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I just started playing again after almost a year off. I've been able to create my own loot filters in the past so I understand how they work. I'm wondering if there is something scuffed with the patch. I started a new character (acolyte) I have the loot filter set to not show me any gear from all other classes and it keeps showing me stuff. I even moved that rule to the top and it's not working. Not only that but I have my filter set to only show me gear with 3 meaningful stats for me and I'm getting things with only 3 stats and only one of them is meaningful. I even made a rule to where it won't show me things with 2 stats that I don't want, and it made no difference

So what am I missing here? If the the loot filters are not scuffed, am I just brain farting on something important?

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Best to put a screenshot or pastebin up of your filter and link it here so we can see exactly what you have.