9 months
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
68s | for |
98s | for |
128s | for |
158s | for |
209s | good good afternoon everybody and |
211s | welcome back to another last Epoch Dev |
214s | stream as usual I'm your host Mike hello |
218s | how's it going |
220s | everybody I'm very happy to be here I |
222s | hope you are too and we're going to hop |
223s | right into some gameplay we're just |
225s | we're we're hanging out some fun if this |
227s | is your first time here welcome glad to |
229s | have you with us um I am I work on last |
233s | Def and it's great and uh I'm just going |
236s | to be playing it and answering some of |
237s | your questions and hanging out |
241s | um if you do have a question for me |
242s | please put at last Epoch game in the |
245s | question so I see it answer |
248s | it |
250s | um I am I am uh playing a an unorthodox |
256s | build we we we'll leave it |
258s | there and I know it's terrible we're |
260s | just we're leveling up we're having some |
261s | fun |
262s | relaxing |
264s | um I did uh I did rumage through my |
267s | stash for five minutes before stream and |
268s | I I picked out uh |
270s | picked out a couple new toys that I just |
272s | slapped on um looking looking at a belt |
276s | here I'm like you know what it's called |
277s | increase min do a lot of |
282s | minions the zombies might scare the |
284s | Scorpions though they're just little |
287s | babies hi |
289s | ear all right are you first question are |
292s | you planning |
295s | on ner uh psych this is your weekly |
299s | reminder for the character sheet rework |
301s | you got |
306s | me it's on list it's a long list |
315s | though now the car car's a really |
317s | interesting Beast because it is the the |
319s | complexity to sort of like complete it |
323s | with the with with the extra stuff about |
326s | like hey this is this is how much damage |
328s | your Fireball is going to do this is how |
329s | much crit your Fireball has and all sort |
331s | of stuff there's a lot of things in |
333s | there that |
334s | um you almost have to like simulate the |
336s | ability running uh to actually see what |
339s | it's going to do in some cases because |
341s | of because we do have a lot of like um |
343s | runtime applications so like things that |
347s | uh will apply to the item but will not |
349s | apply in the character sheet right now |
351s | because it's not like a buff to your |
352s | character it's not even a to the ability |
354s | it's a like next time you use an ability |
358s | you have an effect that does something |
360s | to that ability as you're using |
363s | it it's important to have that style of |
366s | effect so it's not linked directly to um |
369s | your your stat stat block so you CU |
372s | there's things in your stats that like |
373s | affect other things so be like oh you |
375s | maybe you have um extra Health per |
378s | dexterity or something do but maybe you |
381s | have a stat that does that and that's |
383s | something that sits statically in your |
385s | your character she always applies then |
388s | if you have something that says like um |
391s | like your |
392s | next melee ability does more does just |
395s | plus 10 fire melee damage and it's like |
398s | you don't actually have the stat plus 10 |
399s | fire melee damage so if something else |
401s | were to scale off of your Melee fire |
403s | damage it wouldn't apply it wouldn't |
404s | affect it um I guess a good example of |
407s | this is the Rogues ballista um it where |
410s | it like shares some of your stats um and |
412s | so you're you might get a buff that |
415s | affects your next melee ability or maybe |
417s | your next bow ability so it's more |
418s | relevant um and that doesn't actually |
421s | have any impact on the ballista stats |
424s | because ballista is playing your stats |
426s | not your what happens to you |
429s | next so there's weird weird distinctions |
431s | there that we have to account for if |
432s | we're going to really do that right and |
435s | um getting everything working in there |
439s | is |
440s | uh it's it's provided some issues for us |
443s | in the past that we tried to do |
448s | it but it's still list don't |
458s | worry any chance of changing hype week |
460s | into hype month oh I don't know if we |
462s | have enough stuff to Hype over a full |
463s | month know there's there's like some |
465s | hype |
466s | concentration to duration |
469s | ratio |
471s | uh |
473s | coefficient of something Aude that you |
476s | know just break a whole month |
483s | that's what I'm here for get hyped let's |
485s | go we're 32 days out not that I'm |
492s | counting it feels different than uh than |
495s | 1.0 for some reason like we we've done a |
497s | lot of patches we've done a lot of big |
499s | releases now um one 1.0 felt really |
505s | special um and this this kind of feels |
508s | like I don't know we're getting into the |
510s | Groove and um I know it makes me makes |
513s | me excited for the |
521s | future yeah I always thought the laziest |
524s | way to do it would be to just spawn a |
525s | dummy in the middle of nowhere and shoot |
527s | it with the ability a few times and |
528s | average the results or something kind of |
530s | performance heavy though yeah we we |
532s | can't like actually spawn something and |
534s | like actually run it we'd have to like |
537s | fake it in the background if we were |
538s | going to do that way but like it and |
540s | there's there's a whole bunch of things |
541s | that |
542s | just you know it's there's a whole bunch |
545s | of things that makes it really tricky |
547s | to get accurate |
556s | information how long before the next |
558s | themed League are we getting patch notes |
561s | um usually our patch notes are like just |
563s | a couple days um so like we in our in |
566s | our hype week as previously mentioned we |
567s | do have like a |
570s | um sort of a leadup to uh Maj major |
574s | patches where we spend about a week |
575s | doing some a little more some a little |
577s | less but usually it's about a week where |
578s | we do we release like Dev blogs and um |
581s | you know like all all the major features |
583s | get like a a full post where we go into |
585s | detail and like what we're doing why |
587s | we're doing it how we're doing it all |
588s | that sort of stuff and then we um and |
591s | then we're like then we release patch |
593s | notes couple days before patch patch |
595s | comes out so yeah patch notes are |
597s | usually just at the uh tail end of that |
599s | Ty week series of |
608s | posts uh how do you feel about cosmetic |
611s | MTX for stash tabs cosmetic MTX for |
613s | stash tabs yeah I mean sure um it |
617s | seems |
620s | uh I I don't know I think I think it's |
622s | fine but uh I don't think we any plan I |
624s | think if we're going to do something to |
625s | change L your stash tab's look we're |
627s | probably just going to put it in his |
628s | future doesn't sound like the sort of |
629s | thing we put as a cosmetic maybe I don't |
632s | know I don't think we've talked about it |
634s | at all um let me have animated stash |
638s | tabs take by money and buff blade |
642s | dancer I think animated stash tabs would |
644s | be a cool |
646s | idea I think we I think we want to um |
649s | really lock down the functionality of |
650s | the stash before we uh there there |
652s | there's some things in stash we want to |
653s | do so there's like search and sort |
655s | functions that need to be updated in the |
656s | stash um there's just some general like |
660s | hey that didn't quite do what I thought |
661s | it should do type things that need to be |
663s | fixed up um and there's uh there there's |
667s | also things like the the rollover |
669s | stashes functionality that we're having |
670s | to do now for cycle rollovers and um |
676s | also there there's functionality stuff |
677s | too that we still want to get in like um |
680s | uh something like so you can more |
683s | quickly deposit things into the correct |
685s | tab without having to like organize it |
686s | quite as heavily manually right out of |
689s | the gate things like that pu is a |
691s | similar system they call |
695s | Infinity there's a lot of little things |
696s | that we want to get done in the stash |
698s | before we start getting into too much |
699s | stuff like that functionality first |
702s | right um did you play the new cycle |
706s | already tested it out maybe end game and |
708s | stuff if so how's your feeling yeah I |
710s | mean um we we've we've been playing it |
713s | uh the the like the major |
716s | features as as they're getting |
718s | implemented for quite a while |
721s | now so yeah I've been playing the new |
724s | cycle stuff it's not all done yet so |
726s | there's still new things we're still |
727s | making guidance we're still U like Shing |
730s | up bugs |
731s | and there's little little nodes here |
733s | that get added in so there's there's |
736s | still like stuff to be done so it's not |
738s | finished |
741s | um and uh but yeah I I think it's a ton |
743s | of fun I'm really excited for the for |
745s | the final boss uh like the the Pinnacle |
747s | boss that's showing up uh um I'm really |
750s | excited |
751s | about some of the there's there's a few |
754s | skill things that we've sort of like |
756s | talked about doing for a while that um |
759s | internally talked about doing for a |
760s | while but I'm really happy we're finally |
761s | getting |
764s | R there there's new toys and I love |
766s | playing with new |
774s | toys uh from 1 to 10 how big would you |
777s | rate the first cycle patch amount of |
780s | changes SL |
785s | cont that's hard cuz like what's a |
789s | 10 |
796s | like of all the Cycles we've released |
798s | post launch it's a 10 you know it's the |
801s | only one we've done um it's it's hard |
804s | because we don't have any other of our |
805s | own Cycles to measure it against as far |
808s | as like like like a cyle release so that |
812s | is a very tricky question to answer |
818s | um |
821s | seven which as soon as I say it I'm like |
824s | all so I play Magic and everyone the |
825s | joke is everyone ranks their their deck |
827s | power seven out of |
830s | 10 |
832s | um yeah like there's there's uh a |
835s | new like mechanic to interact with uh I |
840s | can't go to two deals about this but |
841s | like there's the stuff on the road map |
843s | that we talked |
845s | about there's there's there's a few |
847s | things that are kind of like not really |
850s | missing but just less prominent So like |
853s | um most of the skill work we're doing is |
854s | focused around um like updating old |
857s | skills and fixing problems with existing |
859s | skills and we haven't been doing like |
861s | new skills adding in and that's a pretty |
862s | big thing usually is is like a whole new |
864s | skill can can have a pretty big impact |
865s | so there's no new like Mastery class |
868s | like there was our last patch had two |
869s | new Mastery classes um so that that's |
872s | like a really big thing that's not only |
873s | missing but it's it's we focused |
875s | elsewhere so like our 1.0 didn't have a |
878s | huge like uh a new Pinnacle boss to |
881s | fight now we do so there's like there's |
883s | there's this give and take of like |
884s | different things from different sources |
885s | and it's hard to it's hard to really |
889s | um I guess nail down exactly how much |
893s | stuff there is if that makes any sense |
901s | hope you had a great week I did thank |
903s | you and we've got to fight this boss |
904s | again |
905s | Grumble |
907s | um are there any plans on adding new |
910s | classes at some point oh yeah |
913s | definitely um I would say so we we do |
916s | plan on adding in new master classes and |
918s | we do plan on adding in new base classes |
920s | too um new base classes will be that |
925s | that that's quite a far ways off um |
933s | the um New Mastery classes will be |
936s | significantly before new base classes |
941s | um we still don't have uh like a fixed |
944s | date on any new classes yet um I do I do |
949s | know likely what the next I would say |
951s | two new master classes will be I bet I |
954s | could call the first two master classes |
956s | with pretty high confidence |
983s | um yeah so we we are |
986s | still like set up and she jumps away |
990s | it's not quite fast |
1001s | enough if you can issue an attack |
1003s | command on them just before the trans |
1006s | transition happens your minions should |
1008s | just chase her to the next one Lon is |
1012s | unpredictable I was trying to protect |
1016s | everyone |
1020s | well you failed at protecting |
1022s | everyone now I've got to do |
1026s | it that went way better this time than |
1029s | last time like I'm not entirely sure |
1032s | what happened but like that went way |
1035s | better A lot of health |
1039s | regen most of it |
1043s | anyways I need more leech I need way |
1045s | more leech if I'm going to wear this |
1047s | this chest |
1051s | honestly I probably should |
1054s | have um I probably should have kep my |
1057s | other one on cuz it's like most deal |
1069s | damage I should get a question to answer |
1072s | while I'm |
1077s | doing so when when he starts doing that |
1079s | big wind up for his I knowon lon's one |
1081s | of those fights that like it is tricky |
1084s | to get the hang up and this chest is bad |
1086s | for this |
1087s | fight um oh no what have I |
1096s | done okay we're we're we're going to |
1099s | figure our figure our crap out here |
1109s | you want you always want to jump to the |
1111s | center |
1113s | um because it |
1116s | uh causes them to miss the |
1119s | eye get more time attacking with I |
1126s | beam is that the best you do think I |
1129s | should have enough space here |
1137s | yeah time |
1142s | well if you're bored just like go take a |
1144s | nap I guess on come |
1148s | on drop some more health potions |
1150s | please will |
1154s | you me away oh gosh it's revived |
1161s | good we have no health potions we've got |
1164s | to be careful here |
1174s | ah lack of regen H us too much cuz I |
1177s | don't do enough damage to actually melee |
1180s | properly that was me being dumb now the |
1183s | question is do |
1185s | we left Get |
1190s | It Go Get a better chest for |
1194s | this all right more shop items and |
1197s | supporter packs when um |
1199s | the MTX updates happen at the uh major |
1202s | cycle |
1212s | patches I |
1215s | mean really not this is probably better |
1225s | actually we just don't have enough leech |
1227s | we need we need Regen to |
1231s | happen going to stun things |
1248s | like we have |
1260s | give another |
1261s | shot all right uh summarize what is new |
1265s | in cycle 2 um yeah I mean so we we we do |
1268s | have a |
1271s | um uh Whatchamacallit a road map that |
1274s | does have that information on it so if |
1275s | you want to reference that information |
1277s | anytime you can check out the road Mac |
1278s | it's linked at the top of like all the |
1280s | Reddit Discord Facebook all it's linked |
1283s | everywhere um oh I walked up too fast |
1297s | uh |
1298s | Mike what are you |
1304s | doing regen being active is uh really |
1308s | good for this I do not do enough |
1311s | Le okay we're summoned back up |
1333s | FY let's go your blood will be to drop |
1337s | in my |
1349s | come on come |
1350s | on okay more questions Mike you can do |
1353s | this oh don't |
1356s | die uh summarize new cycle too right I |
1359s | what I was doing um so yeah we we've got |
1361s | our Nemesis |
1363s | system um we've got our Harbinger |
1367s | system uh and we've got our Pinnacle |
1370s | system our Pinnacle |
1375s | boss will sh you |
1379s | um those those the the big the big key |
1381s | things are are that um we are also you |
1384s | know like there's oh no |
1388s | oh |
1398s | um and then then we've got just like |
1400s | there's a ton of bug fixes um there's |
1402s | like skill updates new unique items um |
1406s | this this is just stuff that comes with |
1407s | like every there's a list the top of |
1409s | that road map as well it's just like |
1410s | things that we do all the time |
1414s | um so all those things are still |
1416s | happening |
1431s | too oh you're light |
1435s | on you can regen it though |
1450s | that health potion pick |
1458s | up next |
1461s | question |
1462s | uh will |
1466s | you yes |
1470s | uh will you go hot and cold sweating |
1472s | next |
1475s | Wednesday hot and cold oh yes yes yes |
1481s | yes |
1483s | uh next Wednesday uh so week today uh |
1487s | plus about 3 |
1489s | hours um I will |
1492s | be uh joining Frosty and Aaron on their |
1497s | new podcast |
1499s | I think I'm the first official guest |
1501s | which is pretty |
1503s | cool for that guys looking forward to it |
1508s | um I I I don't really know what I'm |
1510s | getting myself |
1514s | into I was told to expect some jokes |
1516s | keep it it light so we'll see what |
1519s | happens I have tired of |
1523s | this your SKS entain I got I got some |
1527s | comebacks prepped don't worry guys |
1535s | why thank you for your |
1545s | blessing nice it's got LP on |
1548s | it this is the one portal that doesn't |
1552s | react this is the one portal in the game |
1554s | right now I know it's because I spent so |
1556s | long trying to make it work that doesn't |
1558s | give you a like hey you're you're going |
1560s | through it it's reacted to you clicking |
1562s | on it it's the only portal in the game |
1563s | that's still broken in the in the live |
1565s | version of the |
1576s | build uh ker so |
1581s | 2077 oh it's really broken oh no do I |
1584s | have to fight him again |
1589s | I shouldn't have to that that' be funny |
1594s | though |
1600s | um got look at my Stream |
1609s | Account um if if that was not the |
1612s | question you were asking about next |
1613s | Wednesday uh let me know guess it's not |
1615s | a we today sorry it's not a we today |
1616s | today's Friday |
1619s | five days from |
1621s | now oh |
1631s | boyos you know what this is the one |
1633s | thing I've ever done that is more time |
1636s | consuming and emotionally training than |
1639s | Game |
1640s | Dev being a |
1643s | parent equally rewarding |
1647s | though come on game what are you doing |
1649s | to |
1652s | me all right uh we got a preview that |
1657s | the transmog |
1659s | tinctures that is dies are coming in the |
1662s | future is there any plans to monetize |
1664s | dies I I have no idea how that system is |
1666s | going to shake up to be honest uh the |
1670s | um I I knew we had started working on it |
1674s | um and the road map going out was |
1678s | actually the like the moment that I |
1679s | learned myself that we were |
1681s | actually like locking in to do it |
1686s | um I I knew we like someone had been |
1688s | working on it and someone had been like |
1690s | hey this is something I think we can do |
1691s | should we do it that was that was where |
1693s | I thought we were with it um and the rat |
1695s | went out and I was like oh I guess we're |
1696s | doing it awesome I'm I'm not sure I |
1698s | don't |
1707s | know it'd be I'd be |
1715s | surprised uh can we have a filter to |
1718s | highlight only the equipable items in |
1720s | the |
1723s | stash they are not they follow a cast |
1726s | system there you are I've been also |
1728s | there's a shrine just outside the city |
1733s | impossible |
1736s | impossible one day I'll hit Le been Town |
1739s | it'll work I'm just going to keep trying |
1742s | impossible one day one day it'll work |
1746s | impossible you keep saying impossible |
1748s | nothing's |
1757s | impossible hi Mike hello I enjoyed your |
1760s | Insight and designer perspective cool |
1763s | thank you uh I'm sure the devs have uh |
1767s | conversed about this yes I can read too |
1769s | it's one of my many talents uh but could |
1771s | you talk about the process pros and cons |
1774s | specifically of the hybrid class concept |
1776s | for example Berserker class that would |
1778s | use abilities from both Sentinel and |
1779s | primel trees along with its own unique |
1781s | abilities I know class design is |
1783s | extremely challenging and there's no |
1784s | perfect answer to any problem we get |
1786s | that in a moment just want to say thank |
1787s | you very much to Ranson whoa that's a |
1789s | bunch actually oh it's it's a whole |
1791s | bunch yeah it's a whole bunch um you did |
1793s | a whole bunch last time too that's very |
1794s | cool thank you very much uh congrats to |
1796s | anyone who got one of those gifted Subs |
1798s | that's that's very cool um I guess I |
1799s | should mention we do stream for charity |
1800s | here so all of it goes to charity um and |
1804s | we've got a great one this this uh this |
1806s | month um so yeah uh check it out |
1811s | um yep I'm so bad at hyping up Charity |
1814s | stuff that we do but it all goes to |
1816s | that we're mostly just streaming in |
1818s | order to like um just just share the |
1822s | game with you guys and |
1824s | uh um there's a lot of stuff in the in |
1828s | the twitch e system that that uh likes |
1829s | you to have subs and all those sorts of |
1831s | stuff happening so we're we're we're |
1834s | we're we're in on that but |
1839s | uh we we're we're it's not so much that |
1842s | we're like |
1845s | um we we don't pin our financial hopes |
1847s | and dreams on me |
1849s | streaming which would be a terrible idea |
1859s | all |
1860s | right moving on oh yeah this question I |
1862s | was going to answer yes um so hyb hybrid |
1864s | class Concepts yeah |
1867s | um yes okay so I heard I heard um I |
1870s | don't know when this idea was first uh |
1873s | like the first time I heard this idea |
1874s | pop up in the community at least um of |
1876s | this like hybrid class concept where |
1877s | it's like there's and there's a few |
1879s | different versions of that I've heard as |
1880s | well so um which version we talking |
1882s | about |
1884s | here um so the the one version I've |
1888s | heard was someone was like can we just |
1889s | like build our own Base Class with like |
1892s | different masteries or just like take |
1894s | masteries from other classes and and |
1896s | like the biggest challenge with all this |
1899s | is how the passive tree incorporates |
1901s | with the skills directly um and that |
1903s | interaction how how these these things |
1905s | are all interconnected So like um which |
1909s | items or or which which passives you |
1911s | have passives will frequently directly |
1914s | reference abilities um like there's |
1917s | there's passives on the Mage tree that |
1919s | like do Elemental conversions um you |
1922s | like there's there are direct skill |
1923s | references where it's like this this |
1924s | node doesn't really make any sense if |
1925s | you don't have that skill and some a lot |
1927s | of times as well it's just like the noes |
1929s | don't really make sense if you don't |
1930s | have like the set of skills as |
1932s | well um like uh what's a good example |
1935s | here uh this one here maximum Companions |
1939s | Plus One um you know like if you don't |
1943s | have any companion abilities this |
1945s | passive makes no sense at all does |
1948s | literally nothing um and there's there's |
1950s | other ones here in drw I think where |
1951s | it's like you have Max |
1956s | one there one's somewhere where it's |
1958s | like Max one compan companion |
1960s | total locks it at |
1964s | one doesn't matter where it is um but |
1967s | yeah so the the same thing happens with |
1969s | with items like there's lots of items |
1971s | that'll be like okay well you get |
1972s | bonuses to this ability or something |
1973s | like that a lot of these happen in the |
1975s | head chest and Relic slot um so then you |
1979s | start having like these items that |
1982s | are |
1985s | like the AIC pool for the item base |
1989s | needs to line up with the Mastery class |
1992s | because it also lines up with the |
1993s | abilities of that Master Class as access |
1995s | to and you start mix and matching these |
1998s | things and you frequently get into |
1999s | situations where you're finding items |
2001s | that are like class locked the class |
2003s | you're playing but are completely |
2005s | useless uh and specifically completely |
2008s | usess and like that it Buffs a certain |
2010s | ability |
2012s | and it's it's so messy however still |
2016s | like it's a good idea um it's just |
2019s | messy and so we're if if if we ever |
2022s | decide to do something like that in the |
2023s | future we're going to really have to um |
2027s | take a close look at how we can |
2029s | incorporate um all the the class locked |
2032s | themes and abilities and items and all |
2035s | these things because um class identi has |
2038s | been such a core design pillar of the |
2040s | game for so long that there's lots of |
2042s | things that we mechanically and |
2044s | thematically very specifically locked at |
2047s | certain |
2049s | classes um but then there are then then |
2052s | you look at certain classes and certain |
2053s | like archetypes in arpg in |
2057s | general not even arpg just RPGs in |
2059s | general like Fantasy games like why |
2062s | don't you have that |
2065s | um and then you try and place where it's |
2067s | supposed to go and you're like doesn't |
2068s | really fit in one place so the the big |
2071s | example what I'm talking about here is |
2072s | the like let's let's look at a wow |
2074s | Hunter um you need bows guns bows um and |
2081s | that's that's Marksman or Rogue in |
2083s | general uh and then you need um like |
2086s | Animal Companions and that's Beast |
2088s | Master primalist in general and so you |
2090s | you end up in the situation where you've |
2091s | got these two in order to to build this |
2095s | like classic wow style and I'm other |
2098s | games before it too |
2101s | um like class character archetype and |
2104s | you need to dip into two different |
2105s | Mastery classes to do |
2108s | this |
2109s | um and so like there's there's the |
2112s | approach of like okay can you take |
2114s | pieces of indiv like is there a mix and |
2116s | match thing that happens um is there |
2120s | a uh is is is there a like just a new |
2124s | class that's created and it's it's |
2126s | narrow in scope |
2129s | um and it and it pulls from other |
2132s | classes to make that like it pulls from |
2133s | other Masters to make a new class that |
2135s | is no that's a possibility too um it |
2139s | does start to kind of blur |
2142s | that um that character design like |
2147s | architect |
2148s | pillar quite a lot when you when you |
2150s | start doing things like this so um |
2154s | probably got so far off the rails with |
2155s | this |
2157s | question that's kind of what you're |
2161s | asking the Sentinel and primalist |
2163s | Berserker class was the specific |
2169s | example yeah I think I think that's the |
2171s | sort of design so so we how do we we we |
2174s | have specific |
2176s | masteries um that are already planned |
2180s | for the existing base classes hello um |
2184s | that I think will go really well with |
2185s | them that will um they'll they'll be |
2188s | really positive new masteries for the |
2191s | existing base classes they'll fit nicely |
2193s | bring in some new play Styles explore |
2195s | some extra um like gameplay elements |
2200s | that we've kind of intentionally |
2203s | sidelined in per in favor of having room |
2205s | down the road for for these things to |
2208s | come in as like complete ideas instead |
2210s | of partial ideas |
2213s | um but then I think there's a point that |
2215s | we'll get to where um maybe we're |
2218s | sitting at multiple like like four |
2220s | masteries per of the five classes and we |
2221s | have 20 masteries and it's like um |
2224s | adding in a new base a whole new Base |
2226s | Class might be a little daunting um and |
2228s | then starting to to have this like mix |
2229s | and match feeling might be a good point |
2231s | good good play at that point I think |
2235s | um It's Tricky it's it's one of those |
2237s | things like as the game's going to |
2238s | evolve we we we'll look at all these |
2239s | things and talking extremely |
2242s | hypothetically years down the road |
2245s | here there's there's lots of things that |
2247s | were like this is what we know we're |
2248s | gonna do and then after that we're like |
2251s | I mean we'll see what |
2259s | happens there's lots of room for |
2262s | interesting and there's there's like |
2264s | there's these are these are not things |
2266s | that we haven't talked about these are |
2267s | things we have talked about there's |
2268s | there's also wacky ideas um that I won't |
2270s | really go into that are uh a little more |
2273s | out there in in their |
2278s | Rocky design |
2280s | space that might not seem to fit |
2282s | initially um but you know we're we're |
2286s | we're working on it cool |
2289s | things I hope that answer your question |
2291s | for you all right as you are excited for |
2295s | the new le cycle coming up do you think |
2297s | we will have a difficult time with it or |
2300s | you hope so um I mean |
2303s | there's the I think the people that are |
2307s | here in this chat the type of person |
2308s | that comes to to this typee of thing and |
2310s | like is uh is is like interested in in |
2314s | game updates and things like that when |
2315s | we're at such a lull in the cycle |
2317s | rollover stuff I think um the majority |
2321s | of the people that are that are coming |
2322s | to things like this will probably have |
2324s | um in general a much easier time with |
2328s | the the game overall as compared to the |
2330s | like average player |
2333s | um the average player barely gets the |
2335s | end game so um you'll |
2339s | I think you'll have uh there's there |
2342s | there's definitely a challenge there is |
2343s | definitely a challenge to be had um I'm |
2346s | sure there's some people that'll be like |
2348s | that was easy and other people will be |
2349s | like that was way too hard uh type |
2352s | thing yeah there's the there's there's |
2355s | there's some fun and interesting |
2357s | challenges uh coming and and you know |
2358s | like we I think we we tend to um |
2362s | subscribe to a sort of |
2364s | like a self-directed difficulty system |
2368s | quite frequently um so there's ways that |
2370s | you can um use some of the new systems |
2372s | that are coming in to like take risks |
2375s | and make things harder for you if you |
2379s | want you know if you're successful |
2381s | there's there's good rewards and if |
2382s | you're unsuccessful you got to um deal |
2385s | with the fact that uh maybe you don't |
2387s | get so many rewards cuz you uh didn't |
2389s | quite succeed |
2400s | will there be a generic loot filter per |
2402s | class in game that anyone can use |
2404s | without having to edit it um we don't |
2406s | have pre-made filters ready to go right |
2409s | now |
2413s | um I I still really want |
2416s | to um provide a better way for players |
2421s | to um like share the the like the Holy |
2427s | Grail of loot field filters in my world |
2429s | is |
2431s | um very akin to what you'd see on |
2435s | like like like a modding website um |
2439s | where where there's like anyone can just |
2441s | like post up their own filters and |
2444s | people can search and sort and filter |
2446s | and browse um and you know like there's |
2450s | there's like a thumbs up thumbs down uh |
2452s | review style system where where people |
2454s | can be like I'm using this one and it's |
2456s | great you know |
2458s | probably not thumbs down probably just |
2459s | thumbs up like endorsement so yeah that |
2462s | that type of system built right into the |
2465s | like built right into this this filter |
2466s | like like look the filter I'm using is |
2468s | so nothing right now um but like having |
2473s | having some like browser that you could |
2474s | pop up and be like I'm I'm like pick |
2477s | your class and or pick three skills that |
2479s | you're using um you know and and people |
2483s | would |
2484s | uh have filters that are listed like oh |
2487s | this good for skills type thing or like |
2489s | General type of build you're playing I I |
2491s | think that' be a really positive thing |
2493s | that's something that I'd really like to |
2494s | see all right we've got a poll going up |
2498s | now um so this is this is something we |
2500s | we've been doing for the last couple |
2501s | weeks that is uh uh I I think it's been |
2504s | really successful so I'm happy to keep |
2506s | it going and um we're asking you what |
2510s | we' we've got a few potential spoilers |
2512s | in in the in the pipe here and uh if you |
2516s | have would like to tell tell us what |
2518s | type of spoilers you'd like to see |
2520s | there's a poll running in chat right now |
2522s | um so your choices are there's an item |
2524s | factions they're like just a little |
2526s | screenshot little something that's |
2527s | coming in 1.1 so something about item |
2529s | factions something about a mage |
2531s | something about a spellblade or |
2532s | something about a |
2534s | sentinel |
2536s | um get your votes |
2543s | in it's all things coming in 1.1 |
2551s | can I vote I can |
2558s | vote remember what they all are now I |
2560s | think this one's pretty |
2562s | sweet they're all |
2571s | good all right will it oh yeah in that |
2574s | will with the uh with the evade mechanic |
2576s | coming in 1 Point . can we see any |
2579s | unique items to buff it yeah there are |
2582s | um there items in 1.1 that do interact |
2586s | with the evade mechanic um there's |
2589s | there's I don't want to get into too |
2591s | much details about them but like some of |
2592s | them are pretty transformative um if you |
2595s | really don't want to use the evade |
2596s | mechanic there's um there's items that |
2599s | will help you not use the evade mechanic |
2601s | and still get value out of that system |
2605s | um so yeah there there's there's there's |
2608s | there's a good mix of stuff coming in |
2609s | there but yeah there's a couple uh |
2611s | unique items and |
2614s | uh things to interact with it I can't |
2616s | really go into too much detail yet with |
2617s | them because those are still very much |
2618s | in flux |
2622s | um and we we we just got our first round |
2624s | of feedback from CTS on |
2627s | that we look at that we're expecting |
2630s | more of that to come in very short least |
2636s | too boys is stronger than |
2639s | yours 139 |
2644s | 145 45 Stacks not |
2649s | nothing it's not |
2652s | nothing High we've |
2656s | seen all |
2660s | right see random question here if you |
2662s | have a question please don't forget to |
2663s | put Atlas OT game in the question so I |
2665s | see it um I see one here that says Forge |
2666s | guard getting changes everybody's |
2668s | getting |
2669s | changes every every single class in |
2672s | Mastery has things about it that have |
2677s | changed some of those |
2680s | are more significant than others um in |
2684s | either direction and and it's it's not |
2686s | all Buffs it's not all Nerfs it's a |
2688s | mixture of Buffs and Nerfs for |
2694s | everybody makes Meck |
2697s | our people like |
2701s | this our physical |
2705s | resistance and |
2708s | Armor All really bad all of our |
2710s | secondary defenses are just |
2717s | garbage our secondary defenses are |
2724s | terrible all right next question here |
2729s | uh is it true that uh Aaron action RPG |
2732s | wifey is better at playing ell than |
2736s | Aaron you know I I think um I I think |
2740s | she probably plays it less frequently so |
2742s | it's probably she probably has more fun |
2743s | at it and you know really what's the |
2745s | point of playing any game is to have fun |
2747s | so if you're having more fun you're |
2749s | better at it so yes therefore I think |
2750s | she's probably better at |
2754s | it how to dodge a question 101 |
2763s | all right uh this is probably asked uh |
2765s | zillion times but I don't know what you |
2769s | guys think about it so here we go uh how |
2771s | do you feel about D4 boring your loot |
2773s | system have you tried uh have you tried |
2776s | it if so your take on it um I I don't |
2779s | think that um I don't think we invented |
2783s | this loot system like I think that we |
2787s | also have there's there's so many loot |
2790s | systems that have that share similar |
2792s | elements across so many games like this |
2793s | that I don't think you can really say |
2795s | like uh like they stole our loot system |
2797s | or something like that I I don't I don't |
2799s | think that works I I think that |
2802s | um you know like on on the like I don't |
2806s | think this is what happened but on the |
2807s | off chance that there was someone |
2808s | sitting in a meeting somewhere and was |
2810s | like oh that's working really good let's |
2811s | use it like that don't think is what |
2813s | happened um you know like awesome uh |
2818s | I think we I think we did a great job on |
2819s | our on our item system and um you know |
2822s | if if that's what caused E4 system to |
2825s | change for what I think most people |
2827s | would agree and I do agree was for the |
2828s | better um you know awesome we have a |
2831s | better game for it which is great |
2834s | right um you know just the thought that |
2837s | we've had any impact on like the Diablo |
2840s | franchise at all is like such a cool |
2842s | thought to me um like I know we've I |
2844s | know we've had a a direct impact and and |
2846s | for the record both Diablo and path of |
2848s | EXO had a colossal impact on our game um |
2852s | and and you know like the the fact that |
2855s | we're able to bring ideas to the table |
2857s | that are that are having an impact |
2858s | elsewhere is is super cool it's exciting |
2861s | it's it's fun it's interesting it's I |
2863s | don't know |
2871s | wild and I have tried I do like it |
2877s | it was a big Improvement I don't think |
2879s | it's a hot take though that it's a big |
2885s | Improvement I also don't get ask that |
2887s | question that |
2890s | often all right when it comes to |
2892s | inspiring creativity how does your team |
2894s | manage that while still adhering to |
2896s | things like budget and schedule |
2898s | yeah that's a good question that's a |
2901s | very very good question cuz cuz those |
2903s | are those are ex those things are |
2905s | extremely in odds with each other uh the |
2907s | number of times we have ideas so like so |
2909s | we have a very free form like um like |
2912s | anyone on the on the team can can post |
2914s | ideas in our we've got like an internal |
2917s | um design threads that we just like if |
2919s | someone has an idea they're they post it |
2921s | in there we'll talk about in design game |
2923s | or or we'll talk about in in a text chat |
2925s | so like there's there's a very free form |
2926s | like like throw out your ideas and we'll |
2928s | talk about them type environment and |
2932s | um the those those of us that have been |
2935s | in in those design meetings for you know |
2938s | five six years um probably throw out |
2942s | less wild and out there ideas than uh |
2946s | people who who haven't who who are more |
2947s | wer new to those those meetings um in |
2950s | just in our own ecosystem and |
2955s | um you know like there there is a very |
2960s | it is very frequent that will look at at |
2962s | an idea and |
2963s | go oh my God that would be cool there's |
2966s | no way way we have enough time or money |
2968s | to do that but oh my God that would be |
2969s | cool and so like that happens a lot uh |
2973s | and it's frustrating to to not be able |
2975s | to do everything you want to do with the |
2976s | game for sure absolutely um I think |
2979s | quite often it it come when something |
2981s | like that happens it comes down to like |
2982s | trying to find a way to incorporate |
2984s | those themes and ideas and um long B by |
2989s | it is it's it's a very tricky balance to |
2991s | to sit there and along who would seek to |
2994s | B yeah Freedom will be our future my |
2999s | future I would |
3000s | love every good idea that comes comes |
3003s | into those channels being able to to to |
3005s | do every single one of them is like |
3007s | that's the dream right um and the list |
3010s | of things that we've gotten backlogs of |
3013s | like one day we'll do that it's huge |
3016s | list and we and we get just as many |
3018s | ideas from our community that fall into |
3019s | those categories too like the number of |
3021s | times our community posts ideas and like |
3023s | suggestion threads where we're like |
3025s | that's a great idea you know |
3028s | we'll start we'll start squiring away |
3029s | that that billion dollars we need to |
3030s | make it |
3032s | happen but like one day oh it's coming |
3035s | you know a lot of times as well as it's |
3036s | just like we'll look at something and |
3038s | say hey we we need to uh there's there's |
3041s | these eight things that need to get |
3042s | added first before we even have a shot |
3043s | at that so we'll be like okay well once |
3045s | we we know we're adding four of those |
3046s | things and we'll revisit it |
3048s | then so I guess it's it's a lot of like |
3052s | there there's a lot of ideas that get |
3053s | turned down and and coming to terms with |
3056s | having your ideas turned down because we |
3058s | just don't have the logistical support |
3060s | to be able to do it um it is is |
3063s | something you got to kind you got come |
3064s | to terms with uh when when when you're |
3066s | pitching ideas which it's tough um but |
3071s | you know the the stuff we are able to do |
3073s | is is really cool and I think that more |
3075s | than makes up |
3089s | I do see a thing here someone says |
3090s | co-founder and Lead Dev I'm not the lead |
3092s | Dev at all um I am I'm one of the sen |
3095s | developers but there are uh many people |
3097s | who are much much uh smarter and better |
3099s | at this than I am that are leaving the |
3101s | team's um actual development |
3111s | process I have just enough experience |
3113s | talking with people uh talking in front |
3114s | of crowds and things like that that I'm |
3116s | able to do this part of as |
3125s | well I guess my only real previous |
3127s | experience with this was like I used to |
3128s | work at a summer |
3129s | camp you get up on stage a lot |
3134s | there and here I get to wear much less |
3137s | ridiculous costumes doing it I miss the |
3140s | costume |
3141s | sometimes all right next question |
3147s | free space dead |
3150s | yeah I try I try and take that one from |
3153s | you every |
3157s | week it was one week I didn't |
3167s | die oh the uh the the the pole finished |
3171s | who won what won the poll |
3178s | Kane can you DM me what won the poll |
3181s | please I was I got I was talking and I'm |
3184s | just |
3186s | awful I don't want to lose my place in |
3190s | chat I want to scroll down and see what |
3192s | went |
3194s | it while we're doing that we did get a |
3196s | rating party that came in welcome people |
3198s | from alexor |
3203s | TV okay we're going to risk our place in |
3206s | in chat here |
3209s | oh my God we're far behind oh no we're |
3212s | far behind Okay I don't |
3224s | see oh cool good one all right yeah |
3227s | sweet uh boom boom all right this is uh |
3232s | the |
3233s | new circle of Fortune Rank 10 |
3240s | uh |
3241s | reward uh thing uh what you get at Rank |
3244s | 10 of |
3251s | cof simple to the point straightforward |
3262s | easy we are going to that down |
3267s | and I'm not going to play with it |
3268s | sticking up over my screen I'm |
3273s | learning it down |
3282s | there I it's totally that visible but |
3284s | there it |
3285s | is now we're going to keep |
3294s | going all right more questions |
3297s | how do you feel the gamer the games |
3299s | balance state with classes some classes |
3302s | overperform one than others yeah there |
3303s | there's |
3305s | um I I |
3307s | mean yeah there are some some clear |
3309s | winners and some clear losers right now |
3312s | as far as like uh top level power |
3315s | performance um the balance the the class |
3318s | to class balance is a really tricky one |
3320s | because um a |
3322s | player there there's a lot of variance |
3324s | within a class as well as a lot of |
3326s | variance class the class so like a |
3328s | player a new player maybe they maybe |
3329s | they're not looking at the the forms and |
3331s | things like that and they join they come |
3332s | play and they're like all right I'm |
3334s | going to play um the and and they do |
3337s | this by mistake they don't intentionally |
3338s | do this but they play the absolute worst |
3340s | Rune Master build possible um and they |
3342s | think themselves wow Room Master is |
3344s | really weak um and then they play the |
3346s | absolute most powerful Sentinel build |
3348s | possible and and they're like Forge |
3351s | guard build possible and they're like oh |
3352s | Forge guard's pretty good actually so |
3353s | they have this like like Forge guard way |
3355s | stronger than run master their head and |
3357s | then they go to the forms and like oh my |
3358s | God it's exact opposite by a big Mar and |
3362s | so there's this um when we're looking at |
3365s | balancing we have to take that into |
3367s | account um it's not just balancing an |
3369s | entire class against an entire other |
3371s | class it's it's balancing every skill |
3373s | against every other skill every item |
3375s | against every other item the exact same |
3377s | thing and so there's it it is a it is a |
3379s | balancing act for the |
3382s | AG I just used the word balance to |
3384s | describe balance but um didn't mean |
3387s | to it |
3390s | is it's a lot of fun trying to work out |
3393s | that puzzle |
3396s | um and I think that there's like right |
3401s | now a pretty big gap between cuz because |
3403s | the the the primary measuring stick that |
3404s | we have is um like Peak corruption and |
3408s | so you're seeing people that are like |
3410s | running tests at several thousand |
3412s | corruption people who are struggling to |
3414s | get over just into empowered model in |
3417s | the first place which is a hunter |
3420s | corruption um so there's |
3424s | there's there's some Gap |
3427s | there uh and we're definitely working to |
3429s | close that Gap quite a |
3431s | lot you know certain things will always |
3433s | be more powerful than other things just |
3435s | like something's got to be on top it's |
3436s | never going to be perfect we don't want |
3437s | to be perfect if it's absolutely perfect |
3439s | then it's |
3440s | boring decisions don't matter |
3443s | um I think the goal is to have |
3447s | different play Styles be |
3450s | um like |
3453s | functional like like the the weak the |
3455s | weak strategies weak strategies having |
3458s | them be functional if like you're ready |
3459s | to take on that extra |
3461s | challenge that's that's a pretty |
3463s | important part of |
3465s | it and there's these these terms like |
3467s | functional and viable and and all these |
3470s | things that are so hard to define a nail |
3471s | down like you ask 10 people and you get |
3473s | 10 |
3477s | I think a big problem with that is that |
3478s | we don't have a fixed difficulty High |
3482s | tier content um available so so T4 jewel |
3485s | is the the real common Benchmark people |
3487s | use for that right now and and um the |
3490s | new Pinnacle boss that's coming that |
3492s | that Pinnacle boss will probably |
3493s | hopefully be the new measuring stick |
3495s | that people use for builds and |
3502s | viability is harder than T4 Jewel I'll |
3504s | say |
3505s | that hopefully that's obvious though |
3508s | thank you very much oh Vision G welcome |
3510s | Vision GL and all your people coming in |
3513s | to hang out |
3518s | do one day I put |
3520s | like Custom Graphics to pop up and stuff |
3524s | I've been saying that for |
3526s | years get more questions I'm going to |
3528s | hammer through some of these treasure |
3529s | goblins when I'd love to yeah um I think |
3532s | that's that's one of those mechanics |
3533s | that's like oh we open from the other |
3535s | side I know you could do that |
3537s | um treasure goblins is can I help you uh |
3541s | one of those things that like one day |
3544s | it'll |
3545s | be one day I'm sure it'll be there it's |
3547s | just |
3549s | so it's becoming such a core RPG |
3552s | mechanic like you're seeing it just pop |
3554s | up everywhere um not just in top down |
3557s | like um RPGs but like anytime there's |
3560s | like an action combat with loot |
3562s | associated in the game um so like you |
3566s | see them in like Borderlands games you |
3567s | see them in Diablo games you see them |
3569s | you see them all over the place and um |
3571s | you I I feel it's the sort of thing that |
3574s | like I really like them um so can't |
3578s | guarantee we ever have them but I'd love |
3580s | to see |
3581s | them I think they're simple I I think |
3583s | the Simplicity that they that they bring |
3585s | is um |
3587s | elegant and it's it's it's a fun game |
3591s | mechanic it's not deep it's not um |
3594s | you're not you're not get it's not it's |
3595s | not complex it's not deep it's just fun |
3597s | and I love |
3601s | it Hello mystery puug hello stay |
3612s | Cherry stay Cherry yeah San |
3617s | Diego I know |
3621s | something uh what makes for a great |
3624s | software Dev oh boy a tough that is a |
3627s | really tough question and I think |
3628s | there's um even if I give you a a good |
3633s | example um there's a bajillion examples |
3636s | of people that are completely different |
3638s | and also make great software devs so |
3640s | it's it's hard question to answer but um |
3642s | I think for me a lot of it |
3645s | is being able to think about a problem |
3648s | from many different |
3650s | angles being able to conceptualize |
3652s | multiple Solutions and being able to |
3655s | like |
3657s | valate uh valuate your options and um |
3661s | pick pick the best way to do |
3665s | things from a high level being be able |
3667s | to like see see the path forward see the |
3669s | options available to you A lot of that |
3670s | comes with like experience working in a |
3672s | system |
3674s | specifically not |
3683s | going not today ambushers |
3689s | that was just going to be the gold that |
3690s | show up 22 |
3695s | gold oh the idle ones love them hate |
3698s | them on stream because I'm like I want |
3700s | to read every single one of those right |
3710s | now no |
3712s | room show you no room |
3723s | going through really quick and I'm like |
3724s | if that immediately sticks out is great |
3726s | I'm taking it otherwise I'm just oh yeah |
3728s | that was great good |
3739s | enough there's some spike damage |
3742s | happening I think just cuz I have like |
3744s | no armor and no physical resistance |
3746s | I'm just getting hit |
3750s | chunked oh rag doll never |
3761s | change all right any teasers today yeah |
3763s | I got teasers today there's one on |
3765s | screen I got I got one I got one more |
3766s | coming later um and it'll be any one of |
3769s | the three remaining options that uh we |
3771s | didn't give as a pull for the first half |
3774s | uh |
3777s | I'm happy this this item faction one's |
3779s | finally out it's it's been in the pipe |
3781s | uh in in the voting pipe for a few days |
3783s | now I'm really really happy that it's |
3785s | finally been revealed because I know |
3786s | that's one that people were uh it's |
3789s | something that people have been asking |
3790s | for for a while with the it INF factions |
3792s | and |
3793s | um I'm glad it's finally |
3798s | there there's there's I also um there's |
3802s | other there's a lot of other changes too |
3804s | with the EDM system the infection system |
3806s | that |
3808s | um so as as you start to see little |
3811s | teasers like this I guess what I'm |
3812s | saying is um try not to jump to |
3815s | conclusions about other things staying |
3816s | the same at the same time so there's |
3817s | lots of other changes |
3822s | too contact support on Discord you just |
3825s | need me to say |
3827s | that uh is there going to be an update |
3830s | oh this is why I was I was I was uh |
3833s | having issues getting through the vine |
3835s | yeah |
3838s | I am far behind in chat I'm sorry I've |
3840s | been rambling and babbling what a |
3843s | b uh I'll try and be a little quicker on |
3845s | the question answering we usually get so |
3848s | many questions like front loed and then |
3850s | they like they die off to the end so |
3852s | like I'm always a little bit hesitant |
3854s | just like rush through the questions at |
3855s | the start and be like left with not that |
3856s | many at the |
3858s | end but I'll I'll try to go a little |
3860s | quick sorry all right is there going to |
3863s | be an update to the arena this coming |
3865s | season uh the push gets tedious |
3866s | especially if you have to start at half |
3868s | your highest level um I don't think this |
3872s | uh I don't think there a |
3874s | change so there are there are some |
3876s | little things um but I I don't think |
3880s | there's any major systematic changes so |
3882s | you |
3886s | can't what brings you |
3889s | here we fill some |
3894s | stuff later never wanted |
3917s | you just getting rid of some |
3920s | stuff on the |
3924s | ground uh |
3928s | will will there be uh a skip all |
3931s | dialogues in the future Seasons um |
3935s | possibly U I know I know we don't have |
3937s | anything like that set up right |
3938s | now there's like the way that the |
3941s | dialogue system |
3943s | works |
3947s | um it's It's tricky to to put that in |
3951s | smoothly without causing a weird amount |
3953s | of |
3954s | bugs it's a it's it's a lot more work |
3957s | than it might than it would appear like |
3959s | all just just skip everything it's fine |
3960s | I do that anyways there's things that |
3963s | happen uh when you click buttons in the |
3965s | UI in the conversations the dialogue |
3967s | that that trigger certain other things |
3968s | to happen um |
3971s | and like just skip assuming what the |
3973s | player wants to click on all those is uh |
3977s | dangerous proposition in some cases |
3994s | all right next question hello hi I'm new |
3997s | to the stream welcome but I have been |
3998s | playing last Epoch for a while awesome I |
4001s | have a problem with the camera which is |
4003s | the zoom out is not far enough it'll be |
4005s | an update that we'll fix that um we |
4006s | don't currently have plans to increase |
4008s | the maximum Zoom um there's a lot of |
4012s | things that go into determining how far |
4013s | the camera should potentially zoom out |
4016s | um and there's some issues that start |
4019s | happening when we be zooming out more so |
4020s | we don't have any plans to zooming out |
4025s | more right have you ever discussed to |
4027s | give items their own idle grit have you |
4031s | ever discussed to give items their own |
4033s | idle grids for example unique |
4038s | tetral |
4040s | uh like like like this is like a six a |
4044s | six Grid or something like like that you |
4046s | can like put in like a a collar and a um |
4050s | like an upper chest piece and a middle |
4052s | chest piece and like like go like that |
4054s | far into the details of it um yes we |
4057s | have talked about |
4059s | that um you may note it's not in the |
4069s | game um I this this is this is I think a |
4072s | prime example what I was talking about |
4072s | earlier about those ideas where you're |
4074s | like that's so cool we do not have the |
4076s | resources to do it or maybe ever um it's |
4080s | it's it's a lot to |
4089s | do serent died no |
4095s | way I really like the update to the |
4097s | totems that we did like that how they |
4098s | like um before I think 1.0 even they |
4102s | were all basically like the same totem |
4105s | with just like a couple things tacked on |
4106s | them and now they actually have like |
4110s | personality I can spawn my serpent from |
4113s | crates I did not know |
4120s | that |
4122s | sweet happy Friday did I miss a spoiler |
4125s | you you missed the reveal of a spoiler |
4127s | but it's still sitting on screen so it's |
4129s | okay if not we the spoilers sitting on |
4131s | screen but I'm also super far behind |
4133s | right now so I think you probably |
4134s | actually already know all this uh what |
4136s | is endgame for you um and the for you is |
4141s | an interesting part there so like |
4143s | um if you're asking like what in like |
4147s | like developer mic what's end game is |
4148s | from developer mic's perspective or end |
4150s | game from gamer mic's perspective |
4152s | endgame from gamer Mike's perspective is |
4154s | uh as soon as you're as soon as you're |
4156s | into the monolith as soon as you touch |
4158s | down and follow the outcast and you do |
4160s | your first monoth you are into endgame |
4163s | um I think that there's a |
4166s | a um a very real argument to be made for |
4171s | a lot of people anyways um that like in |
4173s | game for them probably doesn't start |
4175s | until they are get into empowered |
4179s | modelin when when the when the I guess |
4182s | like the we're going if we're going to |
4183s | try and make a generic term for it it's |
4187s | probably uh it's probably when your |
4191s | primary focus |
4193s | shifts to |
4197s | like almost exclusively item |
4200s | upgrades where where you're like you're |
4203s | you're you're kind like whatever I've |
4205s | got basically all my passives that I |
4207s | want you're like my skills are all maxed |
4209s | at 20 um and I'm like looking at my gear |
4212s | I'm like yeah I've got my gear speced |
4213s | out but I'm I'm I'm now my |
4216s | primary source of upgrades is coming |
4218s | from that um that that rework of like |
4222s | okay I need this specific item so I can |
4223s | like take this item off and put this |
4225s | item on and take this item off and put |
4226s | this item on to like remap how my gear |
4229s | is and and there's like but my build |
4230s | changes a little bit and um I I can now |
4233s | sustain better and uh I I have the the |
4236s | Mana to to to like chain an extra meteor |
4239s | in between Fireballs or something I |
4240s | don't know |
4242s | um but I think that's the point |
4245s | where think a little bit |
4250s | experience I think I think that's the |
4252s | point where it becomes like and |
4271s | game yes I know where I |
4273s | am we're going this |
4283s | way I like the teaser Pole me |
4288s | too thanks for the feedback appreciate |
4291s | it uh are you on time with your |
4293s | development for 1.1 so far or did you |
4295s | have to drop things you wanted to get in |
4297s | initially |
4299s | ah I both so there's um there's there's |
4303s | always stuff that we're |
4305s | like when we're when we're mapping out a |
4307s | new patch we have we have different |
4310s | categories of features as we're planning |
4311s | it so we have the like um the core |
4313s | features of the patch where we're like |
4315s | if this isn't ready in time we might |
4317s | push back the patch to make it ready in |
4318s | time type features um and so like in |
4321s | this case that's the Pinnacle boss right |
4324s | um if |
4327s | there's uh you know like here I'm seeing |
4332s | a ton |
4333s | of uh like face Pals what did I do oh |
4338s | no |
4344s | uhoh oh no what did I |
4348s | do we'll get to that later find out what |
4351s | I did |
4357s | um oh yeah yeah dropping things yeah and |
4359s | then then we put like a big thing in a |
4361s | list where we're like um oh this would |
4364s | be a nice feature to get in uh we're not |
4367s | really sure how much de time it's going |
4368s | to take or how hard it's going to be uh |
4371s | if if if it comes down to the line it |
4372s | can get cut that's fine um and so we we |
4375s | put things in a a spectrum of of like |
4379s | we'll delay the patch for this to and |
4380s | whatever we'll just cut this and um you |
4383s | know things things always get cut |
4385s | because we we prefer to have |
4389s | um you know as much stuff as we can in |
4391s | the in the patches so there there's |
4394s | always there's always trimming that |
4395s | we're doing and that's expected it's |
4397s | it's laid out like that specifically so |
4399s | that we can trim things nicely and it |
4402s | works um so like an example of something |
4406s | that got trimmed in 1.0 there was um |
4408s | there was another Rogue skill that we |
4410s | almost put in the game for 1.0 and that |
4413s | got cut right near the |
4418s | end right got cut like two months out |
4422s | but but you know what I mean so like |
4423s | there's there's there's things that |
4425s | we'll delay a patch for and things that |
4426s | we |
4428s | won't overall we are we're doing good um |
4433s | the primary features that we would delay |
4435s | a patch for are coming together |
4439s | um |
4445s | yeah uh patch notes will be shortly |
4447s | before patch it'll it'll be pretty close |
4449s | a couple |
4451s | days uh will we see are equipped |
4453s | cosmetics in the character selection |
4454s | menu at some point I I think so we used |
4456s | to have it I don't know why it went away |
4458s | I hopeing we bring it |
4461s | back uh |
4463s | why very jection leading the witness um |
4468s | overruled okay well I'll answer it under |
4470s | Dess uh why is last def so much better |
4473s | than de before I think that people can |
4474s | have fun playing different games in |
4476s | different ways uh and if you're having a |
4478s | lot more fun with with us ah |
4482s | awesome I think we each have our own |
4489s | strengthes uh will 1.1 show the |
4492s | corruption level on each monolith on the |
4494s | map I don't know if we've actually added |
4496s | that uh there was uh there |
4501s | was things that happened in a design |
4503s | meeting where it comes up very briefly |
4504s | you talk about it you can't quite |
4505s | remember what we landed on that's what's |
4507s | happening here um I think we talked |
4510s | about it I think there was a reason why |
4512s | we can't do |
4518s | it don't think it's happening I can't |
4521s | remember why but I could be wrong |
4528s | I I'm the person they would ask to do |
4529s | that and I've not been asked to do that |
4531s | I can tell you |
4542s | that uh can you share the idea an idea |
4545s | of oh my God that would be cool but we |
4547s | have no money and time to do |
4550s | that |
4552s | um I mean like |
4559s | I'm thinking oh yeah it's that obviously |
4560s | I'm like we might do that someday yeah I |
4562s | shouldn't say that |
4565s | um I mean there are things that we know |
4568s | like we're going to do eventually that |
4569s | we just don't have time for right now um |
4572s | so like uh transmon system is a good |
4574s | idea be really cool if you could just |
4576s | make any item look like any other item |
4578s | um we we don't have a system for that |
4580s | right now we are it's 1.4 I think |
4583s | something so like a lot of those things |
4586s | do end up getting put in |
4588s | there |
4591s | um I think frequently it uh those things |
4595s | come in the form of items that are just |
4596s | really overs |
4610s | scoped I mean I'd |
4613s | love uh I'd love an item that gave its |
4618s | own uh skill that had its own skill tree |
4620s | and everything so like the item could be |
4622s | equipped on any character uh and give |
4624s | that skill and skill tree to any |
4626s | character I think that would be a huge |
4628s | awesome system to have in the |
4637s | game kicked my desk chair behind me in |
4640s | the middle of that my right heel hurts a |
4642s | lot right |
4651s | so what happened to the old Rank 10 youf |
4653s | bur it got |
4667s | moved these things are these things are |
4669s | still in flux as well so there's um like |
4671s | like we we're getting ctpb back for like |
4673s | the first look CTS have had on it uh |
4676s | just just started happening last week I |
4678s | think |
4680s | um so you know it's still pretty early |
4682s | on on that feedback section so we're |
4683s | still tweaking things like this |
4688s | but I see some follow questions does it |
4690s | apply to share shade of Oris yes it does |
4692s | still work in shade of |
4694s | Oris shade of orbis is a boss um who |
4697s | else counts as bosses the the uh the |
4699s | harbingers canas bosses the Nemesis |
4701s | canel's bosses the Pinnacle boss canel |
4702s | boss uh the o don't the kev's bosses |
4707s | they might um |
4710s | the the reason I say they probably do is |
4712s | because the um the exiled Maes count as |
4719s | bosses all right any chance for umbrell |
4721s | blade right side of the nodes buff uh |
4725s | maybe um if you've got a suggestion |
4728s | you'd like to see in game head on over |
4730s | the forums and drop a suggestion there |
4733s | umw |
4736s | just for |
4741s | you uh Will Perry ever become a suffix |
4744s | instead of a prefix probably not it's |
4747s | possible um it we we we debated that one |
4750s | for quite a while and it was very |
4752s | intentionally added as a prefix |
4760s | um uh but it is possible |
4767s | uh are you open to adding funny |
4769s | Cosmetics like a space suit or sexy |
4771s | stuff or will the game always stay on |
4773s | serious levels |
4776s | um I don't like funny serious is |
4778s | generally not the axis that we that we |
4780s | tend to look at there more of a um like |
4785s | like in Universe does it make sense so |
4787s | like uh spacit and sexy stuff probably |
4790s | not uh that's the sort of stuff that we |
4792s | are very we're intentionally avoiding um |
4796s | but you know like having stuff be a |
4799s | little bit of a joke uh I think that's |
4801s | the sort of stuff we're we're open to um |
4805s | you know I think |
4808s | having |
4811s | uh yeah things that are like maybe |
4814s | poking fun at last Epoch itself maybe |
4816s | there was like some bug that happened uh |
4818s | and and having like a cosmetic that goes |
4819s | along with that bug or something like |
4821s | that |
4822s | um but still like makes sense in |
4825s | Universe I think is the important part |
4826s | for us so like we're still um because |
4829s | there's no astronauts in at Tera uh we |
4832s | we we don't want to have a space suit |
4834s | you know |
4836s | um that that that sort of stuff so yeah |
4839s | we're we're we're steering away from |
4842s | that type of stuff but at the same time |
4845s | like there I think there's room for um |
4849s | like comedy MTX that makes sense still |
4855s | gen generally the distinction between |
4857s | our um like cosmetic and normal item |
4861s | visuals is the um the the the flashiness |
4865s | level so like you'll see um see more |
4869s | like particle effects that happen in the |
4871s | cosmetics and you'll see more animation |
4874s | more movement more things like that but |
4876s | they're still they still follow the same |
4877s | general guidelines of what's allowed to |
4880s | be put in there |
4885s | so if it doesn't make sense to happen in |
4888s | game as a normal item um it probably |
4892s | won't show up as |
4894s | a and that could change all these things |
4897s | are like this is what we feel now who |
4902s | knows hello is there any plans of hold |
4905s | of having servers in the Middle East if |
4906s | not that's okay still Ling the game we'd |
4908s | like to expand our server reach um there |
4911s | there's there's a few regions that it's |
4914s | it you're a little far away from a |
4916s | server and it we don't we're not quite |
4918s | getting the performance we'd like to |
4919s | have and there's a few regions like that |
4922s | um we're we're still uh early enough in |
4926s | our um architecture's life cycle and and |
4929s | Company size that it's uh it's a little |
4931s | tricky to hit some of these locations um |
4934s | because you do get uh you because |
4937s | they're less um popular regions in |
4940s | general you have um you have uh more |
4943s | expensive price per machine to run |
4946s | servers there and then you also end up |
4948s | with not always but sometimes um and |
4950s | then you also sometimes end up with um |
4953s | more server |
4954s | downtime um like more servers like less |
4956s | just less consistency on server |
4958s | requirements so you you have certain |
4959s | times where you're like well we've got |
4960s | to have so many servers like ready to go |
4963s | but like maybe the there's like 20% of |
4965s | them are just sitting idle doing nothing |
4967s | but in the more popular region there's |
4968s | like 5% of them sitting out nothing so |
4970s | it's |
4973s | um there's there's a lot of a lot of |
4975s | stuff like that comes down to just the |
4976s | logistics of it um and can we afford to |
4979s | put those servers in those places once |
4981s | we can we will but uh for now it's it's |
4984s | not feasible for |
4993s | us uh what class Mastery is Elder balus |
4997s | uh does he possess a Mastery that we can |
5000s | play as that has yet to be revealed in |
5002s | last e book I like to think so |
5007s | um if he's |
5009s | like I know it's it's kind of |
5011s | reminiscent of if you played the uh L |
5013s | like Lord of the Rings Online there's |
5015s | there's instead of doing like they |
5016s | didn't have a mage class they had like a |
5017s | Lore Master Class um kind of reminds me |
5020s | of that |
5023s | uh but I'd put him as some like Mage |
5027s | variant this is this is really a |
5028s | question for our Lore Master Kyle who |
5031s | would uh probably have an exact answer |
5033s | to this |
5044s | what I'm going to go with I don't know |
5047s | but |
5051s | probably |
5052s | uh since you have time travel in the |
5055s | game have you ever thought about going |
5056s | into the future oh yes uh like in a big |
5059s | skyscraper City for an Echo uh I know |
5061s | swords don't quite fit there but still |
5064s | yeah there |
5066s | um going on a path like that is what |
5068s | happens when I'm playing out of the |
5069s | corner of my eye or I'm using the tiny |
5071s | little preview window of stream to try |
5072s | navigate I'm like the blips over that |
5074s | direction if I just hold the cursor to |
5076s | the right I'll go there um anyways yes |
5080s | we have considered going |
5082s | to uh to the Future it's it's not off |
5085s | the table it is |
5087s | possible |
5089s | um I would I wouldn't expect it anytime |
5092s | soon that's sort of a like we've we've |
5094s | done |
5096s | we we've been around for for five years |
5098s | and we've done the the story lines we |
5102s | had planned for the the ears that are |
5103s | here and we're like looking to Branch |
5105s | out and try something that's a little |
5106s | out there a little wacky a little |
5107s | different um you know it's it's it's a |
5110s | time like that that we'd more be |
5112s | interested in in looking at the options |
5114s | that are out there for us and those |
5115s | those are potential things we could look |
5118s | at don't have any specifics |
5122s | though all right how much more difficult |
5124s | is the new boss compared to Jord T4 I |
5126s | don't know yet it's uh it is not locked |
5128s | in place it's still something that we |
5130s | are fine-tuning uh the balance of that |
5132s | of that boss is a really important thing |
5134s | to |
5135s | get |
5138s | um I right now I would say it is uh very |
5144s | noticeable um especially in |
5147s | the |
5149s | um especially in like how much health it |
5153s | has so it will it will take it will take |
5156s | it'll take a while to chunk chunk it |
5168s | down even with a very top tier build |
5170s | it's going to take a while it's it's a |
5176s | fight we are starting our second Poll |
5179s | for teasers so if you are interested in |
5182s | uh helping decide which of the three are |
5185s | options like to |
5187s | see please chat |
5192s | now we've got a sentinel teaser a mage |
5196s | teaser and a spell teaser I think left |
5200s | yeah |
5201s | um I want to show this |
5211s | one feel I deser |
5219s | Amber Mages why you why you so angry |
5226s | huh there was a bug that happened um |
5229s | that turned into a feature that every |
5230s | time I see it it's just I I smile cuz |
5233s | when we were initially setting up the |
5237s | multiplayer for the Resurrection on the |
5241s | uh the minions when they're downed |
5243s | um originally got classified as a bug |
5246s | where uh you can resurrect your allies |
5248s | Companions and we and I was like I went |
5250s | to start fixing it and I'm |
5252s | like why am I fixing this this is great |
5255s | let's just leave |
5262s | it cuz it was a bug but got to be |
5267s | better that happens |
5280s | about 25 minutes behind o I'm |
5283s | behind thanks for the update I |
5285s | appreciate it does the new Rank 10 |
5287s | reward bypass the Rarity cap the boss |
5289s | drops |
5291s | had uh like if you're um like required |
5295s | minimum corruption to drop specific |
5296s | items no it does not bypass that I think |
5299s | that's what you're |
5303s | asking uh will will we get void damage |
5305s | for all classes |
5308s | eventually um |
5311s | maybe |
5316s | uh I don't think so I |
5320s | eventually people ask question like |
5322s | ever's a long time we ever get it maybe |
5325s | um |
5327s | there's the the the the big one that I'm |
5330s | like why I'm tempted to say no we won't |
5332s | ever do it um it really doesn't fit very |
5335s | well on Prim list at all it's |
5338s | like no |
5342s | um but but you know nothing's a hard now |
5345s | really so |
5349s | maybe we we already have some items that |
5352s | do it on Mage a little bit there there's |
5354s | some there's some sprinklings of some |
5355s | void stuff on Mage a little bit |
5357s | Sentinels |
5358s | obviously |
5360s | um a lot of people thought warlock was |
5363s | going to be void them but |
5365s | um but I think that shows that there's |
5367s | at least a community uh desire or uh |
5372s | feeling that it's thematically |
5374s | appropriate at least |
5377s | um so you know that's probably not a |
5380s | terrible candidate um I think Rogue is |
5385s | flexible in in its thematic reasons to |
5388s | have it or not um so it's possible there |
5391s | too I think but I think Sentinel is like |
5392s | the not senel I think Prim less is the |
5394s | one that really sticks out to me like a |
5396s | I don't think I don't think we could do |
5398s | it but maybe um and then also down the |
5400s | road like you start adding more classes |
5402s | and you're like maybe one of |
5403s | thematically doesn't work for it as well |
5405s | and so you're like I can't do it there |
5408s | so we are looking at expanding void into |
5412s | other classes Long Term eventually at |
5414s | some point um I I don't know when it'll |
5417s | happen I don't know if it'll happen but |
5420s | it it is um a little too restricted to |
5424s | one map Mastery right now and that is |
5425s | something we are eventually looking to |
5427s | probably expand out super big I know I'm |
5432s | sorry all right are there any more |
5436s | Easter eggs than the ones mentioned by |
5438s | the Lord Master no I think we we are we |
5440s | are 1.0 the like 1.0.8 point2 Easter |
5444s | eggs have all been found um Perry the |
5446s | pig has a great video on the big ones um |
5449s | you want check that out all right is it |
5452s | expected the players always use the |
5453s | highest level gear in the game and build |
5455s | around that no I think that's that's um |
5457s | really a key point to the um legendary |
5460s | potential system um so the that |
5464s | legendary potential system it it takes |
5467s | like like level like lowlevel items and |
5469s | like you get a four LP dring and |
5471s | suddenly it is an endgame viable item |
5474s | right |
5476s | um I I think that that's that's really |
5478s | something that we've tried to do and I |
5480s | saw it this time cuz I was paying |
5481s | attention and the Mage won the poll |
5483s | nailed all right let's go Mage spoiler |
5486s | Time spoiler |
5488s | time but yeah so just |
5491s | um also yeah what are we talking here uh |
5495s | finish question is it expected that |
5496s | players always use the highest level |
5498s | gear in the game to build around that um |
5500s | no it is not expected that um I think |
5503s | the the key thing there is um we don't |
5508s | always replicate every unique effect |
5510s | that are on unique items uh into super |
5513s | late game items so like like to |
5516s | literally has no level requirement at |
5518s | all um and it does have uh I guess these |
5522s | effects actually can be found Elsewhere |
5524s | on other unique items um but it does |
5526s | have some unique effects so like if |
5527s | you're really looking for this effect in |
5528s | this slot you have to use this item um |
5531s | and we we really try to make those feel |
5534s | fun and viable and interesting um |
5546s | pois that poison |
5550s | image that one do |
5554s | that all right oh yeah I have a |
5560s | te let's sh |
5569s | teaser |
5572s | boom all right this is a node |
5577s | in I believe it's the disintegrate |
5583s | tree yeah it |
5588s | is uh if you start channeling |
5590s | disintegrate while having at least one |
5592s | stack of uh I don't know how to |
5594s | pronounce this lucom mancer Lancer uh it |
5597s | starts at tier two if you also have the |
5599s | amplification node and at least two |
5602s | stacks of Luc amancer disintegrate |
5604s | starts at tier three |
5606s | instead |
5608s | um there's some cool terms in there I |
5610s | wonder what they all |
5618s | do that wasn't named last time I looked |
5621s | at |
5623s | it well it was named it had different |
5628s | name sorry playing with it over my |
5631s | screen again like always |
5639s | don't die please don't |
5646s | die take a quick second here do we have |
5650s | anything |
5667s | here's an interesting note that a lot of |
5668s | people don't realize as well is that the |
5669s | it's not just straight the total of AIC |
5671s | tiers that determine the level of the |
5672s | item um so if we were going to level up |
5675s | this T4 to T5 it requires level 60 but |
5677s | if we're going this T1 to T2 it only |
5679s | requires level 58 so there's a lower |
5681s | level requirement for lower tier a tier |
5684s | one requires |
5691s | zero uh can you expand the search |
5694s | function on the skill overviews to also |
5697s | search the nodes within the the skills |
5699s | like if I want to know if there is a |
5701s | Synergy with another skill I could type |
5702s | in there to show the skills that have it |
5706s | um |
5709s | we things get loaded |
5713s | dynamically uh and the it it doesn't |
5717s | work |
5717s | reliably |
5719s | um so we we we have to do a little bit |
5722s | of reworking system before we can do |
5725s | that maybe |
5728s | someday 1.1 does not have |
5736s | that hey sorry that's okay any changes |
5741s | coming to set item in the next patch I |
5743s | mean yes there are set items that did |
5745s | get changes for the next patch there's |
5747s | not an overarching systems change to set |
5749s | items uh that probably is more what |
5752s | you're asking for |
5754s | me |
5762s | isol the the the the the grand set |
5764s | rework that we've been talking about for |
5767s | far too long um is still still in the |
5772s | pipeline not not not ready yet |
5777s | sorry uh if there was an oton what |
5780s | events and booths would you like to see |
5781s | there oh this is cool so I I actually |
5784s | was was thinking about this the other |
5785s | day |
5787s | um and mo mostly I I was I was thinking |
5791s | I was think to myself about the card |
5793s | game that they made for the Exile conon |
5795s | um which was so cool I I would really |
5798s | love to this this actually I started |
5800s | thinking about this because I started |
5801s | thinking about um large scale games |
5806s | um a huge huge Board Game Fan uh love |
5809s | love love board games card games all |
5811s | sort of stuff um and so like I was |
5814s | thinking about the like the scale of |
5816s | games um we we have a uh the Battle Star |
5819s | Galactic board game which |
5821s | is unbelievably expensive now I I was |
5825s | I saw saw how much it was online I'm |
5828s | like oh my God I'm glad I got this when |
5830s | it was still in print wow but um if you |
5834s | ever played it there's a um spoiler |
5837s | alert for a many years old TV show which |
5840s | they're remaking or rebooting so excited |
5842s | anyways uh |
5844s | little off off topic there anyways the |
5847s | um in this board game as as with many |
5849s | other games there is a hidden roll |
5850s | system so there's some people that are |
5852s | good guys and some people that are bad |
5853s | guys um you don't always start the game |
5855s | knowing you're a bad guy sometimes you |
5857s | turn from a good guy to a bad guy |
5858s | partway through and it's not your you |
5859s | have no control over it um and people |
5862s | are like the bad guys are trying to |
5863s | sabotage the good guys and stay hidden |
5864s | and sometimes the bad guys get found out |
5866s | and then you got to um your role as a |
5867s | bad guy changes um it's a whole thing |
5870s | anyways um the the the my wife and I |
5873s | were talking about playing this the |
5874s | other day um we got a couple friends |
5875s | coming over for dinner and we're going |
5877s | to play board games afterwards and I'm |
5878s | like she's like oh we should play that |
5879s | we haven't played in forever you're just |
5880s | talking about it and we got talking and |
5882s | the game doesn't really start to get |
5884s | good until you have a minimum threshold |
5885s | of |
5887s | people um I know this is a huge tangent |
5889s | I'm so sorry but getting to the point um |
5892s | and I was thinking about what the |
5894s | threshold of of like what type of games |
5896s | you could make um where the threshold |
5900s | was really high and still have to be fun |
5902s | for everyone and and the types of |
5904s | challenges you'd come up against with |
5905s | with doing that and |
5908s | the like the the role the individual |
5911s | plays as a group of the collective in in |
5913s | this like like a larger story arc and |
5916s | having everyone be involved with that as |
5917s | much as they want to having this like a |
5920s | all these problems of scale of the |
5921s | number of players I think that uh a |
5924s | focused convention like that which like |
5925s | they did for exilecon with the the card |
5927s | game is like the the ideal situation |
5929s | where you've got a ton of people coming |
5931s | together that have very similar |
5933s | interests and would be focused on |
5934s | something like this and so I'd really |
5936s | love to if we're going to have an epon I |
5939s | I would probably get to designing some |
5941s | sort of large scale game |
5945s | um with with with a lot of people this |
5948s | this comes back to like work camp |
5950s | counselor and and and you got to play |
5952s | tons of games with the kids we used to |
5953s | play um if you've ever played Stratego |
5956s | it's it's a it's an old old strategy |
5958s | board game um and we play human stratega |
5961s | with the kids and it was so much fun and |
5964s | you change a bunch of rules and |
5965s | everything like that so it's not just |
5965s | like straight regular but like the core |
5967s | functionality sits in place and it's |
5968s | it's a ton of fun um so I I think that |
5972s | if we were if there was going to be some |
5973s | sort of eacon I'd be trying to organize |
5976s | some sort of optin large scale game |
5981s | event um to play with everyone I think |
5983s | that would be the thing I'd want to see |
5984s | the most at something like |
5987s | that which I know is not really the |
5989s | question you asked and uh sorry |
5992s | but you got a t engine answer |
5996s | instead all right hope that was |
5999s | okay uh is Idle crafting in the works or |
6002s | is it down the road it's down the road |
6004s | um I I |
6008s | I we we we we we have not set in stone |
6010s | what Idol crafting is going to look like |
6012s | yet um at some point there will very |
6015s | likely be some way to affect the stats |
6017s | on your Idols in some form or another um |
6021s | my personal favorite for that right now |
6023s | is As a Dungeon |
6026s | reward um possibly it's a series of |
6028s | dungeon Rewards or like a dungeon with |
6030s | multiple entrances that can do different |
6032s | things based on which one you go to or |
6034s | you I I don't know how how it would look |
6036s | but I I would personally really like to |
6037s | see it uh in the game and I think the |
6040s | best way to add it is as a dungeon |
6041s | reward um but maybe not maybe maybe it |
6045s | there's some other mechanic that that |
6047s | that comes in as like a cycle mechanic |
6049s | and um as part of that cycle you can uh |
6053s | craft it |
6054s | with with some mechanic that comes I |
6055s | don't know |
6057s | um we haven't got that far with it um we |
6060s | kind of like someday we we'll have |
6063s | it um but for now Idols are drop |
6068s | only unaffected by |
6071s | crafting we really like to have have |
6073s | like oh little variety that is the most |
6075s | timely level up of all |
6081s | time sometimes it's better to be lucky |
6083s | than |
6086s | good that was |
6088s | wonderful oh I mean |
6097s | calculated every |
6102s | time all right new ttch drops with 1.1 |
6104s | coming I don't know |
6106s | actually I so I think it was pretty |
6108s | successful last |
6111s | time uh why is there not astronauts in |
6113s | the L is there any space fairing people |
6115s | monsters that have been thought of I |
6117s | mean um I feel |
6121s | like there's not a lot up there and so |
6124s | like if there was some sort of space |
6126s | fairing people they they they'd come |
6128s | down |
6129s | here um |
6144s | there there's not really a a a |
6146s | big impetus for the people that live on |
6150s | at Tera |
6151s | to to go |
6160s | up I do think it' be cool to have like a |
6162s | magic powered |
6170s | rocket it just like have technology and |
6172s | it's like it's just so Advan technology |
6174s | that the people going forward in time |
6175s | think it's |
6181s | magic it's a classic Trope though all |
6184s | right would you let us turn off Smart |
6186s | class-based favoring loot so that we can |
6190s | uh Gear Up off class alts or get |
6192s | interesting gear to sell that's not |
6193s | primarily for class we're |
6195s | playing um we don't have we don't have |
6198s | plans St right now there's not a lot |
6200s | that happens there um it it's unique |
6203s | items are unaffected by it and that's |
6205s | the biggest part of it um the the |
6207s | biggest thing that is affected by it is |
6211s | um class specific unique exalted slots |
6214s | So like um helmet chest and Relic |
6217s | exalted it are like the biggest impact |
6220s | that it does have right now |
6226s | um I'm I'm not sure it's having a big |
6228s | enough impact to take the time to |
6229s | implement a system like that at the |
6230s | moment it's possible um fighting |
6235s | the forms drop a |
6242s | suggestion it's it's it's a tricky thing |
6244s | because |
6247s | um avoiding those like Noob trap moments |
6250s | is really I think |
6253s | important um and if if the if turning |
6258s | that setting off is like really |
6261s | important for players like if for |
6263s | whatever reason becomes like a really |
6265s | good way to play to like like oh if |
6267s | you're going to be playing you better |
6268s | turn the setting off like um if you're |
6271s | if you're seriously going to be playing |
6272s | GE turn the setting off having having |
6274s | those moments is is kind of frustrating |
6275s | to have I would liken it to um probably |
6279s | less extreme but I would I would compare |
6281s | it to the setting in uh D3 where your |
6284s | your skills were locked in a fixed uh |
6287s | fixed slot but then you could turn off a |
6290s | setting and it would uh let you put your |
6293s | skill any if you're going to play you |
6294s | got to do you that and I have |
6297s | to um but it leads to a bit of a noob |
6300s | trappy moment where you're trying to set |
6303s | up this like new player friendly |
6304s | environment but if you stay in that new |
6306s | player friendly environment you're |
6307s | severely handicapping your potential |
6309s | going |
6311s | forward um so maybe It's Tricky just |
6315s | some |
6318s | pitfalls |
6320s | um uh we'll be able to mount uh pets or |
6324s | summons in battle where they're big |
6326s | enough that would be awesome if we could |
6328s | charge on top of a big Velociraptor or |
6331s | um NE um yeah there there's there's a |
6334s | few so okay here's earlier there was a |
6336s | question uh I can answer a question |
6337s | earlier now you've reminded me wonderful |
6339s | uh there was a question that was like |
6341s | what's something where you're like oh |
6342s | that would be so cool we don't have the |
6343s | money to do it um yeah like Iron Man is |
6346s | something that we've that's been pitched |
6348s | a villion times um and meatman is been |
6352s | um abominated |
6354s | version of that so like you you like |
6355s | summon the a bomb and you like climb |
6357s | inside your abomb and you operate it |
6359s | like a Mech or you summon uh the the |
6362s | Manifest armor and you climb inside and |
6363s | operate like a Mech like yeah that's |
6365s | been pitched a bunch Community |
6367s | internally like yes that gets I see that |
6369s | get pitch like once a month somewhere on |
6371s | the community like on Reddit or |
6372s | something yeah um it would be so cool we |
6374s | do not have the resources to implement |
6376s | that right now and like I'm saying this |
6379s | in some of like Hol going be sitting |
6380s | there being like I can do it |
6385s | so if you're |
6386s | watching |
6391s | please |
6393s | anyways um I I we we don't have plans |
6395s | for it at the moment but oh I would love |
6398s | it so cool even if it's just like |
6400s | temporary like um like hop on ride the D |
6404s | horse and go and and you just like |
6406s | charge forward on the Raptor and then |
6408s | you like when you get to there you like |
6409s | Auto bumps you off or something like |
6410s | that I think that'd be super cool |
6417s | is not planned at |
6435s | mon if anyone caught that magic |
6437s | reference good |
6440s | job you're a certifiable nerd |
6444s | just like |
6450s | me all |
6453s | right |
6454s | uh my question was skipped I'm sorry did |
6458s | not mean |
6459s | to oh I just skipped another one get |
6461s | this one let's I'm going to go back even |
6462s | further how long are the did it skip |
6465s | forward to all of |
6467s | them uh how long are the patch notes in |
6470s | a regular letter papers um they're |
6473s | they're not in that yet they're not in |
6474s | that form |
6475s | yet so zero right |
6480s | now um my question was skipped sorry |
6483s | reposting what are your thoughts on the |
6485s | negatives of item pool dilution caused |
6487s | by new items being added to bosses new |
6490s | blessings or just uh plain new affixes |
6493s | how are you going to deal with the |
6493s | growing pool of items and affixes that |
6496s | are potentially not wanted by a player |
6498s | future oh my gosh this is such a big big |
6501s | big big big topic and issue um and and |
6504s | you're absolutely right it is a big |
6506s | issue |
6509s | um one of the things we try to do is um |
6513s | we try to mitigate this by having |
6515s | specific items coming from specific |
6517s | actions um we try to mitigate this by |
6520s | having uh the player take a little bit |
6522s | of agency in what things they want to |
6524s | see and a little bit of control so like |
6526s | for example we mentioned with blessings |
6527s | being able to influence your drop rates |
6529s | and be able to say like oh I want to see |
6531s | more scepter so like okay we've more |
6533s | scepter and give the ability to like |
6535s | find more scepter so you're you're going |
6537s | to the amount of new items like the |
6540s | amount of items you're finding in |
6541s | general goes up and so the the the the |
6545s | absolute Rarity of an item doesn't go |
6549s | down |
6551s | dramatically um cuz CU you're you're |
6553s | absolutely right it is there's there's |
6554s | this |
6556s | um like absolute Rarity and relative |
6558s | Rarity of of items so like you can if |
6561s | you add 10 new items to an item pool |
6565s | like relative Rarity of an item may not |
6567s | change um but the absolute Rarity |
6571s | item and so you get a little bit of this |
6574s | of an odd Balancing Act to um to have |
6578s | those things play nice and still feel |
6579s | fun and still be able to like find |
6581s | especially for um like builds of finding |
6584s | items we we do really try to make those |
6586s | accessible and I build build like |
6588s | enabling items where it's like well |
6589s | without this item you just can't start |
6591s | the build so sometimes what we'll do is |
6592s | we'll actually |
6593s | um we have encountered this issue before |
6596s | for example with ex sanguinus um it was |
6598s | the only item in the game that did low |
6600s | life building for a long time um and |
6604s | right around the time that |
6606s | we um I think it was every the time we |
6610s | were adding death seal to the |
6612s | game |
6614s | um we we also added some other thing |
6617s | that that was a catalyst of this as well |
6619s | we we added in the other armor set and |
6621s | the boots at the same time um to make |
6624s | that play style much more accessible and |
6626s | since then we've added in like three or |
6627s | four other ways to it as |
6628s | well um so sometimes |
6631s | it's uh I think I think depending on why |
6636s | that item was important to try and find |
6640s | specifically and |
6643s | um and and and like identifying a |
6645s | certain solution for that specific item |
6647s | is important so like sometimes you want |
6649s | to just like just just drop the relative |
6651s | R of the item in general so you're just |
6652s | like okay well oh that item had a 20% |
6654s | roll chance maybe has a 10% re chance |
6656s | okay there the the the absolute rare to |
6659s | the item stayed roughly the same even |
6661s | though we added in 10 new items into |
6662s | that pool no no problem um other times |
6667s | you just you feel like okay the item was |
6669s | was maybe a little bit too common anyway |
6671s | so um adding these extra items in |
6673s | actually helps with the |
6675s | problem um so it's I I think it's a case |
6679s | by casee answer |
6685s | we resurrect our |
6702s | companions yeah it's um I guess in |
6705s | summary it's sort of |
6707s | uh it depends on the situation on how we |
6710s | handle it but yes it is an issue that we |
6711s | do talk about frequently for many things |
6713s | in that |
6714s | situation yeah Battle Star board game is |
6717s | awesome I got all the Xbox as well it's |
6718s | amazing yeah I I I have we have one of |
6732s | them this |
6734s | game so |
6737s | good doesn't start getting good until |
6739s | there's like six players five at the |
6740s | minimum |
6747s | the first expansion is crazy you can |
6749s | actually just like you can literally |
6751s | airlock other players you can you can |
6753s | you can stick other people out the |
6757s | airlock uh and and they die and they |
6760s | have to pick a new character to play and |
6763s | they start over again it's |
6766s | crazy oh I was going to hit the other ah |
6769s | whatever too late |
6773s | all right and you got the unfathomable |
6776s | revised uh version though if you don't |
6778s | want to pay a lot apparently more stream |
6781s | as well interesting I didn't know |
6786s | thaty we I think we've got version |
6795s | 1.0 I was I was um I'd already watched |
6799s | BSG and I was living in a house with |
6800s | like five other guys and I convinced |
6802s | them all the watch it um and so we're |
6805s | like every every every day we'd like |
6807s | watch an episode and we got to the |
6808s | episode just before the silence are |
6811s | revealed final five silons are revealed |
6813s | um and we we we we paused the show and |
6818s | we had uh we had this like big debate uh |
6822s | and we drew like this big chart and like |
6824s | everyone everyone marked off like who |
6826s | they thought the syons were and like um |
6828s | took votes on it and um PS ear if you |
6833s | don't want to hear any spoilers but not |
6835s | a single person guessed Tai he was he |
6838s | was on everyone had like uh two people |
6840s | that they were like they like pick two |
6841s | people that was like guaranteed not |
6843s | aylon no way and Colonel Ty was on |
6846s | people's list of like there's no way |
6847s | he's aylon uh but no one picked him as |
6850s | one and I was very very |
6856s | happy I think we did it like two |
6858s | episodes before it gets revealed because |
6859s | a couple episodes before there's a few |
6860s | really big clues that start dropping |
6866s | all right hey Mike hope you're doing |
6868s | good I am uh two questions one will |
6871s | there be rebirth option similar to D3 to |
6874s | quickly reset your character level and |
6875s | move all gear from it instead of doing |
6877s | it manually deleting creating a new new |
6879s | one um probably not uh I've had this |
6881s | question a couple times um like if if |
6885s | you really want to do that it's like you |
6887s | got to click the delete button type in |
6889s | the character's name and click the |
6890s | delete button and click the new |
6892s | character button |
6893s | and type your character name in and |
6894s | click the create character button like |
6896s | it's it's what like 12 clicks and typing |
6898s | a character name twice probably um it's |
6901s | one of those things that like it's |
6904s | they're |
6905s | so um because you're not reserving a |
6908s | character name um so you don't have to |
6910s | worry about that so there's uh I I don't |
6914s | I don't think there's a |
6915s | really um I don't think there's a really |
6918s | strong argument to do it for the amount |
6921s | that we get out of it like the |
6923s | the dev time the cost to benefit ratio |
6925s | is real bad on that one um it's not like |
6929s | hugely intensive to do but it's |
6932s | like there's enough other things that |
6935s | need to get done in the game that are |
6937s | just more uh that that like are probably |
6940s | affecting you in your moment to moment |
6942s | gameplay rather than just something that |
6944s | happens for one minute at the start of a |
6948s | cycle I I I don't um unless unless I |
6951s | miss and I could be very very much |
6953s | missing something here cuz I've never |
6954s | used that option before cuz I just make |
6955s | a new character every time I like making |
6956s | new names and all that sort of stuff so |
6958s | like I might just straight up be missing |
6960s | the the reasoning for it but I don't I |
6963s | haven't seen a good argument to add it |
6967s | um but probably |
6970s | not and that's I I I I I'm wor this way |
6973s | CU I don't want to say like oh it's a |
6974s | terrible idea I just don't understand |
6975s | any idea I don't |
6980s | think you have |
6984s | unless it is just the the name |
6986s | reservation basically which case we just |
6988s | don't Reserve names so it's fine you can |
6991s | two people can have the same |
6993s | character I can feel the spirits crying |
6996s | out in |
6997s | despair however the void here drive it |
7001s | back all right uh second question you |
7004s | had L question oh I'm so bad harvest the |
7006s | Titan um what are this thing uh there's |
7010s | no really info about it in the game |
7012s | besides the fact that it is a living |
7014s | creature ah yes uh and I'm kind of |
7017s | curious about it maybe it'll get |
7018s | explained in the future in some way like |
7020s | some game context or something um I |
7024s | cannot share any information about it |
7027s | with you at this |
7028s | time um I do know that it is planned to |
7033s | have more |
7034s | information about it and others like it |
7037s | later |
7045s | uh love the game oh wonderful thank you |
7048s | uh do you think that the mob density |
7049s | will ever change uh sometimes it's a bit |
7052s | much and other times it's lacking what |
7054s | are the team's thoughts on this pacing |
7056s | um I think |
7059s | there's um do overall so so we we we |
7063s | we've changed the mob density in just |
7066s | about every single major patch for the |
7068s | last like two years to be your and it's |
7070s | been a steady increase actually um |
7073s | I think it's very rare that it's too |
7075s | high at this point I think it's overall |
7077s | in a pretty good spot but probably |
7079s | generally a little bit on the low side |
7082s | um I think there are situations where |
7083s | it's a lot on the low side and |
7085s | situations where it's a tiny bit on the |
7086s | high side but like I I don't think those |
7089s | extremes are too far I don't think those |
7091s | are really super extreme right now |
7095s | um I think it's I think it's probably |
7098s | like I think there's some situations |
7101s | where having |
7103s | some like a little bit more |
7107s | extreme Bob densities in just like a |
7109s | couple spots for fun would be cool um |
7113s | but |
7116s | yeah overall I think it needs a little |
7118s | bit of a so did I just hear flesh Mac |
7121s | yeah that that was a name we we gave the |
7130s | idea I keep leaning away with the |
7132s | microne I know I'm sorry so I I've been |
7134s | having issues with my microphone and um |
7138s | I do have some steps that someone gave |
7140s | me thank youon uh to fix it I started |
7142s | following them and I destroyed my |
7144s | microphone's ability to pick up sound at |
7148s | all um and so yesterday I was scrambling |
7150s | just to get it to just pick up anything |
7152s | again so I'm working on it I promise I |
7155s | know it's not |
7158s | great I a developer and designer first |
7160s | and a streamer second actually like |
7162s | stream like |
7170s | 12 I kind of got the stream settings to |
7172s | like good enough and then I just never |
7174s | touched them again they're not really |
7176s | good |
7187s | enough my boss fight oh gosh |
7198s | oh can I get a question for this boss |
7207s | fight I caught up oh that's what I'm |
7210s | talking about all right uh necr |
7212s | skeletons are really squishy feeling at |
7214s | 2:30ish corruption is there is this |
7216s | intended um uh no are we expected to go |
7220s | with Lord to push higher no I I there's |
7222s | there's there's no like this is the |
7223s | build you have to play conversation that |
7224s | we have |
7228s | um we we we try and make as many things |
7231s | viable as possible um I will say that |
7233s | 230 corruption is |
7243s | like I got cocky |
7253s | we have two minutes |
7260s | left okay we're going to try one more |
7264s | time we're going to go until we either |
7266s | succeed at this fight or |
7267s | die then the stream's over soon as this |
7269s | fight end stream's over |
7275s | um just Bas tank I hit that killed me |
7277s | last time oh my God cying I swear I |
7282s | doesn't look like |
7287s | it oh no my two hours of Silence |
7291s | notifications turned off it's going to |
7293s | start pinging like |
7303s | crazy okay |
7309s | um look at the question oh oh I'll |
7312s | answer some questions at the end of |
7314s | this I'm just going to look over and try |
7316s | and grab |
7317s | some uh you were trying to |
7321s | help you did help you did |
7330s | help no your |
7342s | I thought I get take enough poison to |
7343s | die I did |
7351s | not |
7355s | okay my Fire Res 41 not good |
7359s | enough no get out of my mind oh yeah we |
7363s | did it we beat her yay woohoo |
7374s | oh gosh what do you mean we didn't do |
7398s | it through |
7403s | come |
7410s | on that's stuck on |
7413s | something G |
7416s | okay let's answer some of these last |
7418s | questions the stream's over thought I |
7420s | could do |
7424s | it all right necr skeletons being |
7426s | squishy at 230 yeah um 230 230 is pretty |
7429s | high um from from what like our expected |
7431s | range for corruption is um so it does |
7436s | make sense that things start to become a |
7437s | little bit trickier at that point um |
7439s | there's not an intention that you play |
7440s | wraith specifically no wraith's just |
7443s | overtuned right now the other ones might |
7444s | be undertuned a little bit so you know |
7446s | like we're we're working on bringing |
7447s | those together a little bit |
7450s | um I would say uh compared |
7453s | to um like prelesson acolyte or necro um |
7458s | minions in general are supposed to feel |
7461s | quite squishy by comparing comparison |
7462s | just because they're more designed as a |
7464s | resource than uh a minion that you are |
7467s | hanging out with long |
7469s | term um all right going back to the item |
7473s | pool discussion real quick I'm just |
7474s | going to try and Hammer through some of |
7475s | these really quick going back to the |
7476s | item pool discussion I know risk of rain |
7478s | hit system where some items became uh |
7480s | corrupted yes altering the items play |
7482s | style but removing the character's |
7483s | ability to get the original version of |
7485s | that item permanently I assume that this |
7487s | uh would have issues in a game with |
7489s | trading though can you see any other |
7491s | pitfalls in this I mean the like like |
7494s | um uh Poe has like corrupted items and |
7498s | it has even more robust training system |
7500s | than we do so I I I think it's it's I I |
7504s | really actually really like systems |
7506s | where it's like um here's here's here's |
7509s | an item that's really good if you want |
7510s | you can try and gamble it to become |
7512s | really great and lock it forever or |
7514s | possibly brick it you know I really like |
7516s | systems like that |
7519s | um I we don't really have we we kind of |
7522s | do a little bit with that with our um |
7524s | legendary system where like it's a good |
7526s | item uh it has potential to become a |
7529s | great item and it might not you know |
7532s | like it might become it might stay just |
7533s | a good item um so I I I think it's I |
7537s | think it's a cool concept and I'd like |
7539s | to explore it more all right is maosa a |
7541s | snake stapled to another stake uh not |
7544s | really why is maosa the only one who |
7547s | needs sacrifices to live um that's very |
7551s | much a lore question I I don't want to |
7553s | answer it slightly wrong but uh I think |
7556s | the uh real an I don't know if we've |
7559s | explored the real answer |
7562s | yet Bingo mod density wow that was mob |
7565s | density almost almost to the |
7568s | end uh do we know the estimated |
7570s | difficulty of the Pinnacle content uh |
7572s | like what corruption are you expected to |
7573s | be able to clear if you want to be able |
7575s | to clear the Pinnacle boss great |
7576s | question we've been talking about that a |
7577s | lot this week I'll get back to you later |
7579s | on |
7579s | it pretty pretty high though uh well |
7583s | like pretty high from where we expect |
7585s | things to be normally not pretty high |
7587s | from where things have gone |
7590s | now all right rebirth is mostly about |
7592s | automatically moving gear from character |
7594s | to stash it's bit annoying to do if you |
7597s | have a lot of them but I see your point |
7599s | thanks for the answers mic love the game |
7600s | can't wait for the next update yeah um I |
7603s | I didn't I didn't know it also moved the |
7604s | gear as well that that does make it more |
7607s | appealing I guess |
7610s | um yeah really it really is just it it |
7614s | it takes away some of the busy work um I |
7616s | would say it's it's it's not having 1.1 |
7618s | I would say it's unlikely for 1.2 even |
7620s | uh but but possible I don't know we'll |
7622s | see we'll see how much uh things like |
7625s | that are U features like this |
7627s | specifically are things that we do |
7628s | really look to our community for to find |
7630s | out how in how much um interest there is |
7632s | in something like that where we're like |
7634s | hey this is a cool idea but you know |
7635s | we're not really we don't really see |
7638s | much of a use for it but like we got a |
7639s | bunch of people asking for it maybe |
7641s | we'll it BM up list that's the style of |
7642s | feature that we look to for |
7644s | that have a good week thank you very |
7647s | much that's the last one I'm all |
7651s | done thanks for coming by I hope you had |
7654s | fun I know I did if I didn't answer your |
7656s | question I apologize it was not |
7657s | intentional I will be hanging out in our |
7659s | as of the devs channel in our Discord |
7661s | frequently so you're welcome to stop by |
7663s | there and ask it um I'll do my best to |
7665s | get to it then um we're also active on |
7668s | other platforms of All Sorts uh |
7672s | um you know him you might love him you |
7674s | might hate |
7678s | him I am let's see who else is who else |
7681s | is around right |
7690s | now oh he's doing a |
7693s | giveaway go f |
7698s | that um oh I'll be back same time same |
7700s | place next week |
7703s | uh more cool stuff to |
7707s | show we might toss up one of the teasers |
7709s | we missed today on on socials or |
7711s | something like that but yeah see you |
7713s | next week great hanging out with you |