over 5 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

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over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

In a future patch we will be implementing the Sorcerer skill Disintegrate and its specialization tree! By default Disintegrate is a hybrid skill which deals both Fire and Lightning damage.

  Disintegrate is a channeled ability which inherently pierces enemies. It is considered to be a Spell and does not have any innate Damage Over Time component.

The specialization tree for Disintegrate is currently in the design phase. Due to the unique properties of this skill making its implementation more difficult than most, we are not yet ready to confirm which patch it will be part of. Let us know whether you’d be interested in us posting a preview of this skill’s tree on our website prior to releasing it in a patch!

As an aside, we had previously shown off Static before announcing that during our playtesting we had chosen to withhold the skill to work on improvements to it. We continue to iterate on both Static and its tree, and they will be included as part of a future content patch.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Patch 0.7.4 introduces the new interface settting ‘Skill Name Reminders’!

We’d love to know what you think. :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - sarth - Direct link

This is quality content right here.

over 5 years ago - Mox - Direct link

Not gonna lie, gang. This is one of my new favorites.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Are you referring to Fireball’s Flamethrower node?

That’s not a beam so much as a bursty ‘machine gun’ type of ability. The two do feel very different in practice. To offer one example - when turning your character, with Fireball / Flamethrower you turn rapidly but the projectiles may not hit enemies. With Disintegrate you turn a little more slowly, but the beam is going to sweep over every enemy in its path.

It’s definitely a good concern to raise - and I would be interested in your feedback after having played with both - but it’s not a problem we’ve had internally so I’m not currently worried. :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

One of the nodes on the tree is tentatively named this.

(If I get my way, it won’t be by the time we release it in a patch.)

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Would you mind elaborating on that?

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Looking at beam skills in the genre;

I’m honestly unaware of a single beam skill which isn’t channeled. How would you control when it stops being cast (important due to mana drain) ? How would a mouse and keyboard player move in one direction while aiming the beam in another?

Going back to the original comment;

I mean, sure, but… the skill is a staple of the genre.

Torchlight had a ‘channeled piercing beam’ skill years before Diablo III even entered beta. I acknowledge that the skill has the same name in Last Epoch as it does in Diablo III - though it’s not uncommon for there to be some naming overlap when more than a half dozen games in the genre all have what is, fundamentally, the same skill. The most infamous example of this is perhaps ‘Fireball’ - innovated upon by Diablo II, which had… ‘Fire Ball’.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Unfortunately the tree for Disintegrate has already been designed - and largely implemented.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

I can’t offer an ETA, but I’d definitely like to post one if the timing ends up working for us!

(I checked and currently the root node on the tree is called ‘Judgement’, and the description is comprised of Lorem Ipsum - so we can probably rule out it happening today. :stuck_out_tongue:)

By default, Disintegrate is a Fire / Lightning hybrid skill.

There will be options on the specialization tree to go all in on one of these elements, but we don’t plan for the tree to introduce additional damage types such as Cold or Void.