over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Last Epoch is currently in Phase 2 of our Early Access Forecast.

In anticipation of several of Phase 3 entries, we have been rewriting the items backend. Today we’d like to show you some of the improvements this work has facilitated!

The below images are previews of works in progress which are still being iterated on.

Table of Contents
1. Making Stash Tabs Searchable
2. Sorting Items in Stash Tabs
3. Updating 2d Art Backgrounds
4. Inventory Window Improvements
5. Level Requirement Indicator
6. Gold Cost Indicator
7. Ring Quality of Life Fix

In an upcoming update, we will be adding a search bar to your stash so that you either look for items with specific affixes or search for particular unique items.


Sorting Items in Stash Tabs

We’re also making it possible to sort the items stored within a stash tab. This groups the items together so that as much space as possible is made available for other items.



Updating 2d Art Backgrounds

Equipment has 2d art which is displayed over a background, which is coloured to reflect the rarity of that item. As the backgrounds for equipment 2d art are beginning to look a little dated, we will be updating these in the near future.

Below you can find examples of a unique item, a magic item with fewer than three affixes, and a magic item with more than two affixes. (Last Epoch does not have a distinct ‘rare’ rarity.)


Inventory Window Improvements

Continuing our steady user interface updates, Patch 0.7.5 will improve the inventory window. While we’re not yet ready to show off everything, we have prepared a sneak peek;

inventory_teaser.png772×674 224 KB


Level Requirement Indicator

Items in your inventory or stash with an unsatisfied level requirement will be marked with an X to show that they are not yet usable. The combination of this, and the ability to search stash tabs, should result in finding appropriate items on alts much more convenient.


Gold Cost Indicator

Items in a shop window will be given a red tint if you cannot currently afford to purchase them. We have this functionality implemented, and are currently iterating on its appearance.


Ring Quality of Life Fix

When right-clicking on a ring to equip it, it will be possible to use a modifier key to equip it in your second ring slot. We’re currently using the Ctrl key for this, although that is non-final.


over 5 years ago - Mox - Direct link

This is definitely on our radar, Rasdan. Hopefully we’ll have time to address it before this next patch. Thanks for the feedback