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Diablo 2 Resurrected tech Alpha went live today and https://www.twitch.tv/fextralife was testing out the controller support.

it looks pretty damn good. controller will never match the speed of mouse + kb but looking at this this seems about as good as grim dawn or diablo III controller support.

Things that LE desperately needs:

  • proximity based interaction / item pick up aka press A to do the thing. with a proper loot filter this becomes super good because you won't be tiptoeing around trying to pick up the thing you want
  • none of this combat cursor bullsh*t. cast in direction or at auto target. skills like lunge already auto target slightly past the edge of the screen there's no reason this should be a problem to implement
  • toggleable cursor / cursor for UI interaction ONLY. binding "select" as the cursor toggle has always worked well for me.
  • easy drop/equip options in menu (hover over item press X to drop Y to equip etc...)
  • use of LB/LT as a "shift" modifier for keybinding - this is crucial to make sure players who seriously want to go solo controller can have enough bindings for all the commands
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almost 4 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We have some great controller improvements coming in 0.8.3 actually! One being the proximity based item pickups which is feeling very nice. I'm particularly excited about this because I play with a controller 90% of the time due to some pretty intense RSI myself.

Gamepad didn't get much love the last couple patches because our main developer that was working on those features moved into multiplayer development tasks which took priority. We've since then moved another developer into those tasks and we're picking them back up again. Good stuff on its way!