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This isn't a complaint (it might sound like one) as much as asking if this is something anyone else has noticed, and offering an opinion if it is. I'm still fairly inexperienced. I'm playing a build now that uses Lightning Blast for big single target damage. As I was leveling up somewhere around 70-75 I got a +3 Lightening Blast helm that is insane for damage, but it fractured pretty quick. I found several other +1 or +2 LB helms around there as well. After that the helm mods that dropped seemed to change to fire and the +LB never came back.

I've been doing the level 100 zones for a little bit and I don't think I've seen a single +LB helm since that one window of about 5-7 levels where it appeared fairly frequently. To test, I just went back to a level 75 echo and I found 3 of them within the first 3 echoes.

And that mod is just one example, I've noticed it with the progression in idol mods as well. Basically any specific mod I'm paying attention to seems to have a window where it comes and, more importantly, goes away. Is this a thing? If it is, I'd suggest the drops continue as you level up, knowing that they'll be slightly less common because of the diluted mod pool. But I don't think they should just up and stop.

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over 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

This is just RNG, and RNG often feels less random than it actually is, because unlikely events can randomly clump together and make it look like there's a pattern. If you roll a dice three times, it's unlikely that it'll roll three sixes, but if you do the same with hundreds of dice, some of them probably will. With the shear number of different mods in the game you're going to end up with a few where most or all the drops end up randomly clumped.

Affixes have a fixed weighting once you reach the level at which they drop, so they only ever become less common when more mods start dropping and the pool is diluted. The weighting never goes down.

over 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by LunarVortexLoL

Does that apply to all loot or just affixes? For example, is there different loot tables for different empowered timelines where some bases are more common to drop in one than in another?

It applies to all loot, except for boss specific unique drops.

over 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by RedJorgAncrath

Ok, I guess you know more about it than me obviously so I'll trust you. Is there a chance as the zone levels progress the weight stays the same for these mods (as you say), but the weight for the other newly unlocked mods is slightly higher? So the weight for the newer mods keeps going up, which means the mod of what I'm looking for back at lvl 75 or so is essentially lowered because of its relative weight to the newer mods? If it still has the same weight as the new mods then my rng is insanely against the odds. I can probably even demonstrate it, as I pick up every idol (I'm a masochist, I know) I come across, mostly to see what mods are available and when.

Is there a chance as the zone levels progress the weight stays the same for these mods (as you say), but the weight for the other newly unlocked mods is slightly higher?

Most mods available early in the game have the maximum weighting and mods that start dropping later normally have a lower weighting as they tend to be more niche or powerful.

To explain the statistic, imagine a simplified example where there are four possible mods, A, B, C, and D, and each have equal weighting. In that scenario you have a 25% chance to get mod A. If at a higher level there are six more possible mods and all 10 have the same weighting you only have a 10% chance to get mod A.

the mod of what I'm looking for back at lvl 75 or so is essentially lowered because of its relative weight to the newer mods

There are no affixes will level requirements above 60, so the affix weightings at level 75 are identical to the affix weightings at any other level from 60 to 100. Higher levels at that point just mean the affixes will roll at higher tiers more often.