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Hey, I've recently returned and I'm really enjoying the various changes that have occurred in the last few months, especially the new starting zone!

However, I was disappointed to discover that controller support seems to be unchanged, and it still feels clunky (I still get the impression it was added hastily as an afterthought). It works okay during combat, but as soon as you need to manage your inventory or build, it becomes cumbersome (for example, there are still no hotkey indicators for buying/selling in the menu).

I've tried using the controller in front of my PC while relying on the mouse and keyboard for inventory management, but sometimes it glitches, and my controller stops responding. So, I'm really looking forward to full controller support.

I've attempted to find a roadmap for Last Epoch to check if there are any plans for controller improvements, but after version 0.84 in 2021, it seems they stopped doing them. So, I have two questions:

  1. Do they still publish roadmaps? if so, where?
  2. Have they made any announcements regarding controller support?

Thanks a lot! :)

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over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Controller support is continuing to be improved. Many of us, including myself, play mostly with gamepad already and with our future desires to eventually come to console it remains important to keep progressing on. Tooltips, crafting panel, swapping through panels more quickly, etc are all being worked on. By 1.0 I suspect this will be in a “good” state whereas right now it’s just decently playable

Preview of gamepad patch notes going out on the 7th:

Implemented full support for the World Map.

Implemented full support for the Monolith window.

Implemented full support for the death screen.

Improved the visuals for interaction prompts.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by calmlestat6666

Old thread. But I’m just curious if there will be further improvements to controller support for the official launch 1.0?

Oh yes. Lots of updates for gamepad