almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody and welcome
5s back to another last Epoch Dev stream
8s as always
10s I'm your host Mike hello glad to be here
13s glad to have you all with me
17s we've got a new month and we've got a
19s new
20s uh charity
22s International animal rescue baboom this
25s is what happens when Mike decides to
27s make the banner
28s 10 seconds before he goes live
32s so we're just gonna hop right in and
33s start playing have some fun
44s I may have uh I may have played a little
48s uh a little on the on on the on the week
52s of the downtime here between streams
55s not much I didn't I didn't Advance the
56s storyline at all but I did play a little
58s bit of monolith got carried a bunch
62s and so our horribly underpowered
65s two-handed play dancer can probably
67s finish the campaign now
69s laughs
73s and we might have to dip into the
74s monolith again to finish it
79s it's your first time here welcome glad
80s to have you with us if you have a
82s question for me please put out last
83s default game in the question so I see it
85s stand out a lot better
87s we're just gonna hang out and have some
89s fun play some games for an hour or two
91s hours and uh
101s you know feels good to be back into the
103s more normal swing of things with
105s development
107s I feel like I feel like we're back in
108s our groove which is really nice
114s oh back in the pocket you know
120s true
121s uh torfin eventually on this blade
124s dancer for decent-ish bleed build ah
127s Maybe
129s who wants a decent build come on where's
132s the fun in that huh
137s probably
141s lots of crit on there we are we do we do
143s so we're pretty focused on crit right
145s now not not dots we've taken a bunch of
148s nodes that are like your dots are worse
150s and we have a ton of crit stuff
153s see I've got got a woman flash rocking
154s now for that cred avoidance
158s uh person that's playing with handed me
160s this which is pretty sweet
162s you know get that leech
168s Kane thank you for editing the charity I
171s appreciate that
174s hey quick question loving the game but I
176s have over 190 levels in Prime list with
179s no Scurry drop are you all planning to
181s alter drop rates at some point hard to
183s assemble a build at this point I mean so
185s the
186s um
188s I mean you can you can play wolves
189s without Herald like it does it does work
192s as wolves without Herald
194s um it's a pretty rare item
196s um I think the item faction system will
198s really help with targeting specific
200s items like this uh specifically because
203s you have both in the both sides will
205s will be able to Target things a lot
206s easier
208s um because if you're in
210s um
211s circle of Fortune you can just you can
214s use prophecies and increase drop rates
216s in general to to Target a lot better if
218s you're in Russian skills you can just go
220s buy it so so yeah like we don't we
223s actually tend to lower drop rates
226s um over overall base drop rates but with
228s those when those new features come in
230s um at the same time as we do the lower
232s it'll be overall easier to find the
236s piece you need for your build
240s um
241s something that'll be really good
252s we've got Rings standing out a tomb and
255s Minion health
260s we are pretty low on health right now
261s though so I should probably be looking
263s at that and that does a bunch of help on
265s it
266s I'll sum at least
272s it's okay when we get low we just
274s disappear
275s it's our whole game plan
279s it's a terrible gameplay I'm doing copy
281s it
287s all right
290s is there an estimated timeline on fixing
292s the jewelry box I don't know I don't
293s have any information on specific
294s timelines for bug fixing
297s um
297s I know that one is being worked on
301s um but I don't I don't know when uh the
304s I I think there's I think there's
306s timeline information in the actual patch
308s notes uh if you go back not the most not
311s the tiny little hot fix that we did but
313s the the more recent or the
317s uh
318s G or G2
321s will have uh it says it says something
324s like two weeks from that point or
325s something like that
326s but I don't know
330s yeah
332s I mean it's cool but uh I don't know
335s what we're looking for
337s pick it up just did something's open
338s though
348s maybe we'll go try and fight you or do
350s we have a key I don't think we have a
351s key
354s when the trade system drops are we able
356s to put up items um we get now on the
359s market yeah so the the items that will
361s be unavailable to post on the bazaar are
364s items that have an item faction
367s requirement so if the item says on it
370s like so the items will get like see this
372s requires level 60 items in in their
374s place will get requires level or
376s requires circular Fortune rank circle of
379s Fortune rank three for example and that
381s item will not be tradable at the bazaar
384s um and then so if you get an item that's
386s like requires Merchant Guild rank two
387s that it will not be tradable level
389s desire so items that are untagged with a
392s item faction rank requirement
396s we'll all be tradable and as you can see
399s all of your items are currently untagged
413s I just like heal through this yeah I can
415s because I got I got those sweet gloves
417s and they'd be healing
424s you keep telling me to submit I don't
427s wanna
449s oh all right uh yeah don't forget to put
452s at last Epoch game in the question so I
454s see it easier uh but you see one here hi
456s will there ever be support for a PS5
460s um yeah it's okay in our dance this ever
462s is a long time we don't have any
465s um active plans for specific console
467s releases right now
469s um we do want to go and have consoles uh
473s be a platform we release on at some
475s point
476s um do we know when that's gonna be at
478s all no do we have any information on
480s when that's gonna be no
482s um
484s we haven't put zero work into any sort
486s of console release whatsoever
488s it would it would be really good and I
490s think it's something that we will
491s probably eventually do
493s um
495s but we just we just don't have the we
497s don't know the time pre-launched to put
499s any any resources behind that
528s all right fair enough I had forgotten
530s those uh it was on the way also kudos
533s for going live
535s the minute a new Poe League went live
538s it's a horribly out of touch I am with
540s pu I had no idea League was going live
542s right now I knew it was like starting
543s around now but uh I had no idea it was
547s like right now
549s this is not the first time I made that
550s mistake
556s it's fine
570s right I think it's fine
576s I'm I'm totally happy for a a chill
579s stream you know maybe just a little bit
581s relaxed I'm totally fine with that
592s are you guys going to remove battery
593s water from the game it needs to be done
595s uh
597s uh we're not
599s astronaut is a great item
601s um I I think there's
603s it has
605s uh it doesn't have enough competition in
608s the defensive slot uh offhand category
614s so I I think removing it is uh
618s uh
619s you know
621s the wrong tool for the job
635s foreign
644s how much more time to get Lassie [ __ ]
647s hoodies
648s excuse me hoodies in the store
651s hopefully soon I really want more merch
652s I've seen mock-ups for hoodies
659s have died so you could live
663s now feel the unending you're asking for
666s those for two years now I'm ready to
668s wear one while gaming hey man I've been
670s asking for those for just as long
676s hello happy Friday happy Friday Master
678s Sword how you doing
681s what currencies will the bazaar use gold
684s gold
687s hey man just tried the game the other
689s day loving it uh awesome thanks do you
692s plan to add was to your controller sport
694s Well Control Sports already in so so no
696s we don't plan to add control of sport
698s because it's already there
700s um
701s do you plan to add wozzi sport it once
703s you have control of support it's not
704s that hard to add but that's funny
711s um but I we don't have any specific we
713s don't have like a task set out or a plan
715s to add it specifically
717s um
718s I mean put put a suggestion on the on
720s the forums and uh you know maybe we can
722s get something added in
732s adding PVP features like India before
734s would be great for Less ebook do you
735s think about doing it yeah we this is a
739s good chance we will eventually add PVP
742s um it's not on the like
744s let's add a right now list it's not on
747s the 1.0 feature list it's uh it's one of
749s those things that I think a lot of
750s people would really enjoy but it's not
752s what we consider part of the
754s um required features to launch the game
757s hopefully soon we we did some tests with
760s PVP I I'm stalling for this boss and I
762s know I'm gonna get my ass Santa to me
763s and I want to answer some questions here
765s I kind of want to get one that I can
766s talk to you while I'm playing it
768s um and you can't speak too much on this
770s but how do you feel about current state
772s of summit Abomination both balance and
774s visuals I love the model so much but man
775s this bone blow it out of the water in
777s terms of animations and moveset super
778s smooth
781s oh yeah I think this might be like I'm
784s gonna coin a new term here probably not
786s but uh the Barney Stinson effect you
788s know new is always better
790s and I I think we're we're getting to
793s that point where
794s um the the the new one like we've
798s we're better at doing these things now
800s than we used to be
802s um we've got new tech that we are that
804s we're able to roll out to make these
806s things even better
807s um
808s and you know we we don't always uh
813s update everything simultaneously
817s uh I I still really like the way it
819s looks I think it's really super cool my
821s favorite part about the Abomination
823s um visuals is how they adapt so well to
826s like what you're consuming some of them
828s are kind of subtle but like
830s take take a look
833s um at the like differences that a
837s um
838s that that like each type of
843s um
845s take a look at the differences that each
848s type of Minion adds to the
852s um
853s to the Abominations visuals
857s um but yeah the animations especially on
859s the uh on the Golem are just oh it it's
862s the gorilla like I know I said it a few
864s times when we were like previewing and
866s everything and everyone's kind of like
867s yeah right it it really feels like a
870s gorilla
893s oh come on did I not did I not oh I
896s didn't do enough
901s I'm like I've got some dots right
903s that'll carry it
905s okay now the trick is gonna be somehow
908s try to get
911s a new question without dying as the
914s phase transitions right
916s okay
923s ow my face
926s any plans to improve Gamepad supports
928s but odd using on menus and some reason I
930s can't use it on the forge yeah um wait
932s we're like any plans to improve feature
934s a yes uh definitely
937s um you know we're always we're always
939s working on improving everything
940s and uh controller support yeah it's the
943s ability to use controllers in the menu
945s at all is uh very recent Edition so
950s still there's still kinks are working
951s out there
964s okay here's here's where I here's where
966s I die in this phase almost for sure like
977s I just gotta watch for the stone
979s that one
982s that was close I almost got it
986s these are two
991s oh come on
1008s yeah I know you like the blood but
1011s I'm
1018s oh gosh
1028s okay something interesting to say I got
1031s nothing I need to focus I don't want to
1033s do this fight like 80 times but chances
1035s are I'm gonna
1042s oh my goodness
1066s thank you
1072s okay come on ah yeah
1079s sorry I'm not answering any questions
1080s here
1081s I just I just want to get through this
1083s fight
1085s foreign
1104s okay here we go
1106s this fight this fight is such a huge
1109s this was our first like I want to say
1111s really major like mechanically intense
1115s you gotta learn it multi-phase like
1118s really epic boss fight and and we
1121s frequently get questions about like why
1123s isn't this and
1125s um
1127s a monolith boss
1132s um and it doesn't I get it yeah
1137s storyline wise it doesn't work as a
1138s model with boss
1140s all right
1145s that was not expected
1150s whoo
1152s all right
1155s looks like such a pitiful drop because I
1158s got so much filtered out
1163s what's up apparently it's belt day
1169s hey can we get background opacity for
1171s chat and overly map it's hard to see now
1173s almost impossible on some maps
1175s um I mean so there is uh the map overlay
1178s opacity is in the settings so you can
1181s um you can edit that there but if you if
1185s you've got a suggestion or something
1186s you'd like to see please head on the
1187s forms of posts there
1192s thank you very much appreciate it French
1194s glad to have you here hope you're having
1195s fun
1198s also adding PVP features like D4 would
1200s be great for Less Epoch do you think
1201s about doing it I already talked about
1203s that probably eventually
1207s uh do you have any info on when some
1208s visuals for some uniques you fixed and
1210s added not specifically no we're always
1211s adding more will skins be free or money
1215s um there will be a four purchase
1217s cosmetic strictly cosmetic
1219s microtransaction shop uh that will be
1223s coming uh
1228s okay
1229s okay I won't even shop right now
1232s um
1233s yeah like it's shop ah there we go
1237s hockey's just a little messed up in this
1239s version
1241s and yeah yeah there will be purchasable
1244s um Cosmetics this is strictly strictly
1247s strictly cosmetics
1251s and and also it's important to uh to
1253s note that like we are trying to to make
1256s like in-game characters look pretty
1258s sweet even without them like this is I
1260s think this looks awesome the zero MTX
1262s gear at all also
1268s this character is interesting so the the
1272s Forgotten Knight character is
1274s um our very first
1277s like Sentinel version was just called a
1280s knight and it's split into void night
1282s and Paladin and because we only had two
1284s master classes at the time and the
1285s character was actually female so we had
1287s a female Knight character
1289s um that got ditched it was it's the only
1291s class that's actually been like removed
1292s from the game and
1295s um
1296s it kind of it was just reworked into the
1297s Sentinel and gender flipped but um but
1300s yeah that's that's that's a nod to that
1302s right there
1305s oh yes more useless information you
1309s didn't care about ding
1313s I kind of want that I think that it
1315s might make lethal Mirage actually you
1317s know
1319s better
1322s oh yeah I want the moves to be there oh
1324s yes
1327s I guess let me in
1331s will corruption matter for LP right now
1334s there's no point for corruption
1337s uh progressing because LP drop chance is
1339s the same for everyone um so I just want
1341s to clarify here
1343s um corruption does matter for for if
1347s your goal is to find a unique item with
1350s high LP on it
1352s um you want to have more corruption for
1353s that definitely that is
1356s um now
1358s what's being referred to there is
1361s um given that an item is dropping so so
1363s like like an item is about to drop on
1365s the ground and the game like does the
1366s roll calculations to see what it's going
1368s to be
1369s um corruption doesn't affect the chances
1371s for that item to get
1373s um
1374s uh legendary potential at all but
1376s corruption does increase the chance that
1378s that item will be a unique in the first
1380s place
1382s um which means you end up with more
1383s uniques more roles of giving legitimate
1385s potential
1386s um and you end up with more LP gear
1390s so uh please do not confuse
1394s oh yeah
1396s I I
1402s got here and I tried it once and died so
1405s I guess well let's just let's just give
1407s another shot
1410s oh
1415s sure we're just gonna pick some some
1417s easy stuff here
1421s do you care about these things yeah
1423s let's get rid of that
1425s so so yeah there's it corruption does
1429s help get LP
1431s um and we don't have any plans currently
1433s to make corruption scale LP chance given
1436s an item is already dropping
1440s I was thinking about buying how many
1441s people can you have in multiplayer or do
1443s they follow the same
1445s or do they follow the same quest line
1448s um you can have up to four people in a
1450s party simultaneously
1452s um and there's an auto catch-up Quest
1454s system so if if someone's behind they'll
1457s just get
1459s um
1460s fast forward on the segment of the quest
1462s line that you're on immediately and um
1466s they'll be able to keep going so you're
1467s not you won't get left in the dust
1473s please make auto aim optional yes if
1475s you've got suggestions or requests
1476s please put them in the
1478s four of us
1480s I will forget them very promptly it's
1484s like a hidden talent
1488s except it's bad
1495s Auto crit yes
1499s there we go
1502s let's just slap in some points here what
1504s was I doing I think I was going for this
1508s no we don't really need it
1511s um
1518s where are we going I can't remember what
1520s I was going for here at all
1525s yeah let's just take a nose that's
1526s useful
1527s uh here
1530s yeah sure why not the attack speed up on
1533s it
1535s uh Hasting your peers were really nice
1541s uh yeah that's really nice
1546s uh
1551s they're doing slow
1557s Aryan growth speed oh it's probably this
1559s just red yeah
1564s just don't know what I was building
1571s all right
1573s uh is there going to be a special unique
1575s storage or something for the shop or
1577s what's going to be in the shop oh like
1579s like the the MTX shop will be cosmetic
1582s so so you'll see um you'll see pets
1584s you'll see
1585s um portal skins you'll see skill skins
1588s you'll see uh gear skins it's basically
1591s all the things that go in this uh this
1593s window right here so you can see there's
1594s the pets already work and the back slot
1596s already works but the the other ones are
1598s empty so like weapon helmet uh chest
1601s like just basically items and then this
1603s one's also um
1605s uh footsteps and these are effects for
1608s the pets
1610s um
1611s oh yeah profile image and frame it's
1613s just it's just visual stuff that's
1614s Portal
1615s it's funny something don't
1628s you guys where the guns hitbox for
1630s targeting skills yes
1632s some skills like static can be out of
1634s range room no matter where you stand yep
1636s I know
1639s lagon's been a problem child for years
1642s now
1643s actually a lot better than it used to be
1645s which is shocking
1647s painful to believe if you uh haven't
1649s seen the old version
1657s uh any timeline for the patch to fix
1659s temporal sanctum boss drops it's getting
1661s nuts I do not know the status of bugs so
1663s I cannot help you with that I'm sorry
1670s uh the the fact that aura of Decay
1672s deactivates between dungeon levels uh is
1676s a Dev trick to avoid snapshotting or is
1678s it a bug uh it's probably a bug
1680s uh hey Mike any plans it's or between
1684s dungeon levels yeah it should be it
1685s should be persistent through that I
1686s think
1688s I don't see why it wouldn't be
1690s it is a new Zone technically
1693s um
1695s hey Mike any plans on adding new glyphs
1698s runes before 1.0 yeah
1702s there's at least one that I know of
1703s that's planned uh a new
1708s glyph
1711s it's at least one new glyph blend
1714s that will that I this glyph is something
1718s that I have never seen suggested there's
1721s been a ton of ruining glyph suggestion
1723s threads uh this glyph is one that I've
1725s never seen suggested and I don't think
1727s anyone would ever suggest it because
1728s it's just insane
1731s it kind of doesn't have anything to do
1732s with crafting
1739s uh so do you think raising Bastion
1741s honors level from 50 to 90 and make it
1743s extremely rare would help I mean it's
1744s already pretty rare uh so not really no
1750s uh
1752s but I am also up for more options if
1754s that's possible can you give an example
1755s of offend that will be on par with
1757s passion not specifically I can't I I
1759s don't want to like make up an item right
1761s now but
1763s um even just like another Shield that
1765s has some good options on it
1767s you know
1769s um maybe some sort of unique effect
1770s maybe uh specific tie-ins I think I
1773s think okay here's here's something I
1774s think that having
1776s um maybe a couple Shields added to the
1778s game that are
1780s a little more narrow but still really
1783s good so um Bastion alternatives for
1786s certain types of characters or certain
1788s types of builds uh I think would be
1790s really good so that you can um
1794s so maybe that there's like
1798s these four builds really like this one
1800s item but actually still really good for
1802s it as well and these four builds really
1804s like this other item but bastion's still
1806s really good for it too
1807s um
1808s and it's sort of a like you have to
1811s decide which one you really want
1813s um but like if you find either it's
1814s still great get into that type of
1816s situation I think will be really healthy
1823s what is it there's a bug
1842s okay next question
1847s don't forget to put out last default
1848s game in the question so I see it pop out
1850s I think I may have missed a couple here
1852s because it's a big chunk there without
1853s it uh any plans on expanding for search
1856s functionality in the stash yeah
1859s uh like leading a search for affixes or
1862s tears or only exalted items and so on
1863s yeah I I don't have details on exactly
1866s what it's going to be
1867s um but I I think there's a good chance
1869s that we will uh expand that sum at least
1873s because there's there's a there's a few
1875s use cases that aren't properly accounted
1877s for in the current search
1891s hey I hate this bug so much the visuals
1893s are not supposed to look like that at
1895s all
1897s it's one of those ones that just like
1898s keeps coming back fix it so many times
1905s will we get any reason to go high
1907s corruption
1909s right now there's nothing except some
1910s uniques I mean you get more items
1914s um
1915s and you get more blessing slot um
1917s selection options so when you finish uh
1919s when you finish
1921s um a uh a timeline the number of
1923s blessings you see like baby fault
1925s there's three and there's two like
1926s locked ones uh the first one unlocks at
1929s corruption 50 I think and the second one
1931s unlocks it corruption 200 I think
1936s and then also you just get more gear and
1938s like
1940s awesome stuff like that so yeah I think
1941s there's I think there's pretty good
1943s reasons to go high corruption but I mean
1945s maybe not
1948s put your cursor option in settings
1951s uh if bone Golem is the gorilla maybe
1954s they make uh maybe an update the
1956s Abomination could make it the dragon
1958s yeah go to suggestions I know I know
1962s please make auto option auto aim
1964s optional I'm I'm just gonna start
1966s skipping over duplicate questions
1969s um
1970s hello any plan to give up an option to
1973s enlarge the cursor uh nothing specific
1976s right now the the cursor is a really
1979s painful Beast to deal with it is not
1983s um
1987s curses cursors are not as
1989s straightforward as you might think
1992s um I know it seems just like we'll just
1994s put a bigger Sprite on it like that's
1996s simple right just do it it's easy
1999s um it doesn't quite work that way
2000s unfortunately
2002s um
2003s so it's it's it's not just a slap it in
2006s type thing
2008s uh wraith and Golems are very effective
2010s on the necro Warrior skeletons and
2012s archers Sultans are weak and do not use
2014s uh and not used by expert players could
2017s you please make weak summons better
2019s maybe if you got a suggestion go to the
2021s forums please
2022s uh regarding cycle content to come post
2024s 1.0 with time seasonal challenges uh
2027s which Awards skins pets be likely kind
2029s of like Poe D3 no man's Sky
2031s um
2032s so I could see yes I I think that there
2034s is a possibility for things like that to
2036s occur I think the
2038s um
2039s for the most part
2041s so we we've there's a few things here
2043s we've talked about having like rewards
2045s for like winning a Race So that that is
2048s what you're talking about that falls
2049s into that category
2051s um we've talked about having
2054s um and maybe maybe what it is is there's
2056s like well there's different ways to do
2057s that so maybe one way we could do that
2059s is
2060s um every time you win a uh race you get
2064s like
2066s um a token that can be redeemed for one
2069s of like a dozen MTX or something like
2071s that and every every season or every
2073s every League the uh every cycle sorry
2076s the winner of each of each tier that
2078s like gets a certain number of tokens in
2079s the second and third get less tokens or
2081s something like that and so there's ways
2083s to do it like that where the
2084s um the item isn't exclusive to each race
2087s uh it's just but there still is a reward
2089s for doing it
2092s um and and if you win multiples you can
2093s still get new rewards and things like
2095s that
2096s um
2099s there's there's also things like as an
2101s example what uh D4 did with the
2107s um
2109s my void res is really low I think
2112s yep
2113s uh this is gonna be bad
2118s that was really weird
2120s um
2122s there's there's things like what D4 did
2124s with the with the beta whereby oh my
2128s goodness me we're just gonna play the
2130s safe where uh D4 did with the beta where
2133s like everyone who gets level 20 within
2135s the time frame gets uh gets that little
2136s wolf pack
2138s adorable right come on
2140s um
2141s and like that that's a pretty low bar
2145s for entry so things that are that are I
2148s guess more along those lines would be a
2150s pretty low
2151s uh low barrier to entry to to get but
2155s typically we would try and focus them
2157s over a longer time frame if we're gonna
2159s do something like that for the most part
2161s um
2166s and we'll always be looking at feedback
2168s from our community so like if we're if
2170s if we're doing something like that and
2172s you really don't like it and you think
2174s the way we're doing it's not awesome I
2175s mean let us know
2198s gonna get a couple cheeky hits in there
2201s oh
2208s it's another another boss fight where
2210s I'm like I don't want to take my eyes
2211s off the off the camera to uh
2223s uh of course you did a dead mode is on
2226s no you actually made me just look there
2231s mode is not on
2235s it can't be on this version doesn't even
2237s have it
2239s and I'm playing the live servers
2242s demo can't even run on the live servers
2255s but that's how far back I am in
2256s questions ooh that's not good
2259s okay Mike you gotta you got stuff in
2260s your game here
2261s we need other campaign bosses to be a
2263s part of the majaza yeah I think so I
2265s think there's you'll you'll see a big uh
2267s you'll see a big difference when the um
2270s the chapters ad rework comes out uh
2273s you'll see a big difference in the early
2275s game
2280s chapter one two three will be
2283s suddenly awesome
2302s be like my goodness why couldn't have
2304s been this awesome to begin with I'll be
2305s like because we didn't have the tech of
2306s the tools of the experience
2312s you know the part in the boss fight I
2314s think it happens around 30 when you're
2315s like
2316s I might actually be able to do this
2322s but then if you say something you're
2323s like oh I'll totally just jinx it if I
2325s say something
2350s calling for cents coming up
2357s that animation's so jerky I hate it
2369s over there we're getting closer we're
2371s basically there let's go for it
2376s okay and one LP dark transcenders that's
2379s cool that's really cool ooh crit chance
2381s I think so we have steak right oh void
2383s res we're low on void res but crit
2385s chance right
2389s chance
2391s there we go
2394s this is kind of Niche but the X percent
2397s of management game this Ward mechanic
2399s doesn't work at all which trigger spells
2401s right now correct uh and I've asked and
2403s gotten the answer that it's intentional
2404s I understand that it would be
2407s be pretty powerful but I feel like maybe
2408s having it or something would be a fair
2411s trade since as a sorcerer for example a
2413s lot of passives and items have it and it
2415s really feels like
2416s um pretty major defensive mechanic that
2418s you cannot take advantage of at all well
2420s I mean I I think can't take advantage of
2423s at all might be a little extreme because
2425s you definitely can take advantage of it
2427s quite a lot
2429s um but just not to the same excess I I
2432s guess the the answer I'd give for
2434s something like this is like a finger on
2435s the monkey spot curls and it works on
2437s triggered abilities but the rates cut by
2439s 90 percent
2441s I hope you don't move all good visuals
2443s for only shop if you make blizzard some
2445s part yeah the
2449s everything we've created uh for in-game
2452s right now
2453s uh We've created it with the expectation
2456s that the Shop's coming and we've already
2458s got things planned for the shop
2460s um like here here let's celebration two
2463s bosses down no deaths from them
2465s celebration post here we go uh here's
2469s some here's some some stuff coming this
2471s is not MTX it's just regular in-game
2473s items
2475s uh this is the prime was this is a an
2478s early to mid Prime list set of uh armor
2488s yeah like we're dedicated to making high
2490s quality
2491s we're dedicated to making high quality
2493s visually appealing cool looking gear
2496s that's not purchasable that's that's
2499s earnable in-game definitely
2501s um
2502s the the big difference between
2504s purchased Cosmetics from the from the
2507s store and like in-game found thing items
2510s is gonna be the
2513s um the pizzazz level The Flash level the
2517s um the the the shoulder piece that has a
2520s a pauldron that's like spewing lava out
2522s of it as you're walking around like
2524s that's that's an MTX level thing
2526s probably
2527s um
2528s but but the the gear that we're making
2530s for in-game
2532s um
2533s like like just findable in-game I we're
2536s really trying to make it look awesome
2538s and feel awesome and just you know be
2540s cool
2543s you know like that's I I think I look I
2546s think I look awesome I can't equip that
2548s I was gonna see what it looks like but
2549s I'm too low level
2553s I do like the big hats a lot more than
2555s the masks
2556s um I know some people really like the
2557s masks but like the really the the big
2559s like the big hat that's that's my
2562s favorite
2563s every time playing box when I make sure
2565s I got a big hat
2567s I don't know why
2569s and I'm and I'm
2573s zooming around in game looking at
2575s something like look at this how cool it
2577s is there's stuff that covered my screen
2580s new mic Noob all right you have some QA
2584s qct yeah we have we have lots
2588s are there any plans to implement common
2591s areas where lots of the players can
2592s loiter craft re-gear Etc feels like
2595s really a way for people to show off
2596s their cool MTX purchases yeah end of
2598s time is gonna be the primary hub for
2599s that
2600s um the all the zones where you can't use
2603s abilities they'll all be much higher
2606s than the four person limit
2609s specifically so people can hang out talk
2612s see each other the bazaar will be a very
2615s high cap player count Zone
2618s especially compared to all the other
2619s ones
2620s when will the other subclasses be
2621s unlocked or become available 1.0
2625s we're working hard on them right now
2627s I know
2628s um
2630s VFX or leave VFX artist was um
2634s was doing a ton of work on them last or
2635s this week
2637s um
2638s and uh some cool stuff coming out the
2641s visuals the falconer visuals are
2644s shockingly difficult to get right but
2647s they're coming together really nicely
2648s and I'm very pumped for them
2654s sorry if this is a common question no
2656s problem happy to answer it will there be
2657s a character customization gender swap
2660s for classes transmog system in last
2661s epoch
2663s uh I'm gonna come I find it helps a ton
2665s when making multiple characters in the
2666s same class with different materials or
2668s different masteries also tier for the
2669s streams yeah um so the
2673s um this is this is the short answer is
2676s uh yes but not anytime soon
2680s um
2681s we'd really like to add a character
2683s customization system long term to the
2685s game we think it would be awesome to
2687s have
2688s um we have put literally zero work into
2690s it and will not be putting work into it
2693s pretty 1.0 at all and it will not be a
2696s high priority feature post 1.0 either
2699s um
2699s it is something that we hope to get into
2701s the game when we can when we have time
2702s for it
2703s um
2705s you know we are looking forward to
2707s having something like that but it's it's
2709s gonna be a while
2711s at best
2714s it's it's one of those things where
2716s there's there's so many higher priority
2717s things like improving the end game just
2720s adding adding more
2722s um more models for for various things
2725s like you know adding more skills there's
2727s there's so much of the game mechanically
2729s and functionally that's just not done
2731s yet that we really have to hammer home
2733s first uh before before we start adding
2736s in
2737s um
2739s uh character customization things like
2741s that because like like let's let's be
2743s real here apart from like in the
2745s character selection screen
2747s uh if if my character had like different
2751s eye color
2752s you think you can't see that especially
2755s like this like there's that has no
2757s effect on gameplay right now whatsoever
2759s and I'm not saying it's not important
2760s because it's definitely something that a
2762s lot of people really find very important
2764s and you know what's important to our
2765s community is important to us too and so
2768s like I don't want to Slough it off as
2769s like a oh whatever type feature because
2771s we do know it's important but we just
2773s think that there are things that are
2774s more important that we still have to get
2775s done like the game needs to function
2778s better it needs to have more things to
2779s do it needs to be more fun it needs you
2781s know there's there's lots of things that
2782s still need to happen before we get into
2783s that
2798s I mean that that is a nice belt for
2801s for later but you know a lot a nice
2803s crafting base we'll say that
2806s oh yeah
2808s two water bottles here grab the wrong
2809s one uh oh my gosh
2824s oh that was a surprisingly large sneeze
2826s wow all right are you guys going to add
2829s skills to classes that miss them right
2830s now like the Rogue having seven plus
2832s three instead of eight plus four like
2833s the other classes absolutely all the
2835s classes will have the same number of
2837s skills at 1.0 launch so there's a
2840s missing skill here there's a missing
2842s skill here missing skill here missing
2844s skill here and there are five missing
2846s skills here
2847s um so is that five six seven eight nine
2849s there's nine skills missing on the Rogue
2851s um we are actively working on them right
2853s now they will be in at 1.0 some of them
2856s might come before who knows but
2858s definitely 1.0
2860s we're gonna check it right back we don't
2862s have a roadmap active right now
2867s but like the big there's there's not a
2869s lot of major features on the roadmap
2870s between now and 1.0 so now 1.0 is item
2874s factions
2875s um
2876s uh masteries
2878s finish the skills
2881s um improvements to end game systems
2885s bugs
2887s adding adding more little and then
2889s there's like there's there's
2890s 40 other little features and I would say
2892s little features there's 40 other uh
2895s non-headlining features that are uh that
2898s are actually being worked on and as soon
2900s as they're finished you know like as
2902s soon as someone finishes on one it just
2903s goes in the next patch so they're not
2904s they're hard to put on a road map
2906s because a lot of them are just like
2910s um if they make it in before 1.0 they're
2912s in if they don't they'll be in 1.1 you
2914s know
2916s Adrian Eridan
2920s first try and thank you very much for
2922s this I'm glad to have you with us hope
2924s you're having fun
2926s all right are there plans in the works
2928s to make Shield Rush function correctly
2930s with that with decent charge yeah I mean
2932s we want everything to work correctly
2933s with everything
2938s I think it's asynchronous charge not
2939s decent discharge I could be wrong on
2941s that one oh
2944s was it the first one
2947s have I bit off more than I can chew I'm
2950s 62. you know what we should do
2953s here's what I'm gonna do and
2956s uh dollar games
2960s appreciate you
2962s International animal rescue appreciates
2964s you
2964s I'm gonna go to
2967s unlock this timeline here I think
2971s because I'm gonna struggle with this
2972s otherwise pretty hard
2975s and I don't like to struggle
2978s and mine Explosion TV I got that one
2981s nailed
2982s here we go let's hop on
2992s any plan to revisit how we Farm
2994s blessings not explicitly right now
2999s uh how did you get the pets
3003s I've worked on this game for many years
3008s no um so every every supporter pack
3010s comes with uh with with pets
3013s um even the purchases on Steam
3014s technically come with a quarterback uh
3016s so you do have you should have Sun pet
3018s you probably if you purchase the game
3020s more recently you'll probably have a
3021s skull and pet
3023s uh which is this cute little guy
3026s it's a cute little guy right there it's
3027s it'll probably look something like this
3028s guy
3031s um this one here the the uh this is the
3034s lightning Chrono worm I think uh that
3036s one is a
3039s I don't like having two
3042s um but that that one the other that's
3044s lightning Chrono worm that's one of the
3046s early Kickstarter campaign
3049s Rewards
3056s try to attack that spire
3060s uh
3065s so good
3070s all right hey hi
3073s are you going to add skills already it's
3075s like that other than skills one of the
3077s things we add uh can we at
3082s other than skills what other things can
3084s we add skill trees to for last ebook
3094s oh my goodness
3097s um I have no idea what this question
3098s means other than skills what other
3101s things can we add skill trees to for
3103s last epon
3108s I'm sorry I do not understand this
3109s question
3111s um
3116s please rephrase the question and repost
3117s it I'll try and get to it
3120s our character model is going to get
3121s reworked polished for 1.0 I I like they
3124s can be edited probably but they won't be
3126s uh like a big overhaul for them
3134s want gloves
3137s nah I like my gloves
3148s any plans on expanding on the Thorns
3151s mechanic seems pretty lackluster right
3153s now with nothing else really scaling off
3155s to make a horrible bossing and such yeah
3158s there's
3159s um
3160s we've we've kind of intentionally left
3162s it as a
3164s as not a not a primary uh archetype at
3169s the moment
3170s um
3172s I I can see it being something that gets
3175s expanded on but there's no there's no
3176s explicit plans for at the moment
3180s if you want to see something like that
3181s head over to the forums leave a
3182s suggestion
3183s I'll just flip this record over
3185s eventually once I'm done skipping
3188s um
3189s dark quiver
3191s what do I look like
3194s Marksman
3197s oh any teasers yeah I did one I got more
3199s too don't worry
3202s I'm freaking deploy ballista yeah I know
3204s I'm lazy
3205s I gotta take the list out of this build
3207s I gotta put something else in this place
3211s but I just like it
3213s the fun has arrived welcome to the party
3216s Aaron
3218s uh Please Release the shop with skin my
3221s probably looks like a Gypsy King
3225s I don't know how you managed that but
3226s cool
3228s hello belty boy
3242s these are just spawning stuff aren't
3244s they
3247s ding
3253s ding ding level up ding level up
3259s give me that move speed that was enough
3261s for it right yeah
3267s uh glyph or Rune that rolls the base
3269s type on an item would be sweet but in a
3271s suggestion Channel yeah the um
3275s I I we don't I know we've talked about
3278s doing that type of Rune it would be
3280s before
3282s um and there was a reason why we
3283s specifically didn't do it I can't know
3285s what it was
3289s uh we'd be adding seasonal event or
3291s rotating mode some of the PB does yeah
3292s we'll be adding in i i the plan is not
3294s to have it rotate but rather to have it
3297s um update
3300s at least initially
3302s um especially when we're still in this
3303s like a growing stage
3306s oh I just got a giant notification since
3309s the hydrated success I guess there's I
3310s guess there's a little
3318s heavy I hope you're watching
3321s still have this by my computer for you
3326s um this is actually uh my son's toy
3329s but he doesn't like it anymore so it's
3331s mine now
3340s uh yeah seasonal content
3343s um yes so like
3346s you know that at launch there won't be
3348s the same plethora of
3351s um
3352s game mode options that
3354s um the primary game we're compared to
3357s has
3358s um basically peewee has more stuff which
3360s makes totally total sense
3363s um we need to spend some time
3365s uh adding I just like adding stuff to
3368s the game
3369s adding content adding activities adding
3372s things that can happen adding cooling
3374s features and stuff and these are all
3376s things that we're gonna want to be that
3377s we know we're going to want to be
3379s long-term features right away so um
3381s they'll just be added to the game
3383s wholesale everyone who's playing later
3384s everyone who's not playing ladder
3386s everyone who's
3387s um you know like it'll stick around
3388s after this after the cycle finishes all
3390s sort of stuff and this is just sort of
3392s like a mini game expansion will be kind
3394s of the first
3395s several uh several of these
3399s so it's less about adding
3402s um rotating content and more just adding
3405s uh
3407s a reliably timed content
3411s that comes with a ladder
3416s I appreciate the gear having intriguing
3419s implicits making life difficult to
3421s decide
3422s me too
3423s take my money okay
3425s uh will throwing damage ever be implicit
3428s anywhere or there's no need for it um
3430s well we do balance it specifically
3432s around it not existing
3434s um
3436s so this is one of those like you know
3437s monkeys pod jokes I always make where
3439s it's like sure you know there's now
3441s throwing dagger implicits and all
3444s throwing item all throwing skills now
3446s deal 90 less damage
3456s any sneaky leakage on the timeline for
3458s the bazaar well we haven't even started
3459s working on it yet so nope
3467s we're building back-end systems for
3470s asynchronous trade
3472s bizarre functionality
3487s or we will as soon as the people who
3490s will be doing that are
3491s happy with server performance
3495s the person that's going to be doing that
3496s right now is working on Zone transition
3498s timings so I think that's more pressing
3503s it's an interesting uh amulet there
3510s uh how far are we from 1.0 I don't have
3513s any specific timing for you I'm sorry
3515s what's the difference between Critical
3517s Strike chance and spell Critical Strike
3519s chance and melee Critical Strike chance
3521s in regards to generic Critical Strike
3522s chance
3524s um so when you go to use Amelia ability
3528s it takes your uh Critical Strike chance
3532s and adds your melee Critical Strike
3534s chance to that and then that's your
3536s Critical Strike chance for that ability
3537s when you go to use a spell it takes your
3540s Critical Strike chance and adds your
3542s spell Critical Strike chance to that and
3543s that's your Critical Strike chance for
3544s that spell
3550s uh you're forgetting to deployment I
3553s know man it's fine uh a lot of the since
3557s uh Sentinel Helms look the same will the
3559s beginning new models uh full Helm
3561s remembered and Helm Don Helm look the
3563s same as different colors
3564s um there were some that we definitely
3566s will there'll probably still be some
3568s recolors
3570s um
3570s for a little while at least and we're
3573s always adding more
3575s um we want to get as many of those
3576s recolors we only have as few recolors as
3578s possible
3580s um
3583s but sometimes sometimes the recolor you
3585s know if it's far enough away in the if
3587s it's like a um like a mid-level item and
3589s an in the game level item that have uh
3592s different appeals so maybe one is really
3594s focused on boy Knight someone's really
3595s focused on paladins
3597s um I I think you I think it's okay to
3599s sometimes have have those a little bit
3601s but you know we don't want them
3608s I want to get it so that everything's
3609s everything's shiny and special and you
3612s know that sort of stuff but I think we
3614s figure that it's it's better to have
3617s um extra types
3620s mechanically
3622s um and and and suffer a recolor until we
3625s can get a unique model in there
3634s we might want to be a little speedier
3635s through these so I don't think we're uh
3637s getting quite the
3640s stuff we want out of this
3644s you know
3656s oh I double clicked it
3660s I went too fast
3666s I don't think it's gonna work
3680s okay that's interesting
3690s that's very interesting
3696s huh cool okay
3700s uh
3702s thank you very much like come with the
3705s writing party
3706s uh and so did math a little while ago
3708s and newpy has some but I missed it maybe
3712s three
3713s please forgive me
3715s I hope you're having fun thanks
3717s everybody
3718s stay a while hang out I'll make some
3721s mistakes we can laugh about it together
3724s uh not a parody but about having all
3726s classes and different genders I know
3727s that's difficult you animations new
3729s armor fittings Etc same uh same as
3731s before same same answer
3733s uh is the Undisputed x a reference to
3735s zizrin maybe
3741s right now it is best to scale one
3744s element for best DPS in most cases uh do
3748s you have plans to make multiple element
3749s builds scale equally as well I mean we
3752s we do have
3754s um
3755s like there's there's there's definitely
3757s some signpost nodes
3760s um
3761s for multi-element builds that we are
3764s gonna keep doing so yes I guess
3769s are you concerned interested about the
3771s possibility for the three new masteries
3773s will be disproportionately represented
3775s at launch I I don't think so I think
3777s there's gonna be a pretty large influx
3779s of new players
3781s at launch
3782s um
3784s compared to what we have now and I think
3785s that there's gonna be enough people that
3788s are
3789s um like new to the game that will
3793s just that won't that won't care that
3796s those are the new classes I think and
3797s then on top of that I think there's a
3799s lot of people that um you know really
3801s have specific archetypes that they just
3804s they'd love to play
3806s um and so the new classes might not be
3808s super interesting uh on top of that like
3810s there's there's gonna be lots of
3813s like you know people more than one build
3815s and everything more than one character
3816s and everything
3819s um so I don't insults the end of the
3820s world if things are not exactly equally
3822s represented
3824s what am I just like
3827s I speed Will Go activate
3848s all right next question
3852s uh don't forget to put uh at last
3854s default game in the question
3858s death Eagles league I I I bought uh a
3861s Deft with the previous League
3864s that's how it works I only got one more
3865s for you we'll save it for a little bit
3867s don't worry I'll get it up there
3869s uh it feels like there's too much gear
3871s that drops with minion based affixes
3874s uh any plans to cut that down a bit or
3876s am I just imagining things
3878s um
3879s so if you're playing on a class that has
3884s um
3887s so first of all I think there's
3890s uh there's there's a little bit of
3894s um confirmation bias or there's like
3896s some other psychological phenomenon
3899s happening here that's making it seem
3900s worse than it is
3902s um and
3905s yeah it's real bad for us and
3908s um
3911s I I think that there's I think it's
3913s partial I think what it comes down to is
3915s it's really obvious uh because minion
3919s stands out so well that there's like
3921s it's just uh like bricks the whole item
3924s or or something like that because it's
3926s just like oh it's a minion item and I
3928s think it's just because it's such a
3929s distinct like oh that does nothing
3932s but
3933s like you can look at an item and find a
3936s good example here
3938s um like this 12 of potion Health
3940s converted to Ward that's terrible for me
3943s that isn't that is an awful stat that is
3945s that is just as useless as minion a
3948s minion stat for me
3950s um
3951s realistically not quite true technically
3953s that's that's and and I I guess actually
3955s I do use ballista so there's so many
3957s damage there so like those are both
3960s awful stats for me but the minion one
3963s just stands out and feels worse I think
3966s um
3967s you know like there's more minion damage
3969s right
3971s uh and I I think that those those minion
3974s stats like that's just one step the
3975s Restless are actually pretty good for me
3977s um and sometimes it's just about
3978s crafting those away because it's funny
3980s there's a lot of belts with minions ads
3982s on them here is that is that four in a
3985s row five yeah
3988s there we go
3993s so like there might be also effects on
3996s like how loophilters are set up um like
3998s the way mine's set up it it really likes
4000s finding minion damage stuff but I think
4003s that's more so because I've just I've
4005s picked pretty generic stats to show me
4007s gear for
4008s um that I've said like give me gear that
4011s has two of these stats on it you know
4013s and uh he just doesn't care what else is
4015s on there and a really a comments that in
4018s that slot and and these this slot is I'm
4021s finding a lot of gear for it right
4025s um so I think there's a bit of
4027s psychology at play
4029s um that I don't understand well enough
4030s to explain or comment on uh from a point
4033s of uh knowledgeable uh from a
4037s knowledgeable standpoint enough
4040s um
4041s I know we've done the math on it
4046s um because this has come up before and
4047s uh there are the ratio of Minion stats
4051s to non is lower now than it was last
4054s time it came up and even when it came up
4056s last time we still were like
4059s this this isn't really a problem
4062s but like even if you have something that
4064s says like
4066s um like like there's my weapon increased
4067s minion melee damage rid of that weapon
4069s right
4070s um and this is still by far the best
4073s weapon I can have that of like all my
4074s weapons this is the best one it was just
4076s like a whole Stack's just bricked
4079s um
4089s so I don't think it's a problem really
4091s but it might be and if you want to leave
4094s feedback on the forums I welcome you to
4096s do so
4097s uh two-part question for Cycles well 1.0
4100s release with a cycle uh kind kind yes uh
4104s let me say yes and when we keep our
4106s current online careful 1.0 releases yes
4108s from the current patch yes uh second if
4111s a cycle feature works well will they
4112s have a chance to become core similar to
4115s how Poe runs their leagues
4117s um so we are not planning on maintaining
4119s two game versions simultaneously so the
4122s like 1.0 is a cycle
4124s um a new ladder starts all the
4126s characters that are currently on the
4127s latter get pushed to standard
4130s um but the game mode content and the
4134s game mode availability
4136s um we do plan to push out to all
4138s characters simultaneously or at least
4140s very shortly after
4144s um I don't I don't know if we've quite
4145s nailed down the details on that but I I
4147s don't think there's going to be
4149s um at least at least for the first like
4151s probably a couple years or so I guess
4154s um that that Dynamic of like will it get
4156s rolled into standard well no it's just
4158s already there
4160s or yes it's already there depending on
4162s how you want to look at it
4172s so it's a little different
4183s oh come on
4186s I need a tiny bit more dot damage just
4188s to like finish stuff off in that
4189s situation
4208s oil fire damage right obviously any of
4212s that
4214s yeah this thing like the implicit on
4215s this is useless like fire damage is like
4218s if if okay this is back to the minion
4220s thing like if that if those implicits
4222s there were minion stats would that feel
4224s worse probably
4227s I think it would I I think you would I
4230s think that would stand out as like I'm
4232s always finding minion gear but like that
4233s implicit is so useless for me
4244s uh will we see that Halo MTX in the
4247s Kickstart events in yeah it's it's there
4249s I've seen it
4251s gosh we need to get that in we still
4253s have the list of everyone that has it
4255s why are there no skins for sale the shop
4257s wasn't
4259s um
4260s uh wasn't in soon enough it was my fault
4262s that the
4264s um we didn't have enough time to test it
4267s properly
4269s and we decided that uh waiting was
4271s better than releasing something that was
4272s buggy
4274s or potentially buggy
4279s you never know could have been final
4281s word first
4283s try
4298s all right let's get some info
4302s any plans on adding uniques or affixes
4305s with manager
4307s okay uh it was weird
4311s with Mana generating mechanics nothing
4313s that trivializes Mana of course but
4315s maybe something that enables a very high
4316s sustained usage of man as some kind of
4318s cost
4320s um we've we've very intentionally not
4322s added these up to this point and I I
4324s have not seen plans to add anything of
4327s it of that sort
4330s um like like at most it would be like
4333s it definitely wouldn't be anything
4334s percentage based that most would be like
4336s a like flat like five Mana returned on
4339s crit or something like that you know
4341s but even that is like probably too much
4347s like that that's that's just like okay
4349s any ability that can crit is suddenly
4353s perfect sustain you know on its own
4362s that's that's the type of of
4365s Mana warping stats that uh causes
4370s everything else to change around it
4374s and we're pretty happy with the way
4376s things are shaping up right now overall
4378s um and yeah that does mean that you
4380s can't just Spam Mega high cost skills
4384s um and there's there's an impetus to
4385s work in some low-cost skill to go with
4388s it right
4392s foreign
4394s that's right
4395s that one skull got it real bad
4424s trying to line up shift with lethal
4426s Mirage so I get the
4428s the shift damage bonus to it but it's
4430s tricky because
4431s I need to use them on different cooldown
4433s timers
4435s to survive
4453s here we go
4455s no problemo
4458s getting it done
4464s um
4467s kind of tempted to try and craft that
4469s and
4470s uh pull the
4474s pull the cinder strike off of it
4477s see let's see if we can do that
4479s oh it's gonna look weird for a minute oh
4481s I don't even have
4486s don't even have any to re-roll it I'll
4488s do it later
4490s never mind
4494s get some XP
4495s yeah I like that idea
4499s good
4501s uh our companion is going to be fun what
4503s is going on with the lighting ugh
4505s uh it's surprised
4507s uh are your pain is going to be
4509s functional like picking up silver Etc
4511s just looking pretty uh so companion just
4513s just a little terminology
4515s uh uh clarification here a companion is
4518s a primalist
4521s um is what is a is a subset of Minions
4524s that are restricted to primeless so um
4527s companions include uh wolves Bears
4529s Sabertooth Raptor Scorpion and
4534s um
4534s uh crows storm crows
4539s like Ravens Ravens is Raven no it's not
4541s a raven raven no it's not Raven crows
4543s there we go I almost said Falcon two
4545s Falcon the Falcon will not be companion
4549s the Falcon will work very differently
4553s companions are a primeless specific
4556s mechanic
4557s Focus around Beastmaster
4560s um
4562s and
4566s uh but but so the the question is
4568s actually asking about is the Mini Pets
4570s at being able to do things
4572s um right now we don't plan for them to
4574s be functional uh it's it's possible they
4576s could become functional but um if they
4579s ever became functional
4581s uh we would have to guarantee that every
4583s player had uh easy free access to at
4588s least one with the same functionality as
4591s any purchase through the store so we
4593s would never uh we would never add
4595s functionality to something that wasn't
4597s freely available at the exact same point
4599s in the game so if you could buy a mini
4601s pet and have it be displayed
4605s um from from the first scene and it had
4606s functionality from the first scene
4609s um there would be a free pet that was
4611s always available for everyone that was
4613s available at the same time with the same
4614s functionality
4618s but we don't have plans to do that right
4619s now
4622s I could see it maybe doing gold at some
4624s point
4627s um
4628s usually this comes to the follow-up
4630s question for this I know I'm super
4631s behind I'm so sorry usually the
4633s follow-up question to this is okay what
4636s about
4637s um epic shards and and I we have just no
4641s plans to uh to make minifets pick up
4643s epic sharks
4646s we have negative plans
4659s oh XP yeah let's let's make a stand all
4662s right
4664s ding there it is
4682s crit strike yes please Dodge base
4686s works for me not Health which would be
4689s preferable
4695s uh all right more questions I should be
4697s answering these stats I'm sorry post 1.0
4699s would weapons sheathing animation and
4701s more idle animations in general be a
4703s thing uh at least in Pizza yeah I I
4705s there's the um the animators are a
4708s little busy right now with other stuff
4709s but um I know this is something that
4712s people that that they have definitely
4714s played around with
4715s um I don't know if it's in game I really
4716s hope it's in game I don't know if you
4718s can get it to actually happen or not the
4721s um there are several Rogue Idol
4724s animations
4726s um for in town
4728s um one of them's really cool it like
4729s like flips a coin uh if you have like
4732s two daggers equipped it like flips them
4734s around and stuff and this there's some
4737s cool eyelin animations I know Rogue has
4738s it I don't know if it's in game or not
4739s oh I hope it is if it's not I'm sorry
4742s but like they're like yes
4746s uh Halo blessings that I've found and
4748s equipped once ever be
4750s um
4751s uh ever be in a sort of storage maybe
4755s with the lowest stats so I can change
4757s the blessings without Farm uh 800 900
4759s stability hoping to get the ones I need
4761s with a new build also would be cool to
4763s have for all characters to use
4765s um we don't have any plans this moment
4768s um it's not possible but you know it's
4769s not it's not uh nothing in the works for
4772s that
4774s I would say
4776s um
4777s having something like this on your
4781s um like for characters that have already
4782s unlocked it would would be would be
4784s viable
4785s um impossible but for alts I think would
4788s be unlikely at best
4794s but you know let's bring that record
4796s back up
4800s I don't know I don't know how to use
4802s records
4803s I feel like they get dusting you gotta
4805s blow on them right it's a thing
4809s or just being for the 90s showing and
4812s that's just Game cartridges
4814s like don't ever do it it's so bad but it
4817s makes it work every time
4821s let me know if any of you are this kid I
4823s I had that like cleaning kit
4827s um
4828s it was it was just like I don't know
4830s what it was but I had this like
4832s the little cleaning kit for my um
4836s for my Nintendo my Super Nintendo
4839s um what my cousin hadn't had no I just
4842s didn't know uh anyways the um
4849s and weirdly even even after we had the
4851s superintendo we still played the
4852s original Nintendo so much anyways
4855s um
4856s yeah I'd say there's a good chance
4862s uh for for something but you know
4866s I don't know what exactly
4871s uh can you explain me there needs to be
4874s a punishment for when the the player
4875s decides to respect a skill tree uh
4877s what's the benefit of the skill point
4879s loss we're trying to
4882s um
4883s we're trying to convey the feeling of
4885s you know like you're building this
4886s character you're training this character
4888s this is this is something that you're
4891s doing to to
4893s um I don't know I I can't I have a tough
4895s time putting this into words
4897s um but like as you're selecting these
4899s skills as as you're selecting your
4901s passives you're you're crafting this
4903s character this character is learning
4905s you're going through this process
4906s together it's not just the character on
4907s its own it's also you too
4909s um and and together you're you're
4911s learning and getting new things and
4913s um
4915s all right let's take this for that free
4916s poison res
4919s um I think we're still shy
4921s yep and
4926s being able to just flip a switch and
4928s change
4929s uh it it it it removes that connection
4932s and it that that that feeling of
4935s progress I guess that I don't know how
4937s to put into words properly
4941s um but we think we think it
4943s feels better overall to to have some uh
4948s connection to your character some some
4952s yeah the words Escape me I'm sorry
4958s oh
4963s quarter answer no no sorry this is a
4965s this is a train whistle
4969s it was like it's got like a bunch of
4971s stuff there I can I confess that in
4973s Ocarina too
4976s a little over printed
4988s I can do results and that's it
4996s and I'm gonna practice it between now
4998s and next week and fact that up next week
4999s because it's been months since I've
5002s tried and I've kind of forgotten it
5011s if you want me to do a mute for 10
5013s seconds and see if I can remember it
5016s uh it's not it's just six notes uh how
5020s does uh psycho work again like Diablo
5022s style uh start character over old
5024s characters go to standard yep or is it
5026s more like lost argument Diablo Immortal
5027s where you keep the same character
5029s um I have not played lost ark or Diablo
5031s mortal so I don't have details on that
5033s specifically but it's it's like the
5035s first thing you said
5037s so DC item bases have normal exceptional
5040s and Elite item bases something like that
5042s for Ellie we're trying to avoid that we
5044s kind of already have it with the
5045s coloring uh with like having repeat
5047s visuals for it but we we try not to do
5050s that
5054s speaking of ladders we have a rough time
5056s scale when the leaderboards will be
5057s coming back for arena needs something to
5060s throw my hardcore characters at yeah
5063s Brave gone to the arena and hardcore I
5065s love it I love it Loveline
5068s anyways um I I would say there's a good
5071s chance that it will be arriving uh
5073s relatively soon but uh I don't have a
5076s specific timeline for you at the moment
5078s I'm sorry
5081s I know someone's working on it
5085s uh enjoying the game a lot so far
5087s awesome sorry if you've had this
5089s question already but is there a chance
5090s to White planned 1.0 or is that too far
5092s we're not gonna wait we're gonna move
5093s into standard this will be available so
5094s the accessories will be able to play
5095s with them uh this will be on the ladder
5098s basically
5100s is there any way for you guys to make uh
5102s loading in an echo with a party doesn't
5104s put the whole party in a load screen
5107s um no unfortunately there's
5110s uh
5113s it it it's it's when it does that it's
5116s loading in all of that it's the same as
5118s a load screen
5120s um what's happening in the background
5121s well very similar to what's happening a
5123s little screen in the background so we we
5124s kind of have to have that there
5125s unfortunately
5126s sorry
5128s uh hey Will blessings that I've found
5131s and equipped oh I think it's an old
5133s question
5135s any chance of polymers being able to
5137s resurrect each other we've talked about
5138s this recently actually
5140s um it's a pretty massive change and
5142s we're not planning on it at the moment
5145s um
5146s it it does put a interesting Dynamic on
5149s single player as well because there
5150s needs to be a single player equivalent
5152s because if party members can resurrect
5154s each other
5156s um
5157s it does it does change things pretty
5159s heavily especially in um uh boss fight
5163s situations uh so yeah
5169s oh yeah all right
5173s Elliot's we're using that yeah that's
5175s even better
5177s hold on to that
5184s uh Steve out of curiosity will there be
5187s divine era quests like the others in the
5190s future
5191s um
5192s yeah there are Divine era quests
5196s um
5196s do you by any chance mean ancient your
5200s requests because yes there will be those
5201s two
5202s uh is 4K supported properly in the game
5205s I I uh don't know it properly
5208s but I don't see why not
5220s uh is Attunement the better stat for
5222s Minion Centric Forge guard what's the
5225s Master's Focus anyways it feels all over
5227s the place for some reason I mean so
5228s there's there's definitely some
5231s minion-ish stuff in there but uh we we
5235s tried to put the forge guard a lot of
5238s the forge guard minion
5240s um
5241s scaling on uh focusing on your gear so a
5245s lot of the forge guard minion scaling
5247s scales directly off your gear uh and
5250s less traditionally for how minion stats
5252s work so we're we're trying to give
5255s players the opportunity to not take as
5257s many minion sets
5258s um so that they can sort of be in The
5261s Fray with their minions
5263s um and if you're looking for more of a
5264s hey minions go deal with that problem
5266s over there type build that type of play
5268s style and archetype we're more focusing
5270s on uh Necromancer specifically but then
5273s a little bit with Beastmaster as well
5276s um
5278s we are trying to
5281s um I guess if there's if those three are
5283s on sort of like a spectrum of how much
5286s are you in The Fray with your minions
5287s for dread would be the most and problems
5290s to be somewhere in the middle depending
5291s on the build
5298s that's right I have cold Reds my Fizz
5302s red is terrible though
5306s my goodness
5315s uh any plans on having higher level
5316s versions of low level bass types
5318s sometimes a lovable bass has the best
5320s implicit for your build but the super
5322s low values compared to everything else
5324s which doesn't feel the best having low
5325s level bass and high level items
5327s corresponding will base would be nice uh
5329s we don't have any specific plans for
5330s this moment but we do plan on adding
5331s more bass types in general and that is
5333s the sort of thing that could be added in
5334s the future
5340s possibly no like
5343s no yes no no
5348s why are you Imperial enforcer Watcher
5350s whatever you are you suck
5353s take that
5356s oh yeah
5362s okay let's let's try and get how far
5365s behind am I is there tuitions for time
5366s stamps sometimes I don't scroll down and
5368s lose my place
5369s uh okay we'll say thank you I am
5373s hey well blessings that I've oh that's a
5375s repeat question for like the fourth in a
5376s row is enchant weapon in enchant weapon
5379s there's a node Auto cast would ever be a
5381s useful instead of just holding on the
5382s button to make a macro hold it down for
5384s you
5385s um it's kind of an experimental load
5387s there's no real reason to use it at the
5389s moment if you've got uh if you're doing
5391s those things
5393s uh anyway we could get all Idols picked
5396s up at the same time uh I picked up at
5398s once like runes endless do uh I would be
5402s shocked and probably I would turn I
5405s would make sure those incentives turned
5406s off and I would turn off immediately if
5408s we ever added that uh am I crazy to
5411s appoint an ad uh loot drops to breakable
5413s World objects if yes thank you they were
5415s already there uh I think
5418s they should have been already there uh
5420s hey are there any plans to make models
5422s progression carry over to all characters
5424s um
5425s not one to one no because there's
5427s there's like you can you can get
5428s yourself locked out of being able to
5430s even access the monolith if you just
5431s have it be perfectly shared between all
5433s characters
5438s uh also like because then you have to
5440s like say you're
5442s say you're pushing really hard on one
5443s character uh and then you switch to
5445s another character to try and play that
5447s same monolith
5449s um but it can't handle that same model
5450s if it's such a high level so you have to
5452s reset it back down to to scratch
5455s um and so now it's now it's low level or
5457s low corruption and then you go back to
5459s your your corruption character and
5461s you're like oh I want to play that same
5462s models but oh but I've reset it on the
5463s other one now uh what do I yeah
5466s you know so there's uh we don't plan on
5469s having to be shared at the moment
5472s uh is there a chance to remove the
5474s two-handed weapon requirement from Boyd
5476s cleave I think is what you mean and just
5478s keep it as an ax or sword uh no plans at
5481s the moment of the other suggestion
5483s please head to the four of us uh is
5485s there any idea to give more than one
5487s Behavior two minions some behave more
5489s like bodyguards other more aggressives
5491s um we I'd really like to have something
5493s like this added like have a have a
5495s stance to them or like a you know just
5497s like the basic like I'm thinking wow
5498s like aggressive defensive
5501s um no attack or whatever
5502s stand around
5506s um I'd love to see something like that
5507s we don't have any plans on that at the
5508s moment specifically but you know I think
5510s it's a good idea
5520s uh there will be a Polish version for
5521s the premiere um we are in the process of
5524s localizing for Poland or for propolish
5527s sorry I shouldn't say Poland because
5528s it's a language localization technically
5531s um I I don't know when it'll be ready uh
5534s it probably will not be ready for 1.0
5537s um unless unless there's a lot happening
5539s on it behind the scenes that I do not
5540s know about but
5542s um
5545s I am fairly involved with localization
5547s side people
5549s pretty surprised if I didn't know that
5550s was coming
5552s but we are working on it
5554s we've got a lot of languages that we're
5556s working on uh localizing at the moment
5558s and it is a ton of work my goodness
5563s I I like I knew it was gonna be tough
5566s if I didn't know it was gonna do this
5567s stuff get back here boy
5570s I'll go whoop you so bad
5581s Shades spine Rod of authority
5587s super not for me but exalted some you
5589s know
5593s give me that XP
5597s that's what I'm talking about I don't
5599s want a key
5601s oh I should go try and do
5604s I'll probably just I'll probably bug it
5606s out I kind of want to try to sanctioned
5608s let's see
5609s oh King's rainbow polish is playing at
5611s localization for 1.0 yes I'm just wrong
5614s that works uh how to get that mini pet
5617s you have the blue dragon looks like I
5618s think it's a lightning Chrome it is no
5620s longer available if you don't already
5621s have it you can't get it
5629s um
5630s Storrow prominence
5634s um I don't know if I'm just really far
5636s behind
5638s but I think I've answered your question
5639s already
5640s um if you would like to post a new
5642s question
5644s um or specifically start it with
5647s please answer again or something but I
5649s think I've already answered it so please
5651s don't repost the exact same question
5653s anymore
5655s unless you didn't think I answered it
5657s well enough uh and then put at the start
5659s please reanser it
5661s uh any plans for any hybrid resistance
5663s affixes or the like and you guys have
5665s seven different resistances so it might
5666s be a lot quite easy in the end up to 20
5669s short on a couple resistances that feels
5671s like a waste to overcap by like 30 even
5673s if even though that's useful in some
5675s scenarios
5677s um I mean so there is the elemental
5679s resistance already
5680s um but we don't have any plans we
5682s actually talked about this last time
5684s um we don't need plans to uh that's what
5687s happens my hand is off stuff I want we
5688s only plans to have like a
5691s um
5693s like these three group together or
5694s something like that
5697s was a decent name for it last last week
5700s though someone has someone had a pretty
5701s good name
5703s it's the best name I've heard for it
5704s anyways
5713s those are like up in the air that's bad
5716s that's bad
5717s drugs are bad
5720s uh our last Master reading skills at
5723s least 1.0 we're just gonna do beta them
5725s before then uh they're the masteries
5728s will be 1.0 some skills will be for that
5732s um
5734s because there's other skills and just
5735s the Masters that are missing
5737s uh Mastery reset when no plans uh when
5741s does Rune Master Class release 1.0 are
5743s there going to be more classes in the
5744s future yes golden mats and good law uh
5748s are there plans to add an API for tools
5750s like last debug tools and such to be
5752s able to access online characters
5754s um yes we do want to do this
5757s um no one's working on it right now but
5760s uh it is the sort of thing that will be
5762s uh on the list at some point here
5769s venomous and you're just like no it's
5771s not gonna be good is it
5773s these those these gloves for bass though
5782s you know how bad is playing Enhancement
5785s Shaman and wow felt and Legion deal with
5787s lightning everything tornadoes flying
5788s can you make Tempest strike like this uh
5791s World Trade Seoul thanks to the Epic
5792s update so far yeah
5794s um Tempest strike is getting a very
5796s large overhaul
5799s um it will not fill the same
5802s uh skill archetype and role as it
5806s attempts to fill now and fails at
5807s filling now
5809s um
5814s so yeah they'll be some updates it's
5816s going to be feel a lot better it's going
5818s to be a lot more awesome
5819s don't worry
5825s let's go
5845s well I'm propane plus you got tons of HP
5849s tons of it get out of there Mike
5861s no problemo
5867s Arena key
5870s someone doing Arena run sometime
5875s it's actually not a bad it's bleed
5878s Elemental yeah
5880s uh penetration percent versus flat
5882s damage any element
5884s sweet
5887s um
5890s lightning plus fire flame read looks
5892s great but feels much harder to scale
5893s than just fire or just lightning how
5896s does a team feel that split damage
5897s builds compared to full conversion
5899s um I think that they're I think I'd like
5902s to see more reason to have them I think
5905s I'd like to see more
5906s um like like higher higher powered nodes
5909s like
5910s um
5911s oh like like Dragon Mage at the end of
5913s the sort tree and
5915s um things that like encourage you to use
5918s multiple elements
5919s um but things that encourage you to pick
5920s tunes that have picked three because one
5922s of the problems in the in the past we've
5923s done is we've had these things that say
5924s pick three that that feel inoptimal if
5927s you don't aren't using all three but if
5929s you're using just two
5932s um I think it'd be cool to add nodes
5933s that like try and get you to use dual
5935s element stuff a little bit more
5937s foreign
5949s works by any chance no and I'd encourage
5952s you to try
5954s um respecting a little bit more
5955s frequently because
5957s um it might not be quite obvious how
5959s fast the catch-up is
5962s and how how how like how quick it will
5966s catch up
5968s um like here let's let's do a little
5969s experiment let's take lesta off I'm just
5972s gonna de-specialize Ballista
5974s another thing important to note is that
5976s it doesn't go back to zero it goes back
5977s to whatever your minimum skill level is
5979s which
5980s gets up to 10 so it's halfway there
5981s already
5983s um and let's let's put this in something
5985s let's put this in decoy
5988s okay
5989s um man it's a man efficiency except that
5991s one yeah over here I love over here
5996s uh all right we're firing and we know
5998s that we want the hey station yeah give
5999s me that haste okay
6000s so let's let's we're switching to decoy
6003s I don't think so much anyway so it's
6005s fine
6006s um
6007s and let's see let's see how long it
6009s takes to to level up so I'm only level
6011s 64. I am nowhere near in game
6015s um and let's let's let's see how long it
6017s takes to to do this experiment
6024s all right
6026s am I gonna run around here probably
6032s oh easy too easy does decoy have a
6036s cleanse too
6043s it does not
6045s uh
6050s it's already all level up though
6080s okay more questions Mike what are you
6081s doing
6082s uh we'll we'll get back to that
6084s experiment hi sorry don't forget to put
6086s out last default game in your question
6087s if you want me to see it
6088s um hi sorry if this question was I
6090s already asked but what are your thoughts
6092s on reworking the skill tree so there are
6094s no more
6096s no more multipliers uh that should
6099s drastically increase the possibilities
6102s um
6104s I I think having hard rules like that uh
6108s doesn't always lead to positive results
6113s um
6114s and I wouldn't I wouldn't like to put a
6116s restriction like that on there I think
6118s there's probably some trees that rely a
6120s little a little too heavily on more
6122s multipliers
6123s um for for high quality generic nodes
6128s um and they get a little too easily just
6131s picked up and taken uh I'd like to see
6134s some more interesting notes for for
6136s power progression on on some some of the
6138s select skill trees that are problematic
6139s for this
6140s um but you know having having none on
6143s any of them I think would be a mistake
6158s it's not too shabby
6166s fantabulous
6168s so like one one Echo
6171s we got two levels and we're already was
6173s that 25 of the way to the next one
6177s and this is gonna get have accelerated
6179s XP gain up to level 16.
6183s um like this will probably hit 16 before
6184s any of these hit 19.
6187s uh
6188s I'm actually very confident this will
6190s hit
6192s this may even hit 18 for any of the
6193s other ones hit 19. like like that's how
6195s fast it's gonna catch up
6201s look at that Haze give me that haste I
6204s gotta go fast
6206s because we're rolling around at the
6208s speed of sound
6211s are there any plans to rebound to the
6213s set items at some point uh so far I'd
6215s say 95 of the set items have I have seen
6218s are significantly lower stats than even
6220s comparable rare items
6222s um so sets have like there's some
6225s there's some good set items there are a
6227s lot more specific and a lot more Niche
6230s than uh than uniques or rares they're
6234s generally very specific in what they're
6236s good at doing
6237s um and in the situations where they are
6238s good they're actually pretty decent in
6240s some cases
6241s um there's a handful of them that are
6242s pretty good
6244s um
6245s are they are they good enough for us to
6247s not do something with no uh we will be
6250s we've actually eat for the first time
6253s I have a
6255s uh uh a plan to prototype a mechanical
6259s change for set items and their place in
6264s the item pools
6268s um
6270s so we're we're we we've we've landed on
6273s a prototype plan for them
6277s and we're gonna test it and see how it
6279s feels and decide if we want to add it to
6280s the game or not it is something that
6282s we're looking at it's something that we
6283s we we hear the feedback on pretty
6286s pretty loud and clear
6308s all right next question come on Mike you
6309s can do this sorry I'm so late I missed
6311s all any leaks you you have missed the
6313s league
6314s um I'll I'll do I'll do the old one
6316s again real quick
6317s oh you know we're like I'll do the I'll
6319s do the first one I did right at the very
6321s end and I'll do a fresh one
6325s um
6327s at the end of this at the end of this
6328s Echo
6332s because I don't think I'm gonna be able
6334s to get to the boss in time I wanna I
6335s wanted to save for the boss fight
6338s um I don't think I'm gonna get there
6345s run mic run
6351s frog run
6358s yes I named my uh two-handed Rogue who
6363s wields a gigantic
6366s odachi Katana style sword
6369s frog
6376s that hopefully is not a stretch of a
6379s reference to pick up on
6386s okay Mike here we go
6391s so what made you go gender locked uh
6395s then giving people a choice to choose I
6397s understand it doesn't ruin the game just
6398s wondering so one of our one of our core
6402s um
6403s like design pillars has been character
6405s identity uh so we've we've really we've
6408s done this like mechanically we do this
6412s when we when we look at what like the
6414s big example that I always pull out when
6415s I talk about this is primeless versus uh
6418s oh yes Beastmaster versus Necromancer
6420s when it comes to minions
6424s um there's a lot of mechanical
6425s differences there and and theme
6427s differences to go with it
6429s so for example like uh in the passive
6432s tree Necromancer has
6434s um tons of Buffs for when your minions
6436s die get a cool thing it incentivizes
6439s your minions actually dying problems
6441s doesn't have a bunch of that stuff
6443s um we we then we then look at the
6445s ability for compromless companions to be
6448s uh resurrected from their down state
6451s um so like there's there's these
6452s mechanical differences that we that we
6454s try and work into the differences
6455s between these classes and and part of
6458s having this character identity uh class
6461s identity as as a real thing another
6463s thing to be nice
6465s um is is having these characters be a
6468s specific character instead of them just
6470s being like a rogue it's the Rogue you
6474s know
6476s um and and and that's the that's where
6478s the like non-character customization
6480s kind of works into that
6484s um and and the the second half of this
6487s is is also just you know it's
6490s it's a lot of resources to um to develop
6494s a system like that it slows so many
6497s things down
6499s um and and if we if we were to add
6501s character customization into the game
6504s um
6505s like something as simple as just adding
6508s a new like
6510s um
6511s a new a new body armor for one class
6513s would suddenly take not twice as long
6516s but it would it would increase the time
6518s it takes
6519s dang damn it
6520s uh I'm trying to rush this try to rush
6523s this because we're right near the end
6524s and I want to get through it
6527s not awesome like not awesome
6531s all right it's just it's put a new room
6533s that changes the base type of enemy
6535s keeps the epics we have no plans for
6536s that at the moment but if you have a
6537s suggestion please head over to the
6538s forums and leave it there for me to look
6539s at anyone else too
6544s at all
6565s oh what are those hello Stan nice
6582s okay next question
6586s you guys trying to make a quest that
6588s goes actually fun to do right now just
6590s be like an annoying chore
6591s um they're I think the
6594s bit of an exaggeration personally
6597s um but I I do agree with the premise of
6599s the of the sentiment
6602s um in that there is not enough
6606s um
6607s unexpectedness in an echo
6612s um there's
6614s there's there's while you're in the
6617s process of going through an echo
6619s there's currently no chance that
6622s something I don't know a chance there's
6625s very little chance that there's gonna be
6627s an opportunity for you to obtain uh a a
6632s a a item upgrade
6634s there's very little opportunity for a
6637s little chance to be presented with an
6638s opportunity for an item upgrade and and
6641s what do I mean by that so the the
6642s general example that I go for and I
6644s don't mean this is a this is exactly
6646s what we're gonna do and that's the only
6647s thing we're gonna do or anything like
6648s that
6649s there's there's lots of different
6650s mechanics that achieve the same effect
6653s um and that's a treasure Goblin
6655s the most basic form of this where you
6657s where there's this implied it's an
6660s implicit Quest it's an implied Quest
6662s place it the wrong implied Quest
6665s um
6666s here's this thing that's going to run
6668s away from you if you kill it before it
6670s gets away uh you get something sweet
6674s implied Quest there you go yeah easy too
6676s easy
6677s um and
6680s we don't have any of those right now we
6681s don't have we don't have a way that you
6683s there's no
6684s um there's no map device that you can
6685s come across and a whole other map opens
6687s inside the map there's no uh there's no
6690s side vial areas there's no
6693s um you know there's there's nothing like
6695s that that can just like show up and be
6697s like oh hey here's something cool here's
6699s here's a reward for exploring here's a
6702s reward for going through this and and
6705s um
6706s and saying like hey here you found
6708s something cool that was unexpected
6711s uh and there definitely needs to be
6713s those things
6714s um
6716s what are those gonna look like I don't
6718s know yet
6719s um
6721s oh I forgot these questions take take so
6724s long to do because I want to get this in
6727s time for streams I'm gonna push the
6729s streams slightly I think
6732s because I want to do I want to end on
6734s the boss
6735s I'm Gonna Go Far Enough To to do one
6737s test run the boss
6740s I think I should be able to handle
6759s let's go
6771s okay come on
6773s come on now
6775s come on
6780s oh yeah no problem you can handle it
6784s no
6801s my goodness me
6805s I feel the boss no problem
6810s okay let's get some more questions
6811s rolling let me get some more stuff in
6813s here armor shred yes we like that cool
6815s neat uh pass this what do you want let's
6818s get some of this cool
6820s oh actually taking that whatever
6824s streets
6828s really great thank you you're great my
6831s God thank you thanks for your hard work
6832s E.G you're welcome thanks for playing
6834s our game
6835s I want that Helene Shield yes it's
6838s actually quite heavy
6841s and I have to mount this to go with it I
6843s can show this stuff every time someone
6844s brings it up
6851s and then also just because we gotta show
6852s out to you know there's geralts too
6854s the steel sword
6856s I have a mount that I printed this is
6858s what's gonna hold that up
6860s tiny little thing strong enough don't
6863s worry
6864s um
6866s Auto pickup for shorts no not the moment
6869s uh is it temporal sanctum t3t4 Bull Run
6872s not Jewel run not drop a unique item
6876s um right now there is uh there is a bug
6878s with jewelry's uh drop uh guarantee drop
6882s um
6883s and we're working on it
6887s okay Mike power through this
6889s come on
6891s we're gonna kill the boss I'm gonna
6892s celebrate with a leak it's gonna be
6894s great
6895s I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to
6897s go as fast as I can I promise everybody
6898s but we're not gonna die because if we
6900s die
6901s let's set this back even further
6905s any leaks your next patch yeah I got
6907s leaks
6909s the ship's leaky
6910s locked around welcome thank you for all
6913s your raiding party arrivals
6916s um I could warn you we are pretty close
6918s to the end of the stream so you know
6919s it's not gonna be a ton of time to spend
6921s here but
6923s it'll be fun nonetheless and we'll have
6924s something cool to share
6926s yeah that's how we do
6938s cobras or corrosion
6947s I do need to finish my passive quests
6955s no talk to you sync no
6965s okay
6967s next question
6969s will you be able to give the UI in
6971s detail the stash sort and search another
6974s quality pass update yes uh anything like
6977s blood magic B may be an option in the
6979s future it's already there I love magic
6981s so more options can use the game be more
6984s fun with mini builds yeah there's blood
6985s metrics there uh check out the acolyte I
6988s use the the ability you start with I
6990s think is blood magic
6995s um and another one you get pretty early
6996s too I'd classifies blood magic
7001s uh
7003s any possibility of adding more bindable
7006s skill hockeys for builds these more
7007s skills than they have specialized I know
7009s the answer is most likely no but worth a
7011s shot we have no plans for something like
7012s that at the moment
7014s suggestions on the Forum and edit there
7017s I know I said like a bajillion times the
7019s stream I just I like the reason I keep
7021s mentioning is because I I do not
7023s remember these things
7025s um
7028s and uh
7031s you'll be very disappointed if you're if
7033s you're hoping that saying it to me is
7035s enough to get that on the list because
7038s I don't take notes in these streams and
7040s I probably should
7043s um how long do you think we'll be able
7045s to shoot through terrain with
7047s projectiles
7048s um there's actually it's actually
7049s interesting so so
7050s um projectiles have two
7053s um two different colliders on them uh a
7056s large collider for checking if they've
7058s hit an enemy and a small collider for if
7060s they've hit terrain specifically to make
7062s things a little bit more friendly with
7063s Terrain
7064s uh and sometimes what this means is a
7066s very fast moving projectile can squeak
7069s through terrain because the uh
7070s collider's so small the time it's and
7072s it's moving so fast the time it spends
7074s checking if it's in if it's collided or
7077s not is uh it's like it's the same way
7079s you clip through walls in like olds
7082s um like old SNES games and things
7090s go watch an 80 run
7092s of the original Mario Bros
7094s and uh that's how it works
7100s uh is there gonna be two updates soon on
7102s the next patch um so there's still a
7105s little time for the next patch so I mean
7106s having uh oh there's you see that
7110s oh no
7120s this one
7123s can you go see that guy will you yeah
7125s take the bait
7126s bye
7137s go go go stay over there for a minute
7144s Kane if you're uh listening can you can
7147s you write down and just just type to me
7149s like a bomb texture missing particles in
7152s the air something like that
7162s uh what is going on
7171s there's some Jank Happening Here
7174s okay
7175s uh any plans to rework some of the skill
7178s icons there's actually a bunch of skill
7180s icons
7181s um getting updated again uh this big
7183s this big chunk those just just happened
7187s I I may have problems with this I
7189s changed branches so much that there
7191s might just be a game file verification
7193s that's required
7200s okay
7204s uh I feel like the vast majority of
7206s passive notes around the 10 second
7208s cooldown
7209s I feel like the vast majority of passive
7212s nodes with around a 10 second cooldown
7214s no matter if they have independent
7215s cooldowns for different elements or not
7217s are in general really weak and
7220s lackluster compared to nodes that aren't
7221s Bound by cooldowns uh do you guys share
7224s opinions on have you found use cases
7226s that feel strong
7227s um I I don't off the top of my head no
7230s uh specific examples I would suggest
7233s that frequently when we do put a cool
7235s down on on it the trigger event for it's
7238s really easy
7241s um
7242s and when we put we don't put a cooldown
7244s at the trigger event's usually harder
7247s no it's
7249s um
7250s and
7254s um
7261s uh it's also usually when there's a
7263s cooldown on there there's usually a lot
7265s visually noisier as well
7267s um or it's triggering a player skill
7271s so those are usually the the the the
7273s conditions for for putting a cooldown on
7275s it internally not always
7277s um what am I doing I've been execute
7280s blood sweet I got a different item
7282s that's awesome
7283s because I already have the chest
7286s uh we want 62. it's already unlocked the
7288s other one
7290s uh we already have unique drop right so
7292s I don't think we're gonna take anything
7293s else because
7294s oh increase experience I love increased
7297s experience
7306s all right we did it
7308s nailed it all right uh first real quick
7313s this is the one I already showed right
7316s okay this is
7318s um
7319s someone asked to see the previous
7321s spoiler this is the previous spoiler
7323s honestly but just for a minute here and
7324s I'm gonna hammer out some questions as
7326s quick as I can because I think I'm
7327s pretty far behind still
7329s super sorry
7330s um so I'm gonna try and catch up so a
7332s lot of people here wow
7334s hi everybody nice to see you
7337s um is any plan to make dots more unique
7340s to each other like poison lovers poison
7341s res uh
7343s probably nothing major
7346s but there's you know
7350s we want to
7354s um it's
7355s It's tricky to make it
7357s uh to put unique things on there and
7359s still have it be generically useful uh
7361s well not just having it be just lowering
7363s the resistance of that type of damage
7368s it's it's it's more likely to have
7371s specific effects relative to the dots
7374s applied so we'll say like uh like crit
7376s chance to things that are affected by
7378s poison or something like that I mean I
7379s know those are anti-synergistic but you
7381s know things like that
7383s uh any possibility you have
7385s specialization specific nodes in skill
7387s trees could be a fun way to build off
7388s things like fortnite's modified Smite
7392s um we have thought about that I think
7394s we've intentionally avoided that but
7397s um there are some plans for skill tree
7399s stuff that's cool so keep an eye out
7401s uh can you please provide an update for
7404s the state of Healing Hands it's gonna
7405s get a tree before 1.0 or buy 1.0 at the
7407s latest is there any way to stop void
7409s reversal to move you even at the
7411s opportunity cost it's so annoying uh but
7413s way too op to skip
7415s um we there no matter what it does move
7417s you I think unless it's in the tree I
7419s don't know it's been a while so I've
7420s looked at it uh well Empower progression
7422s ever become account wide excluding
7424s blessings and Corruption
7425s um maybe but we have no plans for it at
7427s the moment we do have something in the
7429s works in that category that will help a
7432s little bit
7433s uh
7435s need a carry there yeah I do thanks
7438s buddy uh treasure Pig yeah there we go
7440s is auto pickup for shreds come in the
7442s game don't know if the answer is I
7443s haven't here I I got a little thing I
7445s can a little can to answer I can read
7447s out with regards to this so we believe
7449s that it's important for the feel of the
7451s game Loop to have enemies fairly
7452s frequently drop items that you want to
7454s take an active action to pick up but
7457s which you don't have to take time to
7459s inspect to work out whether it's good
7461s for you uh however there are times where
7463s it feels bad at the moment especially
7465s when it's just one Shard uh so we're
7468s planning to have them drop slightly less
7470s frequently and in larger groups on
7472s average we're also going we're also
7474s planning to add a sink add more of a
7477s sink for shards you don't want so that
7479s it feels less utility to pick up a Shard
7481s that you aren't planning to use and
7483s already have hundreds of
7487s foreign
7492s yeah do that uh I was talking more of
7494s the two Quest Echoes you have completed
7496s normal monoliths before you can fight
7498s the boss oh those
7499s um no we still want to have those those
7501s Quest Echoes happen
7503s uh should you do special nodes I think
7506s there needs to be more of a reward for
7507s those Quest Echoes or like an
7508s opportunity for cool things to happen in
7510s them but we we do want them to be there
7512s I think there's there's lots of room for
7514s improvements in those specifically but
7516s uh they aren't going anywhere
7519s you should do special notes in the
7520s models like boss one or a maze one with
7523s their special uniques to them
7526s I mean that's what that's I'm just gonna
7528s skip over it uh how about gear build
7531s presets oh like a D3 Armory no
7535s uh thanks I've only played made so far
7537s I'll check out the Accolade next ah it
7539s says the blood magic comment I suspect
7540s will we ever see set items with
7542s legendary potential no and I caught up
7549s all right
7552s let's spoil the number two
7558s this is a pretty cool thing
7561s um I first saw this from like really far
7563s away and I'm like that's Chocobo no it's
7565s not
7568s um
7570s but yeah here's a cool thing
7573s I think it's pretty cool
7579s I think it's pretty cool
7584s oh yeah I think I was wearing this shirt
7595s I don't know if there's enough of a
7596s screenshot in there to make it to
7598s actually capture it
7605s here
7624s it works have fun if it does
7628s I was gonna wear it last week and I uh
7632s I forgot
7634s um
7635s all right uh well that was just about do
7638s it for me uh
7640s couple other things here uh great work
7642s in the game so far this one uh has taken
7645s off lately yeah it's been great lately
7649s uh yeah not read the rest of that sorry
7653s um will we ever be able to play offline
7655s characters in multiplayer no offline
7657s staying offline
7659s uh your game design decisions are often
7662s pretty inspired thanks trade factions
7664s crafting when you start with Cycles will
7665s you be able to you will you be using uh
7668s the short League format to experiment
7669s with cool stuff competitor games always
7671s seem to pull their punches with
7672s Innovation
7674s um at least initially the the goals for
7676s our cycle content uh will be pretty
7680s um core game Focus right off the bat
7683s because we know there's a lot of things
7684s like there's a lot of things we want to
7687s add to the core game that we're like
7688s this needs to be and this needs to be
7689s and this needs to be in
7691s um that we just we just it takes so long
7694s to get this stuff in my goodness the the
7696s the volume of content that Poe pumps out
7701s is shocking like like we're working on
7705s on a very similar Style game like in the
7707s same genre with the same sort of like
7709s plan for cyclical content
7711s the volume of stuff they pump out is
7715s astounding
7716s wow
7718s um
7719s and and we we wanna we wanna we wanna be
7722s pumping out content at the same rate you
7725s know like that's that's our goal that's
7727s that's what we're striving for
7729s um
7729s it's a it's a lofty goal but we'll do
7731s our best
7733s uh yeah
7736s uh has the dev team been looking forward
7738s to getting looking into the game
7740s breaking above that has been preventing
7742s players from finishing the dungeons yes
7743s uh you'll notice that there is if you
7746s read the patch notes from the last few
7747s patch notes it's mentioned in I think
7748s maybe in the last three patches
7749s mentioned there we're working on it
7752s all right I hope I feel this will do it
7755s for me today
7756s I had a gray stream today
7773s oh no way
7775s I don't know if this is real or not but
7776s I'm just gonna I'm gonna do it because I
7778s love if it's if it is real that's super
7780s cool
7785s um I I assume this is real the uh extra
7788s credits is a fantastic
7791s um they've got a whole our ecosystem on
7793s YouTube of of various topics but they do
7796s a lot of game design uh game discussion
7798s uh videos little they're very bite-sized
7801s they're great uh if you've never heard
7802s of extra credits check them out
7805s uh we're gonna say hi to them that's I
7807s didn't even know they did streaming or
7809s playing gameplay stuff like that anyways
7811s I had a great time
7813s I hope you did too
7816s all right what you should say I have a
7818s line what is it what is the line
7820s um I had fun I hope you did I know I
7823s know I have
7825s I'll figure it out for next time I had a
7826s great time I'll see you guys later
7833s uh
7837s this is what happens when I do this once
7839s a week and I just uh I forget the little
7841s things
7843s yeah have a great one see you next week
7845s everybody
7849s all right
7861s oh come on in