11 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

29s for
59s for for
149s for
179s for for
249s good afternoon everybody and welcome
252s back to another last Epoch Dev
255s stream as always I'm your host Mike but
258s I have a special guest for you
260s today everybody please welcome to the
264s stage everybody please welcome to the
266s stage my friend our Lore Master is it's
274s Kyle uhoh not com through yet turn your
277s microphone
278s on should be it was my mistake I just
282s had you muted hey first time perfect oh
285s uh can you he me now
287s yeah ah perfect oh that's
291s right all right first try we got in no
296s technical difficulties oh so good
298s fantastic
300s say my my default Discord background is
302s working perfectly good good
306s good all right and we have
310s um our usual uh Fitz is here giving us
313s questions which is
315s awesome oh no just thank you Fitz just
318s got to hide this for one second
319s appreciate it much two seconds
327s here and we're back
330s all right still work oh we're good we're
333s golden okay we got good
335s again we are can be doing our usual um
338s I'm just going to be playing the game uh
340s mocking about having some fun in the
342s background while Kyle handles the stream
344s no uh we're going to be doing a lore
346s Focus stream today so uh I'd really like
348s to encourage everyone to um bring uh
351s questions about the lore you've got if
352s there's anything you've been like
353s wondering about or uh cool things you're
356s curious about um uh anything lore
359s related this is Kyle's wheelhouse this
361s is this is who we want to be talking to
363s um and as we know this is probably my
367s biggest weak
368s point uh it's okay Mike yeah thank you
372s so as usual please put atlast uck game
374s in the question and it will be uh funnel
377s to us where uh we can answer them uh L
381s questions are preferred today but if you
382s have other questions please feel free to
384s ask those two and I'll I'll tackle those
387s um as always we do stream for charity um
390s uh we got our charity above my head here
392s and um I think we can hop right in I
395s think that's about it isn't it that
397s sounds about right and it looks like we
399s already have a question right off the
402s bat and I'll go ahead and just read it
404s out why are there no fish NPCs in the
406s game we have bird people for Rya the
408s ospr elk people for H the wingi snake
411s people for maasa not the scale ban
413s that's actually the nagasa the scale
415s Bane are the bandits in the area who
417s actually oppos the nagasa hence you know
419s scale Bane any was and you know humans
421s with the terot why did lagon not make
423s his own people so fun fact there
426s actually is a follower race for lagon
428s it's the maruna and as I'm sure if you
431s played through the chapter featuring
433s lagon I always had to like I almost said
435s chapter G because I got like the dev
437s names in my head instead of like the
439s numbered names that' be chapter eight so
443s yeah so you played through chapter 8
445s featuring all the lagon stuff in the AIS
446s of storms I'm sure you've you know have
448s you know run into the mara sirens and
451s the adrift maruna and the maruna ogres
453s those are actually the equivalent of the
456s wangari and the ospri and the nagasa the
459s reason why they don't really encounter
461s any like maruna NPCs it kind of ties
463s into lagan's nature of being a more kind
467s of chaotic neglectful kind of capricious
471s God lagon just wasn't really interested
476s in making uh like societies and culture
480s with his maruna as opposed to the more
483s handson Rya and hiod and maasa and a lot
487s like a lot of the culture organization
488s you see in lon's domain is actually you
491s know done by architect Leath who kind of
494s took on that role of kind of actually
496s organizing this place instead of just
497s letting it just kind of be storms and
500s left to Pirates so the maruna are are
504s fish NPCs and you don't really get a
506s chance to interact with any really
507s because you don't they don't really have
510s a reason to try and interact with humans
513s they just want to eat them so that
516s is the relationship of the maruna with
519s humans is much less open for
521s interactions compared to the other
523s Fallout races and a lot of that comes
524s down to Leon's kind of neglectful
527s nature this this is great because uh I I
531s had no idea about that
533s myself this this is also educate Mike
536s about L stream as well and uh actually
540s fun fact um I'm sure many people now
543s have interacted with the our you know
545s our item factions the circle of Fortune
548s and Merchants Guild very early on in the
551s like planning stages of the circle of
552s Fortune one of the NPC ideas we actually
555s played with and not not going with was
557s the idea of having a maruna in a tank of
560s water kind of kept in the back of the
562s circle of Fortune and they would be like
563s divining prophecies using like you know
566s Starlight filtered through water and we
568s ended up not going with that for a
570s variety of reasons but there actually
571s was you know a maruna NPC in the plans
575s for a little bit there before we pivoted
577s to something you know that worked a
578s little bit better so we have considered
581s having Maru NPCs in the past and you
583s know actually quite recently
586s nice and up to our next question sorry
591s for non- lore question so this is one's
593s going be for Mike probably you have
594s plans to take a big look at the shaman
596s and Forest Master passive trees looking
598s at the offensive and defensive power new
600s trees makes me think that there is a lot
601s of potential for Shaman SL for Forge
603s Master trees to get overhauled is yes is
606s this a cycle 2 possibility Mike what do
609s you think um well first off you can feel
611s free to correct the uh the terms as you
613s read them if it makes it easier for you
615s no
616s wores I just got to going off the cuff
619s going off either either way it doesn't
620s matter but yeah I felt this St it
622s happens to me all the time Forge guard
624s yes um it's R Rune master and Forge
627s guard um yeah the I I I think that we
631s will I can't give any specifics on
633s what's coming in cycle 2 there are a uh
637s significant number of adjustments that
639s we've made to passives in general um and
643s uh Forge guard and Shan have not been
645s forgotten in there um I don't want to
649s accidentally start some rumor of a of a
651s rework or something like that um but but
653s yeah the there's we know there's some
655s love that is needed there and uh we are
657s looking at passives um there's a big
659s passive update branch that hasn't been
662s merged in yet but uh hopefully
667s soon good
669s answer up next is any discussions on a
672s third Artis faction I guess that' be you
674s know item faction a third item faction
677s or even more for the future so we can't
680s go into any details on anything like
681s that yet but the faction system as a
685s just kind of a framework for that style
688s of system and interaction is something
691s that we are you know very excited to
693s play with in the future it gives us a
695s really nice just framework to build
697s inside of so like a lot of that work
699s that went into the creation of you know
701s Merchant Guild and circle of Fortune was
703s creating that framework for factions so
707s we can't go into any detail on you know
709s you know what future factions would be
712s if if they even involved with items in
715s you know in any case like but we have a
719s fa workor for factions now we have the
721s tech now for ranks and favor reputation
724s and everything so we definitely have
727s talked about okay we have these tools
729s now we have this framework now we can do
731s things with these now so we can't say
733s what but we you know we had the tools
736s would you know make sense to use them
739s yeah yeah we we we will be I can see we
741s see this I've said this before we will
742s be adding more factions to the game um
744s and they won't necessarily be mutually
746s exclusive with the item faction so like
748s we can um we we we haven't planned to
751s add more sets of factions or even
753s individual factions too so um the we we
757s adding a third faction as a um mutually
761s exclusive option with the other two item
764s factions as a crafting faction is
766s Artisan faction um it probably probably
768s not going to happen um but but there's a
772s possibility that there could be a
774s unrelated faction um that that maybe
777s does cool stuff in the future
781s all righty next question what are the
784s other six rings besides being referred
786s to on red ring of allia Al aaria what's
791s influenced by L of the Rings orando
792s corpse ring colors excluding the Op
794s Black and White do we get more lore
795s about them when the next characters come
797s is ataria a person or a place so I will
800s say I'll be up front here the uh lore on
803s the red ring of Al you know aaria and
806s the other Rings isn't something that's
808s going to be touched on that soon it's
810s definitely more of a like loose end for
813s us to build on in the future so like I'm
816s I'm not going to say what the next
817s chapters focus on just going to avoid
820s spoilers but the Rings I you know will
822s say aren't going to be like a big factor
824s in them Cur currently planned at
827s least I also think it was the the name
829s anyways was a nod to Fantasy
833s Star that's one that was actually I
837s believe that was pitched by Holly
840s probably a long time ago so I'd have to
842s check him with Holly and see what she
844s hey Holly uh what's the inspiration
846s there what's a let's call let's collab
848s with some more real quick for these yeah
850s so that's that's one of those kind of
852s fun instances of just kind of like you
853s know like the collaborative nature of
856s lore and the kind of like like I don't
859s want to say improv but like natural kind
861s of organic you know evolution of lore on
864s some you know areas like you know once I
867s get into a de with Hol like hey tell me
869s what you're thinking with the red ring
870s of alaria we might end up with some
872s really big things we could do you know
874s here in the future so yeah
878s yeah okay next question have you guys
882s had to go back to iterate onp poish
884s change older a as you as you went and if
887s so are there plans to redo some of the
888s older AXS if time permits in the
889s foreseeable future so that's a fun
893s question because we have done that quite
896s a lot um like the game has been
898s available to players like through Steam
901s oh I forget when we launched on Steam
902s was it 2018 or 2019 that we finally got
904s on Steam I mean like if you Google last
908s Epoch the it says like it has like a
910s release
911s date that's the steam Beta release date
914s right and like before that we had the uh
916s non steam client that was available to
918s players for a bit before that April 30th
921s 2019 that was the that was the that was
922s the beta on Steam
924s release yeah
927s so we have revamped a lot of chapters as
931s time has gone on like the most recent
934s chapter Vamp obviously is chapter one
935s that got a big overhaul in 9.1 that was
938s a very very big chapter overhaul and it
942s was a you know a you know a big way to
945s kind of like bring the beginning of the
946s game up to our current standards the fun
949s fact about that is the chapter one
952s before that the original version of
953s chapter 1 wasn't the first chapter of
956s the game originally the first chapter of
957s the game was originally what is now
959s chapter 2 there is a you know version of
963s the game for quite a while where and the
965s story of course where you started in the
968s ruined a you started in last Refuge
971s there in the earliest versions of The
973s Game's plot every player character is
975s from last refuge and that's a big kind
978s of story pivot we ended up doing when we
980s introduced the original version of
981s chapter 1 because we wanted a different
984s type of start to the game we wanted to
985s start the game that you know introduced
987s the Rya you know faction a lot earlier
989s want to start the game that could show
991s off we we finally learned how to make
993s grass and trees look good and we're like
994s hey we should show this off way earlier
996s as opposed to going from ruined era to
998s Imperial era and then not see you know a
1001s pretty tree in no 20 hours of gameplay
1004s so we uh you know pivoted to making you
1007s know turning the original chapter one
1008s and chapter two and then made chapter
1011s one and chapter one was like that for a
1013s few years until we turned it into you
1015s know the big over de recently that's not
1017s counting how many times chapter 2 your
1020s first chapter and last Refuge has
1022s changed over time that's not counting
1024s how we took uh let's see here yeah
1028s chapter 2 and three those both have been
1030s revamped a couple of times at least like
1033s uh there used to be a lot more side
1034s quest in chapter 3 that we Trimm down
1037s our place with more interesting things
1039s there used to be a lot of side zones in
1041s Chapter 2 that were just nothing but a
1045s Hol cord or is using the same pallet
1047s like we have done lots of chapter re
1049s works at this point I believe as far as
1052s like development wise the oldest
1054s chapters are four five and six as far as
1057s like not being touched on heavily with
1059s revents or reworks and we do want to go
1063s back and bring those up to our higher
1065s you know standards at some point it's
1067s just that kind of tricky Balancing Act
1070s of we want to keep on making new stuff
1073s in the narrative kind of storywise we
1074s want to keep on making new stuff systems
1076s wise we want to keep on making new stuff
1078s like everywhere and
1080s like it it's hard to find the time
1083s exactly it's it's hard to find the time
1084s where like if if we if we spent all of
1087s our resources on going back and like
1089s revamping older content we would never
1092s make new content because we'd always
1094s find new things to revamp so we want to
1097s it's just a matter of finding the right
1099s time to do that that doesn't like delay
1102s new content to you know do
1106s egregiously okay I think that's B ramble
1109s but I think that answers that question
1110s that's okay it's
1111s good if you guys like rambling you're in
1114s for a treat cuz I can do that so next
1116s question thematically as a spellblade
1119s can Mana strike have elemental
1120s conversion other than lightning I think
1122s that's been talked about recently has it
1123s Mike uh yep yeah uh it it's we I don't
1127s know if we're saying uh anything about
1129s it yet but um yeah I actually have a
1132s ticket on my plate to help with that
1134s nice nice nice yeah like uh I forgot man
1137s I I forget which uh like
1139s G as discussion it was where that
1141s brought came back up but yeah like it's
1144s one of those ones that just kind of
1145s comes into conversation every once in a
1147s while but yeah it's been talked about I
1149s like Mike said we don't have any stuff
1152s some some conversion
1155s maybe okay on to the next one okay now
1158s for my lore question have you guys ever
1160s considered timelines spilling over to
1162s other timelines like Lon invading
1164s herat's timeline for example would this
1166s be possible or explainable from a lore
1168s POV I love it
1171s so what we kind of have there is we do
1175s have the sort of like what if timelines
1178s like the you know what if herro you know
1180s became tyrannical and attacked other
1182s places which is our our age of winter
1184s timeline we have uh a few different you
1187s know timelines of the model like that um
1189s we have we don't have any like current
1193s like you know plans to you know have
1195s these alternate timelines cross with
1198s each other as opposed to like the kind
1200s of more standard way of you know them
1201s kind of branching off our kind of main
1203s timeline we don't have anything in
1205s concrete there but that is a kind of
1208s like story thread I have been you know
1211s thinking about myself for a while like
1215s like I can't get into any kind of
1216s details of it but like one of the plans
1218s I want to mess with like way down the
1219s road is very much on that theme of hey
1223s what of this other timeline that had the
1226s resources to do this on their own
1229s went and started poaching other
1231s timelines and messing with them so that
1233s is something that has been on my mind
1235s it's not something that's in any of the
1237s kind of like currently being worked on
1239s kind of narrative thrusts right now but
1241s it is something that I am very much
1243s interested in and you know down for
1245s playing with
1247s nice and uh next question hi probably a
1251s question is already answered on the
1252s session or some earlier earlier Q&A do
1255s you plan some changes on set items my
1258s bad TB8 I would love change level 9 cooh
1261s to get it much quicker like level four
1263s and a
1264s fifth yeah so the uh I I can't really
1268s give any specific details on this right
1269s now we we are um not in 1.1
1272s unfortunately uh we are looking at a
1275s pretty big um shakeup to how set items
1278s work and uh you know you like make them
1281s an interesting part of the endgame
1282s gearing process um we are also
1285s simultaneously for 1.1 looking at some
1287s adjustments to uh the item factions
1290s reward structure uh like the rank
1292s rewards so um you know like there's
1294s there's a bunch bunch of changes there
1296s um not just this specific one thing but
1299s there are some changes uh like yeah the
1302s the rank rewards for both are getting
1303s shuffled a bit and shaking up and we we
1306s learned a lot in this first uh uh first
1309s cycle so we've you know we we we we made
1312s a few mistakes and um we'll be making
1316s some updates to it and yeah there's
1319s uh you you'll have to wait a little bit
1320s more for the set stuff um but next patch
1323s we'll have some some some shuffling
1326s there good answer
1328s Mike and another question for Mike do
1331s you ever see it's
1334s F here I'll I'll try and answer it it
1336s might be wrong though question for no no
1339s no no no no focus on here R I've got
1342s this question for Kyle instead of Mike
1345s now do you ever see potential for trade
1347s to be opened for items such as runes and
1348s glit lives oh God you did die well I
1353s told you to handle while I took this
1354s question okay so question for Mike
1356s actually now do you ever see potential
1358s for trade to be opened from items such
1360s as runes and glyphs items like Runes of
1362s creation could end up being great to
1363s trade or do you guys have a hard stance
1365s against trade for these items right now
1368s uh it is a firm we're not planning on
1371s trading crafting items um it's not like
1374s 100% forever set in still no matter what
1376s but uh for at at the very at least 1.1
1379s you will not be able to trade
1382s those this this character is so squishy
1384s I don't think this is possible without
1385s me
1386s like I I've been too focused on like the
1389s questions what kind of build you're
1390s doing right now uh it's it's um froz
1393s flask Frozen flask Falcon o fun I love
1397s the effect on those yeah all right next
1401s question how scalable SL fible is the
1403s skill system for example could skill
1405s alteration gems be a thing in the future
1408s so um Mike probably be a better one
1410s actually but I'll take a little crack at
1411s it right now while he's dealing with the
1413s Fearsome you know God of winter so the
1415s skill system one of way way back when we
1418s were first coming up with the skill
1420s system one of the most appealing facts
1422s you know that kind of brought us to want
1425s to do it this way even though make
1427s putting it together was a lot of work
1428s because there are a lot of trees a lot
1430s of skills a lot of nodes is oh dang oh
1434s dang anyways is the fact that like
1436s because they are a bunch of Standalone
1439s skill trees we have a million knobs to
1442s you know twist and play with and just
1444s you know you know do things with so it
1447s is an inherently flexible system due to
1449s the nature that they're all little L
1452s little stuff G that self-contained
1454s systems uh Mike do want to get it some
1456s insight on that yeah I mean it's it's
1458s basically what we already do with um
1460s with with with items um like unique
1462s items so it's it's definitely possible
1463s to do um and we we we we have some more
1467s plans to expand the skill system and
1468s expand how you interact with skem um you
1471s know there's there's one thing we're not
1472s short on its ideas
1475s uh so so yeah there's there's some
1477s there's some juice there that's waiting
1479s to be explored but it's
1481s um uh yeah give it give it a couple
1484s patches
1485s yeah so next question are there plans to
1489s expand on the lore of the Weavers or are
1491s they just used for the
1493s items so I'll just say yes on that and
1496s move on
1500s probably smart yeah I anything I could
1503s say to expand on that would probably be
1505s too much but yes yeah yeah you there's
1508s there's definitely lore around the
1509s Weavers uh there's more plans around the
1512s Weavers than there are around the red
1514s ring of alaria I will say I'll say that
1517s yeah so next question in the game there
1520s is a dragon mural with two dragons
1522s fighting and I've seen a player with two
1524s dragon pets assume Kickstarter War hi Dr
1526s are we going to meet these dragons at
1528s some point in the ancient era and are
1530s one of the Dragons named malatos for the
1531s newish Warlock two-handed sword unique
1534s so what's the least spoiler way too so
1539s the ancient era does have dragons there
1542s are plans to encounter those dragons
1546s neither of those dragons is malatos I
1548s think that's the safest way to answer
1550s that question nice malos is a different
1554s Dragon than those dragons but yeah and
1557s uh yeah way to do it's it's it's tough
1562s when you got when you got plans for a
1563s lot of these I want to them it's it's
1566s tough It's it's harder when I know the
1568s answer when I don't
1570s yeah okay so for the next question oh
1574s this is I'm halfway through reading it
1575s this is a phone I'm really interested in
1577s the background Source origin of orbus is
1579s this something that has been explored in
1581s game that I may have missed or without
1583s getting spoly is it something that we
1584s might be able to look forward to hearing
1586s more about in the future or is that the
1588s past
1589s so another this is another one where the
1592s answer is yes so there are currently
1595s planned three more you know campaign
1598s chapters of you know the main campaign
1601s and the origin of of orbis does come
1604s into play Within These last three
1606s chapters I'm not going to say which one
1608s of the last three has it but you
1611s do it is a the origin of orbis is a
1615s question that is answered by the
1616s campaign once we have those last
1618s chapters in and just a note to add in a
1621s lot of people um I think shortcut the
1623s term so it ends up being confused by
1625s some play sometimes is that the the boss
1627s you fight in the monolith timelines is
1630s the shade of orbis it's not orbis itself
1633s yeah so the shade of orbus that is a
1637s reflection of oris's Anguish and despair
1640s and anger it's not orbus himself it's
1642s more so just a kind of a a twisted
1646s reflection of him that's being projected
1648s in to these timelines from the time he
1650s was imprisoned and you know it's it's
1653s the shades are not orbit I whenever see
1655s someone call the shades Oris I'm like ah
1658s we should have named it on SL yeah
1663s right any who on to the next one well
1667s character intros come back once they
1668s align with the lore better so class
1671s specific character intros I think yes
1673s yes yeah the the class the class
1675s specific character
1676s intros I don't have a solid answer of a
1679s yes or no on there I will say that
1681s fitting the character intros into the
1683s spot that they were before would be
1686s tricky just due to like the just we
1687s don't want to have you like start the
1689s game and pick a character and then have
1691s to sit for five minutes I to go through
1693s the the shared intro then the character
1694s intro and then etc etc so that space is
1698s very much taken by our new intro now but
1702s I do
1703s like I like AR intro a lot I I love R
1707s intro a lot it does a lot of really good
1708s things for establishing the lore and
1710s what is actually going on when you start
1712s the game I do miss the character
1716s specific stories that that slot was
1718s taken up by and I do want to do
1721s something like you know later on to get
1724s those character stories back into the
1726s game in some way um this is a I don't
1730s think this is spoilery because it's
1732s talking about a plan that didn't happen
1734s as opposed to something that we're
1736s planning so part of of the chapter one
1740s overhaul that didn't quite make it in is
1742s at that same time we moved the Mastery
1744s event from being at the end of chapter 3
1747s to the end of chapter 2 because of you
1749s know the first chapter being longer
1750s maybe we need to move that you know
1751s forward a bit just pacing wise but
1754s originally the plan was to also expand
1758s that a great deal to where you would
1760s actually experience the character
1762s backgrounds during the Mastery Quest
1765s where you actually you'd actually go
1766s into the primalist backstory and play
1769s through it partly and then pick your
1772s Mastery that ended up just kind of not
1775s really being in scope and also would
1779s have know extended the pacing problem of
1783s oh you're having to wait even longer to
1785s get your Mastery so we ended up kind of
1787s keeping it short and suit where you just
1788s you know talk to gasbar and pick your
1789s Mastery so we from the get-go of taking
1792s those character into that we already
1793s talking about a way to kind of get that
1795s backstory back in which just didn't
1796s quite pan out just by the nature of
1799s scope and want to keep the pacing tight
1801s on that stretch so a short version is I
1804s I would love to get the character Back
1806s stories in back into the game it we just
1809s had to find the right one right priority
1813s and time to do it and doing it in the
1815s right way to where it doesn't like oh
1817s God I'm still an aot and I haven't got
1819s my Mastery yet I want to start putting
1821s Paladin points somewhere so yeah like
1824s it's it's a tricky it's a tricky thing
1826s to kind of thread so like some side
1828s quest somewhere maybe yeah exactly I
1830s would love I would love to get those
1831s characteric things back in in some way
1833s that doesn't intrude on like like I mean
1837s people want to get to the end of
1838s campaign and get into all this you know
1840s ASAP anyways and anything that kind of
1842s delays that like go yes do we need that
1845s yeah anyways on to the next
1849s question what exactly does the power
1851s ladder look like with the different gods
1852s in a tera are a tera and orbis at the
1855s top then some unknown ones like Observer
1857s Weaver
1859s Watcher and then the four lower maasa
1862s lagon here Rya where do the ancient
1863s dragons and Immortal Emperor fit on the
1865s power list okay so let's let's break it
1868s down power tier ranking let's go yeah
1871s pretty much should we get one of those
1873s uh dumb meme template things where I
1875s drag a little pictures that'd be fun
1877s actually that actually would be kind of
1878s cool that would be a lot of fun we don't
1880s have time to put that together that'd be
1881s fun though and that I'm going to help
1883s illustrate what I'm talking about okay
1885s so should I go from bottom up or top
1888s okay I'll I'll do I'll do bottom up okay
1890s so I would say there is kind of a gray
1895s area at the bottom of this kind of tier
1897s list where in the ancient like like I
1901s would say the ancient era dragons at
1905s their full might and the Titans like the
1907s stone Titan and these other kind of you
1910s know like other beings in the ancient
1913s era I would say they all kind of fit
1917s into the same kind of ranking as the
1918s bottom here where they're very strong
1919s they are a problem them being around is
1923s a threat to humans being able to you
1924s know live and progress in the ancient
1926s era and get to the Divine era like
1929s they're all very strong the four Gods
1933s you know maasa lagon hod and Roya they
1936s are above them but still you know
1940s wouldn't be able to take them out super
1942s easily the the gods are definitely like
1944s there to kind of make it so that humans
1946s can deal with the ancient a dragons and
1949s the Titans and be able to going to
1950s establish their foothold in the world
1952s and progress and
1953s everything and I would say the immortal
1957s Emperor would be just above the four
1959s Gods just by the nature of him you know
1962s stealing their power and killing them
1964s between the Divine era and the Imperial
1966s eras so and that itself is kind of a has
1971s a bit of a you know a spectrum there
1973s because the M Emperor at his Peak you
1975s know just you know freshly having taken
1978s the the power of all the gods it would
1979s have absolutely been stronger than all
1981s of them and it's a little murkier
1984s towards the end of the P era where that
1986s power is kind of rotted and waned inside
1988s of him but he's still I would say know a
1991s notch above the four Divine era Gods
1993s just by the nature of he took their
1995s powers they are you know they're in him
1997s so he's you know inherently a bit above
2000s them and then U so we're at like like
2004s the the Third Kind of tier there with
2005s the middle Emperor and the Ral home the
2007s Divine I gods and then right below that
2009s the Titans and the ancient a dragons so
2012s at the top above all that is AA and the
2017s Observer and like uh Tera and the
2021s Observer right on top of there
2023s and trying to remember something real
2026s quick it's something that's been Reve on
2029s but yeah so yeah like or orabis atera th
2032s those are on the top above everything
2034s else the Divine era Gods the m be like
2038s AA and a tera and orus orbus being a
2042s little bit above then the moral Emperor
2046s a good chunk below and then right below
2049s Emperor be the Divine Gods then below
2052s them would be the dragons and tians man
2055s maybe we should have gone the tier maker
2057s thing I was trying and I'm like I've
2059s never used this website before there ads
2061s everywhere how do I do that oh
2064s no that does
2066s a I can't annotate on your screen with
2069s TW does twitch does twit switch Ty a way
2071s I can just draw on your screen uh no I
2074s usually do I I I I use like the Snipping
2077s Tool and just take a screenshot of my
2080s screen and then I start drawing on it
2082s like
2083s this oh
2085s fun all right so let's make our no we
2088s don't need to do that we just went
2089s through it okay you want to I'll draw it
2093s out no no we we already went through it
2096s yeah I think we think we answered the
2097s the question
2099s some someone can like uh take if you if
2102s if anyone wants to make a version of
2104s that I'll uh I'll post it next stream
2107s and I'll I'll I'll fact check for you
2109s yeah okay so next question in the ruined
2112s era we loot three purple shards as part
2114s of the epoch but the end cinematic only
2116s shows two consider the end game shards
2118s one and two look the same is that a part
2120s of the lore or just an
2121s oopsie okay that's another question
2123s after that one okay so in the ruin era
2127s you are have one and two and you're
2130s getting the last one in the temple so
2132s you had two and you're getting that last
2134s piece so I believe if I remember the
2137s Cinematic correctly yeah you the first
2139s you have already combined and you're
2141s getting that last piece that kind of
2142s complete the whole set so yeah you
2144s should there are three parts and you
2146s have two of them and you get that last
2148s one of the temple two of them are just
2150s already put together but it it they're
2152s just put together so well that it looks
2153s like one piece yeah and it's real and we
2158s have we have the next one are there any
2159s plans to streamline corruption farming
2161s in a group setting as a s it seems very
2163s incomplete and imbalance favoring only
2165s the group lead SL spinning boss fights
2167s the ability without gaining gazes of
2168s orus uh I'll leave that to you m i don't
2171s get into endgame enough yeah we do we we
2174s have we how do I phrase this we're aware
2176s that this is an issue and we have a plan
2179s to help alleviate it um the plan is not
2183s just straight like everything's shared
2186s done um but we we we've got something we
2188s want to try first um and you know we'll
2190s we'll look for feedback on it and if
2192s it's not working the way we want it to
2194s work we'll change the system and do
2195s something else um but yes we we are
2197s aware that this is um causing some grief
2200s for some people and uh we do want to we
2202s want to you know make it not do that for
2209s them I say that's a good answer all
2212s right next question is the void a
2214s byproduct of using the epoch or time
2216s travel if there only really appear after
2218s the AO starts being used and is simly
2221s Coveted by void entities also the only
2223s void class void Knight is really the
2225s only class that has time travel
2227s abilities so I would say it's less a
2230s byproduct of the epocha time travel and
2232s more so that they are very Inseparable
2236s it's it's less one creating the other
2238s and more so them being part of the same
2240s power source like the power of you know
2243s time travel and the epoch it has a very
2246s similar origin as the void they are very
2249s connected in that sense so it's less
2252s about one being the byproduct of the
2253s other and more so them being part of the
2255s same
2258s power but not the one
2262s power I not getting the reference
2265s REM what's the one power it's the like
2268s the the source of power in The Wheel of
2270s Time I haven't goodine that be I'm
2275s sorry I I got happy with
2280s like I I I I really should read them
2283s I've always heard good things about them
2286s I just see that it's what like 20 books
2288s long and they're all like man I need to
2291s get back into reading CU I haven't right
2293s consistently since I had a a job where I
2296s could just watch the door and read
2299s waiting for people to come
2300s in I I started watching the show and
2303s some someone on here was like you got to
2305s read the books and I'm like I've read
2306s most of the first one now so I haven't
2307s read that much it um and they were right
2310s oh my God a lot was
2312s changed I might just stick with the
2315s show isn't that the one that has like
2317s the troll Orcs that are trolls and Orcs
2320s yeah trols
2322s trols I I I I shouldn't be book of fun
2325s at a at a name I didn't I I really want
2329s this quit MTI here but like my void res
2331s is such garbage that like I feel like I
2332s kind of need it I mean did you die
2335s against Voya no but uh that sounds like
2338s your Void res is good to me all right
2340s let's
2341s go yeah I mean if you're not dying do
2343s you really need defense I mean I'm dying
2345s horribly to a lot of things that I
2346s severely overl for this
2349s fight but did you die this time no that
2352s sounds good to me all
2355s right okay next question I love this
2358s game so much thank you I love you too I
2360s stopped playing because W seems
2362s mandatory after reaching 350 corruption
2364s if I want to progress will other options
2366s be viable for survivability all right
2368s Mike what's your take on Ward balance
2370s yeah so we are like yes Ward Ward goes
2372s Burr uh and it goes bur to two bear uh
2377s and we're going to we are adjusting the
2379s balance of Ward relative to the other uh
2382s defenses 350 is a very successful build
2385s though so like um don't sell yourself
2387s short where you are and uh but yeah we
2390s we are uh very aware that Ward is King
2393s right
2394s now like I said earlier are you dying if
2398s yes then maybe a little more until you
2400s stop dying but if you're not dying I
2401s just get more CRI
2403s MTI oh I love this Shield it's it's not
2406s really useful right now but I love it I
2408s love the art on it it's so cool okay
2411s next question Mike has also said a few
2413s times that maosa isn't going to be a m
2415s boss because of story reasons what is
2418s the story reason I never know how to
2420s answer that part of the
2423s question so it's because she seems to be
2426s the only one that needs that so
2428s I I I I hate the contradict Mike but
2431s it's less you told me this I did I yeah
2436s I think I I I could be wrong I I I'll
2440s take the hit on this one go ahead
2442s like
2444s there's yeah there's no reason maasa
2446s couldn't be a molth boss like we have
2449s lagon as a m as a MTH boss we have hod
2451s as a all of the boss it's really just a
2454s you know we don't want to have we've
2457s talked adding more timelines to the mon
2460s with like we have 10 right now but you
2463s know whenever we bring up the idea like
2464s oh maybe you know in this P we could add
2467s you know an extra timeline or two it
2469s kind of you know ends up going well tins
2472s actually we don't want to go much higher
2474s than that as far as more timelines go
2476s because that would kind of extend out
2478s the kind of in game progression like it
2480s would it make it even longer to get to
2482s empowered monoliths which you know like
2484s that's a bit of friction we're not sure
2486s that we want to make more friction but
2488s we don't want not sure want to increase
2489s the grit on the Sandpaper so yeah one
2493s thing that we've talked about in the
2495s past wouldn't it I don't work with wood
2498s enough to know if I use that analogy
2501s correctly yeah uh we don't know we want
2504s to increase the grit whichever I I I
2507s need to make something with wood before
2508s start making s l lower grits rough
2511s higher grits smoother H Mike could you
2513s make me something yeah sure thank you
2516s you make just a block of wood
2519s sanded to Perfection anyways uh what's
2522s the question okay so yeah I yeah I
2525s there's no explicit lore reason why
2527s majos isn't a moth boss but lagon and
2530s Hiro are it's more
2532s so we've talked about adding extra I
2535s lines to the monolith we've kind of gone
2538s said no to that just we don't want to
2540s make the you know grind to get them
2542s powered any longer one thing we talked
2544s about in the past and we haven't you
2546s know talked about super recently is the
2547s idea of like swapping out certain
2550s timelines for new ones for certain like
2552s Cycles or certain patches like let's say
2554s Let's uh let's take the lagon one and
2556s play with maasa one for like a patch or
2558s two we've talked about stuff like that
2560s that we've never really kind to like
2562s bitten the bullet on it so like uh yeah
2566s unless I'm forgetting something horribly
2568s there's no real story reason why mjosa
2570s can't be a m of the bosses more so do we
2572s want to add an extra timeline not this
2574s patch do we want to swap out a timeline
2575s not this patch and just kind of you know
2578s landed on that side of that question or
2580s you know up till now or I apologize to
2583s everyone who said that too which is a
2584s lot of people I apologize for past to me
2588s who might have said something like that
2589s because I cannot if I did I do not
2592s remember at all why I would have said
2594s that yeah there anyways on to the next
2598s question how are the devs organized when
2600s they have distributed all over the world
2602s do there different day night cycles and
2603s how does it affect work uh Mike I'll let
2607s you take that one though I will say I
2609s don't talk to our sound our main sound
2611s designer near
2613s enough I every time I do I just you know
2615s man Australia I need to
2617s go yeah it's it is tricky because yeah
2620s like there are people everywhere like
2622s there's the Sun never sets on lasty
2624s development and it's because we do have
2627s people all over the world and it can be
2629s tricky sometimes most people um most
2632s people work primarily in like a North
2635s America uh like like normal business
2639s hours uh time frame and and there's like
2641s so some variation there forward and
2643s backwards a little bit and like um know
2646s certain roles it it's it it doesn't you
2648s don't work as directly uh day-to-day
2651s with with other people as much so it's
2652s easier to to work um on different time
2655s uh time zones and things like that but
2657s for the most part most of us work like
2660s North
2661s America uh regular business hours and um
2665s like most of the people who are like
2666s there's a lot of people we have working
2667s in Europe
2668s um some of them work on a European bu
2669s business hour schedule some of them work
2670s on North American um so they just like
2672s stay up really really late um which
2674s works great for some people and really
2676s terrible for other people uh but yeah
2678s it's it's It's tricky sometimes um my
2681s favorite example of the kind of like
2683s weirdness and kind of like like
2685s funniness of of this kind of thing is uh
2687s a lot of times when we do like recording
2689s sessions for VA okay the uh the the VA
2693s person is somewhere in Europe and you
2697s know I'm in North America our you know
2700s our sound designed to make sure that the
2702s tech side of things is all sounding
2703s clear is in Australia like man someone
2706s is going to be up at a weird hour for
2708s all three of us to be in the same call
2711s yeah yeah it's it's It's Tricky but like
2714s I don't know I think because we've done
2716s this from day one like from from
2719s absolutely day one there was there was
2721s someone in actually like day one day one
2723s there was someone in Europe there was
2724s someone in Asia there was someone in
2725s North America and it's like
2728s um it it's it becomes just part of the I
2732s don't know uh the way we do things and
2735s so it's I don't know it's I guess we've
2737s gotten good at it over the
2740s years yeah I mean we we started as a
2742s remote company company and it's kind of
2744s like there's never been any kind of like
2746s oh we're having to shift to working with
2748s people in different time zones because
2749s we've always worked with people in
2750s different time zones
2752s yeah okay next question herot has a
2755s spear what are the other gods weapons so
2759s hod is actually fairly unique in this
2761s case he didn't always have that spear
2764s that spear is something that he crafted
2767s later on in when he was having to deal
2770s with mortus his son and when mortus
2773s rebelled and he you know made that in
2775s conjunction with the other gods so you
2777s know one of the Gods having a weapon
2779s like that is actually something that is
2782s unusual compared to the others so hot is
2785s unique in that sense that he has that
2786s spear and you know some could say that
2789s actually going to you know makes them
2790s closer to humanity which could be seen
2792s as a negative say Rya would look down on
2794s herot for you know having a spear and
2797s you know feeling the need to use a
2799s weapon as opposed to his you know their
2801s own power like Rya for example would
2803s look down on hot for having to use a
2805s weapon so hot is the only one that has a
2808s weapon and that's because he didn't
2810s start with it he created for a purpose
2812s and that was to imprison mortus who
2815s rebelled against him
2819s all right next question would it be
2821s possible to add a sound Andor map marker
2823s for loot that makes it through the
2824s filter this could be helpful those with
2825s more mobile builds with stricter filters
2828s Mike I'll let you take that one
2830s um there this this this is a tricky one
2833s we've been trying to figure out how to
2834s solve this problem for a while um we're
2837s not keen on the idea of um allowing just
2841s a tick boox in the filter to say um you
2844s know like uh give give it the the um
2848s unique treatment where it's like it gets
2850s a a special sound and a drop icon on the
2852s M we're we're we're very hesitant to do
2855s that and we're trying to explore other
2856s ways to solve this problem
2859s first it be the short
2862s answer my reaction when you started
2864s answering that if anyone saw that was
2866s that was just because we get this
2867s question a
2869s lot okay sell it once and for all is the
2873s imortal Emperor Grail or morus I'm not
2876s going to sell it once and for all moving
2880s on I hate to be that guy but I'm going
2883s to refrain from you'll find out by the
2885s Yeah I was say let's rephrase the
2887s question will you ever settle this I yes
2891s it is it is a it is an actual answered
2894s like known thing like it's been a known
2897s thing since the Inception of the
2898s character but the players will get that
2902s reveal of who the Mortal Emperor was
2905s before he was the Mortal emperor within
2908s one of the next three campaign chapters
2913s beautiful okay next question was the
2916s stance on a mercenary slf follower
2918s combat pet I think they're neat Mike
2922s what I love this question because I
2923s always get to answer we already have one
2925s everyone's like what are you talking
2926s about Mike and I'm like that um Melvin
2929s mvin RIT uh I love that item the the the
2933s the Relic that goes here and it gives
2934s you a um a crossbow mercenary so I I
2937s still think it should like deduct one
2939s gold every time it fires a crossbow
2941s bolt I I somly love and hate
2945s that um it's I think that a mercenary um
2949s system works really well if you design
2951s the game with that mercenary system in
2953s mind as you're designing the game um
2956s we've kind of a lot of the stuff we've
2958s designed with the game um has is
2960s especially a lot of the stuff around
2961s pets has specifically been um knowing
2964s that we didn't have that system and and
2966s knowing that we weren't planning on
2967s adding that system um so I I think it's
2970s it's unlikely that we would add
2972s something like that at least anytime
2973s soon but um I I definitely don't want to
2976s say impossible because it does add a
2978s really nice secondary Avenue for gearing
2981s one one of the things I really love
2982s about Dia CH itemization is that there
2984s are these um there's there's this whole
2987s class of items that uh is terrible for
2991s players but due to
2993s some uh I I I think um quality of Life
2997s Changes they made to um probably lat in
3001s development of I'm purely speculating
3003s here but I'm assuming that they were
3004s playing with mercenaries and mercenaries
3006s gear was breaking and they're like this
3007s is terrible um because you don't know
3008s when it breaks it's D in your face and
3010s then they were like hey let's just make
3011s so the mercenary gear can't break and
3012s then suddenly that this that that like
3014s one tiny little thing has this cascading
3015s effect of like suddenly this whole class
3017s of ethereal items are unbelievably
3020s awesome for Mercenaries and you know
3023s like sorry just rambling a bit but yeah
3025s there's there's that um that interesting
3028s the fact that there's these ethereal
3029s items that are really good for
3030s Mercenaries means that there's this
3031s whole new class of items that are useful
3033s and interesting to pick up and things
3034s like that so um I I that's one of the
3037s reasons why I think that they work so
3038s well in diao 2 um and that type of
3042s feeling is something that would be great
3043s to to get into last Epoch but uh we
3047s don't have any plans for it and it it is
3049s a pretty
3050s significant adjustment that would end up
3052s being made if we if we did that so maybe
3056s but no plans
3059s I think if we should anytime any of them
3061s ATT any of them attacks it should deduct
3063s one
3066s gold all right next question any plans
3069s to streamline the legendary item
3071s crafting process I Jeweler every time I
3072s want to slam a one LP item seems a
3074s little excessive Mike do you think
3076s that's a little excessive no I think
3077s it's perfect um I do think however that
3080s there are issues with dungeons
3082s themselves that are making this feel
3084s worse um and we are addressing those
3086s issues choose
3089s um uh I was going to say a time frame
3092s and then I'm like I don't know the time
3093s frame that we J's in but uh at some
3096s point I don't want to say too soon as
3098s and be wrong possibly quite
3104s soon next question are we ever going to
3107s meet some of the other NPCs that uniques
3109s are named after like aror or farore
3112s isidora Etc um I'll say yes and yes on
3117s some potentially later for others it's
3120s one of those things where like when we
3123s you know want to introduce a new NPC for
3126s like a new system or just a you know
3128s part a new part of the game like we have
3131s this big Treasure Trove of NBC's
3134s reference through you know uniques that
3136s we can just dive into and go okay what
3138s do you want to do with this what what
3140s story on here do we want to expand on so
3142s like nothing I don't want to say any of
3145s those are set in stone but like whenever
3147s we add new stuff like it's very likely
3149s that we'll dip into those and you know
3151s mess with them a bit so I want I want to
3154s do some With Ur as well and yeah like
3158s it's a
3160s non-committal probably and I think
3163s there's also important to note that some
3164s of the some of the names that appear on
3166s items are are like um supporters and
3170s backers who have like their like their
3172s gamer handle in there or their real name
3173s in there in some cases too so it's the
3175s odds of meeting Aon the golemancer are
3179s low unfortunately D do the name defend
3181s the name Aaron it's it's very explicitly
3184s a dude yeah that's that's kind of what I
3186s was so yeah there there's a few of them
3187s that are probably won't
3189s be all right next question is Isadora a
3192s vampire with the Stak they killed her
3194s and silver they bound her so I don't I'm
3198s not sure I want to use the explicit term
3200s vampire because we haven't dipped into
3202s that kind of you know part of the lore
3204s too deep yet but I will say that the
3208s immortal empire did not invent
3210s necromancy before the immortal Empire
3213s necromancy was a thing throughout the
3215s Divine era and even earlier in the
3217s ancient era by like someone mentioned
3219s malatos the dragon earlier that's
3221s referenced on one of the Warlock uniqu X
3223s that's an example of the fact that even
3225s like back in the ancient era like
3226s certain powerful dragons could dip into
3229s you know necromancy as a type of magic
3231s they could you know mess with there are
3233s you know vampire like un dead you know
3237s hiding in the shadows in you know
3240s different eras that you know like
3243s there's a source for where the acolyte
3245s learned her dark arts in the Divine era
3248s for example so the moral Empire doesn't
3250s have a monopoly on Undead stuff it's
3253s just that the unu undead stuff kind of
3256s had to be way more in the shadows until
3258s theal Empire came and made it very you
3260s know normalized and accepted throughout
3263s the world so vampires exist even if
3267s whenever we you know go all out and
3270s introduce them we call them something
3273s different all right so next question is
3277s there oh a Mike want to add something on
3278s that point no I just thought it was cool
3279s I didn't know that yeah yeah yeah like a
3283s so yeah there there are various types of
3286s Undead it's just they kind of have to
3288s hide in the shadows away from society
3291s until the world Empire made society
3294s Undead nice is there 80 plans for
3297s effects on some skills to buy an item
3299s shop will be very cool to add M want to
3302s take that one I feel like that's uh I'll
3305s let you answer that one for effects on
3306s some skills to buy in item shop for
3309s skill intx oh oh oh oh yes yes sorry wow
3313s I completely forgot about like MTX stuff
3318s I'm like what are you talking about yes
3320s they're they're you can see them you can
3321s see them right here is the uh the slots
3323s that they will be uh be put in and you
3326s can see there's like some some placeold
3327s UI that's uh will be functional once
3330s they're in the game but yes which I'm
3332s just realizing now I'm not used to
3334s having a uh a window over my my right
3339s hand side of my screen like a a second
3341s webcam there so people can't really see
3342s this very you can see a little bit
3343s there's there's there's more there
3344s behind
3347s Kyle it's it's right here here and
3352s here but but yeah it's they've been
3355s tricky to get work but it's something
3357s that we want to
3358s do all right next one happy Friday happy
3361s Friday to you too you guys rock you rock
3363s as well wanted to ask are there any
3364s plans to enable item transmog with
3366s endgame items I guess the system is
3368s already there with the MTX Cosmetics tab
3370s will it be possible to include the
3371s endgame items there as well upon shedar
3373s or something like that also please make
3375s it available in online as well offline
3377s as well thanks thanks to you uh Michael
3380s I you take that one yeah uh we we are
3383s working on a transm system right now um
3385s I don't have an ET on it or exactly the
3388s the like method that it'll be so so
3392s there's there's a lot of different
3393s transmog systems that have come through
3394s different games um some of them like
3397s require a like an item to be like to
3401s enable the transmog some of them like
3402s need to like extract that view off of
3405s them some of them some games like uh Dia
3407s 3 was unbelievably open for this it was
3409s just like have you ever picked up an
3410s item with that as like the base model
3412s great you can just switch to it no
3413s problem um and then there's like the far
3416s other extremes it's like there's a like
3419s a $5 item you have to buy from the the
3421s shop and it it it only works one time
3423s and you know like so so there's there's
3425s like extreme examples uh both ways and
3427s we are uh we're still deciding exactly
3430s how that's going to roll out
3432s um but we are we are working on a
3434s transmog system right
3440s now don't know we'll call it transmog I
3443s think that's just straight up a wow term
3444s we'll probably call it something else
3446s but that's what we just that's what
3447s everyone calls it anyways I I think
3449s that's a a pretty generic just like
3451s video game term Now isn't it I mean have
3455s any other games use the explosive term
3456s transon because I know know F FY 14 used
3459s the term glamour uh I forget what P back
3462s does for there kind of equivalent there
3464s I don't know actually like the word
3466s transmogs used anywhere besides World of
3468s Warcraft I might be wrong uh double
3470s three probably does but that's because
3471s they're also blizzard yeah I I I
3473s probably just got my blizzard goggles on
3475s so it's I I just
3477s yeah I mean very reasonable goggles to
3479s have they it's
3482s yeah so next question who or what exiled
3486s the exiled Mages in the prisons
3489s so the Exile Mages were concepted around
3492s the same time that we were really
3494s getting deep into the Rune Master like
3496s you know creation and you know really
3497s fleshing them out
3500s the the ones who exiled the exiled Mages
3503s are certain very powerful Rune Masters
3507s that at least started out as being
3510s associated with warwin but have kind of
3513s gone out and kind of started doing their
3514s own thing they are a side of the lore
3517s that you know I want to dip into more as
3519s time goes on but pretty much the uh room
3522s Masters and well Ren were experimenting
3525s with way experimenting with time travel
3528s honestly experiment with trying to you
3529s know dip into the same kind of research
3532s that J was doing down in you know you
3534s know down in the south of maasa and they
3537s kind of where they kind of hit their
3539s brick wall with that it was making these
3542s these little prisons that would send a
3545s person one way to somewhere that they
3547s didn't quite know where they' end up but
3549s they couldn't come back so with you know
3552s their kind of failed attempt at making
3554s time travel really just resulting in a
3556s box you stff someone in and they go
3558s somewhere and never come back like hey
3560s we can use this to get rid of people we
3561s don't like so they started just using
3563s that as a way to Exile dangerous Mages
3567s that they didn't want to just stuff into
3568s a prison or kick out of you know kick
3571s out of their you know full Mage club and
3574s just want hey we we dislike you enough
3575s or think you're danger we want you to go
3577s somewhere and never come back so they
3579s stuff them into these prisons and
3582s activate them and they just get sent off
3584s somewhere random in time in place and
3586s stay trapped never to come back again
3589s until you know random traveler you know
3591s knocks on it and then whoopsy here's a
3593s insane Mage breaking out who's been
3595s trapped in there for who knows how
3597s long but uh there are I want to dip into
3601s these you know these Rune Masters who
3604s made these prisons more later in the
3607s future in some sort of like side
3609s system so yeah
3611s there's I want to do some more cool
3613s stuff there but yeah like Wizards found
3616s a way to make a go away forever box and
3620s did that to people who don't like
3621s typically other
3623s Mages so yeah
3626s next question I have a question about
3629s quality of life have you thought to add
3631s custom sounds to the fil oh sounds
3633s filter sounds again so that we will know
3635s when something some amazing Z Item
3637s appeared on the map at of site or maybe
3639s an additional marker on the map and have
3641s you thought about the possibility to
3642s search in the filters by percentage of
3643s Statistics I think we answered something
3645s very similar to this earlier though Mich
3647s there's any other kind of like new want
3649s you want to add on to it go nuts not not
3651s really it's the same as what we answered
3652s already um
3654s we there's there's definely a problem
3657s here uh we don't have a great solution
3658s for it yet we're working on
3661s it all right next question does each
3664s timeline have its own Epoch and the
3666s trailer shows multiple player characters
3668s at a ter Temple The Traveler has failed
3670s in other timelines and are killed in the
3671s void wins are those the timelines we are
3674s correcting so I will say that yeah every
3678s alternate traveler AKA like every like
3680s other player in the game does have their
3683s own Epoch just by nature of you know how
3686s every player is going through the you
3689s know the timeline like that but as of
3693s yet every timeline ends in the ruined
3696s ERA with you know a dead fail traveler
3698s and you know the epoch kind of not
3700s really amount anything but you know
3703s maybe you the player will be you know
3707s the traveler who doesn't die and saves
3710s you know saves the reality in a tera
3712s with the epoch maybe you are the one who
3714s will finally defeat orabis
3716s as long as you keep on playing and you
3719s stay strong and you are the
3722s hero so I got real too into the whole
3725s pointing of the camera gimmick let me uh
3727s rethink if I actually answer that
3729s question yeah I
3734s think but but but but yes other other
3736s Travelers have the epoch but all
3739s travelers up till now have failed and
3742s the ruined era happens but the story
3745s might be the story about The Traveler
3747s who avoids that fate it might be
3755s you no not you not you it could be you
3758s not you not maybe you
3761s though I I I I watch too much sping
3764s friends and the little bits where just
3766s quickly point at the camera kills me
3768s every
3769s time anyways next
3772s question how many other Titans are there
3775s you're very specific to say is Stone
3776s Tian so Stone Tian is the mountain
3779s beneath the uh the boss of the is Arbor
3782s I I still just call him Stone Tian just
3784s due to like early Dev name and just
3787s that's the name that's been lodged into
3789s my grey matter so I can't really put a
3792s hard number how many Titans there are
3794s the term Titan really just applies to
3798s these this kind of class of creature of
3801s being of monster that kind of became
3806s ubiquitous with the ancient era the the
3808s ancient era has a lot of these big huge
3812s creatures and part of the transition
3815s from the ancient era to the Divine era
3817s and humanity and the gods kind of taking
3819s their place in the world is humanity and
3822s the gods clearing out the Titans and the
3826s dragons so that you know Humanity could
3828s make towns and actually survive long
3830s enough to get civilization going without
3832s having to be afraid of getting stomped
3833s by a big Stone monster or being in by
3836s big Crystal worm or you know getting you
3839s know wrapped up in webs by some kind of
3840s big spider like the Titans are a
3842s classification of giant ancient ARA
3845s monster that was had to be taken care of
3849s before Humanity could really get its you
3851s know get its momentum going and the
3853s stone TI is notable for being like as
3858s far as anyone knows the only Ty to
3860s survive all the way to the ruined area
3862s just by like slumbering down like you
3864s know in an underground cave for
3866s something so
3867s long uh mik Gren what's up every time
3870s you say Titan you're cheing cheing what
3872s you cheesing me every time you said
3874s Titan I was hearing the word tie in like
3877s it's a tie in to something and I'm like
3879s oh no like that does make any sense that
3881s does make oh he's
3889s Titan
3890s anyways that was great thank
3893s you it's it's it's it's funny I I had
3896s that little bit of accent sometimes but
3898s but you know whole time you know growing
3900s up down here in Texas people ask me hey
3902s where are you from I like I from here I
3905s just talk weird I don't know what it is
3908s there's this one lady at my old job who
3910s came in and she asked if I was from
3912s Scotland and I was just in a weird mood
3915s that day and I just said yes I just roll
3917s it yes and she she asked if I like was
3921s from a certain part of it I was like oh
3923s yeah I was up there you know I got some
3925s family I just I just lied to this poor
3928s old woman and she probably went to her
3930s grave thinking that she met this kind
3932s Irish boy you know getting a smoothie
3934s there's worse things in the world than
3936s than having a nice encounter with
3938s someone that maybe wasn't entirely real
3941s H you know thank you for putting that
3943s relief on my heart I appreciate
3946s it all
3948s right next question the gods are able to
3950s impart immortality to others question
3952s mark like morus or like lagon when he
3954s says he controls le le life as well is
3957s this immortality connected to how the
3959s immortal Emperor has extended it to all
3960s the skeletons yes so one of the kind of
3964s Hallmarks of like divine power and
3966s Divinity is its ability to extend out
3970s the lifespan of someone extend out you
3973s know prevent death and maybe will live
3976s far you know beyond you know their
3979s normal lifespan and be able to come back
3981s and stick around that like Leath is
3985s hundreds of years old in fact um and the
3989s imortal emperor and his ability to you
3991s know raise the dead in mass and keep
3994s them around for long long long time is
3998s very much connected to the fact that he
3999s has stolen the power of you know all the
4002s Divine ER Gods so a big old
4006s yesy and next
4009s question are you planning to implement a
4011s corruption catchup system where the old
4013s characters don't have to grind through
4015s from zero I'll let take that one Mike
4021s yes good
4025s answer uh it was it was the question was
4027s worded vaguely enough I just say Yes um
4030s there it's it's you know it's in the no
4032s specifics yet we're still working on it
4034s we're still flushing it out all sort of
4035s stuff but yeah it's this is the like
4038s alts alt have an issue this I I went to
4040s this I did a whole like drawing thing on
4042s the screen last time and oh my god oh
4043s it's not that bad um the
4046s lots of times alt characters especially
4049s for very inran players um you end up in
4054s Long stretches of non difficult content
4058s uh like just just just rolling over
4060s everything to get to the hard stuff to
4061s get to the fun stuff um and so we want
4063s to uh we want to fix
4067s that which speeding up corruption ads is
4071s the ways to do
4074s that good
4076s answer all right next one when we go get
4080s herot's spear Mor is seemingly being
4082s sustained by the spear there are also
4085s what looks like Soul jars there as well
4086s are the guts standing themselves in a
4088s similar way through Soul jars or is this
4089s just for morus or are they Immortal in
4092s their own way only killable by another
4094s God so there are kind of multiple
4096s questions going on here so the people
4099s being s sustained in the uh Frozen roots
4103s in the uh the uh the tomb mortus those
4107s aren't connected to sustaining morus
4109s those are actually just other humans
4112s that were who rebelled alongside morus
4116s so and herot froze them there to kind of
4118s keep them in prison without killing them
4121s and kirat spear is kind of what's
4124s keeping morus in stasis and keeping them
4126s in prison there and they are their
4131s immortality there is another kind of
4133s reflection of how the gods can impart
4135s part immortality but
4138s through hro being kind of a little
4143s misguided in his sense of Mercy he one
4146s of the things that could have brought
4147s hirat into conflict with Rya is that
4150s hirat asked for help in the gods and
4152s making the spear in order to deal with
4155s his son Mor to S of rebelled and Rya was
4158s very much on the camp of hey okay I'll
4160s help you with this problem because
4162s you're too weak to solve yourself but
4164s you got to make sure to kill that guy so
4165s the problem solved and hot did it hro
4169s kept morus imprisoned in the Tomb of
4172s morus with the spear keeping him you
4174s know you know imprisoned and in stasis
4177s rather than dead and paria saw that as a
4180s sign of weakness from
4182s herot and you know it could be arguable
4185s whether herat was being merciful or
4187s naive or weak or kind like there's it
4191s depends on how you read that but yeah he
4193s had
4194s morus fren and imprisoned there rather
4197s than know killing him and he did that
4200s the same he did the same to a bunch of
4202s hero bunch of Mor's followers who are
4204s also imprisoned in that
4207s tree and I hope I hope that answers the
4209s question I kind of got into the into the
4211s the weed going talk about the gonna what
4213s does Rya think about this this guy who
4215s wasn't even in the question but R would
4218s be happy with that he likes being he
4219s likes put
4221s important next question personality is
4224s coming through just in this yeah yeah
4226s Rya is very judgmental and very anyways
4230s anyways I I I I've had some future
4232s chapters in mind lately so that's kind
4234s of coming up earlier you had said the
4236s epoch and the void were connected is
4238s orbus just a future alterate version of
4241s ourselves so was cred by the void or the
4243s epoch I'll go ahead and say I'm tempted
4247s to you know do the whole you want to
4249s find out thing but I will say that the
4251s player is not orbus I I I'll I can say
4254s that you know confidently I'm not going
4256s to say you know more details on you
4260s know straight up copying Diablo 1's plot
4265s no yeah yeah like I like to avoid
4269s spoilers they going to keep some mystery
4271s around things but I can I can say you
4273s know without too much worry the yeah the
4275s player is not all
4278s this back to the power ladder let's get
4281s on that ladder and Power on where does
4283s the Weaver fit in this oh the power
4285s ladder
4287s that power I thought we were talking
4288s about like bounce or
4291s something okay where does the Weaver fit
4294s in this space what are her powers
4296s besides making items that can never roll
4298s properly well the the Weaver is an
4302s interesting example
4304s and she has a a connection
4309s to she she's a special case and we'll
4312s find we'll be able to talk more about
4314s her sometime in the
4317s future I will say that she is above the
4323s I I I'll say that due to stuff she is
4325s above the gods but not above or or so
4330s yeah I think that's probably the most
4332s comfortable place I can
4335s say love
4338s it okay next question will there be a
4342s chance in the future to have a prefix
4344s SLS suffix onar that allows for a chance
4346s on hit for minions to taunt the enemies
4349s I asked because if lightning Wolves and
4350s the retaliation damage and items like
4352s the West Wind helmet were minion
4354s retaliation is a part of the it mod for
4356s PR much will we ever add a apix that
4360s gives minions taunt on hit yeah um it's
4362s a cool idea it it is the way taunt
4368s works we don't really
4370s have um like un taunting you I have we
4376s have I'm
4377s taunting uh and it it it it kind of just
4380s goes everywhere cuz the way the way
4381s taunt actually works in last Depo is
4383s really weird um it makes the AI think
4387s that object is huge like like really
4392s really huge um and when when the because
4396s it it thinks it's so huge uh the
4399s targeting system is all done by
4400s distances and it's like oh this thing's
4402s like on top of me this thing's like
4404s taking up the same amount of like the
4406s same spaces I'm taking up so it is the
4408s highest possible Target that I can have
4411s um and it attacks that thing so it's
4414s uh the only way we could do something
4416s like that would would have to be like a
4418s chance to taunt like a a triggered
4421s chance to taunt everything when you hit
4424s and
4426s ah it's it it has the potential to make
4432s um uh and enemies behave really strange
4435s especially with minions um I think it's
4437s more likely that we would see um more
4440s more like specific minions cuz also
4441s having squirrels do that doesn't make
4442s any when near as much sense as like um a
4446s bear so it's uh probably more minion
4450s specific taunting stuff is possible than
4455s generic good
4457s answer I don't want to see a poor little
4459s sroll get creamed by an enemy because
4461s you have taunt on hit I
4464s agree all right next question
4466s considering the four gods have a set
4468s deviation from the cardinal points would
4470s it be possible to assume that maybe some
4472s minor gods or half siblings could Arise
4474s at the intercardinal points so I will
4477s say that the like the intercardinal
4480s points aren't an explicit like slot for
4483s other gods to exist in but there are
4487s like there there are some minor gods and
4489s other kind of you know beings that are
4492s you know have a similar kind of like
4494s relation to the god gods that you know
4497s some are missing some just haven't been
4500s you know important enough for the story
4501s to really touch on them before there
4504s there are other there are other
4505s continents besides the one you see in
4507s the game as well there there is a lot
4511s more room for gods and minor Gods than
4515s just our main four it's just that our
4516s main four are the most important ones
4519s for the game's story and the continent
4523s that the game takes place in so there is
4526s room for these other kind of like minor
4528s Divine figures it just I wouldn't say
4530s they are explicitly tied to the like
4533s cardal points or intercardinal
4536s points so yeah there's room for some
4539s like
4540s minor you know Divine figures to you
4543s know come up in the story as
4546s well okay and on to the next question is
4550s the time loss Coliseum a you know last
4553s PVP still something with can see in last
4556s eoch and uh Mike I'll let you take that
4558s one if you don't mind cuz I'm going to
4560s drink some pineapple flavored water out
4561s of my comically large Yeti
4563s jug um PVP is still something that's
4567s possible for us to do uh it's it's not
4569s actively being worked on right now I can
4572s tell you that um but it is it is like uh
4577s you know it's we'll see what happens
4579s with it I I I would love to get PVP in
4583s um if I just say it's coming here and
4585s then then we'll be like well we said we
4586s do it we got to do it now it's it's my
4588s new trick to getting stuff done no um
4592s it's it is it is something that we we've
4594s we've talked about for a long time it
4595s was part of our original designs um pre-
4598s Kickstarter as like like oh we we
4601s wouldn't it be great to do PVP all that
4602s sort of stuff so like it's it's it's in
4605s our like our our Dream version of Last
4608s Epoch includes PVP but we don't have any
4610s specific uh details on how that's or
4613s when that's going to look
4616s chat I don't know about you but I feel
4617s both enlightened and
4621s refreshed on to the next question is
4625s there a future plan to incorporate post
4627s level 100 experience outside of resp
4629s specializing
4631s skills not
4633s really um we we feel level 100 is a very
4638s significant achievement unto itself and
4641s uh progression post that point is more
4644s about
4646s um secondary systems and
4650s like like improving your gear um doing
4653s like completing other endgame content uh
4656s and and some other stuff maybe um it
4658s probably won't be directly just
4660s experience like we don't even play for a
4663s paragon
4666s system like most most players aren't
4669s expected to hit uh level like it's it's
4672s it's a we expect characters to like be
4675s able to be like like oh this character's
4676s finished I I completed this character um
4679s to what I find complete to this cuz you
4681s you never really complete a character
4682s but like I have I feel like I've
4684s completed this character um we want that
4686s to be possible before level 100 so the
4689s the direct power granted from a system
4693s like that if we did something like that
4695s would have to be like
4696s tiny uh probably wouldn't feel fantastic
4699s so it's it's more likely going to be
4701s something like that to be tied to like
4703s endgame progression than
4707s experience okay here's an idea you make
4711s a a void version of Mel's RIT that
4714s summons a a like void Knight mercenary
4719s and every time he shoots across Bol it
4720s takes away one experience I know as soon
4722s as you said void of that I'm like I know
4724s exactly what you're going to
4727s say hard not no systems that remove XP
4730s deal with it if it isn't OB is it if it
4732s isn't obvious that one of my favorite
4733s things to do in gamees time meetings is
4735s to uh throw out insane bad ideas and you
4739s know sometimes it might spur a SC that L
4741s to something cool yes which it does yeah
4743s which is
4746s great on to the next question any
4749s thoughts on the sticky issue with hit
4751s boxes for example when fighting emperor
4754s of corpses sometimes I can't move around
4755s him feels like I'm stuck or sliding
4757s around the boss instead of
4759s moving uh it's a tricky one I think for
4763s either of us I it's more like a like a
4766s monster like design question or just
4768s kind like a gameplay like any thoughts
4771s on that Mike not off the top of my head
4773s there's there there's probably some it's
4775s it's it's I doubt it's intended to be
4776s that way yeah exactly like something
4781s that yeah something that I have no doubt
4784s is being worked on it just I think is
4786s one of those unfortunate things that
4787s kind of Falls outside of either of our
4792s apartments
4793s anyo on to the but but yeah like it's
4796s it's something that like should be
4798s better and we know definitely are going
4802s to try and make it
4804s better um next question you said mortus
4808s was herat's son are there other children
4809s of the Gods out and about the main other
4812s example of that would be the fact that
4815s apus is technically the daughter of
4818s maasa and every vessel mating before her
4821s was also a daughter of maasa that's the
4823s main other example of children of the
4825s Gods um that is not to say that I would
4830s I would say that yeah maasa and hot
4834s would be the only ones interested in in
4837s hot's case interested in humanity enough
4840s to have us to have a you know a child
4842s and in Mosa's case interested in her own
4845s kind of continuing her
4847s own you know power and presence to have
4851s a child via the these vessel maidens
4854s Leon be too much in his own just kind of
4858s domain just causing storms to entertain
4861s himself and not really you know thinking
4864s outside of himself enough to try and go
4866s and have a child and Rya is far too like
4870s arrogant and narcissistic do you know
4872s want to give up any of his power in that
4875s sense so I would say yeah the only
4876s notable one to be morus on herot's side
4879s and apus on Ma jasa
4882s side nice
4885s and up next will there be an
4887s implementation on tweaking the loot
4889s filter to sort out uniques with
4890s different legendary potentials for which
4892s a legendary potential in the loop
4894s filter any uh thing to add in on there
4897s mik
4901s um you know I I think that that uh
4905s Community persistence can often bring
4908s about change
4910s sometimes but uh no comment my my eye
4913s just drifted to the chat and saw a
4916s response to the uh you know my answer
4919s about the children of the Gods saying
4921s that uh from inspector elth is kind of
4923s like an adopted child of lagon whether
4924s or not lagon would recognize or agree
4926s that's actually a very good insight
4929s there that's actually a very good
4930s example leth could be considered an
4933s adopted daughter of lagon but in the
4936s sense of oh I have to go do the taxes
4941s for my dad because he can't be Ed to
4944s himself and and oh I need to go you know
4947s mow his LA because he won't stop looking
4950s at it you know his figurine collection
4952s to go mow himself so Leah isn't happy
4954s about it but Leath could be considered
4955s an adopted child of lagon that's
4957s actually a really I hadn't considered
4958s that exact like perspective of it so
4960s actually yeah I like that a lot that's
4961s actually a very good point very good
4963s example
4965s yeah on to the next question would you
4968s consider to change golden residents to
4970s be able to trade exalted items too
4972s non-tradeable items at least SL buff the
4975s big residence we got 15 gold to drop
4976s versus one big one uh pretty much as in
4980s a way you could buff golden residences I
4981s think it's like they going distilled
4983s kind of idea there I think it's more
4985s likely to have the um obsidian residence
4989s is that what it was I remember the
4992s internal name right now I think changing
4993s uh increasing the drop R that's more
4996s likely like we we're we're playing with
4998s that we've got some changes uh some some
5001s PRS that are in review right now now
5005s along those lines but um nothing
5007s specific yet might have to drop
5011s something next question any plans to add
5014s boss voice lines in chat during the
5016s fight notice it with a gone and to me is
5018s quite enjoyable and more mive Yes
5020s actually like uh we did a big pass on
5023s adding those kind of chat voice those
5026s chat lines for bosses like ran kind of
5028s run up to 1.0 uh any spots where we
5031s missed that we do plan to go back and
5033s hit that there and we wanted that to
5035s continue to kind of be like a standard
5036s of the system going forward so really
5039s it's kind of a matter of kind of going
5040s back and seeing the spots we missed on
5042s that but yeah as as a standard thing for
5043s like all future Bzz we're going to try
5045s and have those chat lines for the VA
5047s lines CU yeah we are very happy with how
5049s that came together it's just a matter
5051s kind of hitting those holes we missed
5053s and making sure it stays part of kind of
5055s implementation
5057s standards yeah and got terrible what was
5062s that I just got some terrible boots I
5064s was hoping for
5067s uh speaking of fashion wible hoodies be
5069s available in sore for last Epoch um I
5072s don't have a clear answer that I mean I
5074s want the one I got sent too the the one
5077s I got sent was too small my wife took it
5080s I don't have one myself I need
5081s apparently like uh I don't know a 8xl or
5085s something cuz like I think was Tiny I'm
5087s pretty yeah I I saw like the size
5090s printed on the one that I was sent was
5091s like the right size of requested but it
5093s was so small it's like is this like what
5096s cut is
5097s this my my others are the same size F
5100s Well I mean do I need to start H the gym
5101s more I started get all self-conscious
5102s and stuff no I I put it I put it down on
5105s on my bed next to another hoodie that's
5107s like got the same size and I'm like this
5109s is this is legit 20%
5112s smaller so once we figure out these
5115s sizing issues we might start being able
5117s to sell
5119s hoodies hey we got a
5121s sub hello hello FTW think describing a
5127s tier
5128s one fantastic I don't I don't think we
5131s have like other tiers I think it's all
5133s just that tier I I don't think we have
5134s like variable tiers for
5136s Subs I mean I think that's yeah I mean I
5139s think that's a victory for equality on
5141s all fronts yeah there you go all right
5143s so next question you called her up the
5145s God of winter are the other gods also
5147s seasoned do they wax and Wayne and power
5150s so I wouldn't say that I wouldn't say
5153s it's a cool concept they don't really
5155s wax or way and power like that with
5157s Seasons they are like associated with
5160s they have like some kind of connections
5164s to aspects of the world and nature but
5167s nothing as quite explicit like this is
5169s the fall God this is the spring God but
5171s like hro has like domain over like know
5174s the North and cold and stuff that kind
5176s of naturally aligns with you know winter
5178s uh Rya could be could be argued is
5181s aligned with you know summer and like
5182s the hottest parts of the you know of the
5184s gear
5185s but like it's not that he gets stronger
5187s in summer it's just that as you know a
5189s god with a domain over fire he naturally
5192s has a you know like you know is
5193s associated with summer and maasa could
5196s be associated with spring due to her
5198s kind of themes of kind of rejuvenating
5200s herself and regrowth even though you
5201s know she's in a desert so like the god
5204s of winter would be less something that
5206s is the god of winter title is less from
5209s Hero's perspective and more from his
5212s followers perspective from herp
5214s perspective it'd be more so God of you
5216s know this region and these people and
5219s God of you know ice and cold and
5221s strength the the winter descri to be
5223s more something that like others would
5225s put on him rather supposed to something
5226s actually intrinsic to him and his
5229s power so I say his power is more
5232s fundamental than winter I should
5234s say more fundamental than winter that's
5236s that's a I mean in the sense that it's
5239s you know more to do with ice and cold
5242s than the actual like time of year it it
5245s just had a had a weird weird ring to it
5246s but I like I liked that that thought
5249s thank you uh next question thank you for
5253s the great game you have created oh thank
5254s you for playing it any plans to make
5256s some uniques give access to other
5258s classes skills or Pro them on hit this
5260s is one of the most fun things too was
5261s some Rune words like the worldwind
5263s assassin or proing frozen orbs on Kick
5266s uh I never played assassin that much in
5268s the able to so please corank me if ww
5271s wasn't Whirlwind it was chaos Clause
5273s whirlwind ah okay I had a
5276s feeling yeah um and uh short short
5279s answer is yes mostly CU we already do
5281s this actually um the crap what's the
5285s belt uh uh the meteor belt the cast
5289s meteor belt yes uh string of stars chain
5292s of stars stars yes harbinger of stars I
5296s I I just say the word Harbinger so
5297s little it you know completely forgot
5299s that word
5300s existed uh yeah um so so there's I hate
5305s you the harer Stars belt is uh the first
5308s example of that uh and we do have um i'
5313s I've seen quite a few internal ideas and
5315s external ideas pitched uh that that also
5319s help with that um that that help with
5321s that that that would expand that theme
5324s um and I I I know we've we've looked at
5329s exploring that theme from a couple other
5330s angles as well uh I know one example
5333s that's like like Broad up like every
5335s every time this comes up in like a
5336s design meeting one example that always
5338s comes up is the idea of having a bow
5340s that gives summon wolf some way like
5343s that's that's like the like the like
5345s main example that always comes up we
5347s talk about this and it's honestly a very
5348s exciting class fantasy like the poster
5350s child example what's that it's the
5353s poster child example exactly
5357s exactly okay next one I've got
5361s Arachnophobia also the question I've got
5363s a Arachnophobia and found a that
5364s replaces all of them with white boxes
5366s can I use this to enjoy the game or hope
5368s that you will all add a mode to help
5371s with this Rich do we have an arop phobia
5373s mod or setting like coming we've
5376s actually talked about it fairly recently
5378s um I don't know where we landed on that
5380s uh Mike have any like more you know
5382s Insight on that um it's there I I don't
5386s want to make promises in case that
5387s something falls through but we are we
5389s are actively um working on addressing
5392s Arachnophobia and other accessibility
5394s issues in the game um like there's
5397s there's we there was a big discussion we
5399s had recently that was like do these
5401s scorpions trigger a Arachnophobia to be
5403s like do these need to also be replaced
5404s for rnap Phobia settings um and things
5406s like that so so it is something that we
5407s are actively developing um I don't have
5410s any sort of timeline on it for you um
5412s but it is it is a it's something that we
5414s consider an an important
5419s issue good
5421s answer okay on to the next question
5424s question is B still alive in the ruined
5427s era well I will say he's not dead in the
5429s ruined
5432s era so actually to actually answer the
5434s question a
5435s bit U this isn't a spoiler because it is
5438s like content that is in the game right
5440s now um so after chapter one where balus
5444s you know takes the shards and you know
5446s sends both sends you to the ruined era
5448s and he disappears as you go into last
5452s refuge and get into the uh last you know
5454s the last archives that become a library
5456s area right after the council chambers
5458s you can find lore notes written by last
5460s refuge's first Elder and if you read
5464s them it sounds very much like very
5467s similar and is voice acted by the same
5469s person who voice acted balus and at the
5471s end of those little lore notes in the
5474s last archive talking about how the first
5476s Elder founded last Refuge after he know
5479s appeared in the ruined era outside of
5480s his own you know will he you know found
5483s out he had to leave and you know left
5486s last Refuge behind knowing that it'd be
5488s you know in good hands so Bas is
5491s somewhere he is not dead
5493s yet not dead
5495s yet he's old he's not that
5498s old
5501s sweet and on to the next question we'll
5504s be able to have male or female for every
5506s class um Michael let you take that but
5509s the kind of short version that I believe
5510s is still kind of the case of we'd love
5513s to but gosh that just literally doubles
5516s all of our animation
5518s and armor fitting like you know steps
5522s for everything to do with items and
5524s animations but I'll let you give me
5526s more voice acting too and there's
5529s there's there's a lot of stuff like the
5531s dialogue has to be touched there's so
5532s many things that that it affects um we
5535s do have long-term plans to include
5538s character customization into the game
5540s that would include body type as a
5541s setting um or as an option and and uh
5545s this is something that we are this comes
5548s up very frequently we know it is an
5550s incredibly important issue to um to to
5553s some of our players and um it it the
5559s um the the the time and cost and like
5562s development time cost that that goes
5564s into something like this is shockingly
5567s High um it's very deceptively difficult
5570s and timeconsuming to do and um we do we
5573s do have plans to add character
5574s customization at some point uh it I can
5577s tell you this for absolute certainty it
5578s will not be in the next patch no
5580s question that it's it's it's not coming
5581s next patch I'm sorry um we we haven't
5584s even started on it yet um but it is
5586s something that we know is is extremely
5588s important to some people and uh we we
5590s want to deliver a a good experience for
5592s those people so it's it's on the list
5594s it'll it's it's a ways down the list
5596s still yeah like like short version is we
5599s we we want to it's hard we talk about it
5602s a lot internally
5604s we just got to find the right way to do
5606s it in a way that is efficient and is the
5609s best for you know everyone you know all
5612s the for all the players whenever we are
5614s able to finally do something like that
5617s yeah
5619s okay next question is it ever explained
5622s where the players get their powers from
5625s um depends on what kind of powers you're
5627s talking but if you're talking about uh
5629s being able to travel through time that's
5630s from the shards of the epoch you get you
5632s know in that just becomes more the case
5635s as you you know get all the shards to
5637s complete you know re reform the epoch if
5639s you're talking about their powers as in
5642s like the skills and everything um that
5644s is by the nature of you know their
5647s backgrounds like the Sentinel for
5649s example so he again there's one the kind
5653s of the downsides of us picking up the
5655s character specific intros in favor of
5656s the shared intro but uh the Sentinels
5659s backstory is that he was a former
5661s soldier of Rya who once he saw the
5664s destruction that attacking hiboria was
5668s causing decided to defect and fight
5670s against Rya afterward after all so his
5674s you know his powers and abilities at the
5677s very beginning you know are very much in
5679s line with being a Riya Soldier and as he
5682s advances he gets stronger he either you
5684s know leans into his background more and
5687s becomes a forge guard or he starts
5690s giving into you know the power the void
5692s he's seen from being the Ru era and
5694s becomes a void Knight orcid to hold on
5697s to his own willpower and hope and start
5698s to kind of Forge A New Path like what
5701s Rya should have been and becomes a a
5702s paladin and the same thing could be said
5704s of you know the other you know classes
5708s their their powers are from their
5710s backgrounds and where they decided to
5712s take them and the kind of shades of
5714s alternate thems that went down these
5717s other paths so they Embrace whenever
5719s they make that Mastery Choice with
5721s Gaspar so I hope that answer the
5728s question wonderful and also from you you
5730s know clicking the buttons and you know
5732s assigning the skills the real power
5734s comes from the strength within the power
5736s comes from
5740s you all right next question will the
5743s past act see an update will there be any
5745s Recons that you
5747s foresee also also just want to say
5749s thanks for the gifted Subs air to uh to
5753s to Jud and Steve
5755s not that they need it but thank you very
5757s much
5761s anyway were those
5763s random I I I want I if those were random
5766s that's absolutely hilarious man I don't
5768s know how twitch works well you can I
5770s think you can give Subs to people
5772s specifically or just randomly um so I
5775s don't know if those were specific or
5776s random I think they were random though I
5778s mean Jud is the luckiest person I know
5780s when it comes to like games and stuff
5782s yep I'm lying
5785s yep I said that because I know he's in
5788s chat just to mess with him oh get it
5790s specifically he was Target okay less
5792s less less ridiculous but still cool
5795s thank you very
5798s much okay next question will the past a
5801s and update will there be any Recons that
5803s you
5804s foresee so I don't want to there's
5807s nothing set in stone for like when we'll
5810s update past axe I will say that the area
5814s that is going to very most likely be
5816s targeted whenever we do go and update a
5819s past act would be going through chapters
5823s four five and six and upping those in
5825s quality those right now are the oldest
5828s parts of content in the game as far as
5830s like what's been updated or not because
5832s chapters 1 2 and three have seen updates
5836s far more recently than 4 five and six
5839s have like 456 did get a very good of
5842s actually yeah that's a little bit out of
5843s data actually because from a level
5846s design and enemy perspective four five
5849s and six the entire Imperial a stretch
5851s did get a really good makeover looks
5854s wise and enemy wise so those have been
5856s updated I yeah so those are in a better
5859s set than they used to be but as far as
5860s like Quest design and just events
5862s happening in those scenes those are the
5864s ones I still want to Target the most out
5867s of all of our coronally existing
5868s chapters like uh you meet the outcast
5872s and the outcast Queen early on and you
5875s kind of don't really interact with them
5876s that much afterwards you're really just
5878s going to tag along with Alor for the
5880s majority of your time in the pillar era
5882s that's something I I wouldn't call that
5884s a reccon I would more so call it a kind
5887s of rework or expansion of events there I
5891s that's one thing that I personally want
5893s to go back and kind of improve the most
5895s as far as our our existing Story Goes is
5897s going to that Imperial era stretch and
5899s making the outcast and the outcast Queen
5902s matter more and have on top of just
5905s having the player just do more stuff in
5907s those like in those scenes in those
5910s chapters because like like the like the
5914s quest and event designed for chapters
5917s four five and six is absolutely our
5918s oldest at the point you are kind of
5920s going in a straight line for a long
5922s stretch of there so yeah that that's the
5924s part I want to go back and you know
5926s update the most but again that kind of
5928s is constantly at odds with like making
5930s new content making new systems you know
5933s stuff like that so there's really no
5936s like set in stone kind of plan on when
5939s we would update those but yeah I would
5941s love to go back and make to where like
5943s the outcasts are actually a faction
5946s people can like recognize and feel
5948s attached to and you know feel like
5950s they're actually part of the game's
5951s world as opposed to this little like Pit
5954s Stop you see for a second and then it's
5955s the allor
5957s show he is handsome though people love
5960s him I love him true um okay uh just a
5963s quick note here here um four more
5965s minutes uh so at 40 minutes past the
5967s hour we're going to stop taking
5968s questions um and we'll just we'll we'll
5970s power through the remaining questions
5972s that we have here for the end of the
5973s Stream So if you if you if you are
5975s sitting you're like maybe I want to ask
5976s a question I'm not sure get it in now
5978s you got a couple minutes left before we
5979s cut off question taking and I will say
5981s when we' cut off the
5985s questions going and with that being said
5988s is there a corruption level that the dev
5990s team considers a good build I believe CF
5993s prophecies end up 320 do you think
5994s players should get to 320 500 800 1,000
5998s 2,000 a million Mike what do you think I
6001s I I think usually it consider someone
6003s says like oh I've got my corruption up
6004s over 300 I'm like that's a very
6006s successful build um you've done a good
6008s job you're kicking butt you're you're
6010s like you've hit all of the like points
6011s where things unlock as you've mentioned
6013s the 320 is where they prophecies stop
6015s changing um I think 300 is where the
6018s last rank of uh when you finish a
6023s timeline the the
6024s last the fifth option unlocks for the
6027s blessing you get um so like we we don't
6029s we don't have anything that shows up in
6031s the game past that that point so roughly
6033s 300 is sort of like where we consider a
6035s successful build to happen it doesn't
6037s mean that builds won't push higher than
6039s that um but that's where we sort of like
6042s uh look at like time to time to unlock
6044s things to be reasonable um for like you
6047s know people that are pushing those 2,000
6049s corruption I've seen some that are
6051s ridiculous like that's the the the time
6053s to get up that high is insane um and
6057s usually uh all the ones I've seen so far
6059s I say usually just in case there's not
6061s but all the ones I've seen um they
6064s they've all been on builds where there's
6066s been a mistake we've made in the build
6068s and there's there's something that's
6069s interacting the way we never intended it
6073s to yeah in fact yeah in fact internally
6076s we call it a leonitis like we see a
6078s build that like hitting that you know
6080s the target number of 300 C yep that's a
6081s leonitis right there I'm l we don't do
6084s that but yeah 300 is a good number also
6087s good movie
6090s Yes okay
6092s and next question sorry I joined late no
6096s worries I understand not sure if you
6097s answered already I'm not sure if we have
6099s yet would it be feasible once you reach
6101s 100 the level the experience Echo would
6103s Auto replace with meaningful Echoes uh
6105s we don't have we we we don't have any
6107s plans for this we've considered this
6108s option a few times um they do still do
6111s things um and
6115s and yeah it's it's it's not impossible
6118s we don't need plans to do
6122s it good
6124s answer uh next question why are the
6126s people in the outcast Camp totally cool
6128s with my necrom are walking through their
6129s Camp while being at war with the emperor
6132s that is good question actually yeah it
6135s is a good question it kind of like did
6138s it kind of you know interacts with a
6140s couple of questions we had before like
6143s uh just a minute ago I talking about
6144s like I would love to update that entire
6146s stretch of the game with the outcast and
6148s the outcast camp like four five and six
6151s I would love to update those and one
6153s thing that'd be great to do there is
6155s play around with like the game
6159s recognizing your class a bit more like I
6161s would love it to where if we update that
6164s the NPC would actually be way less
6166s friendly to you if you're an acolyte and
6169s like have different dialogue that's way
6170s more standoffish and way more kind of
6173s like hey we're watching you you you know
6176s you not line exactly exactly because and
6180s kind of temping on a another thing like
6182s in the Imp era yes Undead are very much
6186s you know like generally associated with
6188s the Empire before the Imperial era there
6191s was necromancy that was just kind of
6192s more hidden and more kind of in the
6194s shadows because they you know weren't
6195s you know accepted it you know the
6198s acolyte could be you know seen as okay
6201s they are a hedge Necromancer not not
6203s associated with the Empire that's you
6205s know using you know necromancy to fight
6208s against the empire as well again am part
6210s of yeah part of uh you know updating
6213s that Str what I'd love to have like an
6215s actual kind of beat where the outcasts
6217s aren't sure about you and you need to
6220s kind of prove yourself to them besides
6221s just talking to the outcast Queen off
6222s the bat so that is one of those kind of
6224s like weaknesses in the presentation of
6227s outcast that I would love to go back and
6229s you know improve if we would ever revamp
6232s those Imperial era chapters
6235s nice next question what exactly is a
6238s Chrono worm and what does it do in the
6241s ecosystem so the end of time is kind of
6245s this outside of the world kind you know
6249s space where you know reality has been
6252s almost completely eaten Away by the void
6254s and there's not much left besides he
6256s kind of floating debris
6258s so outside of the world there is life as
6263s well and the main example of that are
6265s these Chron worms the Chron worms are
6267s essentially the native the native life
6270s the native creatures of this space
6272s outside of reality that's left when the
6275s vo e away everything else and they act
6278s as kind of scavengers for this kind of
6280s know detrius of these dead timelines
6282s eating the kind of floating fragments
6284s that are left over so they are a a
6288s native you know natural creature that
6291s lives in this space outside of
6294s everything that are just going to having
6296s a good Buffet a good meal with all these
6299s dead timeline fragments that orbits are
6301s orbit is creating from erasing
6306s everything it could be argued that
6308s Chrono worms are aliens I wouldn't use
6309s that term personally but it could be
6315s argued next question what exactly are
6318s Leah's arms are they pure mechanical or
6321s similar to the gold and silver
6322s Elementals so it's kind of that's kind
6326s of they're more mechanical I will say
6329s that she Powers them with magic get from
6332s lagon it's not like just pure like you
6335s know uh pneumatics and pistons and steam
6338s and stuff it's there is Magic powering
6341s it that's you know one of the kind of
6344s Hallmarks of any of the kind of
6345s Technology you see in the Divine era
6347s like you see like the solarm constructs
6349s those little kind of walking spider
6351s things and The Siege Golems those are
6353s you know
6354s you know mainly mechanical but they are
6356s powered by Magic powered by Fire magic
6359s the same thing is going on with Leah's
6361s arms and her Contraptions they are
6364s mechanical in nature but they are are
6366s they being powered by steam or you know
6369s you know coal or anything it's powered
6371s by lightning magic in your case Magic
6373s from lagon so and the gold and silver
6376s emetals are a similar case but kind of
6378s more going of Veer towards the magic
6380s side of things they don't have as much
6382s mechanical things going on on but they
6384s are similar kind of inanimate object
6386s animated with magic just with less kind
6388s of mechanical complexity compared to
6391s Leia's constructs
6393s so short version is it's kind of a
6396s spectrum with Leath arms being way more
6399s on the mechanical side but they both
6402s share that kind of inanimate object
6404s powered by Magic kind of you know
6408s Spectrum all right question who is
6411s narrating the cutcenes is a guy gar it
6414s is not Gaspar it is the Observer and I'm
6417s going to leave the question
6420s there almost a little mean but yeah it's
6423s good I'm not being mean I'm being
6427s direct okay so it is not Gaspar the
6430s person narrating the cutscenes is the
6433s character known as The Observer who you
6435s see in that first intro cut scene and
6438s you'll learn more about their deal in
6441s the upcoming campaign chapters
6444s foreshadowing foreshadowing we have
6446s stopped taking questions by the way so
6447s if you are if you're asking more I'm
6449s sorry we're not going to answer them
6450s yeah we are currently in cleaning up the
6452s last ones in our
6454s queue so up next is what's the
6457s philosophy philosophy of infinitely
6459s scaling corruption you've mentioned
6461s before that you have ideas on how strong
6463s builds are by certain tiers of
6464s corruption so why not have a corruption
6466s top so Mike why is there not a a ceiling
6471s to corruption
6474s this is something that I have been
6476s sitting awake at night thinking about uh
6479s a lot lately actually um I think the
6482s main reason is that uh that that
6485s possibility that there's always there's
6487s always a chance you could do something
6489s even harder there's always that like
6491s there's always room for improvement um
6494s that I really like
6497s um and I I I think it's really positive
6500s thing to have in the game but it's I I
6501s agree it's a little bit of a uh a
6503s strange dichotomy where if you if if
6506s you're not expecting people to push just
6509s forever why have it be there um and I I
6513s think it it comes down to a lot of
6516s um like that we we just it makes more
6519s sense if we have the balance of top end
6522s builds
6524s tighter which we need to
6527s do yeah that's that's a very good answer
6529s like like if we had a a a hard ceiling
6533s on corruption you would feel like you're
6534s kind of like done with the game a lot
6537s sooner and also yeah just be able to see
6541s a build like hey this build can hit a
6542s thousand corruption and we can going to
6544s be like ho like huh that's not right
6546s what's going on
6548s there but
6550s yeah on to the next question will there
6553s be any new class representation in the
6555s future or
6556s specializations uh Michael let you take
6558s that one oh yeah um we've been we we
6561s we've been talking about all sorts of
6563s different options in the expansion of
6566s classes uh that sort of stuff we're uh
6569s primarily going to start looking uh like
6572s when we do eventually start increasing
6574s the class options uh the initial Avenue
6577s will be expanding more Mastery classes
6580s um we do have plans for uh new base
6584s classes and uh other
6590s stuff willia I like that
6593s answer and next question what have you
6596s guys have been up to since launch oh
6598s nothing much
6601s you it's it's been busy we've been like
6603s we're we're working on 1.1 we've been
6605s patching 1.0 um you know
6609s there's everyone's got a ton going
6612s on uh me
6614s personally uh a lot of
6616s work yeah I might be going to scar bro
6619s here in a few weeks I'm excited for that
6621s actually
6623s uh I think it might be next weekend
6624s actually oh cool going to go see jacqu
6627s the Whipper I think he's only there for
6628s one weekend nice I've say I loves him on
6631s Tik Tok
6633s yeah so that'll be fun that's what I'm
6636s doing next weekend so all right uh next
6638s question what are the team's plans to
6640s make the lore more accessible to the
6642s community as a whole recordings that
6643s play while moving rather than standing
6645s still Etc that's a very good question we
6648s want to do everything we can to kind of
6650s improve our presentation on that front
6652s it's it's one of the just kind of like
6656s Hallmarks of being a you know a you know
6660s a team that started out very small with
6663s people who kind of never made a game
6665s before and just kind of building on this
6667s railroad track as it's running in front
6669s of us for so many years
6672s like
6674s like I'm like I'm always reminded of
6676s walls and Gromit you like dropping down
6679s the train tracks exactly exactly like we
6682s like
6684s it we've been talking about a system
6686s called Lore Collectibles for I think
6688s over a year now maybe two years at this
6691s point PR much like you know hitting that
6693s kind of niche of you know these
6696s recordings that play while you walk
6697s around instead of like you know a
6699s standing still conversation and like
6702s make it to where like you would interact
6703s with these and they would go into a
6705s whole UI section that can let you
6707s revisit them later on when you whenever
6709s you wanted to go and look back over them
6712s like a like as I'm sure people notice
6714s there are these lore notes throughout
6715s the game now like they started popping
6718s up around when we introduced the uh
6720s chapter one overhaul those are actually
6722s the kind of like place not I want say
6725s placeholder but just the like early
6727s version of getting the lore cable system
6729s kind of going we just have not had the
6732s bandwidth to be able to kind of hit that
6735s kind of idealized plan for them where
6738s they can play while you're walking
6739s around they're stored somewhere in your
6742s like UI with a new element they can go
6744s back to to replay them like so it's
6748s something that we want to do more of and
6751s better it's just we've always got a
6754s million things to do like that are more
6758s pressing than something like that so
6761s it's it's on our list it's it's one of
6763s things that's on the list
6766s yep next question is WD movement still
6770s just at the state of discussion or were
6772s there any updates to that Michael let
6774s take that one uh it's it's something we
6776s are continuing to
6779s explore uh it's it's it's not uh we
6783s don't have a firm answer at all right
6785s now um that topic but we are we are
6789s exploring it right
6793s now good answer a next question will we
6798s see keeper balus again
6800s maybe not going to into more details on
6805s that I do want to bring him back for
6808s some of the kind of like you know stuff
6813s that happens later so I I do there there
6817s are plans to bring him back yes he he
6819s he's not the tent isn't for him to just
6820s disappear
6822s entirely there there is a theme a soft
6826s theme G to going on with you know we
6827s have a gas bar and a balus and I want to
6830s get them into the same room at some
6831s point
6833s maybe with a third person that hasn't
6836s been met yet they're going to form a
6838s band a rock band and no I would love
6842s that can we do like a rock and roll
6843s cycle like like like introduce like a I
6847s mean fortnite as a Guitar Hero why can't
6849s we have Guitar Hero yeah
6851s right loot
6853s hero
6857s yes all right next question if the gods
6860s influence the player's abilities what
6862s are your thoughts on other enti is
6863s giving the player power in the future I
6866s mean you guys have found those Weaver
6868s items Weaver will items I mean that
6870s power is coming from somewhere the void
6872s Knight has power you know from the void
6874s so so yeah it's not just the gods that
6877s are the source of power for players like
6880s the Primal less for example is like you
6882s know pulls a lot of his power from
6885s nature itself and animals and like the
6887s land and weather and everything and like
6890s while there is a lot of overlap with the
6891s Gods in that it's not entirely the gods
6894s supplying that power uh the Mage like
6896s there's like you know touching on
6899s similar stuff as the gods but like the
6901s Mage isn't like mainlining power from
6903s the gods by any means so yeah the
6906s players do get you know like power from
6908s other sources than the
6910s gods next question is the Imperial AOS
6913s Seer a former keeper maybe Lena uh yeah
6916s the uh the outcast Seer that's in the uh
6919s the Risen Lake she is not Lena uh when
6922s whenever we do have Lena show back up it
6924s will be obvious that she's Lena that
6926s that this that it is Lena the outcast
6929s Seer isn't Lena but she is one of the
6932s last Keepers that have kind of know
6935s survived I don't want to say survived
6937s into the Imperial era because that
6938s implies I know she was alive than more
6940s so the keepers as an organization kept
6943s on being a thing after the events in
6945s chapter one and yeah the outcast Seer is
6949s one of the kind of last Keepers and the
6951s keepers going to helped form the kind of
6954s initial foundation of the
6956s outcast
6958s so that answers that
6961s one what's your favorite Paradox that
6963s currently exists in the game mine is the
6965s predestination Paradox in chapter 4 with
6967s the Imperial officers Crest being
6969s officer humps Crest and the fature last
6972s AP1 oys I have to say my favorite oys as
6976s well that's that's that's a that's a um
6979s like an
6980s emoji oh I like it as well yeah
6983s but like like that's it just comes
6984s through his text in
6986s these I I I don't know what your problem
6989s with obus is I love
6994s it I know I know um I'll say my favorite
6998s Paradox is one that hasn't been
7000s encountered by players yet
7004s oo it's going to it's going to be
7005s something that happens in one of our
7007s upcoming three campaign chapters
7013s okay next
7014s question are there future plans for
7017s adding rewards for finishing on the
7018s leaderboard like a cool F maybe Banner
7020s or portal something that can be made
7022s unique for each season will make the
7023s leaderboard actually be a worthy thing
7025s to grind for March leaderboard rewards
7027s Mike any thoughts yeah leaderboard
7029s rewards are um a a a target for us it I
7034s think while we we we knew that the first
7036s season the first cycle would be very
7039s volatile uh and uh putting in a valuable
7045s reward for uh the the first cycle
7048s especially would be
7050s um I I I think it would would have left
7053s us open to some some some
7055s issue
7057s uh uh I I think there's a very good
7060s chance we expand into that type of thing
7062s later I'd love to I think there's uh
7064s really great cool ways to like uh really
7068s cool unique ways we can uh distribute
7070s some some fun things like that and
7074s um yeah I I I it's it's on the
7081s list good
7084s answer next question who are The
7086s Pinnacle bosses coming in 1.1 Mike
7088s hasn't had any leaks the stream well um
7091s let me start digging up some concept art
7094s real quick and I start kind dra no we
7096s can't say that kind of
7098s stuff sorry thank you very much aeir
7101s that is five gifted Subs to the channel
7103s congrats I got one of those God arow
7106s weird you are a
7112s hero next question are there any
7116s specific plans to update the Fidelity of
7118s the vazar search capabilities if so any
7122s ETA 1.1 Mich you
7124s hit uh there there's a few things so we
7127s we we are desperately trying to improve
7129s the bizarre functionality uh to make it
7131s smooth and and and fun and all that sort
7133s of stuff and there's
7135s um there's a couple with the way the
7139s data is structured in the back end
7140s there's a couple things we would love to
7142s do that get requested pretty frequently
7144s that we can't do right now um but we are
7147s we are working on improving the bizar
7149s search functionalities um and and all
7152s other little things that it needs as
7153s well so like we are um there's there's
7157s features missing from the bizaar that we
7158s know we need and we are working on them
7161s uh some those yeah searching filtering
7164s price checking uh all all sorts of
7167s things there there's there's lots
7168s there's lots of features that are just
7169s aren't quite up to um the
7173s the smoothness that we want them to be
7177s yet um so we are working on
7181s it um so yeah that's
7184s a i i it's a constant interative process
7188s and yeah yeah we are um we are at the
7192s end of the questions that we took we
7193s only have 3 minutes left but if there
7195s are uh any couple questions we we'll
7197s just look directly at chat right now and
7199s uh maybe if there's if there's anything
7201s you want to sneak in under the wire um
7204s we we'll just grab a couple fresh ones
7205s right now one here good afternoon I was
7208s curious oh scrolling on me is there if
7211s there's any plan to tone down Elemental
7213s Nova effects for run master so I can
7216s play Tron helmet without getting a bad
7218s headache uh not not specifically but
7221s it's a good thing to feedback on there
7223s is uh I I I I know what you're talking
7226s about it goes a little ridiculous right
7227s now we we are constantly trying to find
7230s that that fine balance between um hey
7233s this looks cool and Al my eyes uh and
7236s it's it's surprisingly difficult to hit
7238s especially when you have um modifier
7241s effects that will make them make things
7243s bigger and because you got to have like
7245s the bass be cool and still have the
7246s difference from the base to the bigger
7247s be cool and you know have it not go too
7250s far so so it's it's something we are
7252s will we'll be
7253s be tuning in I I'd like to have the
7259s oomph be inversely proportional to the
7263s size this one's out to my
7267s oomphies if there's any in chat you want
7269s to grab there any lur ones there just
7271s just go ahead and grab it uh lur ones
7273s let's see here let me just scroll up for
7276s a second
7282s from Mr fibble the ancient Earth seems
7284s to be very underutilized will we get to
7286s see more of it in the future uh hold
7289s tight for one of the uh upcoming
7292s remaining three campaign chapters as
7295s I'll say
7296s there um see
7299s here more ones that oh there's one here
7303s uh who made the vessels of chaos and
7305s memory in the Echo web in the
7307s timelines oh same person who made the
7309s way points and made the monolith
7315s like to when asking for him we don't
7316s have a set date that we're it's not we
7318s don't have a public date yet um roughly
7320s in the ballpark of three to four-ish
7322s months from when we launched
7330s 1.0 any plans since PVP um hopefully
7334s someday nothing concrete right
7337s now what's the lore on armorred
7340s particular not being searchable there's
7341s no lore it's just a
7350s mistake that will just about do it for
7352s us you know I'm just going to wrap this
7352s up here thank you very much for coming
7354s on thank you everyone for your questions
7356s that you asked uh this was a ton of fun
7359s uh if do do you have any any anything
7362s you want to add on to the end of this
7364s anything you were hoping to get asked
7365s that didn't get
7366s asked oh goodness
7370s um I put in an Easter EG in end of time
7374s and no one's found it oh my God you're
7377s just going to drop that nuke and walk
7380s away yeah because I'm still sad that no
7382s one's found it oh my god well on that
7386s awesome Revelation because I get asked
7389s frequently if there's any Easter eggs
7390s are missing I say no unless I mean I I
7392s mean it's an Easter egg if it's
7393s something that's like you know from
7394s somewhere else in the game like it's
7396s it's not Easter egg to something outside
7398s of the game it's like it's a secret I I
7400s should say it's a secret in End of Time
7402s right that's good leave it there's leave
7404s it there no no more I might have to
7406s double check if it's actually working
7408s but anyone and see if if you can see
7412s it what's that if I go to end of time
7415s will you be able to tell if it's there
7420s um you got to do some certain things to
7423s make it happen which is why I'm starting
7425s to wonder if like it just you know isn't
7428s working we how about this we we will
7431s confirm for everyone that's going to and
7432s hunt for this we will confirm that it's
7434s working or not uh and and we'll we'll
7437s we'll post it somewhere in as the devs
7439s or something like that just so that
7440s there's like a confirmation if this
7442s exists or not because I don't want to
7443s send people on a wild goose chase we we
7445s we will confirm if this is working out
7446s before everyone goes off and look in
7448s chat Canon chat has said it is working
7450s last he checked
7452s okay okay all
7454s right well here we go well I hope I see
7458s a screenshot of that thing I put in this
7461s this is news to me but I love it okay oh
7464s yeah you don't know about
7465s it we're we're going to end this here
7468s thank you so much for coming on IID of
7469s blast we will uh we'll we'll try and get
7471s you on again at some point down the road
7473s because I know a lot of people love
7474s these um if uh anyone who was here was
7477s asking a question and uh we didn't get
7480s answered I'm sorry we do our best to
7481s answer as many as we can uh we do have
7483s an as the devs channel in our Discord
7484s open that you are welcome to drop by
7486s we're also active on other platforms uh
7488s Reddit there's other social platforms
7490s that we got people hanging out in all
7491s over the place um so come talk to us all
7494s sort of good stuff um we'll be back same
7497s time same place next week um hanging out
7499s playing more Epoch answer more your
7501s questions uh and that's that's about it
7503s I hope you all have a wonderful time um
7506s yeah this was a very fun I had a great
7509s time you are all wonderful people anyone
7512s whose questions get it answered I my
7514s heart goes out to you I apologize it's a
7517s big chat uh yeah had had a great time I
7520s like forgot how this was from last time
7522s we should do this more often this is a
7524s great time and oh yeah one more thing
7525s about the secret it's not the giant
7527s Chona warm in the back that guy's
7528s obvious he's he's hard to
7531s miss but yeah love you all hope to do
7535s this again
7536s sometime love all of you and I did not
7540s prepare someone to go look for so we're
7541s going to a standard one that I know is
7547s safe yeah that's it for us um I hope you
7549s had fun I know I did we'll see you back
7551s here next week week and
7554s uh drink lots of water drink lots of
7557s water even from a giant jug even if it's
7559s too big for
7561s you drink mine