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  1. I will never optimize my gear to 95%++ for perfect afixes ever.
  2. I will have enough favour+gold to buy what I'm missing, or close enough to craft the rest on top of it.
  3. even with the circle of fortune, you will still need luck to get what you need, and you will have to go through double the items as well - I don't have time.
  4. I can sell irrelevant good drops, and use incremental gold gains to buy what's missing.
  5. the circle of fortune doesn't have a mechanism, for you to work incrementaly towards your next upgrade. Remember: with trading, 1000 gold is a small % of your next LP item.
  6. Most drops won't be affected by the Merchant Guild, thus if I decide to switch factions later, I will have some starting gear at high level to farm with and bootstrap a second gear set. The opposite is much harder.

This assumes that the market will be healthy, will include bootstrap items and a sub selection of not-perfect items, and that they won't require a fortune to buy.

This will be interesting!

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about 1 year ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by whiskey_the_spider

Eh. Honestly both choices seems interesting. I'm a casual myself and while I see the appeal of playing the market minigame I feel like it's just more satisfying to drop something you can USE instead of just seeing everything as trade value.

Also if i'm not wrong LE doesn't have smart loot so dropping something interesting for another class can always be a reason to roll another character to try something different

if i'm not wrong LE doesn't have smart loot

It does have smart loot for some types of items, but it's definitely less exaggerated than it is in some other ARPGs. You'll still get lots of items that are good for other classes.

There is no smart loot at all for uniques or set items.