about 1 year
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
5s | back to another last Epoch Dev stream as |
10s | usual I'm your host Mike how's it going |
13s | everybody how's how's how's it |
16s | going feeling pretty |
19s | good we had if you if if you're unaware |
23s | if you happen to be here but haven't |
25s | seen any of the news recently we uh we |
29s | had a pretty big announcement that go |
31s | went out yesterday and |
34s | um I I mean the response has been |
36s | fantastic it's been really great um tons |
40s | of tons of fun talking to everybody |
42s | about it item factions details for item |
44s | factions has been unveiled |
47s | announced described all these sorts of |
50s | things |
52s | um and it sounds like uh sounds like he |
55s | has a pretty pumped uh pretty pumped to |
57s | try it out |
58s | yeah seems like you think think it's a |
60s | good |
61s | thing is great I can't wait um and I |
66s | hope it goes as well as it seems like |
68s | it's going to right |
70s | now um if this is your first time here |
72s | to the stream hello my name's Mike uh |
75s | we're going to play some last depac and |
76s | I can answer your questions if you have |
78s | any questions you'd like me to answer |
80s | please put at last game in the question |
82s | in chat so I see |
86s | it got got a little tickle in the back |
89s | of my throat here so I might be mute my |
90s | mic |
92s | here |
96s | um yeah that's about oh we stream for |
98s | charity always a charity above my head |
101s | they do cool stuff we give them money so |
103s | they can do more cool |
108s | stuff uh yeah it's about it's about I'm |
111s | I'm really interested to hear people's |
114s | um like thoughts and like if you if you |
118s | already knew everything about the trade |
119s | factions or theend factions and |
128s | and uhoh if you already knew everything |
131s | about the item factions or if this is |
132s | like all brand new info for you |
136s | um if you if you've been if you're if |
139s | you're really hyped on one or the other |
140s | if you can't decide yet I'm really |
142s | interested on hearing all these sorts of |
146s | things also one interesting thing that |
149s | I'm that kind of hoping to to to hear a |
153s | little bit from people here and there is |
157s | um I I'm interested to know what people |
159s | think is going to be the most popular of |
161s | the two um I'm also interested to hear |
163s | what people uh think is going to be the |
165s | most powerful of the |
167s | two from what we've seen so far and um I |
171s | know those are really hard things |
173s | to to quantify um but I think I I I I |
179s | hope |
181s | I I I I hope there's some interesting |
183s | thoughts out there about |
186s | it people are like reading comments and |
188s | they're like oh everyone's going to be |
189s | Merchant skilled and seef is going to be |
190s | just dead or vice versa or if you think |
193s | it's going be the middle or all sort of |
194s | things interested |
200s | interested will trade factions be able |
203s | available on non cycle as well yes and |
206s | also will cycle one start the day of 1.0 |
209s | yes |
211s | yeah there's um yeah item factions is a |
215s | universal feature for |
217s | all characters |
221s | um |
230s | period this is also something that |
232s | that's that's really interesting um is |
234s | I've I've been obviously or obviously |
236s | but I've been reading and watching like |
238s | every uh everyone who's like leaving |
240s | reviews and uh like like dropping News |
242s | videos and things like that for cuz you |
244s | know I watch way too many arpg content |
246s | creators out there um all I've been |
248s | doing the last couple days is just like |
250s | watching People's videos that have been |
251s | cranking out about this and like it's |
252s | been so great to uh to listen to them |
255s | and to talk to people in the forums and |
256s | everything as |
257s | well one thing that I find really |
259s | interesting is the connection that CF um |
264s | has to solo cell cell phone so um right |
269s | off the bat |
271s | um coff does not limit you to playing |
274s | solo sell you can play cof in a group |
278s | um and but but like there's there's this |
282s | sort of like easy to |
284s | explain uh aspect of calling it ssf |
286s | because immediately when you say like oh |
288s | there's trade mode and ssf mode you like |
290s | like that enough will describe to |
294s | um probably 90% of arpg |
298s | players 90% of like what what's going on |
302s | here they don't really need much more to |
305s | to make a a decent decision actually um |
308s | and and so it's it's like it's really |
309s | cool in that you can't it's I do like |
311s | being able to describe it that quickly |
313s | and things like that um and I and |
315s | there's always a small party it's always |
316s | a little bit concerned that people are |
318s | like oh there's ssf in trade but what if |
319s | I like to play with people but I don't |
321s | like to trade like is there game mode |
323s | for me and it's like well yes there |
325s | definitely is |
327s | um and I I don't know how many people |
330s | fall into that category of um being a |
334s | little unsure about it so yeah these are |
336s | the things I worry |
354s | about seef all the way I um I I think |
358s | I'll probably start playing C off |
360s | originally |
362s | um but I'm going to be doing both for |
377s | sure we need to get our our our boy here |
380s | some more some more damage I think |
383s | that's the key thing missing in our |
384s | build |
386s | here giv our little boy some more damage |
390s | do you really want another helmet and my |
391s | amulet is just garbage for my build here |
395s | cuz I'm like not doing anything with |
396s | crit doing anything with cold damage |
399s | like the 15 health is is fine and the |
401s | Frailty is decent I guess but like I've |
402s | got Frailty |
404s | elsewhere we need we need new amulet |
406s | real |
418s | bad like even make a a rule here oh |
421s | there there's an |
423s | amulet you know what that might actually |
425s | be |
426s | better we're not struggling for Mana |
440s | so find |
446s | it all right was there a particular |
449s | reason for Merch skilled not to be able |
451s | to resell was that to prevent Market |
453s | flipping Etc yeah that's a big part of |
455s | it for sure um we we went back and forth |
459s | on that a lot for a very long time we |
461s | considered um items having like charges |
463s | like trade charges sort of like okay |
466s | this item can be traded like three times |
468s | and this item can be traded two times |
469s | that's like part of the thing of the |
470s | item when it drops |
471s | or |
474s | um |
476s | and uh in no small part just due to like |
479s | Simplicity and accessibility of the |
480s | system um just saying like hey well |
483s | things with a uh a faction rank can't be |
486s | traded you know like that's that's so |
489s | straightforward and and and easy to |
491s | understand easy to parse um and and also |
494s | just the yeah like you say the inability |
496s | to then um flip things on the |
499s | market which there's already limitations |
502s | in you like you may notice that there |
503s | are quite a few limitations on |
506s | trade it is so so much easier to remove |
511s | a limitation on a trade system than it |
512s | is to add one oh my |
516s | god um and you know we're going to be |
519s | looking at we're going to be looking at |
519s | feedback a ton like we always |
523s | do I think there's going to be a a lot |
525s | of very concentrated feedback on on both |
528s | both item |
532s | factions I can't remember who it was but |
533s | someone was like I think it's going to |
534s | take them like a cycle or two to like |
536s | iron out the bugs and and smooth out the |
538s | rough edges on this to get everyone 's |
540s | everyone feeling really good about it um |
542s | and I think that was right I can't |
543s | remember who said |
548s | that but yeah I uh I we we've we've had |
553s | some really good progress with the the |
554s | community tester |
556s | program and like I I don't I I don't |
559s | think that the uh item faction system |
562s | would have landed in a good uh position |
565s | like almost at all without their help so |
568s | like if you know anyone that's in that |
570s | program give them a high five |
578s | um oh yeah why is why is it no no |
580s | reselling things yeah it's it's a lot of |
582s | it is we |
584s | [Music] |
585s | um the goals of of the trading system is |
588s | more to |
591s | um like allow you to allow you to engage |
594s | with this trading system to like fill |
596s | out gaps in your build um but we don't |
599s | want it to o one LP nice we don't want |
601s | it to replace that that item hunt so we |
603s | still want you to be going out looking |
604s | for |
608s | things and you'll notice there's like |
609s | there's quite a few things in the in the |
612s | um the merchant skill that that |
614s | encourages you going out looking for |
615s | yourself |
616s | still that's one of |
623s | them oh my goodness I like I didn't have |
625s | a cough this |
628s | morning and then like |
630s | I don't know 25 minutes ago I'm like |
632s | started coughing like okay what's what's |
634s | going on |
638s | here maybe I just talking too much I'll |
640s | be |
643s | quiet boring uh will anything in the |
646s | store be locked behind Cycles or will |
648s | all plays have players have the same |
651s | store the stores the |
654s | um the the bizarre like |
658s | um St stock inventory the bizar |
661s | inventory is separated by um on on |
667s | everything separate on the same line |
668s | everything separate on Guild stash on |
670s | Guild on uh on stash lines so um |
673s | everyone who's |
675s | playing on Hardcore cycle has a bizaar |
680s | everyone who's playing on softcore cycle |
684s | has a |
685s | bizaar everyone who's playing on |
687s | Hardcore Legacy has a bizarre everyone |
690s | who's playing on softcore Legacy has a |
692s | bizarre and it's it's those are the |
694s | splits and there's no um there's no |
697s | cross contamination |
718s | there |
742s | oh my God sorry I hope it wasn't muted |
744s | too long um one of the big things with |
748s | um |
751s | I don't know if I missed anything sorry |
752s | there one of the big things with how |
755s | there did the split come through did me |
758s | did me rant but like the |
761s | split you hear |
765s | that okay |
771s | cool |
777s | um oh my goodness |
789s | are there any plans to test out the |
791s | faction before 1.0 with a system this |
793s | big tends to be issues that are missed |
794s | um with mass testing happens yeah so um |
797s | we we have a um sort of like a a closed |
800s | testing group that we call Our Community |
802s | tester |
803s | program usually prev that just CTS um |
808s | and they have had access to the bizaar |
811s | and Merchants Guild uh since November |
815s | was late late November I think was when |
817s | they gained access to it |
819s | um that was when we realized that uh |
823s | through the feedback that um circle of |
825s | Fortune needed something |
830s | to oh my goodness the circle of Fortune |
832s | needed something to help with |
833s | customizing what you're seeing cuz it |
835s | felt too |
836s | random and thus lenses were born |
840s | um lenses are very recent |
848s | Edition um and yeah so it's it's they |
851s | they've they've had they've had a few |
852s | months to to play with it and it's |
854s | really tricky so we had to |
856s | populate um we had to populate the the |
860s | uh bizaar with a bunch of items that |
862s | don't really that that no no one posted |
865s | right um and like we did a reset and had |
868s | them had them post all their own items |
870s | afterwards and things things like that |
871s | so like we've we've gone through a few |
873s | stages there there's been lots of |
874s | testing that's happened |
886s | um I just had to turn off my Discord |
888s | notifications |
892s | um yeah so there's there's been there's |
894s | been a fair bit of testing there it's |
895s | it's not been to the same scale that |
898s | we'll see with I don't know where I'm |
899s | going uh that we'll see with like when |
901s | it actually goes |
903s | live |
906s | um so like we're going to have to adjust |
909s | things for sure um and we're prepared to |
912s | to make those adjustments we we've made |
914s | sure to one of the things we've made |
915s | sure really carefully with the item |
916s | faction system was to build in a bunch |
918s | of um bunch of different |
921s | dials to uh to be able to adjust balance |
923s | relative balance and um it's really |
926s | important that these are there and they |
928s | work well |
929s | um the the |
931s | most I guess the the biggest dial we can |
934s | turn is the favor |
936s | costs and this is some sometimes favor |
938s | costs that are relative to um like |
942s | different different favor costs of |
943s | different ranks within a within a |
944s | faction and also favorite costs between |
947s | relative to each faction back and forth |
949s | and and these these dials just the |
951s | favorite costs alone we've got other |
952s | dials to turn two the favorite cost is |
954s | are goto one um because it really |
957s | dictates how frequently and how quickly |
959s | you can engage in any of the |
965s | mechanics oh my goodness this is |
968s | crazy I was fine like an hour ago like |
971s | completely |
980s | fine okay I'm sorry I've got to be I got |
982s | to be right back I |
985s | uh I've already burned through my water |
987s | for the day one sec |
1043s | oh I left the microphone on while I |
1044s | walked away so |
1047s | good |
1054s | okay get some more questions up in here |
1056s | just want to say thank you for having |
1057s | the courage to try something with the |
1059s | factions lot of developers could learn |
1060s | from you guys I think it's really |
1061s | important that we all learn from each |
1062s | other |
1065s | like I've learned so |
1068s | much other |
1074s | developers I'm just like getting to talk |
1076s | to them for half an hour in between a |
1078s | things at a |
1080s | convention El what of great |
1088s | stuff we need offensive minion |
1093s | damage don't care about our crit or |
1107s | throw |
1114s | all right as a primary ssf player I |
1116s | cannot express how excited I am to |
1119s | actually have an in-game system Halo |
1121s | would prefer to play I've recently been |
1123s | reading uh evidence Guided by uhoh itar |
1127s | G Gad |
1132s | Gad and I'm curious how you think about |
1135s | building confidence in features |
1136s | especially with how heavily you utilize |
1138s | community feedback and |
1141s | testers |
1167s | wow |
1170s | this mute unmute thing |
1171s | here this this is a crazy question this |
1174s | is I feel like uh you know a lot more |
1177s | about this than I do first of |
1180s | all uh building confidence in features |
1183s | especially with how heavily you utilize |
1184s | Community feedback |
1188s | contests now is this like building |
1190s | confidence thank you very much oh we we |
1193s | I missed another one too there's uh I'm |
1195s | just going to do this real quick uh |
1198s | psychosis is |
1200s | patient thank you for the 4 months I |
1202s | appreciate it looking forward to the big |
1204s | release me too and also to Harel 32 |
1207s | months in a row oh my |
1209s | god |
1211s | wow I feel like you may have done a |
1213s | couple of those while I was offline |
1214s | because I don't remember going that high |
1215s | that fast but oh my |
1218s | goodness hello there indeed |
1221s | little hello |
1226s | there building confidence in Fe |
1230s | fees I don't I don't really know how to |
1232s | answer |
1234s | that I think a lot of it |
1241s | is I think a lot of it is is being okay |
1244s | with changing |
1248s | it I think I think that's that's a lot |
1250s | of it is that a lot of our community |
1251s | knows that if something doesn't land if |
1253s | something if some feature is ends up |
1254s | being bad if we put something out there |
1256s | that's |
1257s | like it doesn't doesn't work we're not |
1259s | really afraid to say like well the best |
1261s | thing for the game is to abandon that or |
1263s | to change it or to restructure it you |
1275s | know and it might sound opposite but I |
1277s | think that actually helps build |
1282s | confidence seef cough apparently should |
1285s | have joined Merchants |
1287s | Guild |
1291s | is the primary focus to have factions |
1293s | balanced against each other so people |
1294s | don't feel compelled to play the |
1296s | stronger one versus the one that speaks |
1298s | to them more or will you guys focus more |
1300s | on how long it takes players to acquire |
1301s | certain amounts of gear SL power since |
1303s | Merchant skilled power is somewhat |
1305s | derived from player participation which |
1308s | will always fluctuate would it make it |
1310s | hard uh to keep its power level |
1314s | consistent I I think the great question |
1318s | I think I think that |
1319s | the measure of success for balance |
1323s | between Merchant skild and circle of |
1325s | Fortune will |
1327s | be when a new player shows up and says |
1331s | hey I don't like what's better what |
1333s | what's what's the best one new new |
1335s | player shows up to the Discord and goes |
1337s | what's better mg or CF and it just gets |
1339s | a flood of replies saying do you want to |
1341s | trade or |
1343s | not and like if that happens I will go I |
1347s | win success |
1351s | Victory um yeah perfect world they'd be |
1353s | 50/50 split |
1355s | perfectly it's not going to happen and |
1357s | that's totally fine we're not going to |
1358s | try and make it happen |
1360s | [Music] |
1362s | um I think there's a pretty significant |
1366s | percentage of |
1367s | players let me start with this thing I |
1369s | think one of them will emerge as the |
1372s | mathematically best |
1377s | option |
1379s | oh my |
1381s | God supposed to go into an escape room |
1384s | tonight I think one of them will um |
1388s | emerge as a mathematically better option |
1391s | that's totally fine um I think |
1395s | that a large portion of players will |
1397s | just pick whichever one is |
1399s | mathematically |
1401s | better um and that's totally fine too I |
1404s | I I hope |
1407s | that um |
1409s | most people |
1411s | can uh can pick the the the theming and |
1414s | the the activity they prefer as the |
1417s | primary deciding |
1433s | factor our helmet and amulet are so bad |
1436s | right |
1437s | now |
1449s | can I like even just like craft this |
1451s | into something useful a little |
1457s | bit okay we don't need chance to find |
1467s | potions |
1470s | apparently I |
1497s | can't |
1504s | decent shs |
1513s | it I hope that was I hope that was a |
1515s | good answer for |
1519s | you hope all is well with you I mean |
1521s | aart from this like cough that appeared |
1523s | out of nowhere yeah |
1527s | great is being able to stop by more |
1529s | often me to so I do have a question |
1532s | since ice Thorns is being removed |
1539s | finally oh my god with the |
1547s | skill oh my God guys I'm so |
1552s | sorry with the skill replace it will the |
1555s | skill replace it be able to synergize |
1556s | with spr and form AK use it well |
1558s | springing form procet of some kind |
1560s | um I don't think |
1566s | so someone backrack me on |
1579s | that all right is it how do you know |
1582s | you're building and releasing the right |
1583s | feature a lot of companies oh I see what |
1586s | this is coming to this largely based on |
1587s | opinion rather than evidence and to your |
1589s | point your attitude of allowing feature |
1591s | to fail and be a big part |
1593s | of big part of the philosophy uh it's a |
1595s | great book for learning about product |
1597s | development if you're into that I am |
1599s | into that |
1601s | um as far as how do we like pick a |
1604s | feature of like what to come out |
1606s | honestly a lot of it is just |
1610s | like the vast majority of is just us |
1612s | kind of like talking about what we want |
1614s | to add to the |
1616s | game what we generally see people people |
1618s | asking for in the game like a lot of is |
1620s | just us talking in a room being like |
1621s | what do we think's best um there's there |
1624s | actually very little |
1627s | like data that goes into it unless |
1629s | there's very specific things we need to |
1632s | look for data |
1635s | on um so for example when we were |
1637s | designing this the item faction |
1644s | system a lot of we we did we did several |
1647s | surveys |
1649s | on different platforms and |
1652s | um yeah the data we got for that was |
1654s | really |
1669s | useful all right kind of a followup |
1671s | question I |
1672s | guess |
1674s | um do you think do you think uh guys |
1680s | will do mid cycling balance oh do you |
1683s | think you guys do mid cycling balance |
1684s | for the first cycle or will you try to |
1685s | gather as much data as possible and |
1686s | trying to get balanc as good as possible |
1688s | for cycle 2 and so on since I know the |
1690s | me uh that messing with the system |
1691s | midcycle can often Garner |
1693s | controversy with the Buffs or |
1699s | nerves yeah I think |
1701s | the we tried to keep oh my goodness I |
1706s | just |
1709s | [Music] |
1721s | I might have to walk away from this and |
1723s | redo this another |
1725s | time we'll see |
1731s | um I think it depends on what it is and |
1734s | how extreme it is and how it should |
1735s | affects things if it is if we see a a 95 |
1740s | 5% split on Faction balance of of of |
1744s | adoption yeah we take some action uh mid |
1747s | cycle for |
1750s | sure |
1758s | um usually |
1760s | the hey don't Nerf me bro midcycle type |
1766s | idea it's usually around um like |
1770s | specific builds individual specific |
1774s | builds and I think if you're looking in |
1775s | a situation of like half the player base |
1778s | or 90% of the player base getting a Nerf |
1780s | or something like |
1781s | that it's less of a big deal I know it's |
1785s | still not great but I think it's less of |
1787s | a big deal because you're not getting uh |
1789s | you're not getting nerfed relative to |
1790s | someone |
1796s | else I think that's a big part of |
1799s | it is it's like why did I invest so much |
1803s | time in this one I could have just gone |
1804s | the other one and if it's if it's still |
1806s | is if there's only two options and it's |
1808s | still the one you want and it's still |
1809s | really |
1810s | good but maybe just not as unbelievably |
1813s | broken dominant overpowered um I think |
1816s | it'll be a lot easier if a pill to |
1826s | swallow oh my |
1843s | goodness cough cand is doing |
1856s | nothing look like so honey yeah not a |
1858s | bad idea um yeah what are people |
1861s | thinking who who's who's hyped for |
1864s | merant |
1866s | skill actually here's here's a better |
1868s | question who after reading |
1870s | this changed their mind on what they |
1873s | thought they'd want like if you're if |
1874s | you've never heard of our system at all |
1876s | before um or or you you you you looked |
1881s | at the um the previous version and this |
1884s | new version's changed your mind or |
1885s | something like that |
1892s | or or is there no way you could ever be |
1906s | swayed yeah I guess everyone who is |
1908s | playing SS is kind of locked |
1916s | in |
1919s | secret hard mode ssf Merchant skill it's |
1922s | lonely in this |
1933s | bizarre followup question since spring |
1935s | in form is losing a skill Synergy with |
1937s | ice Thorn's removal you said the new |
1939s | skill won't be able to synergize with |
1940s | the spring in form any |
1942s | intention to add another skill to can |
1944s | synergize with spron otherwise spr |
1946s | getting nerfed in build |
1948s | diversity um I don't think there's |
1950s | anything for |
1951s | 1.0 um but I I i' be I I I think you can |
1956s | be confident that something will happen |
1957s | there |
1962s | yeah I apologize as the answer this |
1964s | question already that's totally fine |
1965s | will be able to will we be able to play |
1967s | solo sell found for a set amount of time |
1970s | and then take in my findings over to |
1972s | trade |
1973s | faction if no what's the point of items |
1976s | in my inventory and self found faction |
1978s | faction so just be clear I just want to |
1980s | reiterate this there is no self found |
1983s | faction um circle of Fortune you can |
1986s | completely play with other people you |
1988s | can even get items found by other people |
1990s | with circle of Fortune it is not a |
1991s | strictly solo self found |
1999s | environment you could hypothetically be |
2001s | in a situation where you never played |
2002s | solo and never found any of your own |
2004s | gear |
2006s | um you know like that's a little |
2009s | ridiculous but it's |
2011s | possible I just want to break that up a |
2013s | little bit first |
2015s | um the the gear you |
2019s | find I want I'll Brak this up as well a |
2021s | little bit more |
2024s | um do |
2026s | not I'm saying this as advice one player |
2029s | to another advice someone who who knows |
2031s | the system really |
2033s | well um if I was going to give you |
2036s | advice at all is do not plan to switch |
2041s | factions if you think okay I'm going to |
2044s | start here I'm I'm going to start circle |
2046s | of Fortune I'm going to do this this |
2047s | this this and then I'm going to switch |
2048s | to Merchant skill and do this this this |
2050s | this just start Merchant |
2052s | skilled and just flip everything I just |
2055s | said and it's the same thing like like |
2057s | like don't plan to switch it will not be |
2060s | better you'll be better off just |
2061s | starting with the one you're going to |
2062s | switch to please trust me on this one um |
2068s | however the reason this so the reason so |
2070s | like why is the switch even there what's |
2072s | the point of it Mike it's a release |
2073s | valve so people don't break their |
2075s | characters it is a safety net so people |
2077s | who maybe aren't sure what they want and |
2080s | and make a bad choice don't have to |
2081s | start all over again can just start the |
2082s | faction progress over |
2083s | again that's |
2087s | all |
2094s | um now to answer your actual question |
2096s | here |
2099s | um the gear you |
2102s | find as a circle of Fortune member um |
2106s | that was affected by one of your circle |
2107s | of Fortune bonuses is tagged with a |
2111s | circle of Fortune rank |
2114s | requirements this is the same thing as |
2116s | like how this gear says requires class |
2118s | Sentinel like requires class Sentinel |
2120s | it's the exact same thing it'll be like |
2121s | requires it doesn't actually say it's |
2123s | it's a little icon but it'll be the same |
2124s | thing as if it said required coff rank |
2126s | four |
2128s | like if you're not coff rank four you |
2131s | can't use it if you're not a sentinel |
2133s | you can't use this easy as that um so if |
2136s | you find a piece of gear while you're |
2138s | representing circle of |
2140s | Fortune and it uses your circle of |
2141s | Fortune rank to uh bonus to get that |
2144s | gear it'll have a little tag on it says |
2146s | required Circle Fortune rank it's a |
2148s | symbol sorry not words but yes um and |
2151s | then if you then switch your character |
2153s | to Merchant skilled that item does not |
2155s | change that item still has a circle of |
2158s | Fortune rank |
2159s | requirement as you just switched |
2160s | Merchant skill and you're not actively |
2162s | representing circle of Fortune you can't |
2163s | use that item anymore you actually have |
2165s | to unequip your items to change |
2173s | factions should be like a sweat lodge or |
2175s | something that' be |
2186s | funny |
2203s | oh glad the microphone was muted for |
2207s | that where are we we're doing things |
2209s | we're talking about stuff it's going |
2213s | [Music] |
2216s | great |
2221s | have you seen all the positive reactions |
2223s | to your trade no trade announcement I've |
2225s | seen a ton of them I seen all of them |
2229s | but |
2230s | um I'm really terrible about I I I I |
2234s | read and watch way too many reactions to |
2236s | our game I like I just can't help myself |
2239s | I just I I watch them all I read them |
2240s | all I just it's all I do and I try so |
2244s | hard not |
2246s | to but uh yesterday and today it feels |
2248s | real |
2252s | good usually it's it's it's very |
2254s | positive anyways but |
2256s | like I have a tough time not every time |
2259s | I see a mistake or something I have a |
2260s | tough time not just like immediately |
2262s | reacting and correcting |
2264s | people I have to learned to just let it |
2274s | be the new areas from the trade videos |
2277s | look really great will we be seeing more |
2278s | upgrades to updates to existing areas |
2281s | and bring that quality yes |
2283s | definitely not every zone is completely |
2286s | updated but um yes that is going through |
2289s | and we are using we have a bunch of new |
2291s | tools for Zone development uh that make |
2294s | it look way better and we're using those |
2295s | tools all over the |
2306s | place |
2315s | see question that says ssf has better |
2317s | drop rates right no ssf does not have |
2318s | better drop rates ssf has exactly the |
2320s | same drop rates as normal |
2323s | however if you are selecting |
2326s | the um circle of Fortune item faction |
2330s | you will have um improved drop rates and |
2334s | extra tools to Target specific gear |
2336s | better |
2338s | which is what you should pick if you're |
2339s | playing |
2340s | solo I know I'm being super super |
2342s | pedantic about this but I'm going to |
2343s | keep making the correction every single |
2344s | time just in |
2351s | case can you go no faction to really |
2354s | show how good you are with top the Ws |
2356s | yeah |
2358s | um you can have a non-action |
2361s | character going to |
2365s | suck |
2367s | see what is ssf solo self found it means |
2369s | that um so ssf is a term that's used to |
2372s | describe a character that has never and |
2374s | will never party with another character |
2376s | so they're they're alone in the |
2379s | world and cell found means all of the |
2381s | gear they found all the gear they're |
2383s | using they found themselves so you play |
2385s | by yourself you use your own gear it's |
2387s | basically like playing |
2395s | offline |
2399s | oh I need some more liquid I got some |
2401s | close beer |
2424s | back hello |
2430s | hello Mike good to see new info about |
2432s | factions hello good to see you |
2436s | again uh although after looking at it it |
2438s | feels to me like CF have gained a bit |
2440s | more content to with prophecies while mg |
2443s | only has the bizaar which I can't really |
2445s | call |
2455s | content that's it close the door with |
2457s | your foot |
2460s | um it's so cold here right now it is |
2463s | insane uh can't really call content to |
2466s | be honest I'm not sure if this is a |
2468s | problem but is there any chance that we |
2470s | get more of these types of content for |
2471s | each faction or is it already considered |
2474s | finished um I I would be I would say |
2478s | generally fairly finished |
2480s | um but I don't want to I don't want to |
2482s | close the door on the possibility for |
2484s | changes based on feedback um |
2488s | so we don't have any plans to add more |
2489s | stuff to the item factions mechanically |
2493s | um we do have plans to add more factions |
2497s | um that will be this something went |
2500s | previously but like factions that will |
2502s | be uh mutually exclusive with each other |
2505s | but not mutually exclusive with the item |
2507s | factions so maybe you'll get like a I |
2509s | don't |
2512s | know |
2514s | uh there'll be a hat faction and |
2517s | a I don't know a a hairstyle |
2521s | faction making stuff up and they'd be |
2523s | mutually exclusive with each other but |
2525s | not with the item |
2545s | factions |
2550s | oh my |
2551s | goodness and yeah the the lenses were a |
2554s | late |
2556s | edition a very late |
2566s | edition do you think you'll do a stream |
2568s | either by yourself or with others before |
2569s | 1.0 where you play with the factions |
2571s | kind of check out |
2574s | 1.0 um I don't think I'll do a stream |
2578s | uh a 1.0 stream before on 1.0 I don't |
2581s | know |
2583s | maybe uh we we haven't talked about |
2585s | doing anything like that I I will say |
2586s | one thing we are planning on |
2590s | Wednesday |
2592s | um Wednesday coming up I'll be doing an |
2595s | interview with uh Darth microtransaction |
2598s | and gazzy on their |
2601s | podcast very excited about that um I |
2604s | will make sure my voice doesn't suck for |
2606s | that |
2620s | also got a question about resonators |
2622s | residences will the residence resonators |
2624s | is that what they're |
2626s | called call them |
2629s | resonators the |
2635s | thing I'm just going to check real quick |
2637s | if that's if we changed the name on me |
2639s | and I just don't know |
2641s | this no residences okay residence great |
2644s | not |
2647s | crazy uh will the residences always or |
2650s | residence always be tied to a specific |
2652s | player name |
2654s | yes or can I get one with one friend |
2657s | hold on to it until my other friend |
2658s | comes online then use it to give my now |
2660s | online friend the item will only work |
2663s | with the with friends it it it like when |
2665s | it drops it drops with a specific |
2686s | person this name resonance resonates |
2690s | with |
2692s | karusu uh that can never |
2695s | change |
2697s | once this item drops and it shows this |
2699s | name that is the name it will always |
2702s | have once this item drops and it has |
2704s | this name that's the name it will always |
2723s | have in TF we scream or TG uh when |
2726s | something bad happens who can I |
2728s | scapegoat when I mess up in |
2732s | Ellie |
2734s | [Music] |
2738s | um I was going to say Gregory |
2742s | but |
2744s | Gregory play me if you want I'm fine |
2746s | with |
2747s | that I don't know I'm sure I'm sure I'm |
2749s | sure other people in the community have |
2750s | have a better answer for that |
2752s | though uh anyone if you do have a |
2754s | question please put at lasty game in the |
2756s | question or else I won't answer it um I |
2759s | just don't see it |
2763s | either I do see one here oh someone else |
2765s | answer |
2766s | that uh how will base drop rates be |
2769s | changed from live version today uh to |
2772s | accomodate those systems seems like they |
2774s | need to be more than |
2782s | haved um they're they're not being more |
2785s | than haved |
2789s | um when you're if you're the I I can't |
2792s | give you a specific |
2793s | number I think we'll have uh specific |
2796s | numbers available in the patch notes um |
2799s | but they're not fully 100% lock down |
2802s | lock down |
2805s | yet um generally what I like to say is |
2808s | that you'll be by the time you hit rank |
2810s | three in circle of |
2813s | Fortune you will have surpassed the the |
2817s | current uh item acquisition |
2820s | rate theur like the the rate that you |
2823s | find upgrades on your |
2827s | gear where am I even going I'm just like |
2830s | running around in circles I'm I'm like |
2831s | not even remotely close to going the |
2833s | right |
2835s | direction I just started walking when I |
2837s | started this that's |
2842s | hilarious maybe I completed a quest and |
2844s | just didn't even notice |
2849s | no |
2854s | matter going to the Oasis boys and |
2859s | girls so yeah we are going to Nerf drop |
2861s | rates a little bit from where they are |
2862s | on live right now um we're not cratering |
2865s | them it's still going to feel roughly |
2867s | similar as you're leveling through the |
2871s | campaign for for like experienced |
2873s | players |
2875s | um |
2877s | like it'll be it'll be a little bit less |
2879s | it'll be a little bit slower you'll get |
2880s | to Circle Of Fortune you'll you'll un |
2882s | likee that you'll start ranking up |
2883s | you'll get into early monoliths um |
2885s | you'll be about normal where you are now |
2888s | um you'll hit that rank three pretty |
2891s | quickly um you'll be a little bit ahead |
2893s | of where you are |
2895s | now and it's all gravy from |
2905s | there |
2920s | oh yeah clim that |
2925s | Shield though I have to say if it takes |
2927s | too long to level up Merchant skill I |
2928s | think people will complain I agree uh |
2930s | I'm going Fortune so I don't care but I |
2932s | think people who want to trade uh don't |
2935s | want to grind for hours to be able to do |
2937s | so |
2939s | freely yeah a lot of it has to do with |
2942s | like we we are trying to um curate the |
2947s | like the the the points in your |
2949s | character's development process that |
2951s | you're getting certain item types as |
2953s | core components to your build in most |
2958s | situations so really want to avoid the |
2960s | situation where someone |
2962s | [Music] |
2963s | um gets to they they hit they hit early |
2967s | monoliths |
2969s | and um maybe they've they've got they've |
2972s | got enough enough stuff saved up to get |
2974s | their best in slot amulet and they buy |
2976s | that amulet and now this item slot is |
2978s | locked off for the rest of like the time |
2982s | they're going to play for the next like |
2984s | 50 50 hours or 200 hours or whatever you |
2988s | know like that that item sled just |
2989s | doesn't exist on their character we we'd |
2991s | like that not to happen |
2994s | ideally we'd like to be more along the |
2996s | lines of oh you got to this point and |
2999s | maybe you bought a sweet amulet on the |
3001s | bizaar but um you know like three or |
3003s | four ranks down the line you'll be able |
3004s | to now buy this other ulet it's even |
3007s | better and it's it's like a little bit |
3008s | more of a progressive process and it's |
3010s | not just uh like here you go |
3012s | everything's free have |
3015s | fun sounded bad the way I said that but |
3018s | um having those limitations I think is |
3021s | going to make the the gearing process |
3026s | feel like a process that's |
3029s | like describing this so bad right now |
3032s | feel like a uh like an activity |
3035s | something that you are you're you're |
3036s | making progress in something that you |
3038s | are like earning I guess is a good way |
3041s | to put |
3043s | it |
3047s | um and and like if if there are problems |
3050s | with these if if these aren't hitting |
3051s | the goals we're looking for if there's |
3053s | things that are wrong with it you know |
3054s | we are not afraid to to to discuss that |
3057s | and to to make changes if we need to and |
3059s | you know all all those things |
3064s | so if you're playing and you don't like |
3067s | something and you want to suggest |
3068s | changes you know like |
3070s | that's |
3075s | fantastic I mostly over that just yeah |
3078s | great tell us about |
3084s | it |
3087s | it's also and I said this earlier it's |
3088s | also a lot |
3090s | easier to um remove limitations from a |
3095s | system like this than it is to add new |
3098s | ones so if we find that like oh there's |
3101s | no point in |
3102s | having um I don't know some limitation |
3105s | like so originally we had um a maximum |
3107s | number of slots that you could sell |
3109s | items |
3111s | in that was actually a key part of it |
3113s | for a long time like you can only sell |
3114s | five items at a time |
3117s | and we got a bunch of feedback that |
3119s | wasn't very fun but we pulled |
3124s | it um it doesn't look like there's any |
3127s | negative consequences to |
3143s | that one thing I would have really liked |
3145s | to be a with do is increase |
3149s | the um I guess like |
3154s | design like the the depth and complexity |
3157s | of the bonuses that Merchant skill is |
3165s | getting that would have been |
3174s | nice |
3182s | uh how's the extra question load and has |
3185s | has been fine it's been |
3190s | good I was prepared for |
3199s | it our gear drop rates changing from |
3202s | current live versions to the 1.0 version |
3204s | to account for faction Editions we'll |
3206s | just be the same factions just add to it |
3209s | um just yeah that we are dropping |
3212s | initial base drop rates a little |
3216s | bit been a while since I kept up with Le |
3219s | what with the non-trading faction |
3221s | Fortune uh will I still be able to trade |
3223s | with my friends who I play with a lot |
3225s | that are also fortunate yeah so we're |
3227s | we're we're kind of trying to we're |
3228s | differentiating the terms here and this |
3230s | is this is really key so every time we |
3232s | say the word |
3234s | trade we are specifically referencing |
3238s | the bizaar and the personto person |
3240s | trading that is available through the |
3242s | merchant skill so you cannot trade as |
3245s | circle of Fortune however we do have |
3248s | another Tri called gifting and uh if you |
3251s | want to transfer an item from one player |
3254s | to another as Circle Of Fortune or |
3256s | Merchant skill players you may do so |
3258s | through the gifting |
3259s | system so if you and your buddy are |
3261s | playing along and you're both Circle |
3264s | Fortune |
3266s | it's not actually important but um in |
3269s | the scenario that youve described and an |
3270s | item drops for you that's really good um |
3273s | but oh sorry an item drops for your |
3275s | friend that's really good but you don't |
3276s | want it you can just hand it to them |
3278s | you're both there together you Dro all |
3280s | your both together give it to them no |
3282s | problem have |
3285s | fun if uh say they're say they're like |
3289s | oh I'm just going to go um I'm going to |
3292s | go out to the store and grab a bite to |
3293s | eat and I'll be back and in half an hour |
3295s | you keep keep playing and while they're |
3298s | gone the absolutely most perfect 4 LP |
3302s | item ever for their build drops and you |
3304s | can't believe it cuz you weren't playing |
3306s | together so you can't just gift it to |
3307s | them anymore don't worry there's |
3310s | something called |
3312s | residences residences are granted to you |
3316s | after playing a significant amount of |
3317s | time with a specific person any specific |
3320s | person um and it allows you to make an |
3324s | item behave as though they were there |
3326s | when it dropped basically is what it is |
3328s | so like say say say you really wanted |
3331s | say you really wanted |
3332s | this and we we play a lot together so |
3335s | I've got a resonance for you now because |
3338s | we've been playing a bunch together and |
3339s | I can then give this to you by using |
3342s | that resonance there are single use |
3343s | items um but |
3348s | once yeah so so I can just I can send |
3350s | this item to you because we play a bunch |
3351s | together and there you go have there you |
3354s | go have fun |
3356s | so yeah you're you're |
3366s | golden thank you for answering previous |
3369s | question you're welcome based on your |
3370s | own research and data do you think you |
3373s | guys have enough uniquely different |
3374s | items to sustain training economy answer |
3377s | more items seem like a stupid |
3381s | question |
3384s | um |
3386s | like like of different items that people |
3388s | will want yeah I think there's I think |
3390s | there's plenty I think I think that |
3392s | really comes down to um build variety |
3397s | really I think that's something we do |
3399s | pretty |
3404s | well like there was a um there's a post |
3408s | I saw on |
3411s | Reddit find |
3413s | it there's a few posts that have been |
3415s | coming out recently that I quite like if |
3417s | anyone here is making them keep up give |
3418s | the good work |
3421s | um and they're just there just just |
3423s | little infog |
3425s | Graphics |
3429s | um images here we go open it |
3435s | up |
3438s | um so like this is just for hit |
3441s | builds but there's like there's a lot of |
3443s | different affixes all over the place |
3444s | that are quite |
3446s | useful but not so much |
3451s | um my point is |
3453s | that |
3455s | um there's a because there's enough |
3457s | things here that are just even like |
3459s | generally good things to have for these |
3462s | there's there's going to be a lot of |
3463s | variation on those items and on the |
3464s | builds that are going to pick from those |
3466s | those lists even better and you know |
3467s | it's it's I think it's going to be I |
3469s | think it's going to work out really |
3472s | well we do have I I I don't I don't know |
3475s | what this is I don't think we would ever |
3477s | use this cuz I think it's a little |
3478s | ridiculous to do cuz it kind of defeats |
3479s | the whole purpose |
3482s | um but we've used it for testing um and |
3486s | I mean maybe it's possible we could if |
3489s | if if things were dire enough we could |
3491s | try and use it is just generating fake |
3493s | items for |
3498s | it now there's a better item to craft |
3504s | with |
3510s | Forge is kind of |
3519s | low that was a big |
3522s | hit that's too |
3524s | bad yeah that's really too |
3527s | bad there was there was potential there |
3529s | it was real |
3530s | potential got we got |
3533s | unlucky is it better |
3544s | anyways hard to say that Shield throw |
3547s | point and the extra endurance is really |
3557s | good minion damage |
3564s | already |
3573s | those residences to gift to friends only |
3575s | drop while actively playing with that |
3577s | person right |
3579s | yes |
3582s | um you you need to be actively playing |
3585s | with and have been playing with that |
3586s | person for a while um for to |
3594s | drop |
3603s | and it's pretty natural there's no |
3604s | there's no need to like try try and gain |
3606s | the system with that like there's you're |
3609s | not you're not going to |
3612s | um there's no like uh like slot machine |
3615s | logic like oh it's been a while since |
3616s | it's popped got to stay here until it |
3618s | does or anything like |
3624s | that |
3628s | will dungeon Arena Keys be able to stack |
3630s | in the future yes at 1.0 no |
3633s | sorry uh how big of a tune should we |
3637s | expect uh for hydren in 1.0 I do not |
3641s | know I'm sorry um I also generally don't |
3643s | comment on potential upcoming balance |
3645s | changes but um if I was going to guess |
3649s | just from like a a as a player I would |
3652s | say that there will be likely a small |
3654s | Nerf would be my |
3656s | expectation we'll see what happens |
3661s | though let me throw an easy question a |
3663s | thanks buddy uh what will be your first |
3665s | build to play 1.0 I want to know class |
3668s | mastering the skill you plan to build |
3670s | around uh I'm going I'm going to start |
3672s | I've not been shy about most of this um |
3675s | I'm G to |
3676s | play uh Rogue Falconer |
3683s | redacted |
3703s | sorry I can't tell you the name of the |
3704s | skill we would get in trouble CU we |
3707s | promised people we |
3713s | wouldn't no we've we've |
3716s | um because all the big reveal for |
3719s | Warlock and Falconer info is uh |
3722s | initially dropping on Icy Veins and Max |
3726s | roll um so until those until those big |
3729s | things drop we're um or radio silent on |
3732s | on |
3740s | details you know they do so much to like |
3743s | promote promote the game and know |
3746s | they're great people to have have have a |
3748s | good relationship with I do not want |
3753s | to uh betray that |
3768s | trust that's too |
3773s | bad |
3775s | it's so funny I'm so used to crowns I'm |
3778s | so used to crowns being like a paladin |
3780s | item in um in D2 that every time I see a |
3783s | crown item I'm always like I I always |
3786s | assume it's a paladin item in eox so |
3789s | it's just one of those things my brain |
3791s | can't give |
3795s | up the cold is freezing Mike's lungs I |
3798s | mean it it hasn't been this cold here in |
3801s | like I I literally cannot remember how |
3803s | long |
3811s | I need to go to the store this |
3814s | morning and everyone who lives in |
3815s | somewhere that's like actually cold is |
3817s | going to look at me like obviously Mike |
3818s | come on don't you know how to do this |
3820s | what is wrong with you um the the my the |
3823s | key for my car the like the clicker but |
3826s | the key fob the button thing it's the |
3828s | battery died like six months ago I just |
3829s | hadn't bothered to get to do it cuz I |
3832s | don't use that car very |
3833s | often |
3836s | um and so I go to unlock it and the the |
3840s | the lock like the key just like won't |
3841s | turn in the lock at all of the KE of the |
3843s | door of the key oh the door of the car |
3846s | and um so I'm just like well I guess I'm |
3849s | not going out uh |
3853s | uhoh and |
3856s | um I I I got the idea to I've got like a |
3859s | heat |
3861s | gun and so I go and I get this like the |
3863s | longest extension C I have of course the |
3866s | car's like on the road and like the |
3868s | extens cord barely reaches and I'm like |
3870s | heating up the side of the car with the |
3872s | heat gun eventually get the the the lock |
3875s | to |
3877s | turn oh it was |
3879s | ridiculous never never seen that happen |
3881s | before good |
3883s | day it's so weird I was going to break |
3885s | off the key inside the lock and and |
3887s | because of the way the car was parked I |
3888s | could only I could only unlock the |
3890s | passenger side door that way so I um it |
3894s | like it does unlock all the doors and |
3895s | everything but um the the the keyhole on |
3898s | the driver's side door was still so |
3900s | Frozen that when I got to the store I |
3903s | had to lock the car by walking around of |
3904s | the passenger side and when I got back |
3906s | to the car I had to like unlock from the |
3908s | passenger side and then |
3910s | walk whole |
3913s | [Music] |
3915s | thing felt like a bit of an idiot this |
3921s | morning uh what level do you think we |
3923s | will hit rank three if we just play |
3925s | normal |
3928s | um I don't know I'm going I'll I'll |
3931s | guess I'll give you a a a a a guess and |
3934s | say |
3941s | 65 and someone from CT program is going |
3944s | to be like no Mike you idiot that's |
3945s | wildly wrong cool listen to them they |
3947s | know |
3953s | more |
3955s | we changed a lot of that stuff recently |
3957s | and I haven't actually |
3958s | played uh this week yet |
3963s | on since we changed all |
3969s | that this is another we lowered a bunch |
3971s | of |
3974s | it cuz we were getting feedback that was |
3976s | just taking too |
3983s | long |
3994s | uh I thought the factions seemed equally |
3995s | attractive before even seeing prophecies |
3998s | any plans to add more incentives for |
3999s | merchant Guild nothing specific at the |
4001s | moment the the ability |
4003s | to um the ability to trade and have |
4006s | access to this gigantic pool of items |
4008s | that everyone's using is is so so crazy |
4013s | powerful um |
4017s | that it's it's really hard to put any |
4019s | sort of mechanical fun in there that |
4023s | that isn't um that doesn't require also |
4026s | nerfing the ability to use the merchant |
4028s | skill know like if if there's or or or |
4032s | feel like um we did explore some of |
4035s | these things like the other option is |
4036s | that they will feel like a useless extra |
4040s | step you know so it's kind of like it's |
4042s | either it's either Nerf the the base |
4045s | trade |
4047s | functionality uh in order to add another |
4049s | mechanic on top that makes it better |
4050s | again um or kind |
4055s | of I don't know just just make it trade |
4058s | but with even more extra |
4061s | steps not not really fit |
4072s | well how do you keep yourself from |
4074s | correcting wrong information means |
4076s | leaking something |
4080s | yeah I live with it being wrong out |
4082s | there |
4090s | sucks yeah Kane you are in the same cold |
4092s | aren't you we live surprisingly close to |
4094s | each |
4101s | other it's possibility I might be moving |
4103s | to your town actually |
4121s | uh is there a gold cap on selling an |
4124s | item in the merchant Guild I think so |
4126s | yes |
4128s | um in that players have a gold |
4132s | cap so like |
4135s | like two trillion or |
4141s | something with a |
4143s | T I think uh can you say if the |
4146s | difficulty will go up to adjust to |
4148s | players acquiring items more easily with |
4151s | the faction |
4153s | um kind of um we are increasing |
4158s | [Music] |
4160s | the uh yes but not specifically just |
4163s | because of that I think this is the best |
4164s | way to put it um we are increasing the |
4168s | difficulty that each rank each each |
4170s | point of corruption brings so um we have |
4173s | a table for this that shows good |
4175s | benchmarks and makes it easy to |
4176s | understand but like |
4179s | um 300 corruption now is going to be |
4182s | harder than 300 corruption was |
4190s | before it's mostly it's mostly based |
4192s | around um endgame difficulty changes not |
4195s | campaign difficulty |
4199s | changes what is your favorite monster |
4201s | design also which mob do you enjoy |
4203s | destroying the most ah favorite monster |
4210s | design I think it's going to be the the |
4212s | one where the like when you kill it like |
4214s | it's its face like comes out as like |
4216s | another enemy a stick that appears um V |
4220s | visual design I think that's my favorite |
4221s | just like like the theming and how cool |
4223s | it looks and all sort of stuff think |
4224s | that's that's top list for me |
4229s | um I enjoy actually destroying the uh |
4233s | the eyes The Immortal eyes the most just |
4235s | cuz there's that like I know there's |
4237s | that there's that tension of like oh can |
4238s | you can you beat it before the explosion |
4240s | goes off |
4242s | um I it feels like trying to |
4246s | like trying to outsped an electrode or |
4249s | something you know |
4253s | uh like old Pokemon so yeah |
4266s | it's please remember to tag me yeah |
4269s | please remember to tag me in your |
4270s | messages cuz I will skip over it if I |
4272s | did skip over your message I apologize |
4275s | it was not intentional out of malice |
4277s | please feel free to repost it I'll try |
4278s | and answer |
4279s | it I'll read this one right above that I |
4281s | think it might be might have been |
4282s | talking about are there any plans to |
4284s | make leveling alts easier and quicker |
4286s | through the |
4289s | campaign um so so kind of we've we've |
4292s | done a few things recently to help with |
4293s | this um most notably is that when you |
4297s | have a um like this item this is not the |
4301s | example I was going to use but it's fine |
4304s | um this this is a weaver wheel item this |
4306s | is a level 18 |
4308s | item look at that thing level 18 174 |
4311s | Health on it that's huge |
4316s | huge legendaries and Weaver will items |
4318s | no longer take their level from the |
4321s | legendary of them and keep their base |
4324s | unique |
4325s | level so you can make some pretty epic |
4328s | like I was to take this 20 Level 23 exus |
4330s | and put a big exalted mod on it it's |
4332s | level would stay 23 so level 23 you can |
4334s | use that big exalted Mod on your |
4336s | legendary sanguinus and like that's |
4339s | huge so that a change we made very |
4341s | recently in the last patch uh that helps |
4343s | with leveling a lot lot especially |
4345s | leveling alts um we are looking to |
4347s | improve it hasn't really been finished |
4349s | yet the um the dungeons as an ALT |
4354s | campaign skip system um for leveling |
4357s | more powerful alts and things like |
4360s | that we're |
4363s | um we're we're we're looking at uh ways |
4366s | to improve |
4368s | um the monolith experience for alt |
4372s | characters uh so like and once again |
4376s | this is stuff that's not fully ready to |
4377s | go for 1.0 this is this is stuff we're |
4379s | looking at this stuff we've designing |
4382s | um but but have having a way where when |
4385s | you get to that that like unlocking |
4388s | empowered faster on alts things things |
4389s | like that like there's there's a lot of |
4391s | little things that we're working on to |
4392s | make that alt experience a little bit |
4398s | smoother some of them are kind of weird |
4401s | but they do the job really well and |
4402s | they're fun so |
4408s | looking forward to 1.0 me |
4412s | too the cycle is done will cycle |
4414s | mechanic move to standard |
4416s | league so |
4418s | initially um we're actually releasing |
4421s | the cycle mechanics in standard right |
4423s | away we not even going to wait um just |
4427s | because we know that they are things |
4429s | that we're going to want in standard no |
4430s | matter what um they're they're so big |
4432s | they're so core to the game gameplay and |
4434s | how it works that it's there's just no |
4436s | point in |
4438s | Waiting um so so yes |
4442s | uh this is something that will change |
4445s | cycle to cycle this is something that |
4446s | will re-evaluate and listen to feedback |
4448s | on and all that sort of stuff |
4451s | um initially anyways like I know 1.0 and |
4454s | 1.1 is really all I'm going to say |
4456s | definitively 1.0 and 1.1 will have their |
4460s | major |
4461s | mechanical things and stuff be |
4464s | cycle and Legacy simultaneously on their |
4468s | launch it's possible that we might look |
4471s | into having some small things that are |
4474s | cycle exclusives um starting as early as |
4477s | 1.1 um we don't even plans them right |
4480s | now but that's something that that may |
4482s | happen I say some small things like |
4483s | maybe there's a unique item you know |
4485s | that's like cycle only or but I'm not |
4488s | talking about like a whole system at |
4492s | least not right now that's the sort of |
4493s | thing that we'll probably when when the |
4495s | game's a little bit more |
4497s | established maybe maybe it's a couple |
4498s | years from now um we've got a sweet |
4501s | stable of really core mechanics that |
4502s | that that are feeling well they're |
4504s | polished they're you know hitting the |
4505s | right notes and um we've got something |
4510s | kind of wild to try and we're |
4512s | like this might be fun but this might |
4514s | ruin a lot of stuff that's the point |
4516s | that we'll start being like okay this is |
4518s | a py only |
4519s | mechanic and all of this is very subject |
4521s | to change based on feedback and uh |
4524s | results from gameplay and all the sort |
4527s | of |
4533s | stuff but the big thing that's really |
4534s | important to us is that we we want to |
4536s | avoid at least initially we really want |
4538s | to avoid having multiple game |
4540s | environments to |
4543s | maintain um it's just something that |
4546s | that that that extra extra time effort |
4549s | and resources that we have to put into |
4551s | maintaining two fun balanced functional |
4556s | environments it it does it does take |
4558s | away from other things we can do so so |
4559s | like if we do that suddenly we're maybe |
4561s | we're adding less each patch suddenly |
4563s | we're um you know not spending as much |
4566s | time testing individual features you |
4568s | know like there there's lots of things |
4569s | that were it's always a like we've got a |
4572s | finite number of hours between patches |
4574s | to work on the |
4576s | game and um you know how can how can we |
4580s | be most efficient with |
4582s | that |
4590s | uh can I ask about character creation |
4592s | for a sec |
4593s | absolutely is it a possibility we'll |
4595s | ever get a chance get uh get classes of |
4597s | either gender or small character |
4599s | customization or maybe an MTX that |
4601s | achieves the same yes |
4604s | um I think that there is a so we we for |
4608s | the I'll start right off with this |
4609s | saying 1.0 will not have any character |
4611s | customization whatsoever there will not |
4614s | be any additional genders added to the |
4616s | character creation screen for 1.0 1.0 |
4619s | the character creation is almost |
4621s | identical to what we have now there's |
4626s | um like there's a new drop down and a |
4628s | new checkbox at the end um but are just |
4631s | like different cycle selection options |
4633s | it's like cycle or Legacy and a new ssf |
4636s | Option like like that's all that's all |
4637s | that is |
4640s | um but as for like what your character |
4643s | looks like how your character plays all |
4644s | that sort of stuff is not changing |
4646s | between the way it is now and 1.0 as far |
4648s | as character creation is concerned be |
4651s | super clear about that because I've I've |
4653s | had to correct a few of those in the |
4654s | last week on specifically yesterday a |
4657s | lot |
4660s | um which was which was weird was there |
4662s | was there were a couple answers uh |
4664s | yesterday on Reddit that were like |
4665s | really confident like yes it's happening |
4669s | and other people be like oh great like a |
4671s | conversation stems out of it and I'm |
4672s | like I have to show up and be like like |
4675s | oh no it's |
4679s | not um |
4682s | however character customization is |
4684s | something that we know that a not |
4687s | insignificant portion of our community |
4689s | needs and I use the term need |
4692s | intentionally because um I think as far |
4695s | as they're concerned it is a need um if |
4698s | they're going to play the game anyways |
4699s | and and so we we do want to deliver this |
4701s | feature for them this is something that |
4702s | we've wanted to do for for a while um |
4705s | it's just not something that we have the |
4707s | capability of delivering on in in a way |
4709s | that we're happy with the quality for |
4713s | 1.0 um I ideally like like if if I if I |
4717s | had a magic spell that said Implement |
4720s | character |
4721s | customization yes I would read that |
4722s | spell and we'd have it um but it's it's |
4726s | it's really just a priority issue right |
4728s | now it's a it's how much does it cost |
4729s | how how much benefit are we going to get |
4731s | from it um and and compare that to |
4735s | adding Pinnacle bosses like like would |
4737s | you rather be able to and and this aners |
4740s | is a serious question because it's going |
4741s | to be different for a lot of people |
4742s | would you rather us add Pinnacle bosses |
4744s | to the game or would you rather us add |
4747s | um character customization and gender |
4748s | options to the game and for for a lot of |
4751s | people that's a really easy question in |
4753s | either direction um and for some people |
4757s | that's actually a hard to answer so it's |
4758s | it's like and and that might be a little |
4760s | confusing to to to some people and and |
4762s | that's fine just |
4764s | something but my point is is that um |
4768s | well I should answer the question |
4768s | shouldn't I yes we're we're we're we're |
4770s | looking at doing it eventually uh know |
4772s | it will not come to |
4773s | 1.0 um and it probably won't be through |
4777s | MTX it'll be a um like just anyone can |
4781s | do |
4782s | it yeah part of character creation |
4785s | there'd be like uh we hav't discuss this |
4788s | so I don't know but like there there |
4790s | would be some way |
4792s | to um to modify it as well after the |
4795s | fact like like um I don't know some |
4797s | maybe maybe it's some vendor in game |
4799s | that you talk to and you go get a |
4801s | haircut this T this is the hair and the |
4804s | hat factions I was talking about earlier |
4806s | right H yeah it's all coming |
4809s | together don't |
4811s | worry sorry that was loud I hit the |
4813s | microphone |
4815s | arm do like a like a little Charlie |
4818s | Kelly actually going on here so let see |
4819s | see what's going on |
4821s | here um |
4824s | sorry little carried away uh will alts |
4828s | benefit from faction perks right away or |
4830s | will alts have to wait until they unlock |
4831s | it during the campaign the alts will |
4833s | need to unlock access to the faction and |
4837s | join the faction in order to gain the |
4839s | benefits from the |
4841s | faction however cuz I can hear you |
4844s | saying but Mike chapter 9's a long way |
4847s | off for an ALT to get these bonuses |
4849s | right you're right the if you have a |
4853s | character so the everything's separated |
4855s | by stashes so if you have if you're |
4857s | playing um cycle softcore just like the |
4862s | the most default standard play character |
4864s | you can |
4865s | imagine um and you you you play through |
4868s | you unlock your faction you start |
4869s | playing with that it's great you're |
4870s | having fun you're like I want to make an |
4871s | ALT you make an ALT of the same type |
4874s | like the same um softcore cycle |
4879s | character because another character from |
4882s | that same |
4883s | cycle data shares a stash with it |
4887s | already has um factions unlocked that |
4891s | character will be given the option to |
4893s | pick a faction in the first |
4895s | town so we're talking chapter one here |
4899s | you're getting your you're getting |
4899s | faction unlocked so so alt alts will |
4902s | have access to those bonuses and will |
4903s | level easier because of that as |
4907s | well oh I am far |
4911s | behind I'm about I'm about 18 minutes |
4913s | behind here |
4916s | sorry 16 minutes behind I can |
4921s | math uh I'll try to be quicker |
4924s | whereabouts are you for it to be that |
4926s | cold for lock to freeze uh I I live in |
4932s | Canada I live in a part of Canada where |
4934s | it never gets that cold but somehow it's |
4936s | that cold here |
4939s | welcome uh |
4941s | Bou everybody they're coming welcome |
4943s | over I thought you were |
4947s | streaming hope you're having fun welcome |
4950s | welcome we're just talking about trade |
4952s | stuff |
4955s | here |
4957s | uh any plans to ramp up the games mob |
4959s | density maybe lowering some of the games |
4961s | cooldowns let games uh be a little more |
4964s | fast-paced and frantic I wasn't looking |
4966s | at my |
4967s | character also can we please get a |
4969s | damaging or skill that permanently on um |
4971s | definitely not referring to rightous |
4972s | fire definitely um well so there are |
4977s | things um there are righteous Fire like |
4979s | abilities it's not quite the same |
4983s | um orb |
4985s | Decay uh fire AA stuff like that like |
4988s | there's there's there you can get a lot |
4989s | of that gameplay style um |
4993s | melstrom there's versions of those that |
4995s | are that that don't require too much |
5001s | management |
5003s | um but we usually we we really do like |
5004s | to build in |
5007s | um I guess rewards for making good |
5009s | decisions in in and what I mean by |
5011s | rewards making good decisions um I don't |
5014s | mean like rewards for picking the build |
5017s | we want you to pick I mean um rewards |
5019s | for being in combat and deciding I'm |
5023s | going to do a or b and and making a good |
5026s | decision that way in |
5028s | combat and um generally builds that |
5032s | don't have there's like zero or one |
5035s | button builds um have have less of that |
5038s | for |
5039s | sure and that's not to say they're bad |
5041s | or wrong or we want to remove them or |
5043s | anything like that but just we we do |
5045s | often uh look to add mechanics that |
5049s | reward active gameplay and um because we |
5054s | just add more of those in general you |
5055s | end up with um like accidental synergies |
5058s | and and incidental Buffs and things like |
5061s | that so you end up with generally more |
5064s | powerful builds just like naturally it |
5067s | happens but yes there there are there |
5068s | are things like that and that was the |
5069s | other one mob density we've been ramping |
5071s | up mob density for a few patches now and |
5074s | it's been going |
5075s | great and we're still going to do it |
5077s | more and |
5079s | more uh for the in-game shop will the |
5081s | supporter packs change with 1.0 yes they |
5084s | will change with 1.0 we got new packs |
5087s | coming can't double jot me on |
5090s | that uh now the important question what |
5094s | is your favorite two color and three |
5096s | color combinations in match together oh |
5098s | God uh my favorite two color combination |
5100s | is easy it is is it I am red blue all |
5103s | the way all day every |
5106s | day um my favorite three card |
5113s | combination uh is is much trickier three |
5116s | color combination is much trickier um I |
5118s | think it's probably |
5120s | esper white blue black big |
5127s | fan I swear I'm not a control |
5131s | Mage uh why not allow friends to just |
5133s | make small guilds to trade between |
5135s | instead of uh extra system to gate |
5137s | trading among |
5139s | friends we almost we almost did that we |
5141s | came very close to doing that we we had |
5143s | a name for it um we had a design |
5146s | document for it we we like we we came |
5150s | really close to doing that um |
5153s | the answer to that question is like a |
5155s | month of |
5156s | discussions |
5160s | um but the short answer the really short |
5162s | answer is is that it's um the only way |
5166s | we could make it so there wasn't some |
5167s | really obvious and dramatic abuse cases |
5170s | that just Ena free trade |
5173s | um in order to in order to Bas in order |
5175s | to not enable free trade with something |
5177s | like that the um the amount of |
5184s | like the the amount of restrictions we |
5186s | had to put on it were like makes the |
5187s | amount of restrictions we put on trade |
5189s | now just tiny and and it didn't feel |
5193s | good that's basically what it comes down |
5208s | to if we if we were able to be like all |
5211s | right now nobody Abus use the |
5213s | system and everyone listen to us yeah we |
5216s | probably would have done |
5220s | that uh 999 million is the cap as far as |
5223s | you know oh that's for gold sounds |
5226s | like uh so is this an actual official |
5229s | last Epoch developer Channel it is I am |
5231s | a senior developer for 11th Hour games I |
5234s | work on last Epoch I have been working |
5235s | on last Epoch for six years now roughly |
5239s | give takes six months I don't actually |
5240s | know when I started I've got a uh Reddit |
5243s | message saved actually from the first |
5244s | time I contacted Jed which is pretty |
5246s | cool |
5248s | um yes I am I've been |
5251s | here not quite since the very beginning |
5254s | but like real close |
5264s | um this is my credentials okay let me |
5267s | then ask something please I have many |
5269s | questions uh but I ask one doable here |
5271s | why the decision |
5273s | uh of going twitch drops um I mean we |
5278s | got a huge number of people asking us to |
5281s | and we thought it was a a way to uh |
5284s | support our streamer Community that's |
5286s | that's that's that's kind of what it |
5288s | boils down to is that we've got tons of |
5291s | really awesome streamers that are a huge |
5293s | part of why we've made it this far is |
5296s | these people that um that promote our |
5298s | game for us because they like it and um |
5301s | they share it with their communities um |
5304s | and these These are people that we want |
5306s | to um in turn we want to turn around and |
5308s | drive traffic back to their their |
5310s | channels and their their communities so |
5312s | that that they say |
5315s | hey um ichi's got our back |
5318s | too and that that's a huge part of |
5322s | it and and also we just get a lot of |
5324s | people asking us for them like like just |
5326s | people who say hey I want free cosmetics |
5329s | and we're like |
5331s | okay yeah yeah um I I know not Everyone |
5334s | likes it and I know not everyone has |
5335s | access to it and um we tried to make it |
5338s | as accessible as possible uh by by |
5341s | adding in that extra like the second |
5343s | session for it |
5345s | um but and like we we know it's not |
5347s | going to be perfect for everyone I just |
5349s | think that this is going to be the |
5351s | um the way to get most the most people |
5353s | involved as |
5361s | possible |
5364s | yeah you got more questions please feel |
5366s | free but yeah I'm trying to catch up |
5367s | here I swear uh will you implement a |
5370s | move to right click and if so when maybe |
5372s | I would say there's a good chance but uh |
5374s | we've got some changes we've got to make |
5376s | to our input system to make it be |
5377s | possible um all I can say is uh not even |
5381s | 1.1 it won't even be done by 1.1 I can |
5383s | say that pretty |
5385s | confidently if assuming we do |
5391s | it |
5393s | 1.1 would be early be very early and I I |
5396s | I don't know if we're doing |
5399s | it like the hel I could start crafting |
5404s | on all right NB question love n |
5407s | questions uh in a |
5409s | small Spanish you are a small Spanish |
5412s | streamer cool are twitch drops going to |
5414s | be able available for any everyone that |
5416s | streams or you guys going to select a |
5418s | few streamers to have them um I believe |
5421s | I I don't know is the short answer to |
5423s | this you should send a message to our |
5424s | support Channel um to our our support on |
5427s | our support site there is a contact us |
5430s | uh for you should send a message there |
5431s | to talk about it as far as I |
5434s | know |
5436s | um basically if we haven't been in touch |
5438s | with you yet about it um you don't have |
5441s | access to Twitch drops I think um I'll |
5445s | be honest though I've never set up |
5447s | twitch drops before and I don't know how |
5448s | they work from the back end um and I'm |
5450s | not the one doing it this time either |
5452s | luckily for all of you |
5455s | um so so yeah contact us through uh |
5461s | more uh and I see right after Kane has |
5464s | answered this better than I |
5467s | did okay there's going to be more sorry |
5469s | there's going to be more information |
5470s | coming on how to sign up for it uh wait |
5473s | for that info sorry thank you Kane uh |
5476s | any plans for new Pinnacle bosses for |
5478s | release no not for release um that is |
5482s | something that we are looking at doing |
5483s | I've um I've been really inep personally |
5488s | with try with designing uh boss fights |
5490s | and things like that I've been just like |
5491s | just jotting them down on like in the |
5493s | evening just sitting on my phone just |
5494s | like writing down boss ideas things like |
5496s | that I've been doing a lot of uh uh |
5499s | exercises up here about it |
5502s | recently so we are we are and it's not |
5504s | just me it's lots of we have started |
5505s | working on it um but they're not uh |
5508s | there's none none for 1.0 yet |
5509s | unfortunately we really wanted to it's |
5511s | just the Polish won't be there and we |
5513s | we've got it we've it's we we hit a |
5515s | point where we're like um cutting |
5518s | features and having the features we have |
5520s | show up with with fewer bugs is is is we |
5523s | decided was better |
5533s | basically |
5536s | question hey guys will there be a bounce |
5538s | patch to with 1.0 yes we we we we bounce |
5541s | every patch |
5551s | are you playing are you playing any |
5553s | other games other than last ebot |
5554s | currently yeah I'm kind of always a |
5557s | little bit playing S6 that's sort of my |
5560s | like Mindless go-to I just slap on some |
5562s | si6 have some |
5566s | fun |
5568s | um |
5570s | lately uh I've been playing um I just |
5575s | just finished my time at |
5576s | Sandrock it's good |
5581s | um I've I've been I've been really |
5583s | getting into randomizers for uh classic |
5586s | Zelda |
5588s | games F that kick my |
5601s | butt |
5604s | um so I I've been playing like uh gotten |
5608s | quite good at Link to the Past |
5610s | randomizer and I've been playing um or |
5613s | of time randomizer |
5615s | now which I'm not very good at yet uh I |
5618s | thought I would be way better at I'm |
5619s | like die of this game inside and out no |
5621s | problem here we |
5625s | go my |
5629s | goodness trying to do it like without |
5631s | guides without without uh glitches and |
5634s | things like |
5635s | that I might I might start looking some |
5637s | some stuff up |
5642s | here uh one more or for more Q things |
5647s | like blessing system mini rework you |
5648s | guys were talking about the Gamescom |
5649s | interview do you think things like that |
5651s | can be added midcycle or you guys hold |
5653s | off uh for real changes to the game |
5655s | until cycle launches it'll be psych |
5658s | launches uh we've heard about Le aiming |
5661s | for a sweet spot between pee and D4 any |
5663s | comment on that um yeah I I don't know |
5666s | if |
5666s | [Music] |
5668s | we so it doesn't necessarily need to be |
5671s | specifically a sweet swap between D4 and |
5673s | po like if one of them were to change |
5675s | what they were going for we wouldn't be |
5677s | like all right we need to adjust so |
5678s | we're in between them still or something |
5679s | like that um but yeah the the the style |
5683s | of things that we are going for does |
5684s | land in between the two pretty |
5688s | well um and so I think I think that is a |
5692s | uh a good way to describe the the type |
5694s | of gameplay that you you should expect |
5695s | from |
5702s | us something that's maybe a little bit |
5705s | more a little bit more depth and |
5706s | complexity than than uh I was say more |
5708s | depth and complexity than Poe more depth |
5710s | and complexity than Diablo offers um and |
5715s | and a little bit |
5717s | less uh muchness than what Poe has |
5723s | not a bad way of putting |
5725s | it it's not a bad Idol it's terrible for |
5741s | us uh how huge is the listing for MTX |
5744s | stuff be in 1.0 like like uh how how |
5747s | many new MTX items are we getting in 1.0 |
5750s | it's not that big um |
5754s | there's there's a chunk of new ones that |
5757s | are sweet but it's |
5759s | uh it's it's it's not I I don't honestly |
5763s | I don't know all the items but it's not |
5764s | like there's a 100 new items that came |
5766s | or something like that like no that's |
5767s | way too many |
5771s | um we're we're kind of we're just slowly |
5773s | adding MTX to to the to to the store um |
5776s | as we make it |
5780s | um |
5783s | it's coming along it's coming |
5786s | along are you guys going to base the |
5789s | game into Seasons like Poe with |
5790s | achievements and rewards |
5796s | yeah yeah I think I think po has shown |
5799s | that |
5800s | there's um like has shown this model is |
5804s | fantastic for uh for like primarily from |
5809s | player player enjoyment standpoint |
5814s | um I think that you can you can do it in |
5817s | such a way that people just have a ton |
5819s | of new stuff to do and play with and fun |
5822s | to have um it's just kind of a win um |
5827s | you know there's there's a few little |
5828s | things that were like okay maybe we |
5831s | can't deliver on on on this aspect as |
5833s | well as they can but but hey we because |
5836s | we can do this better we'll we'll do |
5837s | that a little bit differently and so |
5839s | like it's it's not like we're um cing |
5841s | things one to one exactly but |
5844s | um they kind of Prov that the general |
5847s | style works really well and um we'll put |
5850s | her on spin on |
5856s | it please don't forget to put at last OT |
5858s | game in your question or I will scroll |
5860s | right past it uh will you be able to see |
5863s | other players in your guild hubs yes yes |
5866s | so the um in the various faction |
5870s | hubs the The Observatory and the bazaar |
5873s | uh it is they act as Town zones um so |
5877s | they they're they have uh in increased |
5880s | maximum player |
5881s | capacity and uh no skills in |
5886s | there and no enemies you can't die in |
5893s | there yes I don't think it's a way to |
5895s | kill yourself like you can't die in |
5897s | there oh but you could order DEC oh |
5898s | there's no skills you can't use skills |
5900s | in there that's what that was |
5902s | um will you be able to see other play oh |
5904s | yeah answer |
5906s | that uh how is the studio doing |
5908s | financially uh is there going to be paid |
5911s | expansions um so I I don't have uh uh |
5915s | hard hard numbers in front of me or |
5916s | anything like that |
5919s | um but I we're we're we're doing we're |
5923s | doing well we're happy with where we're |
5925s | sitting um you know we're as as a as a |
5929s | smaller game Studio like said medium |
5932s | game studio now um making this game |
5935s | things things are looking looking solid |
5937s | we're pleased with where we are you know |
5941s | other other General positive comments |
5943s | about this sort of thing |
5947s | um and um when we do when we do add more |
5951s | content to the game one of the things |
5953s | this is something we decided a long time |
5954s | ago one of the things that's really |
5955s | important to us is not to split our game |
5957s | Community Based on which expansions you |
5959s | purchased um in in the like Alla wow for |
5964s | example which which does split them |
5965s | based on that and that's that system |
5966s | works fantastic for that game MMOs are |
5969s | different beasts than arpg so I'm not |
5970s | saying that's bad or anything |
5972s | um but just the way that RPGs work in |
5975s | general it's uh we don't think that that |
5979s | style will work quite as well for us as |
5982s | a um uh like a a cyclical content |
5987s | release that is not paid so so you do |
5990s | not need to um um how do I you you don't |
5993s | need to buy like we're going to we're |
5994s | going to add supporter packs each time |
5996s | there's a cycle release um there'll be |
5998s | new ways new things to buy stuff like |
6000s | that but you don't need to buy any of it |
6003s | um the only in order to play the game |
6005s | with full access to all the features and |
6007s | every and do stuff with all your friends |
6009s | um all you have to do is buy the base |
6012s | game one time and that's |
6015s | it if your buddy has paid a million |
6018s | dollar and you've paid $35 you'll have |
6021s | the the exact same functionality quality |
6024s | of life and maximum potential for |
6027s | power as each |
6030s | other hope that was as clear and |
6032s | all-encompassing as |
6035s | possible if I miss |
6037s | anything let me |
6040s | know uh are there any |
6044s | Nur uh coming to Shadow daggers on |
6046s | release I don't know um they're still |
6050s | quite strong but they're not as you ious |
6051s | as they were before um I I try really |
6054s | hard not to comment on uh potential |
6056s | upcoming balance changes on stream uh if |
6058s | I had to guess uh if it was going to |
6060s | have any changes I would guess there |
6062s | would be some light Nerfs if I was going |
6063s | to guess on any changes but I do not |
6069s | know a lot of that stuff happens in the |
6072s | last month or |
6074s | so or basically the last month or so |
6076s | anyways so yeah well I guess it's going |
6078s | to be happening |
6080s | soon |
6094s | uh wow mik's the chats yeah sorry I'm |
6097s | bad at that I could I can here I can go |
6099s | to town and just do like a speed round |
6101s | let's do |
6107s | that uh well hope everything is going to |
6111s | go nice on release me too uh and that it |
6115s | will release as planned me to uh any |
6117s | plans for future improvements to |
6118s | controller support absolutely 1.0 will |
6120s | be coming with controller support |
6122s | improvements um we it won't end there |
6125s | one our controller is considered a |
6128s | primary um control scheme for us so we |
6131s | do intend to maintain it and you know |
6135s | it's when we're designing new things |
6137s | when we're like okay we want to add this |
6139s | um okay how is controller going to look |
6141s | with like how's that going to work with |
6142s | controller |
6144s | um oh that node won't work well with |
6146s | controller it's one node is that okay I |
6148s | don't know you know like like controller |
6150s | is an important part of the game for us |
6152s | and |
6155s | um it it will continue to be |
6170s | that |
6175s | wait was that my melee crit stats did I |
6177s | just read that I say a minion yeah I'm |
6180s | just a |
6182s | [ __ ] |
6193s | yeah oh where am |
6195s | I this is why you shouldn't stream and |
6198s | play kids no just |
6199s | kidding um |
6202s | technical thoughts on the Druid totem |
6204s | build that replaces the uh that replaces |
6207s | the healing totems as fast as possible |
6209s | to deal |
6210s | damage technical |
6213s | thoughts uh it was a pain to set up I |
6215s | remember |
6222s | that sorry I'm not sure on the question |
6224s | we ask that one plays B3 4 73 |
6228s | R better beater beater n got there |
6233s | um thank you for graciously answering |
6235s | all the questions can't wait for 1 |
6236s | point0 you're |
6237s | welcome Hope they've been good answers |
6239s | for you imagine the main twitch Channel |
6241s | not set up for twitch drops on launch I |
6243s | don't I don't know if we're going to be |
6245s | stream like you so here's the thing is |
6246s | usually we don't stream at launch |
6250s | um because we know that it it like |
6253s | because it's an official channel for it |
6254s | it attracts a lot of attention away from |
6256s | the streamers who um rely on big events |
6260s | like a launch to have like good good |
6263s | streams and and you like that's that's |
6264s | part of their revenue and stuff like |
6265s | that so usually we don't stream around |
6269s | uh times like that um or if we do it'll |
6271s | be like limited or we'll we'll warn them |
6273s | be like we're streaming here this time |
6274s | heads up um but yeah it's I I probably |
6278s | won't be streaming during twitch drops |
6280s | got to go to got to go to the good |
6281s | creators not little old |
6285s | me okay here is one when cycle is |
6287s | starting or seasons will they last for 3 |
6289s | months or four months hopefully four |
6290s | months but um we don't have a set time |
6294s | for them yet we do have we we've got a |
6296s | plan we've got like a okay like 1.1 |
6300s | we're aiming this day 1.2 we're aiming |
6302s | this day um but like what happens at 1.0 |
6306s | can change that and you know like the |
6308s | feedback we get the like all all that's |
6310s | flexible so we we don't have a set hard |
6313s | date I the only thing I will say is that |
6315s | you are roughly in and around the right |
6319s | General timing that we're going to |
6337s | OT uh how is the bug fixing going very |
6341s | well our void themed Echo is playable |
6344s | again without massive FPS drop uh yes as |
6347s | far as I |
6348s | know uh do projectiles manage to connect |
6351s | again he jealous um the there's I I |
6356s | don't know all |
6357s | the I don't know all the status of all |
6359s | the bugs |
6360s | um there's a lot of them a lot of them |
6363s | have getting fixed um I've been fixing |
6364s | some a lot of other people fixing a lot |
6366s | of other ones um it's I don't keep an |
6370s | eye a close eye on every single bug so I |
6371s | don't know I'm sorry um those are very |
6375s | big bugs and would be high on the |
6379s | list |
6384s | you can still do an no time randomizer |
6386s | every two weeks you every week you do |
6387s | multi Rand yeah i' i' i' uh i' I'd do an |
6392s | OT randomizer night or something like um |
6394s | do do a race set up with this the same |
6397s | seed across multiple uh multiple people |
6399s | and do like a race night I would so do |
6401s | that sounds like fun sign me |
6404s | up I die |
6408s | here I am not good enough to do I I will |
6411s | not I will not beat maasa like this |
6413s | there's there's just no |
6415s | way zero zero chance I need I need way |
6418s | more poison res 45 that's got to be |
6421s | that's got to be like 80 or 90 at |
6424s | least maybe even |
6434s | more that a |
6439s | bug |
6469s | that's weird it didn't tell me where |
6470s | took the point of out |
6476s | of supposed to tell me where I took the |
6478s | point out |
6479s | of should be able to figure it out |
6481s | though it's probably |
6489s | this yeah it'll be this |
6491s | [Music] |
6493s | one you can tell because it is and this |
6495s | is some ridiculous if you start at the |
6497s | top and you start actually if you start |
6499s | here if you start at about 10:30 11:00 |
6502s | and you start going uh |
6505s | counterclockwise and you look near the |
6506s | center of the node and find a high point |
6509s | value node that has that seems to be one |
6512s | shy of being full early on going |
6514s | counterclockwise from here you'll a high |
6517s | point node with one point missing is is |
6520s | likely the one that tooken out of |
6522s | that's I know that sounds so ridiculous |
6524s | and over |
6526s | but what |
6528s | happens in most of them anyways |
6533s | the reason I say counterclockwise like |
6534s | that is it's based on the order that |
6535s | they're added in the list that it's like |
6537s | just just sitting in the in the scene in |
6539s | the prefab and that's a lot of them |
6543s | that's the order that they got added |
6552s | in but looks for a high point node close |
6555s | to the |
6559s | center |
6569s | all |
6574s | right is it hard to balance all the Run |
6577s | Master possibilities |
6579s | absolutely uh will the seasonal content |
6581s | be available in offline mode yep uh what |
6584s | new features are planned after 1.0 lots |
6586s | of cool stuff I can't share them with |
6588s | you now I'm sorry focus on 1.0 |
6591s | are you guys aiming for themed Cycles |
6594s | where it has its own kind of system and |
6595s | theme all it Jazz yes or will be more |
6598s | like when remaster came out were a bunch |
6599s | of different things that aren't |
6600s | necessarily connected by a common theme |
6602s | um no it'll be it it'll like it'll be a |
6605s | bit of both at least initially they'll |
6606s | be a lot |
6608s | more like just hey this is a sweet thing |
6610s | we got to add to the game um and they'll |
6612s | get more and more focused on specific |
6614s | themes as time goes on but they will |
6616s | like we we've really been trying to like |
6618s | give them give the the the Cycles a name |
6620s | we've been doing that for a few Cycles |
6622s | now um and and we do try and drive home |
6625s | that idea of a themed |
6630s | cycle that's one of the things that that |
6632s | Poe does really |
6636s | well is there going to be a major |
6638s | rebalance of classes for 1.0 as there |
6641s | are quite some relics after introduction |
6643s | of |
6648s | resistance there quite some relics after |
6650s | introduction of resistance I think |
6651s | there's something missing there I think |
6652s | I think there's a there's a auto correct |
6654s | doesn't matter though um major balance |
6658s | uh there will be there's a bunch of |
6659s | stuff that's getting changed and |
6660s | balanced and things like that um I don't |
6662s | want |
6666s | to um I I don't want to say that that |
6668s | like specific things are going to get |
6670s | changed or not rhyme right after save |
6672s | the bounce guy now |
6674s | yes |
6677s | um there there are quite a lot of things |
6681s | um that have been changed and |
6684s | rebalanced um but I don't want to Pro |
6689s | make it seem like I'm promising that |
6690s | everything's been changed so there |
6692s | there's there's quite a lot of changes |
6693s | uh there's there there's some areas that |
6696s | are much more concentrated in changes |
6697s | like there's some skill trees that will |
6698s | have zero changes but um there are some |
6702s | that will have complete reworks you know |
6704s | that sort of thing Tempest strike will |
6707s | there be Cosmetics to Druid |
6709s | transformations yes not at 1.0 for |
6712s | example Ker's cage for white fur yeah |
6714s | would love to see some swarm blade as a |
6717s | bit electrified yeah yeah we'll be um |
6721s | there will be things like |
6723s | that uh you can see in your appearance |
6725s | tab there's down here skill Cosmetics oo |
6728s | yeah where is a skill stor blades a |
6731s | skill got to have damn Cosmetics for it |
6734s | eventually will there be any significant |
6736s | changes to campaign for enemy types |
6739s | being removed or added to make leveling |
6741s | easier or harder I've been speedr |
6743s | running so be nice know any M minor |
6746s | changes major changes any any more |
6748s | changes uh that help to Nerf the Run um |
6752s | there hasn't been huge changes to |
6755s | campaign I don't |
6757s | think uh there's been some stuff here |
6759s | and there but if anything it's gotten |
6760s | easier I |
6762s | think for for experienced players |
6769s | say |
6772s | and easier might be the wrong |
6774s | word more room for |
6781s | optimization just purchased let's go |
6784s | welcome aboard hope you have |
6785s | fun uh is a monolith or a dungeon with |
6789s | an undead or corrupted maasa as a boss |
6791s | out of the |
6793s | picture uh I |
6797s | um there are some story reasons why it |
6801s | doesn't work |
6804s | great so I I wouldn't get your hopes |
6808s | up um but at the same time like I mean |
6812s | it's a time travel game got to do what |
6815s | we |
6816s | want right |
6819s | like okay so right before maasa dies |
6823s | this this uh a corrupted player from a |
6825s | future alternate timeline um realizes |
6828s | that the only way to save his wife is to |
6831s | go back and snag maasa out of the |
6834s | timeline you know like like some that |
6836s | happens and like great we can fight her |
6837s | now |
6840s | um I guess my point being like we don't |
6843s | have any plans to and there are story |
6845s | reasons why she's not but I who |
6851s | knows it's a great boss fight and I'd |
6853s | love to have an end game version of |
6859s | it |
6866s | yes I haven't played much in a while but |
6868s | I know the last time I played it felt |
6869s | like it was pretty easy to craft all the |
6871s | aexes I needed and even with mediocre |
6873s | gear I could roll over Mo most timelines |
6875s | has scaling being adjusted or plan to be |
6877s | adjusted |
6879s | yes thank you very |
6882s | much theosis patient again welcome oh |
6885s | we've got a gift |
6887s | to O Pinger |
6891s | oper I just I see I I play too much |
6894s | magic and I see the word Pinger there |
6895s | I'm like yeah what's up |
6899s | probal |
6907s | Tim Mike is going to go |
6910s | overtime yeah I'll I'll I'll I'll stay a |
6913s | little late here we're getting real |
6914s | close to time it's supposed to end in |
6916s | five minutes I feel like I'm still |
6917s | pretty behind I'm going to just |
6921s | going bring something up that's like |
6922s | actually interesting while I |
6925s | talk got |
6927s | nothing we can look at my dude I'm I'm |
6929s | going to Rattle through some of these |
6930s | questions here just Cu uh yeah we can |
6934s | race OTR but a multi Rand yeah across |
6937s | multiple games yeah so do like a |
6939s | um oh so you might have my Megaton |
6942s | hammer and I might have your bow my okay |
6943s | yeah like we'll talk about this later |
6945s | but my God yes I'm in um is there full |
6948s | controller support yes |
6950s | uh there might be a couple things that |
6952s | don't work yet like um typing your name |
6954s | in for your character I that might be |
6955s | the last thing uh when is the arboreal |
6958s | circuit dummy getting a rework yeah the |
6960s | dummy with two Twigs is supposedly a |
6961s | tree I know it's frustrating this this |
6964s | has been such a contentious Point |
6966s | internally like you wouldn't even |
6968s | believe it's it's it's just a joke now |
6971s | it's like Jud and I will be playing and |
6972s | one of us will have the ring and that |
6975s | that dummy will spawn and immediately |
6976s | we'll just start laughing at each other |
6978s | because |
6979s | like oh yeah we do not agree on this one |
6981s | at |
6983s | all um but yeah it's something will |
6986s | happen for |
6987s | sure uh not at 1.0 I don't think though |
6991s | will we see weapon MTX at 1.0 there are |
6993s | some I think there already some out |
6994s | there I don't know if there's any |
6995s | available for individual purchase or not |
6997s | question |
7000s | mark |
7001s | [Music] |
7006s | um M no spoilers what did I spoil I'm |
7008s | sorry |
7011s | uh time traveling game you can do what |
7013s | you want where's the pink sheep |
7015s | companion or at least my dancing among |
7018s | the last uh springing |
7024s | yeah uh oh my gosh I make it to the |
7027s | end wasn't that far behind are we going |
7029s | to see a road map after the game |
7031s | launches to know what's coming in the |
7032s | future it won't be right away but uh I |
7034s | think we'll try and get a little bit |
7036s | longer term communication just a little |
7038s | bit further out |
7040s | um at some point I don't know when |
7043s | that'll happen or what it'll look like |
7044s | exactly but um 1.0 is a big milestone |
7047s | for us and we really don't want to |
7048s | detract from that at |
7051s | all |
7053s | um it's still holiday season it is still |
7056s | holiday |
7059s | season I know Jud hates it see this is |
7062s | the thing though Jud and I have |
7063s | different opinions on uh what's |
7067s | better like um |
7071s | there so it used to have used to have an |
7074s | old tree |
7075s | model um that J hat that model |
7080s | um and uh I I am of the opinion that |
7084s | that that that tree model is better than |
7086s | the |
7087s | dummy um and so like given the choice to |
7091s | the two of them I take the tree model NE |
7092s | neither of us like either of them but |
7096s | um it it was always a debate of do we do |
7098s | we keep the tree or do we |
7114s | that this is our this is our great |
7116s | internal |
7118s | turmoil that we just we just can't agree |
7120s | on this one thing that sends us over the |
7122s | edge and it's oh hey is that Spirit |
7123s | talking but |
7126s | um this just sends us over the edge we |
7128s | just we just can't see eye to eye ey on |
7130s | it and it's really putting a straight |
7134s | now uh about the totem replacement build |
7137s | question I was asking what are your |
7139s | technical thoughts in the ter in this in |
7142s | terms of lagging the level can |
7146s | it uh I I played that build with a |
7149s | minion Necromancer oh like like there |
7152s | was you were playing yeah okay you're |
7154s | saying we kind of lagged out some monos |
7158s | um so it is on purpose that it is a real |
7160s | build yes it's purposed that a real |
7162s | build will it be changed for technical |
7164s | reasons no it's |
7170s | um the it should be able to handle a |
7173s | necromancer and someone playing that |
7176s | build um I'm not sure why it |
7183s | wasn't uh when is released February 21st |
7188s | 2024 |
7191s | leaks I have no leaks this week I am |
7193s | leak free I got that duct tape and I |
7195s | wrapped it all around the ship nice and |
7197s | tight and there are no |
7202s | leaks uh please add so you can make the |
7204s | Tex in game bigger visually impaired |
7206s | nearsighted request this often current |
7208s | text is way too small yep uh we don't |
7211s | have a way of doing this yet I'm sorry |
7213s | um it is something that's needed I |
7218s | agree so obviously factions are super |
7221s | big swing in 1.0 if you notice in the |
7224s | first week that you got the balance |
7226s | wrong and one faction is overwhelmingly |
7229s | favored would you make mid cycle changes |
7231s | or hold off until next cycle um so I did |
7235s | I I just this a little bit more in depth |
7236s | earlier but yeah if if there is an |
7239s | overwhelming amount of people playing |
7241s | either of the factions |
7244s | um yeah we we'll be looking at that and |
7247s | especially in the first like especially |
7249s | in the first week um there's there's |
7252s | plenty of time to make changes in the |
7253s | first week |
7256s | um and and and I I I think we'll |
7260s | be I don't think we'll need to make any |
7263s | like major like oh my God pull the |
7266s | emergency lever type changes |
7270s | um I'm just getting demolished here but |
7273s | I do I do think that we will um I I |
7277s | think that there'll be an early hot fix |
7278s | I'm just going I think there'll be an |
7280s | early hot fix where we'll see some favor |
7282s | cost change changes so like um we'll go |
7286s | in there and be like oh the favor cost |
7289s | of buying unique items is reduced by 10% |
7293s | and the favor cost of selling legendary |
7296s | items is up 20% and the favor cost of |
7301s | uh um uh |
7305s | lenses is being dropped by 10% you know |
7308s | like like think things like that like |
7310s | like will We Will We like small |
7311s | incremental changes to favor costs is a |
7314s | really |
7316s | um uh low low uh player impact it's a |
7321s | bad way of putting it |
7322s | low um friction might be a good way of |
7325s | saying it way of um making changes to |
7328s | the relative balance between the two |
7330s | factions while |
7334s | um not not fundamentally changing things |
7336s | to the point that people are like oh you |
7337s | ruined everything and now I have to |
7339s | switch |
7340s | um so I think I think we can we can move |
7342s | that needle if especially if we're |
7343s | looking at it's like it's |
7345s | 9010 um either way that's the sort of |
7348s | thing that we'll be like okay let's |
7349s | let's make some small favor cost changes |
7352s | um let's see what that does to it um and |
7354s | you know like it's it'll take some time |
7355s | to get things settled it would have to |
7357s | be a pretty significant gap for us to to |
7360s | take action |
7362s | um at least significant action I guess |
7366s | the the response will be relative to the |
7375s | need I |
7381s | guess no leaks I didn't expect this kind |
7383s | of Torment from you sorry I guess I |
7385s | should have been upfront about that my |
7386s | bad all right last few questions here |
7388s | then going to hop off um will we have a |
7391s | better way to Target enemies with spells |
7394s | on controller we are working hard on |
7395s | this |
7397s | um I don't have any specific news for |
7399s | you yet will uh will the be an will |
7403s | there be will there be an improve to the |
7406s | res skill system in the future |
7409s | um you're saying it's it's very tedious |
7411s | to respect every single point uh like it |
7413s | is at the moment um yeah there's either |
7416s | I think there's a resp all button in |
7418s | passives I think you're talking about um |
7419s | heads up right now enter does hit that |
7422s | okay button so you can just like click |
7423s | enter click enter click enter it's way |
7425s | faster um but yeah I think I think |
7427s | there's there's either a Respec all it's |
7428s | in or about to be in we're working on |
7430s | that for |
7432s | passives uh will we will be get another |
7435s | Lore Master stream before 1.0 to help |
7437s | bring hype to the story to answer more |
7439s | questions I'd love to Kyle if you're |
7441s | around let me know do on the |
7443s | stream |
7447s | um considering I do bi-weekly runs and |
7449s | used to do weekly runs so I know most be |
7451s | running tactics and glitches I'm not |
7453s | sure a competition would be fair for a |
7454s | while yeah you would Caine would crush |
7456s | me into the ground and I'm totally fine |
7458s | with that are there going to be faction |
7460s | specific uniques like Merchants Guild |
7462s | you gain export damage um for gold you |
7465s | have um |
7467s | no um there |
7469s | [Music] |
7470s | are I think those are shared |
7474s | um |
7479s | no that's not to say that we can't or |
7481s | won't but uh there aren't any in |
7485s | 1.0 |
7488s | right |
7491s | from us and our |
7493s | Shields have a great day hope you have a |
7496s | wonderful time I hope you have lots of |
7499s | fun and you always roll the hard |
7505s | six thanks for coming out everybody hope |
7508s | you had a great time I know I did I'll |
7509s | be back same time same place next week |
7512s | we will be um hanging out doing exactly |
7516s | what we just did it' be lots of fun |
7517s | it'll be great um if you have a question |
7519s | that I did not answer I'm sorry I did |
7521s | not mean to uh we will be still |
7523s | answering questions in our Discord um |
7526s | there's also lots of great community |
7527s | members over there that are very |
7528s | knowledgeable and will answer all sorts |
7530s | of questions there too um we are quite |
7533s | active on various platforms uh Reddit |
7536s | our forums other things too I'm just |
7538s | listening to things that I do |
7541s | um yeah we'll be |
7548s | back |
7550s | find someone to say hi |
7557s | to oh Dre's been around forever let's go |
7560s | say hi to |
7575s | dread all right we'll see you next week |
7577s | everybody have a great time |