almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
3s everybody and welcome back to another
5s last Epoch Dev stream
7s as always
9s I'm your host Mike
11s hello there I am look at me
13s hanging out playing some last Epoch
16s having a good time
18s we're just enjoying our Friday
21s we're starting off a new character
24s I uh
27s you play my rogue a bunch on stream and
29s I figured you know what let's uh
31s let's mix it up a bit let's start a sork
37s I'll probably do
38s um a bunch of leveling process offline
42s go off stream but you know if you're
45s gonna just just start things off right
46s away with this today
49s this is your first time here welcome
51s thanks for joining us
53s and one of the senior developers on this
55s game that I'm playing right now and uh
57s I'm here to answer your questions we
59s always stream for charity boom there's a
61s charity of the month above my head all
63s the proceeds of everything go from the
64s stream go to that
67s um yeah
69s if you have any questions please put
70s that last Epoch game in the question so
72s I see it
73s a little quicker and a little clearer
75s and I'll be happy to answer it
77s um I do see we we're starting off with a
79s question right away
82s it's a doozy
84s thank you
86s um yeah so the question here is knowing
88s that this probably cannot be answered I
91s was talked
92s I was told that the new content will
95s follow the 0.08 X speed about three to
98s four months intervals I think that's
100s what it was but I mean
102s roughly in that range whatever that
104s range was greetings
107s um
111s uh and and the leak uh Target release
114s date at the end of the year yeah there
115s was there was a a leak on chat that
118s someone said something to that effect
119s that was that was the goal
122s uh would give three content updates
125s um if it was right at the end of the
127s year it would
129s it was right at the very end of the year
142s uh the closest
144s uh I think
146s because we did April 9th was the was the
148s patch right
150s or was it March it was March oh yeah I
152s guess I guess it could be like right at
154s the end of the year and and there'd be
156s that many yeah
158s uh could you share uh are the expected
161s contents
163s or if the content for those updates have
166s some definitions internally yeah I mean
168s so we do have yes we we have a list of
171s hey these are the things we want to get
173s into the next patch
174s um and here are the things that we have
176s to absolutely have by 1.0 and here are
178s the things that we'd like to get in as
179s soon as possible
181s um if we got time
185s um so we we kind of have definitions for
189s uh what that means and I know I only
191s mentioned one patch in between now 1.0
194s but that's just because we're not 100
196s sure how many patches is going to be yet
198s even
200s um
203s so please don't uh
205s please don't read into that too much
206s because I don't even know how many
208s patches it's gonna be between now and
209s 1.0
211s um
215s gotta get elemental Nova come on
219s so close
227s uh yeah so so that's that's
230s um
231s it's the closest I can come to giving
233s you a real answer for that
239s oh element to love is not three anymore
240s what
242s I need that
246s any plans on adding trading soon if you
249s reference The Forum post there's some
251s item factions announcement that came a
253s little while ago uh that has the details
255s on what we're looking at for trading
259s um
261s so if you want details of what that's
262s going to look like that's where you
263s should go to see that as for the time
265s frame for that we don't have a set time
267s frame yet I'm sorry
271s all right what is the design philosophy
274s around having all dots be stackable
277s um so you have to spam them to do damage
279s just feels like playing a hit build
282s um well not all dots uh are stackable
285s and uh not all stackable dots are
287s infinitely stackable
289s um the
291s the core
293s I guess
295s the core damage dots that most people
297s rely on for damage so ignite bleed
300s poison
302s um and and that ill yes those are
304s infinitely stackable
307s um I I guess I'd be curious to know what
309s the alternative would be
311s right like
315s if if you're like what's the difference
317s in
319s um having 200 chance to apply in one
322s ignite or like 200 200 chance to apply
325s at night it's a 100 chance to apply two
327s ignites or
329s um 100 chance to apply double damage in
331s good night like what's the difference
332s really right
334s except one of them has a bigger number
337s that shows up at the top of the screen
355s foreign
373s yeah I guess that's that's what I was I
375s was trying to figure out the how long it
377s had been since the last patch
380s to figure out where it could land if we
382s were like as tight to the ground as
384s possible
395s uh hey you mentioned there it is
399s oh there's another level give me some
400s AOE please
402s I could just do chain lightning
411s let's go down get chains
415s uh he mentioned a few weeks ago that
417s Tempest strike is having a general
418s fantasy change
420s um no sorry I I meant that the I don't
423s know if I said fantasy the the fantasy
425s uh I I I want to keep the same but the
430s um
431s uh
432s uh the purpose the the functionality
435s slot the
437s um the role it plays in your build will
440s be changing is the primary thing
442s um
443s and I don't really have any more info
445s other than that it's going to become a
448s more
449s um it's going to become a stronger
451s ability like a slower heavier hitting
454s ability than it is now
458s Dario got that two-year resub was that
461s our first two year
463s that might have been our first two year
470s if that's our first year congrats woohoo
472s that's great
476s that's very cool
479s I don't know if it is or not oh
484s either way thank you congrats
487s it's a big big number all right
490s I'm sure there's been answering multiple
492s times that's all right happy to answer
493s it again
494s um but will the online mode characters
496s carry over into release I guess this has
498s been answered quite a few times but the
500s um so we don't plan to do any deleting
504s any any characterizations anything like
506s that
507s um we're gonna be
509s uh we're going to be
511s probably
513s um
516s uh let's go starting a cycle starting a
519s few seconds oh apparently I'm tired
520s today I'm starting a new cycle
522s um
523s at 1.0 launch so there will be like a
526s new ladder
527s um and new content dropping obviously at
529s the same time
530s um for everyone and uh so like the
533s characters you have currently
534s um won't be able to play in the
536s competitive environment of the latter
538s but will still be playable with all the
540s same content and everything so so
542s um it depends how intrinsic you feel
545s being able to have the character on the
547s ladder is to the
550s um ability to play or not like like so
553s some people would argue that
555s um
556s just having a new ladder start means
558s that you're deleting all the old
559s characters we'd be moving them to a
561s standard environment
563s um
564s to borrow the term from Boe but it would
566s be
567s it's hard to Define some of these things
569s because in some people's eyes that just
570s means you're deleting the characters but
572s we're not actually going to delete
573s delete the characters if that makes any
575s sense I'll still be playable functional
576s all sort of stuff
578s unless there's some horrible thing that
580s goes wrong we have to delete them to
581s save a major bug from happening
584s um hopefully hopefully not
589s you know one melee snack in there gotta
591s get it in there you know
595s um
598s will you be adding seasonal mechanics if
600s so will they remain in the game after
601s the season is over uh yes we will be
603s adding seasonal mechanics and we do plan
604s to leave them in the game after the
606s season is over especially at the start
608s um so this is one of those things that
609s like this might change as we get into
613s um
614s like a couple years from now that sort
615s of thing
617s um but the the primary uh mechanics that
620s are happening
622s in the seat like seasonal mechanics that
624s are launching cycle mechanics that are
625s launching are designed to be integrated
627s directly into the entire game right away
629s um and this is this a lot of this has to
631s do with
632s um with just us wanting to expand the
636s core content of the game more uh one
638s point I was uh kind of a kickoff point
639s of where we feel the game is like here's
642s a full experience that we've created
643s here's like a full game that someone can
645s pick up and play and if they finish it
646s awesome
648s um but that doesn't mean we're done with
649s it that means that we are we're we're
651s pleased with the with the framework
653s we've created and we're ready to start
655s adding more and more content for a long
656s time to come and uh especially early on
659s there's a lot of things that we we
661s really want to have part of that one
662s point of launch like if I could wave a
663s magic wand I'd add another 80 features
665s to one point out you know but there's
667s just not enough time for that
670s um so we've we've gotta we've gotta take
672s some time especially in the early Cycles
674s to be adding uh content that we really
677s expect to stay long term but it is
680s possible that
681s um after a little while maybe we start
682s experimenting with features that maybe
684s aren't permanently always there so it's
686s it's sort of a very long-term thing
688s maybe not but at least initially yeah
694s all right hello
697s I hope you're doing good today oh thanks
699s I hope you did a good thing too
701s um since you threw the old remaster idea
703s in in the bin uh did the design team
705s already sketched the principal uh of
708s this new master yes we do have quite a
711s bit of stuff for it already
714s we've been working on it
718s putting all sorts of stuff for it it's
720s it's it's getting there it's gonna be
722s sweet
723s we're gonna move this to here because I
725s don't want to press that button as much
727s and I'm gonna move this to here
730s yeah whatever
734s okay
735s um
736s yeah we do we got lots of stuff for it
739s we're um
741s I actually was was looking at some
744s prototypes for some of the skills
745s yesterday it looked pretty sweet
754s foreign
758s very sad we went won't have uh buff
762s debuff spells with Golem summon on the
765s sad uh but I'm happy the Mage got a
767s third Master nonetheless the
772s it's gonna be cool don't worry
776s don't worry
781s from the streams there's an idea that
784s each class will handle interact with
786s minions in a unique way
789s I act like sacrifices and does care
791s about minions
793s uh promise cares a lot if the minion
796s lives that and all the Minions are
797s extensions of their equipment yes would
799s this be an uh the ideas for mage and
802s Rogue minions will Falconer be the only
803s minion on the road I mean so the Falcon
805s already has minions
807s um
808s well I'm Indian really so uh ballista is
811s already a falconer uh Rogue minion
815s it most well synergizes with the prime
818s or prime list I'm sorry with the
820s Marksman
822s um
824s and the falconer will uh it's it's it's
828s not really a standard minion
830s uh in the sense of how most minions like
833s if you were to if you were to gather all
835s of the collective features of every
837s single Minion in the game currently
840s um and we're like okay what do all these
842s things share in common there'd be
844s something that they all share in common
845s that the falconer doesn't have the
847s Falcon doesn't have
849s um
850s so it's it's a little different than the
852s other minions in the game but it's it's
854s it's it's definitely a
857s um you'll be able to scale your damage
859s with minion damage still
861s if you want you don't have to but if you
863s want that was a bad snap freeze
869s um and mate major Mage uh minions are
874s um
875s few and far between if any right now
877s there's
878s um teleport has near images
881s um
885s I think that's it
896s yeah I think that's it
902s all right the alternative to stackable
905s dots would be a different play style
907s where you can be more mobile but also
911s have to do lower actions per minute for
912s people who each of their hands play Poe
916s um so this is back to the the dot
918s question we had a little while ago what
919s does that look like how do those
920s abilities work I don't I don't think
921s there's a clear distinction for the core
924s of how those abilities function
927s um
929s like like unless there's
933s unless it's a channeled ability so yeah
934s like disintegrate there's there's
936s there's a DOT that uh that does that
940s Warpath
942s channel channel dots I think that's the
944s the answer there
946s please let's put a spell enough look
947s there's there's something that's either
949s is that not get pushed out
952s Uber attack
957s thought this was working
960s foreign
966s definitely can do it
968s magic I did it for you no problem
972s uh all right how is the new set item
975s mechanic testing going hasn't even been
976s started yet we've we've got a a note
979s from a meeting saying like oh yeah we're
981s gonna try that we're gonna we'll set
982s that up eventually
986s no one has started on it yet
990s please don't forget to put at last Epoch
991s gaming your questions so I see the
993s question
995s how tall am I in bananas depends how big
998s the bananas are so like
1000s anywhere from like one to a thousand
1002s really
1006s okay because I hate having that there
1027s oh all righty then uh question here will
1032s you plan to change the respect system
1033s for the skills no uh wouldn't it benefit
1036s the game if you can respect skills for
1038s free instead of leveling again nope
1040s because right now I have to level all
1041s the time I want to switch builds yes
1045s uh any plan on releasing a roadmap for
1048s 1.0 release announcement
1050s um I'd really like to get something a
1051s little bit more uh transparent
1055s um pushed out we don't have anything
1057s specific prepped at the moment
1060s um
1062s but I I think once we have it I think
1065s once we're a little more solid on when
1068s that's gonna happen what's going in for
1070s it and like even just how many patches
1072s are between now and launch
1074s um
1075s it'll it'll be more likely that we could
1078s add something like that
1097s about the minion I was wondering more
1099s what is the design concept for Minion
1101s the Mage and Rogue class what makes them
1103s unique to the classes well I mean Mage
1105s doesn't really have me and so that's
1107s what's unique to Mage class
1110s um and Rogue is also very light on
1113s minions
1114s um and the one primary meaning that it
1116s is going to get the Falcon is like I
1119s can't I can't really say this because
1120s it's it's not
1122s us I'm already quite share yet on
1124s exactly how it's gonna work but the the
1126s way the Falcon works is it's
1129s um
1133s I I I don't I don't know if I how in
1135s depth I can go to how the Falcon's
1137s actually gonna work it's gonna feel
1138s different than most other minions
1141s um it's gonna be mechanically unique
1149s you'll have more granular control over
1152s the Falcon than you do other minions
1156s there's there's the there's the
1157s headliner there
1162s uh all right will Rune Master have any
1165s defense nodes
1168s um or skills yes it's about those
1171s questions sork feels impossible to
1174s survive at higher corruption regardless
1175s of build well I it's funny because I
1177s frequently get feedback that there's a
1179s specific note on sork that is a
1182s defensive node which is completely
1183s overpowered right now
1185s so check it out
1191s of the bound books
1207s sucks
1221s you sir are a jerk face
1225s that's right I went there
1227s all right I'm constantly seeing people
1229s especially on Reddit suggesting things
1230s you've already said you have planned or
1233s will not do
1234s um I'd like to see an updated roadmap or
1236s something that we can point people
1237s towards yeah it's it's hard because
1239s there's
1240s um
1242s with with the things we've said we won't
1244s do we're not going to put things we said
1245s we won't do on a roadmap like
1247s um
1248s like just just just like we're not gonna
1251s do these four things type thing
1254s um that's not the sort of stuff we're
1255s looking to put on a roadmap really
1258s if we were to do it
1260s um but I do I do think
1262s a roadmap is a really good tool I do
1263s agree the road map is a really good tool
1265s for it especially
1266s um new players who aren't or maybe even
1268s returning players just people who aren't
1269s sitting and reading everything every day
1272s that sort of stuff
1273s um
1275s like a One-Stop shop infographic where
1278s they can get the up-to-date information
1279s on what's relevant for them and and and
1281s and looking at it that way it is is
1283s really useful tool
1286s give me that
1289s uh
1303s this mini map spot needs something that
1306s shows it's blocked
1308s because like every every time I see
1311s people they come up here and they
1313s start to like because it's it's showing
1315s the map for this bridge but it looks
1317s like it's showing you that like hey you
1318s can go in this door but like the doorway
1320s is this here
1322s not this year and it's just like it's
1325s just confusing to people
1327s see it all the time
1335s glacier
1338s I mean that'll be the trick won't it
1342s fools
1343s fools
1362s well I'm the fool because I've made
1363s lightning blast not free to cast so I
1365s can't use all of them that's uh mic
1368s mistake
1370s uh
1371s I'm the one percent of players who
1373s prefer playing with a controller versus
1374s buzzing keyboard I think it's more than
1376s one percent
1379s um but yeah that's fine uh any plans on
1381s enhancing controls but yeah we'll we'll
1383s have proper full controller support by
1384s the time we launch
1387s what brings you here
1396s damage bye
1401s vitalities are nice
1407s uh any hint at Future dungeon mechanics
1410s words no there's nothing nothing we
1412s don't have any dungeon mechanics
1415s um dungeons specifically in the pipe
1416s right now
1417s um so it's nothing that's like
1419s um
1420s like coming soon or anything like that
1422s in the dungeon category
1426s um so not much to share there
1435s yeah otherwise
1439s I'll be in trouble
1453s what's this oh what's this
1458s oh what's this
1465s okay
1468s uh yep
1472s foreign
1489s there we go
1491s there's some boots for us
1502s all right next question
1503s uh when you introduced me to the game
1508s uh for all the hardcore players they've
1509s called me
1510s and they're bugging me about it so many
1512s plans to have uh as an active part of
1514s the game
1522s when you introduce me to the game
1529s when for all HC players they have called
1533s me and are bugging me about it
1536s so any plans to have an have as an
1539s active part of the game
1544s I'm gonna figure this one out
1545s it's like it's like a puzzle
1553s all the names log out macro oh my gosh
1556s and even look at the name okay I got it
1557s yes I'm with you I'm with you I
1559s understand
1561s um
1562s uh
1564s there's there's there's nothing on the
1566s books to change the way it is now
1568s um
1569s I mean part part of playing and hardcore
1571s is not getting yourself into situations
1573s like that you need that you know like
1575s you bite off more than you can chew and
1577s you pay for it right isn't that isn't
1578s that what it is
1585s I like it feels it feels kinda
1589s um
1590s I don't know missing them missing the
1591s point if the most powerful defensive
1593s mechanic you have in your Arsenal is
1595s Alta IV
1596s and maybe I'm just completely wildly off
1599s base there because I haven't played
1600s hardcore in a few years
1602s um
1603s I used to play some D2 hardcore not much
1607s um
1619s that's right here so I can get in the
1621s back if I need it
1638s yep there we go all right
1643s go on I'll be right behind you
1648s um how long it took me to get
1656s okay without my text sounding like I'm
1657s drunk do you have any plans to add an
1659s active version of me to the in the game
1660s so the next thing I just like didn't
1662s move on
1664s did sound a little like you were drunk
1668s all right
1671s uh any Shaman rework Jesus no sorry cut
1674s nothing like that for you
1678s please drink lots of water everybody
1695s I love this so like urza spelled with a
1698s u which is a whole other story the um
1702s Laura Master just had no idea this was a
1704s thing when he was making this character
1705s at all and I I hadn't seen it written
1707s for a long time so he just kept calling
1708s it urza and I'm a huge magic player so
1711s like oh there's something in my eye
1714s oh
1716s um
1719s so the characters are pretty different
1720s like urza in magic I mean they've both
1723s got a dark side here as well but he's
1725s kind of a bad dude in Magic he's a good
1727s guy but he's kind of a bad dude
1730s um and here he's like a boogie
1738s like you got the Gambler being like
1740s overhearing you and
1751s all right
1753s uh it increases work yes I'm aware
1756s uh word is the
1758s paper armor yeah
1761s 10K plus boards 31 shot
1764s I mean
1766s words fantastic like I don't understand
1768s how Ward doesn't help protect you
1770s against one shots
1776s we're just we're just loading up on
1778s health and Mana here we need lots of
1779s both
1783s uh thanks for the replies and by the way
1787s really enjoying new icons of skeletons
1788s looking at Dappers yeah I do like I
1791s really like guns
1794s we need The Ledger because the um these
1797s gloves are so nice to level with that
1799s you get from uh from Erza so nice to
1801s level with if you're playing an
1802s elemental based character
1805s just wonderful
1836s Ryan come on
1847s [Music]
1850s better no matter what isn't it yeah it'd
1852s be fine
1853s these things
1862s oh hello hello
1864s and hope you have a right now nice
1868s Friday night I was wondering if you have
1870s ever had some sort of potion radius
1872s pickup on affix's org here
1876s uh this will help a lot for some builds
1878s so you don't have to run around and try
1879s and run over them
1880s um so they they all have a radius that
1882s you can pick them up from it's pretty
1884s short
1886s um
1887s Auto if you're asking for auto pickup no
1894s uh coming from Poe whether it be a any
1896s big Pinnacle bosses like Cirrus or Maven
1899s uh yes loving the game smart yeah yeah
1904s you know it
1909s this is there
1911s just like negative Mana just want to
1914s drop this back down
1924s yeah I think we kind of just got to go
1925s there
1927s oh we'll go here first
1929s just because those additional chains are
1930s really nice
1933s we're actually Gonna Leave This Way
1951s uh with respect to the road map question
1953s maybe something like a Dev philosophy
1956s post or FAQ I mean there is an FAQ that
1958s has a ton of stuff in it and I would say
1960s 80 of the questions that get asked are
1962s answered in the FAQ so that's already
1964s there
1969s uh and it's not hidden like it's
1970s exclamation mark FAQ on like every
1972s platform
1973s um even in here it'll post it'll link
1975s you to it
1977s um
1978s I think it's the top post on Reddit you
1981s know like there's
1982s people don't really have figures never
1984s have never will
1995s uh any plans to add secret hidden areas
1999s or chests to existing uh future and
2001s future tile sets somebody groomed on
2004s um
2005s so like there there are a ton of secret
2008s hidden areas in the game already so
2011s yeah it's there
2012s um and we'll probably be adding more of
2013s them I know the level the lead level
2015s Center loves to add things like that
2019s um I didn't put those on whoops
2023s I know I know he loves to add things
2024s like that so yeah I I there'll be more
2027s I'm sure
2037s I love that uh fracturing
2040s mod
2041s big fan
2043s uh I think this is the right choice to
2046s should I I mean I could do something
2048s with Glacier but we're gonna need this
2050s at some point I'll probably switch that
2051s for teleport when it gets unlocked real
2053s soon
2056s oh
2061s there's that up all right sweet
2066s come on
2067s learning through I want this shrine
2072s Man origin CDR
2078s ome
2084s fools fools
2092s you know what we're gonna do here
2108s I started playing on a test
2111s that we did recently
2115s yeah let's
2117s sure
2119s yeah all right
2122s yeah
2125s uh-huh
2129s Big Ups right
2135s all right yeah yeah there's lots of
2137s secret Canarios in the game
2139s um
2142s I would I would I would take a if you
2143s haven't seen a bunch already I would
2145s take a little closer look around and see
2146s what see what's there
2148s uh any information on metrics of which
2151s class Mastery is played the most which
2153s skills are used the most are things that
2154s you can share no I don't have anything
2156s like that I'm sorry
2157s sorry
2160s I I don't even know what this isn't to
2163s like
2163s um oh yes I've got these numbers right
2165s here I don't want to tell you it's I I
2167s do not know where those numbers are if
2168s they exist
2176s judging from how polls go and what I see
2180s talked about a lot
2182s um I would suggest that
2185s um acolytes and Rogue are probably the
2187s top two played classes with Sentinel
2189s being a close third
2191s I think
2201s there are quite a few problems as well I
2204s think Mage is the lowest right now I
2206s could be wrong about all that though
2207s that's that's that's Mike's metrics
2212s mic tricks
2215s um I think he plans to add a map icon
2217s for example drops like unique and set
2219s speed for me kind of slows without
2221s um
2222s there's there's kind of a bigger
2224s solution required here I think um as
2226s like just a
2228s um
2230s an upgrade to
2233s the uh the loot filter system in general
2236s that probably needs to have
2238s um more more options when it comes to
2242s um
2245s more options when it comes to
2247s mini map icons in general I think
2250s there's probably room for having some
2251s customization there we don't have
2253s anything planned at the moment
2257s um but something something has got to be
2258s done with that because yeah there's
2259s there's a few features that are kind of
2261s missing there
2262s um
2264s that we'd like to get in if we can
2276s oh
2279s I thought it was closer than he was
2282s embarrassing
2284s good there
2286s foreign
2293s s for servers in South America there are
2296s lots there already I tried to play the
2298s game last week and got put into a US
2299s plus server yes uh one second delay
2302s between the attack animation input
2303s arrows actually firing it was unplayable
2305s yeah so there's
2307s um
2308s right now there's no manual server
2310s selection we are planning on adding
2312s manual server selection I know someone's
2313s working out right now
2315s um
2318s once that's in you'll be able to pick
2321s where your server which server you're
2322s connected to so it won't be a problem
2325s right now what it's doing is it is
2327s actively
2330s um polling each server region when you
2333s first connect
2334s um and and putting you in the server
2337s region that is has the lowest ping from
2339s that polling session
2341s um now you might say well that's insane
2342s obviously South American servers will
2344s have a lower ping because I'm in South
2346s America
2348s um there might there must be a bug there
2349s well kinda
2352s um
2353s turns out the type of polling that we
2355s were using
2357s um
2357s can be frequently speaking speaking of
2361s uh
2362s hidden areas
2363s there you go
2366s that's lucky
2369s that's that is not guaranteed to happen
2370s by the way at all
2373s um that's funny though
2376s and uh oh Sultans are Shrine there the
2380s so the the polling happens
2382s um and we look at the polling results
2384s like the Ping it pings all the servers
2386s and
2388s um we take them with the lowest Penguins
2389s set you there now
2391s um we've we have extensively checked
2395s this and it is in every case correctly
2399s placing you in the server that Returns
2401s the lowest ping uh in that check
2405s um
2406s now the problem is that the type of ping
2408s check that it's doing
2410s uh there are many
2412s uh situations where that type of traffic
2414s can be
2416s um basically de-prioritized and
2420s um in some cases you'll you'll have some
2423s of those checks happening uh
2426s keeping you significantly worse results
2429s than is real because they're just
2432s not happening as fast as they can
2435s um
2439s so this results in people sometimes
2441s getting put into consistently getting
2443s put into the wrong server region
2447s so yeah we're we're we're we're changing
2450s the way that the polling happens to
2452s automatically pick which sub-region you
2453s should be going into and at the same
2456s time we're also adding in a manual
2459s server selection so even if it does put
2460s you in the wrong one you'll be fine
2465s are you guys adding more in-game content
2467s or just working on characters with mono
2469s changes with monos
2470s um so the for 1.0 there won't be any
2475s um like
2477s new category of endgame system so what I
2481s mean that like they're like I would say
2482s uh dungeons are a category of ending
2484s system monoliths are a category of end
2486s game systems the arena is a category of
2488s in-game system there won't be a fourth
2490s category of in-game systems at 1.0 we do
2494s have plans for more categories of immune
2496s systems coming
2498s um
2499s like post post 1.0 but for 1.0
2503s um
2504s if you've never read that pop-up by the
2505s way you should you should stop and read
2506s it there's actually good information
2507s there if you're if you're a new player
2511s um
2513s teleport yeah okay I'm just gonna
2516s Boop
2520s don't go this way
2524s I love teleport you said dude
2531s some good stuff
2538s that's the good stuff
2545s yeah come join me in this boss fight
2547s guys more the merrier right
2565s okay next question
2569s oh yeah um I I also would suggest that
2573s um a really high quality change a a a
2576s small a low volume high quality change
2579s could be
2581s um
2582s more
2585s um cost effective in the uh
2590s time to uh in general enjoyment and
2594s increase
2596s um
2601s uh available like it was just like a
2604s change to the models could have a bigger
2606s impact on the overall quality of the
2608s monos and the in-game systems in general
2610s than adding in a new system would
2615s because there are some there's the
2617s models are great they've got some issues
2621s be clear we're well where they've got
2623s some issues
2629s all right what Cube recipe do you need
2632s to summon the Judd leagues
2635s um
2639s what is it uh a ruby and am a rare
2644s or a magic amulets
2650s no it's sorry gloves am
2654s Ruby
2655s jewel is that blood gloves
2665s might be an art room
2673s you guys don't like my leaks my leaks
2674s are good too come on
2681s question check can I try this game yeah
2684s um it is available on Steam right now
2688s uh will the steam deck be verified at
2690s some point
2691s um I I think it's very likely that we
2693s will look to have official steam deck
2695s support at some point
2697s um
2699s it's it's not a 1.0 priority for us
2703s um I do know that there are lots of
2704s people
2706s um
2707s that have been playing with steam Deck
2708s with surprising success already
2710s considering we've done literally nothing
2712s for it at all
2715s um
2717s but yeah it's it's still
2720s it's still one of those like it's an
2721s extra platform we don't have time to be
2723s uh adding an extra platform to our
2725s testing regimen as we're making uh patch
2727s releases things like that but it will be
2731s um
2733s I think a popular platform going forward
2737s and so I'd like to see I'd like to see
2739s more
2740s um more support for it in general
2747s on a previous stream uh oh it's never
2750s good when this question starts that way
2751s uh you mentioned a Dev holding or having
2753s a good idea for a way to change Tempest
2755s strike are you moving forward with
2757s reworking the skill uh and its tree
2761s um it it's we have decided that we will
2765s move forward with that change
2768s um to it however
2770s um we do not have a uh it's it's not in
2774s the list of
2776s um
2777s next things that are being worked on for
2779s skills the current skill focus is on
2782s masteries
2790s uh Affinity slash artifact construct
2792s character confirmed for the future
2797s is that unless you want to talk about
2799s herza
2804s uh Magic Erza and epochers are the
2807s differences and or the similarities
2809s pretty well end at the
2812s um
2813s uh the way you pronounce their names
2820s real similarities in
2830s let's just go
2836s uh crazy idea here will the falconer
2838s control will the falconer control the
2839s Falcon using potions food streets uh
2843s that's a cool idea no
2847s uh last week you weren't sure but are
2850s the one or the chapter 103 we were
2851s coming next patched
2853s um
2855s uh I don't know I don't think it's one
2858s to three
2862s [Music]
2864s I think the initial batch is just just
2865s just chapter one but I could be wrong on
2867s that
2868s oh yeah
2894s I I I don't know I think there's
2895s something
2897s coming soon honestly I haven't seen it
2899s so I don't know
2905s but I know it was like on the maybe list
2907s for 0.90 anyways for a long time so
2911s um I feel like it's got to be getting
2913s close you know
2921s oh apparently that counts as in the lava
2923s that's still in the lava
2936s uh sorry this is a common repeat that's
2939s okay but is there any kind of timeline
2941s on revealing what the new mask what the
2943s new Mastery classes
2945s um well the new the new master classes
2947s are the falconer Warlock and Rune master
2953s um
2955s like like details on on like what
2958s abilities are gonna get and things like
2959s that no I don't know the timeline on
2960s that sorry
2972s I like you'll probably see details on
2975s that like leading up to 1.0 like because
2978s that's that's some pretty that's that's
2980s some hype content you know like that
2982s sort of those details on like exactly
2984s what's gonna be showing up and
2986s um like skill names and
2989s um
2991s you know like like like node previews
2993s and things like that will probably be a
2995s little bit closer to 1.0
3004s this way to pick up this so we can still
3006s use it when out of Mana
3016s oh my goodness crafting what's that
3026s lightning damage yes yes
3035s nothing
3041s that lightning deeps
3045s and oh cat speed
3051s which is awful
3058s belly damage sure let's just slap some
3061s of that on there
3064s all right
3069s disintegrate
3095s turn itself pretty quick
3099s all right
3101s I know this has been asked a lot but
3103s don't remember the answer is there any
3105s plans on uh change how to get idle slots
3108s in the 15 passive points for all the
3110s characters no uh and anyway to skip the
3112s story and go direct to me in game like
3114s the other dimension mode no
3116s um we do like we're gonna be
3119s um adding more dungeons as time goes on
3122s um that will allow you to skip chunks of
3124s the campaign easier
3125s um you can also just get into a party
3129s with someone and they'll take you to end
3130s game and there you go skip the end game
3132s done
3133s um
3134s the
3139s other part of the question
3143s yeah pass the points and the idle slots
3145s do we don't we don't have plans to
3147s change it that's unlocked oh yeah we do
3149s we do want to change a little bit how
3151s the uh the dungeons work especially at
3154s like low levels and early early uh
3156s versions of them so that you can use
3158s them more as a skip easier because every
3160s dungeon is a campaign skip as well
3163s um for a good chunk of the campaign like
3165s a couple chapters uh and then there's
3167s also
3169s um
3172s uh we also want we'll be adding more
3173s dungeons as well so you'll be able to
3175s like skip through the campaign if you're
3177s very experienced with like you're just
3179s like a really experienced player being
3180s able to jump through the campaign a lot
3182s faster
3183s um using dungeons
3187s so that experience will be better
3188s overall I think
3190s uh can you please add a clock with the
3192s locals this time in the top right corner
3194s yeah it was there and it vanished and
3196s it's it's I'm sure it's on someone's
3197s list to add back in
3198s it's there an offline
3201s uh hello what about the forge guard bug
3204s missing Quest objected the boss not
3205s spawn in monos uh if you've got any
3208s um questions or about bugs or reports
3211s you want to make about bugs please put
3212s those on the forums and you can check to
3214s see other people's experiences with them
3216s there as well
3217s I have no information regarding bugs or
3220s the status they're in
3225s it's the wrong way
3231s are there any updates coming it'll be
3234s easier to understand and see damage
3235s numbers for example pure damage instead
3237s of DBS or better minion damage
3238s representation
3240s um the the damaged tool tips are that
3243s they're I agree they're not fantastic
3245s um it's a pretty low priority thing for
3246s us right now to be I'm doing significant
3249s updates to that uh minions still need to
3251s have some sort of
3254s you know information there because right
3255s now it's basically just nothing
3257s which is not great
3260s I'd put that in the long-term goal
3261s category
3264s are there any uh is there any plan in
3267s the future to have search reward option
3269s for Echoes we
3271s was recently we did very intentionally
3273s not add that in the initial versions
3276s um
3278s I I I know that my mind has been changed
3281s on on that one recently but I don't know
3284s if um
3287s if that's something we'll end up
3288s actually bothering with or not is it
3290s bothering like it's a huge problem
3295s this amulet's got some uh
3298s got some legs to it
3305s all right
3311s I love Mike leaks but just has increased
3314s cool quantity epics
3320s judges can't get in trouble from anyone
3322s so he can do it he can leak anything
3332s uh is there a fix for making loading
3334s faster when playing with friends uh it's
3336s not up yet but we are working on it
3338s because it's a big problem
3341s oh I missed one I missed two oh my
3343s goodness I'm the worst espo Lou thank
3346s you for the sub 40 minutes ago and girth
3349s wagon thank you for the sub eight
3351s minutes ago I'm blind
3362s pain here let me make sure this isn't
3363s something for the Stream
3365s nope
3368s quick update from an earlier stream uh
3371s where I touch on the fact that the party
3373s invite isn't the Frontline UI it is in
3376s fact hidden behind all other UI Windows
3377s do you bring it up in HQ no I I never
3379s bring up anything that's mentioned on
3380s the stream you have to go to the forums
3382s if you'd like anything to be looked at
3387s out of all classes you have played which
3389s is your favorite Road
3392s uh oh there's a typo in the same tree
3395s which refers to saber t
3397s ough in one of the top right notes three
3399s well you should go to the forums you
3400s know you know where to go
3407s opinion
3408s oh no
3409s looks like you've got a little something
3411s there let me help you with that
3420s probably shouldn't stand in those
3427s ah I did that bad
3449s okay I want to get a question here but I
3452s don't want to die
3456s foreign
3461s [Music]
3464s I don't I don't have any specific
3467s timeline on that I'm sorry I like I'm
3468s still shocked it hasn't been added back
3470s in I at this point like might be waiting
3473s for next patch even which seems crazy to
3475s me but maybe
3480s that's right I walk out of this instead
3481s of teleporting
3489s yeah
3491s um
3493s um is gonna be a fix for the fragment of
3494s the Enigma issues when spark charge
3495s scales demands of intelligence of the
3497s game
3498s um I think that it's uh was was changed
3501s to intelligence
3503s um but the tooltip wasn't updated or
3506s something like that
3507s I think that's all that happened
3510s maybe the other way around
3513s I'm pretty sure the functionality is
3515s right in the tooltips are wrong
3517s I think
3522s I don't remember though
3524s that's one of those two this is not
3526s those things like I I don't have any
3527s information on bugs uh they'll get fixed
3530s and they get fixed if you want info on
3531s the status or what's going on with them
3532s the forums is the only place where there
3533s is information on them
3535s uh any chance for there to be a node uh
3538s to attach stormtrodeme to your character
3540s uh have it lasts quite a bit longer at
3543s the cost of damage someone lives matter
3546s um no I also don't think that node would
3548s get taken very much I think that would
3549s be a relegated to the pointless node
3554s category
3558s uh every node that has reduced damage on
3562s it has to be like with without some
3565s other effect that dramatically increases
3566s damage at the same time for a net gain
3568s is like completely ignored so like if
3573s there's a node that says
3574s um like you deal
3577s 25 less damage but this hits twice
3581s so in reality it deals 50 more damage
3584s total
3585s um
3588s like that can have a like a less damage
3590s on it because it's actually a more
3591s damage at the end but um anything where
3594s it's like less damage and here's a
3598s mechanical change to it like a a
3600s convenience change to it just they just
3602s get ignored they just straight up get
3604s ignored
3607s oh hey
3610s well ain't that the
3612s perfect little idle to start us off with
3614s huh
3630s I'll take it
3633s God to be with you
3638s [Music]
3640s and we're taking these
3642s I like lightning we're going lightning I
3644s think
3645s maybe we'll do uh maybe this is gonna be
3648s a lightning meteor sword
3651s are you lightning meteor
3656s that'll be fun
3669s what are your plans more interesting
3672s um I I can't go into specific details
3674s here but broad Strokes I can talk about
3676s it conceptually and I think that's all
3677s you really need
3679s um
3680s to like need to have this conversation
3681s properly and so like broadly speaking
3685s um
3685s having the the monoliths are missing
3688s unexpected content
3691s um and so what I mean by that is when
3693s you start a monolith if you're a very
3695s experienced player right now
3697s if you've done a hundred thousand
3699s monologue for Echo runs
3702s um and you start an echo
3704s uh you can probably tell 99 of what's
3708s gonna happen in that Echo right from the
3710s start just because you've done so many
3711s of them
3716s and like
3717s maybe a piece of gear drops that you
3719s didn't know was gonna drop or maybe
3723s um there's like some encounter
3724s combination of like mod mods on on a
3728s difficult enemy that that are cool or
3729s something like that
3731s but but like where you run
3735s um what like your goals are how it's
3737s gonna go down how long it's even gonna
3739s take
3740s um all of that is pretty static and
3743s um
3745s and you can you can basically just say
3746s like okay it starts here's the
3749s information that's presented immediately
3750s okay the quest objectives over there and
3752s it's gonna be this and it's gonna take
3754s this much to kill and done you know and
3756s there's there's not really a
3760s um there's no surprise Factor there's
3761s nothing that says like
3763s oh hey if you uh explored a little bit
3766s maybe there was some cool event that
3768s happened
3770s um or uh and like the the the basic
3774s example I give this is just sort of like
3775s a conceptual example it's just like a
3777s treasure Goblin mechanic that I think is
3779s pretty ubiquitous turn now that London
3781s will just understand why I don't really
3783s need to explain it much but I'm going to
3785s just in case
3786s um
3787s the treasure Goblin is basically a a
3790s small enemy that once you engage it runs
3792s away from you and tries to escape uh if
3795s you kill it before it escapes it drops a
3796s whole bunch of loot so there's an
3798s implied quest in that the quest is kill
3800s this thing in this amount of time and
3803s you'll get a reward
3804s you know there's no actual Quest that
3806s shows up but it's uh it's an event it's
3808s a small mechanical thing that happens
3810s that you need to make the decision do I
3812s have the uh time resources power ability
3816s to to track this down and attempt to
3818s kill it
3819s um or or do I just do I just ignore it
3822s and let it Let It Go type thing
3826s um
3828s and that type that type of decision
3830s making doesn't really happen at all
3833s um
3835s that much right now and and that type of
3838s like surprise that can come from uh from
3842s interacting with a mechanic that is not
3844s set in stone not guaranteed
3847s is missing so so I think that's the
3849s style of mechanic that needs to exist
3852s and we do have an idea for something
3853s like that
3855s um
3856s to come in and uh and help help them all
3859s us we have several ideas for things we'd
3861s like to do for that
3862s um and there's one that is going to
3864s happen first and will not be the last
3867s either
3869s and this is like like other good
3871s examples of this are just like you can
3872s you can look at Poe and there's tons of
3874s examples of things like this all over
3876s the place
3877s um like an easy when you're in the
3879s middle of a map and there's a map device
3880s that that opens up a new map that you
3883s can that you can do like a a sub map you
3886s know
3888s um
3890s and and there's a dozen other examples
3893s but things like that are the are the
3895s major things that I think
3897s um specifically a lot of Poe players are
3899s really missing are really like being
3901s like where is this even even things like
3903s Diablo 3 had this too so it's like
3905s little things where it's uh dealing with
3906s those like little events you like touch
3908s a curse curse Shrine and
3911s um you have like I guess this didn't
3914s really happen in riffs did it
3918s yeah the curse chest and the curse
3919s shrines I think those types of events
3921s are really cool
3922s um and I think you can put those in if
3924s there's not a like if you're not under a
3926s time crunch because the thing about
3927s wrist is you're under a time crunch to
3929s complete them if you're not in a time
3930s crunch situation things like that are
3932s great
3936s I hope that answers your question hey
3938s are there plans for challenge Leagues
3940s with rewards like Poe does them if so
3942s please include separate challenges for
3944s ssf and maybe just recolor the rewards
3946s um yeah there's we do have plans to have
3949s rewards for things like that
3951s um that probably won't be a 1.0 feature
3953s though
3956s are there any news about the can't empty
3960s a hot bar slot bug introduce the 0.9 no
3963s that's an extremely low
3967s um
3969s love this that that that's I would call
3971s a low impact bug
3974s there goes one of the dungeon bosses
3977s you haven't seen that or not
3982s um
3983s you you also can remove some remove a
3986s seal from the bar there it's kind of a
3988s pain
3989s and you'd be like I'm fine technically
3991s you're right Mike that doesn't count and
3993s yeah it doesn't count really because it
3995s is still bugs you can't do this which is
3996s unfortunate
3997s um
3998s the
3999s the way to do it is to put an ability on
4003s your bar that is unlocked through a
4005s passive grid respect your passes below
4008s that line the ability disappears and it
4010s will disappear off your bar
4013s technically possible
4017s um
4020s uh it concerns me that you aren't
4022s playing any Masters on stream need World
4023s gameplay well it would be pretty boring
4025s right now
4028s uh
4030s because it would just be an acolyte with
4032s no mastery
4044s [Music]
4051s uh there's any plans to make respecting
4053s harder for 1.0 after launch no
4060s do you want there to be
4061s uh what is your personal favorite unique
4063s right now oh that's a hard question
4066s um
4075s uh probably the meteor cast on [ __ ]
4078s belts I think
4081s I just I just love that so much
4084s um my buddy is playing a uh
4088s uh Fireball meteor shark right now and
4091s and he he found that belt very recently
4093s uh I guess it's a few weeks ago now
4095s actually but when he found we found the
4096s belt he was he was extremely excited
4101s um and he sent me a little clip from
4103s playing with it it's pretty pretty sweet
4109s uh what sort of Rogue is your favorite
4111s and why uh currently markson's my
4113s favorite Rogue um I just I'm just a
4115s sucker for that type of that type of
4117s character in general like
4119s um
4121s even games that aren't quite directly
4123s like this like uh if you ever played
4125s like Gauntlet Legacy
4127s um we're called Legends
4128s the most recent one uh
4131s going out probably 10 years ago now
4133s probably not the most recent one anymore
4135s the most recent one in my mind don't you
4137s know it's in my mind
4139s um like even games like Gauntlet uh
4141s which aren't quite RPGs I I would play
4145s like
4145s Rogue if I could
4149s um
4151s I just like that type of character big
4153s fan
4154s the only reason I didn't play more boson
4156s in D2 is because it wasn't that great
4161s um for huge chunks of g2's life it was
4164s great for quite a long time oh did I
4167s play a lot of it then
4170s I know
4177s uh I guess why do I like the one in last
4180s Epoch though I mean it hits all the same
4182s notes it's the it's the agility
4185s um it feels very active to me where
4187s you're
4188s um your your personal positioning
4189s matters a lot like trying to keep things
4191s away from you physically as a as a
4193s defensive player
4194s um being able to shoot at quite a good
4196s range usually having a pretty high
4199s damage to defense ratio you know that
4201s that type of stuff it's just that's just
4202s the gameplay I like
4205s all right can we get a cosmetic item
4207s that shows to other players that we have
4210s deathless in softcore
4212s um I mean that's that is cool I think
4214s I'd rather that be just like uh
4217s um like if we add inspection to just be
4220s a thing that people can inspect or like
4222s a little like badge in your like
4225s um
4226s uh portrait or something like that you
4229s know but uh something on your character
4231s that only activates if you're playing a
4233s deathless character that would be tricky
4235s to do
4236s um
4239s not impossible though
4244s we're gonna do this right
4252s is teleporting to Glacier
4256s damage output
4259s what's my favorite Zelda game what was
4261s the first one you played
4263s um
4265s technically the first Zelda game I ever
4267s played was The Legend of Zelda
4269s however I was like five and don't
4273s remember it at all from that time period
4275s um have since gone back to play it but
4277s um you know like we we had no idea we
4280s were doing and we never got anywhere
4281s with it it was my friend had it I didn't
4283s have it
4284s um the first game the first one that I
4285s like remember that like got me hooked on
4286s it was a link to the past uh and that
4289s was the first one I owned so I'm gonna
4290s say that was my first Zelda game
4293s was linked to the Past
4295s um and my favorite Zelda game
4298s is an unbelievable difficulty difficult
4301s question for me to answer
4303s um
4305s and I really hope I really hope it
4307s changes in a month or what is it like 18
4311s days I don't know how close are we
4314s I really hope it changes soon
4317s um
4318s but
4326s I don't know
4331s realistically it's probably Ocarina of
4332s Time
4333s it's just it's just
4335s ah
4338s it it just it sits in the exact right
4341s point in my childhood
4342s you know
4344s um I still have my original Ocarina of
4346s Time cartridge
4352s oh I'm gonna die
4355s I swear it's over here
4360s it was over here oh no where's my slime
4362s package oh there it is
4364s I do not have an N64
4367s but I still have my original occurred
4369s time cartridge I don't know if it works
4371s anymore
4375s so I'll say that so here
4379s Majora's Mask breath of the wild and
4382s Link to the Past all very close run
4383s wraps
4386s all right back to what we're actually
4388s supposed to be here talking about
4391s uh
4394s unless I'm missing something are there
4396s any plans to allow an option at least
4399s with the same Mouse button we can move
4401s and cast The Skeleton yellow too yes
4402s it's already in the game you'll notice
4403s that there are two move buttons here by
4406s default so left click is just move by
4408s default
4410s if um some builds we realized pretty
4413s early on
4414s especially minion builds like uh acolyte
4416s Necromancer mini builds would sometimes
4418s be in a situation where they just like
4419s couldn't break barrels
4421s or like destroy objects at all even if
4423s they wanted to they'd have to like
4424s switch out an ability and lose all their
4426s minions and it was terrible and this
4428s actually was a big problem when we had
4429s the
4431s um the primary method of getting gear uh
4434s in the arena this is really early on uh
4436s this is like 2018.
4438s um the prime method of getting gear was
4440s in the arena and it was by breaking
4442s barrels at the end of each wave
4444s um and so those people are just like oh
4446s I have to kill half my Army in between
4448s every five waves in order to get the
4449s gear from this for this it was awful so
4452s we added that
4454s um and and then we did get a fairly
4457s large number of people wanting to be
4459s able to have left click b
4462s um move or attack context based on
4464s whatever you're mousing over
4467s um but not wanting to add a sixth skill
4471s slot to the bar for just those people
4473s that are playing with it like that
4475s um because that's a pretty significant
4476s Advantage really having a six skill slot
4478s on the bar
4481s um and we do really want to have
4484s um move only on left click be an option
4487s and
4489s um if
4490s if you could add a six skills to your
4492s bar move only on left click isn't really
4495s an option if you can add a six skill
4497s like like everyone will take the sixth
4498s skill no matter what there's always a
4499s six skill that's good to take
4503s so what this does is this will let you
4504s activate one of your other skill slots
4507s on left click so it just it takes that
4510s skill and I I had the icons populating
4513s here but
4514s um something I guess went wrong and
4516s they're not populating properly but so
4518s what we can do
4521s um is we can put
4522s uh like you're like Amelia attacks are
4524s good to use for it
4528s let's see it but I am Milling I'm just
4531s I'm just left clicking my other you know
4533s like
4535s we're not we're not doing that at all
4549s [Music]
4555s pretty much sure
4562s oh
4565s it sounds like he's gonna say hadouken
4567s and then just like stops part way
4569s through
4570s that's what it sounds like to me anyways
4573s all right I'm not sure if this is being
4576s addressed uh side quest destroying the
4578s siege Camp can't be completed
4582s um like it's
4593s like
4594s it is not intended that a quest cannot
4597s be completed
4603s uh does higher tier armor give more
4606s gambling choices
4608s um I believe it gives higher level uh
4611s things that can come out of it
4615s um so like there's certain items that
4617s can't come out of the low tier ones and
4619s I think you get more shards to gamble
4623s with
4624s uh in the higher tier ones and if
4628s it should it should tell you when you're
4630s when you're opening it what again what
4632s the different tiers give you
4635s like there's a there's a tool tip on the
4637s tears when you're when you're opening it
4638s I think it tells you right there
4641s but there's there's it does increase the
4643s reward at higher tiers so it is
4645s worthwhile doing it higher tiers if you
4647s can
4657s pretty close here
4661s ding level up ding level up
4669s all righty then
4673s uh did you play cyberpunk 2077 I did I
4676s played
4678s um
4679s I I played like at launch I played for
4683s probably like a weekend maybe a week
4686s um
4688s so I didn't play a ton
4690s got pretty far
4692s stumbled into I I think I I thought I
4695s had a ton of fun I didn't experience any
4697s of the bugs everyone else was
4698s experiencing so I had this really weird
4700s experience where I was like playing and
4703s everyone's like really upset about it
4705s I'm like I don't know it seems fine
4706s right
4710s um
4711s but I did stumble into an into a
4714s crafting Loop that gave me infinite
4715s money and I'm like well this is boring
4717s now
4722s uh hey hope you're you are well today I
4724s am well today thank you very much
4725s appreciate that
4730s uh since we have a lightning meteor set
4732s item are we gonna get a cold or void
4734s damage meteor oh that would be cool
4735s wouldn't it
4736s I think cold meteor would be called
4738s Comet probably and it might be like even
4739s like a different ability
4742s that's what I would probably do
4753s I think it's important that not every
4755s ability is convertible to every element
4757s even even if it's even if it's themed
4759s for that class like cold is super duper
4762s themed for uh sork and there are
4765s the one thing that themes void
4768s um I I don't know if we never converted
4770s or not maybe
4772s Maybe
4775s I would say there will not be a cold or
4777s void meteor at 1.0 I'll tell you that
4779s much
4781s uh how do you see upon adding
4784s achievements to the game that Grant uh
4787s like title skins a special place for a
4789s hundred thousand achievement Point here
4791s is yeah there's
4793s um
4795s achievements are one of those things
4796s that yeah we're gonna add it to the game
4799s um cool cool things challenges to unlock
4801s they're really good for signposting
4804s things that are good to do
4808s um so you can say like
4810s so might look into or like get an
4813s achievement for
4815s um
4817s it's really easy to tell a player
4818s they're doing something good and to
4820s encourage them to keep doing that
4822s um with with an achievement you know
4825s um so you do something like like you do
4828s really basic achievements there's tons
4830s of different types of things you can do
4830s with achievements but one of the things
4831s that I really like about it is being
4833s able to reinforce Behavior through
4834s achievements that are that help
4836s tutorialize game systems
4838s um so maybe when you're crafting there's
4841s an achievement for
4843s um up like like upgrade an item from
4845s Magic to rare
4847s you know like achievement
4850s um and just be like hey you did
4851s something good you crafted that was good
4853s keep crafting and it's it's like
4857s I know when I see some reinforcing
4859s Behavior it sounds like it's really
4860s nefarious or whatever but like just just
4862s be like good job you crafted something
4863s crafted more stuff like that that's what
4865s I'm talking about
4869s um and then there's there's also like
4873s um you can use achievements to say like
4875s like good like congratulations for for
4877s completing something that is noteworthy
4878s in the game like
4880s um complete chapter four complete
4882s chapter five you know basic stuff and
4884s it's it I think it things like that help
4887s to signpost progress really nicely
4889s um so it's like
4892s uh it helps put
4895s uh pacing on the campaign it was just
4898s something I think the campaign's sorely
4899s missing right now
4900s um which which I think would better be
4902s served coming from things like
4904s um
4906s uh
4910s cutscenes that's what I'm trying to say
4912s having cutscenes available in between
4914s different
4916s um different uh chapters I think would
4918s be more effective at doing that
4920s there's also achievements for indicating
4923s uh things you've done to other players
4926s as well so you can have like
4927s achievements tied to titles are tied to
4929s achievements where it's like someone
4930s walks in and it's like Ichi Mike the
4932s vanquisher and and you're like oh what
4934s does vanquisher mean you like click on
4936s them it like says like oh Vanquish title
4938s is is given for completing the final
4940s boss of the game
4942s and then you'd be like oh I don't have
4944s the title like I said the final boss of
4945s the game yet
4946s you know stuff like that and I I think
4948s there's there's good stuff there too
4952s so we'll be we'll be looking at exactly
4953s how we want to do it and everything but
4955s yeah achievements will be a part of the
4957s game at some point
4960s uh are there any plans on being able to
4962s respect masteries in the future there
4964s are no plans for it at the moment no
4966s uh are there plans to make in-game
4968s progress like models account why no
4970s there's no plans that there's there's a
4971s big problem with that
4975s um and if you just if you just say like
4976s the entire model of the Fate progression
4979s is account wide
4980s great
4982s um
4984s and you you you start your first
4985s character you play through
4988s um and you uh you you you complete all
4992s the monoliths you unplug empowered on
4994s all of them
4996s um
4997s and and you go through and you're you're
4999s playing empowered on them and you're
5000s getting the corruption you got
5001s corruption 400 on every single timeline
5003s and you're like wow I this character is
5006s awesome I'm gonna make a second one
5010s um
5012s and you and you start playing through
5014s through the monolith you start playing
5015s through the campaign and and you get to
5017s the monolith and and you walk in at
5019s level 30 into the monolith because
5020s that's where you first have access to it
5022s in the storyline or 24 or whatever level
5024s you are
5025s um and you just get your butt handed to
5026s you
5027s and it's awful
5030s um
5031s and there's this there's this moment of
5033s like okay like you're able to access
5036s content that you shouldn't be doing
5038s at all
5041s um and it sucks
5042s it's frustrating and
5044s um you know like it's it's no fun
5048s um
5049s and so you go back to the game and you
5051s you go through properly and you do your
5052s normal like you finish the campaign you
5054s do your normal monoliths and you get to
5056s empowered monoliths and suddenly the
5059s jump from normal monoliths to empowered
5061s monoliths is
5063s 10 times bigger
5065s because you're having to instead of
5067s going at 50 corruption you're 400
5068s corruption
5070s and suddenly this character has
5073s literally nothing it can do
5075s in the monolith to progress
5078s it has to go do it has to either Farm a
5081s weird amount of the level 90 monoliths
5083s um or it has to do dungeons
5086s um you know like or it has to get help
5088s from someone and and there's just
5090s there's there's a couple situations like
5092s this you can get into that are really
5094s problematic if the model is fully shared
5097s now there's ways you can change the
5098s monolith to uh account for that and have
5102s it not be as big of a problem
5104s um
5106s and uh if if we do some of those things
5110s to help reduce the uh problem that
5113s something like this would cause it's
5115s something that we might look at doing or
5116s or having having a way for like more
5118s catch-up mechanics so
5121s we had we had a similar problem with
5124s um
5125s with just just Single Character you're
5127s playing through one one monolith
5129s empowered uh it's it's it's really
5133s oh
5134s thanks again I'm gonna finish this
5136s thought and I'll do that
5137s um
5138s they're like you're playing through a
5139s single model to get too empowered it's
5140s like it's it's you get you get a 600
5143s corruption
5144s um and then you go to the next one and
5145s it's it's back to square one starting
5147s over and you're like
5149s not getting any good upgrades because
5152s the corruption's way too small it's way
5153s too easy and you're spending forever
5155s just getting the corruption back up and
5156s it's so frustrating because you're just
5157s doing nothing
5159s um and so this is why we added the
5161s ketchup corruption uh like the bonus
5164s corruption ketchup mechanic that that
5165s exists now uh where it'll it'll push
5168s ahead uh relative to your highest
5171s corruption completed uh you have
5172s available right now
5176s um
5178s and so that's that's a different problem
5180s with a different solution but like
5182s there's there's sometimes that was
5184s definitely a non-intuitive solution for
5185s me personally
5187s um
5188s and that's a nice little one
5192s um so there might there might be room in
5193s there for similar Solutions
5209s oh there's a there's a little bug
5211s um
5213s if you're at negative oh dang it
5218s if you're at negative Mana let's get to
5220s the negative Mana and you oh I guess you
5223s have to do it by by teleporting so if
5225s you teleport
5226s I think it's negative Mana
5228s can't use your free spell cast until you
5230s get to positive Mana
5234s found one
5236s okay
5237s um it was perfect I died you know what
5239s that means I died I owe you guys the
5241s spoiler that's what the game was saying
5243s to do
5244s uh here is a little image for a new
5247s enemy
5248s uh coming up that's totally normal and
5251s not creepy in any way
5254s will there be any way to convert Mana
5257s strike into cold or fire someday maybe
5259s like ever's a long time daily Quest
5263s daily dungeon or daily mom with any
5265s thoughts
5266s um
5269s I like having rotating Rewards
5272s like daily rotating rewards that happen
5276s um
5276s where like so we do this in the dungeons
5279s already where it'll be like you get you
5280s get bonus
5282s um
5284s uh you get like uh this one drops more
5287s gloves today this then the next day it
5289s drops uh boots you know that sort of
5291s thing and I think I like I like that
5295s um I'm not a big fan personally of
5299s um
5299s come back every day to complete this
5302s like like weekly raid lockouts and wow
5304s or uh daily quests where it's like
5307s um
5308s you know log in every day to complete
5310s your daily quest for this special big
5311s bonus and that sort of stuff I'm not a
5313s huge fan of systems like that
5315s um
5319s so we'll see what happens but I would
5322s um
5323s if I had to pick one monthly
5327s you know
5329s that's that's that's not too much to ask
5332s um
5338s I don't think
5345s oh sorry it's a daily question
5347s monthly wasn't even an option there
5354s all right what a true acolyte Mage Etc
5357s mastery
5358s uh
5360s what would a true acolyte Mage instead
5363s of a Mastery it does not spec into any
5366s Mastery get a baby version of all
5368s Mastery bonuses oh oh oh like a like a
5371s yeah okay as you were saying so a
5373s non-master just a base class only
5375s version get get some sort of version of
5377s all Mastery bonuses and only access to
5380s half the tree Peewee Scion a concept
5381s open for the future
5384s maybe the thing the thing is is that we
5389s when we're designing classes and skills
5391s and things like that we're looking at it
5392s more along the lines of
5395s um there's 15 classes in the game not
5398s there's five classes with three Masters
5399s each
5401s um
5402s so maybe
5406s um
5406s I I'd say that's probably pretty far off
5408s concept
5410s I'd see I'd say jets are before that
5412s happens
5414s um
5415s there will be four masteries for every
5417s class
5418s every base class
5419s j9297 thank you very much for subbing
5421s appreciate it
5423s glad to have you with us hope you're
5424s having fun
5429s uh curious why is legon the only God to
5432s be associated with uh generic Idols yeah
5435s this is a great question it came up when
5437s we were making them and I do not
5439s remember
5441s um obviously class specific aside from a
5443s Tara who we have no real interaction
5445s with as of yet
5453s you'll get this one let's move around
5461s um I don't know I can't remember I'd
5463s like to do another lore stream soon
5465s I'll see if uh if if Kyle's available to
5467s get back on
5469s um
5472s we did we did one a little while ago
5478s I think it was pretty successful
5481s um
5483s he just sneaked right past me
5487s a little little sneaky sneakerson
5506s jiggle fight
5513s got him
5514s got him yeah
5518s yeah
5518s [Music]
5520s great I feel like we want lots of crit
5521s don't we
5527s yeah we can cast it in
5529s uh
5535s love the game you guys do great work
5537s thank you I appreciate that it's nice to
5539s hear uh any chance for additional
5541s Dynamic skill icons for example volcanic
5543s orb icon changes to an icy orb if I
5545s convert it to cold be awesome for class
5547s fantasy field overall UI I don't already
5549s have Dynamic ones for combo skills
5551s things yeah so the um
5556s we we've talked about this quite a bit
5558s actually and we pretty specifically
5559s decided against it
5562s um
5565s um and most of that comes from like
5567s recognizability of the skill icons
5569s themselves
5571s um
5573s it's it's it's a tough one I'd say
5575s probably not
5578s um but maybe someday
5581s oh
5584s a little Scott teleport there
5587s the corner too hard
5599s oh come on
5618s not quite sure how we survived that
5621s I opened a portal in the middle of it
5623s there's there's that fat finger going oh
5626s oh nice leather-bound tone
5631s yeah let's do a little
5633s a little crafty crafty on this
5637s uh you want void res
5642s erves
5645s let's get some lightning Oriental damage
5647s yeah oh
5654s we'll take it
5656s Vitality intelligence
5659s that kind of Base
5664s uh you know what we're just gonna go
5666s help actually
5671s those gloves
5676s oh Turtles
5678s welcome welcome welcome everyone coming
5680s in from that stream too little rain
5681s party happening not that little actually
5685s glad to have you with us
5688s hahaha
5691s slip through that
5693s all right more questions any chance for
5696s additional oh we're getting late in the
5697s Stream oh okay I gotta answer questions
5700s faster don't I uh any chance for
5703s additional Dynamic skill I already
5704s answered that
5706s uh any plan on having a crafting
5708s material combination like adding a with
5711s B makes blank uh having 10 000 charts be
5714s nice to cycle them in a meaningful way
5715s rather than collect dust we do have
5717s plans for allowing you to basically hand
5719s in uh to convert shards from one to
5721s another at a loss
5723s to deal with that so uh when are you
5726s designing a new Mastery where where do
5727s you start abilities gameplay class feel
5730s fantasy plasms it's your first uh stand
5733s up on that look like
5735s great question
5737s um I think it it depends on the class
5740s we've done we've done it differently for
5741s each Mastery and
5744s um usually it starts with an overall
5745s fantasy and overall
5747s um like a play style and fantasy theming
5751s discussion so like
5753s um
5755s let's let's let's let's let's let's
5756s design the The Marksman you know like
5759s let's design The Marksman class for the
5761s master class of the road
5762s um and we go okay we're gonna have uh
5765s arranged uh dexterity based class uh
5769s it's gonna be it's gonna be very agile
5770s it's gonna attack very quickly
5773s um it's probably gonna rely on
5776s um like combos uh and and long range
5779s high damage either it could be like hit
5781s crit it'll be able to fly dots you know
5783s that that sort of stuff it's gonna look
5785s at the elements okay let's focus on uh
5787s it's primarily going to be
5790s probably gonna be physical or maybe
5793s poison
5794s um maybe there's some fire in there you
5797s know like like
5799s bits bits and pieces here and there sort
5800s of thing
5802s um and then like okay let's like what
5804s are some what are some signpost skills
5805s what are some key skills that are coming
5807s from that
5808s um okay it's probably gonna be something
5810s where you're you're firing a lot of
5811s arrows simultaneously like where where
5813s does that where does that fantasy come
5815s from what are some Touchstone um
5816s characters and other media that you can
5818s look at for that fantasy like
5820s um are we looking at
5822s um big heavy heavy armored archers
5826s um that are like sitting at top castle
5828s walls or are we talking like
5831s um like Robin Hood like running through
5832s the woods and and stuff like that
5834s um like firing a bunch of arrows
5836s simultaneously splitting an arrow it's
5838s in the Target already because they're so
5839s accurate things like that oh that sounds
5841s better let's let's focus more on that
5843s type of thing
5845s and and I guess I guess that's kind of
5847s how it starts
5849s it's a lot a lot on theming
5854s another witty name tag
5856s cool I like that actually
5859s thank you
5861s welcome stay around
5863s have fun
5866s but don't listen to me I'm just talking
5867s gibberish
5874s I like the Lord I think there's a lot of
5877s potential to expand on it will there be
5878s more places to expand to explore in last
5880s debug like uh new continent and greater
5883s dormant dangers some of what Game of
5885s Thrones EMP we has
5887s um I would I would say there's lots of
5889s time to explore still on the continent
5894s we already have
5898s um
5900s but once that's been
5904s uh
5907s explored a little more
5909s I I I wouldn't be surprised if there was
5912s more stuff added in
5917s power unlocks to be account why but
5919s corruption would be character bound yeah
5921s and then we get into
5923s um
5924s like why you know there's there's
5927s there's expectations there part of it is
5930s unlocked but part of it isn't
5932s um that's kind of unintuitive and
5934s confusing
5937s um and it's a whole other Kettle with
5939s fish we gotta deal with
5946s I think there's I think there's better
5948s ways to accomplish what you're trying to
5950s accomplish
5966s uh do you think adding more skill
5968s upgrades that do a partial damage
5971s conversion instead of a cull conversion
5973s will happening
5976s uh do you think adding more skill
5978s upgrade that do a partial damage
5980s conversion instead of a call conversion
5982s will happen
5984s ah
5985s probably not much if any
5989s those those are both extremely rare
5991s things
5997s full
6000s conversion
6006s um I I would say full conversions seem
6008s to be more popular
6010s um and I'd say they're more likely to
6012s happen with uh but not exclusively
6016s sorry
6018s uh call it being a mechanic is with room
6020s there because I have some issues with my
6022s arms is their plans to make controller
6024s support better yes
6025s uh yeah controller support has been
6028s consistently improving since we've
6030s introduced it a few years ago I love the
6032s game thank you probably the most time
6034s I've spent on any Early Access title I
6036s mean it's been Early Access for a long
6037s time but that's on us
6038s uh even more than that the AAA titles I
6042s bought in the last year you guys are
6043s great thank you very much I'm glad
6044s you're having fun that's that's really
6046s that's what it's all about people having
6048s fun playing our game
6050s you know like
6055s that's what it's all about
6058s Hokey Pokey ain't got squat
6071s I take one of these
6073s I just stunned them
6075s not need to take one
6078s apparently
6089s all right all right next question if you
6093s know playing board yeah I do uh any
6095s specific Buffs incoming or being talked
6097s about lots of them nothing I can share
6098s sorry
6101s no there's we we don't usually talk
6103s about
6104s um bounce changes and thoughts and
6106s things like that until we get closer to
6107s a patch date
6108s um so we're not we're not at the
6109s balancing stage yet
6114s a million dollar question when do we get
6116s new lethal Mirage icon
6120s to design team yeah uh I
6124s I don't think there's I don't think it's
6126s on the list
6128s any plans on being able to apply your
6130s Loop filter to a vendor stashes not that
6133s I know of
6137s applying loot filter in general to
6139s stashes is
6141s um problematic at best
6146s that likes that any
6149s um and like applying loot filters as
6150s soon as you see a grid like this
6152s applying a loop filter to items in that
6155s grid is problematic
6160s uh any word on when the new Reaper
6162s animation model will be added waiting
6164s for that to dive into the class
6166s uh next major patch not non-hotfix patch
6174s I'm trying to get through these I'm
6175s sorry I'm probably super behind
6178s uh with the gun seemingly being a sore
6180s spot in terms of interaction with the
6182s game design or many skills particularly
6184s uh is the Hope for this for his tuning
6187s to maintain the wall boss God fighting
6190s fantasy with more total overall be
6191s likely I I I think the plan is to fix
6194s what is there not to change it into
6196s something new
6198s um part of the part of the thing is like
6200s lagon is so huge
6202s um
6203s that having him come and fight you in
6207s the physical in in the same play space
6209s that you're sitting in would be would be
6212s um would not be feasible and would be
6214s more comical than anything so you're
6216s you're like putting this this such such
6219s a massive thing there that it's like
6221s okay why didn't you just die when he
6223s stepped on you there
6225s because he's just that big
6227s you know
6239s and he doesn't like to leave the water
6240s either
6242s uh do you find adding some scaling on
6245s implicits of low-level common items in
6247s in-game
6249s um nope
6255s are we getting more you need to 1.0 we
6257s got new uniques every patch so yeah
6260s foreign
6263s position with controller support in a
6265s similar position controller support is
6267s there a plan for
6269s on the map having a button press with
6271s similar functionality to right Mouse
6272s click to immediately travel to the
6274s location frustrating sometimes the
6276s joystick and Mouse having to select a
6277s travel below
6278s um I I haven't heard of any specific
6281s controller changes coming
6284s um I'm sure someone has talked about
6286s something with controller support in
6287s general if you've got specific
6288s suggestions or requests for controller
6290s support or anything else please head on
6292s over to the forums and leave a post
6294s there
6296s as I do not write anything down from the
6298s streams of suggestions that come in at
6300s all
6302s right what about smart stash sort and
6305s search that works for all tabs it's kind
6306s of going to go one by one yeah the um
6309s well the the the tabs when you open up
6311s the like the larger view I'm not at the
6313s tabs you know for the larger view it
6315s does filter which tabs have anything in
6317s it so you do kind of get that a little
6319s bit but it's not complete
6321s um having sort of a pseudo-regex access
6326s um in in the search there I think would
6328s be very advantageous
6329s um
6331s but it wouldn't be just like search for
6334s everything that that fits this loot
6335s filter option you know
6339s um
6351s that was weird
6354s um
6362s oh man not good
6374s uh what was I gonna say
6377s yo
6378s um I I would say adding more
6380s um stuff to the
6383s uh to the search and sort in the stash
6384s is coming but it'll be slow
6389s [Music]
6391s yes please
6394s what
6396s yes please
6402s strength is useless but we take those
6410s other plans to add more uniques and
6412s settings yes
6415s uh did you hear the rumor that your game
6418s is way better than D4 I've I've heard
6420s some people saying that
6422s um
6424s I I think there's a lot of things the D4
6426s does really well
6428s um
6430s but you know I I
6433s love I love that we're in the
6435s conversation of
6438s like when talking about just great arpgs
6441s in the market right now
6443s um
6444s that like we get consistently brought up
6447s as as part of that conversation and like
6450s as a
6452s as like a serious part of that
6453s conversation it's so cool
6460s so cool
6466s uh any plans slash ideas for Community
6469s design content
6471s or something like that for example
6473s uniques Africa's deputies Etc yeah so
6475s there is
6476s um we have in our Kickstarter we had
6479s certain tiers where people would be able
6480s to contribute specific designs of things
6483s um and uh we've done quite a few of
6487s those there there was also a um
6491s very well like a design poll that we had
6494s for making like a community unique item
6499s um
6500s that uh
6502s that's the
6506s uh what's it called what's a spear big
6509s spear the Rat City spear
6514s uh and slight correction uh there was a
6518s it was an Easter egg video that went out
6520s recently
6522s um hey quiet you're welcome welcome to
6524s the stream just catch the end of it here
6525s there was there was a uh an Easter egg
6527s video that went out recently I think it
6529s was Perry
6531s um
6532s and I was talking about that item in the
6535s video so you can go check pray the pig's
6536s YouTube channel for more details about
6538s that specific thing
6540s um
6541s but it was talking like the the there's
6543s like the quote at the bottom mentioning
6544s Rat City uh talking about a hotel and it
6547s was actually an Airbnb not a hotel
6551s close enough though I guess
6553s uh Mike please for all that it's good
6555s press W once in a while you're actually
6556s getting solo yeah I just like to to have
6559s that suspense
6562s um I'm also very distracted not very
6564s good at this so you know
6567s uh I'm guessing that this was already
6570s answered maybe it's okay and as there's
6573s no uh is there no plan
6576s uh and as there is no plan on a
6579s different way to level up alt-right
6585s uh blizzard is just a small Indie Game
6588s Dev company run by Joe blizzard
6591s don't seem right to me
6595s I thought it was Josh blizzard
6597s that doesn't matter
6605s oh my gosh I'm not that far back you're
6607s still a rating party
6609s oh my goodness I'm basically caught up
6611s oh I'm so awesome yeah I'm awesome
6614s answering questions take that questions
6620s uh all right
6622s uh
6625s uh when we'll bear the pig get a unique
6629s in the game I feel he deserves one
6631s I don't know I don't think I think we've
6633s talked about that with them at all
6636s I'd love to add more uh like that and uh
6639s he does do quite a lot of awesome
6641s content uh on Epoch so I I do agree
6644s there
6645s um it is really difficult and I know
6647s we've I know we've already done one
6648s recently for this
6650s um
6652s it's it's it's it's it's quite a bit of
6654s work and time and effort to to get one
6656s of those uh Community ones and it's way
6658s faster to to not
6660s because we can we can kind of just have
6663s we there's a few of us that are like
6666s design and development quite a few of us
6668s actually and so like
6670s in some cases a lot of unique someone's
6671s just been like I'm putting one in
6673s and just just like you do it you make it
6675s you put it in it's there all of it's
6677s done uh and then you you get feedback
6681s and tweaks and you change things here
6682s and there but like
6684s one person can can Hammer one out way
6687s faster
6688s than a team of like seven people talking
6690s about it
6695s well I do agree
6697s uh have you talked about adding new or
6700s completely reworking spell skills to
6702s existing masteries yeah
6705s um
6706s yeah
6708s there's a
6713s here's here's something here's a little
6715s here's a little leak for you write this
6717s down
6718s um one of the three new masteries
6723s is actually going to be getting a
6726s revamped version of an existing skill
6728s that's one of their Mastery abilities
6737s and yeah like there'll be other where
6740s it's coming from we'll have something
6741s else put in its place
6756s my only question that matters spring and
6759s four movement skill win
6762s did that not go in
6767s like I I obviously by the question it
6769s didn't go in
6772s sorry quiet I thought that was already
6773s in
6775s Tempest strike falconer
6779s no so no like
6782s one of the abilities somewhere else on
6785s that class in general like for example
6789s um like one of the either spellblade
6791s sorcerer or Mage abilities is going to
6792s be on Rune Master for example I'm not
6795s saying it specifically that one it could
6796s be one of the other two as well
6801s I know
6810s I need more cast speed
6818s I need more cast speed
6820s oh you know what I got to the end
6823s before and I probably should actually
6824s put this up okay this is
6831s [Music]
6833s pretty
6837s uh yeah so here's here's another
6839s uh concept art
6842s Splash Arts we're gonna call it
6845s um I do I want to get a bit because
6846s there's been a lot of these that are
6848s really awesome lately I want to get some
6849s high-res versions of these posted up
6851s because this image is ginormous and this
6854s is crazy scaled down right now
6860s so if you've got a big Mega widescreen
6861s desktop
6862s fit real nice on it
6870s yeah just a nice little scene
6873s just birdie
6877s fishing minigame when
6879s I mean we've We've joked We've joked
6882s about uh like a beekeeping minigame a
6885s lot on on streams and
6888s um just talking in some various places
6892s I I think that there's there is room for
6895s some sort of
6897s um Mini-Game activity
6900s uh akin to fishing
6903s that would fit really nicely
6906s it's not a core
6909s mechanic and gameplay system so I don't
6913s think something like that will probably
6914s appear at 1.0 but rather likely be a
6918s um
6919s uh
6921s uh like
6923s a mechanic that shows up uh in in some
6926s expansion in in some cycle that we're
6930s um
6932s you know once once we're like really in
6933s the groove of of releasing cycles and
6936s and all that sort of stuff having having
6937s something like some content like that I
6938s think would be would be really fun and
6940s nice to add in
6951s hot damn can I get a
6954s 1070p version of that for wallpaper
6956s purposes love this flashlight
6958s um we'll we'll try and get some uh
6964s some some some shareable versions of
6966s these out because I've got a few of
6968s these recently but I'd really like to
6969s get shareable
6971s maybe maybe we do uh
6973s maybe we do some sort of like I don't
6976s know uh Forum post or something that
6977s just has a lot of these in there
6982s hint hint to whoever makes more posts
6984s it's definitely not listening right now
6985s ah
6986s oh shredric thank you for subbing
6991s that's that's funny the there's a rick
6995s um that I know that is very shredded
7000s I don't think you're the same person but
7002s maybe that'd be cool hi Rick
7007s just in case
7011s see you next Friday
7015s all right
7017s I know I was there at the beginning oh
7019s Rob hey
7021s [Laughter]
7022s didn't even notice who was asking
7026s how's it going bud
7034s you definitely were
7039s Aaron you're asking about people in that
7041s picture there's one of them
7044s uh still waiting for the secret B level
7046s me too I'm gonna be tons of fun
7051s but like you know finger of the monkey
7053s spot curls and instead of it being
7055s insects they're just like giant like
7058s letter b
7060s like the like you know some uppercase
7062s some lowercase floating around
7067s and the final boss is
7069s it's it's a spelling bee and you
7071s actually have to like
7073s whisper this character answers to to
7076s spelling to like say it out loud and you
7079s gotta like type in the correct answer
7081s let's say be the boss
7084s yeah perfect perfect
7088s last Epoch art book oh yes please
7094s after last patch is Manifest armor able
7097s to utilize all our most unique gear
7099s effects when it copies our gear no I
7101s would say a decent amount of more
7105s standard effects but most of the more
7108s complex ones are non-functional
7133s on the topic of wallpapers I would like
7135s a 32x9 official wallpaper themed around
7137s hirat and Ryan who do I pay
7141s I mean
7144s just uh
7146s put put it in the response to that
7147s hypothetical thread that I've been
7149s talking about that's going to come up
7150s eventually hopefully uh any leaks on
7152s that new glyph no
7155s I mean I kind of talked about it earlier
7158s this stream in a roundabout way
7163s which is not going to tell you much
7169s I actually talked about in a pretty
7170s direct way at one point
7178s uh
7180s uh are the secret zones not on the
7183s current online version of the game yet I
7185s know I found a new one in template but
7187s cannot go in online so curious it was
7189s added in yet or not
7191s um I don't think so I think there's
7193s there was there was some problem with
7195s some of the secret zones uh
7197s that I forgot about and you just
7199s reminded me but
7200s um
7203s there's there's I think I think we're I
7206s think this is kind of a a draw to like
7208s hold back on too many uh of like the
7211s actual like secret secrets that that
7213s will
7214s um have cool stuff to do and things to
7216s explore until 1.0 actually drops so it's
7218s less of a
7219s like
7221s I'd like to avoid the situation where
7223s 1.0 drops and how much people flood in
7225s they're like oh I found the secret and
7226s like all the people have been here in
7227s the Early Access are just like oh yeah
7228s we know about that secret no big deal
7230s I'd rather it kind of be 1.0 drops and
7233s there's like new secrets for everyone to
7234s find
7235s the the little time period between when
7238s a fractured Crown was released and when
7241s it was discovered
7243s I said a little bit time it was like a
7245s year
7246s um
7247s but uh and and then again when we
7250s changed how to get it and there was
7252s those like that was a little bit of time
7254s that was like a week or something at
7255s most uh between when uh because we
7258s changed the whole the cold crafting
7260s system and Fracture trying to suddenly
7261s the way you got it before it didn't make
7262s any sense of the new crafting system and
7265s there was uh there was like a good chunk
7266s of time where no one knew how to get it
7267s and like that was so cool where people
7270s were like
7271s they knew there was something to get but
7273s didn't know how to get it and try to
7274s explore and figure it out and it was
7275s like people working together to figure
7277s it out that was so cool and and Like It
7280s ultimately got I I think someone got
7283s really close and then someone basically
7285s just data mined it and figured it out
7287s um but like that was that was that was a
7289s really awesome thing to happen and I'd
7292s love to see new Secrets being explored
7294s at launch and uh and stuff like that I
7296s think that would be
7298s thrilling for me
7302s like sitting in streams and having
7304s someone find it
7308s that'll be awesome
7314s uh follow boss is an ASCII art of a beat
7316s yeah exactly
7320s or it's or it's ASCII art made up of
7322s bees
7323s that goes into different forms to do
7325s different attacks like it forms into
7327s like
7328s a mage that shoots a
7331s B Fireball at you
7334s oh look at the time oh we're past okay
7336s I'm gonna just finish off a couple
7338s questions here and then I'm going to uh
7341s head on out because we're over time
7342s actually
7344s uh do you guys have some predictions
7346s about the Fizz on the passive iron
7350s reflexes for Sentinel
7353s I don't I'm sorry about the Fizz is
7357s or what that passive does off the top of
7360s my head
7361s um are we able to get pets that collect
7363s loot no uh until CM I want my money back
7369s okay
7371s uh I bought it spent 140 hours on the
7374s game before I realized that the game has
7375s monotonous and then all the maps are one
7377s in the same style
7380s um well sorry sorry not happy with it
7384s uh speaking of bees does manifest armor
7386s utilize Keepers gloves
7393s I don't know test it that's that's
7395s that's an easy one to get
7398s oh and he's talking having achievements
7399s the game yes
7401s but not like oh you launched the game as
7403s an achievement
7404s um the the most recent Deadpool game I
7407s mean most recent there might be any more
7409s one but a few years ago there's a
7410s Deadpool game that came out fantastic
7412s achievements for things like that it was
7414s like
7415s um the very start of the game like
7417s sitting on the couch just like stand up
7419s and get an achievement
7420s um any comments like oh it's gonna be
7421s that sort of game is it fantastic moment
7423s ready to start anyways
7426s we're heading out
7430s already set master sword 1291 right
7433s under the bell resub for 21. 24 months
7435s in a row that's a two year mark as well
7436s I think two years I think this is our
7438s our start of two year ones and I think
7440s those are the first ones I know there
7442s might be other ones but that's super
7443s cool thank you so much for being with us
7444s for two full years
7446s and master sword so cool appreciate you
7450s guys
7452s all right
7455s well that'll just about do it for me
7456s here I hope you had fun I know I did
7459s hanging out playing starting to level
7461s it's work I'm gonna I'm gonna get this
7463s work a little bit further along possibly
7465s to end game
7466s um so we can play a little more I think
7468s I'm looking at
7470s um
7472s lightning meteor I think that's what
7474s we're doing here
7476s we'll see though
7481s uh foreign
7485s guys
7489s oh be nice
7490s all right thank you very much
7492s have yourself fun see you guys later
7495s uh if I didn't answer your questions and
7497s you'd like more answer please head on
7498s over to our Discord our forums uh Reddit
7500s uh there's lots of places for answering
7502s questions all the time there's lots of
7503s people that are able to answer questions
7504s in our community as well
7506s um
7507s yeah I'll see you next week have fun see
7510s you later bye bye