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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We've not seen this before...

- Are you running a low-life build?

- Did you have any damage over time ailments on you before trying to scene transition?

- Were there aggro'd enemies in the scene you were transitioning from?

- When you relogged did the death persist?

- Is there any other context you can provide?

Also, did you submit an in-game bug report?

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Olegos1337

  1. Not low life, invested points in health
  2. No damage at all
  3. I cleared mobs before entering any location, no aggro
  4. Yes
  5. Seems like I didn't get "Grace period" invulnerability at all. Also I opened steam overlay before entering and closed it during mid load. Forgot to report, kinda sad moment

This is likely due to the much longer than normal transition times we’ve experienced since launch. I deeply apologize for that and I’ll be talking to the team about ways to combat any instance of grace period failing if there’s a fail to load state or a transition takes much longer than anticipated. It seems we may be able to do something like ensure that a character has moved at all before grace period falls off, though I thought we already did. I’ll run this by the dev team and again apologies that this happened

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by JakB

Also, possibly related, I noticed characters load in at the area's (I assume) origin and then are teleported to the entrance they're supposed to be at. If characters don't have a grace period by default (and receive it around the same time they're teleported) or lose their grace period at the origin and there are enemies there, they could die and then their dead/dying body would be teleported to the entrance.

That’s actually a very solid thought and would make sense. Are you a developer of some sort?

I’ll run this by the team as a potential for what was causing this because we tried to repro it a lot tonight and couldn’t but the servers were back to normal

Thanks for taking the time to contemplate it

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by JakB

I am! And if you've played multiplayer Valheim, you may have used one of my mods! That question made my night, thank you. And thank you for your part in my most recent addiction!

Haha that’s awesome. Glad you’re enjoying the game :)

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by ErgarX

This may as well be the reason why sometimes(?) in the middle of the map the minimap is revealed before even going there. 

Guys we may be solving some stuff right now. lol. I’ll chat w the dev team when they wake up