be a good group to uh test some Arena
5082s performance with do you want to go try
5084s okay we just we just introduced it uh
5089s today yeah to the to the build all right
5092s let's let's go do some let's let's go
5093s try the arena and see what happens oh
5095s I lost connection to the server
5102s earthy in there let's see uh okay tell
5105s me when you're back at home about you
5107s oh it's a sign here's an arena key
5112s I must have some already
5114s oh yeah yeah or stacked them oh but it's
5117s only you only need one right
5123s uh I should have lots
5131s so there's my fruits on the stuff on the
5133s ground
5134s but the Packer enemy doesn't want to get
5136s rid of it
5140s I'm like I'm like this this means
5143s nothing because like I can just get
5145s anything I want but like I don't what I
5147s don't why aren't you purchasing the
5149s stash tabs
5151s uh because I forgot that that got put in
5154s and uh
5158s awesome
5160s I'm an idiot
5162s that's hilarious uh yeah I forgot that
5165s got done oh my gosh
5170s I hope we get to restyle this before
5172s 0.92 we're gonna do a little Sprint near
5175s the end where we update some of these UI
5176s panels with some of the nice stuff that
5178s we have coming out and uh there's a few
5180s panels like the like the game guide and
5183s the stash that I'd love to see updated
5184s yeah
5188s if anyone's watching they don't know
5189s about the game guide
5191s get in here
5193s I'm talking about
5195s um invite me and I will portal to you
5197s and I'm gonna read questions from chat
5199s while that happens
5201s that's good
5204s all right will it be possible to show
5205s other items on the minimap uh like a
5207s loot filter rule tag toggle uh somebody
5210s builds kill stuff off screen
5212s um
5213s possibly hopefully uh there's some
5216s problems with doing that there's some
5218s performance issues with doing that
5220s um the ability to just say anything can
5223s show up on the map uh is dangerous
5226s and um
5229s we'd like to avoid letting people break
5231s their own games
5238s oh no I lost connection again
5244s I wonder what's going on with that see
5246s what server that you're connected to
5248s I think it's at U.S Central
5250s which is okay I'll wait for you to come
5252s back and then we'll uh I'm at the arena
5254s Port well not perfect for me it's quite
5256s close
5260s I well we're doing this I'm gonna toss
5264s up a little teaser while we're still
5265s trying to free this out oh yeah here we
5267s go
5268s it's like a full screen one because I'm
5270s just hiding myself completely here we go
5274s it's just concept art no one seems to
5276s like those
5279s so so this is funny we've gone through
5281s and we've updated a ton of models and
5284s and you guys will see plenty of those
5286s with the 0.9 release
5288s um a lot of these are not even available
5290s in this multiplayer build right now as
5292s we're replacing a lot of enemies uh but
5294s those will be available for 0.9 so with
5297s the Falcon we actually did 3D model the
5300s Falcon and animated and everything like
5302s that but that was a while ago when we
5304s were testing out some initial
5306s um some initial skills with the Falcon
5308s now that we have progressed a little bit
5311s we've gone back and we're revamping all
5313s of The Beastmaster pets and they look
5315s super cool uh and the Falcon is uh kind
5319s of in that same vein as a pet so we've
5321s we're updating the Falcon and this is
5323s the new concept art that we're going to
5326s be modeling this off of in the very near
5328s future uh very happy with this one this
5330s one's kind of hot off the press
5336s and so uh this is also one of the team
5339s is really excited about uh developing
5340s cosmetic skins for so if there's any any
5344s type of Falcon cosmetic skins that you
5347s guys want to see uh we'd love to hear it
5349s and you know everybody everybody always
5351s goes to like you know we need a phoenix
5352s and stuff like that which will
5354s absolutely happen
5355s absolutely gonna have a phoenix yeah
5358s Cosmetic Skin for this
5360s uh uh America bald eagle I like that I'm
5365s gonna I'm gonna take this objects every
5366s time it comes up there's way more Eagles
5368s in Canada than America
5372s steampunk Tesla Falcon yes twice yes
5378s oh thanks anyway uh all right so this is
5381s this is one that like even if I have to
5383s go take personal funds and hire external
5385s 3D modelers if we don't have a bandwidth
5387s inside like I'm just gonna I'm gonna
5388s pump
5389s skins into this Falcon
5391s the store is gonna be just like half
5393s falcon skins and then everything else
5396s yep
5398s all right I'm here I made it guys
5400s beautiful yeah let's do it
5404s uh will you ever add settings for hiding
5407s teammate abilities or scaling the
5409s opacity or quality of their effects
5411s slash projectiles possibly
5414s um the really good question it's
5416s something oh arena hold on uh
5421s it's something that for a long time
5424s we've been uh pushing is that whenever
5427s there is going to be group play in the
5429s game uh that we need to make sure that
5431s the skills that we're developing the
5432s visual VFX are not overpowering on the
5434s screen
5435s now that we are actually seeing this in
5439s multiplayer there are some initial
5441s actions that we're taking for example
5443s you'll notice whenever uh meteor comes
5445s down on my screen that you don't see the
5447s targeting reticle on the ground that was
5450s one of the first things that we saw was
5451s like okay stuff like that is noisy and
5453s so we can differentiate what visuals
5457s happen on uh other players client versus
5460s what's happening on the your player
5462s client and so our first task is going to
5465s be going through and seeing what we can
5467s and need to change on that front and
5469s we'll Implement those changes and then
5471s if we see that there are still skills
5473s that are making you know just just too
5474s much screen clutter uh we'll go and
5476s we'll probably implement ways to add
5479s more transparency to those or what have
5481s of you but making sure that the screen
5483s and the play Space is very readable is
5485s very very important to us
5490s not yet
5495s okay let's see if I can not die for like
5497s two seconds
5499s does the Le servers use lockstep
5501s technology uh lockstep is a term that's
5504s used specifically for
5507s um Path of Exile and the way they do
5509s things
5510s um we we do things that are
5514s um
5515s they have similar
5518s uh properties to it but is distinctly
5522s different
5523s um so technically no but we do things to
5526s achieve similar goals
5530s that's a fair way to say it yeah
5547s when you guys add trade uh we're still
5550s we're still digesting information from
5552s the survey that we've sent out if we
5554s want to or not uh what that's gonna look
5556s like and we right now we're we're trying
5560s to get as much feedback as possible we
5562s have the entire design team spending a
5564s lot of time reading all the comments
5566s across our forums and Reddit and all of
5569s our other social media
5571s um and you know the trade trade is a
5573s very divisive topic we knew that going
5575s into it so there are definitely still
5577s conversations going on about trade we're
5580s not ready to commit to saying that
5582s anything is going to change or anything
5585s like that yet but there is a lot of
5588s conversation going on and a lot of
5590s ideation going on so it's always fun if
5593s you guys have ideas for trade uh we do
5595s love to read those and and that's what
5598s I'll say is we're still discussing still
5600s idea still ideas just the blanket
5602s reminder though remember to be
5603s respectful in those conversations and
5606s if someone's not being respectful try
5609s not to to meet them at that same point
5611s try and just try the conversation to be
5613s more respectful and and you know like
5615s whenever I see suggestions that are that
5618s are like well worded and are are not
5621s overly aggressive I take them much more
5623s seriously
5629s we're we're still working on it it's and
5631s it's like
5633s who knows what'll happen yet
5638s ideally we find something that is
5640s inclusive to
5643s more spectrums of the player base
5646s um but we you know we we do have a solid
5648s design goal that we want to make sure
5650s that when you're playing the game uh
5652s playing the game is always a fantastic
5654s and uh
5655s way to find good loot and it doesn't
5658s feel like it's completely overpowered by
5659s trade and that that it's a slippery
5662s slope that we have to take into account
5664s we have all these discussions yeah
5669s all right uh any idea what's causing
5671s characters to feel unresponsive while
5673s kiting uh even while just holding right
5676s click forwards characters behave
5678s differently than in offline some skills
5680s just lock your character in place it
5681s doesn't behave like that in single
5682s player things other areas uh other than
5684s that Arena felt good that's good
5687s um the answers yes and we're working on
5690s it
5691s yeah uh there's there's definitely a
5695s number of things due to like animation
5697s controllers and things like that that
5699s we're working on addressing uh that we
5701s are fairly confident that we're gonna
5702s have in before 0.9 I don't think it
5704s would be a blocker I don't think it
5706s would push our release date or anything
5707s if we didn't get them in plus our hotfix
5709s cycle for 0.9 will probably slightly
5711s longer than the patch cycles that we've
5712s had in the past uh but yes we we do know
5715s what is causing those and we're working
5716s on addressing them and we see Hot Fish
5718s hotfix cycle being longer you mean like
5720s there's more time where we're willing to
5721s put hot fixes out rather than time
5724s between hot pencils yep yep
5728s just wanted to clarify the term
5732s really looking forward to The Bard class
5734s oh it'll be interesting it'll be fun
5736s well is that our is that our sixth class
5739s guy is going to Bard and bunk and Shadow
5742s priest is is that the plan that's that's
5744s a weird class to get a barred Mark
5746s Shadowrun
5747s yeah I don't know how that fall together
5751s we know that we know that people want a
5753s uh like a the pure melee which there's
5758s plenty of options to get that yeah at
5761s the moment
5763s yeah yeah but there's the people people
5765s when they go to the characters like
5767s screen they're like okay I just want to
5768s be like the physical Bruiser what is my
5770s path here
5771s uh I think we can think we can do
5773s something about that in the future quite
5775s suggesting a Mesmer class yeah
5778s love love that Guild Wars
5781s I know it's not from Guild Wars
5783s originally but that's where I first
5784s learned about it
5785s when Guild Wars 2 was coming out I was
5787s so stoked for all of their class designs
5789s I know
5792s this didn't land not for me anyways I
5795s didn't for me either unfortunately like
5797s Guild Wars one was
5799s like I I didn't I didn't hit the initial
5801s wow train I was Guild Wars one to start
5803s with oh really yeah I switched it well
5805s eventually but like
5807s yeah I played so much Guild Wars one in
5810s the the Hall of uh Hall Heroes and uh it
5814s was it was it I never played it but it
5815s was this crazy thing it was like a this
5817s PVP tournament this like knockout
5819s tournament that um when you got to like
5821s the end of it you'd have uh this this
5825s three-way eight versus eight versus
5827s eight
5828s uh PVP battle and it was it was so
5831s chaotic and so crazy it was tons of fun
5833s it was yeah that was that was
5836s basically just what I did in that game
5838s was all heroes
5841s looks like they're we know that there
5844s are uh definitely more server
5845s optimization ones that we can get with
5846s Arena and I think we're experiencing the
5849s need for that right now yeah
5853s oh yeah no I'm I'm
5857s there's no way that's 60 milliseconds
5859s that it's telling you is accurate but
5861s this this is great though because this
5863s is the type of data that we were hoping
5865s to get by releasing arena in this hotfix
5867s so this is this is good that we're
5870s encountering this now
5872s speaking of stash tabs how do you feel
5874s about players need to set up their stash
5875s tabs every cycle that's a good question
5878s um
5879s I think it's important because they're
5882s purchased with an in-game resource I
5885s think it's important that they're that
5886s they're being repurchased every cycle
5889s um
5890s setting up the configuration of those uh
5894s every time I can see being tedious but
5896s and like
5897s I don't know having some sort of like
5898s way to like save configurations like
5900s your first stash tab is always like this
5902s and your second stash dab is always like
5904s this and then when it's like when you
5905s buy your second stash that just like
5906s Auto configures it like you're saying
5908s smash that defaults or something that
5909s would be cool
5911s um and that could be stored client-side
5913s so it's not a big deal
5915s um
5916s I don't know
5918s it's it's definitely interesting but I
5919s think it I think it needs to be at least
5921s a little bit config reconfigurable every
5923s single time because they're purchased
5924s with a a an in-game currency
5932s being realistic there right it's it's
5934s probably that you know uh people will
5936s need to purchase the new ones and
5938s reconfigure them each time at least
5940s initially yeah
5942s all right uh chiptastic asks hey first
5945s time checking out the stream welcome
5946s I've been loving CT and multiplayer beta
5949s test was wondering if I could get a
5950s button that says your character is
5952s killing voice line on command
5955s uh can't get enough of easy too easy
5962s no probably not I think I think the
5964s server's Hooper day
5966s yeah I'm already I'm already reinviting
5968s uh yes I have quiet I don't have quiet
5971s on my friends list the connection
5973s timeout is appropriate for my level of
5975s patience apparently because as soon as I
5977s was like all right I'm done with this
5978s connection timeout shows up
5990s all right here speaking of MTX hopefully
5993s we'll see a uh bacon skin for shadow
5997s Beacon
5999s okay
6003s yeah that's blessed yeah yeah going
6006s forward after 0.9 launch uh MTX meteor
6009s MTX when when it's ready weirdly enough
6011s I haven't thought about meteor MTX a
6014s whole lot if anybody has any suggestions
6016s for what a really cool meteor MTX would
6018s be I will I'll put that near the top of
6021s the list I'll make sure that there's a
6023s really complicated way to unlock a
6025s pseudo meteor MTX in 1.0
6028s yes yeah
6031s uh
6033s and you can save that for later everyone
6039s uh yeah I see monologues so that was it
6041s was buggy which is expected until they
6044s understand the complication of the loot
6045s issue but can you all share your largest
6047s concerns over trade like what is the
6049s nightmare scenario the nightmare
6051s scenario is just that
6053s um
6054s playing like going out into the world
6056s adventuring to find gear is strictly
6060s worse as far as how well how quickly you
6062s can obtain the gear how
6066s um
6066s uh the the like if you're good if you're
6069s gonna do any sort of competition
6071s whatsoever or any sort of like trying to
6073s be powerful in the game that the clear
6076s and obvious way to do that is by always
6079s just going to the shop and and buying
6082s whatever piece of gear you want
6084s um and you're you're basically ignoring
6086s almost all the drops you get except for
6089s a very select few Mega drops and other
6092s than that you're just like it doesn't
6093s matter what drops if if one of these
6095s Mega drops drops great I'll pick it up
6096s and sell it but other than that I'm
6098s basically just going to the shop and
6100s buying everything all the time for all
6102s players I think it's important to note
6103s that that this is
6105s that's the nightmare scenario and I used
6108s a lot of terms that are really extreme
6110s in that
6111s um so like like always and for all
6114s players and it's just like it's it's
6116s getting to that that extreme that's like
6117s the nightmare scenario
6122s I don't know if you wanna
6125s have when you have a larger like a
6128s global economy and there's no
6129s restrictions it just very quickly
6130s becomes a
6132s when there's there's so much access to
6135s Great gear from the economy that
6139s it's
6141s it would be silly not to go and get your
6143s gear that way which means that when you
6146s play the game the likelihood that you
6147s find upgrades for your gear is extremely
6149s small uh and and we want to mitigate
6152s that but there there definitely are
6153s design goals that we would have if we
6155s were to implement uh trade in in some
6158s manner uh you know we're even when we're
6160s brainstorming right now internally uh
6162s open trade like a completely open trade
6164s economy is not really something that
6166s we're uh discussing but there there may
6169s be ways that we can do things like give
6172s items external value and and have some
6174s way to exchange things that makes good
6176s sense for the way the last Epoch is
6178s designed but uh again there we're still
6181s in discussions about it we're listening
6183s to everybody uh there's you know there's
6185s plenty of people that have some very
6186s interesting uh suggestions that you do
6190s make their way internal and we do have
6191s conversations on those so
6194s yeah the conversation's not over it
6196s never was over it's it's that's
6198s something I think it's really important
6199s to note as well it's not like the
6200s conversation stopped and then something
6202s happened and we reopened the
6204s conversation now the conversation just
6205s never stopped yeah I think I think maybe
6208s the way that we were that I'd have been
6210s gifting post made it made it feel more
6212s final than we intended it to yeah
6216s because you know item gifting initially
6219s was like this is something that we can
6220s get in for 0.9 so people that are
6222s playing with each other can exchange
6223s items uh
6226s with that you know the scope wasn't all
6228s too large and we could actually actually
6229s get in yeah
6232s I'm nervous to even talk about it that
6234s much because I I don't you know it's uh
6237s there's there's still just a lot of
6240s discussions that we need to have
6241s internally
6243s yep
6244s and they're happening every day
6246s a lot yes and and after hours or
6250s evenings are
6252s for some of us our evenings are trade
6254s discussions right now
6261s clay just sent me a picture of of him
6264s fighting in space
6266s uh yeah yeah so we know we know what
6269s that bug is whenever um
6270s you haven't unlocked a monolith the
6273s first time that you come into it the the
6275s floor is not there but that is that is
6278s what we'll absolutely fix before it's
6279s opening
6291s where's the question there it is
6295s uh going forward uh after 0.9 launch
6299s what kind of patch Cadence will we see
6301s uh we don't have a specific number like
6303s like I'm not gonna say like oh it'll be
6306s every X months or it'll be every X weeks
6307s or anything like that
6309s um but it will be
6312s um much more much more frequently than
6315s than what was eight five to point nine
6318s um and and we are we are aiming to get
6320s back to a regular Cadence and much more
6323s reminiscent of what happened pre
6325s eight five so like yeah yeah
6328s yeah you're the community's best
6330s reference for that is just to go and
6332s look at the release cycle that we had
6334s before this very extended Dev cycle uh
6339s with this debt cycle the reason that we
6341s stopped releasing content for as long as
6343s we did is because we hit a point of no
6345s return with multiplayer development
6347s where uh when on our development
6349s branches we
6351s we could no longer make single player
6354s builds without it being a huge
6357s undertaking because we had a lot of
6359s multiplayer logic in place and so we we
6362s had to get to the end of that before we
6364s released new content we could have taken
6366s other routes but it would have resulted
6368s in multiplayer coming later than it is
6370s right now and we really needed to just
6373s buckle down and get the multiplayer side
6374s of this done
6381s any chance of a future post-mortem at a
6385s Dev conference I mean yeah
6388s if if one of them wants to have us and
6390s thinks we got cool stuff to say I I know
6394s a few people that would probably go in
6395s on on something like that
6397s I know I would but I'm probably not the
6399s best person to do it
6401s uh also I always ask this uh but curious
6404s if work is being done uh for the API in
6407s parallel with multiplayer work or
6408s something that will be designed and
6410s implemented afterwards
6411s um I mean there is work being done on
6414s some apis depends what API you're
6415s talking about
6417s um if you're talking about something
6418s that just like collects data from the
6420s game as far as like
6423s um all the information about all the
6424s swords in the game and stuff like that I
6425s don't think anything's being actively
6426s worked on for that right now
6430s uh the melee class should be uh reptile
6433s Brute
6435s oh I like a different different
6437s um race
6438s yeah yeah how do you guys feel about uh
6441s the future of epoch having different
6443s playable race classes instead of just
6446s humans
6448s be interested to hear that one
6450s sorry it's been asked before but do you
6453s happen to have an ETA on patch notes 4.9
6457s uh and do you consider to release it in
6459s separate days due to the volume of
6461s changes
6462s uh oh like like
6464s um it'll likely be pretty close to the
6466s release of 0.9 the 0.9 patch notes will
6468s come out
6470s um
6471s the
6474s I'm still laggy I don't know how that
6476s uh that that Echo finish successfully
6479s yeah yeah we're doing a job on the
6480s servers right now uh and I'm glad
6483s because even when we had the event where
6484s we were trying to break the servers it
6486s was challenging so the fact that we're
6487s actually doing that and getting that
6489s data right now uh I'll take it yeah
6492s foreign
6502s and largely that's due to the fact that
6505s the patch notes that we have pulled up
6507s right now are ludicrous there's like 60
6510s pages of patch notes so when we present
6513s that to the community we need to
6515s aggregate it and and make probably
6517s sections near the top that are more
6519s concise uh so so that people don't feel
6522s like they have to go through 60 pages of
6524s stuff to find the good bits
6527s um it's a lot like we we have not been
6530s sitting on our hands for the last nine
6531s months I promise you that yeah
6534s as as evident by a lot of the stuff that
6536s people are finding in this test I think
6540s um all right so I know sure you've
6542s answered this a thousand times why not
6543s make it 1001. how is he is she enjoying
6545s the Theta test period
6549s right
6550s I I mean I mean it's an absolute dream
6554s to get to this point we have we have
6557s wanted to be here for five years six
6560s years now so the fact that we're
6562s actually able to play with one another
6564s is
6565s incredible
6567s yeah
6572s and like all the like there's issues and
6575s stuff happening in these multiplayer
6576s tests and you know we we always expected
6578s that but looking at the bugs that exist
6580s here they are
6582s nothing burgers in comparison like we're
6585s gonna be able to chew through all of
6586s these bugs and then we're gonna be able
6587s to get it in a really good State
6589s um just the fact that we're here is just
6592s amazing yeah
6597s meteor MTX giant beehive crashes down or
6600s first meteor MTX should be gross that's
6603s very fitting actually I'm gonna go to
6605s Discord I'm gonna write down the Beehive
6606s one because that that's Epoch right
6609s there not not what I was referencing
6611s though
6612s foreign
6615s tyx can you please uh sell them with
6617s color palettes not just static looks uh
6620s initially at least they are static
6622s uh are there plans to add more timelines
6625s to the end game uh yeah I think there
6628s would likely be um like so you're asking
6630s like more more new islands here
6633s um I think likely what would happen the
6636s volume probably wouldn't change too much
6638s um just because it becomes a little
6639s overwhelming in the system where you
6641s need to complete each one of them to
6642s finish
6643s um I think likely and you complete each
6646s one of them many times in order to get
6647s the one the blessings you want
6649s um either it'll be some sort of change
6650s there where that's easier to do or it
6652s would be more along the lines of
6653s replacing timelines or like like like a
6657s timeline becomes corrupted or or like
6660s someone invades a timeline and the whole
6662s thing gets changed and it's still the
6664s same timeline with like a Twist or
6665s something like so there's there's
6666s definitely a lot of room for just
6668s realizing how they're laid out even what
6670s levels they show up at there's lots of
6671s room for doing things like that in the
6672s model system and then that will happen
6675s so it's definitely won't be static
6677s that's the sort of thing that you'll see
6678s in content in a cycle content I think
6680s yeah I I the only thing to add to that
6682s for me is just I I really want people to
6685s understand that after 1.0 in-game
6688s becomes a huge Focus for us
6692s extending it in terms of the item hunt
6694s the content available the systems adding
6698s on just a few layers of complexity we
6700s don't want the game to be uh super
6702s complex for new people that are coming
6704s in but there's there's definitely things
6705s that we can add before we get too too
6707s complex there in game will continue to
6711s be a major major Focus post 1.0 yeah and
6715s even going into 1.0 a bit
6719s all right so if it's important to always
6720s find good loot and upgrades uh and then
6723s why is LP an exalted curve so messed up
6726s um a little bit of conflation of stuff
6727s here uh you hit hard gear wall when
6730s you're not progressing past that because
6731s something like triple exalted is too
6733s rare without trade uh and even with
6735s trade I think there's a lot of
6737s assumptions there and I don't really
6738s want to address all of them
6740s um
6740s the the the I think the underlying
6743s concern that you're trying to bring up
6744s is about
6745s um just like your progression curves and
6747s and they're definitely not perfect and
6749s it's definitely something that we are
6750s looking at uh improving as we go but um
6753s uh
6755s I I I don't think it's quite as uh
6760s Extreme as
6762s as what's being presented there possibly
6768s all right so while I love access to
6769s haste and frenzy with transplant only
6771s last three seconds uh the downtime
6773s breaks the flow quite a bit while
6775s playing in the end game any points into
6776s these ways progression based ideally
6778s that would expand above like that
6781s um
6782s it's
6783s so um modifying the buff itself
6787s uh is very unlikely
6790s um a lot of those Buffs have
6794s um pretty fixed durations intentionally
6796s it's it's done possible
6799s um
6802s I think part of
6808s yeah how does this there might be spots
6810s with this room for that I think most of
6811s the time it's not ideal and having those
6815s those pretty intense speed UPS be
6818s um not consistent up time is intentional
6821s yeah we're careful about making the game
6824s too Zoomy and we do that strategically
6832s this way guys
6838s uh would it be better to treat it like
6840s Peewee make Leagues with one one with
6842s traded one without trade yeah so ideally
6844s and this is
6846s this is a topic that's coming from the
6847s forums a little bit here
6849s um
6850s the uh I ideally we if we're going to
6854s introduce a trade system
6856s uh in like a perfect in a perfect world
6858s if we're talking rainbows and
6859s butterflies and everything's perfect
6861s um
6862s the whatever system gets issues for
6864s trade it wouldn't have a a player based
6868s split associated with it so people who
6871s were
6872s um who were wanting to play in a trade
6874s environment and people who were wanting
6875s to play outside of a trade environment
6876s would still be able to physically play
6878s together and having it be a hard a hard
6881s um
6882s uh separated
6884s environment like that wouldn't be ideal
6886s it might be what needs to happen if
6887s we're gonna do something like that who
6888s knows yet
6890s um
6892s but I ideally
6897s ideally there'd be uh there wouldn't be
6899s a a
6902s player-based segregation completely as
6904s far as who can play with who
6906s because maybe maybe you really like
6908s trade and your friend really doesn't but
6910s you still want to be able to play
6911s together
6913s I I have a lot of thoughts on that I
6915s probably I don't want to dive into that
6917s too deep though yeah I'm really really
6919s just talking like purely hypothetical in
6921s a perfect world yeah yeah what if what
6924s if you could wave your magic wand and
6925s have something happen
6927s that would be that would be an ideal
6928s element to it
6930s um
6931s definitely not saying that's possible
6935s that's what that's one of the issues
6937s with just saying okay there's there's
6939s there's two games
6941s you know that's basically what it is
6965s that's good says I appreciate that
6966s answer and better understand some of the
6968s issues thanks when do you plan to
6970s officially open uh I don't know what
6972s your old question was
6974s scroll back up
6978s I mean March 9th is the
6988s oh you asked like like when when are we
6990s gonna talk about what like open up our
6992s talking about trade to say what it's
6995s actually going to be and all sort of
6996s stuff I think that's what you're asking
6998s um because the last topic was last
7000s question was really betrayed and and the
7001s answer to that is once we know what
7003s we're gonna do
7005s we'll we'll start talking about it
7006s because we don't know what we're gonna
7007s do yet yeah it might be that we end up
7011s presenting some ideas and getting
7013s Community feedback on it or yeah
7018s there's definitely no timeline on that
7019s right now though
7020s yeah
7022s any updates on the crit revamp I have no
7025s idea what happened with that
7026s for for now it's not there
7029s dancing about when oh I want a dancing
7031s mode so bad
7034s actually guys please give uh at least
7037s stop calling Minimus stupid He's a brave
7040s and loyal dog that's just that one
7042s person who eats it anyways
7044s I wonder how many people know of uh
7048s Maximus Minimus yeah minimus's origin
7051s story
7055s you stupid butt
7059s there's a whole there's a whole
7060s backstory around Minimus and everything
7061s it's it's not just a
7063s that one line
7065s I'm so dead we need a we need a dog in
7068s the game that we can pet yeah
7071s how about a box you can check on
7073s character creation where you hit I want
7074s to trade or just allow other player base
7075s to play together
7077s that's
7080s um that's what I'm talking about like it
7081s it splits it right
7083s and I'm not saying that's that's
7085s impossible or wrong but just that says
7088s someone asked what's wrong with it
7090s that's what's that's one thing that's
7091s wrong with it
7092s um so Harvest uh as a skill once curses
7095s on targets yes is that waiting for
7098s warlock to be good or is it getting
7099s above soon I like Harvest I mean there's
7101s already two two prime curse options for
7104s that so I I don't think it's waiting
7106s necessarily
7107s um
7111s we can do the new re-performing for 0.9
7113s mic
7115s I think so
7118s I also don't remember if warlock has any
7120s new curses or not
7125s I can't remember sorry
7128s um
7128s I'm not really trying to get back in
7130s because we only got two minutes left but
7132s oh sorry knowing the game is going to be
7134s out of beta like full release uh we do
7135s not have a set date for full release yet
7138s um like point nine is March 9th that's
7140s the next date we don't have any dates
7142s after that depending on how well that
7144s goes we'll determine when the next uh uh
7147s when the next stage of release happens
7150s um but probably after 0.9 releases we
7152s will see more frequent major passions so
7156s you'll see like one of our
7158s one of our big goals when we release 0.9
7160s is just to make sure that we're uh
7162s putting content out regularly again so
7165s you guys will be getting additional
7167s content uh
7170s way more frequently than happened in
7172s 2022. definitely
7176s uh any hints on the remaining Shaman
7178s skills or skill updates not really much
7180s I can say that I haven't said already
7182s um there's at least one you can talk
7183s about
7188s I'm gonna be a pretty big overhaul it's
7191s gonna it's gonna have a new identity
7193s it's not really gonna be sitting in the
7195s same space as do I pick serpent strike
7197s swipe or temperature it's not gonna fit
7199s in that space anymore
7202s um it's gonna scale off attack speed
7206s um okay what else it's about all I said
7208s about it's gonna be a lot heavier a lot
7209s bigger skill
7210s um
7212s we've got thorns
7214s iTunes is going
7216s I know I've said that a million times
7218s over the years and No One Believes me
7220s anymore but it is
7230s and yeah there's there's
7235s another melee skill coming in to replace
7237s the place the Tempest strike holds
7242s uh and there's
7245s not really much else to say there's is
7247s there there's a new totem skill I think
7249s at some point
7251s could be wrong with that one
7253s is there a Newton scale our new Branch
7255s to an existing totem scale camera which
7256s one it is
7259s uh last trying to remember conversations
7262s on totems that we've had internally I've
7264s got the notes I've got the notes that
7266s starts my computer starts up nice nice
7269s uh do you think dancing strikes is the
7271s right place can't seem to nail a fitting
7273s kneesport uh it's it's pretty good but
7275s maybe it's not quite as good as other
7277s skills um I'm sure skills will go
7279s through ebb and flow of being good or
7280s bad
7281s uh Leslie give us a frog race oh yeah
7283s you know how to you know how to hit
7284s those those hard strings uh when is the
7287s last character wipe
7289s um so the characters existing in the
7291s multiplayer preview events are not
7293s permanent characters
7295s um so they're getting wiped but they're
7297s not ever really there if that makes any
7300s sense
7301s um so on on the 12th when this event
7303s finishes all the characters you're
7304s playing in this event will go bye-bye
7307s um there's a new event that'll start uh
7310s two weeks after that a week after 23rd
7313s um
7314s 11 days after that that those characters
7316s they'll be fresh start uh when those
7318s finish those characters are gone
7320s um and then 0.9 starts and they're all
7323s fresh characters uh for multiplayer all
7326s of your offline characters anything
7327s you're playing in eight five right now
7329s will continue to exist and be playable
7331s offline as normal like nothing changed
7334s um they just won't come to online I see
7336s this one somehow all over the place and
7338s I I like I reply every time I see it to
7341s say no it's wrong people say that your
7343s multiple characters are getting shipped
7344s to offline that's not happening no
7348s um we've never said that and I've said
7349s many times the exact opposite of it so
7351s that's not happening
7353s um
7354s and uh when 0.9 goes to 1.0 uh the goal
7358s is to this is a little far away so we
7360s don't know exactly what's going to
7361s happen when when 0.9 goes to 1.0 the
7363s goal is to take all those characters and
7364s put them into a standard environment so
7365s they're still available to play but they
7367s won't be uh fresh cycle characters when
7369s 1.0 launches as like uh this is the
7371s latest ladder and everything like that
7372s so they'll still be playable and
7373s available and if you're not interested
7374s in competing on the new ladder no
7377s problem
7378s they're good for you
7380s I wanted to say CTS will keep their
7382s characters right um everybody at 0.9
7385s will be required to start fresh
7388s yeah yeah
7390s uh all right gonna just rattle through a
7392s couple more these we are overtime some
7393s at some point I'm gonna stop answering
7395s these uh well I love the X's to haste
7397s and frenzy with translating the last
7398s three seconds the downtime oh day
7403s maybe not the downtime breaks the flow
7405s quite a bit while playing in the end
7406s game uh having to transplant in place on
7409s cooldown just the buff breaks the flow
7411s sometimes to be able to do any plans to
7412s introduce Waze progression based ideally
7415s I feel like I read this that you'd be
7416s willing to expand the buff like that
7417s probably not
7420s um still
7421s I feel like I read that already maybe
7423s not the um
7426s I mean give what you just said I could
7428s see being like a minimum distance
7429s transplanted in order to get the buff uh
7432s uh I don't know just just like
7434s transplanting in place to replace
7436s refresh the buff is not ideal play
7438s experience I don't know how we'd fix
7439s that
7440s uh do you guys have a proper channel to
7442s submit ideas to you yes we have a
7444s suggestions and like to see Channel and
7446s Discord we also have a suggestions and
7448s feedback channel on our forums those are
7451s the best places you can also put them in
7452s other places too but those are the best
7453s ones March 9 how long will those created
7456s after characters live till next player
7458s white cycle always included forever
7460s unless something goes wrong
7462s um would like to know if it's possible
7464s for you guys to update some of the
7465s concept art you have on the website the
7467s character looks pretty old with like
7469s some more images
7470s yeah that's a great Point yes yes yes so
7473s what website desperately needs an update
7476s is not reflective of the game in its
7478s current state uh well it'll get up there
7480s it's it's just not ranked at the highest
7482s priority yet
7484s uh all right uh have you thought about
7486s giving us more uh conversion based
7489s uniques gives more options to build IE
7491s screen since it has the weakest unique
7493s pool for build enablers yes uh we have
7495s considered giving more of these and we
7497s will
7499s yep there's there'll be more uniques in
7501s every sort of type coming down the pipe
7503s uh flowing in as we go
7506s um and we'll always be introducing the
7508s uniques yeah if you guys have ideas for
7510s cool unique stuff like let us know
7514s great I think that's it
7517s um thank you very much for coming out
7518s everybody I hope you had fun I know we
7521s did and say weeks is multiples of this
7522s year this time
7524s um if you have any more questions that
7526s we missed please feel free to head on
7527s over to our Discord our uh forums are
7530s read at our Facebook or all sorts of
7532s places of people answering questions all
7533s the times happy to help out lots of
7535s helpful community members we'll be back
7537s same time same place next week to answer
7539s more questions than have more fun with
7540s everybody
7542s um we'll see you next time thanks for
7543s coming out everybody
7544s uh thanks everyone
7549s I'd love I'd love to get more of these
7550s together what we do
7552s hang out with people oh yeah absolutely
7555s I've been doing pickup games like every
7556s night so uh
7559s whenever
7568s all right in like three seconds we're
7569s done
7571s and we're out have a good time everybody
7572s see you later