4 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
10s [Music]
18s good afternoon everybody and welcome
20s back to the lasty puck Dev
24s stream and I'm your host Abid
29s [Music]
33s just kidding it's
35s me Mike
37s hello and uh you know I couldn't find a
41s be costume for Halloween this year so
45s with the ladybug it's close right it's
47s close yeah yeah all right it's good it's
49s perfect hello ah totally normal stream
55s yep definitely did not uh start looking
58s for this like 2 hours ago or anything
61s uh hey how's it going totally yep uh
63s let's play some last deac I'm a very
65s serious developer man who uh works on
69s this game yep
72s yep oh I've got
75s my get my magic wand as
78s well and the real sacrifice here is the
82s glitter cuz what you may not be able to
85s see I'm now covered in
88s glitter my office is now covered in
90s glitter it's a good thing this
91s keyboard's mechanical so I can wash it
97s properly yeah we're playing we're
99s playing we're still playing our Lich
100s leveling our Lich up uh we were just
102s trying to finish off some of these get
104s our passes finished
106s up any pending we just let's just hop on
109s the
111s monolith uh yeah see
116s 70 new ladybug minion coming boy I sure
119s hope so
121s is is this how it started last
125s time and I
127s promise that I'm not wearing a dog
131s ladybug costume on my head as a hat I
134s promise that is not what's happening
136s here at
138s all at least that's what I'm telling
140s myself okay so if you have any questions
141s about last Epoch I'll be happy to answer
144s them drop at last defa game in the chat
147s and I'll know you're looking for an
148s answer
152s also we stream for charity here boom you
155s can see it by my head that's the charity
157s all the everything goes there cuz
158s they're
165s awesome and our goal this stream is a
169s new weapon cuz our weapon's
172s hurting and we know
176s it so we need a new
178s one we're going to find one
189s so in case anyone's wondering this is uh
190s in honor of Halloween quickly
196s approaching it feels pretty
201s obvious but just in case
217s I'm also getting over a bit of a cold
219s right now so if you if I if I sound a
221s little raspy or about halfway through I
222s start coughing that's what's going
227s on all right start some questions as
230s someone who loves Le looking at numbers
232s recently makes me nervous do we have
234s anything to worry about yet
238s no has
241s the
243s um I don't know like the the ter Runway
245s the term is run like we're fine it's
248s there's there's no concerns to be
251s had uh we're a very lean
256s Studio you know no no office space uh
261s our corporate structure is Tiny you know
264s it's it's uh
272s if I'm not worried you don't need to be
275s worried and I'll start worrying way
277s before it's
282s necessary is Halloween big over in
284s Europe I have no idea if Hallow's big
286s over in Europe I am in North
290s America it's pretty big
294s here was say the like the straps for
297s these wings I know say this every time I
299s do this the straps These Wings Are is
300s cutting into my arms
309s [Music]
311s o I love the mobility this build has I
313s just I just got to get a better weapon
315s that's the key thing I really got to get
316s a better
318s weapon those are just terrible for
324s me come on find something to hit so I
328s don't just pop out of form yeah yes
335s wonderful hey Mike hello glad to have
338s you with
339s us uh weekly reminder for the traveler
343s class is this this was the suggestion
345s someone had
347s um like like a classless class like an
350s unclass
353s almost
358s right should be a be beautiful
361s butterfly yeah with an hour before
364s stream uh you're going to a dollar store
366s there's not a lot of
371s options what is this Z DPS build
391s what will happen first my subathon ends
393s or L season 2 will drop
397s um I mean you're you're what 40 days
402s now you could you could just go all the
406s way it'll be like last EO season 12
409s drops I'm still
413s streaming that's that's what I'm
415s picturing
419s [Music]
428s Idols no experimental this this is nope
431s it's
434s just chatter
439s bait
440s Yes
443s W give me those yeah see how's our cash
448s oh was pretty good
451s uh we are short on glyphs we're still we
452s still we're still
454s new 36
459s woo do I realize my camera is
462s on oh my God no way really
471s quick
475s yes are you excited about poe2 very much
478s excited about po2 I got to play at
480s Gamescom uh like um 14 months
486s ago and
488s uh yeah I've been very excited ever
498s since it's a big
503s boy oh you know what let's go over here
506s first overshot
511s your death has come oh what's this o
514s what's
520s this it's a huge downgrade by the
528s Numbers we we we'll do a proper check
530s here in a
532s second just gets me
537s killed wo
541s yeah it was not the one I thought it was
544s actually uh so we're not going to use
555s it where's your controller I'm sorry I
557s didn't prepare
561s it I know I said I would I got I got uh
564s sidetracked getting a costume
573s we can try it let's see what see what
579s happens contr has been plugged
584s in usually if I don't start it with the
587s controller open like with like start the
589s game with the controller open with this
591s controller for whatever reason my other
592s controller will detect live
605s I've routed it through so many like
606s different things to make it work with
608s like a bunch of really old school
611s games that it's just not
616s happy I will do my best to get it for
619s next time I
623s apologize this build is like probably
626s one of the best ones to use it for too
628s except Forbe war path
631s [Music]
638s all right is there any plans to make
640s classes that are less played more
642s relevant I feel like Mark's been
644s detonating Arrow uh shurikens has been
647s meta for the last 3 years uh for
651s Marksman uh would love to see a shake
655s up yeah there's definitely been some
657s some other things that have have come
658s and gone from Marksman uh in that time
660s but yeah
661s there's uh there's there's definitely a
664s a very substantial amount of balance
667s changes that'll be coming at
669s 1.2
672s yeah and that happens whenever there's
674s like so like new new content new uh
676s abilities new
678s [Music]
680s um uh you know equipment
683s new uh other
687s things can I say that no I can't say
689s that can I say that yeah I can say that
690s um
693s the yeah like
696s there's yeah there's new stuff coming
698s from
707s marman actually had to develop some new
709s tech recently for one of the things from
711s marxman
726s leak it mik
727s nah
731s nah oh my goodness I need culling so
738s bad to damage so
748s bad keep
751s this little guy is going to
756s vanish kind of want something else
759s though I don't know why but this reminds
761s me of there's a Magik card this reminds
762s me of that I really
764s like terrible
767s card and I struggling from oh in honor
771s of here we
777s go right
781s got to be the
784s way uh one of my favorite types of
787s gameplay in any arpg is to use dots most
790s of the time however it feels very slow
792s compared to crit builds and usually
794s underperforms what the team's thoughts
796s on this and how do you balance it I mean
798s we the same way we balance every other
800s build
802s um I don't think dots are
805s necessarily inherently worse than crits
808s overall
809s um there's definitely situations where
811s they shine big
814s time
818s um but yeah CR is pretty popular right
820s now in
822s general I don't know I I
825s I we we look at underperforming and
828s overperforming things and we adjust them
830s to uh become more
833s performing I I don't know how to sorry
841s interesting ring we've got a
844s raain vapor Vader welcome everyone from
847s that chat too glad to have you on board
850s hang out chill out
858s relax uh do you like abro being killed
861s quickly or would you rather be more of a
863s challenge for builds some builds destroy
864s quickly I mean I I there's there's a
867s couple really dramatic outliers that are
870s exploiting mistakes in the balance that
872s are causing it to happen way faster than
874s it should which is like okay great um
878s but I think the vast majority of builds
880s are are sitting in a pretty good spot
882s with
884s like uh like heavily heavily heavily
886s geared characters being able to kill it
887s relatively quickly overall but not uh I
891s don't think in a excessive speed from
893s the most part
909s whenever you get those like setup builds
912s where it's like okay I'm going to stack
913s these Buffs beforehand and like okay
916s boss pops and oh boss dies like really
918s quickly just cuz there's a there's a
919s combination of of things that line up in
921s a certain way that cause damage to go
923s bistic you know things like that are
925s like they're going to happen every once
926s in a while they're not ideal and we try
927s and we try and avoid them in all s stuff
929s but I I don't think it's like the end of
932s the world if it happens on Extreme
935s outliers um obviously we'll we like exit
940s we made a
943s mistake
944s yeah you obviously I should say
948s Obviously any teasers for Lich updates
951s nothing specific I can share it is um I
953s think it's a class we are looking at
954s especially after uh after after we stole
957s suies from it um there's kind of a a
960s hole right there it's actually more of a
961s hole right here
969s um
981s impossible but yeah I think this room I
983s think this it's also reflected in some
984s of the requests we've been getting
985s lately
986s for um
993s for for a few for a few for a few things
1000s [Music]
1002s yeah uh you mentioned many times that
1004s you know what you want to do a set items
1006s can you say anything about what this
1008s might or when this might happen which
1009s cycle or any time frame all I can say is
1012s it won't happen in 1.2 that's all I can
1015s say um so it'll be sometime post 1.2
1023s um it's it's a tricky thing cuz it does
1025s it hits a lot of uh a lot of systems all
1028s at once and so it's a tough thing
1030s to uh death
1033s has like work
1035s in at the right moment it I know it
1038s sounds like it should be just easy to do
1041s but it's a little it's a little more
1043s involved and so it's kind of got some
1045s things that have to go with it and um
1049s kind of tricky to find time for it so
1051s we're still we're still working on the
1052s the right way to do
1055s it in the meantime sets take up a pretty
1058s tiny percentage of the overall item
1061s count especially since we basically
1062s stopped making set items while we wait
1065s and we've been making a ton more unique
1066s items and you know we added in
1068s experimental items in the meantime and
1069s we we added in personal items in the
1071s meantime we um you know there's a lot of
1074s things we've added since then to to beef
1076s up the item pool that um
1081s makes the percentage of items that are
1082s like set items even
1093s less any chance for you to include uh 3D
1097s artwork for unique armor pieces with
1099s unique weapons right now would be really
1101s nice I mean we're we are so we're
1102s working on
1105s um the the ones that are most impactful
1109s first and the ones that have the best
1110s rate to return first so weapons um you
1113s can do a weapon once and it's done for
1115s all classes so every time you do a uh an
1118s armor piece if it's if it's only an
1120s armor piece for one class you only do it
1122s once but um then it only works
1125s for one in five characters can even
1128s possibly equip it
1132s um the ones that then work for all
1134s classes you have to do five times um so
1137s it's five times as much work so it's
1139s still just
1140s like every time you do it it's 1if of
1143s the work and it's it's less work to do
1145s variance of on a theme but it still is
1148s you know it's a lot more work to do uh
1150s armor pieces than it is to do weapons so
1152s we're doing the weapons and the the
1154s things that sit that need less variation
1158s first that makes any sense just cuz it's
1160s we can do them faster and they're more
1165s impactful um but yeah we're we're we're
1168s constantly expanding what's available in
1170s that
1171s category there's not many right now
1174s there's a
1176s couple okay come on let's let's let's
1179s see what we can do
1196s here yeah man
1202s uh can you share a bit of the procedures
1205s you are using When developing skill
1206s trees for passives and
1208s skills um sure like
1216s uh like I I I guess there's two things
1219s there's this this is what I would call
1221s passives passives uh and and this is
1225s what I would call skill trees
1229s um I've gone pretty deep on this before
1232s but yeah I can take a little little
1233s little detour for
1241s it lot of crit there let's shatter
1246s that uh okay so the the first thing we
1248s generally do like let's we talk give you
1251s like a rough idea on how skills have
1253s their trees developed quickly um the
1256s first thing that kind of happens is we
1257s we we make sure that there's a the base
1259s skill gets created um it gets
1262s Set uh am I okay to lose a bet or
1265s something no this is entirely voluntary
1267s believe it or not um it's Halloween
1270s coming up next this is the last stream
1272s before Halloween um the skill tree
1275s process goes I actually forgot I was
1278s wearing this until you just said
1281s that ooh um the skill tree process uh we
1286s start with the base skill make sure it's
1287s like fun interesting uh there's there's
1290s like it looks good it feels good it's
1292s responsive it does what it needs to do
1295s uh and then we go into a uh
1297s brainstorming situation where it's like
1300s the the no bad answers Trope um
1304s ridiculous stuff gets put in there it's
1305s a gigantic list everyone's welcome from
1307s the team just like put whatever they
1308s want in uh and then we go through and uh
1312s we'll do we'll do a small team of just
1313s like gutting the ones that are just like
1315s impossible where someone's like
1317s [Music]
1319s serpent strike not need a spear anymore
1321s and we're like that's impossible we just
1322s can't do it and people like but that's
1324s so sounds so easy like yeah but it just
1326s it doesn't work and so we just know and
1328s it gets cut you know things things like
1329s that we just like it just doesn't work
1331s that
1334s way uh and then we
1338s um then we go
1340s to uh we we do sort of a medium team
1343s where people can like defend their ideas
1344s if there's things that they really want
1345s to get in
1348s um promote their ideas might be better
1349s way of putting it um and we we we'll do
1352s a design meeting where we go through the
1353s tree and we uh pick out ones that we
1355s really like and then we'll have a list
1357s of about 30 or so nodes that we really
1359s like um maybe 35 nodes that we really
1362s like and we'll we'll put those into a um
1366s uh like like a we we Google draw
1370s something like that like something to to
1372s to lay out the nodes where you can move
1373s them around and everything and oh my God
1375s this is
1377s itchy uh and well we'll sort of like lay
1380s out a skeleton start just picking things
1382s like how many points each note should
1383s have stuff like that trying to get some
1385s rough ranges
1387s um that that process is usually done by
1390s like one person maybe even
1391s two uh and then
1394s we uh then we go over what's what's
1396s there in a in a larger design meeting
1398s skills skills team probably like six or
1400s seven people and we'll go through each
1402s node and talk about like requirements
1404s and try to make pick out details of like
1405s oh this is too this is too strong this
1407s is too weak no one will ever take that
1409s um things like that and then we
1412s uh uh go to implementation and someone
1415s takes that tree and puts it into the
1417s game engine and someone else takes that
1418s tree and goes and puts it into the uh
1420s the UI and then we start
1425s testing a short
1430s version all
1434s right PA passives are a little less all
1438s at once just
1440s because uh like everyone has them
1442s already like everyone's got a full
1443s passive tree so so like sometimes if
1446s we're like overhauling a passive tree
1447s will come in and say like okay what
1449s things is this what tools have we
1451s developed in the game to use since this
1454s tree was last majorly overhauled like
1456s putting in uh threshold nodes where's a
1457s good threshold node are there any
1459s threshold nodes
1460s [Music]
1462s here does l need a bunch of threshold
1465s nodes
1469s Lich needs threshold nodes here's a
1470s great example so we would come in here
1471s and we would say uh Hey Lich needs
1473s threshold nodes and we'll we'll like
1475s start to see like hey where can we like
1478s put threshold nodes in Lich nicely I
1480s seem remember doing this already weird
1485s um and and like figure out if there's
1488s new abilities that have shown up since
1490s then that need more synergies and uh
1492s this is sometimes where we look at
1494s underperforming archetypes for the
1496s class um and and try and pepper in some
1500s new nodes for things like that
1503s [Music]
1508s yeah hi Mike happy Friday looking good
1511s thank you Mr bble thank you very
1514s much set items
1520s n why does part of lethal con uh
1523s concentration poison minion spear work
1526s with falconry but didn't get a rogue
1528s melee attack attack added for the Jade
1530s dust part uh balance or oversight it was
1534s um like it's more of
1536s a it's it's not really designed
1539s specifically
1540s for rogue to use I don't
1543s think like it kind of
1552s works it's it's I would call it an off
1555s class
1556s weapon uh during the interview with ja
1559s and DM you did say there's a new skill
1560s for Lich in active development so you
1562s could leak that again ah you got
1566s me
1571s um yeah I guess there
1578s is well there you go cuz yeah there's
1582s missing it's good just just push push
1585s it's not budging
1594s [Music]
1601s I recently saw a suggestion from someone
1602s to to to move these like into the tree
1604s itself where you actually have to take
1605s points for them I really like that
1609s idea like keyn noes that have like the
1612s skill and like some bonus that goes with
1614s the skill
1631s all right more
1632s questions what are you most excited
1634s about in the 1.3 cycle so it'll be
1636s season 3 uh then which which we're in
1640s we're in season 1 right now so you're
1641s talking about season
1643s 3
1644s uh the new content certain items May
1648s bounc anything else I mean it's so far
1650s out that I can't talk about I think
1651s you're probably asking about season 2
1653s which will be patch
1654s 1.2
1657s um and in that one personally uh I mean
1660s the updates we're doing to endgame is is
1662s what I'm most excited about it's going
1663s to be
1667s great yeah the the new in game
1672s content the new I mean like really what
1674s it is it's the new tech behind the new
1676s content that I'm most excited about cuz
1678s it's like
1679s so many more
1693s possibilities will not take
1699s me all
1703s right uh when a new game or expansion is
1706s released and one class is super broken
1708s and bugged but people like the power how
1710s would you balance player feedback versus
1711s overall game Health yeah I mean that's
1714s that is you've identified the hardest
1716s part about balancing a live game um and
1719s something that we've struggled with
1720s quite heavily and something that is
1722s extremely hotly debated every single
1725s time it happens um personally I'm on the
1728s side of just Nerf it like if it was
1730s strictly up to me for me making my own
1732s game for myself and no one else mattered
1734s whatsoever they'd be insta nerfed it
1736s would just be like I Nerf deal with it I
1738s don't care um
1742s but I'm not quite so impulsive and
1746s self-centered that I do know we're
1748s making this game for more than just me
1750s um and so we don't do
1754s that um I cuz because you have
1757s to you have to balance the investment
1760s people have made into those characters
1762s already um and and there's there's a
1765s really bad there's kind of two bad
1767s feelings working against each other
1769s and trying to mitigate which bad feeling
1771s is the worst is is is really difficult
1775s to do and not have someone feel bad
1776s still in the end
1781s um and I think I think it comes down
1787s to I I don't I don't know the I don't
1789s know the best the right answer here at
1791s all
1792s [Music]
1794s um cuz it's it's something that we're
1796s still kind of experimenting with I think
1797s and I think it also depends a lot on the
1799s situation and how it happens um if the
1802s character is like fun to play that's
1804s broken overpowered I think it makes it a
1806s lot easier to leave it
1810s alone so an example of a character that
1812s would not be fun to play that's crazy
1815s broken overpower that we probably would
1816s do something
1818s about is a character that had a like a
1821s really obnoxious and unfun play pattern
1823s so
1824s like you you you spawn into an echo and
1827s you have to SP spend like 30 seconds
1830s casting a very specific sequ of sequence
1833s of
1833s abilities okay let's let's do this
1835s properly
1840s um oh cop starting um and you have do a
1843s very like so you spawn into an echo and
1845s you have to press a very specific
1846s sequence of abilities on cool down
1848s switch out your gear press another
1849s specific sequences on cool down switch
1851s out your gear again and then you press
1853s one more button and you just kill
1855s everything in the entire Echo and you
1857s and you portal out and like it's the
1859s most powerful build in the possible game
1862s and you know like it beats every Echo no
1864s problem uh you can beat any boss you
1867s want you just got to like sit there for
1868s a couple minutes before every single run
1870s and it's just boring like that sounds
1873s awful you don't want that in the
1877s game uh so it's it's trick let's just
1880s put this put this in with some fun we
1883s know there's nothing else really in here
1884s I could do this but
1887s yeah oh here's the weapon you were just
1889s talking
1893s about oh yeah it does mention Falcon
1896s actually my goodness I was wrong oh
1905s my I think it's because the plus one to
1907s throwing minion skills is
1911s the uh is is the is the instead of
1914s harvest thing there cuz throwing minion
1917s skills isn't a thing on
1918s Necromancer really at
1925s all skeleton roads
1929s throw poison I don't think
1940s so poison V poison we don't do much
1943s poison
1946s actually do a little bit you will
1950s perish eventually but not
1969s today uh if you could add any skill SL
1973s skill tree without taking bounce into
1975s consideration what would you add
1978s oh without taking balance into
1982s consideration I mean this is this is
1983s hard because like I've kind of had this
1987s freedom for a couple years so like the
1989s skills that are I'm like this has got to
1991s be in the game are kind of in the game
1997s um what do I want what do I want that's
1999s not in the game
2002s yet I
2004s want uh I want I want more bow skills on
2008s other classes if I could add anything I
2010s would add
2012s a um I would add a
2018s bow h i I would add a bow compatible
2021s skill
2022s in Beast
2024s Master and second choice may surprise
2026s you it's
2029s Mage mostly just cuz I'm such a D2
2031s fanboy
2042s and like to play terrible
2057s builds any fun plans for Halloween no
2060s well I mean yeah we were um I've I got a
2063s little one so we're going to we're going
2064s to take him out to uh go trick-
2067s or-treating with his
2069s uh with with some friends
2075s and not not much else it's Halloween's
2078s pretty uh pretty scary for him
2083s still we're like just barely I think oh
2087s we'll see we'll see what happens this
2088s year but I think this year is going to
2089s be the first year that he like really
2090s gets into
2093s it we made the mistake of buying his
2096s Halloween costume way too early
2099s like a full he got crazy into
2103s Pokemon and uh so he like saw a full
2107s bodysuit Pikachu outfit like early in
2110s like a month or two ago even like when
2111s they first were showing up and he's like
2113s I have to have it and now Halloween's
2116s getting close and he's like I want to be
2117s this I want to be this we're like you
2118s already have a
2124s costume do not take me
2134s all
2137s right will there ever be any twitch
2139s integration with the game asking for
2141s Aaron since he was likely stuck in a
2143s subathon I think he's here
2152s um uh yes I it's it's one of those like
2156s it's on the list we'd really like to
2160s um it's not uh it's not something I
2163s don't think it's something that's in
2164s active development right now but um I
2166s think there's some prep stuff being done
2168s so yeah based on her costume can we
2171s expect a ladybird a ladybug skill in the
2174s game look at this be skill after your
2176s last costume I don't I
2178s don't
2180s ah I'd love to ladybugs are really cool
2183s actually so if you don't know this about
2184s ladybugs uh you can use them as like
2187s natural p pesticides
2189s basically um for for plants so there's
2193s like certain uh certain things that can
2195s like get into your garden and if you
2196s like introduce ladybugs to your garden
2199s It'll like get rid of those things
2201s they're pretty cool ladybugs are like
2203s crazy poisonous or crazy toxic I don't
2205s know what the term is but
2207s um
2209s yeah there's cool stuff about ladybugs I
2212s I know almost none of it and uh if
2214s you're interested in ladybugs at
2216s all go go go do some research cuz
2219s they're pretty
2226s cool
2230s Eep I don't know why I ran out of that
2233s really I can't really die in this
2240s form Chunk in here
2257s nah oh capped
2262s it chunks are Health pretty quick when
2264s we do
2269s that you me cycle 1.2 ah yes sorry I
2273s think I answered anyways
2274s then do you guys in the office bet on
2278s which build item class is going to be
2279s the most popular before new release no I
2282s I think sometimes there's there's like
2283s if there's some uh disagreements on if
2289s something's going to be overpowered or
2290s not someone will be like I think it's
2292s going to be overpowered someone else be
2293s like I
2295s don't and we're like we'll see what
2298s happens it's about as intense as it
2305s gets uh if you get the skeleton Rogue to
2308s throw acid flask counts as a minion
2309s throwing skill
2312s interesting uh any plans on improving
2315s minion survivability such as uh tweaking
2317s the damage they take from certain boss
2319s abilities they already do have big
2320s defense to a lot of Boss abilities for
2323s example in Poe your minions won't get
2324s killed by Cyrus meteor or storms but in
2327s La you get into ja or aboth there's a
2329s bunch of stuff that kills your Minions
2330s that you can't do anything about
2334s um yeah there's probably some situations
2337s that need adding to the list uh we do
2339s already some stuff like
2343s that uh Mike what will you address as on
2346s the 31st the prime list I mean I'm I'm
2348s like I think I got to wait till next
2350s year till I'm in shape to dress as the
2351s prime list you know I'm getting there
2353s I'm on my
2357s way but the guns the guns got some work
2360s to do on them still
2362s first are you serious you're really
2364s going to give me rhyme Giants
2369s of course you are cuz you know how good
2372s I am at dealing with them your death has
2375s come Le I should be cuz I flip and die
2378s to them all the
2385s time all
2389s right is there any party styled content
2392s in any way in the on on the way I no we
2395s don't have any party specific content on
2398s the way um one of the things we we kind
2400s of try and do is is we try to make sure
2401s that there is um like that the content
2404s is uh possible and fun to do solo sort
2408s of the like if if it's going to the game
2410s it's kind of got to be good for solo
2416s um I I'd really like to see us um put
2421s some more things in the game for group
2423s play and this is something that I've
2424s talked about in the past a lot um but
2427s things like
2428s uh this this is kind of an example of
2431s something I wish only happened in
2432s multiplayer uh but can happen solo is in
2435s in Diablo 2 surprised there's my example
2438s uh Diablo would um create a bone prison
2442s around you and lock you in place and
2444s then use his lightning pose and nuke
2448s you um it's a sweet mechanic if you've
2451s got someone else there to like break you
2453s out like it it locks one person in place
2456s uh and targets a second person and the
2458s third person's got time to break you out
2459s it creates this like this cool Dynamic
2461s and and coordinator teams are like oh he
2463s locked me he's like oh I'm coming to
2465s rescue you he's always on me like like
2467s you know like that type of coordination
2469s and gameplay I think is really fun and
2471s interesting and cool but uh doesn't
2473s really work solo um so I'd love to see
2476s us start doing like extra mechanics in
2478s multiplayer that are um like f fun to
2482s play with
2502s are there any plans for more be stuff I
2504s feel like uh bees Master is just sort of
2507s uh just short of being viable yeah it is
2509s like it's just barely short of being
2512s viable um there's there's a couple
2514s things we we came really close to adding
2516s uh like just before we just continued
2518s making set items we like we're going to
2520s make a b set item um and then we're like
2524s all right we're not making B not set for
2526s a while uh yeah I think there's there's
2529s there's room for more be themed stuff
2531s maybe it's not specifically in uh items
2534s maybe it's in other places but
2538s yeah close my door
2549s getting a little
2555s chilly so you're saying we're not
2557s getting a ladybug primalist I I mean I'd
2560s love to see it as like a like a skill
2562s ntx for bees convert them all ladybugs
2565s that would be
2567s sweet all right the uh the other day I
2571s was I was after one lizard and that
2572s lizard spawned uh spammed another four
2575s to five lizards is that normal or is it
2577s a bug it is is normal um maybe not
2580s expected or normal but it is um working
2584s as intended the uh every time you defeat
2588s a uh a lizard and it it scurries away it
2591s has a chance to uh cause a similar
2595s lizard to pop up in its
2599s place and that can happen up to I think
2601s five times per
2604s disappearance so yeah I think one
2606s turning into five is possible and those
2608s five could I think theoretically turned
2610s into
2611s 25 like it it's it's a low odds thing to
2614s happen so chaining more than a couple
2616s times is almost never going to happen
2618s and when you get that many some of them
2620s are going to get
2622s away but it can go kind of
2631s nuts you got a lizard named mouse and a
2633s lizard suit yeah that's one of my
2634s favorites it was it was a redit post of
2635s people sharing names they'd found
2636s recently there some good
2639s ones there there's a pattern if you find
2641s enough of them you'll find a few
2653s patterns have you implemented all the
2655s player created uniques yet no I'm
2657s actually working on one right now
2660s um if you're the person waiting for me
2662s to get back to you with options on a
2665s unique uh that might go really well with
2667s this build that I'm playing right now uh
2671s I'm playing this build specifically to
2672s get ideas for that unique right
2681s now uh and if you're the other person
2683s waiting for me to come back with a uh
2686s prototype for a
2692s build I've got a couple that I've I've
2694s got ready but I'm I want a few more
2697s before I bring it to you I don't think
2699s either of them are watching so it's not
2700s a big deal but yes we're still working
2702s on uh supporter
2708s uniques they're tough they're really
2710s tough to do I
2716s uh I find myself putting things that I
2720s want in them sometimes and I have to
2722s stop and like really go back to look at
2725s what the cuz we we sent out a
2727s questionnaire with like um like a few
2729s categories um where it's like uh sort of
2732s like a if you could have it do literally
2734s anything like no restriction sort of the
2737s like you make a broken thing do whatever
2738s you want like what would it be and
2739s people put like horribly broken things
2741s in there and you're like yeah cool you
2742s get the idea what you're like what
2743s you're after and you try and like sculpt
2745s something from there um like if it can
2747s only do one thing like what's the most
2749s important thing and there's like um
2751s there's other like themes that you want
2753s to work in and and there's there's a
2754s whole bunch of questions that go with it
2755s but
2758s uh I I have to go back to those
2760s documents really frequently to like put
2762s myself in the person's shoes who's uh
2765s who who Who's who's getting this made
2767s because so often I'll look at it and be
2769s like oh this is totally what I would do
2771s here but I'm not making it for me I'm
2773s making it for them um so it's a little I
2775s find a little tricky but I do my best
2792s that was
2796s close still reperformance not that close
2799s I guess but
2804s still uh any plans for themed battle
2807s pass battle pass is one of those things
2810s that's uh it's kind of a weird weird
2813s topic um we we don't have any plans for
2815s battle pass um I think there's and and
2818s this this came up last time we were
2819s getting close to a
2821s cycle sorry a new season I need to start
2824s using the proper term we season now we
2826s don't cycle
2828s um so last time we were getting close to
2830s a new season we uh you get a bunch of
2833s questions about battle passes and things
2834s like that it's kind of just I think
2836s going to happen every time now and which
2839s is fine not think it's a bad thing and I
2842s think there's I think there's a way to
2843s do battle passes really positively um I
2846s know people who been watching for a long
2847s time well be like yeah Mike you always
2849s say that you never do it yeah it's I I
2852s don't know if there's enough room in the
2856s like uh like the the
2859s the collective gamer head space I don't
2861s know how to describe it for a positive
2863s reaction to a battle pass and there are
2865s a couple out there that have done it
2873s um yeah I I'd like to explore that at
2876s some point I and I it would be really
2878s tricky to do it well and when I say well
2881s I mean
2882s like uh so that it's a positive
2884s experience for the player that's what I
2886s mean by do it
2892s well that costume is fly as hell why
2895s thank you very much I appreciate
2901s it these wings are a lot bigger than
2903s last time so I didn't have to like get
2905s like cut them in half and like use a
2907s piece of cardboard to tap them
2910s together are you planning on doing any
2913s reworking or tweaking in the faction
2915s system in 1.2 based on what you've
2917s learned in 1.1 yeah I I I would say
2919s tweaking is a better term for it than
2921s reworking
2926s um it's really an interesting thing and
2929s this is something that I've been um I
2931s I've been kind of vaguely talking about
2933s with people on like forums and Discord
2935s and Reddit and things like that and it's
2937s the difference it's it's the distinction
2939s between uh endgame systems that provide
2942s power directly um so an endgame system
2945s that can provide power directly that's
2947s really straightforward that I can point
2948s to as an example is like Diablo 3
2950s Paragon system where it's just like
2953s every level every Paragon level you get
2956s a point of crit and then a point of move
2959s speed and then a point of damage and
2960s then a point of like it's really
2962s straightforward there's not a lot to it
2964s it's it's just like you get a little bit
2966s more power every single
2969s time and the difference between a system
2972s like uh the the faction system
2974s specifically like circle of Fortune and
2977s uh the bizar where you are um where
2979s you're as you level up in the system as
2982s you rank up in the system farther what
2984s you're actually getting out of it is
2987s more efficiency at finding player
2989s power and I think the distinction
2991s between getting efficiency at finding
2993s player power and actual player power
2995s creates a
2997s uh a different expectation on players on
2999s if they're going to complete the system
3001s or not and how fast they're going to
3003s complete the
3015s system and I don't know what
3020s the
3021s uh I don't know what the right thing to
3023s do is with that that makes any sense
3030s all right how far along would you say
3032s you are at looking at things that you
3034s want to have in the game before you
3035s start doing purely seasonal
3038s content um I mean there's
3043s there's that's that's a tough one
3044s because I think there's the the campaign
3046s is going to be a little while before it
3047s actually like before we're like okay the
3050s camp like here's the end of the actual
3052s campaign the story is complete um that
3055s that's still
3057s that still weighs out so I Think It's
3059s tricky to
3064s um I Think It's tricky to put a timeline
3066s on the whole thing just because I that's
3067s going to be the one that the outlier
3069s that that makes that go long for it's
3070s purely into seasonal stuff
3084s um yeah
3092s and I mean like there's always going to
3093s be stuff that like sticks around season
3095s to season so it's
3098s it's like what's purely seasonal right I
3101s don't
3104s know we got a while a while
3113s still just wanted to make a PSA I'll
3116s read it first right now that's
3126s it okay I I'll I'll say this but I'm
3129s going to say it with with an asterisk so
3131s I've
3132s seen conflicting reports of the effect
3136s of cry utilities good or bad with
3139s regards to playing last EAC on Steam
3141s deck so I would I would probably try it
3143s out for yourself before doing it but we
3145s do have here's a report of someone
3148s saying that the with Steam OS update cry
3150s utility is no longer helpful reverting
3152s to stock settings and the stock 1GB uh
3156s buffer results in more stable
3157s performance also the OS update reverts
3159s your under bolts cool well thanks for
3161s the thanks for the info uh you know way
3164s more about it than I do cuz I don't have
3165s a steam deck um it's probably great
3168s advice I would just also put a little
3171s like try it
3173s yourself at home try it at home
3178s reverting stuff to stock is very safe so
3180s I'm not concerned about
3183s that increase crit chance there we go
3187s speaking of
3189s crit oo got little LP going on there may
3192s another one maybe
3194s maybe
3202s sickening you're
3204s mine finished with you
3215s you play Le great but does it count as
3217s working time where can I sign my
3218s employment
3220s contract yes this does count as working
3223s time we actually have uh two hours every
3225s Friday reserved for everyone on the team
3227s to play last
3229s Epoch um because we think we should play
3231s our game and uh if it's in your
3237s like work
3239s time then you do
3245s it I mean the vast majority of us I
3247s think play in our spare time anyways or
3249s like we're playing before we started
3250s working on this anyways
3253s um and it's not like a hard mandatory
3256s thing but you know we like to it also
3259s it's kind of like water cooler time cuz
3261s we don't have a fixed uh physical
3263s location for the studio everyone's
3265s remote
3267s so a little more time to just like hang
3268s out and have some fun and play games
3270s together is really really
3273s good but I miss it every week cuz it
3275s happens literally exactly the same time
3278s as my
3279s stream so here I get my two hours here I
3281s SP I spend it all with You Beautiful
3285s People all right I feel it needs
3287s something like it but like you said done
3289s in a proper way I assume this is about
3292s the
3294s um uh
3298s the um battle pass is probably what this
3300s is
3303s about
3306s it try to get a fancy with like a Dodge
3309s and a reap and reaps on cool down CU
3312s transplanted Grumble Grumble
3317s Grumble is it possible that in the
3318s future there will be a unique that makes
3320s war path Echo follow the player ah
3325s having the move is is
3330s uh uh something we tried to do
3333s originally
3335s and it doesn't work so well I know it
3339s sounds
3345s ridiculous favorite builds nobody plays
3347s something stupid Jank that's fun
3353s um I mean I do I really like I do like
3356s offsp speec build where it's like well
3357s that shouldn't work but lots of times
3359s they do work cuz so many of us on the
3361s team like them that we we put little
3362s things in to make them
3365s work they work too well uh see melee
3371s da
3375s um I like um
3379s meteor meteor
3382s bear using uh using using the belt
3385s that's my I think that's my favorite one
3387s I don't think anyone plays that really
3388s much
3394s anymore yeah please don't forget to put
3396s at last OT game in the question if you'd
3398s like me to answer it I think I may have
3400s skipped a couple not
3404s intentionally
3412s impossible ooh
3415s lizard come here
3421s lizard yes you cannot Escape me
3431s lizard I
3441s mean donate that
3447s I don't hate that at
3458s all if we could like seal this ell
3465s res no just going to Nuke the uh forging
3469s potential on this that hurt a lot -22
3474s oh not worth
3478s I think it might still be an upgrade
3487s though is there Fizz res okay yeah
3490s perfect
3492s 75
3500s calculated do some classes get more
3503s skills in the future as an example I
3505s would like to make a Marksman but when I
3507s see that it has four skills less than
3509s the Mage I have I lose all interest
3511s because less skills equals less build
3512s Variety in my opinion uh I think I I I
3517s don't think that less skills necessarily
3519s directly means less build variety I
3520s think that you'll find there's um
3523s certain skills that individually will
3525s carry uh carry a class and build variety
3528s whereas um some skills will have very
3530s little impact on build
3533s variety um but I mean at a glance I can
3536s see the expectation being there and uh
3539s classes that have fewer abilities are
3542s definitely significantly higher on the
3543s list for new abilities we are planning
3546s new abilities for every class still um
3549s Mage is by far the farthest down that
3551s list cuz it has the most abilities of
3553s any class and Rogue is at the top of
3555s that list cuz it has the fewest of
3557s skills of any class you know um we we
3560s did decide a while ago that it wasn't
3561s mandatory for them all to have the same
3563s number um
3566s but I'll say this there's no mage skills
3567s in development right now and there is um
3570s like there are other skills for other
3572s classes in development right now
3575s so
3576s [Music]
3582s [Music]
3593s yeah nada
3600s probably been asked before but what is
3602s the your favorite skill you've made I
3603s haven't I've never made a skill like
3604s exclusively on my own
3612s UMO uh and I've been involved with
3616s almost every one of
3618s them it's kind of just like what's your
3620s favorite skill Mike uh but skills that I
3623s had like a heavy hand in and my
3625s favorites I probably
3627s say
3634s um
3641s uh these are so all these like favorite
3644s questions are so tricky and I bet my
3645s answers change week to week I
3649s think I probably say something in in
3651s Rogue
3653s somewhere um
3657s oh no it's it's going to
3659s be uh it's really going to be flame rush
3662s I
3665s think this one I worked on pretty
3666s recently that I really
3674s enjoyed this will not take
3684s me my ear just popped
3687s oh that's so
3690s nice oh I can hear
3692s again oh there it goes never
3695s mind just getting over a
3700s cold it
3708s happens there's actually some stuff in
3710s in Rogue I really like
3713s um I really like lethal Mirage that was
3716s a fun one to work on I really like dive
3718s bomb too that was a really fun one to
3720s work on
3725s too uh good evening question in the
3728s inventory under the appearance tab at
3730s the very bottom it says skills will we
3732s finally have access to it next season uh
3735s and if so can we get a hint of what it
3738s is or a clue I can tell you what it
3741s is I can't give you any details on
3744s ETA uh is something we're working on
3747s um so this equip skills all skills um
3750s this is sort of a like an indicator of
3753s sort of what's to come with regards to
3757s Cosmetics um and so like it it kind of
3760s says like skill Cosmetics there's no
3761s skill Cosmetics available yet check back
3763s soon um this is we are we are adding in
3769s like cosmetic variants for abilities in
3773s the game so like um
3778s trying to like say an example that's
3779s like but do I say an example that is
3781s coming and say it's not coming do I say
3782s an example that's not coming and then
3783s people expect it is coming and then I
3785s have to like go make it oh what do I do
3787s so let's that's like something
3788s ridiculous that 100% is not coming so it
3790s turns uh meteor into a gigantic block of
3793s cheese a wheel of cheese for example
3797s there's we're not doing this um and it
3800s like makes it look like cheese instead
3802s you know so something like that um
3806s you know some of them are puns some of
3808s them
3809s are uh you know Al some of are just like
3812s cool variants um some of them are like
3815s Elemental conversions for things that we
3817s can't actually do the elemental
3819s conversions for gameplay reasons but
3820s sometimes you want a visual conversion
3822s that is that type
3832s um yeah it's like uh it's a skill
3836s Cosmetics I don't really know what else
3837s there's to say about
3843s them uh when can we get a cooler MTX I
3846s want to give you more money L yeah I
3848s mean I think I think we we we have lots
3849s of really cool MTX that comes every
3851s patch personally but yeah we're cranking
3853s them out still there's more
3855s coming is there an estimate on when 1.2
3858s will launch q1
3860s 2025 so in the first quarter of
3864s 2025 there will be
3867s um season 2 will start and Patch 1.2
3870s will
3877s drop so January February March somewhere
3879s in those three months it's all I got for
3881s you though big window I know um we'll
3884s try and get a a a like a smaller window
3887s as we get closer to it um like we're
3889s always trying to get them out as soon as
3890s possible and we have to um we we have to
3894s kind of take into consideration other
3896s titles in the same genre that are having
3899s large events and having large releases
3901s at the same time so we like okay we got
3903s to wait to see when this happens we know
3905s it's coming somewhere in there we don't
3906s know when or maybe we need to be like
3908s okay we've got this feature that has to
3909s get in and like it's it's like we're
3912s working on it already and we don't know
3913s how long it's going to take to actually
3914s finish it we're like we we can't release
3916s the patch without this so um we kind of
3920s wait got to wait till we get a little
3921s closer to the date in order to like uh
3924s be able to more confidently say when
3925s it's going to be ready and be have
3926s enough time to be tested and all that
3928s sort of stuff um we're we're doing
3930s content lock way earlier than we've ever
3932s done before which is so wonderful um
3935s which means we'll have way more time to
3936s test specific
3940s interactions
3943s yeah uh can you tell us how many new
3945s runes and glyphs we can expect at 1.2 uh
3947s not many if
3952s any it's very rare that we had new runes
3954s and glyphs
3957s um and like new new runes new new very
3962s specific heavily thought out and planned
3965s runes and glyphs get pitched in design
3967s meetings all the time like I'll come
3970s with like a list of like 40 runes and
3971s glyphs and I'm like I know one of these
3973s is going to get in for sure we'll like
3974s debate them for an hour and none of them
3976s will get approved
3978s sucks um but they're all they all get
3980s they all get denied for very good
3981s reasons that I've just missed
3987s cuz it is a delicate
3992s system just got my first Red Ring woo
3994s congrats way to go
4000s awesome here let's get this Shrine real
4002s quick to start this please be something
4003s cool it's something cool that's what I
4006s like to
4008s see
4011s yeah Dash the wrong way
4014s there didn't forget that Reaper form
4017s starts with a reap I
4025s swear you Ryme Giant
4050s all right can you make black hole a
4052s damage skill
4054s please black
4055s hole black hole is a tragedy of a skill
4058s right now I wish and like in in the
4061s weirdest way possible I wish we had not
4063s made black hole when we did I love black
4065s hole as a skill and I'm so excited for
4067s the future of
4071s it but I I wish we had been able to see
4075s really really far into the
4077s future and known it was a bad idea to
4080s make when we
4082s did cuz it has some serious problems
4084s with some underlying systems and how
4086s things function in the game uh and
4090s there's a few other things that need to
4091s happen for it to really be properly
4095s realized um so we have some very
4098s long-term plans for for for uh black
4101s hole and I hope I hope they uh pan out
4105s properly
4108s but it's not ready
4109s yet it's going to have to just kind of
4111s sit there as this weird redheaded
4114s stepchild
4115s of uh a terrible
4119s term uh from from
4129s like it's going to just have to wait
4131s unfortunately
4139s impossible all
4150s right I'm sorry don't I said that that
4152s was
4154s dumb all right moving on would you add a
4157s setting to make characters not keep
4159s saying their catchphrases or at least
4161s reduce their frequency it can be
4162s annoying I believe we have that don't we
4166s um you oh it's just the error voice
4168s lines not the cat phrases yeah I I know
4169s we're we're talking about adding some
4170s more settings there right now so
4175s yeah I know it's a joke but would
4177s eagerly pay money or cheese media for
4179s cheese medeor
4182s yeah I knew what I was
4192s saying uh right more passive
4198s his Mike's a bit of an idiot sometimes
4200s and he doesn't remember
4203s things more in
4207s here yeah seems pretty
4212s sweet is this better this is
4215s better give me that flat damage crit
4218s multi ooh that would be good to take two
4219s right
4224s now I was I find it so funny when we
4226s have icons that are upside
4227s down uh and sometimes like the actual
4231s transform in game is just flipped for
4233s that icon
4238s um like sometimes you'll like replace it
4240s and then the new one that replaces it
4241s cuz you replace the Sprite but the
4242s transform doesn't change it like flips
4244s it as well it's
4246s weird I probably should be putting
4247s points here and here that's a lot of
4250s damage seeing a lot of damage actually
4252s right there it's just these three
4262s will there ever be a chef class in
4266s Le
4269s uh I don't want to say flat no to things
4272s like that because I
4274s mean Final Fantasy 9 is one of my
4276s favorite
4277s games uh and I know don't know how to
4280s pronounce the name I'm sorry qu Kina I
4283s it's one of those two I think might be
4284s something else uh the blue Mage in Final
4287s Fantasy 9 was my favorite character to
4289s play and he's basically just a chef like
4291s his his special ability is like cook and
4293s eat like those are special abilities and
4296s so I'd love to do something like that I
4298s don't know if it fits super duper
4303s great I think it feels to me like
4305s there's a handful of things that would
4307s be just like Auto includes first
4319s what the Precedence
4322s there uh and and then we could have the
4325s cheesier cheer cheese chees deer cheer
4328s cheesier there's there there's there's a
4329s pun name in there somewhere
4333s uh
4334s bartier Breer Breer oh Breer you got it
4340s yeah well done took me a minute to get
4343s there I don't actually like I don't
4345s actually chees so
4347s uh took me a minute to to recognize Bri
4350s as a
4354s word uh will there be a gun class
4357s planned out I it's it's unlikely to see
4359s a gun class anytime soon at all it's not
4361s completely off the table but it's a um a
4365s very
4368s distant uh chance right now it's it's
4371s one of those things that there's just so
4372s many options
4378s did that way too
4380s early there's a lot of things that fit
4383s much more
4386s cleanly um like there's there's room
4390s for I think a lot of classes to have a
4392s bow for example um there's I think less
4396s room for as many classes to have a
4398s smooth like transition to having
4402s a a gun as as thematically appropriate
4409s [Applause]
4410s this one takes forever to drop
4412s items just nothing good there
4426s yeah are ladybugs coming to the game I
4429s mean I I don't know um I don't think
4432s there's any specific plans for them this
4433s is because I couldn't find a b cost in 1
4440s hour and I like
4443s red and I like ladybugs too pretty cool
4446s uh any updates on the merch store none
4450s yet um do desperately want one though
4453s I've been wearing my hat lately actually
4455s it's been cool I I um my head got
4460s smaller I I I I swear my head
4463s shrunk um
4466s and like when I lost a bunch of weight
4467s at my head trunk and I I hats fit me
4470s better now all of a
4475s sudden I hated hats growing
4480s up all right
4503s oh I spent 4 days ripping up my driveway
4507s inside of my house oh putting in a
4510s section of new drain tiles or PVC pipes
4514s to replace the drain tiles that were
4515s there and like my whole torso is just
4519s kind of seizing right
4523s now okay
4534s mof boy I'm not used to digging for 4
4540s days shovels are hard
4546s work all right Mike will the epoch
4548s itself ever become a usable in-game
4550s option like a cheat death mechanic um
4554s kind of like I I we've
4557s we've talked about things tying into
4560s similar mechanics to like
4562s um uh if you ever played Prince of
4564s Persia like Sans of time the like I
4567s played on GameCube I think originally
4570s even like like original Xbox PS2
4573s era it might be one gen one gen off
4578s there but that game was had a really
4582s awesome time reversal mechanic that that
4584s was like you could kind of you could
4585s turn back time a little bit and it would
4590s uh you can only do it like so many times
4593s it would like reverse the simulation
4595s fully we don't have a fully
4598s deterministic
4601s simulation uh that's like reversible
4603s with like a log system and everything um
4607s so it would it would take a lot to adapt
4609s it to work the same way and which is why
4611s we kind of scrapped it um
4618s but things like that are pretty cool I
4619s don't know I'd love to see something
4620s like
4629s that guys are trying real hard to burn
4632s me don't you know I'm
4638s fireproof can't can't burn
4640s this will not take
4645s can
4649s I hello what about cosmetic rewards the
4652s top 50 Arena players and first three of
4654s them even greater ones it would motivate
4657s players to play Le even more and longer
4658s yeah I love the idea of doing this um we
4660s we've talked about some things uh
4662s relating to this I think there's there's
4663s a lot of room for um for system here I
4668s I'd really like to see the system be
4670s like a pointbase
4672s system um kind of like a
4676s uh like a special coin like a a platinum
4679s instead of like a you know thing but
4681s except it's the opposite of what
4682s Platinum usually is in in mobile games
4684s where it's only earnable in game and you
4686s can't pay for it
4690s um and have it unlocks different uh
4692s Cosmetics I think that's the style I'd
4694s like to see where if you're like you're
4696s someone who's like I've come 10th every
4698s single season since it started you're
4700s like and I've slowly earned enough to
4702s get the biggest things cuz I think that
4704s achievement
4706s kind of similar to being like I came
4708s second this one time you know and having
4710s like uh like or I came first this one
4712s time a single top tier achievement is
4715s kind of similar to a a string of very
4719s good achievements I think and I I'd like
4720s to find a way to represent that as well
4733s [Music]
4740s uh what is your view on destructive
4743s elements in the environment uh that can
4745s affect both the player and the enemy for
4748s example explosive barrels love them
4750s absolutely love them I think the enemy
4753s should be too dumb to interact with them
4755s in any way I think it gives players a
4758s new way to interact the environment and
4760s strategize with their surroundings that
4761s changes so that if you're fighting a
4763s pack of skeletons with a barrel and pack
4765s of skelets without a barrel you can
4767s change your strategy on the fly to be
4769s more efficient I love things like that I
4771s would big two thumbs up for
4780s me uh I I think
4783s there's uh Poss there's certain
4785s situations where it can be a little too
4787s extreme and having it be like a oh you
4792s shouldn't have run into these barrels
4794s and you popped one of them and like they
4798s okay here's an example here's something
4800s here's something I don't like about Dia
4801s 2 the very rare instances of things that
4803s I don't like about Dia 2 cuz it almost
4805s never comes up cuz I love that game um
4808s the barrels the the normal Barrels in to
4811s that are like just this wooden barrel
4813s that you're like could be could be
4814s nothing and like you break it and most
4816s of the time it's just like some gold
4817s drops out or literally nothing happens
4819s but every once in a while it's like it's
4820s an explosion it hurts you for a bunch
4822s and then you get like six barrels
4824s together and like your buddy pops one of
4826s them and it crosses a chain reaction
4828s they're all explosive barrels and they
4829s all blow up and just kill you um when
4832s you don't when you don't have a clear
4833s indication like if the barrel is going
4835s to explode it better be red and if that
4837s Barrel's Brown it better never explode
4839s you know like I think the um having that
4842s information clear to the player is
4844s pretty
4850s important I'm here to tattle on MOX jet
4853s 200 who is the game director if anyone
4855s doesn't know uh he teased us on asking
4858s in game chat if we wanted a dragon class
4862s curious if it's a possibility I took a
4864s screenshot as
4865s proof um I mean I think Jud likes
4869s to
4871s uh uh you know probe for uh to get
4876s feedback on ideas he wants to pitch
4878s sometimes um I haven't heard anything
4881s about
4882s this um
4886s I I haven't heard about us developing a
4887s dragon class or anything like that so I
4889s I think he was probably
4892s uh uh trying to gauge if it was
4895s something that he could cuz like cuz Jud
4897s Jud pictures things the same as everyone
4898s else does um in in our design
4901s meetings
4905s um so I I wouldn't read too much into it
4909s from a like oh he said it so it's coming
4911s type from type standpoint but you never
4913s know I mean uh things Jud wants
4916s frequently make it pretty far in the
4918s development
4920s process death
4923s has I would not be surprised if it comes
4926s up as a topic in a design meeting very
4928s soon but uh I have no information about
4931s it right now
4948s all
4953s right uh have the final chapters of the
4956s campaign it would be kind of weird sorry
4957s it would be kind of weird having like
4960s I'm just I'm just thinking about like a
4961s dragon class so like the all the models
4965s uh all all the like the the equipment
4966s models wouldn't
4970s work I don't know if that's even
4972s possible it probably is though we
4974s probably just have to make some
4975s compromise and just like not have the
4976s models work at
4981s all me trying to figure out if we can
4982s even do this now I think it's a cool
4984s idea I think it's a really cool
4986s idea would you if it's a class
4990s though yeah I don't see why everyone has
4992s to be the same
4998s race now is it
5001s like like I guess was he talking like
5003s shiobana like a character that like
5005s temporarily transforms into a dragon or
5008s more like uh like a d andd like Dragon K
5011s someone who's like half dragon lineage
5013s or just like a straight up
5018s dragon you got now you got me thinking
5020s about
5030s it I'm I'm curious now okay if if um
5034s anyone anyone wants to share with me
5036s what they would want the most would
5038s would you think like of those three
5040s options like so
5041s shiobana um so you're you're a human
5045s that can like turn that has like Dragon
5046s themed abilities that can one of them is
5048s to Temporary transform into a dragon um
5051s kind kind of
5053s liches uh or if you are a just a human
5057s with like Dragon themed
5060s abilities um so like like a like a
5062s dragon punch and it's like a like a VFX
5064s Dragon kind of that like Dragon Punch or
5065s something like that um or if you're just
5067s like a full-on dragon all the time like
5069s just I gu basically shyana like
5071s permanently in human form hybrid or
5073s permanently in Dragon form which would
5075s you which would you
5081s like I was also going to be like I was
5083s considering using this random Sidetrack
5085s this this be outfit that I've also found
5088s I tried to strap it to my shoulder like
5090s a pauldron I'm like like a poindron this
5095s quite
5097s work and it was cutting off circulation
5099s of my arm cuz the straps are is too
5101s small so apparently my shoulder is
5102s bigger than a small dog's
5121s neck all right have the the final
5125s chapters of the campaign being written
5127s and are they waiting to be implemented
5129s yet or they just yet to be written um
5131s there is there the remaining chapters
5133s are in various stages of being written
5137s um so the next chapter is like fully
5139s scripted I think um there's probably
5142s like you know scripts I there's probably
5145s touch-ups on the script that need to be
5146s done in certain situations but um it's
5150s like the script is very far along
5153s the um that is too much the chapters
5158s after that are are still like they're
5161s probably
5163s um highlight I I know that at least the
5166s the high LEL points are all written um
5168s but like individual dialogue isn't
5171s written type thing you know like so
5172s there's there there it's it's a gradual
5175s process and there's lots of stages that
5176s it goes through the overarching story
5178s beats and like who's going to do what to
5181s who and who's going to die and who's
5183s going to survive and things like that
5184s that's that's all pretty like strictly
5186s planned out and has been for a little
5190s while um cuz like there's it it affects
5194s dialogue throughout the
5195s game there's like there's hints to
5197s things there's callbacks from things you
5199s know like there's there's lots of stuff
5201s you have to know beforehand before
5207s writing I love this little mute button
5209s on my on my
5212s microphone hello I'm back
5215s hopefully it doesn't make too big of
5216s like a pop sound when I hit
5220s it what has been especially challenging
5222s and creating the new endgame content for
5224s 1.2 can you tell if/ how it will be
5226s different from
5227s monolith
5231s um I can't really tell you much yet
5235s there's
5239s um I think experienced players will be
5242s more surprised moments moment game play
5246s than they are now
5248s and uh there's more player
5251s agency in exactly what you're
5255s doing which I know those two statements
5258s kind of conflict with each
5260s other um but
5266s yeah and the first one's a lot harder to
5269s do that's the hard
5272s part hey Mike does the ad helmet apply
5275s endurance to Mana if you are over the
5278s cap for example if you have 120%
5280s endurance uh and 50% roll helmet will I
5283s have 60% Endurance on
5286s Mana I would have to go look that up I'm
5289s I'm going to say probably
5297s not let's try and take a quick look
5306s [Music]
5326s uh yeah I think it
5330s will I think I think it would apply the
5333s the percentage that is taking
5339s preap I I'm I'm sorry I'm going to I'm
5341s going to retract that back to I don't
5342s know and if you'd like me to look it up
5344s ask me and ask the devs uh in like an
5346s hour and I'll I'll look it up for
5350s you
5351s sorry I think it should work
5354s though I I just don't know when the cap
5356s is being
5357s applied but I I think the cap would be
5360s applied at the Practical time that it's
5361s being used not in the stat time cuz we
5365s don't like to affect stats before
5367s they're being we don't like to affect
5368s the cap we don't like to enforce the cap
5370s of a stat before it's being used unless
5373s the thing that's scaling off it needs to
5375s scale from the cap version
5378s specifically
5379s [Music]
5379s [Applause]
5382s um and I don't see a good reason to
5385s scale it off the cap version
5387s specifically
5396s yeah I have to look that up
5402s sorry oh come
5405s on I got a few stuns in
5408s there acolytes profane crown of the
5412s turtle worthless anyway won't even fit
5415s in my inventory
5416s anyways but I want my turtle helmet
5419s turtle turtle
5426s and everyone who grew up in the '90s got
5427s that
5435s reference all right Dragon class sounds
5438s really good I was thinking about some
5440s shooting class with turrets bombs
5444s Etc okay not I was thinking very melee
5457s forever uh when using Phoenix strike it
5460s reminds me of playing pojo from Gauntlet
5464s Dark Legacy it's been a long time since
5466s I've played that my
5469s goodness that was that was The Gauntlet
5472s Dark
5473s Legacy was the one that came out like
5476s GameCube Xbox PlayStation 2 era I think
5485s and
5486s like this this was back when you had to
5488s like
5489s rent like you you didn't have enough
5491s allowance saved up to to buy the new
5494s game so you go down to the local it was
5497s it was it was Roger video it wasn't
5499s Blockbuster it was Roger
5501s video
5502s [Music]
5510s um I know I know it's a known bug but
5512s gets me every time um
5516s and and we we rented it cuz it was like
5518s a new release we had to like rent it and
5520s then like rerent it like where you like
5522s return it rent it again and hope no
5523s one's waiting for it um and then we
5525s realized that we could like reserve it
5527s ourselves so like there be like three of
5529s us that and we'd like chain reserve
5532s it uh to try to beat
5535s it and then the guy behind the counter
5537s figured out like y let someone else do
5538s it and they like forced us to leave it
5540s and like went back the next day it was
5541s just sitting there no one else had
5542s rented it
5545s I don't I remember this so
5548s clearly we're like come on just let us
5550s Ren it no one else wants it such a good
5556s game I just got a wave bird controller
5559s from my GameCube love that thing it's
5562s like the one of the first wireless
5563s controllers for for
5567s consoles but it was like clearly worse
5579s what are we
5582s doing I'm an
5591s idiot come
5597s on has
5602s come thank you
5615s more
5617s questions so this was this was a
5618s question I just got horribly Sidetrack
5620s in the leadup are there any inspiration
5622s from classic Aires hack hacking SL games
5624s when it comes to uh redefining the
5627s shrines uh when it came to find Shrine
5630s specifically probably
5632s not maybe I don't
5635s know there's definitely a lot of
5637s influence that comes from old school
5639s games
5642s um and oh the Phoenix shy I know exactly
5646s what you're talking about now
5648s yeah I didn't even make that connection
5651s yes uh I I don't know if that was an
5654s intentional reference or not but there's
5656s a very strong connection there
5667s I'd say it's like a 50/50 shot that was
5670s intentional I don't know
5681s though Nowhere to Run oh my God oh my
5688s God D it's they're everywhere what do I
5691s do okay get St don't let them Escape get
5693s just keep okay
5705s more that is too much should have
5709s emptied the
5713s inventory would have sent a poet
5726s worthless anyway Good Golly Miss
5735s Molly that's a lot of
5738s stuff is any of it even remotely
5743s useful not
5747s really still fun still cool
5754s take
5755s it all right more
5761s questions Dragon class confirmed going
5763s to video
5764s tomorrow see I know you're joking but I
5766s also you're probably going to put in the
5767s video tomorrow
5773s so
5775s helmet helmet
5785s is the staff Oh wrong
5790s staff Dragon Knight Mastery dragon born
5793s Dragon
5795s transforms do do a full class that's the
5797s other thing like is it a full class with
5798s three masteries
5822s that was
5823s [Laughter]
5827s close all right here's a followup to
5829s what you what he said next ah it have to
5832s be Dragon mancer so you'd uh so you
5838s could uh egi equip I think gear normally
5842s without it being weird but can transform
5845s for the exact problem that I was like
5848s humming and haing over after I was
5849s thinking about it for two
5852s seconds it's almost like the two of us
5854s hang out in similar design meetings
5856s pretty frequently and come up against
5857s the same problems over and over
5871s again it's funny
5876s deep it's okay we're pretty we're pretty
5878s resilient to necrotic
5884s damage why I'm not actually attacking
5886s this thing nobody
5891s knows why not make that the three
5893s masteries I mean
5898s yeah uh since you asked if first dragons
5901s class isn't a Dron class with Spears and
5904s jumps uh I'm a riot I me we kind of
5908s already did the a little bit of spear
5911s stuff with uh with Paladin is is Dron
5914s the fourth Paladin Mastery
5921s maybe these guys are
5924s wandering I don't appreciate
5929s their presumptives that they can simply
5932s just walk away from me
5940s how dare they abandon their Destiny of
5943s dying to
5946s me right like Legend of Lagoon from PS1
5950s days
5959s yes uh when even he brings it up at a
5963s meeting uh when when eventually he
5965s brings it up at a meeting you can then
5967s tell him my chat told me a while back
5969s about this yeah I can that happens in
5971s Fair
5978s P this is also your chance to catch me
5981s up on everything that's been happening
5982s in uh in the community this week what do
5985s I
5989s miss I me I pay I pay pretty close
5991s attention
5992s but not everything
5998s uh legend of dragon for PS1 typo yeah I
6002s I thought you were making like a lagon
6003s lasty lagoon joke but I I knew what you
6011s me it seemed
6014s intentional all right is there any plans
6017s for an atlas treat of sorts like Poe I
6020s yeah so I think there's um I think I
6021s think it' be a really cool thing to add
6023s there's
6026s It's tricky to add something like that
6032s um how it says Poe has so many awesome
6036s mechanics uh that even if you like
6039s pretend Poe doesn't exist or you get
6041s designers in a room that have never
6042s played Poe and you try and like design
6044s new Mechanics for an arpg half the time
6047s you're like you can find a a a league in
6050s po that it matches or it like comes real
6053s close to matching or you're like that's
6054s kind of a reskin version of this isn't
6056s it you're like n crap it is um and
6060s that's such an intrinsic system them
6062s it's hard to do it with our own
6065s twist
6070s um I I think if we can if we can
6072s Implement something like that where it
6073s feels more last Epoch specific it would
6078s be it would be really really really
6079s positive thing um but it would have to
6081s like be designed pretty ground up
6083s specifically for last Epoch and last
6085s Epoch mechanics and fitting in with last
6087s Epoch systems and theming and other
6089s stuff you know
6091s that but that that is one of my favorite
6094s systems in Poe so I'd love
6102s [Music]
6109s to I'm going to check
6111s it let's put where where are we putting
6113s these
6115s points I don't want to get it wrong
6121s here ah yes the thing I've been
6124s lamenting this entire
6126s time having them share a cool down and I
6128s was available the whole
6131s [Music]
6133s time uh we did this we did we're doing
6136s this we're doing
6139s this right this just like spams it but
6142s it's much less damage yeah still good
6144s though I think going this way
6147s too yeah let's do that
6153s first
6159s [Music]
6162s um stepstone node that's fine
6176s go away cold you're not wanted here
6178s anymore you're never wanted
6182s but hey kill
6188s threshold I'm just like I'm just copying
6190s a build so I'm just like just seeing
6193s what they give
6195s me armor
6198s shred oh yeah Bon Merchant on kill got
6200s to have that it's Beauty onep pointer
6205s all right let's let's dump our
6218s gear definitely shatter
6225s bait can
6228s we do
6231s any little upgrade
6238s much over cold res are we we're cold res
6240s without it's even equipped let's chaos
6243s this health regen per
6253s second not casing that or
6257s that
6259s yeah give me that health
6265s I think we want endurance fiz res I
6268s don't think we really want Fizz res void
6270s reses I don't think we really want void
6280s [Music]
6281s reses
6283s not going fantastic here
6295s like could be a lot
6297s worse we're still overcapped on all our
6301s resistances gained a little bit of
6306s damage increase melee damage yeah we'll
6308s take
6310s that all attributes can we try and seal
6314s this
6321s okay we do have some stuff that stacks
6323s on
6331s poison uh what's our suffix pool looking
6337s like let's do armor shred no not
6348s that I mean okay that was that was a
6351s bump to the weapon
6364s not bad not
6380s bad all right
6384s check for questions while I'm while I
6385s was gone anything
6388s big uh what about a soldier class the
6391s Mastery Transformer you jump into a
6393s robot like an Avatar
6395s movie Mastery Gunner you have some gun
6398s arsal Mastery Marine Soldier get little
6401s from both other Master yeah I mean
6403s there's
6405s um it's a a little little heavy on the
6407s future Tech I mean I'd rather like I'd
6410s rather change abomb into a Mech like a a
6412s meat Mech suit you
6416s know gigantic highlighted post you can
6419s just put atlast hea game and I'll answer
6421s it I really wish one of these RPGs would
6423s come out with something like this it's
6424s all in full cap so this is me yelling uh
6426s say you're a barbarian and you cast
6428s Devil's Dust whatever and you're in a
6430s party with a sorc and the Sor cast chain
6432s lightning the Devil's Dust picks up the
6433s chain lightning now the dust devils
6435s electrified stuff like that future of
6436s Aires yeah we've we've tried to do um
6440s almost exactly that uh it was
6443s it was tornado the first the first
6446s version of that that we tried was
6448s primalist tornado and Mage
6450s Fireball um to make a fire tornado and
6452s that's why there is a fire tornado node
6454s in tornado it came from this us trying
6458s to do it and US failing to make it work
6460s [Music]
6463s properly um the the hard part about
6466s there's there's two really tough things
6467s and we've actually fixed one of them
6468s recently because skills can now interact
6470s with other skills when we had the uh the
6471s Jace acceleration gate that we added to
6473s Frost wall
6475s um so you can we actually can have
6478s abilities to interact with each other
6479s now that was the first time we did that
6481s uh properly is that if you interact with
6483s other people's abilities so say I'm a
6484s physical Druid uh casting tornado and
6488s I've got like I'm pumped for Fizz damage
6490s and then this
6494s um this this Mage comes along and casts
6496s Fireball at my tornado and this fire the
6498s fireball turns it into a fire tornado um
6503s like both players have to be specialized
6505s into it and planned ahead that it's okay
6507s cuz you can have some sort of like semi-
6508s griefing happen where the Mage Nerfs the
6511s druid's damage because it's casting
6513s Fireball just normally not even
6514s intentionally into the same mobs that
6516s the tornadoes there and by turning into
6518s a fire tornado the damage tanks cuz it's
6519s no longer doing the right damage type or
6521s something like that like there's there's
6522s a lot of weird interaction issues there
6526s um that I hope uh I hope we can fix cuz
6530s I think that's a really cool mechanic
6531s something we been like kind of half
6533s working on for years
6536s now homework for next week bring your
6538s controller game yeah I'm working on it
6539s sorry uh why does your game feel
6543s lifeless I mean
6545s ouch uh I would disagree I don't
6550s know uh any chance for creature
6553s collector miname uh maybe we don't have
6556s anything planned right now uh is the is
6559s the is there is the a revealed for today
6562s I don't I don't don't have any uh
6564s teasers today I'm
6566s sorry I asked one minute before I went
6569s live for them and no one had one pre for
6571s me so I didn't I don't have one
6573s sorry I should I should have asked much
6575s earlier that's my
6577s bad
6581s soon uh exactly what I wanted to hear to
6584s be honest your Tweet don't know which
6586s one that was for
6589s sorry hey they don't share cool down
6591s look at that
6594s uh the main thing I'd want in Ellie's
6596s version of PE the main thing I'd want is
6600s Ellie's Ellie version of Poe's atlas
6606s tree
6608s excep I I may have said something wrong
6610s or miss something I don't know uh does
6612s every area have a nemesis no every area
6615s does not have Nemesis you'll see Nemesis
6617s uh spawn more frequently in higher
6620s corruption and higher level zones
6624s um
6626s me
6632s the they were bothering
6634s me
6636s um yeah you'll see you'll see more of
6638s them in higher corruption areas and high
6640s level
6645s areas
6646s on and uh if you get kind of semi near
6652s one of them it will uh it'll send you a
6654s chat message being like there's one
6663s nearby the the rewards are just too
6666s impactful to have in every
6668s Zone
6679s um CH death surround
6686s stand right in the damaging part of this
6689s you feel your
6698s blood your body will make an exceptional
6703s circuit am dying
6715s cool uh War
6722s One highest
6729s roll temple sanum key woohoo Mike will
6732s you put uh in will you put in a 100 lb
6736s bag of ice as a cold conversion shield
6739s for
6740s Aaron you would really like that for
6742s Halloween
6745s 100 bag of ice as a cold conversion
6748s Shield like like just just a a
6752s gigantic bag of ice as the shield that
6754s does a conversion for something else or
6756s like a like a
6759s cosmetic it's funny I'm not
6762s sure dang you look amazing why thank
6765s you uh did you have a spoil this week
6768s already or did it already go up I don't
6770s have one this week I'm sorry do you have
6771s any of the art teaser from the previous
6773s weeks you could throw up for in please
6775s uh I mean I have the one from last
6780s week here's one from last week it's not
6790s new uh and then I have like some really
6794s old
6797s ones yeah like I've got I got that
6800s that's an item that's in the game
6801s already
6810s I just one out that
6824s boss my one shot boss
6827s dance uh all right
6834s uh any plans to expand item tool tip
6836s features like adding more information
6838s like loot filter tags to the item tool
6840s loot filter tags ooh probably not um
6844s maybe though like to say like which
6845s filter it's being triggered
6848s by the the ground tool tips have that
6851s already so
6853s maybe it would be awesome if a shrine
6855s could have an icon indicating it's buff
6857s thoughts on impling this there was some
6859s reason we couldn't do this
6866s there was some reason why this wasn't
6867s put
6868s in don't remember what it was but I do
6870s think it would be nice to be able to
6871s tell what the shrine is before you walk
6872s up to
6873s it um I think the best way to do it for
6876s us would be
6877s like Shrine with a like a shrine logo
6882s with like a colored star or something
6884s that indicates like if it's an ability
6885s Shrine or something maybe cuz there's
6887s there's enough of them now that having a
6889s unique icon for each one of them might
6891s be a little B overwhelming
6896s I'll go the other
6900s side um by Le version of pe's Atlas tree
6904s I mean being able to focus on one
6906s specific mechanic let's say I wanted to
6908s farm exiled Mages I can make them spawn
6911s more often or make them spawn more items
6913s I see what you mean yeah it's
6915s kind
6918s yeah uh do you have like and tier list
6923s or stats which builds that is working
6926s good and we all know Nerfs to build
6929s doesn't feel good do you have plans for
6932s 1.2 to bring other build up in power
6935s levels to even out the powers level
6938s sorry for bad English grm it's okay I
6939s will try and figure out what it says
6943s uh I think I think the answer is
6945s basically
6946s no but we do have like we we don't we
6950s don't have we don't have a a tier list
6952s of power levels for things that we go
6954s off of that we we specifically balance
6955s from or anything like that
6962s um uh but we do have like every major
6966s patch comes with major balance changes
6968s so we will be making major balance
6970s changes to the game when when season two
6972s starts and 1 Point patch 1.2 drops
6977s yeah so nice be able to say season 1
6980s point or season 2 and Patch one point to
6983s and have them line
6988s up uh also it would be cool if you could
6991s have an item to change Echo reward into
6993s something
6994s else
6998s uh yes that would be
7005s cool uh I did 100 lb of ice ice bath for
7009s a subathon it was terrible oh I missed
7012s that
7020s oh I found the shield I was looking for
7022s this last cycle last
7029s season
7034s H I got to make that Paladin
7038s again no Paladin Paladin's next season
7053s meaning all
7055s [Music]
7056s right i' I've sat in a few ice B there
7059s they are
7062s terrible
7064s solders attack bring them
7080s [Applause]
7084s terrible uh we're doing this one I get
7087s one point in all the things that I'm
7088s putting stuff in I just be like just
7090s build the ones I've got points
7093s in this might be scrpt but here goes
7095s since you talked about this earlier Rune
7097s of the Void 25% chance of an exalted AIX
7101s to not be to not be slammed on a
7108s unique what for example you have a 3 LP
7111s item and exalt you don't want physical
7114s pens so just having a 3 LP feel more
7116s rewarding and less punishing when you
7120s Breck a 3
7122s LP I I understand that was really close
7124s to Dy that it was not in ledge form I
7127s understand what you're going what you're
7127s suggesting here um and I think that the
7130s feedback you're trying to communicate
7132s and I could be totally wrong with but
7133s here's what I'm hearing from you is uh
7137s when you uh have saved up enough for a 3
7141s LP version of the item you want to make
7143s and it's right at the top end of what
7146s you can afford or it's extremely rare in
7147s your CF and you found something you've
7148s been looking for for a long time and
7150s you've uh you've got a very expensive um
7154s exalted item with a lot of stats you
7156s want and there's a that 3L but the the
7160s the most important there's there's a
7161s huge power differential between the one
7165s primary stat you're looking
7167s for and the other three stats to the
7169s point where having a one LP version of
7172s the item with the one stat you want is
7174s actually a better item than a three LP
7176s version of the item with three stats you
7178s don't want on it like your your your
7180s second through fourth pick for stats is
7183s is worse than just the first pick for
7186s stats cuz the build relies on stacking
7188s ones that so hot and having a 3 LP item
7192s in that situ situation while it does
7194s triple the odds of getting that having
7196s the that one and four chance to fail
7199s having that fail feels really bad and
7201s 25% is high enough that it happens often
7203s enough that confirmation bias seeps in
7207s and it feels like it's happening way
7208s more than
7209s 25% um and because it happens so
7211s infrequently there can be high variances
7213s like because the opportunity Rises so
7215s infrequently there can be a high
7217s variance and there's no large number of
7219s attempts for it to balance out over on
7221s so you could have two three failures in
7223s a row and it not actually be that bad of
7227s uh like that unheard of a luck and when
7230s you when you look at that situ step back
7232s and look at it it feels really bad as a
7234s whole each individual one feels bad and
7235s the whole situation as a whole feels
7238s bad um and so you're looking for a way
7241s to uh make interacting with 3 LP items
7246s have less of a be able to invest more um
7250s currency up front into a 3 LP item to
7252s increase your odds of getting at least
7254s the one outcome you want out of that
7256s maybe not the entire perfect outcome but
7258s at least not the fail State outcome
7264s um that that's that's generally the
7267s feedback I've been interpreting from the
7270s community recently on the on the topic
7272s and please tell me if I'm way off start
7274s spamming me be like Mike you're an idiot
7275s that's not what we meant at all
7277s um but I think there's I I I so so I
7281s think the suggestion you bring up is a
7282s valid suggestion but I think there's
7284s better ways to fix the problem I just
7286s described which I think is the problem
7288s you're talking
7291s about not that we've talked about this
7293s internally at all at extreme length or
7304s anything did you fix the search on
7306s Merchant skill we've added some stuff to
7308s it there's more stuff we're adding still
7314s I lost all my life savings in the gold
7316s dup of 2024 I'm now sleeping on Aaron's
7319s couch but he won't stop sunbathing any
7323s R oh subathon not sunbathing oh my
7328s god oh
7336s Mike I mean I bet I bet Aaron has a
7338s comfy couch
7342s I feel like that's an active household
7343s in the morning probably get woken up
7345s real
7363s early and I'm going to pretend it was
7370s sunbathing so you just got to you got to
7372s like put on some soothing music so he
7374s falls
7376s asleep and gets like so burnt that he
7379s has to stop
7386s sunbathing it's actually sunburns are
7388s dangerous don't intentionally give
7389s people sunburns they're
7396s bad all
7399s right is we're over time what's going
7404s on youall know we've hit time and you
7407s sto spamming me with questions and I've
7408s caught up and you're just a wonderful
7411s chat that's all this is It's just
7413s wonderful um so I'm going to finish up a
7415s couple questions here is there any
7417s updates coming to warlock uh not that
7419s there's anything wrong with the class I
7421s just love it so much um I mean yeah
7423s there so there's we're probably looking
7425s a little more abroad from warlock at at
7429s primary targets for uh new toys
7432s but um because Lich is probably on that
7435s list uh it'll it'll get some like at
7438s least
7440s incidental uh stuff probably just just
7442s by the nature of being in the same Base
7445s Class and you know there's there's stuff
7447s that gets added universally every patch
7449s any every major update so yeah there's
7451s there's there's stuff coming for
7452s everything um but i' say it's probably
7455s warlock probably if we're going to like
7456s rank what every Master is going to get
7458s in 1.2 warlock will probably be on the
7460s lower half of that
7463s split but I don't know where exactly uh
7466s do you have any favorite ideas that you
7469s were very excited about but got scrap
7471s during development weapon
7473s swap no weapon swap I want two weapons I
7475s want to be to switch between my weapon
7477s equips and the answer I always give but
7481s it's the answer I always
7482s have that'll about do it for me
7485s today I hope you had fun I know I did
7488s this was a wonderful stream hope you
7490s like my costume
7493s have fun on Halloween stay safe drink
7494s lots of
7497s water until next time hope you have a
7500s great time let me see let's see who's
7502s who's doing what see if we can go say hi
7503s to
7512s someone
7516s let's oh someone's got a stream named
7518s chill
7519s Friday I love chill Friday
7531s yeah have a great day
7532s everyone it's a good stream had fun kind
7535s of always do that so what's new right
7537s see you