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I'm trying to gamble for a Plague Bearer's Staff unique, which is a Gate Staff base. From what I understand, I'll need to gamble Gate Staff in order to have a chance to gamble it into Plague Bearer's, but after about a dozen refreshes I haven't seen a single Gate Staff.

Is there any way to increase the chances of getting Gate Staff while gambling, or am I just really unlucky and need to keep spamming refresh?

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almost 4 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by n3id

The base requires lvl 35. Either you are already higher lvl and there are a lot of higher bases diluting the pool or you are not 35 yet and it won't show up because of that.

Edit: the unique requires lvl 40. I don't know if that influences the chance to roll the unique if a gate staff shows up.

Your character does need to be at least the level required to use the unique in order to be able to gamble it. That means that for Plague Bearer's in particular you need to be at least level 40.