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There is still a huge amount of anger with the lack of trading. The people who are mad are calling LE another D3. There was even one person on D2jps who admitted giving death threats to EHG for paying money because he thought there would be free trading, which there isn't. A lot of these pro free traders are Amoral psychopaths. I think a good amount of these people wanted trading as a way to scam other players and being jerks.

Since the game was announced, they tried numerous ideas for trading, including the bazaar. In the end, every attempt to make trading work made it too exploitable and broke the core gameplay loop of the game. They want playing the game to be your main power source, unlike Diablo 2 and PoE where trading is well over half your power. These two game are trade simulators with ARPG elements, not true ARPG's. RMT for power is something that's dying out in these games and D4 will continue it from D3 when they removed trading after realizing how bad it is for the genre.

The game by itself is very good for being low budget. Even though I'm more excited for D4, this game is a instant buy for me. Hoping it does very well.

Its just depression seeing all this anger. Most of these Pro free traders ignore every problem free trading offers and try to grasp at straws whenever they try to rationalize why its perfect for the game.

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Mansos91

So have they confirmed never trading? Or just not with multiplayer launch?

All we've definitively said so far is that at multiplayer launch (patch 0.9), the only way to move an item from one player to another is through limited gifting as outlined in the dev blog.

We've given some reasons why this is our frontrunner for launch targets too but it's not set in stone and we will be looking closely at feedback from people who are experiencing the system directly once the patch drops on March 9th.

Full Devblog Link

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Shelk87

It would be nice if you allowed people to have a small list, maybe 5-10 people, that you can gift items to at anytime. Have a waiting period where they have to be on your list for 7 days before it enables or something to mitigate abusing it for trade. I imagine there are people that only get to play with friends seldomly but would still want the opportunity to gift them items they know would be useful for them. It would eliminate the trading for profit situation but allow people to still feel like they are engaging with their friends. Otherwise anytime you find something a friend could use will be a negative moment unless they are right there with you. Personally, how i can engage with friends is the important part to me and a system like this would bring me and my friends into the game. Not being able to engage with gifting outside of maybe a handful of hours in a week or two week period would make the game a pass.

We've seen many different similar suggestions that are interesting for various reasons. We came close to moving forward with a variant of this about a year ago, even had a sweet name for it. At the time we found it to be likely too complicated for most people to use intuitively while still enabling a frustrating version of free trade. It's not impossible though.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Xraxis

Why go with such a punishing and restrictive system? Developing around power gamers seems like a pretty big mistake since they will always be looking for the path of least resistance to get to their goal, and casual consumers end up getting punished for it.

The devlog link above has some in depth details and reasoning for ya. I'm on mobile so I'd rather not go copy pasting if that's ok.

I'm curious to know what you view is punishing about the system to casual consumers. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, just looking to get some specifics.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by mr_ji

So the people saying it's like D3 are absolutely correct. I don't have strong feelings one way or another, but to act like they're being negative when that's exactly what's happening with the game is disingenuous.

The issue is that it's just what is happening at 0.9. Much like the post you're replying to, conversions on the topic so frequently have misinformation in them. Many people have mistakenly assumed that this is not open for any changes or feedback.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Pandarandrist

Did the original trade post make it explicit that more changes to trade could come post 0.9? I don't remember reading it (although I assumed it was the case)

Yes, the opening line says it's specifically about 0.9. The section header that outlines the actual system details specifically states that it's for 0.9.

This is the final line of the post:

We’ll be closely monitoring feedback regarding the details of this system while we look forward to everyone getting their hands on item gifting and more in Patch 0.9 on March 9th.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Pandarandrist

I know it was specifically about 0.9, but I wouldn't really consider this a specific claim that the trading system could expand. Even so, that's how these things go

Yea, that's a solid point. I know that I work really hard to be as precise as possible with what I say, especially when I'm doing the weekly dev streams. Things tend to fall into 2 categories, way too difficult to even consider changing (e.g. switching genres) and things that could change as the game evolves. Even if the game launches with the current gifting system in tact (which I'm not saying that it will), it could still change over time.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Pandarandrist

This whole trade announcement just confirms for me what I occasionally remember - I do not envy devs who have to communicate with the community. So you say it could change moving forward? What's the point in that? Do you get people's hopes up? Do you clarify by saying it also might not change and you have no plans to change it? etc. etc.

All you can do is just say how it is as directly and clearly as possible and take the inevitable fallout for what it is. I think you all have done a great job with this.

Comments that y'all lied and cheated your way into backer money by saying that there would be a player driven economy in the kickstarter really rub me the wrong way.

Thanks :)

It's a tricky minefield to navigate for sure. You really want to please everyone and make everyone happy but most of the time that's just not possible so we've just gotta do our best and hope someone likes it.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by faithmeteor

My two cents on this issue having been thinking about it for a few months on and off (and if this is something trackable on your end): Allow friends who have played together for at least 1-2 hours in the past week to trade. To be clear, I'm thinking of your current system of gifting, just extend the period of time where you can share your item drops for a set amount after a multiplayer session. Any items dropped outside of the time window would not be shareable.

I'm not one of the networking engineers so I'm not an authority on exactly what is possible and what is not but with my understanding of the system, that should be possible. It is something we have talked about and we did find an exploit case with it.

That's not in and of itself a deal breaker, just makes things more complicated and we have to weigh it in the discussion.

Personally I would really like to see a 1.0 version of "trade" which enabled friends who play together to be able to share items not found together. I have no idea if that's going to happen or not but if I could wave a magic wand and have it happen with no problems, I would.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by tmtke

Maybe a trade tier system where you can unlock higher tiers by playing together? Trading slots, item levels, crafting mats, whatever could be connected to these tiers?

We looked into a system very much like that too. Had a different name for it too. It's interesting because it rewards people for playing together. All of these very specific restrictions end up feeling very arbitrary. It's like you have restrictions that aren't tight enough because it allows an exploit case and then you slowly tighten things up bit by bit until it flips over some invisible line and suddenly it's no longer worth it to jump through the hoops but at the same time, it's a pain to have to jump through those same hoops.

This is a scenario that we would ideally like to avoid if possible.

Timmy: Thanks for getting this game for me, I'm really excited to play with you.

Jack: Here are some cool leveling items to get you started.

System: Can't trade with that friend, need more playtime together.

Jack: Hunh? That's weird, it let me trade with our other friend who plays.

Timmy: sadge