This isn't a complaint (it might sound like one) as much as asking if this is something anyone else has noticed, and offering an opinion if it is. I'm still fairly inexperienced. I'm playing a build now that uses Lightning Blast for big single target damage. As I was leveling up somewhere around 70-75 I got a +3 Lightening Blast helm that is insane for damage, but it fractured pretty quick. I found several other +1 or +2 LB helms around there as well. After that the helm mods that dropped seemed to change to fire and the +LB never came back.
I've been doing the level 100 zones for a little bit and I don't think I've seen a single +LB helm since that one window of about 5-7 levels where it appeared fairly frequently. To test, I just went back to a level 75 echo and I found 3 of them within the first 3 echoes.
And that mod is just one example, I've noticed it with the progression in idol mods as well. Basically any specific mod I'm paying attention to seems to have a window where it comes and, more importantly, goes away. Is this a thing? If it is, I'd suggest the drops continue as you level up, knowing that they'll be slightly less common because of the diluted mod pool. But I don't think they should just up and stop.
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