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I never played ARPG before (Diablos and such) but recently I got interested to try. After some googling I found that many recommend Last Epoch. But I'm not sure about some things, and I can't find clear answers online.

  1. I'm looking for a singleplayer experience, I'm not really into PvP / Co-op. Is the game playable/beatable in singleplayer?
  2. The reviews on Steam are a bit low, is there any real reason for it or is that just some brigading?
  3. There are in-game for sale and that kind of puts me off. I don't like microtransactions (and frankly I don't have the money for it), I'm worried the game would press me into buying these like mobile games do. How does it work?

Edit: Thank you for the quick answers! I think I'll be grabing the game soon.

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10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Others answered the questions well already, just to add that the extra purchase pushing that we do is just a tiny little button that says "shop" just at the bottom of the screen. You don't get any annoying popups or stuff.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by CypherdiazGaming

You know what the problem with your shop is?

After 300hrs...

There isn't enough..things in it. I really want to support you guys more cause 35 for 300hrs is fantastic but I just want more options in the shop to support yall more. More cosmetics please. Lol.

Of all the things that could be wrong with a mtx shop, that's probably the best lol. More coming with major patches.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by kz9000

Would you guys consider allowing us to vote on what is released? Have a poll going for the month with a few concepts that we could vote on for our favorite. Might increase the hype around a new cosmetic release.

I think it's a cool idea. We don't really have the spare art assets to make concept art for mtx that we don't follow through on. We are just trying to add as much as we can right now as the shop still feels kinda bare. If it is good enough that we would be confident to present it as an option, then we would probably just want to make it regardless. Maybe once we get the mtx options settled a little more.