over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

In Patch 0.7.4 we will be overhauling the tooltips used for specialization trees and passives!


An example of our new tooltip design.


Aspects of our tooltips we wish to improve include;

  • Tooltips are often quite long, and the current design requires that you read all of it every time. We wanted to make it more feasible for players to quickly skim tooltips.
  • The original visual design had been created quickly during pre-alpha development. We wanted to give them a new appearance so that they would better fit our current UI.


The same design, but with points spent in the node.


Our new tooltips are divided into two sections. The first is a description of what the node does, which is intended to be accessible for new players. The second is a list of modifiers which shows how strong each of the node’s individual effects are.


Each individual modifier (e.g. Mana Cost) will have its own specific art.


The intention is to reduce the amount of time spent reading tooltips. Reading the description is sufficient to know whether you are interested in taking that node. The list of modifiers is intended to be something you can skim to review the node later. Seeing a Fireball node with ‘Pierce Chance’ and ‘Mana Cost’ immediately makes clear what that node does.


Negative effects are displayed in red for clarity.


Last Epoch currently has 86 skills, the majority of which now have specialization trees. Those trees have approximately 25 nodes on average, which means that this change requires us to review more than one thousand nodes. Due to the amount of work involved, we are not yet able to confirm whether every node will be updated in time for Patch 0.7.4.

What’s your favourite part of the new design? Is there anything you’d like to see changed?

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

This is an entry in Phase 2 of our Early Access Forecast. :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

This is an entry in Phase 2 of our Early Access Forecast. :slight_smile:

Could you perhaps create a new a thread dedicated to this suggestion?