11 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s for
59s all
89s for
119s for for
180s for
239s good afternoon everybody and welcome
241s back to another last Epoch Dev
244s stream as usual I'm your host Mike hi
248s how's it going everybody great to see
253s you we're hanging out we're going to
255s play some last epac we're going to
256s answer some of your questions we're
257s going to have a wonderful
259s time if this is your first time here
261s welcome glad to have you with us we
263s stream for
264s charity that's the Charity B my head uh
267s if you have any questions please ask
269s them in the chat and and uh put at last
271s OT game in front of there and I will
273s know it
274s is from you for me that's right that's
279s about it
282s Spiel I I'll tell you right at the top
284s of this we uh I do want to happy to say
288s we've got the return of stream
294s leaks I got a couple little things for
296s you later we'll see we'll see how that
298s goes I I'm a little bit a little bit
301s lighter of a stream a little not a lot
304s going on right now you know I'm just
305s hanging out having some fun decided I'd
307s start a new character and it definitely
308s does not have anything to do with me
309s being unable to log into my main right
311s now because of some uh testing I was
314s doing that caused problems yep
315s definitely definitely nothing like
320s that so we're level of Beast Master I
323s I'm Go Beast Master maybe we'll do a
324s poll and uh you guys can pick what what
327s Mastery I
328s pick that does just mean on up
331s Shaman the last like three prime lists
333s on stream have been Shaman CU I've done
334s that everyone's like see how terrible it
336s is so you can feel our pain and you'll
338s buff it I'm like that's not how this
340s works that's okay happy weekend a happy
344s weekend
347s indeed hey uh MC fluffin haven't seen
351s you a little bit or I haven't talked to
353s you personally in a little bit but uh
354s it's good to see you here and welcome
356s everyone on your
357s stream
358s and and and also thanks for the sub
361s andario 36 months from both that's three
363s years we had we have people in the three
365s years Club is that are are you guys the
367s first ones that's
372s incredible that's really
377s cool thank you very much guys that's
380s that's that's that's that's
384s neat do we grab the
388s boots least they help they help you run
390s faster
403s right okay oh Paul yeah um Let's do
407s let's let's um let's do right to the top
410s and I'll and I'll I'll build the whole
411s character with that in mind let's do a
413s poll which three three options um
416s Beastmaster Druid or Shaman
428s and coget it's like it's like tree with
432s like big cogs that is thank you for the
434s sub appreciate
437s it
439s yeah works for
442s me all right let's get some questions in
445s here uh hi I really love you all thanks
448s buddy uh any long-term ideas on how
451s Cycles will be handled between online
453s and offline will each cycle content be
455s available to fully offline players as
457s well or will there be online exclusive
459s stuff like items or content um are uh
463s 1.1 at least so I can really give finite
467s information like like like firm
469s information
471s on um just
473s because you know things can change over
476s time but 1.1 at least there's nothing
478s that's going to be uh as far as I know
480s nothing that's going to be like online
482s specific um for the for the patch so you
484s should you should get everything offline
485s at the same time you should roll it all
487s together um like you want have there's
490s no delay there's no wait there's nothing
491s like that
496s yeah
500s gr let me watch you
504s fight you like the way I fight do you I
508s guess I should I should we should let
509s the pole before I even picked the first
511s ones here I can always redo it I can
513s always redo it there a poll running guys
515s there's only four votes in the poll
516s what's going
519s on only four people here
526s right uh but with with regards to like
528s online offline stuff it's I could see it
529s being possible like I I think it's more
531s likely that we would do cycle Legacy
533s split stuff than online offline split
535s stuff
537s um but you know both both are possible
539s depending on you know how things go in
540s the future but 1.1 at least is uh I'm
544s pretty sure it's just a simultaneous
545s roll out across the
547s board uh show everyone how to get the
551s boots got you got to actually equip them
553s to get the
556s boots I I I got the boots without
558s reading that comment so same page
562s nice hope you're not hope you're not
564s seeding your uh your bingo card there
568s though that that would be just just just
572s just I I want to think about
578s that uh Raptor beastmas yeah I I would
581s do Raptor
583s Beastmaster looks like looks like Beast
585s Master is winning I'd be pumped about
586s Raptor Beast Master that' be
588s sweet be squirrel BM H the bees the bees
591s are hard to get I don't have uh and the
593s squirrels those both item dependent that
595s I don't have either of those
597s items my like my my cycle live online
601s play is basically limited to what you've
603s seen on stream there like a tiny little
605s bit that
610s wasn't I'll leave my bingo here I think
613s I think I'm just going to ignore that
614s one just on principle because it's uh it
616s is calling the Bingo out
622s directly uh anything you can tell us
624s about lfg system coming hopefully in the
626s near future um so I don't think there's
628s anything that's scheduled for 1.1 with
630s like an lfg
632s system um wait till this P
639s um going we're going down for the Wolves
643s first
646s uh I do really like just getting that
650s resistance right out of the
653s gate foot is super itchy right now
662s you know what let just get some
666s health I'm always I'm always struggling
668s for health in end
670s game always the way it
673s is uh lfg systems I end the ilk oh heavy
679s 35 months congrats thank you very much
682s it's a big that's a big one next next
684s month three
687s years glad to have you with us here
690s um lfg system future yeah the
694s uh I I don't have any details on it I
697s don't know what's what's happening or
698s what the plans are regarding with that
699s type of system at all at the moment
703s um so sorry I'd love to have
708s one I know a lot of people got confused
710s whenever we would like make comments
712s about like matchmaking servers and
713s matching services and systems and things
715s like that that we were talking about an
717s lfg system but we're actually just
719s talking about the way that they the term
721s that we use for whenever you find a
723s server it's like matchmaking you with
725s the
727s server not you with other
730s players uh any plans to make overall mob
733s damage a a bit less spiky currently it
736s feels like you are either staying at
738s full health or getting deleted in one
739s shot I feel like an in between is
741s missing namely a more gradual curve to
743s damage that gives you some time to react
746s and adjust also do tick damage feels
748s really fast is this intended do Tick's
750s um the the the tick rate is intended to
752s be really fast so that it feels smooth
754s so it doesn't feel like it's like chunk
755s chunk chunk we want it to be more like a
758s hey you're standing in Fire and you are
760s constantly burning um that that that
763s should be a a damage over time not like
766s a chunk every X seconds
770s um as for the spiky comment on damage I
773s mean it's it's definitely difficult to
776s have it scale smooth like that um the
779s outlining the the damage numbers that
782s are a little spiky become a lot spiky
784s when when you get um big scales on on
787s the damage rates um I just realized I'm
791s wearing the veterans Booth I'm like why
792s am I just melting here the
796s boots we're playing in hard
799s mode I should have played
804s hardcore
806s um well done we're almost there
810s I'll see you
812s ahead uh I I see I see this like the
815s damage is too spiky feedback sometimes
818s and because it's not the first time I've
818s seen this feedback um and usually not
822s always but usually when I see it it is
825s in context of pretty freakishly High
829s corruption um and it does it does get
832s that that point where the like the high
835s like the super high damage gets like the
837s the gap between like the mid damage
839s range of ities and the super high in
840s damage range abilities that are incoming
842s become like widens because it's
843s percentage based increases um and so you
847s end up with um the damage getting
849s spikier as you get into higher
851s corruption
854s impossible so you're in that like 5 6
856s 700 corruption th000 2,000 corruption
858s it's going to get crazy spiky that's
860s just going to happen naturally I don't
861s know I don't know what we could do about
863s that there probably something we can do
864s though
874s all right is there any development plans
875s for us uh defective color blind
878s defective just color blind it's the
881s difference
882s um yes we do have plans yeah our CF here
890s you science love it
894s um leveling gear
900s we got some
902s stuff see we can find some things
907s though is the veteran boots
912s again oh yeah let's get that spear
922s in uh trying to scan really quickly for
924s just anything we can
928s use not really much should have
931s organized
941s better some
943s stuff better than nothing
948s woohoo yeah we got color blind plans
952s um there's several types of
955s accessibility options that we are um
960s lagging behind in unfortunately um but
963s we are we are working on
966s that hello hi are there going to be
969s leaderboards for legacy are they going
971s to limited to cycle only I think our
972s current plans are cycle only
982s um uh I could see us adding some sort of
987s um will not die
991s here uh I I I don't know the plan right
994s now is Legacy
996s only all right will bought online MTX
999s skins ever be ever be available offline
1002s technical issue that prevents the them
1004s currently um there's not any I don't
1007s think there's any actual technical
1008s limitation that that prevents them from
1010s happening um other than like well like
1012s pure offline is pure offline so it never
1014s goes online to check if you own anything
1020s because it never communicates with our
1021s servers um so there's there's that
1023s limitation on like pure offline stuff
1030s um but for the like when you just play
1032s an offline character when you are like
1033s signed into the game account um I don't
1036s think there's any technical limitations
1047s there does that mean you are looking at
1049s the bingo card and avoiding items no I'm
1052s not looking at the bingo card I haven't
1053s seen it I intentionally don't look at it
1054s until I see it I usually see it right at
1056s the end of the recap uh video that Aon
1059s does
1062s um I just there was there was a a
1065s question that said like maybe it was
1066s yours I don't know that it said like
1068s just for the for the bingo card and it
1070s had like a bunch of like rapid fire
1071s questions that we get pretty frequently
1074s that's
1076s all I felt it would it would uh uh go
1080s against the spirit of playing a game
1081s like that so I didn't want to ruin the
1084s suspense I'm I'm I believe in you
1089s anyways uh you guys working on the
1091s clickthrough oh looks Beast Master has
1093s won with 45% of the boats okay we're
1095s going Beast Master
1098s good uh sounds
1101s great looking forward to I think Beast
1103s Master is going to go swipe then instead
1115s uh are you guys working on the
1117s clickthrough bug where I can click on
1119s the player behind the screen um I don't
1121s have any information on the status of
1123s any sort of bugs here um I'm not
1126s personally working on that right now
1127s myself other people might I don't
1133s know oh no
1146s oh thought I could push
1153s it
1154s okay um next question
1173s uh would there be any chance to add a
1175s beast encyclopedia into the game yeah a
1177s bestiary um I ask because of prophecies
1180s and people being unsure where mob what
1182s mobs look like or where they spawn yeah
1185s that's um we've we've we've had a best
1187s are on the list for since long before
1190s prophecies were even a thing um I i' say
1193s there's a very high chance of us adding
1194s one in eventually um it's kind of an
1196s extension of the game guide in some way
1200s um it it is something that we would
1202s really like to do you know it's just
1204s just
1210s good These Guys these little guys the
1214s the the I don't even know what they're
1215s called quill
1217s Hogs oh quill Hogs they're called quill
1219s Hogs okay just describing
1223s them somewhere in my head I know that
1225s name okay those things they remind me a
1227s lot of you remember in uh Diablo II act
1232s 5 um you're you you set off up the
1235s mountain and there's those guys that
1237s like they put their hands in the ground
1239s and like a little like trail goes along
1241s and it goes like and little spikes
1243s appear underneath you they remind me of
1245s those for some
1252s reason all right got to ask any news on
1254s the new season I'm like same news as
1256s always um it's going to be roughly 3 to
1259s four months from when we launched um
1264s 1.0 we'll
1266s be um putting lots of awesome stuff in
1270s it it's going to be focused around a
1272s pinnacle boss system uh it's going to be
1275s great of
1277s fun that's all we
1283s got these boots make this so much harder
1287s I don't think I've ever actually like
1288s tried to like seriously level with the
1293s boots
1295s like uh no not shaping
1299s Discovery fun fact Discovery runes do
1302s not use Fortune
1303s potential I say this like every time do
1316s this oh that hel went from like bad is
1319s just so
1324s awful I might might take the boots off
1326s cuz this is just so
1329s slow we're going to take the boots
1334s off oh just
1336s embarrassing okay moving on how
1339s complicated is it to update the engine
1341s to a new version to possibly Implement
1343s FSR and dlss for example extremely hard
1346s we've been working on it for months and
1347s months and months and months and months
1348s and month months and we are
1352s um uh we're the process is still going
1358s um we're
1361s like start just just starting to like
1364s get people loaded up with the new
1366s version as like a testing thing in the
1367s background while we still work on the
1368s old
1369s version uh just in the
1373s background it's it's it takes a while
1375s it's a very very long process um and
1378s it's be a long time before we actually
1380s have a version that's like ready to go
1384s to to to have anything actually
1388s like deliverable like like we to have a
1391s version that we can actually build of uh
1393s like a release candidate from it's going
1396s to be a
1399s while those boots on the other
1402s hand jackpot
1426s more questions Mike do it while you're
1429s doing the
1430s boss um any time frame on UI scaling it
1434s is being worked on no ETA
1446s those phoenixes do so much
1458s damage come
1461s on I know why it didn't work but come on
1478s all right more
1480s questions uh would Yi ever consider
1483s adding rewards to the leaderboard say
1485s something like 50 MTX coins for first
1486s place the End season yeah um we would I
1489s think there's uh this something I've
1491s talked about before um I I personally
1493s would really like to see a version where
1496s um there are are are spec like specific
1498s spefic rewards that you can work towards
1500s on the on the ladder things that are
1502s like
1505s um like like specific rewards for
1508s competing on the ladder and I'd like to
1513s see this is just me personally what I
1515s want to do I I have no idea what we're
1516s going to do in this category at all but
1517s this is this is how I I would Envision
1519s it um is is having
1522s these like a different currency that you
1524s would earn from placing on the ladder
1527s like first place getting a crap t ton of
1529s them and like 100th place getting very
1530s few of them
1533s um but still like being able to work
1535s towards some special ladder rewards even
1539s if you're not like crushing the top 10
1542s type thing um but being able to get them
1544s much quicker if you are crushing the top
1555s 10 i' also I've always I've also uh
1558s frequently thought in a system like this
1559s where there where someone might be like
1562s uh they work super duper hard for a
1563s ladder spot and then they quit um like
1566s knowing full well they're going to come
1567s back next season but they're just like
1569s okay I I played for hard for a month and
1572s um you know I'm really happy with it and
1574s I'm going to go play another game now
1575s but in in the next like say two months
1577s between before the next ladder season
1578s starts the next cycle rotates and um
1581s like some new builds discovered some new
1583s techniques discovered and like their
1585s their rank just gets crushed um but like
1589s and then they like don't get any reward
1590s for it even though they worked so hard
1591s when it like was like more arguably like
1594s difficult or important or so I'd really
1597s like to see a like this is all just like
1599s hypothetical gamer mic talking not
1602s developer mic talking I'd really like to
1604s see a like a cash out system where like
1606s maybe you're like third and you're like
1609s I'm never going to get any higher than
1610s this I'm going to take my reward and you
1612s can like cash out at third um maybe it's
1615s like a minimum like a month after the
1617s cycle starts or something like I I don't
1618s I don't know and and that way you get
1620s like less reward if you cash out early
1622s so it's like if you cash out third place
1624s you get the reward of 10th place or
1625s something um but you're like guaranteed
1628s that point and you don't have to worry
1629s about getting like dropped down really
1631s low I'd really like to see something
1632s like that that's that's that's that's
1635s Mike's wish
1636s list which means nothing
1654s I should probably actually use Gathering
1655s storm because we are doing uh we have
1657s elemental leech
1666s here I should have made
1670s a
1672s um should have made this legendary on my
1674s other character oh I can't access it
1676s right of course
1682s all righty
1687s then most like lackluster already than
1694s ever uh can I vote for a poison serpent
1697s strike Beast Master just to keep with
1700s the play stuff we think is underpowered
1702s theme I mean I am using a spear right
1706s now I I I'll consider it
1710s I'll take I'll take that under
1714s advisement might be
1727s fun just crank the health
1737s right uh any chance we can
1740s disable pre 1.0 Echo
1748s Maps
1751s no like the layouts no the like they
1756s there's there's no distinction on our
1764s end I think I just want one point here
1766s so I can heal my minions if I have to
1783s here let's let's try
1793s again you know it's
1797s better somehow
1806s ding level up ding level
1821s up more
1823s questions are there any classes that you
1825s feel aren't meeting your intended design
1828s goals on how they should
1832s play not
1834s really um like like we're talking like
1837s mechanically Play I Think I'm Pretty I'm
1840s personally I'm pretty happy with how
1841s they all work you're here to help
1843s protect the
1845s drink carefully there's definitely room
1848s for improvement on all of them um and
1850s there's there's like this is Power
1852s Balance as side there's for the most
1856s part I think they're they're hitting the
1857s like desired
1860s um play fantasies for the most part I'd
1864s really like I I think the one and I keep
1866s this keeps coming up every week but the
1867s one that I think I'd like the most to
1870s feel a little different to play a little
1871s different is is forg guard in the um
1876s like the representation
1879s of uh of of like creating versions of
1882s your gear and having unique gear be
1884s unique gear instead of just the like
1886s base versions of them I think would be I
1888s think I think it would be a lot of
1889s fun to have more special effects and
1892s weird interactions on those that's that
1894s like that's that's what you stay for
1895s right you stay for the like oh my god
1899s when you have this like weird uh when
1902s when you you can like equip uh like be
1906s weapons and B gloves and uh make a
1909s manifest armor that's going to summon a
1911s be Army for itself for you and you know
1913s like like something weird like
1917s that tell you
1919s let's get out of here first and then
1920s I'll explain
1923s more if you don't know
1939s after what boots these boots these these
1942s These Boots
1948s they make you
1950s bad they make you real
1956s bad out of curiosity do you have white
1959s squares when you open your teleport map
1961s not there before your last update they
1963s were there before the last update and
1964s yes I do have and I also fixed them
1966s yesterday for um a future build
1979s that was a frustrating bug to to figure
1981s out my
1983s goodness required zero code changes in
1985s the
1995s end uh when Le adds a barbarian Mastery
1999s uh thoughts on dual wielding two-handed
2001s maybe you take more damage but are
2002s slower some negative tradeoff um I'd
2004s love to I I think that there's I think
2006s there's a lot of thematic space face for
2010s um there there's a whole balance and
2012s technical side of this that makes it
2013s quite difficult but I'd love to try it
2015s still um but there is there is I think a
2018s big thematic space for the like the yeah
2020s that Barbarian class that like um that a
2024s really really strong beefy like just
2028s pure strength archetype I think is still
2031s a little bit missing um like pure
2034s strength archetype and um in in in the
2037s sense like there there's no dual
2038s wielding two-handers there's no dual
2040s wielding Shields there's no two-handed
2042s Shields you know there's there's some of
2043s these like really large representations
2045s of strength that in in in like a
2047s character design and character archetype
2049s that we don't really have access to
2056s yet but yeah I think there's I think
2058s there's we we we pretty intentionally
2060s left some gaps in theming um we tried to
2064s like cover as many broad archetypes as
2066s possible um and lead to like really
2068s really specific
2069s individual um archetypes available for
2073s us to like sneak some extra stuff in
2075s there later um like there's no crossbows
2078s in the game there's no fist weapons in
2079s the game there's no um one-handed Spears
2082s in the game there's no um dual building
2084s two-handers you know there's there these
2086s like pretty clear things you can find in
2087s other games um that aren't like the
2090s primary like sword and Bard is missing
2092s it's not like daggers missing like the
2093s bows are missing um you know like
2096s there's some but there's there's
2098s definitely some intentional gaps for
2100s future expansions of
2104s characters hi everyone Hi
2109s Spike hey and we've got cuz I missed it
2111s earlier I think I think these are muted
2115s somehow open I'm just just death that's
2117s fine ah TSU Kiko 420 thanks for the sub
2122s appreciate it and Mr Ben diesel
2130s I like
2132s that thank you for the sub appreciate
2138s it and Mech MGS 13 months in a row glad
2143s to have you with
2145s us hope you all are having
2151s fun all right bit of a side topic I like
2155s side topics here I'm in a rambly mood
2157s today any plans on making a twitch
2159s extension that shows the current
2161s streamers gear skill setup yeah um
2166s yes yes do do we have time to do this do
2170s do we know uh when we're going to do
2172s this at all
2174s no um you know it's that's that's a
2177s Sunday
2179s feature uh will there be more items to
2182s change wraith Lord to more damage types
2184s like void um we don't have any plans for
2186s it at the moment it's possible if you
2188s have a suggestion head to the
2192s forums
2195s right uh that shouldn't matter if you
2198s stop playing you stop playing yeah I I
2199s so I I understand the like this is going
2202s back to what I was saying about like
2203s being like cash out your rank reward
2205s spot I I agree um that
2207s there's uh that the final rankings is
2211s the like the most important
2213s thing could use the map and um that's
2217s kind of why I was suggesting like having
2218s like a downranking version of the of
2219s cashing out
2223s early they're Pro they're probably like
2225s this this is just me rambling and and
2227s and chatting type thing so like there
2229s probably would be you probably need to
2230s have if we're going to explore this idea
2232s there would probably need to be like um
2234s a maximum rank that you could like cash
2236s out at so like to the point where like
2239s um maybe top 10 is the like even if
2241s you're in first the high you can cash
2242s out is 10 or something like that um I
2246s don't know
2249s if we're doing if we are going to go
2250s serpent strike serpent strike's decks
2252s isn't it is a decks
2255s Attunement no it is strength decks
2261s okay Point
2263s strength
2267s impossible there's no for the record
2269s there are no plans to do any of those
2270s things I was saying this is just like
2272s Mike's wish list
2280s all
2281s right uh any chance of Rogues getting
2284s one-handed crossbows hypothetically
2286s speaking they be usable with a catalyst
2289s um yeah uh we don't have any specific
2292s plans for new item types new base item
2294s types in 1.0 or 1.1 so there's no no no
2298s hand crossbows coming sorry um I think
2301s hand crossbows are are I on on the list
2304s of um future future weapon types to
2309s expand into I think that the implication
2312s is that you don't because like it's a
2313s hand cross you can You' be the
2314s implication would be dual wieldable
2316s probably with a talent point or
2317s something um that you wouldn't need to
2321s have um you wouldn't need to have a
2323s specific thing in your offhand for it so
2325s there's no like uh bow quiver type
2328s allocation um maybe a crossbow would do
2331s that but I think hand crossbows are
2333s meant to be um self-contained in that
2336s one one unit so if we did if we did in
2338s the future add um something like that I
2341s think it would likely be uh kind of wide
2344s open for offhand options
2349s um
2357s yeah could just put Gathering storm in
2360s until we get to serpent strike we're
2362s going to do
2364s that
2366s sure uh let's just do attack speed for
2372s now those unlock at way way way longer
2376s range coming up oh my God I can't
2388s wait don't even know what it does but
2390s it's a ring with four AIX is on it
2398s all right any idea if more work is going
2401s into filters yes would like to see for
2404s example option for no sound prompts for
2406s exalted that don't make it up through
2407s filter or option to turn on exalted
2411s being shown on the mini map yeah we we
2412s don't have the I know neither of those
2413s things are coming but there is um uh
2417s loot filter changes
2423s coming
2425s amulet another ring
2428s take
2431s those watching I've been watching Zelda
2436s speedruns that's that's what that's
2437s going from it's
2444s funny comment if you know who it is I've
2447s been watching from that line we take
2454s those maybe other people say too
2464s uh for the Future Would you rather see
2467s new base classes and masteries added or
2469s would you prefer additional new skills
2472s added to the existing um from Dev and a
2475s player perspective assuming this is one
2477s of the other sit one or the other
2478s situation if it was a one or the other
2480s situation I would want to see new skills
2482s added to the existing classes um which I
2484s know might be a little uh
2486s counterintuitive but I think that there
2489s is
2491s um I think there's a lot of really
2493s interesting things that can go with the
2495s things that already
2496s exist
2498s um and if if if we like were never
2501s allowed to add a new Base Class
2505s um or never allowed to like if it was if
2508s it was you're never allowed to add a new
2509s base class or you're never allowed to
2510s add new skills to an existing class i'
2512s I'd rather never add a new base class
2514s because you can always kind of like make
2515s new archetypes in existing class classes
2518s but you can't update old archetypes if
2520s you can't change
2528s them but for the record we're doing both
2530s so
2532s hypothetical uh any plans on adding more
2534s Echo tile set map types oh yeah
2537s definitely yeah
2541s um like most updates for the last like
2545s year have come with with with new
2546s updates to those so yeah yeah um
2548s continuing to do so uh I I I say most of
2551s them I'm like oh well I don't think 1.1
2553s will have much um it might have a couple
2555s but I don't think there's many there
2556s we're spending most of the time 1.1 on
2559s uh the Pinnacle boss
2565s system two questions all right good
2568s thing everybody only gets two just I'm
2571s just kidding um any plans on refining
2576s Merchants Guild uh the search inquiries
2579s yes I hope they use the word right uh
2582s yeah uh for players getting more
2584s specific in what they want part two
2586s workflow in regards to next cycle going
2588s well yes it is that Pinnacle system
2590s sounds exciting not going to lie part
2592s three you lied I thought it was just a
2595s two it's okay the first two were close
2598s enough uh wait a part three ah yes
2600s you've acknowledged it favorite master
2602s class in why um my I I'm a sucker for a
2606s rogue I love it that's why you see me
2607s playing Rogue on stream so much um so so
2610s like new is always better the the thing
2612s I've been working on the most lately is
2614s is falconer so Falconer gets the nod
2616s from me right now
2619s um uh although the the the tester
2622s character that I've been running um for
2624s for the Pinnacle stuff is is a
2625s necromancer I'm having a ton of fun
2630s there I'm quite excited to play this uh
2632s this this Beast Master so
2637s okay we're we're picking up work
2643s right no
2647s question there seemed to be a
2650s discrepancy in number of skills per
2652s class in subass yes that is true uh can
2655s you confirm whether or not all classes
2657s and subclasses will each have the same
2659s number of skills I can uh I can they
2662s will not um we originally set out uh to
2667s have them all be the same and for 4
2670s years we were we were operating and
2672s designing new skills and and and
2674s planning out the the skills we were
2676s going to add with with a very strict
2679s intention to basically Shaman's missing
2681s one like this if if if Shaman had one
2684s more skill here um actually it' be right
2687s here the 35 level skill for Shaman if
2689s Shaman if Shaman had a 35 level skill
2691s Shaman would be the perfect
2692s representation of our plan our launch
2695s plans what they were four years ago for
2698s or actually we changed them proba but
2700s anyways um we wanted every class to have
2703s the same number of skills uh and this
2706s was the amount we were looking
2707s for we actually were going to have one
2709s more in these and we dropped these down
2712s to five from six and um added four more
2716s down here so it's actually one more
2717s skill overall per class but it was
2719s they're just distributed a little
2720s differently so that was the shift I was
2721s talking about but anyways um
2724s the yes we we had planned them all to be
2726s the exact same and we were kind of like
2728s looking at the logistics of everything
2729s and we're like if if we want them all to
2731s be the exact same we're going to have to
2732s like squish
2734s in um a couple skills like Rog rogue's
2737s got to have like four really low budget
2740s skills that are just going to bring down
2742s the quality and either be broken
2744s overpowered or never get used cuz they
2746s just didn't like come out right they
2747s won't look very good and so we're like
2748s that's that that's a terrible option and
2750s then we're like okay do we remove skills
2752s from other classes so they're the same
2753s that's a terrible option and then we're
2755s making Rune master and we're like
2758s we need another skill for run Master
2760s that's when frostclaw got created
2761s frostclaw was originally a uh an
2763s invocation a run Master invocation um
2766s and it got moved into its own skill
2768s because we needed that that spammable
2770s lowc cost Early Access um cold
2773s ability and um and we're like okay so
2778s then then then Mage got an extra skill
2780s on Base Class up here so Mage has this
2784s like extra skill just hanging out up
2785s here and there was no room Mage is a
2786s full sweep swe plus one so we like
2789s didn't like we can't take any of these
2791s skills out we didn't want to take any of
2793s these skills out um
2797s and and and and we don't like now we
2800s just added a whole other one to bring
2801s everyone else up and it was just a mess
2802s so we're like you know what one of the
2805s main design pillars that we have for
2808s last Epoch is uh class identity and um
2814s having every class have the same number
2816s of skills and the same distrib bution of
2818s skills um homogenizes them to some
2820s degree it's it's it's very minor it's
2823s very minor and it's really not that big
2825s of a deal but like if we're really going
2826s to be pushing this class identity as one
2829s of our design pillars like let's lean
2830s into it let's have one of the things
2832s that's unique about each class be the
2833s just the number of skills on um and so
2836s we kind of leaned into that a little bit
2837s embraced it a little bit um so Mage now
2840s does have the most skills and that is
2842s intentional and um we don't have any
2845s plans to specifically like uh change the
2848s number of skills that Mage has or or
2851s anyone else has just to try and make it
2855s even having said all of that um this the
2859s classes with less skills in general are
2862s generally the ones that are um earlier
2865s up
2866s for uh new new skills to be added mostly
2869s just because there's there's less
2872s options there's more gaps there's new
2873s things that we want to add in uh and
2875s they just they have less skills there so
2877s it is um you know it's easier to find
2880s those
2882s gaps what's going
2890s on never
2892s mind
2894s sorry been testing 1.1 and something
2896s that's coming 1.1 wasn't happening and
2898s I'm
2899s like thought that was here what is going
2901s on no it's not I'm just an idiot it's
2904s fine
2908s no everything's okay I thought it was
2910s going to be Falcon for a second I'm like
2912s Kestrel this used to be called the
2914s Falcon uh and when we added the falconer
2916s and the Falcon we had to rename this to
2919s a different
2921s bird pris WS
2930s So speaking
2932s of let's head back to I must at once
2937s all righty
2943s then come for the mechanic stay for the
2945s weird it should be a
2949s tagline talk Talking of which do you uh
2952s still have your train whistle
2957s around I
2961s do I love that thing it's so
2965s simple all right can't wait for next
2967s season me
2969s too's
2971s blessing prayers be with you I thank you
2974s good
2978s sir he's back he's been quiet you're
2984s back sorry if you on to the storyline
2995s properly all right for the ranking idea
2998s some Middle Ground could be introduced
3000s tiers for X days at certain ranks oh
3002s that's cool I like that idea yeah I I
3004s really like that idea
3007s actually I think that solves a lot of
3009s the problems with the uh original crap I
3012s was spouting
3027s and then like a bonus at the end so like
3028s if you finish on top you get like a big
3030s bonus but like if you spend a week at
3032s rank one you get a bunch of points or
3033s something I don't know like income from
3035s it that' be weird I think it' be fun
3038s though I think it be
3042s good what we
3044s got we're being we're being super just
3047s like all right just just pick a pick a
3050s item a green numers good right that's
3052s how we're doing this
3060s and we're we're not we're not reading
3061s quests we're not paying
3069s attention so
3080s good did I and are
3083s you cause a problem by leaving before it
3093s triggered isn't
3095s that did I Noe it's not that it's
3099s this uh
3103s shift cool that's how we fixed that
3112s bug I did this this this is this is like
3115s the prime example I am the most child
3117s for why you should actually
3119s read just
3124s anything uh is this place not
3128s embarrassing at
3129s all uh let's get next question do you
3131s plan on adding items that trigger its
3133s own skills when equipped that trigger
3136s its own skills when equipped you mean
3137s like items that like add a skill like
3141s that that give you another skill on your
3143s bar and you can specialize in it cuz we
3145s do have lots of skills that trigger lots
3147s of items that trigger their own
3149s abilities like for example there's
3152s um like Dragon song uh triggers a fire
3156s ability um you know there's there's
3159s there's lots of them alivian triggers a
3161s water ability I think um you know
3165s there's there's yeah lots of stuff that
3166s does
3173s that uh it it would be nice to set two
3176s aex ranges in the loot filter like show
3178s X items with tiers X or seven and Y AES
3182s and three oh yeah
3187s um it's a little it's a little on the
3189s granular side I
3192s think probably a little too
3201s granular considering we are encouraged
3204s to repeatedly fight the shade of orbus
3205s with all characters why are the main
3207s rewards the ring built for damage type
3210s it's barely used outside void Knight
3214s um I mean
3217s there's I don't think that the we expect
3223s like uh how say this the PE even void
3227s Knights aren't primarily getting their
3229s gear from that one encounter it just
3231s happens to have uh I think an overlap
3234s with that um so I don't think it's that
3236s that big of a deal really but it is you
3238s do bring an interesting point like that
3239s should bosses that are more frequently
3243s expected to be um fought should they
3246s have more generically useful
3249s equipment debatable I don't
3262s know all right this is more of a
3264s business question I'll do my best but uh
3268s um as a company isi seems committed to
3270s not have paidway mechanics yes uh like
3272s paying for stash pays and things like
3274s that it may be the it may be the least
3277s monetized arpg I've ever seen uh how
3279s have you made that work what uh where
3282s other companies haven't
3285s um
3287s uh I think we we we probably have so
3291s like if we're going to compare ourselves
3292s to the other RPGs that are like uh
3294s really active right now
3297s um and I think that a lot of them
3300s are
3302s um are built so like let's look at
3306s Diablo 4 for a second compared to us um
3308s as like company structures there's so
3311s much more overhead that goes into um to
3315s to Blizzard making Dia 4 than there is
3317s for HG making Lok because like they have
3321s this this gigantic office space and you
3323s know all this overhead of stuff there
3325s like we we everyone works from home uh
3327s with lasto so like there's um there's a
3330s lot less I guess like corporate overhead
3334s that's uh for like payments and stuff
3336s like that um and like there's
3339s there's it's it's you end up with
3341s different products you end up with
3342s different games which is good and pretty
3345s obvious thing to say I don't know why I
3346s said it but um like yeah like we we I
3349s think we just have less expenses really
3351s um to pay
3353s for uh on on that front and then like
3356s you look at like us compared to Poe and
3358s there's really not a lot of differences
3360s there um the big difference being stash
3362s tabs and stuff like that um and I think
3365s the bulk of players who are playing Poe
3368s end up spending probably a pretty
3369s similar amount on stash tabs as um just
3372s our base game price like that's probably
3374s I I bet that's probably a pretty similar
3376s number
3377s um and so it's kind of like
3381s the like this the the base Dash tab
3384s bundle is sort of just like the sticker
3385s price of the game I like some sometimes
3388s that gets said I I don't know I don't
3390s know if I think that's directly
3391s equatable um but because like they are
3394s free to play um there's there's a little
3396s bit different monetization that happens
3398s there but I don't think it's over the
3399s top at all either um and then once again
3402s they do have a lot more overhead than we
3403s do as well because it's it is a
3407s um like they have a proper studio and
3409s everything we're just you know hang
3411s everyone's hanging out at home still um
3414s so know yeah I think it comes down to
3416s like overhead a lot of the
3423s timewell that box had a coming
3432s not but you know like we and we do we do
3435s try to make as good a product as we can
3437s so people do want to buy it do want to
3438s spend money on it because you know it is
3439s a business and we do try and uh like
3442s incentivize people to spend money
3443s because by making a really good product
3445s you know like that's
3447s how every business works I guess I don't
3450s know you make something people want to
3451s buy and then you offer to sell it to
3453s them that's that's how business works
3460s right I
3462s think shows how much I know about it's
3463s good thing I'm just the
3467s coder but yes we are very committed to
3470s not having P win stuff and and I think a
3471s lot of that just comes from
3474s um you know a lot of us started out
3478s as even like 10 years ago a lot of us
3481s were like strict strictly Gamers and
3484s didn't didn't have Dev experience really
3487s even it's just 10 years
3489s ago and and you know a lot of us did as
3492s well so a lot of them
3502s did but yeah coming from just like
3506s from just playing games for the most
3509s part you you kind of I guess get in the
3510s mentality of like making a game of what
3513s you want
3515s yourself
3526s first and I'm sure like there was a way
3530s to have a successful business
3532s for plan without charging any money
3535s which is insane
3537s um that would be cool
3539s too I wouldn't hate
3550s that yes that's me fumbling my way
3552s through a business related question CU I
3554s have no idea what I'm talking about uh
3555s so let's move on to stuff I do know what
3557s I'm talking about any chance to ease or
3559s relax ban and suspensions I have some
3562s friends that were banned permanently for
3563s what they assume was rmt I think
3565s permanent suspensions on uh a one-time
3567s thing is kind of harsh SL excessive no
3572s um the I I I don't know every situation
3576s so I could be very wrong on this
3578s situation um that that your specific
3581s friends are experiencing and there there
3583s could be some outlier cases all of the
3584s bands that I've seen happen um what
3588s brings you here that that that I've been
3590s a part of identifying and uh and such
3594s have um been been very
3599s excessive
3601s like very excessive the ones I've
3605s seen I
3608s uh um all yeah all all the ones I've
3611s seen I have very little sympathy for to
3617s the to the to the levels that it was
3619s taken uh for for the bands that were
3621s told out there was there there was we
3623s have identified one this came up on
3626s Reddit like uh a little while ago we we
3629s did identify one false positive that
3631s happened and the band did get reversed
3632s so it is it is not impossible if if a
3635s false positive does
3640s happen so far I only know of one of
3642s those this happened
3660s I didn't expect it to either I was I was
3663s I was pretty like going into that I'm
3664s like there's no way this is real there's
3666s no way it was actually a false
3667s positive and and uh yeah it
3680s was uh what other endgame ideas can you
3683s possibly elaborate on other on than
3685s Pinnacle bosses
3687s um I mean we there's not really much
3688s that's available that I can talk about
3691s the a lot of the endgame development
3693s that's coming is stuff that we're like
3695s still it's a little bit of experimental
3697s stuff that we're like we've got to
3699s implement it we've got to test it to see
3700s if it's fun and then we've got then we
3701s got more work to do want it to like
3702s flesh it out
3704s and
3706s um one mistake we've made in the past is
3709s talking about potential upcoming endgame
3711s systems uh and you know if if you go
3715s back look at the kickstarter there's
3716s like there's three endgame systems that
3717s have names on that Kickstarter that
3719s we've never
3720s implemented
3724s um only a little longer I I here here's
3727s something I guess here here's one for
3729s you one of those names we decided to
3733s repurpose which tells you literally
3735s nothing but we're using one of those
3736s names
3737s again as a different
3741s thing for like this is quite a way out
3744s next year
3753s only a little
3757s longer all right p boss is going to be
3760s sweet
3762s though I'm s for de but I get a real
3765s kick out of looking back at some system
3767s design/ implementations I've done uh
3770s think that I I that done that I think
3773s are particularly sweet is there anything
3775s you're particular that you look back at
3777s and think if yeah that was awesome I
3779s mean it's it's all buried in the skill
3781s systems for me personally um but yeah
3784s there's there's lots of different um
3788s skill interactions I think the uh the
3791s Rune master has a lot of that in there
3792s for me and and and all the new skills
3796s stuff uh I I I look I look at fondly
3799s with how it
3800s works what go on then
3810s you we thought the gods have long left
3815s this world give me some Idols please
3817s memory will give you comfort oh yeah
3820s what
3822s traveler that pretty good too actually
3826s voice all right all right
3842s throw it on the so I threw it on the
3846s ground cuz I'm an
3857s adult more
3861s points yeah we'll go all the way to
3864s serpent strike
3878s talking about money more npx when my
3880s credit card has big
3881s itch um yeah we're uh I'm I'm sure
3884s there'll be new some new um MPX stuff
3887s with 1.1 um some new
3892s Cosmetics yeah no nothing like I I don't
3896s think there's any new bundle packs
3899s coming I'm not sure on that one um but
3901s I'm sure there'll be some individual MTX
3902s stuff that'll
3903s shop all right cycle seasonal player
3906s activity drop off has been a Hot Topic
3909s yeah uh recently have you guys perhaps
3912s considered releasing cycle content in
3914s phases perhaps dynamically for example
3916s phase one may affect the content release
3918s in phase two for ETC almost like a
3920s choice driven titles if that makes any
3923s sense like um
3926s no I don't think we have the a big part
3929s of it
3931s is um leading up to and releasing a
3934s large content
3936s patch takes a lot of Dev time there's
3939s there's a lot of things that um that
3942s happen in the in the leadup to that and
3944s in the aftermath of that which
3950s um takes a lot of Dev time and the if we
3953s add in as we add in more
3956s um major releases we reduce the amount
3960s of total stuff that can get
3963s done um so if we if we went from say say
3966s we were doing
3969s um like uh let's let's say let's say
3973s we're doing let's say we're doing three
3975s release three major patches a year let's
3977s let's just hypothetically say that
3978s that's the number and then we um we
3982s changed that and we're like okay instead
3983s we're going to do uh we're do two stage
3985s cycle every time and and release them
3987s kind of like in a like a grouping
3989s together as like a pair and we end up
3992s with um six Cycles six cycles
3997s per
4001s um uh six cycles per thanks carve we end
4006s up with six cycles per uh per year and
4011s we've we've just doubled the amount of
4013s like release Focus time that we have to
4016s spend on on the game as a whole and so
4019s those six Cycles a year are going to get
4021s less content uh in total than the three
4025s Cycles a year
4027s would um and you're also going to see I
4029s think um more complete systems that have
4034s you know more uh more depth and and
4037s better better integration with other
4039s systems and more interesting
4041s interactions and they just come out with
4043s more polish as well and I I so I I think
4046s that there's this Balancing Act between
4047s how um frequently we release content uh
4051s and how much content we can release
4052s total that
4058s um overall for the health of the game
4061s long term is
4064s um more what we're focused on than just
4067s getting more people to play longer in
4070s the short
4072s term um cuz there also are there are a
4075s lot of other uh there just a lot of
4077s other games as well that people play on
4080s on a cycle like the flip-flop back and
4081s forth between and we sort of expected
4083s that to happen and
4088s um yeah it's the the the player counts
4092s we're seeing right now are not
4093s concerning to us at all if if that makes
4095s you feel any better I think you'll see
4097s probably a little bit um you know as as
4100s we release more content and like so a
4102s new cycle start so we've got like the
4103s 1.0 content and then 1. One content then
4106s 1.2 content 1.3 content and there's just
4108s like there's like a little bit more
4109s stuff a little bit more um fun things to
4112s do in the game and they're probably
4114s isn't 3 to four months worth of fun
4116s stuff to do in the game for most most
4117s people right now um but come but we
4121s still need 3 to four months to release a
4123s like a really
4125s solid next cycle and uh in a little bit
4130s more time more people will find more
4132s content uh to it's actually fun and
4135s engaging so we don't we don't want to we
4137s don't want to stretch that play time
4138s artificially we want people to um finish
4142s playing last Epoch for like we want
4145s people to like play last Epoch and set
4147s it down for a few months and come back
4149s later excited to play again because they
4152s really had a lot of fun with what they
4153s were doing um and we one one thing that
4157s artificially inflating the time people
4158s are playing could do is um maybe they
4162s they like they stick around for a little
4164s bit longer the play numbers look a
4165s little bit better um but they don't
4168s actually have as much fun while playing
4169s the game and so when they do come back
4171s or when they when they remember it um
4173s they think back and like oh should I
4174s play next cycle that sort of thing it's
4176s it's less of a good memory and they're
4178s they're less interested in coming back
4180s so we' prefer people to um at least on
4182s the short term anyways probably play a
4185s like if we're if we had to pick between
4187s we probably would pref prefer people to
4188s play a little bit less now and be
4191s excited to come back for the next cycle
4193s then play a little bit more now and be
4194s less interested in coming back for the
4195s next cycle
4199s um I mean perfect world people just have
4202s a ton of fun and be then play a long
4204s time and be super interested in coming
4205s back no matter what but like if we had
4207s to pick and and and every player's
4209s different so like we're not just making
4210s the game for one type of
4213s player and so there's there's a big
4216s balancing act that happens there
4243s more questions Mike don't forget to
4245s answer questions while you're playing
4247s right thanks
4249s Mike uh any chance oh gosh don't die
4254s first first first goal
4263s that be good uh any chance the dancing
4266s strikes tree node Rhythm uh will be
4270s looked into at some point there's issues
4272s where sometimes it doesn't proc the
4274s stack going up despite clearly hitting
4277s uh this combined with it having such a
4278s short duration makes it very unreliable
4281s to keep it up um it's very possible that
4284s someone could be looking at that that's
4285s very possible could have already looked
4287s at that at that um I don't know I don't
4290s have any information on the status of
4293s bugs currently um if you have not
4296s reported that please go report it
4301s um get to the list stop
4307s him what go on
4311s then goodby you get a
4314s reward oh we taking off our bee
4320s gloves do
4323s poison we don't want any of
4343s that stick here
4350s impossible Gods be with
4356s you I don't think we can get through
4358s down there yet can we
4369s stay I should click on it it would be
4372s cool on the monom map screen if the
4374s corruption tentacles slow covered the
4376s screen the more you get eventually
4377s almost covered except for the SS they do
4380s they expand
4383s outward can't go to it right now cuz I'm
4384s not in there but yes the uh the the the
4387s the design that's there it does it
4388s starts small and then it reaches out
4390s based on how much corruption you have
4393s um it it Peaks I think at 300 maybe even
4397s 200
4411s uh overhead is definitely part of the
4414s equation but also there are no
4416s shareholders right
4419s now that's not true um as the is is not
4422s a publicly traded company it's not
4424s publicly traded but there are
4425s shareholders you don't have to be
4426s publicly traded to have
4428s shareholders
4429s um so you don't have to worry about
4432s dividend and you don't and and just
4434s having shares does doesn't necessarily
4436s mean there's dividends
4438s either
4444s sorry yeah you you can have you can have
4446s shareholders without being publicly
4447s traded and you can have shareholders
4449s without dividends
4454s too all right has anyone uh found the
4457s secret B level yet no one has found it
4459s yet
4460s no uh Hey last stream I watch I can't do
4463s this there's no secret V level and I
4466s know me wording it like that makes it
4467s even
4474s worse the the gem the uh the the the
4477s chat gem in Diablo I uh when you're when
4481s you're outside of a game where you're
4482s like in the lobby and there's like the
4483s chat gem right in the middle that you
4484s can click and it like says in chat like
4485s the gem has been activated
4489s um I I love that I love that so much and
4493s how many rumors came from that and how
4495s many like like superstitions came from
4497s that like you always activate chat
4498s before going in for this type of run you
4499s you never turn activate the chat gym for
4501s going in this type of run and and
4504s like it's it's
4507s so silly uh the stuff that we come up
4510s with for things like that that mean
4512s literally nothing it just it's pretty
4518s cool we we do if anyone doesn't know uh
4521s I won't spoil it in case someone doesn't
4523s want to know the truth but the the truth
4524s is out there
4526s uh for what that is that has been
4527s spoiled officially by the person who did
4530s it she she shared exactly when she did
4539s it actually think her husband told us
4542s when she did it but
4545s yes tons of information on who it was
4548s right
4551s there uh all right
4555s next
4558s question hey last stream I watched there
4560s was a hint at a secret no one found can
4562s you elaborate law yes um that it was it
4565s was found it was found really quickly
4567s actually per per the pig uh made a video
4569s of it
4572s um it
4574s was I I I he had previously done an
4577s Easter egg video that like went into uh
4581s like what what Easter eggs are in the
4582s game that sort of stuff uh and um had
4586s been researching that a ton and found
4588s the voice lines in the files for the
4591s Easter egg so he already knew kind of
4593s what he was looking for which I think
4595s made finding it a lot
4597s easier
4599s um and I think there was there was a
4602s couple I think the H we gave kind of
4604s push it over the edge to to help uh you
4607s know push in the right direction sort of
4608s thing and
4611s um so what what it is is I because there
4614s per Pi has a full video on this you can
4616s see it in action um and I can explain it
4618s all right now in full detail because it
4620s has been spoiled so if you don't want to
4622s know what this is and you want to try
4623s and find it yourself um turn the stream
4625s off now uh spoiler alert over um okay so
4630s if at the uh lightless Arbor
4635s dungeon just before the last Rim there
4638s is a
4640s spron who uh who you would have met
4642s throughout that dungeon um and and they
4646s are they'll they'll say something like
4648s um like oh it sucks that I'm GNA die uh
4652s or like maybe you can plant me somewhere
4654s else type thing and gives you like a
4655s little piece of themselves to plant like
4658s Al Groot style
4661s and um if you then after after you've
4664s had that conversation if you then go to
4666s the end of time uh just above the Respec
4670s person the the the the big brain dude at
4673s the bottom there's a little uh grassy
4675s area at the base of some roots and you
4677s can you just just just click in there
4680s you can you don't have to click you can
4681s just hold your mouse cursor down and
4682s just like walk around in there a little
4683s message will pop up and it's like you
4685s planted the stick there
4688s um and then if you can manage
4692s to uh you can come
4694s back
4696s um this this is the hard part so it's
4698s one of the clues I said was that the
4699s second half is really really hard to do
4702s online but super easy to do offline
4705s here's why um the the second half
4709s requires a fresh version of end of time
4711s to load so in a fresh version of End
4713s Time loads if the person loading it has
4715s had the first part of this chain
4717s completed a um the the sprig will have
4720s grown and and NPC will be standing there
4723s so in online if you want the if you want
4725s that to actually spawn you have to um
4728s the person who
4730s creates uh who who like opens a new
4733s communal End of Time hub has to have had
4736s that um that that first part of that
4739s Quest done so if you go to end of time
4741s and there's someone already there or
4742s it's or it's a version of End of Time
4744s that already was was created by someone
4745s else it won't spawn but if you can
4747s somehow be the person to spawn a new end
4750s of time basically just by warping in and
4751s out of end of time over and over again
4754s um eventually you will spawn the the the
4758s spron standing there and you can talk to
4760s it uh it's got a couple little little um
4762s voice lines and dialogue stuff um now if
4765s if you do in online if you do manage to
4767s spawn that version um the spr is
4769s actually there for everyone in the zone
4771s so even people who haven't done the
4772s quest get to see it um in offline
4774s because you always make a new Zone every
4776s time you enter it just works every time
4778s so in offline you just got to leave and
4779s come back in and it's
4792s there also I I don't know I I kind of
4794s scrubbed to the video parid and there
4796s was some stuff about like getting like a
4797s water Shrine and watering it um as far
4800s as I know that's not part of it so sorry
4802s if you need extra steps there
4808s bud uh all right do you have any new
4813s info about Forge guide and or boss for
4816s it I do not have any new info about
4818s Forge guide and to sorry
4829s all right yeah I agree with the bands
4830s for sure I just feel like permanent
4832s bands the first Defenders offense are
4834s kind of harsh never be able to play with
4836s those friends again essentially seeing
4839s as how evading bands I making another
4841s account are also good cosos uh they
4843s played for around a month and then got
4845s permanently banned it def kind of feels
4847s bad I I can understand that
4850s um I I I don't really want to uh say
4854s anything that might give give any hope
4855s cuz I have no power in the in the in the
4858s uh on the topic
4861s um so I like my personal opinions on it
4865s don't really matter when it comes to uh
4868s what potentially could happen
4873s there and and and like I I totally feel
4876s where they're coming from it
4878s is it it's a very difficult question to
4881s answer about how harsh a punishment
4882s should be for whatever action it is is
4890s um and I and I don't have all the
4892s details on what the actions were and all
4894s that sort of stuff so it's it's really
4895s hard to have
4898s a conversation on on the
4902s topic and and you know like I I think
4905s there's a world where there are certain
4906s levels of of and and not all bands um
4910s are permanent as far as I know
4916s I think the rmt stuff is pretty
4919s permanent though I think that's the I
4920s think that's one of the categories
4921s that's kind of
4923s like
4934s no all right current position check in
4937s 1403 oh we're not that far
4940s behind
4943s 1419 appreciate you k
4961s ding all right you mentioned before that
4963s beating corruption 300 is when you guys
4965s considered a successful Bill given the
4967s players learn mechanics does that mean a
4969s build can beat 300 corruption can beat a
4971s pinnacle boss I um I I def am not going
4975s to tie uh the Pinnacle boss difficulty
4978s to corruption right now at all I'm sorry
4981s that is that is super not happening for
4982s me uh right now um I I hope we will be
4987s able to have some rough idea of that the
4991s there there is a very large um at least
4995s in the current version of it um there is
4997s a very significant skill component to
5000s the Pinnacle
5001s boss
5003s um even in a even in an incredibly
5006s powerful build it is still
5019s difficult like do we do we try and go
5021s like I I could respect this a bit and go
5022s like full minion damage to try and use
5024s that but I kind of want to do half and
5026s half with serpent
5028s strike and it does count for strength so
5030s we're going to do
5033s there does the minion that spawns scale
5036s off strength at
5043s all I don't remember I thought it was
5045s Dex thought it was like the one weird
5048s like I'm a DEX Build
5065s there it
5070s is no it's too low it cuts off why is it
5072s doing
5074s that oh that is frustrating The Anchor
5077s Point set
5078s wrong
5081s oh that is frustrating I know exactly
5084s how to fix that okay uh but it does
5086s scale strength so that's good which is
5087s all we really care about
5093s knowing it is as I
5100s suspected I just want to make
5103s sure I get mixed up sometimes on these
5109s things the hardest part for me with
5111s these is is keeping track in my head of
5114s like how the game is now and how the
5116s game is on the development side of
5118s things there's so many times when I'm
5119s playing on stream especially and like
5122s I'll I'll go to like like okay I've got
5125s this node in my head that I'm I'm going
5126s to use that node and like I'll I'll be
5128s building the tree out and I'll get there
5130s and I'm like oh wait that interaction
5132s doesn't exist yet what am I doing the
5135s tree just looks so
5145s janky and then I'm usually like don't
5146s say anything they'll know it's coming
5154s sometimes if you see me make horrible
5156s mistakes in skill trees
5159s spoilers or I just suck one of the
5161s two all right when For the Love of All
5165s that is good will I be able to reset all
5167s my pants and points at
5169s once I don't know I hope real
5175s soon it is quite frustrating I
5181s agree uh what do you it's not set up yet
5185s play that
5186s much um what do you think about forg
5188s guard's skill that lets the player
5191s combine the Manifest armor and Forge
5193s weapon all Iron Man I mean yeah there's
5195s there's some cool stuff there we kind of
5196s already do like some touches on that
5200s with the the weapon node that's in
5203s manifest armor
5206s um I think what what could be like what
5209s like could be a really cool thing to do
5211s and and this is not something that we're
5212s doing um but I personally I would would
5214s love to see more skill to- skill
5217s interactions like um how cool would it
5220s be I'm phrasing this way how cool would
5222s it be if like manifest armor could like
5225s cuz the the the Manifest weapons do have
5227s a pretty limited duration the Manifest
5228s armor sticks around so like if a
5230s manifest armor could like go run up to
5233s like pick up a manifest weapon and it
5235s like doubl its duration and like uses it
5237s as a weapon and then like it like
5238s crumbles out of it hand and has to go
5240s pick up another one I think that would
5241s be really cool I think' be a lot of fun
5242s I it's not something we're doing you
5244s know like this the skill interactions we
5246s have are pretty limited still um we we
5248s do not have the tech for that but I
5249s would love to have something like that
5250s that sounds so cool to
5258s me ter Grace be with you take care of
5262s yourself wait what is this Forge action
5266s let's explore it
5279s yes the deeps are
5285s mine uh you can just use tagging me
5288s rather than use a message emphasis by
5290s the way
5291s yes oh sorry I missed that cuz it was
5293s highlighted I ignored the highlighted
5295s ones apparently I probably shouldn't do
5296s that uh
5299s sorry
5301s um and I just uh already answered it so
5305s great never
5309s mind uh when is the next cycle I missed
5311s the answer sorry if you answer this
5313s before the next cycle will start roughly
5315s 3 to four months after February
5318s 21st
5320s um that's that's our Our rough General
5323s cycle duration is 3 to 4 months we don't
5326s have any more specifics on that yet um
5329s we do have an internal Target for it and
5332s once we are confident in
5335s uh that that release date and it's
5336s getting a little closer we'll start um
5338s you know having some more teasers and
5340s having some more stuff that that
5342s sprinkles in and more info and maybe get
5344s a date in there eventually but yeah
5345s right right now
5347s um we are I think we're we're somewhere
5351s in
5352s the 1 to two month
5355s range about about halfway through a
5357s little more than halfway through I
5360s think roughly is
5365s uh one thing that bugged me was that
5368s somewhere during the campaign certain
5370s quests conversations stopped having
5371s voiceovers any he plans to finish all of
5373s them potentially use a gen AI going
5376s forward to generate in all the
5378s localizations since it's better since
5380s it's getting better and better
5382s um I don't think we have any plans to
5383s use AI for something like that at the
5385s moment
5386s uh it's an interesting
5389s proposition i' I'd be really concerned
5392s we we've already had issues with
5393s localization quality and I'd be really
5396s concerned with using an automated system
5398s like that to generate um content for
5401s localization uh given that we've already
5403s had quality issues with non
5405s autogenerated stuff
5409s um which which we are working to to to
5412s remedy and improve on for sure as well
5421s um but yeah I'm I'm hesitant but not
5425s completely against I think would be my
5427s my stance on
5433s that U but yes we we are working we like
5436s voice acting is is one of the main tasks
5438s we have that we
5439s keep adding to so yes we are doing more
5442s voice acting work on the game still in
5452s general guys what are you made of armor
5455s or
5456s something of the
5461s ox yes it is possible to have
5463s shareholders without being publicly
5465s traded without a dividend but a publicly
5467s traded company there is a financial
5468s responsibility to the shareholders uh so
5471s you still need a higher net earnings uh
5473s so you can meet the shareholder demand
5475s Microsoft did not pay a dividend until
5477s 2000s but up until their initial rate of
5480s return was 30% so their responsibility
5482s was met yes and you do even if you you
5484s don't uh
5487s um
5489s have uh dividend payouts you do still
5494s have a fiduciary responsibility to the
5497s shareholders um so if
5502s um if if like management decided to go
5505s buy a fleet of
5507s horses uh to to race each
5510s other on um it it would be
5515s uh it it'd have to answer to the
5516s shareholders so there is still
5518s some uh like basically as long as you're
5520s not doing anything ridiculous and
5522s completely out of the realm of of
5524s realistic okay um you're you're
5528s generally okay but there is still a
5530s limit to that so you're not completely
5532s cart blanched without um without those
5534s shareholders and and and payouts and
5536s dividends and all sort of
5539s stuff
5542s Godot watch over you
5544s I guess all all I'm trying to say is
5546s that like we do have a responsibility to
5548s still make good business decisions right
5550s now even without the like that that
5554s pressure but I agree that there is more
5557s pressure when it is publicly traded and
5559s you have dividends so yeah like like
5560s it's it's it's definitely a spectrum for
5562s sure and we we're we're we're low on
5564s that right now
5569s um but we're not just straight
5572s like whatever we want
5580s and and and to to like the same extent I
5583s think we have a responsibility to to all
5586s of you who want like who who want to
5589s play this game in 10 years you know like
5591s in order for you to be able to play this
5593s game in 10 years we have to make good
5595s business decisions still
5607s H went in too early I was trying to jump
5609s in
5618s there one thing that I think it's missed
5620s a lot is so you fight um the the the
5623s three panion students and they each have
5627s similar like Elemental abilities that um
5631s that Pion has so he's got this ability
5633s that that creates like a lightning
5634s bubble that one of the students has and
5637s there's like the um the the cone of cold
5640s type thing um that one of one of them
5643s has and
5644s like and then he puts uh like a void
5647s Twist on a lot of them because he's been
5648s fully corrupted by the void
5659s himself what is rmt rmt is a real money
5662s transaction
5664s um it's basically paying money for
5668s in-game things pay to win it's uh
5671s usually done usually referred to rmt as
5675s um third party rmt is sort of the
5678s implied uh other half of rmt stuff
5682s where people are like paying a a website
5686s for gold
5690s that's you fought well oh my goodness
5692s there's only 30 minutes left in the
5693s Stream how did that happen I brought
5696s things and stuff okay let me show you
5699s the stuff and the things that I brought
5700s at least one of them sorry guys whoa oh
5704s I've ruined
5710s it I accidentally hit stretch to screen
5713s instead of Center on
5715s screen uh and it became CH
5720s normous still pretty big uh here's a
5723s thing about
5725s not to be confused with a who's it a
5726s what's
5732s it oh serp strike we got serpent strike
5736s that's right serp strike yeah Ser strike
5741s our our experience timing is so perfect
5744s here this is this is like the poster I
5746s know you can't see me sorry I do know
5747s it's still up there um this is like the
5750s poster child for
5753s um End of Time experience
5756s scaling and
5762s level put it down there for a second so
5764s I I I just got my 20th passive point
5768s which is the minimum amount of points
5769s you need to put points here see requires
5771s 20 points in Primal space which is
5773s something that like I don't know how we
5775s can make that more clear but it's it's
5776s there there anyways
5779s um it was the exact number of passives I
5782s need to start spending points in a
5784s Mastery tree right as I unlock my
5786s Mastery you've woke I I then close your
5792s eyes and focus on going that you are
5797s still you that strength will be
5800s necessary if our world our reality is to
5804s have any
5809s hope let's
5811s go got to get that spear equipped again
5823s doesn't not be that spear necessarily
5824s but we're doing it we're doing serpent
5825s strike uh we're doing Raptor we are
5829s respecing
5831s everything going right back to square
5833s one full full full sale
5838s flip Raptor serpent strike does this
5842s have poison I'm pretty sure it doesn't
5843s have any poison in it
5845s um we should do scorpion not Raptor for
5847s doing poison it's okay we'll switch from
5849s raptor to Scorpion or maybe we'll do
5850s both um once we get there but for now
5854s choose two
5858s dots Rampage is just itself
5867s right get that base damage
5869s up uh we want we want to go up
5872s here yeah there we go all
5878s right why I thank
5881s you we only play Bad builds
5887s here
5890s gretings I feel like there's like te
5893s smile upon oh crap this is how little I
5896s know there's uh there's like some sort
5898s of like uh like Taylor Swift parody
5900s about bad builds in there I can hear it
5903s some someone someone who's better at
5904s music do
5908s that all right moving on I feel like I'm
5912s a little behind so I'm going to try and
5912s crank up some questions
5914s here uh Community seems to suggest that
5917s sorcerer is kind of underpowered
5918s compared to the other two subclasses do
5919s you agree is there any changes to 1.1 to
5922s handle the issue um I
5929s I it
5931s is um
5936s I think that
5939s there's the other two are probably
5941s better right now I I don't want to like
5943s get into a balance discussion there I
5945s don't know if it's the end of the world
5946s if one of them's uh like a little bit
5949s worse than the others I don't
5952s know I don't I don't know how much worse
5955s or better it is and oh my God our damage
5957s is like terrible all of a sudden uh W
5960s even that spec into it okay
5965s we we've got to do something to fix we
5966s got to get a better weapon on here we've
5968s got to get uh better aices because this
5971s is just brutal right
5976s now also got a wolf out with outo wolf
5982s on our bar
6005s uhoh I know I say I don't take stuff
6007s from stream but I uh check that
6010s out I think I don't know I don't know if
6013s there's any major changes to sorcerer
6015s coming 1.1 um I think run Master is
6017s naturally going to be more
6021s um intriguing because of the complexity
6023s level that's there for a lot of players
6035s um yeah there there's ah it's it's hard
6038s to talk about K you know some stuff
6039s that's happening it's not it's not
6042s nothing
6045s sorry uh same Anchor Point issue with
6047s the items in stash please check those as
6049s well they're the same
6051s items uh do you know why my cat will
6054s exclusively curl up in my lap while I'm
6056s playing your game she leaves me alone
6058s for the rest of the time um you get so
6060s absorbed in the game cuz you're having
6062s so much fun that you're you're more calm
6065s and still than normal so the cat can uh
6069s it just feels more relaxed and able
6073s to it probably thinks that you're
6075s focusing on it instead of whatever
6078s you're normally or
6081s yeah I don't know I don't know about
6084s animals I'm
6110s sorry okay more questions
6114s uh any other platforms planned for Le
6116s and also where's the possible transmog
6118s system is there a possible transmog
6120s system coming in the future um more
6122s platforms are um something we are
6127s vaguely working towards um we don't have
6130s any specific timelines on that at the
6132s moment
6137s um
6139s I you know it's yeah it's it's something
6141s we're working on I don't have any
6143s details on what they could
6148s be blind
6163s G A little
6168s better any plans on boosting HP since we
6171s have a ward rework
6174s since we are having a ward rework I
6176s don't know where you got that
6176s information from I don't think we've
6177s ever said Ward rework um just to be
6180s clear IMO HP needs some rework too very
6182s hard to build HP versus resistance
6184s resist and endurance to fight hard
6187s harder corruption well um I mean so so
6190s HP and is like you you
6193s need uh you need HP to go with resist
6196s and endurance cuz like endurance
6198s directly scales off
6199s HP um
6218s yeah um I don't have any details on I
6221s should give these things I don't have
6222s any details on potential outcoming
6223s balance changes I'm
6225s sorry and that attack speed boost oh my
6229s goodness it tripled our damage
6243s nuts love it all right uh leaks leaks
6246s leaks yeah yeah you want more don't you
6252s okay uh my point is that my point is
6255s that financially the responsibility of
6257s ESG is less than that of a tri play
6258s Studio based upon size and market share
6261s you have less overhead less payoff uh
6263s pay due to less employees and maybe even
6265s lower salaries less shareholder
6266s responsibility as you are not paying
6268s dividends Etc yes that is all
6274s true uh looks like an only chat
6277s Jam uh did you try the new Fallout 4
6280s nextg update that was released yesterday
6282s what's your stance on patches that break
6284s mod
6285s support I I I I don't know I feel like
6287s this is a bit of a bait of a question um
6289s I have not played it I read one article
6291s on it um it's actually really funny I
6293s was I I I I read about it that it was
6296s coming a while ago um completely forgot
6300s about it uh I actually just got like a
6302s new controller um to play games on our
6305s TV in the living room and I was like my
6307s wife's never played Fallout 4 so I like
6308s just loaded Fallout 4 up um I'm like
6311s going through like finding all I'm like
6313s oh used to have this mod I youed have
6314s this mod and I'm just like I'm so I'm
6315s like going through setting up all the
6316s mods everything like that um and I like
6319s just got it working two days ago like
6322s just got it working then saw the news
6324s article about the the new nextg support
6327s coming out I'm like oh that worked for
6329s nothing it's going to break all the mods
6330s isn't it and then I saw yes it's
6332s breaking all the mods um I mean so like
6334s I guess I'm expecting it to break all
6336s the mods um thank you very much air Weir
6338s for the three gifted Subs to the channel
6340s congrats every got one of those
6343s um yes uh I me I mean anytime like you
6348s do something that breaks it it's it's
6349s bad right like that I I don't think
6351s that's a controver I don't think they
6352s were trying to break any mods
6354s um but I think it's it's kind of to be
6355s expected because it's it's so it's I
6357s don't think you can really expect
6359s Bethesda to um like take a take like a a
6364s lot of care to to to intentionally like
6367s do things to like fix or to like make it
6369s mod compatible that sort of stuff um I
6373s don't think you can reasonably do it
6374s like maybe for some like the really big
6375s mods cuz there a few that were like
6377s really big ones I think maybe the the
6379s script extender um would have been a
6381s good one if if they were going to pick
6383s like any of the mods to like make sure
6385s it was compatible like the script
6387s extender would probably the one
6390s um but I I don't think it's I
6394s don't I think on PC like I still I'm
6397s still I've still got my old Fallout for
6400s like the pre before the before the patch
6403s working it still looks great um I'm not
6406s going to bother with the patch you know
6407s it's I so I it doesn't really affect me
6410s that much I think it was more of a
6411s console patch than a PC patch is kind of
6412s the vibe I got from it
6417s um
6419s yeah I I do I do think un like if we're
6422s going to like let's let's take a
6423s positive spin on this here a little bit
6425s um I do think that it's really cool that
6428s they were doing this at all that they
6430s were taking the time to go back to a
6432s super old game like this cuz it's what
6434s like 9 years old or something I I don't
6436s actually know correct me please if I'm
6438s wrong on that one um it's just where it
6440s feels like and
6445s um I just saw the Billy iish comment in
6447s there that's so much better than what I
6448s was thinking I love it
6453s uh
6455s yeah OB obviously uh intentionally
6458s breaking stuff is bad I don't think it
6459s was intentional
6461s yeah uh just go bleed poison combo I
6464s might do
6465s that that does sound like a lot of
6468s fun there's there's I feel like there's
6471s a Raptor
6474s uh is it like more damage to bleeding or
6477s like poon there's like something like
6478s you can like infect bleeding it's like
6480s poison damage poison chance to bleeding
6482s enemies or something like
6488s that oh poison Stacks right there I'm an
6494s idiot slow chance per bleed that's not
6496s the same
6499s thing this is where I'm like I cuz I I I
6503s did most of the implementation for
6504s Raptor and I'm like I remember some node
6506s that did something like this didn't
6517s it y soone oh that Fury
6526s leap will we be able to pet companions
6531s in the future like giving them carrots
6532s oh a bat bat on the head oh my God I
6535s would love to um we we were we we talked
6539s a little bit about doing some like um
6542s combined Idol animations with the Falcon
6544s and the Falcon and things like that
6546s uh when we have a little less pressure
6549s on us for animation stuff for from other
6552s things uh more superflous things that
6556s are they're just there for fun I think
6558s could could leak leak in and it's
6560s definitely stuff that we talk about and
6561s stuff that we're like if we've got extra
6562s time let's s this in we're like we don't
6564s have any extra time are you kidding
6578s me our damage went from a straight
6580s dumpster fire to actually not
6589s terrible yes
6594s that is such a
6595s like Obviously good node to
6599s take uh funny someone asked about Sor I
6602s was going to ask about volcanic orb
6603s skill tree weor been asking literally
6605s years I mean volcanic orb is has a has a
6609s special place in my heart and uh I would
6611s love to do a rework there it's it's
6613s definitely lower on the list than a
6616s dozen other skills
6627s uh it's because you swap skills while in
6629s the end of time
6631s interesting that's why I still have the
6635s uh wolf cool the wolf's gone now
6641s but uh I recently wrote up a new meteor
6644s guide and my original idea didn't work
6645s because there's a there's no mana on hit
6648s mod in the game yes and there won't be
6650s any chance you could add one pretty
6651s please no sorry
6658s s are there plans to lock your gear when
6660s using so you that that a mistake is not
6662s made when clicking between items you
6664s want to scrap for prefix or AIX
6669s um uh we I I don't think there's
6671s anything like that
6673s currently uh set but I could I I it's
6676s it's an semi frequent request that we do
6678s get
6686s uh will warlocks whip unique get any
6688s sort of buff endgame build is not well
6690s received I have no information on
6692s potential upcoming balance changes
6698s sorry uh bingo hey we got it what was
6701s what was the last
6708s one did I catch up to questions I cut up
6711s to questions too as a rewarded for
6713s catching up to questions no it's
6714s terrible precedent sent as a punishment
6717s for letting me catch up in questions
6719s take it you're going to get a teaser
6722s spoiler yeah how do you like that pretty
6726s terrible isn't it I don't know what I'm
6728s talking
6730s about I just don't want you guys to stop
6731s asking questions that's all
6752s and I realized I shouldn't be playing in
6753s the background but it's just trashing
6756s just clean but here's the
6761s thing
6763s um some concept
6782s I don't even know what the last thing
6783s was that got the got the
6788s Bingo but we got there it's all that
6794s matters should I should I just go
6796s through the bingo card and just start
6797s talking about other things that are on
6798s the bingo
6799s card stuff that you've heard a bajillion
6801s times
6806s oh
6807s no I was looking over the chat I could
6810s just I could just see it out of the
6811s corner of my
6813s eye I was just uh giving you payment for
6817s the uh the spoiler that I put up
6820s there in in my death that's
6825s all hi there and Chad
6830s hello aall
6835s aathal uh anyways any chance that there
6839s will be a passive reset inpc added to
6841s the unknown moment in time after
6843s finishing an echo
6846s no that's like the main place we don't
6849s want it to
6851s be uh will the shaman get an elemental
6854s Thunder form Sunday someday shall get an
6857s elemental Thunder form Sunday H that's
6859s that's pretty cool the transforming is
6862s so so um class Mastery is a or like
6868s um
6873s uh uh design pillar there's a term we
6876s use for it that I'm blanking on I've
6877s said earlier today
6881s um classes being unique from each other
6884s whatever that's called is one of our
6886s design pillars class identity nailed it
6889s first
6891s try um class identity being a design
6894s pillar for us um having them uh having
6899s transforms be on like a strictly a druid
6902s thing is pretty important to us
6906s um it's possible that it could be that
6909s that they could they could leak out um
6911s into sham a little bit maybe I think
6912s that'll be fun it' be pretty cool uh we
6914s don't have any plans for an elemental
6915s form right now
6923s and like you say another another form
6924s that has a range Spell ability like
6925s spuren that's actually a reason for us
6927s not to do
6930s it all right how big will the next cycle
6932s be are you able to put it in some kind
6935s of
6935s perspective
6941s um it's tough to put in perspective CU I
6945s there there's there's still things that
6946s are like is is that going to make it or
6947s not um we're really focusing on so like
6951s we we have this Pinnacle boss system
6954s um and then we're focusing on you know
6956s like a lot of things that came in
6958s feedback from
6962s 1.0 so it's I guess like put a
6965s perspective it is not as much like stuff
6969s in content as you would expect from a
6972s full path of like one of the bigger Path
6973s of Exile Suite or uh patches like the a
6977s large Path of Exile patch is larger than
6980s 1.1 that's about that's about the only
6982s perspective I can give on
7003s it okay more
7006s questions uh will classes builds be
7010s toned down a lot if we've um heard in
7013s the past 350 corruption to be a
7015s successful build are builds reaching one
7017s to5k to high or you just want more
7019s builds to reach the 350 Mark I think
7022s both um like if a build is getting to
7025s four-digit corruption we we've
7027s definitely made a balancing
7029s mistake there if a builds if a build is
7031s is like consistently and easily hitting
7033s 4K corruption there there is a mistake
7036s we made uh in in in the bouncing or or
7040s there's a bug that's causing it to go
7041s really high one of the
7061s too I guess I should also qualify that
7063s with like it it's it's it's this is not
7066s what we're doing when we're looking at
7067s balance we're not simply looking at like
7070s saying going to like the the ladder the
7072s leaderboard and being like hey let's
7074s look at all the builds that are hitting
7075s 4K corruption I it's not leaderboards
7078s but like we can see that information so
7080s like like oh let's see how many people
7081s like what builds are hitting 4K
7082s corruption or 2K corruption and like
7084s let's let's Nerf the skills they're
7086s using that that's not what we're doing
7090s um we're we're we're looking at it more
7092s holistically
7115s I just want to get this like this spear
7117s to be the serent strike to be just like
7118s dealing insane amount of dots just like
7120s poke something and run
7127s away going this way
7132s serpent attack
7135s speed yeah Frailty we want to get a
7137s Frailty that would be
7146s great what is the air speed velocity and
7149s unlad
7151s swallow African or
7154s european uh would you consider a Dev
7157s stream where you actually develop for
7159s example show us nerds the tools you
7161s process you go through true when fixing
7163s or uh our precious skills or systems
7168s um I I don't think I would be able to
7172s show any actual code from the game on
7176s stream
7181s um I'd love to I've actually done them
7183s before this it would it would not be a
7185s first um there was a period like 5 years
7188s ago where I did a series of about 20 25
7191s streams
7193s um and I was I was straight up just like
7195s editor open in the engine in the code
7198s just just making changes um and we kind
7202s of we kind of got gun shy a little bit
7204s we we had some people show up um that
7208s started like pumping me for information
7210s on like uh the game how we did things
7213s and
7215s um know it felt really
7218s like and and looking back this was we
7220s probably nothing to be worried about at
7221s all but at the time we we're still
7223s pretty new to this and we got weird it
7225s was it felt very like corporate
7227s Espionage esque um and so we kind we
7231s shot every that's we just like canceled
7232s streaming all together for like two
7234s years after that um then we picked up
7237s the dev streams after that where it was
7238s just be playing
7241s um I don't think so I I I don't think we
7243s would do that um I'd love to I think we
7246s I think I think what would be really fun
7248s is is um actually doing like a live bug
7253s fixing Hit List where it's like we try
7255s and find easy bugs to fix and just like
7257s go through them together and do a doom
7259s live I think that'll be a ton of fun I
7260s don't think we can do it I'm sorry um
7263s but yeah I would love to be able to just
7265s just be like all right who's who's got
7267s that like that weird skill interaction
7269s that just ain't working let's try and
7270s fix it and then like get in there and
7272s it's like oh it's going to take me an
7273s hour just like skip next one and just be
7274s like really just like quick to abandon
7276s them if there's something wrong with
7277s them like it's not going to be easy but
7279s some of them you know there's just a few
7280s bugs here and there that are like well
7282s that's good take 10 minutes and half the
7284s work is in the like admin process of uh
7288s like like like making sure you've got
7290s the right um like the right issue and
7294s and you've done the paperwork for it and
7295s like there's there's bugs that are like
7298s that
7302s um or there's there's other bugs where
7306s um sometimes the difficulty is actually
7308s reproducing it where it's like I just
7310s get a bug and I'm like and it'll just be
7312s like this node is broken and I'm like
7313s okay well let's bleed up a character and
7315s let's take that node and it's working
7318s fine there's like 40 reports of this
7321s node being broken but all they say is
7322s this one node it's clearly
7324s working okay let's find what combination
7327s of nodes everyone has to find the common
7329s nodes that are actually causing the
7331s problem and it's just like just a mess
7333s at that point you like trying to like
7335s predict people's builds and I think
7337s having like a bunch of people in chat
7338s for something like that be like no my
7340s build does uses these noes like this is
7342s what's probably doing it like things
7344s like that I think would actually really
7345s help having chat around to fix things
7347s much
7349s faster
7351s um so i' actually and I've actually
7353s considered doing this where like
7355s um doing this but like doing it off
7359s camera so like all you could see is my
7362s face um or like blurring the code
7366s somehow or like having someone else play
7369s at the same time and like
7373s like another person just like fixing
7374s stuff in the
7376s background I don't know I I agree it's
7378s it's interesting and it would be really
7379s cool to like sort of give like a little
7381s bit of a look behind the curtain there
7382s but
7386s um I I don't think we we can do anything
7388s like that right
7391s nows
7395s gretings all right we made it to town
7400s you we're at the end of stream is
7402s exactly stream in right now so I'm just
7404s going to hammer out some more questions
7405s and then we'll be done but
7408s uh yeah we can take a look at our
7410s Horrible character we're tons of fun
7412s playing I'm really enjoying this one
7413s actually right now um so I'll definitely
7416s keep playing this in future
7418s streams uh all
7421s right uh how do you feel you are how how
7426s close do you feel you are where you
7428s won't have to fix so much from the
7429s previous season
7432s um I mean I hope really close i' I'd
7435s really like to to get to that to get to
7437s the point before the end of the year
7439s personally where we're like
7442s um basically just ignoring everything
7444s that's come before as far as fixing
7446s because we we know it's it's it's
7449s solid the problem is is that there's
7451s always new interactions that show up so
7452s you add an item and you're like here's
7455s the and this is this I was talking about
7456s earlier with like knowing what other
7457s nodes you're taking at the same time and
7459s it's every time you add in a new node a
7461s new item a new AIC
7462s a new passive a new area in the game
7466s like they all all all interact with in
7469s as soon as you have like different
7470s combinations every time you add a new
7471s thing it adds a ton of new combinations
7473s and there's just like the transfer
7474s things to
7477s spiral all right are you planning to
7479s create a whole new class in the few
7481s years or you plan developing exclusively
7483s on the current tool set of each existing
7485s class we do plan on adding new classes
7487s um next few years yeah
7493s there's I can say for certain there will
7495s not be any new base classes in
7497s 2024 sorry uh Community is kind of tight
7502s on the thought don't Nerf builds boost
7504s others I'd like your thoughts on it too
7506s if possible I think uh we're over time
7508s and I do not have enough time to go into
7509s this in detail and I'd be happy to talk
7511s in uh Dev as the devs in Discord about
7513s it more um I think the sentiment behind
7517s that statement is uh I I don't mean to
7520s offend any saying this I think it's very
7521s naive
7522s I think it is um idealistic and great if
7527s it were uh possible to do that and not
7531s cause other problems um I think that
7535s there's uh I I think if you if you
7537s exclusively
7539s buff and do not Nerf at all um
7545s like we're we're going to be putting B's
7548s next to numbers and then T's next to
7549s numbers and then Q's next to numbers and
7551s then
7553s UI next to numbers and then s's next to
7557s numbers like like we're going to be
7558s we're going to be having
7560s insane um damage scaling issues like
7563s just out of control numbers getting so
7565s unbelievably Mega gigantic and it
7567s doesn't really like the numbers being
7569s that big don't actually change anything
7572s it doesn't matter if uh and and this
7575s this is this is almost why why having or
7578s not having damage numbers would be a
7579s really good thing um is that we could do
7582s um we could do Nerfs where uh like we
7586s don't have to call them Nerfs you just
7587s be like oh we buffed other things and
7589s can't tell the difference can you um we
7591s just buff the health everything at the
7592s same time great um like if we were
7599s to oh that's the wrong program to
7603s open like if you if you've got this
7606s point where um like like here's here's
7609s like the health line and gears the like
7614s the damage of overpowered builds and the
7615s damage of underpowered builds and it's
7618s like okay well like just just bring the
7621s underpowered builds up to meet
7623s overpowered builds and uh and there you
7626s go and like okay well now we have a ton
7627s of overpowered builds okay great well
7629s bring bring the health up to meet the
7631s overpowered builds as well okay and
7633s everything's equal now the Health's
7634s there the overpower the underpowered
7636s well now these overpowered builds like
7638s if hypothetically if you didn't have
7639s damage numbers these overpowered builds
7641s feel like they were just just nerfed
7642s even though they
7644s weren't and so it's it's it's all
7646s exactly the same as um as just doing
7651s this it's exactly the same
7655s outcome and I'd rather not have numbers
7659s show up with billions and trillions and
7662s quadrillions and quintilian and sellion
7664s like it I I I don't want to get that
7667s high I I think it's insane I think it it
7669s feels weird um reading numbers that are
7673s so large when you can just
7676s have like readable numbers like like
7678s humans like like think about what a a
7681s billion liters of water is think about
7683s how big a billion liters of water
7685s is I I'd put money that no one here is
7688s picturing the amount of the right amount
7689s of water humans don't have the capacity
7691s to understand numbers that big we we
7693s just like we we just can't fathom how
7696s big that is it doesn't make sense to our
7698s brains cuz we have no way of of relating
7700s it to ourselves in our everyday lives
7703s and so I I don't I I don't think a
7707s strictly uh inflation only balancing
7710s system is uh long-term sustainable or
7714s good for the
7717s game and I got way too far into that
7720s sorry I'm not going to get into that I
7722s get into it okay couple more here we'll
7725s finish out a little over time uh the
7727s experimental aex system is really
7729s interesting but the pool of current AES
7731s aren't is there any plan to add new
7733s affixes um I yes I don't think there's
7736s any new ones coming in 1.1 though
7739s mightbe one or two possibly but low if
7741s any uh was there for those streams oh
7745s cool very
7747s cool all right uh will there be
7750s adjustments to existing factions yes
7752s especially numbers related to boss drops
7753s where mg members can just buy boss gears
7756s uh I don't have any information on
7758s specifics uh both uh mg and cof's rank
7761s were Awards and ranks and all how that
7763s interaction happens those are all
7764s getting um some some significant
7767s adjustments there uh so there will be a
7773s shakeup uh every Dev is cautious uring
7776s code but did you consider Community
7778s challenges eventually create uh
7782s create but did you consider Community
7785s challenges to potentially create no
7787s skins for the in-game
7790s shop like
7796s yes sorry we're over I'm going to move
7798s on uh how about bringing on some other
7801s team members from different skill sets
7803s yes and have a theme for Fridays
7805s absolutely for example art director
7806s Friday boss fight mechanic yes yes yes
7809s yes super yes um we we did um we did L
7813s chat recently we done L chat twice and
7814s it was fantastic and I definitely want
7816s to get more uh I I um Kane and I have
7820s been talking about this a little a
7821s little bit recently um and uh yes we're
7824s going to get more people on I really
7825s want to get um I really want to get
7827s salmon here um I I think I think Josh
7831s would be good to get in here uh random
7834s names of people you have no idea who
7835s they
7835s are um I think there's a lot of cool
7838s people that we that I think be a lot of
7839s fun to get in
7841s here okay that's it thank you very much
7844s for coming out everyone I had fun I hope
7847s you did too I'll be back same time same
7849s place next week uh if I didn't answer
7851s your question I'm sorry I uh try to get
7853s to all of them I miss some of them
7855s sometimes uh if you do have a question
7857s that I did not answer please head on
7858s over to Discord there's an asdv Channel
7860s I'll be happy to answer it there
7862s um I there's lots of other great places
7865s people talking Community uh lots of
7867s community Ms answer questions as well um
7871s yeah that's that's that'll about do it
7874s here boom thanks for coming yep we'll be
7877s back same time same place next week um
7879s we do want to get some more guests on
7881s here if you have
7882s uh if you have a guess did I actually
7884s someone just said skipped a question and
7885s I'm like oh no did I
7889s actually sorry next week
7894s um uh completely thrown all of a sudden
7897s getting back on track uh if you have
7899s suggestions on disciplines that you
7901s would really like to um that you would
7905s really like to see us bring on for uh
7909s someone to to chat with us I'm super
7911s interested in hearing hearing about
7912s which ones you'd like to see
7914s um let me know tell me uh go to ask the
7918s devs and be like Mike you asked for
7919s this I want to see monster design I want
7923s to see art person we had someone doing
7926s live 2D art at one point it's pretty
7934s cool oh here's someone going hard let's
7937s go say hi to them I want to check out
7938s their build
7951s all right that's it we'll see you next
7953s week have a great time everybody