almost 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Making a skill available through a mastery class is more about restricting other classes’ access to it than it is about making the skill available to that mastery class. As an example, Reaper Form is exclusive to Liches due to being an iconic part of their arsenal, which would be cheapened if other Acolytes such as Necromancers and Warlocks had access to it.

In your post, you refer to Liches being associated with minions - which they can be - but Liches in Last Epoch do already have access to a variety of skeletons, wraiths, and golems.

To get a better understanding of your suggestion, I would like to ask;

  • Is there a particular niche you would like such a minion to occupy?
  • By ‘dedicated minion’ do you mean a skill in the bottom half of Lich passives which other Acolytes can invest to gain access to, or one which is entirely exclusive to Liches?
  • Making skills exclusive to a mastery class is one of the ways through which we reinforce class identity. Would you be happy for a minion-summoning skill to take a ‘slot’ in the Lich mastery if the opportunity cost was a non-minion-summoning skill being cut?

(I have also responded to your message on Discord.)