4 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last Epoch Dev stream as
8s usual I am your host Mike and I have
10s with me today a very special guest
12s please welcome Wick
15s hello
17s hello so yeah uh please introduce
20s yourselves to uh to everyone let us know
22s who you are what you do at last at lyac
25s and yeah cool stuff yeah well my name is
28s Wick I am one of the community managers
31s uh you'll find me mostly in Discord um
34s but I pop into the forums and Reddit and
38s all the other places that our players uh
41s like to frequent um as often as I can uh
44s I'm also uh one of the guys that writes
48s the Atara monkley end of the month post
51s um so if you guys have read any of those
54s one of or a couple of those have been me
57s uh I've also done a couple of the uh
60s April Fool's posts in the past couple of
62s years and I believe uh that included one
66s of the years that I sent you a bunch of
68s hot sauces so that was me too which was
71s wonderful yeah they are all gone by the
74s way though I have plenty more and new
78s ones wonderful but yeah so um the two of
81s us are going to be hang out answer some
82s questions get a second perspective on I
85s guess it's this way second perspective
86s on um on on anything you guys have to
90s ask and uh yeah we're we're also going
92s to be playing multiplayer so we'll hop
94s right into that I I have I have made a
96s little bit of a potential mistake as my
98s health is now zero but I'm still
102s alive uh so we'll see how that plays
106s out and yeah that's that's about it um
110s go ahead and start us off ATO we'll get
111s to the first question once we get there
113s and um yeah and sorry medic no uh no
118s controller this week
122s uh I'm I'm going to go go whever you
124s want I'll follow there we go yeah we're
127s going to go to this
134s one if something breathes on me wrong I
137s will die I was going to say it is so
140s uncomfortable looking at your health bar
142s so
144s low H it's okay I just use the potion I
147s realized it does actually heal me it
148s just also causes Health Degen so it it's
151s not I can use it to get into reperform
154s at
159s least all right uh question I don't have
162s a question this week just wanted to hear
163s you guys talk about some controller for
165s a minute or two ah I mean there's
167s there's not really a lot I've teased a
169s lot of the controller stuff that's
171s coming um the big stuff is the the the
175s reworked targeting system for skill
177s specific targeting system for for
178s controllers
180s um W have you played any controller
182s stuff at all in last
183s epac I have actually quite a bit um I am
189s a little more old school I prefer the
190s mouse and keyboard uh for most games
193s there are some games out there that I
194s just I I can't do it with M ke I have to
197s have the controller but um it's getting
200s to a place with last where it's it's
202s starting to feel pretty good to switch
204s back and forth so it's it's Metroid
207s vanas for
208s me yeah that's that's what goes always
211s always first two controllers Metro vanas
214s yeah there are some games you just you
216s you start playing them and you can feel
219s which ones were designed with controller
221s and mind like or not not with them in
223s mind but where did they start and where
225s did they go yeah there you go yeah
229s actually um can I ask you a question
231s about of course you can what what was
234s the most difficult
237s hurtle when building the contr
241s support I mean well I haven't uh I
244s didn't do most of it at this point um
246s but the original versions I mean just
249s getting the uh getting all the commands
253s paired down into a small like cuz with
255s with a keyboard you've got 40 keys to
257s work with you know and uh with a
260s controller you
261s don't so it's just I guess getting uh
264s getting all those 40 plus Keys
267s represented on a on a controller
270s and functional was was the hard part
272s really um and I like I I still think
275s there's so many different ways we can
276s work with it too like like modifier keys
279s and things like that could be really fun
283s um or like i' also I've also been
286s considering trying out a like a a like a
290s hotkey cycling method So like um kind of
294s old school D2 style where you only have
296s like your two active abilities and you
299s can just like be like oh next one next
301s one that sort of thing so you only
303s actually need four buttons for an
305s infinite number of abilities
307s theoretically
312s okay
315s cool check Discord really really quickly
318s please okay Aron one sec I
323s will your has I tell you you you keep me
326s alive I'll I'll check it for you oh no
328s it it was he was just telling me that
329s I'm way louder than you which uh I did
331s notice and I did I did turn uh you up a
334s little bit since then I think
341s already but I can turn you off even
344s more I have the
346s technology you're like 80%
351s now thanks Aaron let me know if it's
355s good appreciate
357s it I did turn myself down slightly too
362s oh we've got we've got lizards over here
364s lizards for
365s days yeah I just took out a purple one
368s um I was playing last night with my
370s cousins and uh we had that that rare
374s effect where one lizard pops into two
376s and then it just kept going nice it was
379s fun it was it was a lot of fun to have
380s that happen
383s just yeah you're like there's there's
385s just too
387s many so this goty who here who's whip I
391s am one of the community managers Iron
393s Forge um I you can find me in Discord if
398s you ever frequent there um I'm always
400s there with uh aario and cane and ehg
405s duck so there's a bunch of us I am but
416s one what's this Aaron won't talk about
418s Le anymore oh get us no comment
422s what I doubt that's
428s true Apache I hope I said that right
430s says that lizard is the traditional
432s Thanksgiving meal in L
434s Pot what is I'm I'm half apparently
438s lizard is the traditional Thanksgiving
440s meal in last Epoch I'm half fing to
443s agree but I could be persuaded oh it's
445s Thanksgiving right now isn't it yeah
448s well it will be uh like
450s a week from yesterday a week from
452s yesterday Okay I uh uh I'm one of those
456s weird Canadians e so we have
457s Thanksgiving a month
462s ago yeah I uh I celebrate Thanksgiving
466s and friendsgiving so I've got a bunch of
468s friends coming over tomorrow my house is
469s going to be full nice
472s nice
475s yeah I actually cleared this Echo are
477s you still in here oh did you oh I didn't
479s even real we completed I'm still killing
481s stuff yeah me too I was just like ah
482s just talking and killing you know no big
484s deal yeah here I go killing again that's
487s how it's supposed to go
490s right there is this like weird pressure
493s on me right now because I have to like
495s keep cuz my health just like drains
497s itself so fast cuz I I I I equipped um
502s Titan heart in the downtime I also since
504s the last stream I I've went and found if
506s anyone was paying attention last time I
507s did go get my weapon back from the
510s Nemesis and it didn't have any more
511s changes so nothing exciting
514s happened I just wanted to play a little
516s more and I'm like okay if there's if it
518s had if it got changes I'll just log out
520s and I won't grab it but if it didn't
522s have changes I'm just taking it I'm
524s going to keep
526s playing do you have a do you have a
528s particular unique that you gravitate
531s towards like one specific one that I
535s really like
537s um no
540s I really I I really like a flashy bow
543s just just in general whenever I see even
545s if I'm not playing a like a bow class at
547s all I see a nice bow and I'm like yeah
549s I'm going to put that aside for later
551s just cuz I like
554s bows I'm uh I'm the guy I I've got loot
558s filters and stuff turned on but um
562s anytime I see a unique drop I go and
565s pick it up regardless of what class it's
566s for CU I like to collect them yeah that
569s in set items I we've got to do the The
571s Grail oh set items yeah but we've got to
574s do we've got to do the Grail um you ever
577s done that in like D2 or something where
578s you like find one of every unique item
580s in the entire
582s game I haven't but I've always tried I
586s really want to that's something that
587s I've always wanted to do with us with
589s Epoch is is have a um like a formalized
593s way of tracking
594s that that would be really cool like a um
600s I'm I'm picturing it almost like the uh
602s The Collector card books that we had as
604s a kid
606s yeah yeah exactly like
610s that soz I don't think placing the
612s actual item in there is a great idea cuz
615s you know who wants to actually keep a
616s snow blind
622s around I mean there's there's that one
625s guy but other than
628s that something about Community testing
631s spoilers question uh I mean we we've the
634s the community testing is
637s live uh there are there is there is a
639s 1.2 preview build out to community
641s testers right now that they are
647s playing it is far from uh feature
653s complete I know a couple of them were
655s like is this is this is this it type
657s thing we're like no this is just what's
658s ready so far
662s and then when they realize what we
663s actually put in there like oh never mind
665s this is a
666s lot oh over here all right oh you got
676s oh oh I totally I should have grabbed
678s that uh that Shrine
681s before uh yeah a little
683s bit yeah that's all right we're done
685s with this one anyways
695s I want Idols cuz sometimes they're
706s awesome any updates on Steam deck
709s verification um do you know anything
711s about that steam deck verification
714s process I I've heard I've heard through
716s the great fine it's it's coming along
719s but I I don't have anything concrete
723s yeah that's one of those things that
725s it's like we we got to the point where
727s it was where where steam was like all
729s right you're good you're good to go and
730s we're like yeah but it's not really is
734s it yeah yeah I think the only thing I
737s can say for sure is that it's being
739s worked on but that's that's about it oh
741s I've got an egg in there you do
744s yours
746s uh I don't know that I like anything in
748s here
750s give me
751s scavenger I'm I'm gonna Bish this one
754s and then uh oh hi
761s lizard the sentence oh you know what I'm
764s going to do you know what I'm going to
766s do I'm going to stick my chest piece
769s that I just got in
773s there here we go
785s okay I don't think I've ever killed a
787s nemesis that fast
789s before I am a little
791s overleveled I think I spent a little
793s more time looking for him because he
796s kept zipping around than I did actually
798s hitting him that
802s time yeah I know there's um some more a
805s bunch more of the like UI scaling stuff
807s got worked on recently and uh the the
809s new controller support stuff that we've
810s been talking about it's going to be um
812s helping that I think the controller
813s stuff might be why they pulled back the
816s steam deck verification
818s actually um that would Mak sense cuz
821s it's it makes such a big difference like
822s even just playing the the first few the
824s hard part about it is that it like it
827s requires uh checking checking every
830s single node in the game to see if it
834s changes the way the targeting needs the
835s smart targeting needs to function um and
838s we're like originally we're like that's
840s an insane Prospect we'll never have
841s enough time to do that and then we're
843s like well it's not good enough if we
845s don't do it so I guess we're doing that
848s now and
851s uh I I think we're going to
855s see um I I think I think we're going to
857s have
858s like really really good targeting
861s systems for uh for controllers once it's
863s all done
872s I know we've released a few steam deck
874s things that are a little bit
876s different um like like like updates to
880s help steam deck as well so it's it is
881s improving but not uh just still not good
887s enough like the fifth stun chance Idol
891s I've
892s seen not Idol uh exalted
902s were you able to check out the po2
903s stream did you watch the po2 stream I
906s did not oh you are are you are you a Poe
910s player I guess should ask that first cuz
911s if you aren't a Poe player it's less
913s important I I am also not okay there you
916s go I've I've been told I should but then
918s I've also been it's been impressed on me
920s just how daunting it is for new players
922s yeah um I don't know I don't know if
924s that's still the case yeah I mean it's
927s but um like I feel like you've got a a
930s pretty significant leg up in the uh the
933s in the prospect of like understanding it
936s all type thing just cuz it's your job to
939s understand this sort of thing that's a
941s fair point yeah um but like no it's it's
945s it's it's tough there's a lot there for
947s sure um and I think it's I think the
949s thing is that a lot of people they hear
951s oh it's like really hard to get into
953s it's really hard to get into and be
954s really efficient at but it's not hard to
957s get into and just play and have fun
960s that makes
962s sense and for a lot of people being
964s efficient at it's the most important
966s thing
968s so now that that makes a lot of sense
972s yeah I I mean I'm pretty positive I have
975s an
976s account but I don't think I've ever
978s actively played it
981s nice uh all
985s jumping I was quite excited on the on
988s the stream there's there's a lot of
989s really awesome stuff in there
991s um I think like I don't know I think
994s it's going to be I think it's going to
995s be great their uh the the new UI
998s for like basically the the new Atlas is
1002s is
1008s gorgeous okay we're starting to push
1010s corruption
1014s Lo I'm sorry so said we're in chat just
1017s said log in cuz we're talking about Poe
1019s and then was there like oh in the
1022s Stream
1024s um hey you want to push some
1027s corruption I like it be yeah no we don't
1029s to push corruption no but you
1032s can and eron's like you like it because
1034s it reminds you of Civ you know what I
1035s didn't actually make that connection but
1037s you're absolutely right it does remind
1039s me of
1042s Civ speaking of new Civ game January oh
1046s so excited maybe it's February it's it's
1048s oh hey look
1049s look who's right here 24% damage reflect
1054s oh that's not not useful it nothing here
1058s for me either so I'm going to banish
1060s this too okay I am going to empower
1065s it maybe I'll get a second
1069s mod this is not
1072s over I won't I I know that it's fine let
1076s me live in my delusions
1084s there's a
1086s uh there's a new Civ well Civ adjacent
1091s game that's in uh Early Access that my
1094s cousin got me um I'll send you a link to
1097s it after the stream I think you'd enjoy
1099s it because I forgot how much you enjoy
1101s those games is it
1103s ARA no it's a it's a t myth oh yeah
1116s you remember the name of that one uh I I
1118s know I've seen it though uh it's uh it's
1120s just called
1121s worshippers
1123s okay yeah it's pretty good
1126s nice I love RTS or uh turn based
1128s strategies Forex
1133s games I can't play It season 2 work yeah
1136s I know don't worry I'm I'm not going to
1139s like s Civ is one of those games that
1141s like I have such a long history of uh
1144s releases happening and me like
1147s pre-ordering and day one getting into it
1148s and being like I'm just going to go back
1150s and play the last one for like 6 months
1152s while the updates come out for this one
1155s uh Iron Forge says so if the next season
1159s is delayed until February can we put
1160s some blame on the new s
1163s game no
1169s would still be in our launch window
1171s anyways
1174s yeah I think
1176s that I think we're doing okay
1179s yeah no I'm really excited this this um
1183s this is the first time we've had like
1184s such a long leadup or I mean I say this
1186s every patch for the last like three or
1187s four patches I'm like we're locking
1188s stuff down sooner we're getting testing
1190s started earlier and like it's it's it's
1194s just getting better and better
1199s it's going to be a weird patch for me
1200s cuz I haven't really worked on much in
1203s 1.2 uh ex I've just I've been working on
1205s the next one for months
1208s now you know what there's uh there's
1210s something there's something to be said
1211s about that though too is that because a
1216s lot of this would be so new even for you
1218s you get to experience it the same way
1220s that the players do and so there's that
1222s there's a connection there I mean I've
1224s been playing the play test so like I I
1227s do know what's coming
1229s right no no no I know
1232s that but yeah it's it's it's going to be
1235s it's going to be neat more of a player
1237s experience than I've had in the past
1238s with Epoch stuff which is which is
1241s refreshing
1245s yeah if you do have a question for us
1247s anyone in chat please put at last Depot
1249s game in the question so we'll see it and
1251s answer
1257s it I feel like think people are uh still
1261s still focused on on the poe stuff which
1263s is fine um yeah but it almost feels like
1266s there's there's like hant to ask
1268s questions about what we thought about po
1270s or something like
1272s that uh Wick Wick is now up to level
1278s 67 yes I was up until 2:00 a.m. last
1281s night and I told myself I'm going to get
1283s to level 80 before this stream and I'm
1286s glad that the only lies I tell are to
1288s myself
1293s and Aon sorry about uh you know show
1295s showing your your screen name on uh on
1298s stream there I'm I'm sure it's terribly
1302s devastating he's just the only other
1303s person on my friends list that's online
1305s right
1314s now apologies if it's been asked before
1316s that's totally fine you don't have to
1318s apologize we welcome questions here but
1320s is there plan for more supporter packs
1322s and if so will they replace the current
1324s ones or just be added in um I don't
1326s actually have the answer this St not yet
1328s do
1329s you
1332s um I know I know we're going to be
1334s adding more I know we're adding more
1336s supporter packs at some
1337s point oh
1342s um sorry I I know a bit about support
1344s packs but I still missed the question oh
1346s the question was um are we are we we
1349s replacing the current ones are we adding
1350s to the existing ones and when is that
1354s happening but I don't know we can't say
1355s exactly
1356s when yeah I don't think we can say when
1360s um
1363s but give me a second I'm trying to
1365s remember because it's it's this
1367s difficult dance of like I know I know
1369s this piece am I allowed to say this
1371s piece yeah kind of yeah there's not a
1374s whole lot we can say right now but um as
1377s soon as we haven't update um go check on
1380s the forums because that's where we try
1382s to post everything at least on the
1385s forums if it doesn't go anywhere else
1386s it'll be there yeah and and we we we can
1389s say that we are going to be making more
1391s supporter packs that will happen I think
1394s that's an uncontroversial thing to
1396s say um and I I know the plan up until
1399s now has been to try and cycle some out
1403s as we go but always give a heads up
1405s before we remove anything so you
1408s shouldn't be on on in a situation where
1410s you're like oh I think I should buy this
1412s cuz maybe it might disappear next week
1414s no if like something's planning on being
1416s removed will give you lots of heads up
1418s yeah yeah you'll absolutely know
1422s first o more
1426s Harbinger or Nemesis I do the same thing
1430s is everyone calls the Nemesis the
1431s harbingers and it's cuz it came with
1433s that patch and they talk about it in
1434s chat when you're like the little like
1436s chat message like there's a nemesis
1438s nearby it says it's says the word
1439s Harbinger
1442s there it says like a victim of the
1445s harbingers or something doesn't it oh
1447s fizr second uh second mod on the Titan
1449s heart that's sweet it's it's not like
1452s awesomely useful but you know what I
1453s will take it as a functional St instead
1457s of hot
1459s garbage Eagles asked uh what is your
1463s favorite
1465s class um mine is
1469s right now it's a hard choice between
1472s Marksman and warlock nice um warlock
1475s just feels really good and I love
1480s range I I feel the same way about it
1484s yeah I think my number one is Falcon
1486s though I'm having a lot of fun with
1488s Falcon right now um and I only Built
1492s This one because it was I want to go
1493s play with it I want to see like what
1495s it's really of and I found build that
1499s I'm not really following but um you get
1503s the idea with it of yeah yeah yeah
1506s you're just like well it's going to do
1507s this sort of stuff uh and and because
1510s someone made a build around this sort of
1511s stuff I know it should work eventually
1512s if I just Tinker with it I just like
1516s being really fast is the thing yeah yeah
1521s it's so much move movement ability so
1523s much move speed on on Rogue in general
1529s that's funny I just picked up a Titan
1531s heart too
1533s nice you uh you need
1537s it uh no I don't do you can I have it to
1541s shove in the next egg I
1544s find uh yeah sweet awesome me
1550s you it's all yours buddy thank
1554s you all right we get to try again
1561s it was funny so one of my favorite
1563s things to do in this is just the
1564s crafting system I I spend more time in
1566s the Forge than I probably should yep um
1570s and my cousin I'm convinced he not just
1574s blessed by R Jesus but he is in fact r&
1577s Jesus he
1578s drops he's the
1580s manifestation yes he's R Jesus come not
1584s believe um and uh he I sat in uh in
1590s Discord with him last night and he's
1591s like I've got four let's try it on a
1593s belt and he got the same Pebbles belt
1596s three times in a row but each each
1599s subsequent um belt was worse than the
1603s last and he's like I don't know what's
1604s happening you're losing your
1606s [Laughter]
1610s power you're losing it all right go hey
1615s one LP rainbow
1617s Edge that's that's a nice little little
1619s reference to another game rainbow Edge
1623s oh is it do you know which game it is
1624s reference
1626s to I'm going to save myself and say
1630s [Laughter]
1632s no if anyone ever asks you that question
1634s about last Epoch there's a really easy
1636s and safe guess that's not right like 99%
1639s of the
1640s time and it's it's Chrono
1643s Trigger oh okay one of the games that is
1646s also on my list that I haven't bought
1647s yet
1649s it's on my it's on my wish list right
1650s now I just I haven't bought it and it
1652s keeps going on sale and I'm like I'm
1653s gonna get it and then something else
1655s comes up it's one of those games that
1657s like you you read reviews of like
1659s because there's so many versions and
1660s remakes of it and you'll be like which
1662s one's the best and you go to the Reddit
1664s you're like which one's the best and
1665s like everyone just rils against the
1667s steam version they're like it's the
1668s worst thing ever and you know what when
1670s it first came out it was terrible they
1672s fixed it though so the steam version is
1674s fine
1675s now the DS version is still the best I
1677s think
1679s oh is it okay I remember uh I remember
1682s playing Final Fantasy
1684s Tactics on uh Game Boy Advance
1688s nice and that was
1691s uh was pretty big um it's pretty small
1696s really
1696s [Laughter]
1698s but it's pretty small actually you know
1701s well I mean V te I didn't have the
1703s greatest attention spam so
1706s yeah I me physically it was a bad joke
1709s never
1710s mind oh
1714s no did you die I did I I I left you all
1718s alone I'm like ah he's fine I thought I
1722s thought I was fine
1723s too you got time to answer a question in
1725s chat then there a couple uh hi do you
1727s guys have a nice stream do you think we
1729s might one day see one day bonuses for
1732s picking up all the available points in
1734s certain nodes in skill trees
1738s I we kind of do that with threshold
1740s nodes
1742s right I think so all available points
1745s and yeah yeah I mean there's there's oh
1747s in skill Tre specifically like threshold
1749s nodes in a skill tree yeah
1755s um
1757s we do that already somewhere I think or
1762s are about to do that somewhere and I'm
1764s spoiling something uh one of the two
1771s were you close enough to get that
1772s fireball Shrine I was close enough to
1775s catch that
1777s rock did you die again oh God I
1781s did I glanced over to to look at chat
1784s and I was like oh cool there's there's a
1786s big question there and then I looked
1787s over and it said you
1790s died there we go we did it
1801s now I'm curious when I'm
1804s the uh when I'm when you the lead like
1807s the the leader of the the person who
1809s started it but you died a whole bunch of
1811s times and I finished it still do you
1813s still get CR completion credit for it
1814s like or is it in your in your monolith
1817s is it wied out like uh yeah like how is
1820s you doing it yeah
1825s nice I'd love to see you guys doing
1827s cross promotion with GG G uh like maybe
1829s you guys can add a chaos orb somewhere
1832s in the main Hub and they could add an
1833s eot Crystal somewhere I'm sure GGG would
1836s be recepted something like
1838s that so GGG has been wonderfully
1840s supportive of us uh and have been squir
1844s sorry just
1846s awesome um I don't think that's really
1851s necessarily in their best interest to do
1853s it and I would not begrudge them
1855s avoiding such a tactic uh
1859s yeah they're just so much bigger than us
1861s that like we get a ton out of that and
1863s they get very little out of
1867s that so I think the number of people who
1869s play last OC that don't know
1871s about um Path of Exile is crazy tiny
1877s compared to the number of people that
1878s play Poe that don't know about
1879s Le um cuz that's really what something
1881s like that's for is to to bring the
1884s audiences of each to the
1886s other um
1891s but yeah I I would I would love to
1894s anyone from GG is watching and they want
1895s to do that we're
1897s in
1899s yeah um zus asks uh I know how much
1903s players want to trade in mjor Guild F or
1905s Merchant Guild faction but in circle of
1908s Fortune uh will you add a mod that
1911s increases Target farming uniques on
1913s bosses by
1915s 50%
1917s um I don't know if it hasn't been talked
1919s about already I'm sure it's something we
1920s can discuss we we don't we don't we
1923s probably won't just like slap a huge
1926s flat buff on it like that um
1929s yeah you want to stagger those
1932s things yeah like there already is pretty
1936s dramatic Buffs compared to um mg for for
1939s like drops on on all sorts of things um
1942s there are a few axes where um the CF
1946s Buffs don't work
1949s um and we are looking at some of those
1950s to uh to make CF more Universal and like
1954s the the mechanics that it can interact
1966s with uh yeah I want idols
1979s my entire goal this whole stream has
1982s just been work to the monos that give
1984s you experience yeah yeah that's that's
1989s my strategy going through normal
1991s too get those
1994s levels one of the interesting things in
1997s poe2 is one of the ascendancies lets you
2000s equip a twoand weapon in one hand to
2003s either combine with a shield or dual
2005s wield them any chance we could get that
2007s power fantasy in the future of
2013s belly uh you know
2017s it's it's
2020s possible um we do we do have the
2023s technology for it we didn't for a long
2026s time
2027s um I know that they so a lot of the way
2030s that they're balancing it in uh in poe2
2034s is it's it's it's double attribute cost
2040s um I think I think that's what I read
2042s double attribute wrong on that we don't
2045s I I remember reading it being like we
2046s don't have the same way of balancing it
2049s in last defog um so we're going to have
2052s to figure out a different way to do
2054s that
2062s um yeah I think it's one of those things
2064s it it sounds really cool in theory um
2067s and I know other Gam games have done it
2069s but at the same time there's a lot that
2070s can go wrong with
2072s that yep I think we just have to be
2076s careful I think I might know something
2078s about it that you
2080s don't oh yeah yep it's okay
2091s though uh I think I think we can do it I
2093s think it I think it is balanceable I
2094s don't know if we're going to do it or
2096s not but I do believe it's possible at
2098s least I'm convinced C cyborg says that
2102s my camera went blank it's working on my
2104s end
2108s oh how's
2112s that yep we're back
2115s sweet thank you I do not know why that
2118s happened not me I do this break crosss
2122s when says Paul Saint uh that's
2126s called we're good
2130s any teasers for us today I have so many
2132s teasers
2133s today I brought I brought so many
2135s teasers it's great you want now I'm
2139s excited we can do it now well if you get
2141s a lot I mean pop one yeah
2145s okay I'm gonna I'm gonna stop killing
2148s spiders because I want to see this uh
2150s pick pick a class you can have um
2154s necro void Knight forg guard or Forge
2160s card or Wild
2162s Card let's go necro necro okay yeah
2166s let's play a game this game is Spot the
2170s Difference can you tell what is
2173s different about this ability tool tip
2176s from what is in live
2182s currently I know you're not playing on
2184s on a necro so you can't look it up easy
2187s no I can't I need my cousin in here he's
2189s the Die Hard necro no pun
2191s [Music]
2195s intended this is can I bring that up
2198s somehow ah I won't be able to bring
2204s that still behind the tool tip ah I'll
2207s move
2209s it see if anyone in chat can
2212s tell can anyone chat tell
2216s um I don't see it yet they've got a
2219s they've got a couple of options here but
2220s I don't I no no one said it
2223s yet keep them coming guys help me out
2227s I'm a marksman you got to give me you
2229s got to give me more
2232s clues I'm trying to look at it's it's in
2235s the the lower section it's in the alt
2241s text asking is it the plus
2245s 10 it's it's text be removed there's
2248s another clue oh okay it's just
2250s something's been removed nothing's been
2252s added okay so nothing's added or changed
2255s it's just
2262s going doesn't expire Paul the saint got
2265s it it does not expire so the the the the
2269s current version of it is expires after
2271s 20 seconds and that has been
2273s removed very cool well done
2281s congratulations to you Paul the saint
2283s you have won bragging
2286s rights that's about it there's not a lot
2288s in the line there
2290s yeah we got a bunch of questions that I
2292s did not realize we were so far behind so
2294s let's uh let's start answering some of
2295s these what percentage of supporter packs
2297s are used for development compared to
2299s profit does Ellie have a profit margin
2302s right now or are all funds being put
2304s back into development I have no idea the
2306s answer to this do you
2308s no no actually I was hoping you would I
2310s mean theoretically I should know this uh
2313s but I I'm so far remove from that sort
2316s of stuff these days uh that I do not
2319s know yeah my job title quite literally
2322s has me closer to a
2323s player so um I don't
2327s know I I I if I was gonna guess if I was
2330s gonna guess I'd say we are fairly
2331s focused on the make the game awesome
2334s side of things right now um
2350s yeah all right next
2353s question uh what what do uh what you say
2356s about engineer as a new class for Ellie
2358s ah an engineer class what what do you
2360s think about that would you would you
2361s play an engineer
2362s class I
2365s mean I'd be down I have to be done very
2369s specifically if you if you could if you
2371s were going to make an engineer class for
2373s last deck what would you want a Mastery
2375s to be for
2377s it I would definitely want
2381s something akin to like architect Leia
2385s like building constructs that just kind
2388s of
2390s help it basically would be another
2392s Minion class yeah I was say like more of
2393s a minion style cool yeah yeah kind of
2396s kind of like a minion class but also
2398s like the idea because I've noticed other
2400s mini like the Beast Master has the node
2402s where you can only have one uh companion
2406s instead of like a whole Army and I like
2409s the idea of the node being rather than
2412s you have one minion your minion becomes
2414s like that backpack
2416s thing you wear your minion around town
2420s yeah nice be really
2422s cool maybe
2424s like the class could be focused around
2427s having thing I I do this sometimes just
2429s Riff on an idea that comes into chat but
2431s like the where there's like an ability
2434s that you can you the class is built
2435s around making this minion and there's
2437s one ability in the class that could take
2439s that minion and put it on you as like a
2442s backpack
2445s yeah all right do you foresee any CH any
2447s changes to the Necromancer class
2449s allowing for a larger Army uh huge
2452s winion fan here I think it's supposed to
2453s be minion fan here but yeah winion works
2455s too um I mean the the the spoiler we
2458s just uh just put out I think would be um
2463s pretty helpful in general
2467s um cuz it is a sweet ability on necro
2472s but uh a a larger Army specifically I
2476s don't know if there's much on like Army
2478s size like just she body count that's
2481s that's changing much question was that
2484s question asked by by one TJ Draco it was
2488s that would be my cousin I've seen your
2490s army it doesn't need to get
2492s into try to sneak one
2495s in yep that would be my
2498s cousin good
2500s try
2505s yeah I mean there's like I feel like
2507s there's a good chance there'll be
2510s something but but I it's not a focus I
2513s wouldn't I wouldn't get your hopes up
2514s too
2516s high will not take
2519s me that's what happens when you use
2522s transplant and reap at the exact same
2524s time if someone just saw me like flicker
2525s across the screen oh
2532s wow all
2535s right uh what is your process of
2538s addressing player identified bugs
2539s looking on the Discord there are
2541s reported bugs that go back many months
2543s if not over a year do you have any
2544s intentions of addressing those we don't
2546s um so we don't address them in the sense
2549s of like uh giving players an update on
2553s when we fix a bug that they've reported
2555s there's just too many bugs uh in like
2558s too many different places and too many
2559s different formats to to really do that
2561s effectively
2563s um so we you know like I guess the way
2565s we communicate with that is hey here's
2567s the patch notes and here's all the bugs
2569s we fixed
2572s um I I know we fix I know sometimes it
2575s seems like there's really specific bugs
2578s that go unfixed for a long time um
2581s sometimes they are there's a lot of
2584s different reasons why that can happen um
2586s and I know in the past some reasons have
2588s been that there's like we just don't
2591s have the data that like someone says
2592s like oh this bug happens and um maybe
2596s the bug only happens when you have a
2598s Logitech controller plugged in but
2600s you're not using it and you know like
2602s there's no way that you can tell that
2603s that's what's causing it um this is
2606s definitely not a real example that
2607s happened to me or anything I
2609s swear um but there you know there's
2612s there's some some factor that Mak us so
2614s we just can't reproduce the bug at all
2616s and so like you gets reported we look at
2618s it we can't reproduce it we try and get
2620s more info on it there's not enough info
2621s we say okay we're going to now put some
2624s some things in the game to help us find
2627s this bug next
2628s release um and so we we bury think we
2632s bury logs in the code that like will
2634s actually help us uncover these bugs in
2636s the future and sometimes when you get
2638s when major patch releases go you know
2640s months and months and months apart
2642s sometimes that takes a little while to
2643s propagate through um and we'll like look
2646s at a bug and say hey this is what we
2648s think is causing if we can't reproduce
2649s it'll be like this is what we think's
2650s causing it and we'll like do what we
2652s think would fix it and we'll mark it off
2655s as like it's it's addressed as best we
2657s can because we can't reproduce it and
2661s um just from the from the evidence we
2663s have like some 10 10-second clip or a
2666s like a text description on what it is
2668s we'll do the best we can to get it fixed
2670s or at least get something in place to
2671s like mitigate the issue or uh
2674s information so we can fix it down the
2676s road and sometimes that process takes a
2677s little while um this is this is why I'm
2680s always in here preaching uh Repro steps
2684s really consistent and clear Repro steps
2686s and if you if you if you've got a bug
2687s that you're like this happens to me all
2689s the time and it's really frustrating and
2690s like why is no one talking about this
2691s and why is no one fixing this it might
2693s be something that you're doing that you
2695s don't realize you're doing that's not
2697s like not a bad thing like oh you
2698s shouldn't be doing this but just like an
2700s action you're taking or something
2701s connects to your computer you don't
2702s realize that is causing
2705s incidental a bug that to happen you know
2707s like it's it's sometimes get handing
2710s those Repro steps if you if you're like
2711s I really want this bug to be fixed this
2713s just strategies for anyone listening in
2714s general if you want that bug to be fixed
2716s you can um write the Repro steps out
2719s that you're going to send to us give
2720s them to a friend and have them try and
2721s Repro the bug on their computer and if
2724s they can Repro it using those steps
2725s following those steps like like like a 5
2727s like follow steps
2729s exactly
2731s um you know the the you know
2734s quintessential example this if anyone's
2735s been to a first year programming class
2737s is um you know like teach me to make a
2739s slice of bread or teach me to make a
2741s peanut butter and jelly sandwich and and
2743s people will be like they'll start with
2745s okay take two slices of bread and you're
2747s like okay you take two slices of bread
2748s and you stand them upright and they're
2749s like no no lay them down we didn't tell
2751s me to lay them down like really
2753s literally do everything exactly you know
2756s it's like don't assume like oh just
2758s because you always you know use shift in
2761s between abilities doesn't mean we're
2762s also using shift in between abilities or
2764s something like that and so yeah like
2767s there's we address every bug we can and
2771s we don't respond publicly to every
2773s single one of them individually but we
2774s do try to get those into patch notes as
2777s much we can and sometimes it's they
2779s something that we fix that we don't
2781s realize we even fixed because we fixed
2782s something else and it happened
2783s accidentally and then it doesn't go into
2784s patch noes but it just stops happening
2787s um there's lots lots lots of different
2789s reasons why bugs can go appear to be
2791s unfixed actually go unfixed um all those
2794s sorts of
2796s things sorry I was laughing you brought
2798s up the uh making a peanut butter and
2800s jelly sandwich in the video of the the
2802s father and son doing that exercise makes
2804s me unreasonably happy yeah yeah if if if
2807s you've never seen anything like that any
2809s like that's a great Google
2812s the yeah it's it's awesome and it's it's
2814s the quintessential example that yeah
2816s every first year programming class will
2819s will have that
2821s example but it's
2824s great and it really helps I think it
2826s really helps convey like the idea of
2828s like you got to be really precise and
2831s really literal when you're talking to a
2833s computer um
2835s yeah so sometimes I tell people like
2837s treat me like a
2840s computer I'm going to I'm going to adopt
2842s that phrasing
2845s yeah all right next question with the
2847s new engine is it going to push back the
2849s console version release or will it not
2850s hinder it all if anything it will
2852s advance it not push it back there were
2854s things we needed for that that were're
2855s in
2863s it oh here's a long one yo bit of a
2866s racing to the end game question uh TK
2869s this makes sense coming from you in a
2871s good way um I like the new loot lizards
2873s but having the green ones spawn in
2875s regular level 90 monos means you can't
2877s get glyphs of Envy death
2881s has means you can get glyphs of Envy yes
2884s I read that wrong okay great I'm like I
2887s was like you can't yeah it means you
2888s definitely can yes I see where this is
2890s going gives you a lot of timeline
2891s stability before reaching the empowered
2893s before reaching empowered is that
2895s intended
2897s um I thought this this wasn't the
2899s initial design intent behind those as it
2901s makes racing two empowered heavily tied
2903s to getting at least one or not yeah
2905s there's that there's that big RNG
2906s element of did I get one of these or not
2908s and you you've you've definitely called
2910s out something that wasn't originally
2911s intended
2915s um I don't know if we're changing that
2917s or not but I think we
2926s should yeah what do you think do you
2927s think they should be allowed to drop
2929s in do you like having
2932s that RNG in involved in a race
2936s system oh
2939s um I mean I
2941s do
2943s in in race systems
2947s it's oh never mind I was like oh he
2950s triggered it I'm going to go kill it
2951s sorry I I got another egg and so I just
2953s for that Titan heart you gave me the egg
2954s so we're doing two Titan heart eggs
2958s today uh you know there actually
2960s something I haven't gotten yet is an egg
2962s at all oh wow like ever no it's I
2968s can't yeah no uh like I said unless I'm
2972s playing uh with my cousin R Jesus is not
2975s with me okay well we got to get one for
2977s you today cuz that's my second one
2982s today
2984s uh it is it is level defend asage of
2987s players that fall into circle of Fortune
2989s versus Merchant skill uh that's
2992s an interesting question uh I don't know
2996s if do do we track that do you know uh we
2999s don't we don't have like a live update
3001s thing but we can pull the current
3003s existing like because people can join
3006s both uh it's kind of weird so we don't
3009s uh we we can say like hey game list out
3012s all the people who are in each uh and we
3015s can we can count the number uh yeah not
3019s manually
3020s obviously in that regard it's definitely
3022s one of those things where you you pull
3023s the numbers and then 30 seconds later
3025s it's wrong yeah
3027s you can get a rough rough idea on the on
3029s the percentage and I think it's um I
3032s think overall it is skewed Merchant
3034s skilled
3036s still I think that's the way it is could
3038s be
3041s wrong it it does change
3045s throughout um throughout the
3049s cycle can't wait till these things get
3051s changed
3054s uh oh we just made an awesome decision
3056s about these guys yesterday that I'm
3059s really excited
3067s about I came in right before you beat
3071s him so I still got the uh Echo con
3074s nice good
3080s timing yeah t that's a good call out
3082s that's that's
3084s different uh Wick here's a question for
3086s you you may have a gift based on one of
3088s the earlier conversations ah it's your
3092s cousin I have no idea what he's talking
3095s about
3096s great it yeah well yeah it could be any
3100s number of things and that frightens
3101s [Laughter]
3105s me all right hi I have a interesting
3109s Echo here it's wreathed in both red and
3111s green I don't think I've ever seen that
3113s before do
3115s it yeah
3118s uh question I know how many how much
3120s players want to trade Merchant skill
3122s faction oh wait uh you you already read
3125s that one out a while ago that's fine
3126s with the new engine oh did I just
3131s like skip a bunch and go back this okay
3133s whatever this question has been in the
3137s corner this question is for the B
3141s corner for the becomer
3150s uh once again I'm here to tattletail a
3153s MOX 200 he's mentioned in game chat
3155s about if we'd be interested in a dragon
3158s class uh have you heard anything I still
3161s have
3163s proof
3164s um I mean I can tell you this there's no
3168s new classes that are coming out
3171s 1.2
3174s um and
3177s uh I haven't started working on any sort
3179s of uh what dragon
3183s class
3185s um but I do love the idea cuz this this
3188s was brought up last week have you heard
3189s this have you heard this idea yet Wick
3192s no but you had me a dragon yeah right so
3195s we were talking about if this was like
3197s is is the dragon class a
3201s um okay you you can answer this question
3204s basically what spectrum of shiobana do
3207s you want shyana you know
3210s L okay um like do you would you want
3213s that it to be
3215s a the the race is a dragon like Dragon
3218s Kin like d andd style um would you want
3221s it to be
3224s um would you want to be more of a like
3227s you turn into a dragon temporarily more
3230s like I guess like Reaper form style um
3233s or would you prefer it to be just like a
3235s KN character that has just like dragon
3237s flourishes on their um like equipment
3240s and theming around their abilities and
3243s like VFX and stuff is is Dragon
3245s themed see I'm I'm the wrong person to
3248s ask the which would you prefer question
3250s because I'm going to find some obscure
3251s way to do all of them um what am I doing
3255s doing this the wrong
3256s way my uh my brain wants to say do like
3261s the dragon k y like and then
3267s they get the ability to go full Dragon
3270s at some point okay nice oh yeah hyd
3273s answers are allowed that's fully that's
3274s fully within the yeah yeah and if and if
3278s he happens to be knighted for some
3280s reason then why
3282s not so it's it's it's a um a dragon born
3287s like uh dragon born's kind of a Dragon
3290s Kin more so it's like they they look
3292s scaly and and all that sort of stuff and
3295s then
3297s they also wear heavy plate and have
3299s dragon themed armor and stuff and then
3301s they also have the ability to go full
3303s full Super Dragon say and
3309s uh and and then temporarily turn into a
3311s dragon power overload I like that that'd
3315s be pretty
3317s sweet we don't have any uh base classes
3320s that are A different race at the
3324s point that would actually if if we ever
3327s decided to expand out that way it would
3329s be kind of fun to play as an ospr right
3333s I mean and and then then becomes the
3335s question of is is race a property of the
3339s class or is it a separate axis like like
3341s wow style where you can have like
3345s um where like
3348s uh like dwarves can be one of six uh
3353s classes and humans can be one of six
3355s classes oh Mar love this you're talking
3357s about uniques that we love Marae love
3361s Mara the idea of this is so
3372s good says gr race
3376s when like chocoo racing but gr
3379s racing oh I'm down I think he was
3382s talking more about like a playable race
3384s but oh that would be fun too
3388s that makes more sense I I spent an
3390s unreasonable amount of time in Final
3392s Fantasy 15 um when it first came out
3394s doing the the Chocobo races and just
3397s riding around on that instead of driving
3399s the car
3402s nice Final Fantasy 9 I loved the chocoo
3405s hot and cold game from Final Fantasy 9 I
3407s don't know what it was about that game
3408s but just like got so just obsessed with
3412s the perfect chocoo hot and cold game
3421s oh here comes here comes this this Titan
3423s heart's going to be right out of the
3425s gate 2 LP and then then we're going to
3427s empower it again and it's going to go to
3429s 3 LP just watch I'm calling it right now
3432s TJ send us your luck no it's cold
3436s res not
3439s ideal
3442s fine the next one will get something
3444s else next one next one will get health
3446s at least all right do I have anything
3449s worth uh you can see all weapon you can
3452s see all weapons or Shields but not
3454s Quivers are we going to be able to see
3456s those Quivers on rogu soon H I don't
3458s know about soon but I know that's on the
3460s list it's there's some animation
3462s trickiness that happens
3466s there all right got to keep asking been
3468s waiting on since Kickstarter demo
3470s Barbarian Mastery when you've been
3471s waiting on a barbarian Mastery since the
3473s kickstarter demo my goodness
3479s it's a long time I like to say that the
3482s uh the primalist is Barbarian plus yeah
3487s but I mean I think there's still room
3488s for a barbarian class there but the the
3491s thing that ties so a lot of people want
3492s like hey Barbarian would be awesome um I
3495s still want Hunter
3497s more really yeah i' I'd rather put a bow
3501s class on on primalist and uh that would
3505s be cool put it like that that would be
3507s really cool I think a lot of people in
3509s the Discord um they like to to
3512s theorycraft other uh other class
3515s options and uh one that keeps getting
3517s tossed around a lot is a monk oh yeah
3520s yeah that's like a new base class that
3522s doesn't really work as a Mastery for
3523s anything that exists
3526s no I don't know why I picked rare
3528s helmets I knew it was ever going to be
3529s anything
3531s there I got a long shot can't use that I
3535s sent you a pair of gloves by the way
3536s idea if you can use them or not but uh
3538s oh
3543s okay all right so it is it's that time
3546s again so would you like forg guard other
3548s forg guard void Knight or something
3552s weird
3554s uh let's go Forge guard and then the
3557s next one we'll do void Knight okay
3561s uh we'll do we'll do this one this one's
3564s this one's funny
3567s here's a new node for shield
3573s throw is this another uh find the thing
3576s that's different no no this is a brand
3577s new
3579s node uh it's it's just plus four
3581s Ricochet and they can Ricochet to
3583s you okay which is pretty huge because um
3589s this means you can you can utilize uh
3591s all your ricochets on a single
3594s Target uh snowy's asking the real
3597s question is will it damage us when it RI
3600s back no I didn't think
3604s so cap doesn't get knocked out by his
3606s shield when it smacks him in the back of
3608s the
3610s [Laughter]
3613s head double wielding crossbows when oh
3615s can we have regular crossbows first but
3617s yes please I would love uh I would love
3620s dual wielding crossbows I think this is
3622s one of those things that someone on uh
3624s Reddit was talking about I think about
3626s like a potential class like do you do
3629s you take the the the concept of like
3632s one-handed crossbows there's something
3633s in my eye and do you like build a class
3636s or Mastery around it or do you just like
3637s slap it on Falconer I think you slap it
3639s on
3640s Falconer that's what I would do like
3643s make make Marksman the bow class and
3646s make Falconer the crossbow class that's
3648s what I would do
3658s sorry I'm emptying my inventory because
3660s I forgot to do
3665s that all right Legion Shield asks hello
3668s Mike uh what would be your take on
3671s incorporating a class that is focused on
3673s mind controlling the enemy mobs and
3675s dealing with mental damage so the uh W
3679s do you ever play Guild
3681s Wars uh I have
3684s it you're going to get a lot of nose for
3686s me that's fine that's fine I know I know
3688s I pull out some obscure games sometimes
3690s Guild Wars is a little I don't know
3691s Guild Wars 2 was pretty big Guild Wars
3693s one was pretty small I think by
3694s comparison um but yeah there was there
3696s was a Mesmer class in that that was very
3698s like a mind Mage like I'm going to I'm
3701s going to make you think you're in pain
3703s and that's going to make you in pain um
3706s type theming which I love that's yeah I
3709s know that sounds really cool and I love
3711s I love the idea I I can see it in last
3715s Epoch doing something similar where um
3718s you have a skill you trigger it and um
3722s the enemies
3724s for however long just become your Ally
3727s and they start attacking their friends
3729s and things like that yeah having I think
3732s the cuz we we have talked about this and
3733s I'm pretty sure that currently with the
3735s way that our alignment system works you
3738s can't change the alignment of an enemy
3740s of
3743s anything so we'd have to find a way to
3746s modify alignments before uh before we
3749s did something like that but as of right
3751s now I don't think we I don't think it's
3754s possible
3760s unfortunately all right here we
3763s go yeah oh it's more cold res I
3768s think not a ton
3770s more it may have been the same amount I
3772s didn't actually get a close look last
3773s time but either way kind of garbage I
3777s don't know which is better
3789s actually
3792s peace what else did I get
3800s actually okay I actually kind of like
3802s this one I'm going to empower this
3804s one I mean
3806s oh I should help you with
3816s that nice D of honest to dude that was
3821s one of the first meme items ever made in
3822s the game from a very obscure meme just
3826s do that's the the the the first letters
3828s of every of the word in
3832s it that's pretty great yeah I like that
3834s a lot
3844s an old Meme and it doesn't check
3850s out all right since it uh since it
3854s doesn't expire the natural next question
3857s is what happens to the node that made it
3859s not
3860s expire uh this is in reference to the
3862s dread Shades teer we put up earlier I I
3865s I haven't looked at it actually um I
3867s would assume it uh was also reworked
3874s though pretty safe
3877s bet uh now that dread shade doesn't
3879s expire how would that function for the
3881s sacrifice node in the dread shade tree
3883s oh gosh we're going to we're we're going
3885s to go dig up these are we let's go let's
3887s go figure it
3889s out where's the node that makes not
3891s expire
3899s second are you doing that I'm going to
3901s go explore that's a bad idea but I'm
3902s going to do
3910s it is
3912s there I don't even know where it is
3914s there it is no long drains Health
3917s increase sh duration no that's not
3922s it I don't know where it is
3937s where's the where's the node that makes
3939s it just never
3940s expire is that a is that even a node
3961s okay I don't know where that one is
3963s let's find the other
3965s one sacrifice node in the dread Shade
3968s that's this
3970s one uh when any of your minions targeted
3973s by dread shade
3974s dies yeah it's still um this this
3977s wouldn't change cuz what this does it
3980s just because
3981s the yeah I don't see how this would
3983s change at all
4002s uh Paul says my bad there is no such
4004s node
4005s [Laughter]
4010s currently be be be straight with me was
4013s that intentional was that was that a
4015s send m wild goose chase intentional or
4017s was that
4019s uh was that a mistake I'll feel a lot
4021s better about myself cuz I was I just
4023s straight up beli you I'm like oh yeah
4024s that sounds like a node we'd put in
4025s there sure why not the real question is
4028s would you be mad if it was if it was
4030s intentional no it be it be
4038s hilarious uh one minion Mastery and
4040s another that's basically Iron Man oh
4042s this is for the uh the
4044s engineer oh yeah yeah I I still want to
4047s do um meatman me meat Iron Man Iron
4051s meatman I don't know the climb inside
4054s your
4055s Abomination
4058s uh meat suit man there's there's there's
4061s a me there's there's a turm in there
4065s somewhere we'll Workshop it meat meat
4067s bag
4070s Marauder play on the flesh bag Marauder
4073s uh great Magik card I remember were uh
4076s describing this game to a couple of
4079s friends before they got it and uh it's
4081s like well what's some of the classes
4083s like well there Sentinel it's like what
4084s does sentinel do I was like have you
4086s ever been wanted to be one of the
4088s Avengers and they're like yeah I was
4091s like it's
4092s that
4095s not it was all of them I was like no not
4098s all of them there's been a lot over the
4099s years yeah
4115s oh made a
4117s mistake did you get popped yeah you got
4119s popped I got popped yeah I'm coming back
4122s though that's okay I got you no all
4126s those uniques I didn't get to pick up
4128s because I died are
4130s gone y yeah cuz it the ground
4134s resets yep hopefully working on on a on
4137s a solution there soon
4140s too cuz that's so frustrating that's
4143s been one that's one of those problems
4145s that's been around forever we were
4146s talking about earlier so sometimes when
4148s there's an issue that's been around for
4149s a long time it's because we just don't
4151s have a good way of fixing it yet um and
4155s I love that I'll be able to say yet for
4156s a
4157s little like actually genuinely say yet
4167s what is
4169s that I don't know if it's useful some
4172s when can we wear manifest armor
4174s yeah yeah I saw that one like that's
4177s kind of a cool cool
4182s concept plus you're talking about being
4184s The Avengers on Sentinel like you got C
4187s with the with Shield throw and like yeah
4189s if you could put on manifest armor there
4191s there's Iron
4192s Man yeah just get the full set
4198s Wolverine's on Druid but it's be
4203s verine yeah you
4206s get that's something we don't have is is
4209s claw and fist
4214s weapons I actually uh if we ever did do
4219s the the monke class thing it would be
4221s really fun to have like like knuckle
4224s dusters yeah as a weapon type would be a
4226s lot of fun I mean fist weapons are
4229s literally in the uh like the game right
4233s now uh well like there's not there's not
4235s actually in that'll spawn but um there's
4238s an item id reserved for it already in
4240s the in the item list like if you're I'm
4242s sure people like damn it who have gone
4244s through the the the item IDs on the back
4246s end they've been like why is why is item
4248s id like 12 I think it's maybe it's 11 or
4251s something like
4253s that actually you should be able to 1 2
4256s 3 4 5 6 7 oh 1 2 3 4 5
4261s 6 it's probably id8 I think
4265s um is is like fist weapons it's just
4268s sitting there waiting to be
4270s used TJ Draco has a question says is
4274s there any plans to fix the lagon fight
4276s in multiplayer in particular I mean the
4278s issue where only one member makes it to
4280s the top to fight him and the warp only
4282s taking one person down for phase two
4285s yeah
4287s um I know that was getting worked on
4289s what you can do is you can use the um
4291s the player to player
4293s warping mhm to to to like get around
4296s that right now and if you if you walk up
4300s simultaneously I think the warp down
4302s works together but I could be wrong um
4305s but yeah like this like same scene
4308s warping like this you can do you just do
4311s that and um whoever whoever got warped
4315s the other one can warp with them so
4317s there is there's a workaround on live
4319s but it's not
4321s ideal and yes we're we are aware of it
4324s and working on
4328s it uh engineering Mastery transform into
4331s Mech of sorts someone to the Abomination
4334s yeah that was your cousin as well saying
4336s the same thing I was
4341s yeah it's always the like transformation
4344s even temp like temporary trans
4345s information systems are so tricky to
4348s have feel fun and work cuz
4351s like there's there's kind of this um the
4354s incentive is always to make it last
4356s longer make it last longer and like how
4358s can you make the build make it last
4360s longer and then it's um then then
4363s becomes okay well I can't make it last
4364s any longer then it's about mitigating
4365s the downtime in between each each time
4369s and then it's
4371s like uh then sometimes it it flips and
4374s turns into okay well I'm going to turn
4376s into this for a little while be a God
4378s kill everything and when I'm not in it
4379s I'm just going to run away from
4381s everything which is kind of the problem
4383s I'm having with with Reaper form right
4384s now a little
4385s bit
4387s um cuz when I'm not in Reaper form I am
4390s scoy and weak and it's
4397s bad Apache says that we need saddles for
4403s Golems I love that idea
4406s just riding the Golem the you know what
4410s that reminds me of who is the uh the
4412s character from Mortal Kombat it's the
4414s the little character that rides on the
4415s back of the big character I have no idea
4418s and they fight as a
4420s unit I I had Mortal Kombat for I had
4424s Killer Instinct for my Super Nintendo
4426s and that was that's the only fighting
4427s game like that I ever
4430s had uh somebody says Noo-noo and Will
4434s from League of Legends
4436s yeah n yeah yeah that's another good
4439s reference to that same concept different
4443s characters which which n and willum felt
4445s like a a pull from Kate Sith in Final
4449s Fantasy
4451s 7 yeah I can see that all right any
4455s plans on 1.2 to fix the way minions
4457s behave like Arch Mage and WRA Lord kind
4459s of runs around without hitting any mobs
4461s uh we have we have to transplant with
4464s minion Target to teleport
4466s uh so they unbug I don't know of
4468s anything with this but I mean I'm sure
4470s if it's reported they'll we'll be
4471s working on
4472s it uh did you ever play torch light 3 I
4475s did not they had a really cool rail
4477s master class I saw that then this is
4479s something that comes to mind every time
4482s um every time I hear an engineer class
4484s is the rail master class from uh torch
4487s light 3 did you did you see that at all
4488s Wick it's like you literally build like
4491s railroad tracks on the
4492s Fly that's that's kind of cool yeah I I
4495s will admit I have not paid much
4497s attention to torch light pretty much
4499s anything um the name comes up in uh in
4502s Discord a lot but I just I haven't taken
4504s the time to to go look at it
4508s yet uh loot filters amazing part of the
4511s game I'm curious how complicated that
4513s was to implement considering I don't see
4514s other games with it incredibly
4516s complicated uh and you may notice it's
4518s while it is one of the most praised
4521s systems in in the game it's also one of
4523s the most malign systems in the game
4525s because
4526s um it doesn't quite do the one specific
4529s thing that someone wants it to do and
4531s that's that's
4532s like there's so many different ways to
4536s classify items like have there has there
4538s been anything you've come across trying
4540s to loot filter for that doesn't work but
4542s you wished it would quick um no not
4546s anything in particular that just doesn't
4548s work um I've just struggled to make uh
4551s my loot filters work um but I'm quite
4554s positive operator error yeah oh yeah I I
4559s I steal the like generic um generic
4562s filters from like Max roll and um or if
4566s like a specific build has one
4568s yeah oh yeah I just download someone
4570s else's filter I modified a little bit
4572s there's some changes though that that
4574s that I saw to that that are going to be
4575s really
4581s good I find getting like a really basic
4583s one up is really easy
4586s and then you see some of these ones
4587s they've got a bajillion things listed
4589s and it's like yeah that is
4591s better
4595s yeah the missing piece for me has always
4597s been the um i' I've wanted to have an
4600s in-game share system
4603s like like
4606s uh kind of like you see on like mod
4610s websites and things like that people
4611s just like post it with a description and
4613s people like up vote down vote that sort
4614s of thing most boats rides to the top you
4617s can filter it be like I'm looking for a
4618s filter specifically designed for a
4622s warlock and then you put like I'm going
4624s to play these three skills and it's like
4626s boom here's a loot filter that plays
4629s those
4631s skills I think that would be sweet I'm
4634s going to I'm going to say something is
4635s get the community really upset with me
4637s but it's okay because I'm not the only
4639s one um I don't typically use a build
4643s guide I I I don't follow a build and I
4645s don't typically use
4649s filters so uh like I just like seeing
4652s all the I like the loot explosions you
4654s know yeah
4657s um the uh the the build guides on like
4661s um last Tac tools or Max roll or
4664s anything do those those typically come
4666s with loot filters that the the person
4668s used to get those items often times
4672s yeah okay no not always but but
4676s frequently and I know that um like last
4678s defac tools also has like a a um like a
4681s filter generator system that You' be
4683s like it's like just make me a filter
4685s that's going to find things like this
4686s and it's decent like it's pretty
4688s good okay I mean I'm I'm trying to do
4692s better I'm trying to do better Chad I
4693s promise using filters and guides um but
4698s I just I typically I go in with an idea
4701s I want to play this class and that's
4703s about where the idea stopped
4708s um and then when I play Rogue I
4711s typically default
4713s to uh Hal arrows Marksman just because
4717s it's so much fun it's so
4719s satisfying
4725s yeah uh there was a nemesis back there I
4728s don't know if you saw
4729s it Oh I
4731s didn't I follow you
4738s quite a way is back
4747s here all right to follow up on the last
4749s question for mental damage oh yeah we we
4751s kind of skipped over that a bit let's
4752s get back to it I guess um for mental
4755s damage how would you feel if it worked
4756s as a conditional damage dealing the
4758s condition being the damage is not dealt
4761s until the total enemy health bar is
4764s converted to mental
4767s damage this question is giving me mental
4772s damage it's doing its job yeah uh I will
4776s read it properly in a second here let me
4778s let's figure this out the condition
4781s being the damage is not dealt until the
4783s total enemy health bar is converted to
4786s mental damage this could align with
4788s unique mods that deal extra damage to
4790s full health mobs my apologies this is
4793s worded poorly or is confusing I think
4794s the the so the the the full health mob
4797s thing is an issue because it um heavily
4800s self- synergizes and is anti- synergy
4803s with everyone else so you can't have so
4806s like two Mesmer let's use the Guild Wars
4809s classes and just the placeholder so two
4811s Mesmer together would multiply off each
4813s other but anything else partying with a
4815s Mesmer would make the Mesmer worse
4820s um so I think I I don't think you could
4822s do stuff like that's why we avoid things
4824s like that
4825s so heavily to like base an entire class
4827s around something that won't conflict
4829s with another class
4835s um I think I miss watch my eyes GL over
4838s through that trying so hard to follow I
4841s think I missed something in the original
4843s question with the whole mental damage
4845s thing um cuz I was just like the way I
4847s would treat it is just like that's the
4850s theming around it and you you can do um
4853s you can do like ailments and status
4854s effects effect that a theme around that
4856s and and get like thematically
4858s appropriate mechanics and stuff but I
4859s wouldn't um I don't know I don't know if
4861s having like a separate health bar is
4864s great because it is a multiplayer game
4866s and I think that um you know it's the
4869s same problem like uh do you play Magic
4871s at all I do uh I haven't in a while but
4875s I have an abundance of cards um but if I
4880s just say infect you know what I
4882s mean yeah yeah so like it's the problem
4885s with infect where it's an alternate
4886s Health total so in a multiplayer game
4888s when you're trying to kill someone with
4889s infect rone doesn't know there's a
4891s separate type of way you can knock
4894s someone out of the game in multi in
4895s commander in uh Magic in general which
4897s is get them to 10 infect counters and
4899s they die um Y and so there's this this
4903s this weird thing that happens in
4905s multiplayer games because infect is
4907s actually it's it's a easy way to burst
4909s people down really quickly and be like
4911s oh you're dead out of nowhere but at the
4914s same time if you if you deal four infect
4917s damage to someone they get four poison
4919s counters and they're they're sitting at
4921s four of 10 that does nothing it's a
4923s completely different axis for killing
4925s them as just their life total um so like
4930s everyone else the table is not helping
4932s you kill that person and everyone else
4934s and you're not helping anyone else kill
4935s that person at the table so it's um and
4938s they tried to fix this a little bit with
4940s uh the the a new version of infect that
4942s that did do a really good job but it's
4944s it's a classic problem but it's I think
4945s it's a good example of um the reason why
4948s having a a separate Health pool that
4950s you're trying to kill a separate like
4952s axis that you're trying to kill someone
4953s over doesn't really work too great um
4957s like you want to still be damaging the
4958s same Health pool in a different
4967s way I just thought it been interesting
4969s question uh cuz you brought up magic and
4971s I know um that you're real big on that
4973s yeah uh if you could make the last we F
4978s classes into magic cards what would they
4981s be I mean we we actually are they
4982s legendaries we actually kind of done
4984s this a little bit they definitely
4985s wouldn't be Plaines Walkers um like um
4989s we we we've dabbled in this thought
4990s experiment quite a bit actually um I'll
4994s send you a document later if you want um
4997s I'm down
5000s the I I I think so there's yeah there's
5003s a couple different ways you can do it
5004s cuz they've recently started adding in
5005s literal classes as a card type in Magic
5010s yeah that came with the uh the um the D
5014s and D expansion didn't it yeah I think
5017s yeah I think it started with either
5018s started with that or expanded quite a
5020s bit there but yeah it was the battle for
5022s battle for balers gate had a bunch of
5024s classes that are really good and uh
5026s Bloom bro just came out with a bunch
5027s more that are so good
5031s um but yeah I think I think that's the
5034s like
5035s probably the way I'd want to do it now
5037s because it's such a like like codified
5040s thing to put like a class into the game
5042s and you can get a lot of flavor and
5043s vibes from that
5046s um and you know like if if you're
5048s putting those in you're Al you're
5049s putting it in as a full set and you can
5052s put in specific characters that are of
5054s that class as legendary
5057s creatures um that synergize well with
5060s those class cards at the same time and
5062s then you can um
5066s you know put in spells and stuff that
5068s like our abilities three
5073s [Music]
5075s strength that'd be really cool yeah no
5077s I'd actually if if you actually have the
5079s document on it I'd love to read it yeah
5082s uh that's a lot of fun I remember for uh
5084s for Christmas one year I I'm going to
5086s challenge this um I took pictures of all
5091s of my friends um and turned them into
5094s their own magic cards nice that's
5097s awesome and gave them to them as gifts
5099s it was a lot of
5101s fun um they all did quirky things that
5103s would absolutely never work in a real
5106s game unless it was another block of like
5109s unhinged yeah oh yeah I love I love
5112s unset cards I spent a lot of time on the
5114s custom magic subreddit and there's uh I
5116s much prefer when people are like this is
5117s an
5119s uncarded to
5121s do yeah
5125s all right uh do you have the rainbow
5130s bees rainbow bees oh you talking about
5134s the uh the the pets I'm pretty sure I do
5139s uh do you have them I don't know it was
5142s it was a question from
5143s chat we find
5147s out I think I just have regular bees I
5149s don't have rainbow bees oh no no I
5153s didn't I didn't pick them up
5156s no you you can give them to
5158s yourself I I absolutely can but yeah no
5162s I uh I didn't get them there's a few on
5166s this list that I didn't get myself
5167s actually um but uh no those are so much
5171s fun are there plans for gear sets such
5174s as allowing to drop with legendary
5177s potential uh or allow them to be egged
5180s um uh gear yeah set items we do have uh
5184s we have yes we do have plans for set
5186s items um that's going to be awesome it's
5189s going to give you uh new ways to
5192s incorporate set items into endgame
5195s builds um that is a different way of
5199s doing it than other ways we have of
5204s doing stuff in last which I know is
5207s super duper vag um but yes yes set items
5212s are are going to be awesome again
5214s there's there's there's uh a little bit
5216s of work we have to do on balance
5217s rebalancing some of them after this
5219s change but yes um there's going to be
5222s awesome set stuff and it's going to be
5225s great and hopefully more info on that at
5228s some point uh but you know I this is one
5231s of those things we've been talking about
5232s for years and the details are so so
5235s sparse and
5236s the uh legendary potential or egging
5239s them comes up as like uh the the the the
5243s the really obvious answer like why don't
5245s you just give them LP um and and the
5250s like the short answer to
5253s this actually it's the the long answer
5255s is that some of
5259s them like the the text already has to
5262s shrink to fit on the screen for some of
5264s these items you know like and this isn't
5267s even one of the worst ones and you you
5271s do that and you slap four more lines of
5273s affixes on it
5275s and and and you've got items that you're
5277s like get out my spectacles to read this
5280s item and it's just it's just too much
5284s stuff on a single item U because you
5286s have all the set bonuses all the like
5287s it's just so much and so we are
5291s um and and it also kind of just by by
5296s just slapping LP on them it makes them
5297s feel more like unique item variants
5301s rather than their own type of item um so
5304s we we you really want to have that
5306s feeling of like bringing a character to
5310s life through through a set item and
5319s um you know we we we do want people to
5321s be able to incorporate set items and the
5322s mechanics that they bring to their
5324s builds um and we want to make set items
5327s as a relevant part of your character
5329s creation
5331s process um but also at the same time we
5334s don't want want every single build to
5336s always be using set items no matter what
5339s um and there's there's a fine line there
5342s so I I think we I I'm really excited
5346s about what we are doing to
5349s them uh somebody else asked do we have
5352s any plans or considerations for
5356s affixes or nodes that affect enemy Ward
5361s like extra damage to an enemy Ward ah
5368s um this this is funny we're actually
5370s talking about this yesterday um oh
5374s yeah uh because so I think the core
5377s thing here is that
5382s um yeah this this this is a tricky topic
5385s there
5387s is we don't we don't the short answer is
5390s no we don't have any plans to make
5392s specific Investments into Ward
5396s killing um we we do have specific invest
5399s investments into boss killing um which
5403s is kind of the same thing really like
5405s you know more damage to bosses is the
5407s same thing as more damage to Ward almost
5410s because bosses are just about the only
5413s thing that gets Ward not quite there's
5415s there are exceptions but
5419s um I think the I think the boss Ward
5422s system that we put in was a fantastic
5425s step in the right
5426s direction and we used it too
5431s ubiquitously
5433s and uh the ward doesn't naturally Decay
5437s fast enough I think that's kind of the
5439s the takeaway from the feedback we've
5441s gotten um over the last eight months or
5444s whatever and um we we are interested in
5448s addressing that feedback and addressing
5449s this issue cuz we do have we do have a
5451s plan for it so there there will be
5453s adjustments to the boss Ward system um
5456s and I think there's opportunities to to
5457s use other mechanics that are
5459s thematically appropriate to specific
5461s boss fights um to in order to like
5467s have have a similar effect that makes
5469s sense in a specific
5475s situation uh Mr Ben diesel I can answer
5477s your question roid Mage when that's easy
5480s give a barbarian a frying pan tell them
5482s to cast iron
5485s give a barbarian
5486s what give a barbarian a frying pan and
5490s tell him to cast
5492s iron I'll be here all
5496s week I love that I've never heard that
5500s before you've never heard that before
5502s I've never heard that one before that's
5504s great it's one of it's one of like a
5507s thousand like you know off-kilter D and
5512s D character Concepts is like the Barian
5514s that's convinced he's a spellcaster yeah
5517s I love
5519s that he fights with a frying pan and his
5521s favorite spell is cast iron or punch at
5524s third
5527s level the uh Necromancer that thinks
5530s he's just a really late EMT or a
5536s clear yeah that that that does it for me
5540s that
5542s works next next time I have a chance to
5545s play D and D I am uh going to cast some
5549s iron I played uh I I don't get to play
5553s very often I'm a forever DM I've been
5555s I've been a DM for the last like 15
5557s years nice and uh but one time I did get
5561s to play I basically played Kon from
5564s Emperor's New Groove I was a half work
5566s Rogue nice with no skills and dexterity
5570s it was all intimidation
5574s that's
5579s great Bard class would be really cool as
5581s well yeah Bard class would be really
5583s cool as
5584s well yeah uh I agre aache necros really
5589s are just bad doctors
5592s yeah I I I'd love to like I feel like
5595s the the thing with Bard is It's tricky
5597s to have um three masteries for Bard that
5601s feel really distinct
5604s and play really different and like you
5607s almost have to incorporate like Bard as
5610s a Mastery and
5612s like where does that fit is really
5615s tricky so like can can you fit that as
5617s like Bard as like the Mastery of a monk
5621s like monk a Mastery BS a Mastery is
5623s there like some Synergy is there some
5624s like Base Class you give them both or is
5626s it like uh more more like there's an
5629s Entertainer
5631s class or something and you know is one
5634s of them and Dancer is another one and
5636s you know like all the different types
5639s of I it's It's tricky to do a full three
5642s Mastery class with Bart as the theme I
5644s think cuz it is kind of
5646s narrow
5648s um in the
5652s theming yeah that's that's a real tough
5654s one um I've I've always thought of what
5659s it would be like to have a Bard type
5661s class and then I always get stopped up
5663s on how how do you make them feel
5665s separate like a good example of that is
5669s the difference between the forge guard
5672s and the void Knight they are distinctly
5674s different yeah and it's difficult to do
5677s that with something that just is an
5679s Entertainer and
5681s inherit I mean you can have the like the
5683s loot player and he's he's got his his
5685s axe it's actually a melee
5688s class battle
5690s axe another INF guitar loot there's a
5694s ten his link there
5698s uh phon says uh musicians support dancer
5702s DPS Storyteller hybrid I guess that
5705s worked yeah like like on paper on paper
5708s that works there's there's like Lore
5710s Master is a class that goes in um in
5713s Lord of the Rings Online lro has L
5715s Master it's basically the wizard that
5717s that's a really that's a really light
5719s magic system in general
5728s there's a nemesis up
5736s here W up to me yes
5741s lovely ah my nine
5744s strength
5746s woven flesh
5762s H we did it I got an egg
5765s hey finally I don't know what I'm going
5767s to use it
5770s on
5772s um we do have a question here do you
5774s think we might get a second faction
5776s selection as well like choosing between
5778s siding with the Terra or orbus or
5780s additional deities uh even which come
5783s with debuffs as well as Buffs yeah
5785s they'll there will be more factions that
5786s will show up faction the faction system
5788s is something that we have um definitely
5791s designed to
5792s be uh like this this faction's window um
5797s there's a few mockups we have where it's
5798s like when there's 12 of them when
5801s there's 20 of them what does it look
5802s like um so yeah there's there is uh room
5807s for adding new factions to this to this
5809s UI for sure um and we do plan on having
5814s more and more of them some of which that
5815s will have um either or selections like
5818s circle of Fortune Merchant Guild some
5819s that are just a single thing like
5821s forgotten Knights um and some of them
5823s that could be like pick one of these
5824s four things you know like it doesn't
5825s have to be just two so we have support
5827s for functionality wise all of those
5830s combinations and we do plan on
5831s leveraging it more in the
5833s future and there's another faction
5836s coming at some point I do you know what
5839s the next faction is going to be
5841s called so I got a quick question for you
5844s with this egg if I drop a weapon I'm
5846s carrying and actively using I'm not
5849s getting it back till we beat him that's
5851s right to beat him two three
5855s times cuz you got to put it in Empower
5858s it Empower it again and then challenge
5860s it so you got to be them three times
5862s without your weapon which is something I
5863s did to get this weapon
5865s egged uh I don't know if I want to do
5868s that though I have an array list that I
5870s was considering dropping in there what
5872s what are you using right now what
5874s rocking uh a raus and uh palous a sacred
5878s light yeah okay um yeah I mean you could
5883s just swap on them out
5887s temporarily not the best idea
5890s me so all right we get you can also just
5894s you can access your stash
5897s too can yep there's a stash button yeah
5900s when you when you open the egg there's a
5902s little stash icon there there is I
5903s didn't even see yeah huh I'm
5907s done JW gets Dragon form yeah yeah yeah
5911s Dragon form be sweet I'd ra I'd rather
5914s see like a Mastery around Dragon theming
5917s than just a just a new form for offer
5920s Druid
5925s personally cool hey I got a one LP wand
5929s receptor I'll take
5931s it nice
5934s gr race yeah why you lost weight dude
5937s congrats thank you I will never turn
5940s down
5942s those I've actually started
5945s intentionally gaining weight now but you
5947s know like the right
5949s way you want to
5951s trade what I said you want to
5956s trade I've been actively trying to lose
5958s weight for a while dude I started in
5961s April and went
5962s hard uh uh and like I've lost 80 it's do
5967s pounds I've lost 87 lbs since
5970s April ow congrats yeah it's it was
5981s difficult but then I'm like Oh my face
5983s looks like I uh it's like
5988s sunken that's what the for
6004s yeah I was like only way to fix it is to
6006s build up a bunch of muscle MK I'm like
6007s well I don't think I build up face
6008s muscles
6011s so yeah my goal was to uh lose a bunch
6015s of weight and then turn around and turn
6016s it to muscle that's exact yeah that's
6018s where I'm at now is I'm like all right
6020s let's start building
6021s muscle yeah and my my wife and I were
6025s regular gym attendees for like a year
6029s and then uh school started back up again
6031s for her and it's been real difficult to
6034s stick stick to the schedule we have I
6036s don't think we've been in like a
6039s month yeah I I don't have time to go to
6041s the gym ever I've it's entirely just
6042s been like what workouts can I do in a 8
6046s by8
6049s space like 8 by six but still
6054s uh semblance or sbian asking any chance
6058s gold pickup radius could be
6060s increased I mean we can talk about it a
6063s little bit
6066s uh it's I don't
6070s know I feel like there's a point where
6073s it's like going to pick up your loot is
6078s like it's a thing to do it's part of
6080s the like part of the action of I'm
6082s playing the game I'm picking up my loot
6084s right and if if the loot if the auto
6087s loot pickup radius for for um gold is
6091s big enough to the point where it's like
6095s um no longer going to go get it yeah
6098s it's just like whatever gold I
6100s incidentally get from
6101s playing I don't
6104s know I feel like we'd have to increase
6106s it quite a bit to have much of a
6108s difference but I could see it being uped
6110s a little bit
6118s frog race cuz frog was the best in Crown
6119s Trigger he was the best in Crown trigger
6121s you're absolutely
6125s right what you say we finish up this
6127s mono and or this uh this Echo and then
6130s uh you show us the void Knight oh I
6133s totally forgot I had more teasers I
6134s usually only come with two and I'm like
6135s well two were done yeah I got
6138s more yeah you got some more uh I know I
6141s asked earlier so apologies but I didn't
6143s hear the answer merch store
6145s update um I have I have I yesterday
6149s asked about it again
6152s um I I got a I got a yeah I really want
6156s that too type answer from from the
6158s person I asked this time so um it's it's
6161s not for lack of want
6165s uh but I don't have any any details I
6172s apologize uh on the topic of merch um
6175s I'm actually surpris ahead and bring
6177s this up this is typically the thing that
6179s I bring up every time the company has me
6181s to introduce myself uh for anybody in
6184s chat that actually owns one of the
6185s original lasttix shirts and even a few
6188s of the
6189s hats I'm the guy that made them
6192s yeah I'm actually wearing one of them
6195s today nice I I have I have that one in a
6198s drawer uh oh my hat's upstairs I do I
6200s have one of the hats you made too I
6202s think yeah yeah no that was that was my
6204s job before uh I came to EHD was uh I
6207s made the
6208s merch all right you want a void Knight
6211s thing let's get a void night thing let's
6213s do a void
6215s Knight is's a void night
6218s thing what does this one say this one
6221s that's that one uh while you are moving
6224s you will automatically cast devouring
6225s orb if it is not on cool down and you
6228s have enough Mana this effect puts
6230s devouring orb on cool
6232s down and
6235s I'm really excited for it using a
6236s movement Ability Counts as
6242s moving and yes war path is tagged with
6244s [Laughter]
6249s movement this is your reminder for the
6251s character sheet update I'll keep hunting
6253s you until it happens yeah it's going to
6254s be a
6255s while strap
6261s in we need hitting the shield the hammer
6264s too oh yeah yeah the Iron Man full or
6269s the Thor the Thor uh needs to
6271s incorporate directly with your your iron
6275s your captain Iron Thor that we're
6277s playing now
6278s [Laughter]
6284s in all right Sergeant iron
6290s lightning uh however regarding the
6293s egoism node in dread shade is that being
6296s reworked in relation to dread shade no
6298s longer expiring probably if if if any
6300s Noe doesn't make sense yeah
6303s um
6305s ego
6307s egoism uh minion targeted by dread shade
6309s now always critically Straits but dread
6311s shade now has a cool down um I don't
6315s know if that needs to be changed
6318s actually cuz cuz dread shade will will
6321s still eventually kill the thing it's
6322s attached to
6329s right oh are you asking me no you well
6331s sorry I it was a rhetorical question but
6333s I just pulled up the tool tip and yes it
6335s will I realized there's a bunch of stuff
6337s in my screen sorry
6342s everybody yeah there's the egoism
6344s node and there's the base functionality
6354s that that last one was actually really
6356s good can can we see the forge guard the
6359s last one you have or do you want hold
6361s yeah you can do it yeah we only a little
6362s bit of time left so yeah why not let's
6363s do two two back to back to
6365s back um I gu this isn't really Forge
6367s guard necessarily but you know I I play
6371s this on Forge guard people play this on
6373s Paladin though a lot
6378s too uh so this is when you create uh
6381s when you create more additional swords
6383s then there are nearby enemies each
6386s remaining sword can consume Mana to
6388s strike the nearest enemy even if it was
6390s hit by the initial attack um so if you
6393s uh know multi strike at all one of the
6395s issues with it currently is that if
6397s you've um if you only have one target
6401s it's kind of crap and actually in some
6403s situations it's better to purposely miss
6405s your
6406s target at least it used to be uh in
6409s order to get like a proc effect on the
6411s main target if you're trying to cast
6412s smite uh through it but now um if you
6415s have down to a single Target it's just
6417s Bonkers
6420s awesome cuz it just it it it chunks your
6424s Mana though it does it does take the
6425s Mana down a chunk but
6427s like uh you can get it so that it's it
6430s balances out pretty nicely it works
6432s great and it's one of those things where
6433s it's like yeah you got to build around
6435s it a little bit but it's so powerful if
6436s you can make it work uh and it's a lot
6439s of fun Ela looks just
6441s great you know what actually a really
6443s cool idea might be is this the is this
6446s the right place to to pitch an idea for
6447s for yeah go for
6449s it um if your manifest armor could use
6453s your Forge weapons yeah yeah like like U
6456s pick them up like he gets a buff he gets
6458s a buff for each one that you've got yeah
6461s be really cool yeah I think there's like
6463s in an Ideal World I think it would
6465s actually
6466s like if I could if I could just be like
6468s all right here's my my dream for the
6470s system and I can there's there's
6472s development cost aren't a thing in this
6474s world um it would actually be able to
6477s like uh pick up dead manifest weapons or
6483s even just pick up live ones where it
6485s would just like walk up to one and be
6486s like you just like grab it out of thin
6487s air and be like all right this is my
6488s weapon now and I'm going to start
6489s smacking things with it it get like a
6491s huge buff for it it like breaks after
6493s like five or 10 hits or something and
6494s then it picks up another one yeah and so
6496s like you're um you actively like are
6498s supplying it with weapons you're like a
6500s little Squire following along behind it
6501s being like here you go with another
6502s sword oh you broke that one here's
6504s another
6505s sword I'd love to do
6509s that sorry my brain's doing that thing
6511s uh you you gave the the whole y you
6514s broke your sword here's another one uh
6516s my little brother has like five 3D
6518s printers it's his favorite thing to do
6520s and uh he tried to 3D print himself some
6523s swords for a convention this year and he
6527s would assemble them and for one reason
6529s or another they would always break
6530s either they broke during the printing
6533s they broke during painting or one of my
6536s parents would run into it and it would
6537s just shatter it and so he had this big
6541s box of just broken swords I said change
6543s your costume completely you are now the
6545s poorest blacksmith ever you need to 3D
6548s print like two thck swords and hand them
6550s out as your finest work yeah that's
6553s awesome I've been I've been printing uh
6557s sauron's
6558s mace uh for Lord of the Rings and I've
6561s got the um one
6573s sec so I've actually got it uh I've got
6577s this the the core part assembled and
6578s then I've got these that
6586s will that will go on
6591s it yes there's six of them that attach
6593s all the way around but yeah the uh
6595s that's really
6599s cool that's really cool how many times
6602s I've considered asking for one of the
6604s models for one of the swords out of last
6606s Epoch just so I could print I have a
6608s printer literally right here oh yeah
6610s yeah there's there's two in the other
6614s room and I'll get you the models I've I
6616s have a few of them that I'm like I might
6618s print this
6619s one I uh I uh may or may not be in
6624s possession of the model for the epoch
6626s that I just want to put on my desk
6635s yeah is this classic recognizes the
6639s pattern
6643s there oh
6646s je quite a treasure you've got
6650s there it's yeah it's the herc cube if
6652s anyone's
6654s wondering all right another the question
6656s I heard 1K corruption is the cap for
6658s higher rooll for Unique
6660s LP no uh will that cap raise something
6663s 1.5 corruption or lower it it doesn't
6666s exist as far as I
6670s know someone right afterward is not sure
6672s yeah that's that's not it there's no cap
6676s uh Bush Yeti writes can we get our MTX
6679s skins to show on our main character
6681s select screen I think that's something
6683s that's being worked on yeah yeah it it
6685s works in the
6687s editor it works in the editor this is
6689s one of those frustrating things so for
6690s the longest time um like pausing the
6694s game in offline mode worked in the
6696s editor but didn't work in build versions
6697s of the game and now it's um yeah
6700s displaying MTX works in the editor but
6702s doesn't work in the uh the actual build
6705s of the game it's so frustrating but yeah
6707s we're working on
6709s that uh any plan to merge cycle and
6712s Legacy soon soon any point uh to having
6715s two servers now uh right now when
6718s there's nothing that's running on them
6719s there's no point in having this split no
6722s um I don't think we're planning on doing
6724s a merge until we get to the next thing
6726s to
6730s release uh we don't have a ton of time
6732s yet let we're going to rapify some
6733s questions here what are your thoughts on
6734s random shrines where the player doesn't
6736s know what they are getting to further
6738s this idea shrines that could turn the
6740s player into a rabbit unique move set
6742s zeld reference I got that Dark World
6744s from Zelda 2 or not Zelda 2 Link to the
6748s Past second good
6750s Zelda come at
6756s me
6759s um I love the idea in
6762s principle I think that there are um
6765s moments of like I I think what it would
6768s do is that if someone got something that
6770s was bad it would cause them to like get
6773s they'd click on it it would go oh that
6774s was a bad one let me hide in this corner
6776s until it wears off I think that's the
6778s gameplay Loop that happens there it's
6779s not like a challenge to overcome you
6781s could give it like a and you've got 10x
6785s loot drops for the next 10 seconds type
6788s thing and like like do something where
6789s it's like it's really hard but you get
6790s crazy bonuses from it or something like
6792s that the game play changes and there's a
6793s there's an incentive to keep going you'd
6795s have to do it but like having negative
6797s random effects is really tricky to avoid
6800s you
6801s issues I mean I I'd be interested to
6804s even tweak that idea a little bit rather
6806s than it's just a random effect rather it
6809s gives you a random bonus to something on
6811s your skill bar oh like yeah just one of
6814s the skills that you've got equipped gets
6815s boosted yeah at least you have an idea
6817s of what you're going to get yeah yeah
6819s that's a lot
6820s better
6822s yeah uh all right so any plans to expand
6824s the capacity for customizing the loot
6826s filter above 75 no it's already right on
6828s the edge but we are doing some stuff to
6830s make it so you can get more information
6832s in fewer lines
6835s uh how do you all feel about having
6837s affixes SL skills nodes that do extra
6839s damage to enemy Ward not a big fan of it
6841s prefer to solve the problem a different
6842s way talked about that earlier rewind it
6844s if you'd like to see the full reason uh
6846s it sounds like you got you got to damage
6848s enemies with mental damage and they only
6850s receive it once their total mental
6852s damage that they have received is equal
6853s to or more than their maximum health
6855s yeah I I think we talked about that a
6857s bit I'm not a huge fan of that cuz the
6859s whole multi axi damaging multiplayer
6863s thing um and in single player it's not
6865s interesting cuz then it's just the same
6867s as
6868s health uh hi I would love to be able to
6871s control shift click to bypass the tab
6874s priority settings and place the clicked
6876s item directly in the open tab it's a
6878s cool idea you should put it in the
6880s suggestions channel on our Discord or
6882s our forums uh has there been any debate
6885s on adding true damage to the game that
6887s bypasses enemy Ward question stems from
6890s their uh the question above about Ward
6892s um
6893s we technically true damage is in the
6896s game
6898s um uh or was true damage that true
6902s damage is something that isn't affected
6903s by defense stats technically that's in
6905s the game
6907s um I wouldn't consider Ward like a
6909s defense like a mitigation stat it's just
6910s a different health bar really um
6915s and but uh things that bypass War
6918s directly is not something we're
6919s interested in doing because it does
6920s break the whole mechanic and becomes
6922s mandatory for anyone who wants to do
6924s those fights as fast as possible
6926s basically um unless the whole it's it's
6931s it's so messy so no we're probably not
6933s doing that um but we do have things
6937s we're going to do to solve the uh
6941s address the feedback that we're getting
6942s on the ward system cuz while I do think
6944s it was a huge step in the right
6945s direction it was not a perfect solution
6949s um another question why not making set
6952s bonuses specific for the class who wears
6954s them many of them
6955s are uh I would hope a last Epoch monk
6958s came with a Mastery that emulated the
6960s Soul Fist from Lost Arc class has crazy
6962s DBZ themes yeah I'd love that
6965s too B Class masteries of wind string and
6968s percussion yeah the problem here is that
6969s they're all still themed around music
6972s cuz because it's the first place that I
6973s thought too and it's like you like
6975s someone who's like a really big Bard fan
6978s um who plays a lot of D and D Bard that
6980s sort of stuff or other the bards and
6981s other other games stuff that that is
6983s really appealing but I don't think it
6985s has enough of a broad appeal um out like
6990s it's still it's it's it's variations on
6991s a theme still and it's not I don't think
6993s it's enough but I could be wrong need a
6997s poke
6999s class Aaron keep your stuff out of here
7001s I know this wasn't you
7003s but uh any chance gold pickup radius can
7005s be increased that's like the third time
7007s this stream uh any chance of us getting
7009s something akin to paragon levels yeah
7012s paragon levels
7013s um generally not a huge fan of paragon
7016s levels system too much because we don't
7019s expect people to hit 100 um but we do
7021s have plans for um tangential progression
7024s systems that extend past into the end
7027s game you'll actually see one of those
7029s next uh major patch Auto pick up for
7032s shards would be awesome or no
7034s autopicking them up to their storage
7037s instead of the inventory as a pass I
7038s think that's a better option um I still
7041s want to pick them up but I don't want to
7043s uh do the store thing personally um you
7046s guys should do a meme class like a
7047s regular guy class
7049s yeah be hitting up wick for an OG sh hat
7052s and shirt yeah he's probably got some uh
7055s we're just we're just oh none left okay
7057s sorry we're just rattling through a long
7059s time at least I
7061s haven't yeah dread shade won't kill it
7064s if you have lone Watcher but that gets
7066s rework then yeah okay yeah we' probably
7067s have to do that one as well uh can we
7070s get our MTX skins there's still a Max of
7072s four Shades that can go out at a time uh
7074s can we get our MTX skins to show on our
7076s main character select screen yes we're
7079s working on it it's going to be a while I
7080s don't know when it's done depending on
7082s the lp all be unique and if you have the
7083s cof rank bonus or not you can actually
7086s reach a scaling cap for LP odds for some
7089s lower LPL uniques interesting I did not
7093s know that um not totally cuz you can't
7097s like the drop chance can still go up
7099s really uh can we rework aon's will into
7101s a POA hat that teleports you to the
7104s Merchant's Guild bizarre with a 5sec
7107s cool
7108s down trolling players I love it I don't
7112s think Aaron would agree to it and he
7114s gets to veto changes to his
7119s [Laughter]
7121s item and we got through all the
7123s questions leave me
7127s alone
7130s so uh I think we're we're at time here
7134s and we're going
7137s [Music]
7139s to come hang out over here I got room I
7141s got real estate still
7144s Yes um so Wick thank you very much for
7147s coming out is there anything you'd like
7149s to to say before stream ends I know we
7150s kind of just like scrambled through the
7152s last bit of it here but yeah uh floor is
7154s yours if you'd like
7155s anything I mean honestly I just wanted
7158s to thank the community for for
7160s supporting us as much as they have I get
7161s to spend a lot time with you guys I get
7163s to listen to your feedback and you guys
7165s have been nothing but awesome um not
7169s just to me specifically but to all the
7171s other CMS and everybody else that comes
7172s and hangs out in Discord so if you guys
7174s haven't already it's not too late come
7177s join our Discord come hang out with us
7179s um I'm in there pretty much daily um and
7184s I'd love to talk to you guys some more
7186s so
7187s um yeah this is fun hope uh hope Mike I
7190s didn't annoy you too much and I can come
7192s back and do it it again this is this is
7193s a good time I had a blast I thought it
7195s was great we'll uh I I want I want to
7197s make this a regular thing with with
7199s having someone with me on stream and
7200s just like getting people who want to do
7202s a lot in a bunch that's that's I I like
7204s doing it more with someone else here
7206s it's more fun for me but yeah getting
7207s getting someone to to to riff with is
7210s great um so yeah that that'll about do
7212s it for us today
7214s um I had fun I hope you had fun I know I
7217s did and we'll see you same time same
7219s place next week um if I did not answer
7222s one of your questions or if we did not
7223s answer one of your questions it was not
7225s intentional I apologize please head on
7227s over to our Discord and put that
7228s question in the ASDS Channel and we'll
7229s get to it as soon as we can
7232s um and that's it I hope you have a great
7235s day thanks for stopping by uh drink lots
7238s of
7239s water and set up
7242s straight yeah yeah posture posture is
7246s important is there anyone uh oh let's
7249s see this here Aaron you have been going
7252s going and going and going like the
7254s Energizer Bunny it is
7263s unbelievable
7265s uh yeah we'll we'll be back uh yeah have
7268s a great day everyone have some fun