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Sorry for my ignorance but is there a way to powerlevel a char?

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3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Yes but it's not as extreme as in Diablo. You can just join a party with someone and warp to them at the end game.

There is an xp penalty for being severely under leveled though. There also isn't an xp bonus for being in a full group. Worst case penalty applied, you're gaining xp as though you're in a zone which is exactly appropriately leveled for you.

The first monolith has a reward which can be an XP boost.

You can also select echo rewards of XP tomes.

Just like Diablo, there are some quest rewards that you'll want to get but you don't have to do any specific quests because there are multiple quests that give the same rewards. This is also changing in 1.2 I'm April so you can also earn those quest rewards from end game.

It's also really easy to make extremely good leveling gear. To the point that it can actually be faster to level "normally".