over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s good afternoon everybody and welcome
3s back to another last Epoch death stream
6s hello oh my goodness I've realized I'm
8s wearing the wrong
11s clothing what have I done not wearing my
14s Epoch shirt okay I'll be right
29s back
41s ha I'm back super
43s smooth oh nailed it there we go repping
47s the shirt nailed it all right let's hop
50s right in and have some
54s fun so I wanted to start off with
57s something a little experiment I was
59s doing some bug fixing a couple days
62s ago and uh I found I found a slight
68s problem that I want to test and make
70s sure it's it's on live the way I thought
73s it
75s was and uh it concerns
78s my um what should be much better I
82s think
84s two-handed um two-handed
87s Rogue we're just we're just going to
89s check and and see
91s uh see how it's see if it's actually
93s doing what I think it's doing on live
95s right now I know what it's doing on our
96s internal
102s version
104s human yeah I get it you're specious but
107s you know
108s what I
119s win
124s cuz I believe
127s you that one of the nodes I'm taking is
130s doing nothing CU I'm two-handing it
132s instead
134s of one handing
140s it if this is your first time I guess I
142s should go through the the usual here if
144s this is your first time here welcome
145s glad to have you with us we stream for
147s charity this is our charity this month
148s we a new one next month it's pretty
150s great
153s um what else do we do oh yeah if you
155s have any questions please feel free to
157s ask any questions about last Epoch I'll
159s be happy to answer them um please put at
161s last EPO game in the question in chat so
162s I see
164s it uh we're just going to have some fun
167s and kind of mck
170s about I'm going to I'm going to test
172s this thing here on live see how it's
173s doing and then uh once that's done we're
176s going to we'll probably hop onto the the
179s um the Forge Shield throw Forge guard
181s that I'm leveling that we'll we'll do
183s most of the stream on that I just
185s realized that I had to get
186s to the Champions Gate in order to um
190s have access to the test
193s dummies that I want to test this
200s on got a first question here awesome is
203s there any new Quest weapon classes
205s coming in 1.0 no there will not be any
207s new weapon classes in 1.0 uh
211s um there's some new like base types like
214s the there's some new um like item types
217s in bases that already exist so like
219s there might be uh like a new type of
221s ring or something like that but there's
223s not
224s like um like like uh one-handed Spears
228s or something or fist weapons or
230s crossbows you know like there's no um
233s there's there's there's no like new
234s entire base class like um that we'll go
239s in this line here this is two sword
240s there's no new thing for that line
242s there there's um certain item types I
246s don't know which bases I think there's
247s new belts
250s [Music]
251s possibly something I could be
258s wrong okay we
264s are just do a little little bit of data
266s collection so we're hitting we're
267s hitting regular hits in the 120 to 170
272s range and uh our crits are in the like
277s 950 to oh some 800s there we'll say
280s we'll say 950 to 1100 1150 950 to 1200
284s somewhere in that
285s range nothing huge nothing
291s amazing
299s um
301s now Mike remember where the the note is
303s that you're talking
307s about turns out I like haven't even
309s taken the
325s node I've just got wrong
328s Maybe
331s oh I'm going to look at this there like
332s just it's going to be a new node that uh
335s isn't even even on live or
338s something oh no here it is it was Lethal
340s Mirage that's the problem wrong ability
344s okay okay we're all in the was that 2 to
348s 350
355s range
357s yeah okay and we're going to to we've
360s got enough this way so we can just we
361s just take these points
365s out I
367s think that this will have zero effect on
370s our damage output what we just did
375s there if you miss the target even less
383s effect yep that did not do
388s anything
391s this node does not count two-handed
395s swords oh my goodness okay well let's
398s fix for let fix for one point
401s now oh no not this
406s up that's the test I wanted to
410s run see my build's not quite as bad as I
414s thought it was it's just a it's a bug
417s build it's it's bugged so it's not
418s working the way it should no
424s problem all right where are we in this
426s Quest
428s here let's go for
436s it I found the coolest unique so far
438s it's the one where you can break down an
440s item and the AIC shards go onto it some
442s 200 sword yeah that thing's awesome that
444s think it's brand new um it's the only
446s item in the game like it it is very cool
450s um so big fan there where are our
454s um health
475s bars doing a little Captain America
478s action
480s is we've
482s got excuse me we've got a shield throw
485s um where the cool Down's resetting when
486s it gets back to
488s you uh which means we can throw it
490s pretty
492s regularly and we're doing uh some Forge
495s strike stuff in the
502s intrum yeah that
508s cool
513s we
515s go nice got our be
518s going get our bees and swords get our
521s sword wielding
535s bees it's bug on Twitch or it's it's bug
539s on Twitch or game not full screen on
542s Steam what oh oh my goodness yeah that's
548s uh I do not see that on my screen at
552s all uh and I will but I can see that on
556s my like my preview window of what you're
557s seeing so that is
560s um that is OBS not being
563s fantastic so give me a minute and I will
566s uh as soon as I'm not going to be an
568s imminent
570s Peril which is going to happen if I
572s realize that I'm fighting in between two
577s spawners where are
587s they there we go we
591s good
598s okay
615s um okay that's weird not sure how that
618s got
623s reset oh I know exactly how that got
628s reset
630s sorry that's entirely my
638s fault sorry we're good
658s though
660s you know as I'm playing with Shield
661s throw here like I kind of wish it flew
664s just like a touch faster not not like a
667s lot but just just like a little
673s bit also uh something interesting with
675s the um the swords that get summoned from
678s Forge
680s strike um I don't I don't know if they
684s are this way now but at least originally
686s what they were was they were the uh the
689s wraiths they were just wraiths uh that
692s we' given a sword to and made their
695s models
696s invisible just like like set their their
699s external texture to just zero Alpha and
703s uh gave them a sword and called it a day
705s they were actually like the object that
708s was like the the sword minion itself was
710s actually a um a wraith running around
718s invisibly
721s which is kind of the reason why they
722s look a little weird I
724s think um CU they're but if you if you
728s imagine them like they are now just with
729s someone holding it instead it makes a
732s lot more
736s sense like it kind of drags behind them
738s and they get close and they take a
743s swing I I like it it's quirky I don't
748s know
755s Shield this is the one we want the
757s damage just drops so
762s much oh hey it's my projectile
778s speed
783s should we change I'm I'm tempted to
785s change the uh the forge
787s strike um weapon that gets used into the
791s Anvil the hammer just feels out of place
793s with the
797s shield strictly from a thematic
805s sense all right let's
808s go
823s you shall
825s not you shall
830s not do more questions going on what's
832s going on here are we going to get more
834s base items with different stats
835s implicits yeah so we do we frequently
838s add I think every p for the last I don't
839s know how long we've added more base
841s types with more implicits um we're not
844s going to be adding in new types of bases
847s So like um the the obvious hopefully
851s obvious category for this is is certain
852s weapon types that's what I was saying
854s earlier so like there's not going to be
856s uh crossbows or um like fist weapons or
860s one-handed Spears you know things like
862s that but there are going to be like new
865s items there's a few new bases a few new
868s bases in some of the C categories and
869s I'm not sure which categories some of
870s the armor
878s categories and yeah they all have their
880s unique
884s implicits or
893s die it's not mandatory for the but in
898s another games with many characters on
900s screen I often want to see option to
902s make Ally models and skills half
904s transparent yeah um this is this
906s something we we've talked about in toy
908s with doing quite a bit actually hey come
912s on in welcome everybody thanks for the
914s raing party killer the J welcome
917s everybody hope you're having fun
922s um yeah it's it's um we consider trying
926s to make a system like that uh for for
928s making your ize uh VFX quieter and and
932s you know like like less less going on
934s there maybe partially transparent maybe
935s um
937s certain uh
939s extra like particle effects only play
942s for like your own skills or something
943s like that or um you know like like
946s various little things that we've
947s considered to do to make it easier to
949s pick out the things you're doing uh in
952s in
953s game and
955s um it's it's a big consideration when
958s we're we're making a abilities and um
960s designing the ability trees and things
961s like that where we we we try to make
964s decisions that will not make visual
966s noise go out of control um specifically
968s with multiplayer in
978s mind have you come to make me
983s whole that was that was a good voice
986s line that was a good one I liked it
999s we're actually getting a not
1000s insignificant number of of minions
1002s pretty regularly
1017s here
1020s this guy is
1035s Beefy no damage it's the more accurate
1045s reason we're going to start working
1047s pretty hard on getting the damage of
1049s that Shield drop up I
1057s think yeah just just straight here we
1061s go
1067s Basics is Sentinel getting re uh
1070s reworked Slash new skills before 1.0 the
1073s palad and heal skill for example um I I
1075s can't really go into detail on what's
1077s going to be coming down the pipe for
1080s um uh for Sentinel in general not a lot
1083s um there's not a lot happening for
1085s Sentinel in 1.0 um EV every SK at launch
1090s every skill at launch will have a skill
1094s tree
1098s um and you know how how we get there
1103s hope hopefully means putting it adding
1105s trees instead of removing
1107s skills
1109s um stand down or
1114s die right now Healing Hands is kind of
1117s just a placeold they like hey where
1118s there's going to be a a heal skill here
1121s like this going to happen um no one
1123s really use it you can't it's not really
1124s good for anything at the
1125s moment andon eight nine months in a row
1130s thank you very
1132s much welcome glad to have you with
1135s us I I feel like I should almost be I
1139s know it's the thing I should like
1140s figuring out a way to commemorate
1142s someone we get get going really
1152s far uh is the story going to be expanded
1154s in 1.0 or is it complete for now neither
1158s it is not complete and will not be
1159s expanded in 1.0 um there are still three
1162s missing chapters that will get added uh
1164s over the course of the few patches um
1167s after 1.0
1169s um we
1171s are you know like we're we we we really
1174s want to have uh that that complete
1177s storyline finished up as soon as we can
1179s um but we think it's more important to
1182s you know re really what where am I is
1184s does it want me to come down here and be
1186s like oh no I can't make it where do I go
1189s yes it does want me to do
1191s that probably didn't actually have to go
1193s down there that's fine we'll this way
1195s first
1197s um yeah we we want to have a a like a
1200s really nice complete storyline ready to
1202s go
1204s um as soon as we can but having that
1207s play nice and feel fun and all sort of
1209s stuff is more important um and so we
1212s really want to take our time with the
1213s story and make sure it
1225s shines uh have you considered either
1227s making a varant two Spears that are
1229s one-handed are allowing us to use Spears
1230s and shield with some penalty to damage
1232s absolutely we've considered
1237s that um neither will be happening at
1245s 1.0 give me that travel
1251s speed so what just want it snappier you
1257s know uh um yeah we're
1261s we're like there's not a lot usually
1265s when we're adding in new a base item
1267s type like that um there kind of needs to
1270s be uh like like a good reason to do it I
1274s guess
1276s and there's not really much of an
1279s identity that those one-headed Spears
1281s would have uh given the current skills
1284s that are available
1287s um I think more likely what'll happen
1290s and this is probably true for pretty
1292s well every weapon base type that's
1294s remaining to be added because there
1295s there's a few still there um there's
1298s some that even have IDs in the in the
1300s game already that we just don't have any
1303s actually implemented yet
1306s um and and that's and that's having
1309s a um a Mastery or skill or uh Mastery or
1314s Base Class come out at the same time as
1315s it so having having a reason to uh like
1319s build new skills with that weapon type
1320s in mind things like that have it have it
1322s be sort of a like a good reason with
1325s with lots of stuff instead of just
1329s um like here's a new weapon type you
1332s know uh there's also lots of lots of
1334s things that interact with like each
1336s weapon type um so it does affect a lot
1339s more than
1340s just the ones we add it affects other
1343s things too like it affects the balance
1344s of certain nodes on certain trees and
1347s and um
1349s you know like do we do we want to add
1352s that like there's that there's that node
1353s on Rogue um that's a different buff for
1356s every every weapon type do we add it to
1358s that I don't think staffs are
1361s there um as an option so it's it's like
1366s does it count towards that maybe maybe
1368s not there's there's a lot there's a lot
1369s of stuff that goes into um adding in a
1372s new weapon base
1374s type down or um and the other option is
1378s is that
1379s you uh you restrict that weapons based
1382s type the use really heavily like we did
1384s with
1385s bows um which is something that we are
1388s still looking to expand open up a
1402s bunch I guess the short version is is
1405s that we definitely want to add them um
1407s we just didn't think we could add them
1409s properly in time so we'd rather add them
1412s later
1426s properly and you know the baj jillion
1428s other things we have to get
1432s done all right how do you plan the
1435s content out for the game and the future
1436s season leagues uh we have Dungeons and
1439s Echo are going to release content in
1441s both areas at the same time or switch
1442s between them um some combination of both
1445s those things so there'll be um I'm sure
1448s certain patches where we're like all
1449s right we're going to focus on Dungeons
1450s and we're going to add like several
1452s dungeons this patch or we'll be like oh
1454s we're going to focus on the monolith
1455s this time we're going to add a bunch of
1456s new mechanics to the monolith and stuff
1457s like that or maybe there's a patch where
1459s like you know there's there's a new like
1461s overarching mechanic that we're adding
1464s that um that touches both really nicely
1467s and and like having
1469s like like we we we make modifications to
1471s both of those other end game systems at
1472s the same time so it's it's It's tricky
1475s because it's kind of what the situation
1477s calls for they both will be getting
1479s updates as we go down the
1489s road we definitely have uh a good chunk
1492s of um dungeon suggestions that were kind
1496s of like ooh can we make this work how
1498s like and and there's there's a few at
1500s the top of that
1504s list we do still need a new um a new
1508s ring don't we cuz we only have one
1510s throwing ring yeah it's not even that
1512s great so we we need to um we're on the
1516s hunt for Rings right
1518s now can this take us across I don't
1520s think it can think dead
1525s ends worth a shot
1530s [Music]
1532s uh maybe looking good I'm just wrong
1536s I'll take
1540s it thank you very much down or die oh uh
1545s I'm going to ruin this name that
1547s is he's the there's the capital version
1551s is much easier to
1554s do uh Midori thank you very much for the
1557s two months
1558s appreciate
1560s it appreciate
1570s you are you guys very happy with the
1572s Vitality changes
1575s yeah uh my void Knight has 150 necrotic
1577s res that's a
1580s lot probably uh if you have any affixes
1583s uh or points invested anywhere that
1587s uh
1592s uh are adding to that you can probably
1594s switch those out
1597s for something else it does protect
1600s nicely it's I know I know you can if you
1602s stack Vitality hard you do get a lot of
1604s extra resistances there um which is nice
1608s really nice if you're um going up
1611s against Mark for death stuff because
1612s that shreds out like
1614s crazy I should check what I'm getting
1616s from
1617s these
1623s what that's so
1627s good I mean like the the the numbers are
1629s kind of low like there not really like
1631s high tiar or anything but
1634s like yes please that's that's two off
1637s perfect roll Health
1642s what uh
1647s okay
1655s sure it's not really a wasted stat there
1663s either that's
1668s awesome I think so far all this gear is
1670s self found on this
1672s character uh this weapon I may have
1674s pulled out of my stash yeah I pulled the
1676s weapon out of my
1677s stash
1689s probably just portal back
1692s actually whatever let fight some
1695s stuff all right um are you guys planning
1699s on new class types or just masters with
1702s existing types I think you'll see so we
1704s we we don't have the uh next
1708s class or Mastery specific
1711s release um picked out yet we do have uh
1715s a good idea as to like a few of the ma a
1719s few of the base classes like what the
1720s next Master is going to be we have a
1722s really good idea of that
1724s um and if we do another Base Class
1727s anytime soon um we we we've got a pretty
1730s good idea of a
1732s few Front Runners of candidates type
1735s thing nothing set in stone with which
1737s which classes are coming next uh yet but
1740s when we do start adding them I think
1741s it's more likely that we'll add
1743s masteries first than new classes new
1746s base
1747s classes um partially just because
1749s there's there's a lot of stuff um that
1753s still needs to go in the game as like
1755s core systems and uh and things like that
1757s to to really bring bring
1759s everything to shine like there's for
1762s example uh like like a a pinnacle boss
1766s system still still got to get that down
1768s and um if
1771s we're if we're building a whole new base
1774s class with three masteries that's a
1776s humongous undertaking compared to um
1779s sliding in a new Mastery for one of the
1781s classes you know like there's there's a
1782s big difference in scope there so if
1785s we're if we're doing other high priority
1786s things at the same time the new
1788s masteries are I think more likely to
1790s come first
1793s um mcgs thank you very much the eight
1796s months in a row that's that's that's
1801s awesome
1803s [Music]
1806s fantabulous
1812s uh we're going down here is this where
1814s we're going void no we don't care about
1816s this frenzy I mean let's just
1821s unkill I feel like we're coming up here
1826s probably
1832s yeah let's get some cool down stuff
1833s going on should we let's let's fight him
1836s let see what happens what's the worst
1837s thing could happen
1844s right we realize that
1847s our uh main damage is a little bit AOE
1851s and
1853s uh we're we're going just real slow and
1856s miss our attacks
1859s again I got some bees going
1879s on all right any more questions here
1881s while I'm doing
1884s this am I playing with stream mode again
1889s actually I reset my settings it might
1890s don't even be on right
1896s now just for the record it is an actual
1898s like Graphics settings stre REM
1902s mode but it's it's it only affects
1905s Graphics just just to be
1911s clear that was a really good decision
1913s feels a lot better all of a
1916s sudden
1919s all right let's keep
1922s going
1929s uh is there any chance we get uh muffin
1935s next week for super nerdy uh nerdy meta
1937s build discussions uh what's going on
1939s next
1940s week uh next week I think is still
1945s me um but the week after
1950s that I'm going to be recovering from
1954s someone drilling a bunch of holes in my
1960s face and I did not expect how
1962s uncomfortable I would make myself with
1964s that comment um
1969s yes uh so I will I will be recovering
1974s from uh some pretty pretty intense
1978s stuff
1980s uh
1990s yeah okay it's got to new new question
1993s here
1994s um so week after that your promises
1996s muffin also hope you're okay yeah I know
1998s I'm I'm I it's the dentist not I'm
2002s making it sound worse than it is but
2003s it's just I don't not not a fan uh
2009s uh yeah yeah uh the eth I I I think
2012s muffin sitting on the
2017s eth we'll have to ask them make
2023s sure all right hi can you tell us
2025s anything about uh reducing flash effects
2027s for certain skills and hit effects and
2029s so on are there any many builds I don't
2031s play because of the light effects thanks
2036s well
2039s I would uh I would turn this
2043s off and then you
2045s uh won't have the
2061s problem um as for like just the least
2064s graphically intensive thing overall
2068s completely
2071s um Ora of Decay maybe it's kind of that
2075s one like big like floaty thing around
2079s you and other than that it's about it
2080s cuz it's it's poison doesn't hit it's
2083s always
2084s dots um so there's not hit effects that
2087s like like Sparks and stuff that like
2088s jump
2090s out
2096s uh
2108s is this
2109s [Music]
2113s fire that projectile speed should we
2116s just go full
2118s fire I don't hate
2123s that there's the flat physical Dage the
2125s crit here
2130s this where you're like actually throwing
2131s your
2135s Shield I feel like getting over here is
2144s amazing I just want that projectile
2146s speed though I really enjoyed it
2147s especially when we're waiting for it to
2148s come back to
2150s us like
2156s that
2158s there's a big
2161s dump I I love getting those like cluster
2164s drops
2165s of uh of shards big
2179s fan oh my gosh behind the camera I'm
2182s sorry yes thank you Kane there there is
2185s a setting I can't I can't bring it
2193s up
2195s there there we
2198s go I could just move my head over that
2200s probably would have been
2216s easier
2217s um it's it's on right now it is still on
2219s the hit flash is still on here I'll turn
2221s it off and you can see what it looks
2222s like
2224s differently turn off screen shake for a
2226s little bit too I'll do little screen
2229s [ __ ] off you just like just drop
2231s everything of feedback
2234s stuff I really like it I really like it
2243s um yeah that should be should be a bunch
2245s of Stu turned off there
2249s see we're not getting any any uh hit
2251s flash on the
2263s character our void R is like well 30% of
2266s this level's not
2276s terrible
2289s trying to time the dash cuz you're
2290s invulnerable during
2302s dashing we need some more uh some more
2305s shred and Frailty we need some more
2307s of those
2309s like offensive ailment
2319s helpers we
2325s go I'm turning everything back to
2327s default by the
2336s way
2338s [Music]
2341s oh back at sore today hi love the game
2344s thank you uh but sometimes farming
2347s random Maps becom a bit annoying in
2349s model any plans
2351s to uh some end content like farming
2354s specific map like in Poe
2356s um having having like an item that you
2359s bring to the map to like to make it a
2362s map so to speak um is not something we
2365s uh we're introducing one point know
2368s um there are some changes to the model
2371s system in general that we are uh we are
2373s making um there was a preview last week
2377s that uh showed off a few of those things
2379s not much detail but a little few few
2381s things here and there um the seek out
2385s the outcast Queen leader of the living
2388s Rebels and show her the epoch the rest
2393s will be up to you all right thanks is
2398s um and what was I saying just want to
2401s let the voice line play
2403s out
2404s [Music]
2410s the oh it changes the model and stuff
2412s like that yeah there's there's yeah
2413s there's a few just general changes to
2415s how the mono works that that'll help
2417s make things a little more smooth I guess
2425s um I don't know you get to pick from a
2427s big list of the ones that are there
2432s already uh the way that the Buffs work
2435s will be more clear and less hidden
2438s information which is
2441s great U we'll also be
2443s doing
2445s um oh I see what you I I just understood
2449s the question I just I just got it I just
2450s got there sorry about having like a
2453s specific layout that you can Target um
2456s what do you you
2457s want I cannot do
2461s that there kind of is elements of that a
2464s little bit already um because there's
2467s specific layouts and specific timelines
2469s that you can do but no like be able to
2471s say like I want this specific like this
2474s specific
2475s Echo probably not anytime soon if if at
2485s all uh maybe it's a baby question that's
2488s fine if it is but what class is easiest
2491s to begin and go to level 100 monolith uh
2493s I want you to return to the game play
2495s with friend I don't know the current
2496s meta
2498s um there there's not really
2501s any you can't pick a master that it
2503s won't be possible to do that with um as
2507s far as easiest I do not know off top of
2509s my head
2512s um I feel like there's kind of always a
2515s good um either swarm blade or were bear
2518s build that's floating around um
2520s sometimes both uh it's usually usually
2523s on the easier side
2527s um I feel like there's usually a uh
2530s necro wraith build that's that's that's
2531s floating around that's generally on the
2533s easier side
2534s too
2539s um I feel like there's a couple good run
2542s Master builds right
2544s now there's there's you can go to to um
2547s go to Max roll. or lasto tools.com and
2551s uh they both got tons of build
2554s guides
2556s um there's also uh there's a bunch of
2559s like content creators that put out stuff
2562s like this um whole whole bunch of them
2565s uh not not going to list every single
2566s one of them but
2573s um yeah there's there yeah there's a
2575s whole bunch I would one of the key
2577s things is just like checking for which
2578s patch it
2580s is make sure so make sure say like 092
2583s doesn't need to be specifically
2587s 92k or even 091 most of the 091 builds
2591s work just fine in
2597s 092 the here's the here's the key thing
2600s the most important piece of advice I can
2602s give you never pay attention to what I'm
2605s doing because it's just B
2607s [Laughter]
2619s bad all
2629s right blades r no problem yeah that's a
2631s good good call it umra blades is really
2634s strong um
2637s kind of always has been since it came
2638s out it's pretty
2639s young pretty young skill
2642s still uh hey Mike does the team plan to
2645s include some kind of reward specifically
2647s for leacy such as achievement based
2649s Cosmetics or is the only plan for Cycles
2652s I would love to see some emphasis and
2654s love for legacy um we don't have uh
2656s achievement based Cosmetics um
2658s specifically coming at 1.0 for either
2663s um I would say there's probably more
2667s likely at least initially going to be
2668s stuff for uh for Cycles rather than
2671s Legacy
2674s um a lot of a lot of the achievements
2677s that I've when I was been thinking about
2679s achievements and things that would be
2680s cool most of them um have been
2684s like psycle agnostic so like doesn't
2688s matter if you're playing on a cycle or
2689s not uh most of the ones that I thought
2691s were were good
2694s ideas um apart from like ladder
2697s competitions which kind of only work in
2712s Cycles um but I I do feel like this is
2714s probably in reference to the For Thread
2715s that's been going
2717s on
2720s um I I don't know if I've read every
2723s reply in that R cuz I think it kind of
2726s got away from me in the last couple days
2728s but
2730s um I didn't see many specific
2732s suggestions in there which is
2735s fine but we haven't talked about it
2737s internally so I don't
2739s uh I don't have a like here's we're
2741s doing or anything like
2744s that I have no idea what his health is
2746s at right
2755s now
2758s My Fire Res can we just take this let's
2759s just take
2765s this we need to we need to we need to
2768s take some time and craft a ring
2785s here
2793s vo it's
2800s fine yeah just
2802s that that extra seven face storing
2805s damage I think is going to be pretty
2815s important what is the best time to start
2817s crafting when you drop your first Shard
2821s there's really no bad time to start
2822s crafting
2827s um the uh crafting materials don't uh
2831s like the crafting materials don't hold
2833s any intrinsic uh trading
2836s value um the crafting materials that you
2839s find early on are not rare um and you're
2843s not missing out on a huge thing by by
2844s using them um like you're not there's
2846s not some opportunity cost of not being
2848s able to use them later type thing
2849s because you'll you'll find plenty more
2851s especially the ones you're finding early
2855s um
2858s the the only thing that's kind of like
2860s maybe you should save it is like uh like
2864s Runes of shattering are uh you you
2867s generally want a lot of those and
2870s they're less useful early it's kind of
2872s the only piece of crafting that I might
2873s recommend saving a little bit but if you
2876s need need one use it
2885s um it's void damage and Mele void CLE
2891s yeah uh still fun but yes uh crafting
2895s yeah it's it's just go for it because
2897s like because they're not uh like a
2899s currency
2901s item
2903s um there's there's and they don't
2905s combine up into each
2907s other uh there's much less of a reason
2909s to hold on to
2915s them so yeah like just go for it
2918s experiment have
2932s fun yes
2935s yes be
2938s with I got I got my mom with the um just
2943s just the the way she said yes remind me
2945s of this so you as someone like what does
2946s y it's an old old internet joke uh what
2950s does y spell say yes you sure yeah y yes
2955s spells yes uh and then you ask them to
2957s what e y yes
2961s spells and every once in a while someone
2964s looks at you and goes
2970s yes it's
2972s wonderful it is eyes in case you're
2975s wondering but when you break the E off
2977s at the start e y
2983s s they yes anyways uh I was quite
2989s excited thank you for having stream
2991s you're
2993s welcome
2995s uh
2999s uh is this cycle starting on February
3000s 1st 21st with 1.0 yes cycle starting
3003s February 21st with 1.0 I assum the base
3006s game to be showcased upon release
3008s yeah yeah that's that that's that's the
3011s game 1.0 cycle starts release game
3014s starts there you
3019s go what are we going
3021s here really enjoying
3024s that just go no cool
3027s down go fire
3031s hard yeah let just let's just get damage
3034s right just just take the damage nodes
3036s damage damage damage
3041s damage that's how you build
3054s right
3056s thanks for answering can't wait for 1.0
3058s smooth monolist also sounds very nice
3066s yeah know it's little things like um
3069s we're doing a like com uh corruption
3071s compression So like
3075s um 300 corruption or 200 corruption will
3079s be similar to what 300 corruption is now
3083s um and 500 corrupt or 3 corruption will
3086s be similar to what 500 corruption is now
3088s so it actually scales faster
3091s um and there's there's there's some
3093s benchmarking numbers that you can look
3094s at they're and they're not um it is
3097s smooth those numbers are just uh
3099s represented to to give you an idea of
3101s like uh so you can so you can Benchmark
3104s against what your expectations are a
3105s little bit easier like oh if I could do
3108s this before what's it going to be
3111s now um so that it'll be it'll require
3114s less corruption grinding which is
3118s important
3120s um and then also the uh the difficulty
3124s in general is just just shifting that
3125s onto corruption more instead of onto the
3127s mods the mods will be
3137s static uh remember seeing a video way
3140s back a person using war path and it
3143s pulling mobs towards them was it ever a
3144s thing if so what made that happen uh
3148s yeah uh this one
3151s nope
3162s uh uh that got removed and I just didn't
3166s know about
3169s it it forced you to stand still that was
3172s a big
3174s thing that's probably why we removed
3182s it if you if you're wondering about the
3184s suggestion that that came recently about
3186s a a um a relic that would would give
3191s that to Warpath I looked at that
3193s suggestion there's no way we're doing
3194s that item
3204s sorry
3206s the the range it was suggesting for the
3209s pole if I remember correctly I can't
3211s remember exactly but the range the range
3212s it was suggesting for the pole was like
3217s this like
3234s no
3238s all right what made happen it was it was
3241s a node on war path itself
3247s yeah uh if you end up doing achievements
3249s and rewards per cycle on ladder what not
3251s do you plan to do a limited availability
3253s for top players or Of Reach This score
3255s type deal for all um we we we we don't
3257s none of this is set in stone we've not
3259s decided on this uh everything I say here
3261s is speculation and me saying what I'd
3263s like to see so just disclaimer
3267s none of this is decided um personally
3271s what I would like to see is a
3273s combination of both um and in kind of a
3275s weird way I'd like to see it such that
3278s if you
3282s um where there's some sort of like point
3285s system that you
3287s earn and uh repeatedly
3292s placing in the top 100 let's say or or
3295s something you know in the top 500 um
3299s Nets you a very small amount of these
3300s points that could be could be
3302s collectively built to award something
3304s big uh with the people who are hitting
3308s the the top spots just getting a lot
3310s more of it all at
3313s once um it maybe some sort of maybe some
3315s sort of title or something but like the
3317s important part being that
3321s um most of these things could be
3323s achievable even if you weren't the tip
3325s top
3326s but maybe it would take you a few Cycles
3327s instead of just one so something like
3329s that that's what I'd like to see
3331s personally um but we haven't we
3334s haven't gotten around to doing that
3337s yet there won't be anything like that
3339s for
3348s 1.0
3352s um uh there oh there's there's one thing
3355s kind kind of like that I think but it's
3357s not linked to Performance so anyone's
3359s can have it and it's really
3361s easy really
3374s easy I technically we've done that
3376s before there was there was a thing
3377s forever ago where it was
3379s like uh it was it was like for sharing
3381s some post you got
3384s something
3387s we still haven't put in the game
3390s yet
3405s yet it was removed yeah it was
3414s removed
3421s uh I think Po's challenge system is
3423s super good and we incentivizes players
3426s to play a lot of different content
3427s instead of just doing one thing over and
3428s over yeah
3432s um I think that they have uh enough
3436s content where incentivizing those sorts
3437s of things is really useful um I don't
3440s think we're quite there yet um and in
3445s like the volume of content that we
3446s really need to really like need to push
3449s doing various things cuz like there's
3451s kind of just a
3454s few
3457s um but yes that that is that is a good
3459s consideration to have with a system like
3472s that uh what is in general the team
3475s favorite thing to design what's your
3477s personal favorite oh I mean every like
3479s there's so many people that design
3480s different things and enjoy designing
3482s different things
3483s um I think that so there's there's
3486s there's usually a big group of people
3487s that gets together for Designing uh new
3489s skill trees the initial brainstorming
3491s phase of new skill trees and that's
3492s always a ton of fun um it's the whole
3495s like no bad ideas phase of things that's
3497s really just just just great when
3500s everyone's just posting ideas that
3502s you're like that's a terrible idea but
3504s it's hilarious and like you know there's
3507s just sometimes the whole idea is just a
3509s meme that just gets posted and there's
3511s there's no words that go with it you
3512s just got to guess what they mean um you
3515s know things like that so that that phase
3516s is always a lot of fun um individually I
3519s think a lot of people enjoy designing
3520s items um like we just have a persistent
3524s like item suggestion thread internally
3526s that we people just post in um I really
3530s like tossing an item in there every once
3531s in a
3532s while
3534s uh
3536s but like the level design people I'm
3537s sure their favorite thing to design is
3538s levels and you know
3541s the uh like character design team
3544s probably their favorite thing to design
3545s as characters not items sort of thing so
3547s my view of what people like to design is
3549s probably pretty heavily
3551s skewed um my my personal favorite stuff
3555s is is is items they're just
3558s like um I do I do a lot of uh I I I I
3564s really enjoy designing um custom Magik
3567s cards and uh making a Magik card I think
3572s there's a lot of similarities between
3573s that and an item it's this like
3575s self-contained object that has to fit
3577s into a larger system um and you can you
3580s can really take extreme top- down or
3583s bottom up design approaches or or some
3585s combination therein like you don't
3587s there's there's a lot of options and you
3589s can um I I think there's a lot of
3592s similarities there I really like both of
3594s those things welcome
3599s traveler yeah that
3624s bug
3627s all
3629s right more
3630s [Music]
3633s questions greetings new player here are
3635s there any plans for a support archetype
3639s uh like an or a bot from Poe for example
3642s um yeah so there are lots of Support
3644s options in the game already we don't
3646s have any we don't have any plans to
3650s um I I guess uh have have a class that's
3653s shoehorned into support
3656s specifically um we like giving lots of
3658s Support options for people that want to
3660s invest in that sort of thing um but
3662s there's always damage options on the
3664s class as well so I'll use Paladin as
3666s probably the best example of this right
3667s now
3669s um Healing Hands doesn't have a tree yet
3671s but we we'll get there eventually so
3673s this just a straight healing ability um
3676s there's Hora that is every Aura from
3680s every game in
3682s one pretty pretty well
3686s um you know it's got Smite which half of
3689s what it does like it it attacks things
3690s but it also heals and then you can use
3692s it to apply debuffs to things um so
3695s there's there's support things you can
3696s do that are offensive as well um like
3698s just stunning things so Shield bash you
3701s can use the shield on this Paladin to
3703s also stun things very reliably which is
3705s a fantastic form of uh support and uh
3709s yeah and like you can debuff people so
3710s you can like you can get Frailty chance
3712s for Smite and um so when it hits it
3715s applies the Frailty debuff to enemies in
3717s which case they they deal less damage to
3719s your allies so you're um you know like
3720s there's more support aspects there so
3722s there's there's lots of things that
3724s might not be
3725s directly um like this is a this is the
3727s support class um but you can you can
3731s definitely make support builds like uh
3733s judgment when it just when you drop it
3734s it leaves consecrated ground that heals
3736s allies that stand in it um and and Buffs
3739s and and gives them um spell damage as
3741s well so there's like sigils will also
3743s heal allies there's you know there's
3745s there's there's things there's lots of
3746s things you can do to make a support
3748s class and it's not just Paladin like
3750s there's support class availability
3751s elsewhere as well um Palin's the most
3754s traditional one
3758s probably but we we really
3760s design uh encounters and challenges such
3763s that we're not looking at a Holy Trinity
3765s type thing um so we're not expecting you
3767s to have a tank we're not expecting you
3768s to have a Healer
3771s um if you if you want to bring a tank
3773s and you want to bring a Healer it'll
3775s totally work it's GNA be
3777s awesome but uh you don't need it if you
3780s don't want
3791s it yeah what else Druid Druid has uh
3794s some good options
3795s there
3797s um there's some Support options so I was
3800s I made us recently we were playing
3802s online as a group and I made a support
3803s Rogue um it's not very good but it's a
3807s lot of fun you basically have 100% haste
3808s up time on your allies uh just like from
3812s various things that Grant haste to
3814s everyone in an area I just take all of
3816s them and uh suddenly everyone has haste
3819s basically all the time and it's great
3820s everyone just
3821s flying um you know there's there's
3824s different ways you can use support
3827s builds that one was um also focusing
3830s really heavily on uh armor shred and
3833s Fire Res Shred so you can like buff up
3836s other people's damage by reducing the
3838s defenses of the enemies you're facing as
3847s well I you really want to make a better
3849s ring
3850s still I should put a filter down that
3854s like calls
3860s out okay our our our throwing cost right
3863s now is pretty darn low if I even take
3865s one point in that though does it just
3867s like Spike no we're still still at zero
3870s oh yeah okay we we're we're activating
3872s manifest armor for sure in this build
3875s there's some cool stuff
3883s there even if it's just another body on
3886s the field for us we weren't we weren't
3888s using hammer throw
3893s anyways
3912s uh yeah I don't know if there's a big
3913s spam I don't know if I should be reading
3914s that and answering questions or
3916s something but ah random name X thank you
3918s for the 100 bits win's Falconer you know
3921s when Falconer is September 21st wait no
3925s I always say September February
3930s 21st falconers is February 21st oh I got
3933s to vot that
3936s hard yep I totally know what day it is
3939s here as as penants as Penance for my
3943s sins here's a cool thing to show you oh
3946s look at that wow so
3953s cool
3963s that's pretty
3965s sweet when move is bound to a mouse
3967s button like mb4 for example or any other
3970s key you have to use the same key to
3972s interact with stash NPCs Etc uh will
3974s left click every be locked to
3976s interact even if we bind move to another
3979s key it's awkward to have to use mb4 to
3982s open stash Etc but I want to move with
3984s that key
3985s sorry long question I was unaware that's
3987s how this worked um it's probably just a
3990s mistake
3996s uh oh it's specifically to interact with
3998s with with World
4001s objects
4010s uh I don't know if that's possible for
4013s us to do
4016s uh with the way with the way that
4017s opening I mean like with redesigning the
4020s system it would be possible but um with
4022s the way the system set up right now the
4024s way you issue a command to like open
4026s your stash is by issuing a move command
4028s on it
4031s um I don't
4039s know is that MTX I don't know if that's
4043s MTX
4052s I I I honestly have no idea what it
4057s is it's not MTX thank you
4072s Kane that is good old fashioned find it
4074s and put it on
4088s gear I would like to be able to rebind
4090s the AY Force attack from Minions to my
4092s middle Mouse scroll but I tried today
4094s but didn't recognize my input yeah um
4097s I'm I'm sorry I do not know any problems
4100s that are happening with that right now
4103s um
4108s you can rebind in Windows your mouse
4111s button to just do the aky if you want
4113s when you're playing the
4116s game I know that's not really a solution
4118s but if you're if you're really looking
4120s for a work around it's the best I got
4121s for
4133s you
4146s something all pre-1.0 owners get Delux
4148s there there's you already got a bunch of
4151s stuff you already got your your pre- 1.0
4158s stuff oh it's an enemy it's not
4163s gear oh I
4166s I I definitely wrote it down on the on
4171s the preview thing obs's new gear
4175s sorry that's an enemy my bad take a look
4179s at it
4185s here
4192s whoops this is why I need
4195s [Laughter]
4198s supervision all crits all the
4211s time I do think it would be kind of cool
4213s to like have an MTX where you like where
4215s you you looked like um a specific enemy
4219s or something like that and then like
4221s some hidden Easter egg in the cutcenes
4223s this is not happening I'm just I think
4225s it' be cool um we're like if you're
4228s wearing the MTX of that character when
4230s you reach that character in The Campaign
4231s they like make some comment about like
4233s oh you look good
4235s there be
4239s sweet or compliment your fashion
4251s sense can you have its gear after you
4253s kill it and
4261s no heavy
4264s gaming what's going on how's it going
4267s glad to have you here 30 months in a row
4269s that's a big one that's a real big
4280s one I tried to use the the bottle you
4285s gave me at a local
4286s Brewery um and they were like they they
4289s didn't they don't fill up that
4291s size
4293s um so and they were like no you got you
4295s got to use ours I'm like oh come on or
4298s like the the the same size or something
4301s I don't
4302s know they were weird about
4305s it I called another one and they're like
4307s yeah we'll do it no
4309s problem so I'm going to that one next
4313s time
4321s I have a feeling the first one didn't
4322s understand what I was asking
4324s for type type thing it was it's a bit of
4327s a misunderstanding
4329s there do we go full fire that's the
4332s question I kind of want
4335s to but I kind of want to just invest in
4337s the damage right now
4342s first
4349s cuz we go fire Forge strike as
4358s well
4366s Idol
4369s yes
4372s yes
4377s uh I asked this a long long time ago but
4379s now that lesser games like Street
4381s Fighter fortnite and Final Fantasy soon
4383s have gotten them H secret layer when
4387s secret layer like like uh like a hide
4390s out U like like a place for you to go to
4392s where you can like customize the stuff
4394s and be like oh this is my this is where
4397s I come to hang out this my bat cave
4402s um
4404s it's we don't have any active plans to
4407s make that at the moment there would have
4408s to be some
4411s um a lot of other things finished first
4413s before we did that
4416s uh not limited to um some server
4419s architecture
4421s changes
4425s um having a bunch of people in one scene
4429s if they're if they're going to and from
4430s that scene to like access their
4433s utilities like stash and respecing and
4436s things like that having those people on
4437s a single server is really valuable to
4441s us um so everyone splitting off into
4445s their own secret hideouts is kind of
4449s costly for
4451s us uh so it's definitely no time
4458s soon when you said secret L my first
4461s thought was like magic X lasty Punk is
4463s that what you're talking about
4466s I should have looked at which IPS there
4468s were Street Fighter is fortnite getting
4471s a magic release I didn't see
4477s that that's that's where I was okay so I
4480s I know like Street Fighter has theirs
4482s I'm using the universes within version
4486s of zangi as one of my commanders and I
4488s love
4491s it
4492s uh
4498s it's in the box
4499s somewhere
4505s um if if if Wizards ever wants to do a
4509s collaboration with
4510s us oh my God I am oh I'm I'm torn cuz
4515s I've I've ried so hard against outside
4518s IP universes Beyond
4521s stuff but like the opportunity to like
4524s get content into magic oh my God that's
4527s a dream come
4528s true I'm very
4530s torn let mine in but no one else's
4534s right that's
4549s terrible yeah yeah sorry I answered the
4552s completely wrong question sorry but yes
4554s um uh magic secret layers are are a
4557s thing they are they are really sweet I
4559s do like just when it's like uh an art
4561s rework of an existing card uh they do
4565s that I really like those um I I'm I'm
4569s just not a big fan of the mechanically
4570s unique universes Beyond
4577s cards but I cave and I got a bunch of
4580s Lord of the Rings cards because they're
4581s great and I love Lord of the Rings but
4586s the line is
4589s blurry all right recently I saw someone
4592s ask about the celestial weapon skins
4593s from Kickstarter have we ever seen what
4596s those look like they they're in game
4598s people can use those
4601s uh nope wrong
4604s thing I don't have access to them on
4606s this account oh I could go give myself
4608s access I'm not going to do it while the
4610s stream's open though just in case I mess
4612s up
4627s if you want to see what those look like
4628s you should be able to find someone um I
4632s look I'll on the Discord to see someone
4633s that's tagged with a high enough uh tier
4636s and they should be able to show it to
4639s you we get we still free up to four I
4642s can handle four
4648s maybe it might check that point
4650s out or I may have to invest in this one
4654s more point in that node that'll be back
4656s to
4657s zero that's fine what did this node give
4660s us was it really good the fire shredded
4663s okay that's that's pretty good
4672s yeah
4676s all
4687s right I didn't if you get them what they
4690s look like yeah um they they should be in
4693s game
4698s if Kane if it's really easy to get a
4701s picture of one of them
4710s but if it's not don't worry about
4714s it will the kickstarter Halo ntx be
4717s coming with 1.0 I believe so I saw some
4719s be working on
4725s it not 100%
4732s sure
4740s even internally only people the correct
4742s Kickstarter tiers have access to them
4744s outside of testing Kickstarter exclusive
4745s is just that yeah I do have like so this
4748s account that I'm playing on here is not
4749s this account didn't exist when
4751s Kickstarter uh was happening I do have
4753s another account that properly has the
4760s stuff but this is my this is my
4762s developer account so it's kind of bare
4778s bones I technically I'm out an item
4780s creation skin or skin an item
4784s design you hear that I'm coming for it
4787s you got to put in whatever I
4792s want
4795s like I haven't had a bajillion of those
4812s already I do love that the walls in here
4814s are kind of
4818s suggestions and we are we we're like the
4821s the tiny bit of Mana cost on uh on
4824s Shield throw is been is having a weirdly
4827s heavy impact on how much uh how
4830s consistent our damage output is which is
4835s interesting so next passive point where
4838s are we for not far next F point is
4841s definitely going in oh we're looking at
4844s this
4845s one far away yeah not that
4849s bad stand down
4852s or
4857s I maybe just going to take that point
4860s out oo that look like a decent ring base
4862s for
4875s crafting uh yeah just get the damage
4879s up we want that to hit hard
4893s the rain the rain here is super cool and
4895s I love the way it looks and it's going
4896s to look so much better soon too it's
4897s just going to get better and
4899s better like there's some Shadow stuff
4901s that does look really nice in here I
4904s kind I I I was initially when I saw this
4906s I was like why are they swaying so
4908s perfectly and like the thing that's
4910s making them sway is connecting in the
4913s same way to both of
4916s them cuz we're on a
4930s boat want to say that I really like Le
4933s and I think RPGs are really good place
4934s right now yeah playing grimon at the
4936s moment oh grimon is such a good update
4937s right now um uh keep your fantastic work
4941s we'll probably play L tomorrow Ah that's
4943s awesome thanks for thanks for hanging
4945s out and playing our game and being
4950s awesome let's find the captain of this
4954s ship who's in charge around
4962s here that the These Guys these C are are
4966s like surprisingly deadly just be careful
4969s of
4972s them
4975s all
4981s right definely going there definitely
4983s going there what am I doing it's like
4985s the shield throw
4998s node I got I got to get this that level
5001s up happened
5003s uh which means I should still be able to
5005s level
5008s okay we got to get that point cuz right
5011s now four mana's making a big
5023s difference the ship will be
5029s your oh also probably should have him
5032s out
5036s let's run around in the circle for a bit
5037s let's find another question to answer no
5038s more
5040s questions I need a question to
5044s survive it's
5048s okay oh that'll do get off my
5053s Spike you said for three months I feel
5056s like that's that that may have been
5057s higher a lot higher and something lapsed
5060s and uh starting back up again but thank
5061s you very much
5063s I appreciate it I recognize that name
5065s that's all is De you having fun hello
5070s there we go
5071s hello all right hi heav you are there
5073s any plans for MTX that are not purely
5076s visual with something like custom voice
5078s lines or skins that can change voice uh
5081s voiceover or have custom voiceovers or
5083s maybe a unique that speaks to you with
5085s unique voice lines I mean that all
5086s sounds awesome
5089s um I I don't I haven't heard anything
5091s like that
5093s but uh I do really like the idea and I
5095s think I think that uh voice lines will
5098s be
5100s tricky
5104s um we still we're still we're still
5105s working on some of the voice lines for
5107s the actual
5108s game
5116s um yourself upon my
5121s body that was a funny
5125s line U not nothing specific
5131s sorry all right
5133s Haren I know I'm hiding like most of the
5135s gear you just dropped but poor
5138s showing come
5140s on hurry I'm bre you'll have to I'll
5143s take that as a yes get to the railing
5146s and give a signal when the cage used to
5148s be up here didn't
5151s it
5156s right am I crazy well yeah but like
5160s about
5163s this this armor fire damage armor
5167s Health slap that up there another double
5172s healther yeah the good stuff right
5181s there
5185s [Music]
5189s yeah I'll only slow you down please go
5193s on without me you will only slow me down
5196s you'll sit
5198s there the item talks you gimmick after
5201s 100 hours of play time with
5205s it I mean if there was going to be
5207s something like that there would have to
5208s be a way to turn it off
5211s right I mean or or or just like have it
5215s be exactly that have it be a gimmick
5216s have it be a fun little
5219s thing like that that you don't expect
5224s to you know to work or anything like
5227s that just fun little oh that's a neat
5229s little Easter egg that's cool
5232s um so never becomes part of a meta build
5235s or
5238s anything I mean or or you just go to the
5240s settings and turn off voice lines you
5241s know
5247s let me
5251s in all right fine I'll come back
5254s later or earlier I I'll come back
5257s earlier
5261s yeah I'll have come back now
5268s later there's a weird way that
5271s works
5280s does anyone have any like sleeper time
5282s travel movies or TV shows they really
5285s like um like like something that's you
5288s know there's there's like the classic
5290s like Back to the Future definitely not a
5292s sleeper um but recently I was
5295s recommended the movie
5297s primer that's uh it's a little bit older
5300s the the I think the budg may have been a
5303s little on the Lower Side
5307s um but the writing is fantastic and the
5311s like oh if you can figure that out and
5313s First Watch through I will be
5316s unbelievably
5322s impressed I tried I tried to figure it
5324s out without watching a YouTube video on
5325s it but I got it
5331s wrong
5338s but my favorite time travel
5342s movie
5345s Personally it's Bill and
5349s Ted and I think it's an underrated uh
5352s time travel movie for one specific scene
5357s when they're trying they're trying to
5358s like break into a police
5360s station at one point and
5363s like's like hey Bill yeah Ted remind me
5366s to to call the police station later or
5369s something like that like like when
5372s because they'll like go back in time and
5375s and then like from a phone help
5377s themselves in the present and by
5379s actively telling each other to remind
5380s each other to do something it
5383s automatically happens because they've
5385s gone back and done it because they've
5386s remember to do it and it's it's just
5388s like they they realize that because they
5390s own a time machine they have the ability
5393s to affect things in the present be
5395s telling themselves to remember to go
5396s back in time and change something in the
5402s present and that that that that moment
5404s was
5406s uh
5409s like really enjoyed
5413s that it was me you stole my Dad's keys
5415s yeah yeah you you know you know you know
5416s what's
5419s up it's been a while since I've seen the
5421s movie so I probably got something wrong
5422s there I apologize but
5428s yes forgot it was his dad's
5441s Keys it's the most excellent adventure
5451s yeah
5453s dev be like goal of the day create a
5455s gimicky item that will never become men
5457s as if people won't complain about it I
5459s mean that is exactly what my thought
5462s process was I'm like if we're going to
5463s do something funny and gimicky like that
5466s it would it wouldn't be able to be
5467s actually like
5481s powerful
5484s what if they forget to remind the other
5485s person well they'll know because it
5487s won't happen and they'll be like no no
5489s really you got to remind
5492s me and they'll know if they remember to
5494s remind them or
5498s not oh oh oh we got it yes free
5511s Shield
5514s wasn't
5515s it wasn't it just six did
5520s I did I do something
5525s wrong that not working is funny feel
5528s like I've brought that up
5529s before
5533s huh what did I do
5540s wrong cuz I did something
5546s wrong it's
5552s okay I'm just going to take that passive
5554s point
5571s out
5572s [Music]
5597s might answer your question you got ping
5598s me all right let's go back and see what
5600s it was thank you evby uh I think other
5601s games developers missed the loot filter
5604s uh I think you have actually succeeded
5606s with this part very well thank you uh
5608s what were your
5609s thoughts about this when you started
5611s with last Depot um having a built-in
5614s loot filter was a very early
5618s decision
5621s um the extent to which the loot filter
5624s exists was a little bit less of a cut
5628s and dry like well yeah obviously we're
5630s going to do that type decision
5634s um but there but there there was
5636s basically right from the beginning us
5638s being like are we are we going to do a
5639s loot filter yes we're going to do a loot
5645s filter like that that was the that was
5648s the are we going to do loot filter
5651s discussion um and a lot of that came
5653s down to um you know wanting to keep
5655s things primarily in engine if we can not
5658s having people go to um like other
5662s download other programs to make the game
5663s Run the way they want it to um which can
5667s work fantastic
5674s too but I think a big part of it is that
5676s a big part of why we have a loot filter
5679s came down to
5681s um not wanting
5684s to uh curate the items for the players
5688s too
5689s heavily um cuz cuz we know that we don't
5693s always know what's best for for for the
5696s players what what we don't know what
5697s items they want and um we really didn't
5701s want to get in a situation where someone
5702s was farming on one class for items on
5707s another class because you were making a
5708s weird build on that other
5710s class and uh the only way to farm
5713s efficiently for those items was on like
5716s like say say you're trying to make a
5717s two-handed Rob and um we're like oh yeah
5720s we're not going to drop you any
5721s two-handed weapons on roads at all and
5723s so you got to farm on and there is a
5724s reduction actually so I'm kind of making
5726s the opposite Point here but um you it's
5729s not as bad as just like never showing
5732s two-handed swords or something like that
5734s on a rogue and then having to be like
5735s okay I'm going to go onto a forge guard
5737s to farm my weapon for my rogue we we
5739s didn't want that to
5742s happen um so we wanted to have the Loot
5744s drop be basically
5746s just willy-nilly
5749s like drops are basically the same for
5752s everyone um which meant there's needs to
5754s be a lot of items dropping in order to
5757s reliably get something that's an upgrade
5760s um and because there's way more gear
5762s that you don't want than you do
5764s want even if you even if you drop 20
5767s awesome pieces of gear most of them
5769s won't be for your build um and so we we
5774s didn't want
5776s to try and guess what items you needed
5778s for the build you're playing like
5781s there's there's a whole bunch of abuse
5782s cases that come into play there as well
5783s so it's kind of like we just wanted gear
5785s to be the drops to be very random uh
5788s which meant we need a lot of them which
5790s meant we needed a way to have the
5791s players curate what those drops are at
5793s least what they
5794s see
5797s um a loot
5809s filter just Final Destination count the
5812s time tral
5813s movie I don't think so
5825s maybe I don't think so I think it's a
5827s movie with time travel in it I think
5828s it's a time travel
5839s M can't my future self drop me some L4
5842s [Laughter]
5844s items the the epoch uh you have less
5847s control over it than you might think um
5851s you're kind of more just asking it to do
5853s things for you and it's deciding if it
5855s wants to yeah I completely making that
5870s up
5879s oh cybor getting in trouble get him Kane
5882s get
5897s no I'm really enjoying this like hybrid
5900s like Melee throwing build
5904s here I don't know how I ruined my Mana
5907s cost for
5908s it but somehow I just ruined
5914s it I like take that point out it's still
5916s going to be the same
5920s cost I don't know what I
5924s did thought I'm going to take that right
5930s now
5940s there's just so much Fire Res in
5942s here so much Fire
5948s Res let's get some
5959s melica now the AR
5962s hey now I've seen how you handle
5964s yourself all you need to do is clear a
5969s path clear a path eh I can do
5978s that my back is stiff
5985s today our poison is like 51 no
5990s problem
5996s we should we should really be taking a a
5998s closer look at the gear we're wearing
6002s cuz I believe a lot of it has forging
6003s potential
6011s still you know or have opportunities for
6013s sweet
6017s things coal
6019s penetration hybrid stun voidance
6022s [Music]
6025s ah uh not
6027s useful we're going to potion use H let's
6030s get rid of spell damage first minion
6031s Health we do have minions but a crit
6034s chance much better Cal
6037s damage still an
6043s upgrade let me
6046s throw let me let me this is the problem
6048s with this
6050s map it's to too much the same
6064s color let's see buried in the
6068s slums she told ding there it ising there
6071s it is they were the same content
6079s to I I am so confused why this didn't
6082s reduce the Mana cost
6092s more I'm I'm just like sitting here
6094s trying to figure it
6100s out I'm definitely going to like
6102s immediately as soon as the streams over
6103s go look and see
6105s why and if it's a bug that I can
6110s fix
6117s I promise I don't only fix bugs for
6119s builds that I'm
6122s playing that would be
6133s terrible but I do get extra motivated
6135s for
6137s them are there some plans to bring slow
6140s heavy hitting skills a little bit more
6141s in line with the spamming skills for
6143s example something like positive ailment
6145s frequency above 100% we dabbled with the
6147s with with the ailment
6150s um like basically an ailment version of
6154s um
6157s the um added damage
6161s multiplier like how um added added
6164s damage on Forge strike is more valuable
6166s than added damage on RVE for example um
6170s does it say it
6171s [Music]
6183s here add oh the B add damage applies at
6186s 400% Effectiveness so that um compared
6189s to
6190s like uh where's R
6193s yeah the first two are 100 the third
6195s one's 200 Effectiveness So like um that
6198s we we tried to do that with
6201s um ailments actually we looked at
6206s that it didn't really
6214s work um I'd say it's unlikely that
6217s that'll get pushed in anytime soon if at
6227s all three when she told me it had take
6230s the courage of for Ruby NASA I didn't
6232s expect this but it's one step closer to
6236s get uh when going through the Tim Rift
6239s thingies we used to have a wormhole
6241s effect animation it's still in the game
6243s but only in a couple spots now and the
6245s rest were changed to a normal loading
6246s screen how come um we frequently get
6249s feedback that people don't like that
6253s um one of the biggest problems with it
6255s is that it doesn't play during a loading
6257s screen um and we for a long time we just
6260s like get being like just load the game
6262s while it's doing that it's fine well it
6264s looks terrible when you do that it looks
6266s really terrible when you do that cuz it
6268s it it's this huge moving effect on
6270s screen and it hitches and stops and um
6275s and and it just people do not like the
6276s way that looks um it's it's definitely
6280s worse that way so um we have to play it
6284s and then load afterwards which it
6286s extends the loading screen um and no one
6289s likes long loading screens one of the
6290s things we try and do is is make short
6291s loading screens um I know it may not
6294s seem like that sometimes but it's where
6297s we put a ton of our effort towards the
6298s shorter loading
6301s screens
6302s um see I get really fast loading screens
6305s makes you better than hope um what am I
6309s getting
6310s that oh why is that out there yeah and
6312s so we we we put it that it's also kind
6315s of an outdated visual we kind of want to
6317s make it look nicer we also got quite a
6319s few reports not well quite a few
6322s exaggeration we got some people saying
6324s that it would um like make them dizzy I
6327s I know my wife can't look at it she saw
6329s it once when we were making it like a
6331s year ago or two years ago whenever it
6332s was and uh like walked into the room I
6334s was I'm like hey come look at this thing
6336s and she like walks in looks at the
6338s spinning thing on the screen and just
6339s goes uh
6342s nope I'm going to
6347s puke but she can't play half lifee
6349s without puking so
6352s probably not a good litness test my
6353s point
6355s is
6357s um we we we did get a fair bit of
6359s negative feedback on that so we reduced
6362s the places that it
6365s exists um but I do know that that type
6367s of effect is it's it's it's um
6370s definitely a nod it's a it's a nod to
6372s Chrono Trigger um that one is a little
6376s it's like it's like there's two planes
6377s that squish in and then like a line that
6379s like goes wavy back and forth
6383s um but when you do major time travel
6386s events uh in Chron trigger that the type
6388s of effect that
6390s plays
6395s um and and there's other like you know
6397s Stargate has something really similar
6399s and uh I'm sure there's other ones too
6402s but you know like there's there's
6403s various things and so yeah we we we we
6404s do really like the effect but
6408s um seeing it too many times is probably
6411s not ideal I think they we'll see it if
6413s we can make it play at the same time as
6415s a loading screen you'll see it
6416s definitely more than if we can make it
6419s play um this Square I wish I'd seen it I
6423s can only imagine just make it look nicer
6424s in general we'll probably see it more
6426s then
6428s too I got one more teaser to do we're
6430s getting late on we're getting long on
6431s the tooth in this stream so all
6434s right I'm going to bring that up real
6436s soon next next resit next Zone
6438s transition or death
6454s hope everything is going well is that a
6455s new uh new logo shirt nope last week I
6459s was wearing the old logo
6462s shirt this is this has been the this is
6465s our third shirt logo uh and has been our
6468s primary shirt logo for a couple years
6469s now
6474s oh my
6477s goodness put the map up there I can't
6479s see
6489s it
6499s damage
6503s uh speak of negative feedback what was
6505s the thingy that got changed based on
6506s community feedback that you would never
6508s have expected to get critiqued that much
6511s that's never thought of changing it that
6512s much that's a great question I don't
6514s have a good answer for it
6522s um I don't know um let me put this cool
6526s little guy
6528s up well I think about that
6532s what got so much negative feedback that
6534s we had to change it that we wouldn't
6535s have
6540s expected the crafting system the old
6542s crafting
6544s system the
6546s like and I completely understand why you
6549s got so much negative feedback
6551s now
6555s um well academically I can understand
6559s it um
6562s but when it when it used to
6564s show uh percent chance for hard success
6568s failure
6571s um the old the old crafting system so
6574s like uh that for anyone that doesn't
6577s know so so we have this forging
6578s potential number up here
6580s now um and it it starts at a number and
6584s that's the max you have and it like
6585s ticks down as you as you forge on it as
6588s you craft on the item you're using up
6590s this resource that the item has to be
6591s crafted this potential um and when it
6593s hits zero it's the item's done in the
6596s past we actually had a number that
6597s started at zero and ticked up called
6600s instability um and as you did more
6603s things to the item the instability went
6605s up and uh at some point you would do a
6608s craft and or as as the instability went
6611s up the chances of The Craft uh locking
6613s the item completely would go up and um
6617s so it's like if it's it's in it's
6620s incredibly similar to what we have now
6622s effectively but um it feels very
6626s different to use and I never would have
6631s really
6632s thought um that was something I was
6635s surprised about how how negative the
6636s feedback was and a lot a lot of that was
6639s based on like
6643s um like like misconceptions and how the
6645s system worked and um you know logical
6649s fallacies and things like that but it it
6651s didn't really matter what the basis of
6653s it was the the feelings that actually
6656s that the players experienced was the
6658s most important thing really the why was
6660s kind of irrelevant um the why was
6662s important to how we fixed it um but the
6665s why was irrelevant to uh if it needed
6668s fixing or
6679s not
6687s I almost need to put like just Auto
6689s attack on my
6699s bar all right can you play seasonal
6701s content without creating a new character
6703s and what kind of progress will be moved
6704s to regular mode after the season um so
6707s for the uh for 1.0
6711s cycle and non cycle will have the same
6713s content so you can play existing
6715s characters on cycle content like falcon
6719s or warlock item factions all of those
6722s things the major cycle content is
6724s releasing simultaneously on um all game
6728s modes
6730s um when you when when the cycle ends and
6734s the characters like short version It's
6738s Poe version It's po it's Poe style if
6740s you know that is great um longer
6742s version um I guess it's actually closer
6745s I should say it's Diablo 2 style it's
6746s closer to that technically it's they're
6748s slightly different
6750s um but basically what's going to happen
6753s is what's the
6755s sound it's weird all the stuff you have
6758s on your character will get moved over um
6762s the we don't have a system for moving
6763s your stash just yet because we're
6765s because it's it doesn't matter um
6767s because there's no there's not going to
6768s be a stash um uh like transition
6771s conflict that's going to happen I'm
6773s playing with this up still I'm
6781s sorry you don't care about my gameplay
6783s anyways you just want to see the cool
6785s stuff
6790s right oh I'm the worst
6793s sometimes uh yeah so the the
6798s you'll when it finishes and things to
6800s transfer over we still have to work out
6802s how stashes are going to get transferred
6804s over but it'll probably be through a
6806s remove only tab where you can pull your
6807s items out of it but you can't put new
6809s items into it so you're not getting a
6811s ton of free stash tabs each time it
6813s rolls over
6818s um uh but
6828s yeah a yes
6834s Blues way too good it did make Blues
6835s really good to be fair though both
6837s versions of the crafting system are what
6839s I would call an RPG Revolution both them
6841s I mean thank you I
6844s uh love both of
6847s them I I think I I do enjoy the one we
6850s have now
6851s more um so like as confused as I was by
6855s the feedback initially and frustrated by
6858s the feedback I was uh after a while um I
6862s do think it was really a really good
6865s thing that we got that feedback and were
6867s able to like action on it
6873s um throwing attacks deal increase damage
6875s Bas on Mana cost uh oh I want get this
6878s down to zero though still
6883s sweet just just just Shield throw
6889s right
6892s yeah so I'm really glad that we did get
6894s the feedback and that we changed the
6896s system because I do like it more now
6899s think it was an overall
6907s Improvement you wanted to see how long
6908s it would last not that much longer
6910s because the stream's almost
6916s over one day I'll learn to do that
6932s yes 35 get that spec slot what point
6939s for all right are we going
6942s with our manifest armor I think
6947s so Shield bash is an option rebuke is an
6953s option uh ring of shields will be an
6955s option
6957s eventually I think we just I think we
6959s just pop manifest armor in there for now
6961s just to get a few
6965s things uh where do have a good stats
6968s that we want to give him most of our
6971s stuff uniqu he gets very little from uh
6974s so the helmet's probably the best way to
6976s do it the if wielding is nothing so
6979s strength health regen and
6983s endurance that chest is not doing us any
6986s favors my goodness we should be
6987s switching that out oh my
6994s God okay next time next time we're going
6997s to do a crafting session at the start
6999s and we're g to fix our gear cuz
7005s gross we are going to take stats from
7007s chest here to
7008s start
7013s it's just
7024s awful
7029s okay it's
7038s funny
7046s like playing Iron Man mode all the all
7048s the stats are useless even though it's
7050s yellow
7052s hey accidentally playing Iron Man mode
7055s thank you very
7061s much I got the sick Shield that's all we
7064s need
7068s right
7080s accidentally being a
7082s noob
7094s yep
7095s [Music]
7097s oo okay
7103s okay oh this is going to be funny for a
7107s second I should I should have stretched
7109s it before I switch
7111s it oh come on let me prize
7116s this so frustrating okay
7119s whatever
7121s um charity logo's tiny for a minute
7124s we're going to we're we're going to
7124s craft on this we're going to we're going
7125s to end the stream with a little
7128s crafting uh
7138s uh all right okay that's really
7142s good
7146s um I I think we we go just straight fire
7149s damage here do we try and seal the fire
7154s damage lucky roll but didn't get
7158s it
7163s okay and got a good
7165s roll it's not exactly where you want the
7167s seal to happen
7169s but
7173s um can we do is there any other
7176s blocks Health
7178s [Music]
7180s Region we have that we want to put here
7183s endurance is prob our crit avoidance
7184s that's what we
7188s want
7194s okay Terri terrible
7197s base just an awful
7204s base somehow still better than that
7211s though very
7218s cool back over
7226s here Dodge blocking the class you're
7228s playing now is called ninja
7232s KN ah I mean the implicits a wasted
7235s thatat yeah but I got I got the U I got
7237s a sealed stat on it so the the 24 health
7240s is is the new implicit stat there we
7248s go
7254s now imagine a new crafting mat
7255s transference axes to a base
7260s yeah I'd really like so the there's no
7263s real way to affect based types in the
7265s game right
7266s now
7268s um and personally so this is this is
7271s just a what Mike wants not what it's
7273s going to happen CU those rarely line up
7277s uh but personally i' really like to see
7281s um a dungeon reward that lets you like
7285s reforge an items base type or something
7287s like
7293s that you know like step on a butterfly
7295s and that Rings past and see what happens
7298s just changes a slightly different color
7300s ring all right
7304s well not all about dos for
7308s today
7311s thanks for coming by everybody I had a
7313s ton of fun I hope you did too
7317s um I'll be back same time same place
7320s next week uh be hanging out playing some
7323s more Epoch answering some more questions
7325s if I didn't answer your question um if I
7327s just missed it or uh you're watching
7330s this on on YouTube or something you
7331s don't have a chance to ask live please
7333s head on over to our Discord and uh go on
7335s asid's channel feel free to ask the
7336s questions there be happy to answer them
7339s also ask Community Channel they got tons
7340s of great people answering questions all
7342s the time
7345s uh that's about all I've got for
7351s you yeah everyone's I hope everyone had
7355s everyone who likes to eat turkey and
7356s celebrates turkey day I hope you had a
7358s great turkey day
7362s yesterday let's go say hi to this person
7365s they look
7367s cool yeah this is actually one of the
7370s other builds I was considering playing
7371s for
7378s this all right uh yeah until next time I
7382s hope you have a wonderful time drink
7383s lots of
7392s water