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It seems the game does a poor job of explaining how dual wielding works. Actually, it has nothing. So, for the experienced out there, a few questions:

- Do you always alternate between the weapons when attacking, or not? Or is it skill dependent? Testing this with Vengeance at least it seems to just attack with the main hand.

- What is your real attack speed when dual wielding?

- Just flat out equipping a white weapon improves your DPS, so what actual stat(s) are you gaining from dual wielding?

- Does flat added melee damage in the offhand weapon improves your DPS?

- % more melee crit seems to be a great stat since it benefits both weapons (no split stats in the character screen). Is that also the case for % increased damage affixes?

Any other relevant info is sure welcome.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by Akhevan

Actually, it has nothing.

Ironically, it has nothing because there are no dual wield mechanics in this game. Or weapon mechanics in general.

  • Do you always alternate between the weapons when attacking, or not?

This game doesn't have auto attack and your weapons are just stat sticks, same as your helmet, or idols, or that passive in your tree. They just happen to always have flat melee attack stats (or spell damage, or both).

  • What is your real attack speed when dual wielding?

Average between the two weapons' implicits * your attack speed modifiers.

  • Just flat out equipping a white weapon improves your DPS, so what actual stat(s) are you gaining from dual wielding?

All the stats of both of your weapons combined. There are no odd hidden penalties like you only get 25% of weapon dps, 31% of attack power, and 63% of attack speed from your offhand like you do in some other games.

  • % more melee crit seems to be a great stat since it benefits both weapons (no split stats in the character screen). Is that also the case for % increased damage affixes?

Flat crit is far more valuable than increased damage (or increased crit for that matter) but yes that's the gist.

Average between the two weapons' implicits * your attack speed modifiers.

This is correct and it's specifically the arithmetic mean, not the geometric mean, which is what you'd get if you considered the attack rates as two independent multipliers. We do it this way round because it works out slightly in the player's favour and it's easier for people to calculate.