Hey all,
Brand new to Last Epoch and have been really enjoying it....until logging on earlier to find a message about the season ending and discovering all of my stash items missing, along with all of my gold.
Anyway, after a bit of looking around in-game, I found I was forced onto legacy (guessing because the latest patch/season started today) and when I clicked the 1.0 option on the stash, my stored items were in there.
My gold, however, has completely disappeared, so I don't really know if there's a way to get that back, which is why I'm making this post.
I don't play ARPG's much, but Last Epoch caught my attention. Anyway, I thought the legacy option was how the game released and 1.0 was the latest build, so I began playing that and guess I found out the hard way that 1.0 was actually the first season. So yea, feels pretty bad to lose my gold when I'm reliant on that to buy shatter runes to break down my items after a run.
Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise, if the gold is gone for good, well I'm glad it was in the thousands and not millions.
If there's a quick way to migrate all of my 1.0 stash to legacy, please let me know, as sending it all to my character inventory, then opening up the legacy stash over and over again will get old fast. :/
Thanks all.
Edit: Just realised all of my crafting materials have gone too...
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