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and totes all those people who sent death threats to the devs cause their game was partially interupted are going to come out and say their sorry right, they werent just buying and refunding just to get a hate boner right?

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Inuro_Enderas

Yeah, that's why I said it's "technically" meant for review bombing (as in off topic stuff, both negative and positive). It's supposedly an automated system that flags such spikes in reviews, then humans check if the flag was correct, then they get hidden. That is how Steam insists the system works, but nobody actually knows the specifics behind the scenes.

Last Epoch itself has an example of "off topic" review activity that got flagged and hidden by Steam. It's from back in 2022 when EHG announced that the Bazaar was cancelled and they hadn't yet announced a proper trading alternative. Things were very uncertain and many players took to Steam to leave a negative review, arguing that the Kickstarter promised an arpg with an economy/trade, and that they were no longer getting what they bought into, etc.

It's questionable if that was actually off topic review activity. It's questionable if that was review bombing. I have no opinion on it myself, I was there during that time, but I didn't have much of a horse in that race. If the game is not what is promised, can't one argue that the negative review is well deserved? Of course this changed later, EHG figured things out and trade became a thing. Something that will similarly happen with server issues. But nonetheless, this is what I mean by the system being a bit more vague than it supposedly is. Sometimes it does catch things that are not 100% undoubtedly an off topic review bomb.

Server issues and removed features are on topic reviews in my mind. The off topic reviews that were removed were actually due to something else.

Edit: I guess it makes sense to say what it was actually for eh? We announced an investment from tencent in the company and reviews which mention this only steam considered to be off topic.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Inuro_Enderas

Ah, thank you for correcting me. I went back to check, and you are right. The reviews were indeed in regards to Tencent. I saw the year 2022 and didn't bother to properly check, my bad.

All good. The timing was pretty close.