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EHG sent out the survey which asked for feedback about build/skill nerfs during mid-cycles and the majority of the responses came down to preferring nerfs AFTER the cycle was over rather than during so long as it wasn’t caused by a bug; even if the build/skill was over performing by a lot.

Does this also apply to mechanics such as the factions? The multiple nerfs to CoF suggest it doesn’t. Because it’s been clear for a while now, MG is stronger than CoF yet CoF keeps getting the nerfs. Even if you think the despair attainment from prophecies was crazy, still weaker than MG. And to nerf this MID cycle? This goes against the nerfing philosophy we just went over. If these things were nerfed due to double dipping then nerf that somehow rather than just nerfing the weaker faction.

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12 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We don’t intend to extend that policy to overarching game systems, though we do heavily monitor community sentiment and if we find that changes to systems like this are preferred to be adjusted at Cycle patches we’ll start to lean that way.

We’ll continue to adjust the game and our approaches as we find what is preferred. Just know that we’re listening/closely monitoring and we’re willing to make adjustments based on feedback.

12 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by NotARealDeveloper

Are you open to having mid season reports? Like telling us what you are closely watching or is likely to change for next season? I think just hearing that "you are thinking about ways to bring cof to mg power" or "looking at forge guard rebalancing" for next season, would go a long way.

Not sure if this makes sense from a dev pov though.

Yea that’s a good idea.