over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last Epoch Dev
8s stream there I am
10s hello didn't see you there how's it
13s going
14s everybody we
17s are getting close to challenging the
22s title just going to hop right in go
24s right for the boss let's do
29s this
36s start off strong with the ice Beetle
38s welcome everybody to last EPO Dev stream
40s if this is your first time here glad to
42s have you with us we stream for charity
43s boom Charity's on my head that's what
45s we're doing this month new and every
46s month and if you have a question for me
49s please put at last eot game in the
52s question I'll be happy to answer
59s it just going to remember how how this
62s plays
63s again can we go can we go around
66s [Laughter]
70s yes uh it's the little things
80s right all right got to get back in the
83s groove
84s here it's been like a week since I
86s played
89s this
92s that's the good one there we
100s go will there ever be a transmog system
103s or only be skins via the store we do
105s plan to have a transmog system um what
109s that's going to look like and the
110s details and how that works is still to
113s be
119s seen so don't have any good hard facts
122s on exactly what that's going to look
124s like cuz there's a lot of different ways
125s we could do that
127s um we've kind of got to make the
129s transmog work first that's that's the
132s first
134s step that be
147s good but yeah I think I think cuz
150s there's we we do try and get as many
152s awesome looking armor sets directly into
154s the game um and forcing um like forcing
160s a
161s specific look for uh specific power like
165s like stats it can sometimes lead to
168s unfortunate situations I think it's the
169s best way to put
172s that quickly question around servers are
175s you guys going to put down servers in
177s South Africa reason I'm asking is that
178s cly myself and Friends connect to V via
180s EU those seem to be some kind of massive
182s desync long load times that happen when
184s playing multiplayer session well so the
186s long load times is not anything to do
188s with your
189s connection um it is to do with the fact
193s that it's spinning up a new server to uh
196s to get you into
198s the into the next
201s region so an extra 100 milliseconds
204s isn't really going to make that much of
206s a difference in that uh at
208s all not not zero difference but not much
211s of a
213s difference um so I
216s would that's that's that's not there um
219s at the same time as well I would say
221s it's unlikely that South Africa will be
224s a
225s um uh an immediate Target for adding new
229s servers I don't know if we would ever do
231s it or if we do when
234s um I do know that we are looking to
237s improve the overall coverage we have of
239s servers um
240s um but I mean
243s that there there's there's there's other
245s gaps
249s too I think the regions that are visible
252s now are the ones that are going to be at
254s launch there might be one more but uh I
256s don't think
269s so
275s I mean it's sweet if you're going like a
276s a real heavy um Frost wall dot build but
282s yeah we're
286s not let's get another CH up in
291s her Mike and chat what when is official
294s launch this
297s year it will be some dime
304s 2023 and seeing as how we're in the
307s final quarter of
312s 2023 not a ton of time
316s left hi Mike could you explain the
318s nature of the issue that is making
320s temporal sanctum unplayable in single
322s player but fine in multiplayer no cuz I
324s have no idea what the problem is are
326s there any material coding differences
328s for shared elements between the two game
331s modes yes there
338s are um it's it's probably just like I I
342s I don't know what it is but if I if I
345s had to guess it's probably something to
347s do with a um like a a special case
351s that's just the way that they're handled
353s um the way the call for advancing past
355s that point is handled in offline and
357s online is a little bit
358s different
361s and there's like some n ref or some some
364s mistake that was made I don't I don't
365s know what it
367s was I I thought I saw people saying it
369s was working
371s again did I did I hear that
388s wrong
394s all right how much damage reduction does
395s lagon get on the second phase estimated
399s uh it to be like 80 to 90% which is a
402s bit crazy might have uh might might have
405s been a bit boss drr mixing there too
407s though um it's entirely boss Dr uh is
410s the game going to be the same price on
411s release yes is this a new class this is
414s the most recently released class but it
415s is uh I'm playing on the live serers you
417s can see up to the top left it says beta
419s 92F
420s um if I was playing on a non live game
424s mode uh it would say something else up
438s there uh I just want to say you love
440s your game thank you just got to level 42
442s and oh my God the fact that I can change
444s my skeleton mes into death Knights off
445s the H yes death Knights are
448s great
461s gold oh look at the
469s Gold uh will there be another pre
472s purchase Early Access goodie like
475s the backer pack before launch will the
478s backer pack ever be available again
479s unfortunately I miss it the um the
481s backer packs that have been previously
484s discontinued are
485s not uh we we don't plan to bring them
488s back at
490s all
492s um I don't think that we've had
495s any uh any any packs that
499s were the current packs I don't think we
501s ever said were never coming back if they
503s go away
507s um but the previous ones definitely set
510s so we can't bring the previous ones
523s back thought I heard someone
525s outside uh un launch this year is the
530s season going to launch immediately or we
531s have to uh or there be a pre-season in
535s Eternal League um it's it's good the the
538s ladders w I don't know the ladders
540s should just start
559s immediately we probably could do like a
561s preseason
568s thing
576s but the ladal start right away I'm
578s pretty sure unless unless something
579s changes pretty
592s dramatically no enemies in range look at
596s that hello hello
601s uh after launch of 1.0 and Cycles will
605s our current characters be wiped or just
606s go to a non cycle and still play it'll
609s go to a non cycle and still be playable
611s we're calling it
625s Legacy we do need some helmet action our
628s helmet is
631s hurting uh we don't use lightning blast
633s but like we might be able to convert we
635s don't need
636s [Music]
640s things yeah you said it
654s zombie wow that is a hoorde and a half I
659s love it
664s come
677s on right we just go right to the boss
680s stop doing Echoes
688s Mike
690s uh how many dungeons on Final release
692s well our 1.0 launch will have just the
695s three dungeons we currently have now um
697s but we will continue to add those as we
700s go uh hello does the nodes oh I'm not
704s going know what those noes do
705s devastating Starfall and unb ruin in the
708s skill tree runic invocation work proper
709s as intended I don't know um the fact
712s that you're asking this question makes
713s me think you've probably found a bug if
715s you think you found a bug please report
716s it using our ingame reporting tool
718s report right there or on our
744s forums yeah I mean these should
748s be
753s yeah those are easy to figure out so um
756s I'd be shocked if they weren't working
758s but if you think you found a
760s bug go report
778s it
784s boss
795s fight did it die yes it died
807s good come on health bar is not showing
810s up for this one oh it's
815s gone health bar is not working for any
817s of these oh there it goes it's
829s interesting go back to the
838s center
852s this it's um interesting the Abomination
854s when you summon it as a player um when
857s you use the symbol Abomination it
858s actually changes the visuals that you
860s get based on uh like which nodes you
863s have taken and um which minions you
868s acquire
870s and this version of the Abomination I
872s think is just if you have everything if
875s you took
880s everything I should I should have
882s grabbed another question before doing
883s this cuz I don't want to
885s die see if I can grab
890s one uh I have a 100 character with good
893s gear I can me tier four bosses and 600
894s corruption awesome love the game but I
896s don't feel like playing more need a
898s challenge to aim is are something in
899s mind for players like me um well you are
901s basic yeah you're you're you're at the
903s top end of of content that's available
906s right now
909s um
911s the we are restructuring the way
913s corruption Works a little
915s bit
920s um which which may have zero effect on
923s your build and it may devastate the
925s corruption you can go
926s to um
932s I don't know it's hard to tell there's
935s most most builds it on it's it doesn't
937s really change that
939s heavily but it'll get better
941s benchmarking capabilities um so that
944s like a corruption number means more is
946s what I'm trying to get at um
949s the I think though what you're actually
951s looking for o an LP version I'll take it
954s two LP
957s oh would look at
967s [Music]
972s that uh okay uh no I do not want to
975s switch my input settings thank you
977s though appreciate it
981s um I mean not fantastic on the
986s uh roll ranges there
990s sadly but you know I am quite happy with
1001s that large idle R unique drop
1007s unique of course of course we go with
1009s uniques right I mean come
1013s on damn
1015s it um I guess we should go to temporal
1018s sanum mission because we've got a 2 LP
1021s open flesh do we just go right there and
1023s just slap something in probably probably
1026s don't even have anything that's like
1027s really worth putting in
1029s it doesn't really matter that much
1030s though does
1031s it that's
1040s awesome okay you know what this is a
1042s good time to uh shout out we've
1045s got cool stuff happening oh I should
1048s have put this like in properly okay let
1051s me find a question I can talk about oh
1053s yeah Pinnacle boss sorry I was I was
1054s answering a question about about like
1056s Mega endgame like uber boss type things
1060s um we do have plans to include a uh very
1065s significant Pinnacle
1067s boss
1068s system
1071s um that will
1073s [Music]
1074s include oh I don't have like a picture
1076s for it that's too
1077s bad
1086s I wish I had a picture here for this but
1088s I don't okay uh there's there's a cool
1091s uh there's a Build contest that's
1094s happening um that I should I should I
1097s should have way better info for and like
1099s something that I can put on screen uh so
1101s Kane if you're here and you have
1102s something I can just put on screen for
1103s this that would be great uh I would I
1106s would love to do that but I'm just going
1107s to talk about it right now we can bring
1108s it up again there thank you Mr fibble
1109s for eight months in a row thank you
1112s that's
1113s great um and good timing so we've got a
1116s Build contest happening uh there there
1120s are three teams for this Build contest
1121s one being led by Vision G one by Perry
1124s the pig and one by Aaron action RPG um
1127s so if you want more info on the Build
1129s contest specifically I head on over to
1130s one of those people and I'm sure they
1132s can help you figure out what's going on
1135s um we're doing it with in combination
1136s with last Epoch tools or and Max roll um
1141s cuz they've got their stuff to the the
1144s the early access to the API stuff that's
1146s hooked in um and whoever wins the Build
1149s contest I'm going to actually be playing
1151s that build on stream on October the
1155s 20th probably led with that so so not
1158s next week but the week after that um
1160s whoever wins the Build contest is the
1162s build I'm going to play on
1167s stream
1170s uh yeah so go check out those creators
1172s and you'll be able to submit a
1174s build Vision GL par the pig Aaron action
1178s RPG all sorts of cool
1186s stuff if any of you have like a sweet
1188s little graphic that shows all of that
1190s info on it and want to send it to me I
1192s will put it on stream and I would be so
1196s happy so happy or just like link to it
1198s in chat there's probably a link in chat
1199s that's I'm just ignoring cuz I'm so far
1212s behind I was still I was talking about
1214s stuff and I just like totally flaked I'm
1215s Still Still answering this like uber
1218s Pinnacle boss content stuff um yes we
1220s are designing Pinnacle bosses they will
1222s not be available at 1.0 they will be
1223s available after that hopefully very
1225s quickly after that
1227s um and and it will be static static
1232s difficulty
1232s content that is very very difficult um
1237s so ways to Benchmark how much uh you're
1241s actually
1244s doing I think I think it's the it's the
1246s sort of thing like people quite often
1247s ask like is this build viable and it's a
1250s very difficult question to ask because
1251s we have so little static difficulty
1253s content
1257s um but this will help with that this
1260s will solve that
1275s completely all right is there any known
1277s issue about connectivity in the
1279s Netherlands since 0.92 release I cannot
1280s play online after this last patch I
1282s cannot connect change zones um I have no
1285s information on the status of any bugs at
1287s all on stream so sorry um I don't I
1290s don't know anything about that uh if you
1293s want um help or support please contact
1297s our support staff uh through our support
1300s site which I believe
1301s is found by Googling support lasty F CU
1305s I don't know what the actual URL is
1307s sorry uh or exclamation mark support on
1309s our Discord or probably the same thing
1311s here on
1317s Twitch
1321s uh any chance of adding a Dodge roll
1322s like D4 po2 lost AR we've talked about
1325s this quite a bit I I go in pretty depth
1328s on last stream about the details of this
1330s we actually got so far as actually
1332s adding it to internal play test builds
1336s um we got around to concepting specific
1340s um modifiers for it and how that would
1342s happen um we put together a couple
1344s different systems to try it out
1346s ultimately we decided against it but
1348s that doesn't mean it can't ever come
1350s back as a possibility um right now it's
1353s not something we're
1356s planning um but it is something that's
1358s sort of been on the our radar for a
1361s while as a
1373s possibility that meteor shower just just
1377s crushes
1380s and even though those say plus
1381s experience they don't say how much um
1384s they used to say how much they do uh
1386s they do give you
1390s experience if you were
1394s wondering
1396s um word granted word retention word
1398s retention is probably pretty
1405s good you know what
1408s let's go for some damage here let's
1410s let's take these and see what Happ does
1411s more damage per Rune consumed it's like
1414s so hard to test without just like not
1417s like doing without then taking
1419s it maybe we can try and test it for
1424s you uh here
1428s sure what are we doing here
1433s sure
1436s sure why not there
1439s Bud oh
1445s yeah remember to tag oh um some above
1449s any plans to make set items more
1452s powerful um felt them a little bit
1454s undertuned during my play of the game
1456s yeah there is
1459s um
1465s oo I mean that is
1472s interesting kind of all over the
1474s place it's good it's not that
1482s good oh let Do's let's do a Exile
1488s Mage
1497s fools
1500s that's right stand still channel
1510s that
1511s [Music]
1515s yeah minion damage g g
1519s g um set items set items we do have a
1522s plan to uh bring set items more
1525s prominent in the uh the build crafting
1528s space cuz right now they are largely
1531s dismissed
1533s um that's not to say there aren't some
1535s some good ones and uh especially some
1538s some fun leveling ones but um they're
1541s they're generally when you're looking at
1542s endgame character builds you almost
1545s never see a set item um unless it's got
1548s like some really specific
1549s ability and then it's generally more
1551s there as unique than a
1554s set
1557s um
1560s we do have plans to to to to make set
1564s items more exciting to exist in the game
1568s um and hopefully hopefully get to have
1570s ways to use their abilities better but
1572s but I don't have just like straight
1574s Buffs for set items across the board or
1576s anything like that
1579s planned are experimental items only
1582s experimental on lore or is there
1583s possibil that they removed for 1.0
1585s release they they are um it is a oh
1589s what's it called when it's like in World
1591s in Universe what's that called that's
1593s like diagetic it is a diagetic term so
1596s it means that it is um experimental in
1599s the games lore um we we do treat them a
1602s little bit
1604s more
1607s like uh be we we we are a little bit
1611s more experimental with them uh because
1613s they are a little bit
1616s less uh I I don't know in in yourf face
1618s they're a little less common we we can I
1621s think be a little bit more out there
1623s with what they can
1626s do
1628s um but I I would not I I would be
1632s confident in the specific experimental
1634s affixes that currently exist still being
1636s available at
1640s 1.0 um like there might there might be
1644s specific ones that are changed or moved
1646s or whatever but that's not not because
1648s they're called experimental affixes but
1650s just because we change and remove things
1651s in the game when we need to um see I I
1656s don't I don't want to be like um I don't
1658s want to put anyone in a position where
1659s they think that it's impossible for them
1661s to be changed
1664s um but but they're I wouldn't they're
1667s they're no more likely to be changed
1668s because they're named experimental I
1671s hope that clears that up it was like the
1672s most roundabout way of saying that
1677s possible
1686s yes there we
1690s go
1696s there give me that
1704s XP we're not that far off that's good
1710s do you have any examples of potential
1713s season Mechanics for post One point0
1715s release No I nothing that I can talk
1717s about
1721s anyways but I would like if if you're
1723s looking for the like style of things
1726s that could happen um the the the style
1730s of things are very reminiscent of other
1732s games you've played in the genre so like
1733s things that like maybe Deo 3 has done or
1735s or Path of Exile is done um you know
1738s like there's that style of thing um are
1742s the same styles of things that we're
1743s looking
1747s at you know with our own with our own
1749s Epoch and twist on
1759s [Music]
1762s it not sure if you're the right person
1764s to uh to know but I've checked your
1767s website for a and you are not
1768s necessarily hiring for the role I would
1770s like to apply for uh do you have any
1772s open positions in the sense of uh if the
1775s candidate is awesome we'll find you some
1777s work yeah
1779s um it it really it heavily depends on
1782s what that that position is um but yes
1786s there's um usually what I say is if
1789s there's a position on our careers page
1791s that uh you think you'd be uh good fit
1793s for apply for it if you really want to
1795s apply and uh there's nothing on the page
1797s P that looks like it'll be a good fit
1799s for you specifically um you're welcome
1802s to just apply for what you think you'd
1805s be good at
1807s um just send the email
1809s in
1813s um and you know like I will say
1817s like I I have I have no idea if you are
1820s an unbelievably awesome candidate or not
1822s um but just in general just just you
1825s know I I I know we've seen applications
1828s that were wildly like wildly over
1832s ambitious
1834s um I I there was one that I'm pretty
1837s sure was a joke it was like requesting
1838s to be the it was applying for the role
1841s of uh lead developer but had uh never
1844s coded anything before
1849s ever um you know so like try and be
1852s realistic about
1856s it
1860s I'm I'm pretty sure that was a
1862s jokey pretty
1870s sure
1872s yeah we're we're always accepting
1874s applications for positions that aren't
1876s listed as well I think it I think it
1877s might say that on the careers's page I
1880s could be I could be super wrong with
1882s that
1886s one
1902s I think ell would be really uh would
1905s really differentiate from other RP RPGs
1907s if you made some sort of raid for
1909s players to tackle together um tuning
1912s will be the hardest challenge I think we
1914s we don't have um we don't have the
1917s capability of um high quality content
1921s for groups larger than four players at
1924s the moment um like this is this is the
1927s reason why your skills are disabled in
1930s town
1934s like um so short short ansers is is
1937s right now with things as they are
1939s no I don't I don't like saying hard
1941s knows but the things with with the the
1945s way the way our um networking setup
1948s right now it is not possible for us to
1951s deliver on a good multiplayer experience
1954s for 10 people or
1966s whatever I've not been looking at what
1968s we've been taking do we have no
1970s modifiers right now
1976s somehow
1982s H
1984s okay let's do gling blow why
1989s not uh love the addition of the report a
1992s bug feature in game really helped
1993s encourage me to submit more any chance
1995s we can open other menus while that's
1997s open yeah so that we can easily check
1999s things like names of nodes item stats
2001s Etc you can't currently hover slash
2003s interact with anything while the bug
2005s report form is enabled yes I know it's
2007s frustrating I'm sorry
2010s um uh maybe um I I know that's something
2015s that that that that internally we've
2017s been asking for as
2026s well but yes I feel your
2036s pain
2038s uh is it possible to have summon wraith
2041s and
2045s reperform uh I'm pretty sure I'm pretty
2047s sure those are the Mastery class
2050s abilities for Lich and Necromancer
2055s respectively just double check before I
2058s stick my foot in my
2062s mouth summon wraith reperform yes those
2065s are both Mastery abilities um
2069s um here pull this over so
2074s um on on the skills panel anything that
2078s costs um more than
2082s 22.5 points um to unlock in its tree is
2087s exclusive to that class so dread shade
2089s symble Abomination and death seal are
2090s all exclusive to their Mastery classes
2093s they're also on the right hand side of
2094s the lock line in the passive um and then
2096s anything with a star is as well is the
2098s Mastery ability for that class so summon
2099s rra is the Mastery ability for
2100s Necromancer you can only be used by
2102s necromancers reperform is the Mastery
2104s ability for Lich it can only be used by
2105s liches you cannot simultaneously be a
2107s necromancer and a lich therefore these
2109s abilities are mutually
2111s exclusive
2118s sorry
2122s uh uh any plans for specific steam deck
2125s support uh you have to use uh special
2127s shaders and it's a bit choppy right now
2129s yeah um
2132s the it that that's in the uh the
2135s eventually category in the hopefully one
2136s day category in the oh wouldn't it be
2139s nice category um we do not have any
2142s plans to support any additional
2144s platforms other than the ones we are
2145s already supporting at 1.0 launch later
2148s this year um after we launch we will
2150s start looking into other platforms that
2152s we can support and investigating what
2155s needs like what what's required of us to
2157s do that um how much work it's going to
2159s be to support those platforms um how
2162s many potential players are going to be
2165s um uh getting access to the game if we
2168s if we add those platforms now the
2169s certain ones are a lot easier to add
2170s than others um so steam deck is a
2173s relatively low difficulty additional
2176s platform to add for us because it's
2177s essentially just um it's essentially
2181s just our our Linux platform with
2184s Perpetual controller support really um
2187s so so the chances of
2190s it uh like being higher on the list
2193s moves up you know that sort of thing um
2196s the other platforms that we're looking
2197s at are I'd say most heavily other than
2199s steam deck are consoles um but that
2203s could be a while before that happens
2204s because that's there's a lot there's a
2205s lot lot lot more that goes into adding a
2208s console specific support now all of
2210s those things do add in like time to
2213s every every every launch we do so like
2215s we'll probably want to get into a launch
2216s group gr before we start adding in more
2218s platforms but yeah um the the quality of
2222s the steam deck one also will just
2223s naturally improve as we go as we improve
2225s the Linux version as we improve our
2226s controller support so it will kind of I
2228s think what's going to happen is the
2229s steam deck one will kind of get to the
2231s point just accidentally where it's
2234s like okay it's working now type thing
2237s just from from from incidental
2239s improvements um and then we'll probably
2241s look at it and go hey we can officially
2242s support this uh all we do is say we do
2246s you know I I feel like that's what's
2247s going to happen to um steam deck
2251s probably but uh it's it's we still got
2254s to figure out exactly how we're handling
2258s de uh do you guys buff minions before
2260s release I don't have any information on
2262s upcoming Down
2267s Changes yeah
2275s CDR uh I know it's it's been a while
2277s since summer games Fest but how cool was
2279s it seeing your game on the big screen
2281s also just J kill up there um at at
2285s Gamescom in Germany yes uh that was that
2289s was that was wild it was a little
2292s crazy we were um those those of us that
2296s weren't able to go to the the stage show
2299s were all hanging out in uh one of our
2300s hotel rooms
2305s um it was it was it was it was really
2307s cool it was
2314s fun one of the best parts was the next
2317s day um the next few days actually the
2319s number of people that came up to us and
2321s and and said at at the convention like
2323s hey I saw you on the opening Night Live
2326s and I never heard of you and I was like
2328s surprised that I never heard of this
2330s game before type
2332s thing um I don't know why I walked away
2336s from from a mage just
2339s now but I'm going
2349s back that was like the worst timing from
2352s uh to get a text from the person looking
2355s after my kid right
2359s now I'm just going
2365s to come on
2369s Mike oh it's fine totally
2373s [Music]
2388s fine got
2391s him oh I do like that one I do like that
2395s one
2404s oh
2406s shoot sorry here while I'm doing
2412s this how to buy time check it out it's a
2416s cool
2425s thing
2445s okay everything's good hey look at that
2447s cool thing up there wow how
2450s neat all right back to the game what was
2453s that who knows I'll never
2455s tell
2458s oh yeah here we go I got
2462s stuff I got stuff and
2466s things oh yeah that one's better I got
2469s even better stuffs and things oh there I
2471s just right up onto the
2474s screen good job
2479s Mike uh all right if you are I'm going
2483s to do this
2485s properly
2497s we're going to do this
2499s properly maybe maybe no
2508s no darn Flor
2513s SN got it first try
2517s all right so if you're uh we're having a
2519s Build contest uh and here's a bunch of
2521s information for that Build contest um so
2524s submissions open up starting tomorrow um
2527s we will
2528s be putting putting your build out on
2531s socials um and whoever wins will be um
2535s the bill will be featured on the stream
2538s two streams from
2539s now uh and yeah those are the three the
2542s three party people that are going to be
2544s leading the leading their teams to
2546s Victory or one of them to Victory and
2548s the other two to Bitter defeat by their
2549s mortal
2552s [Laughter]
2555s Rivals thank you very much Kan I'll
2556s throw that up again near the end of the
2569s stream all right back to
2571s [Music]
2573s questions streamer client confirmed oh
2576s must be back when I got the the boss
2578s drop um I think we know what time it is
2582s was wondering about any updates on my
2584s dual Shields we have you won't you won't
2587s get dual shields for 1.0 there's I hate
2591s to be the bear of bad news but uh you
2594s going have to be stuck with a single
2595s shield for
2598s 1.0 any chance Ellie's coming to console
2601s anytime soon it'll it'll be a while
2603s it'll be quite a while we haven't done
2605s anything on the console front
2608s yet so it's going to be a
2612s while uh accumulated many legs during my
2617s gameplay what about a system to
2618s sacrifice two and get a new one um not
2621s all legs are created
2623s equal
2626s um we are just just to be clear we
2628s talking about uniques with legendary
2629s potential is what the that means in case
2632s anyone's wondering um and so this is
2634s this is suggestion we get pretty
2635s frequently actually where like hey can I
2637s take two items with legendary potential
2639s and combine them to like make one item
2642s with double legendary potential or or
2643s some some sort of system like
2647s that um and it does create an additive
2650s chance for a multiplicative system is
2652s the sort of the short wave saying uh it
2654s would be too
2656s powerful
2659s um that doesn't mean that we can't like
2664s ever do something with that but
2668s um it won't be in 1.0 I can tell you
2671s that much A A lot of the stuff right now
2672s we're we're just kind of like looking at
2673s 1.0 like what's what's that like that's
2676s that's what we're driving for so um you
2679s know post that we we'll we'll
2686s see uh change your mind and enable pet
2689s in the game to collect gold sorry no uh
2693s and will the problem of the lost
2694s connection be resolved soon I mean we
2696s are
2697s most most what we're doing is we're
2699s fixing networking problems so we're
2700s doing our best fix it as soon as we
2706s can uh like a lot of older RPG Gamers I
2709s have carple tunnel there any way to wasy
2711s movement controls to your game um
2713s interestingly enough was we we we we did
2715s do a little bit of checking with this
2716s wasd movement does give um like new play
2722s patterns that that become available um
2726s so I don't know if we'll be adding wasy
2728s movement anytime soon um if you do have
2733s bad carpal tunnel problems I I would
2735s suggest using uh controller as that
2739s um is is in the game literally because
2742s the game director has an RSI from uh
2745s from playing too much Diablo I and
2747s Diablo II and Path of Exile and and
2755s and
2763s all
2768s right
2770s yes some some okay ones in there nothing
2772s nothing really caught my
2775s eye all right what are your thoughts on
2778s moving the Weaver's will items to Arena
2780s where people can obtain an the item here
2783s and farm level the item while playing
2785s through the arena
2786s rounds uh in love with this game by the
2788s way can't stop playing um I mean I think
2791s limiting their drops to one location
2794s is
2797s um probably less awesome than just
2799s having them be random
2802s dropable uh hi average term last average
2806s term last Depo player enjoyer last dep
2808s enjoyer wow reading's Hard uh have just
2812s a quick question could you please
2814s explain sexon blocking
2825s uh uh I don't have another one lined up
2828s for this I don't have a good creative
2829s way to explain
2839s this okay so I don't know if anyone ever
2844s played um Dark Cloud it was a
2851s PlayStation
2853s two pretty sure um sort of
2859s like kind of like almost like a rogue
2862s light um like
2865s Adventure Adventure
2868s RPG kind like an actual RPG a little bit
2870s but not an
2871s arpg um and the third character you got
2875s every charact the whole game was based
2876s around leveling up weapons not leveling
2877s up the characters
2879s really you did but mostly around the
2881s weapons and the third character you
2883s could
2885s get um his whole stick was like Hammers
2887s and
2889s axes um don't don't worry I'm going
2892s somewhere with
2894s this I hope um and and the third
2898s character you get it was all about
2899s Hammers and axes and one of the early
2902s weapons he he he had a whole whole like
2905s line of weapon upgrades that were all
2907s based
2908s around
2911s um like like animals so it was like it
2914s was a turtle
2915s hammer um and and a frozen tuna just a
2920s just a big old frozen tuna that was um
2923s it was it was one of them it was like a
2924s hammer it was just a frozen
2927s fish and so this was and here's where
2929s I'm lying this this was the this was the
2932s hard mode of the game is that you had
2934s you had to run uh and and the if the
2937s fish ever thought you had to keep like
2939s ice in your inventory cuz if the fish
2940s ever thought it would just like become
2942s this like Floppy Fish that you're
2943s hitting people with um and so sexon
2947s blocking is it was like a secret hidden
2948s hard mode in the game it's not true at
2951s all um and so seant blocking is like is
2955s like trying to equip a
2958s seant into your into your Shield slot um
2963s in order to block with it is is sort of
2965s this like hard a secret hidden hard mode
2967s in the
2968s game
2970s um so if you find an equipable seant in
2973s the off
2974s hand it's it's just like burning a slot
2977s so really you just like wear nothing and
2979s you just like blocked out a spot for
2981s your sexon in your off hand
2986s um and that's that's sexon
2990s blocking not my best
2992s one there was actually a mechanic in
2995s that game in darkcloud where uh one of
2998s the one of the there was like these
2999s every level had like a like a back back
3001s room like a little like harder area that
3004s was had a ton of awesome stuff in it and
3008s the fourth Zone the fourth like area of
3011s the game um the back room key was a
3016s frozen fish or was a fresh fish that you
3019s had to keep a block of ice beside it in
3020s your inventory or else it became a
3022s rotten fish and was no longer good
3023s enough as the back door key
3029s and the frozen tuna was actually a
3030s weapon in that
3032s game but it did the was I combin those
3035s two things
3038s together great game anyways moving
3041s on
3043s sorry uh have you considered adding a
3046s sound effect when the player
3047s successfully blocks an attack with a
3049s shield I'm pretty sure it
3052s does uh it would be a pleasant indicator
3054s that your choice use a shield some
3056s direct good
3057s consequences I could be wrong but I
3060s think it does
3065s um there's a lot of sounds going on in
3068s combat it's quite often hard to hear
3069s what's actually going on
3073s um and so
3076s frequently and maybe it used to we took
3078s it out or something like that um cuz if
3080s it's not giving you active information
3083s that you need to complete the fight
3088s um it's it's rare that it's
3091s like we try we try and keep things
3097s as we want things to either be giving
3100s you feedback when you take an active
3107s action or a Quee that you need to take
3109s an active
3114s action
3116s those are the two primary times we use
3119s sound and
3124s combat but not
3127s exclusively I think it's a cool
3137s idea this game looks amazing thank you
3139s I'm not saying it's not I'm I I'm not
3143s saying it's not worth the value um but
3146s is overwhelmingly pricey over here in
3148s Brazil uh most of my Poe group wanted to
3151s buy but couldn't afford it would be cool
3153s if you guys give a look at that if
3154s possible we do use steam's Regional
3157s pricing um so it should be significantly
3160s cheaper for
3174s you I graphic for you shortly cool back
3178s in
3178s time oh hello man I want to ask about
3182s the ehp effective Health pools are we
3184s going to see some love for HP builds or
3187s Ward meta for 1.0 10K Ward not that hard
3190s to maintain u i mean different classes
3193s we we we try to emphasize different
3195s types of um defenses for different
3199s builds um so like we we we do try to
3202s push Ward as a primary defense for
3206s um Mage and friends and Acolyte and
3210s friends and then um you know we we do
3213s sprinkle some of the other ones in there
3214s for other classes if if other classes
3216s are hitting that high on Ward it's
3218s likely not great um that does seem a
3222s little excessive to me in general but um
3224s I mean I don't have any information on
3226s specific upcoming balance
3228s changes will there be additions of new
3231s content at new Cycles or could there be
3233s mid patch updates um it would be it's
3236s very rare that we'll add new content mid
3239s patch it's um the vast majority of the
3242s time it'll be
3245s um
3247s oh the vast majority of the time the the
3250s M the changes will
3251s happen um
3254s specifically that's better in in like at
3257s at cycle
3258s starts will be the main
3264s changes
3269s oh sorry about
3273s that I'm curious do you guys hear the
3276s sound when I mute my
3282s microphone didn't look like
3284s it it's like a
3289s little it's probably just played
3290s directly in the headphones so it's
3292s probably not uh run through the computer
3294s system
3303s just want to say that I'm really
3304s enjoying the game and I'm stoked to see
3305s where the team takes the game in the
3307s future thank
3309s you I'm stoked
3315s too uh will you be adding typical
3317s Seasons model with new events and map
3319s events to farm um yes I I can't say
3322s specifically what's going to come with
3324s each season um like it'll be different
3327s every time and
3329s we'll I guess give more information
3331s about that as we get close to each one
3333s of
3352s those hi everyone hi
3356s uh is there a development
3360s house that influenced your approach to
3362s community
3365s engagement uh or did you guys just get
3367s good organically get this good
3368s organically
3371s um I
3372s don't I don't know if there was anything
3377s specific
3380s um I I know that we like 5 years ago sat
3385s down number like let's let's let's pick
3387s out some
3389s like keywords to to work
3395s by um and one of them was
3402s communicative so it's something we we'
3404s we've tried to do for quite a long
3410s time but thank
3414s you
3416s [Music]
3418s uh more stuff did I miss one no I did
3421s not miss one uh to follow up on set
3423s items is the possibility of adding
3425s legendary potential to them an option
3427s we've we've talked about this quite a
3428s few times that was the the first thing
3430s that was like the instant we announced
3431s legendary
3432s potential we we we had that
3437s suggestion uh every every 10 minutes
3441s come in you know so like we we've
3442s definitely seen it and talked about it
3444s quite a bit um
3447s we don't have plans to give set items
3451s legendary
3452s potential um there's a few different
3455s reasons for that one of the big reasons
3457s is just the sheer length of set items
3460s already like like we we had to create a
3463s system by which item tool tips will
3465s shrink themselves like the scale of the
3467s tool tip just to accommodate some item
3470s tools on the
3472s screen and that's before putting
3474s legendary potential on on the on the set
3476s item and um you know give it the extra
3480s aexis once it turns into a legendary set
3481s item you know it's just like there's
3483s there's so much that can show up on
3485s those already
3488s um that that we're we're not huge on the
3490s idea of
3492s um adding more stuff to that if we can
3494s avoid
3496s it uh now that that's not really a good
3500s enough reason on its own because you can
3501s solve that other
3504s ways but it does it does help us uh lean
3508s lean that
3510s way
3518s um dang missed that
3526s one I saying I was saying stuff wasn't
3529s I Mage got me
3532s focusing I'm missing those fireballs all
3537s day oh that's cool that's a good
3540s one um okay what was I talking about
3543s legendary potential setups yes right um
3545s we also just want them to be you know
3547s unique and different and interesting um
3550s so we want
3551s to uh we we think we can solve this
3555s problem through uh Creative Design
3558s rather than um Ju Just changing the way
3562s the UI is and and having them be roughly
3564s the same as as unique items so we want
3567s we want set items to to to like to feel
3569s like a different core item type and not
3571s just be um uniques that have a set aexs
3574s on them it's a big part of it having
3577s having them stand as their own item type
3579s is really important to us so having the
3580s way that they interact with your build
3582s at endgame be different than the way uh
3585s legendary items do is really important
3586s to us as well
3590s um so
3594s yeah
3598s will we see more exiled classes in 1.0
3601s we might see um not in 1.0 no um
3606s eventually we might like the whole the
3607s whole lore around why there are these
3609s exiled Mages in these Rune prisons is uh
3612s it doesn't really work if you
3615s um if you try to put another class in
3619s there it's it's kind of the whole orbit
3621s falls
3624s apart
3626s so I don't I don't think we'll be doing
3628s any that you know let's look and see if
3629s we have an exalted chest worth Shadow
3633s strike not really so much worth even
3635s considering to put
3639s in
3646s uh uh in the grinder with this
3654s chest
3668s oh big Mana
3671s there all right are any of these worth
3673s even looking at Arcane ascendants that's
3675s really made shot R not no okay super not
3679s um not
3681s ideal we could put something cool on it
3683s but I don't think so this just a bunch
3685s of
3686s stats that's the one that's better
3688s really because we don't want that
3691s dexterity let's go for potential too
3693s okay
3695s let's see what we can do with
3698s this Vitality would be
3701s nice we might get something way
3710s better it's like weirdly not
3713s terrible
3718s we don't need sun avoidance because the
3719s chest already has oh it's crit avoidance
3722s not Sun avoidance oh yeah son ofo is
3723s really nice
3729s then let's no we can't Shuffle that
3732s even let's go slap that one on what
3735s whatever hope we get the
3738s Mana uh temporal
3742s sanctum
3743s Arena I know what the keys look
3755s like can we get in that way I don't
3758s think
3761s so this is what I get for not doing
3764s the it's worth a
3770s shot okay let's go and see if this
3773s works
3789s [Laughter]
3801s yes I'm not sure this is going to do
3802s what we wanted to do
3811s it is a passive and Idol quest
3813s regardless so let's just let's just do
3815s it real
3823s quick uh answer some questions while
3825s we're doing
3833s this
3838s where am I
3840s going you know that's the wrong way Mike
3843s yes you
3854s do okay more
3858s questions uh I think I remember in one
3861s of the interviews someone saying that
3863s the echo modifier corrup system wasn't
3865s really where you guys wanted to be you
3867s think you planned on making corruption
3869s itself be the main stat enhancer do you
3871s guys think these changes will make it
3872s 1.0 we have wait till after uh they
3874s should they should be there 1.0
3878s um released release seed
3882s release released thank you very much for
3885s the sub eight months have I butchered
3887s your name that many
3890s times kind of just that
3893s good
3897s well thank you very
3899s much eight months in a row that's yeah
3901s that's a big one still it's a big one
3903s floating
3905s around
3907s um hope you're having
3909s fun uh right what I'm talking about
3913s corruption yes so that's what I was
3914s talking about earlier about um uh there
3917s was a mention of a build that was very
3918s high tier
3922s um we we are we are really looking to
3924s have corrupt be the the to be able to
3926s okay how do I rephrase this right now
3929s you can have a build and you can say
3931s this build can do a thousand
3935s corruption
3937s um but only if you take very specific
3941s and careful things in the monolith um to
3945s make it just
3948s barely work at at such high corruption
3951s you
3953s know and
3955s um we really want you to be able to to
3957s to look at a build and say hey this
3959s build can do 400 corruption and have a
3962s good sense of how powerful it is right
3966s away
3969s um and one of the main ways we're
3971s looking at doing that is by um putting
3973s more power emphasis more more difficulty
3976s emphasis on the U oh I should have got
3980s that Quest whatever putting more
3981s difficulty emphasis on the actual um
3984s corruption itself than the modifiers
3986s that are going into
3990s it
3993s oh psychosis patient I got there I read
3996s it I figured it out no big deal easy
4000s mode H thank you very much the sub glad
4003s to have you with
4008s us s some stuff away bye bye bye bye bye
4011s bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye tab
4014s is full full tab's full when I say it's
4018s full it it looks pretty
4027s full ooh can we a we got to do two for
4031s it we got to do two for it what is this
4036s yeah that makes
4038s [Music]
4038s [Laughter]
4042s sense Mr Wiggly
4047s W
4048s Gillis WIS wi wi wi
4054s ises thank you very much the sub glad to
4057s have you with
4065s us see if we can Hammer this out real
4070s quick yes please cool down
4073s recovery
4079s [Music]
4088s more
4095s questions so yeah answer the last
4097s question yes corruption more important
4099s should be
4103s 1.0
4124s okay so much going on here I want to
4126s answer more questions scrolling down
4128s scrolling down scrolling down is he is
4130s she happy with the loot Goblin air
4132s quotes of the exiled Mage and thief's
4134s cash by the way I really liked any new
4136s ones plan for 1.0 um yeah it's it's it's
4140s the first step in the in the um in the
4144s right
4146s direction
4155s oh
4157s okay did
4159s I did I did I did I did I soft lock
4163s this
4186s whoops don't here to complete the
4189s quest yeah o overall we're very happy
4192s with the um Exile Mages and the the the
4195s cashes as well um there's it's not just
4198s thev cash there a bunch of them
4198s different ones but yes over overall very
4200s happy
4203s um got fight this guy still can't just
4205s do
4217s this come
4219s on come
4223s on
4230s thank
4231s you
4233s okay uh we don't have anyone's planned
4235s for 1.0 sorry should said that
4240s first
4248s uh what just happened oh my God am I so
4251s far behind on chat that I'm just losing
4256s chat okay
4260s whoops uh I I guess we'll catch up we
4263s should do we should do something to
4264s catch up I'm just going
4266s to I'm I'm going to do some power
4268s through some stuff here uh hey I wish I
4270s could quickly compare my right hand
4271s sword SL ring is there shortcut
4273s alternate between the two uh slots I
4275s would love an item for compare hovering
4276s item for compare there's no way to do
4277s this at the moment we are planning on
4279s adding this um it's it actually there's
4281s a uh work in progress version that's in
4284s uh yo what up Mike and travelers I was
4287s curious if the infernal Aura for py
4289s Golem is intended to be a minion damage
4291s overtime spell if that's what it says it
4293s is that's what it's supposed to be um as
4295s in the vomit node turns zombies into
4298s damage overtime minion skill but
4300s infernal Aura does not do the same for
4303s pyate Golem is this intended new zombie
4305s Rings highlighted this question for me
4307s the
4309s um that that that
4311s tag um isn't necessarily indicative of
4315s what the spell is doing um so you have
4317s to look at what that Spell's tags are
4319s not what the minions tags are with that
4321s Spell
4325s equipped uh thanks to the fly got greedy
4328s still great game so far yeah thank
4330s you uh now you have exiled Maes what
4333s about Druid SEL I already answered that
4334s um if I won't hold you to
4337s this if and I won't hold you to this
4340s after what you just said but if you
4342s release on console would the plan be to
4344s have crossplay with PC in multipl I mean
4347s that would be ideal I have no idea if
4349s that's possible or not yet if it's if
4352s it's if there's if there's no big reason
4354s not to do it
4356s sure
4359s um so so basically I don't I don't know
4361s I'm
4369s sorry uh right here we up Falconer can
4372s have MTC MTX supposed to be for an
4375s ostrich or
4377s penguin love it um Falcons are actually
4380s really close to parrots I think build
4382s upon my
4383s research no matter they cannot reach
4387s me uh do guys plan to implement a skip
4390s campaign feature in the future uh we
4392s don't plan to add another system on top
4395s of the dungeon system for campaign skips
4398s um there's also in multiplayer many ways
4401s to skip it as well um by just
4403s teleporting to someone else in your
4405s party that's further down the the the
4406s campaign it'll catch you up uh Quest
4408s wise uh can you re explain how to move
4411s stash tab towards another
4413s category
4415s um uh you you click on it and there's a
4418s like a um
4420s uh edit or manage button and you can
4423s there's a drop down that changes the
4424s category it's in in
4428s there you can't drag and drop them if
4430s that's what you're asking
4432s for but you just pick from the you edit
4435s edit the tab how you would edit the like
4436s the icon or the color or the the text in
4440s there there's a category selection
4446s option CU want hear a scam call could
4449s have picked that up that would have been
4454s fun I don't know if i' mentioned this on
4455s the stream already but I had one the
4456s other day they was trying to sell me a
4458s phone a cell phone and they they open
4462s with like like what type of cell phone
4464s do you have now like I don't have a cell
4466s phone they just they just couldn't
4469s figure out where to go from there that
4470s they're just like okay uh bye and hung
4474s up it was
4479s great uh for the lore are we the only
4482s hero or there others from other
4483s timelines there are others from other
4487s timelines there there's there's sections
4489s that kind
4491s of uh play on that fact and there
4495s sections that kind of ignore
4496s it um so it's it's kind of whatever the
4500s situation calls for really but um there
4502s are there are multiples overall um an
4505s example of this is the Forgotten Knight
4508s in the end of time is supposed to be
4512s another like player character from
4514s another timeline um as as it was one of
4519s the old playable classes a female Knight
4522s um that got cut so that class doesn't
4524s exist in the game
4526s anymore got change to the Sentinel
4537s um not sure why I'm
4540s actually like killing stuff
4543s really
4552s um
4559s [Music]
4561s there's also also the um it's sort of
4564s like a meta thing a little bit with the
4567s the exiled Mages are in a way kind of
4570s like player characters a little
4575s bit they're experimenting with AIS they
4577s weren't supposed to and then we like
4578s give you the tools to experiment with
4580s AES you're not supposed to as
4582s experimental axes
4591s oh come on Mike you know I think the
4594s problem is I'm just
4597s bad
4600s yeah I've considered being good instead
4603s but G it's
4611s exhausting all right
4632s oh that helmet could
4634s be could be
4637s good not
4642s amazing
4644s little bit
4647s Overkill maybe
4649s not okay a
4658s question do you guys plan to imple oh
4660s answer that will all the classes be
4662s gender locked or there'll be an option
4663s to change it in the future um we do not
4666s have so what 1.0 will will not have any
4669s character customization visual character
4671s customization for your actual character
4673s your your character's physical traits
4677s um at 1.0 1.0 will not come with any
4680s character customization this
4682s includes no changing genders at 1.0
4687s um I'm not saying anything new here this
4689s is the you go go look at our public FAQ
4691s stuff this is all theirs I'm just paring
4693s that um we do want to include character
4696s customization in the game um and as as
4701s we get on we will look to
4704s amulance yes please
4708s um as as a future feature we will be
4710s looking to add character custom to the
4712s game if we can um when that happens what
4716s that looks like what that includes I
4717s don't know
4719s um but that is that's something we're
4722s hoping to do when I don't know it's
4724s going to be a
4729s while are there any info about the
4732s Warlock mechanic you can reveal I cannot
4735s reveal any information about warlock
4737s mechanics right now at all I'm
4741s sorry how is this
4744s possible only was was a little scared
4746s there for a minute not going to
4749s lie
4751s unless uh can we get the ability to
4754s properly rebind controller buttons um I
4758s I I do not know what it looks like now
4760s or what we can or can't do um
4763s with relation to how it is now um but if
4766s you'd like to see something change head
4769s on over to the forums and leave a
4781s suggestion hello Mike happy Friday thank
4784s you any chances we will um have more
4786s skills other than those from the new
4788s masteries coming 1.0
4792s um
4795s very unlikely at this
4799s point we have some Flex features that
4803s would include those but I I don't think
4806s we'll be seeing
4808s them we're we're still working on
4810s warlock stuff right
4818s now I I love the overkill Fireball where
4821s it's just like that was unnecessary
4831s backto back uniques Viper tail won't say
4835s no to
4839s that not really great right now but you
4841s know
4844s whatever I have no idea if this is true
4847s or not but like the name of this always
4849s reminds me of Razer
4852s taale uh uh can we get I answer that
4855s hello moving on keep going scroll down
4858s are you planning cosmetic stuff like
4860s changing color and appearance other than
4861s the Cosmetics for the microtransactions
4864s I asked for my wife otherwise she won't
4865s play and need my peace and quiet please
4868s make that possible um we don't have any
4871s immediate plans that it won't be at 1
4873s point0 I don't think um I did
4878s see some code that was talking about
4880s something like that but um
4884s I don't know if it's actually planned as
4885s a feature or if it's in or not if it's
4886s just an experiment thing
4889s um or if it was like a tool designed to
4891s to make alternative visual versions of
4896s items it's a style of stuff we're
4898s looking into but I don't I don't know if
4900s it's
4903s um actually scheduled or planned for one
4906s fin
4910s out i' I'd be I'd be shocked if I made
4916s 1.0
4920s [ __ ] all makes sense
4923s now has finally come to
4926s me
4928s nuh-uh came to me
4931s first oh goodness what's my void res
4939s oh like
4942s nothing
4943s like
4945s actually
4952s nothing that's
4972s funny
4977s ambulance and Idols I'll work with
4981s that
4983s okay I understand the reason behind
4985s raising the XP requirement to 100 but at
4987s the same time will this scaling still be
4988s the base scaling for Cycles starting 1.0
4991s Beyond but it simply will the same
4992s leveling we have now be the leveling we
4994s have in Cycles
4996s um I I wouldn't I would not expect it to
5000s change um having said that the might be
5003s small
5005s adjustments in either
5007s direction uh Rogue shift triggered
5010s shurikens with blade Shield don't seem
5011s to be doing
5012s anything um if you have information your
5015s inquiries about bugs please use the
5021s forums uh is it true that every time you
5024s answer someone incorrectly in the ASD
5026s dev's channel on Discord an angel gets
5028s its wings absolutely uh do you guys plan
5031s on changing the flask potions system
5033s it's boring and just looks like a
5035s placeholder uh no we don't but thanks
5037s for the
5038s feedback um most of the flask
5042s interactions come through your
5047s belts but
5049s [Music]
5051s emotes how about you give unique special
5053s experimental aex Max
5056s one that be very
5058s op EP I will have it
5064s oh
5067s [Laughter]
5083s no okay let's do this
5091s properly
5099s Escape is
5110s impossible should get a question
5116s ready something weird happened
5121s there
5124s Escape is
5134s impossible all right more
5138s questions the fure cannot
5141s Beed you meant set
5144s items not sure that's a reference
5150s to escape is
5163s possible the same question okay how
5165s about you give unique set experimental
5167s aexs Max one but very op
5170s all we're not going
5174s to um put One Max set item is impossible
5179s and make it super op um
5183s or or one set because then we're then
5185s you got you got D3 set
5188s items which is something we're trying to
5203s avoid Escape is impossible the future
5207s cannot be
5211s denied
5219s I feel uh precarious here at best oh
5223s come
5228s on ES want to thank you for doing these
5230s streams always Heist to see what's
5232s coming that's
5241s awesome
5253s we're not far we're not
5257s far escape is
5270s impossible got it
5274s oo a minion base is not
5277s great sort of thing you want to combine
5280s onto
5285s an onto a
5289s legendary I just got to say thanks to
5291s the entire team for how open and
5292s communicative the team is I'm in love
5293s with this game and it's really close
5295s surpassing the Nostalgia I have2 my
5297s favorite airp can't wait for 1.0 that's
5298s awesome thank
5299s you be being comp compared to or talked
5303s about Diablo I in the same sentence is
5313s just do we try do we have anything else
5315s to put together do we can we
5323s uh keeper gloves we slap something on
5326s keeper
5331s gloves
5334s uh maybe
5337s not that's
5339s cool slap something this for
5342s fun sure let's just let's just slap all
5345s the other ones we have on
5348s it
5351s here oh it's too high level isn't
5355s it of course it's too high
5361s level hammer we have
5371s Hammer let's just stick the two items
5373s that we
5381s get oh dang
5384s it crit crit crit got
5391s us oh C res not
5395s terrible we could probably actually use
5400s this uh Health endurance
5415s in better than this
5418s one yeah let's roll with
5421s that
5431s uh is there a cap on how many things can
5434s happen each server
5436s tick not explicitly uh but there's
5439s certain things that cap themselves each
5441s tick uh I have a very easily
5443s replicatable if you've got a bug that
5445s you think you've got please leave a bug
5447s report on the
5450s forums uh
5455s uh ever since the patch came out I've
5457s been trying to raise an elemental bee
5459s farm
5464s nice uh Elemental be armarm however the
5468s population cap seems to hit hard and
5469s fast is there any plans to add more
5471s uniques for my be babies Elemental
5475s otherwise nothing
5477s specific um I I would say less emphasis
5481s on the Elemental side of bees in
5485s general is
5495s likely where do we hand this
5498s in oracles
5504s Abode steps got the wrong Zone attached
5506s to
5507s it tisk tisk
5511s tisk
5529s should we go back and do another one I
5531s don't know let's for next time maybe
5533s idle
5537s slots
5540s um sure
5542s armor and Fire Res why
5546s not we need void res
5557s Idols need better
5561s Idols void
5564s res little quick
5566s scan anything sticking out not seeing
5570s anything that's too too
5575s bad where's the single side level there
5577s we go la res and armor we'll take it
5579s how's
5580s our coal and fire through the roof who's
5587s surprised should we go back to
5595s that I'm just going to take it assume it
5598s works pretty sure it does let's let's go
5601s try and fight the boss we have
5603s time that'll be
5608s tight okay where was I on
5613s questions when using a run of ascendants
5616s do all possible outcomes have the same
5618s possibility or there's some items more
5620s likely to drop compared to others they
5621s they have their their relative drop
5627s chances uh pal has very few skills any
5630s PL said more yes not for 1.0
5648s likely let's
5659s go pop
5666s let's keep going push
5668s forward charge onward into the
5674s rift some some stuff
5690s happening if you have any questions for
5693s me please put at last heot game in the
5695s question um I just I just scroll past
5698s The Big Empty
5700s chunk so I don't know if I don't know if
5704s I missed St oh a run of ascendant nice I
5705s just used like eight of these trying to
5707s get a helmet did not get
5712s one uh I got an alchemist L with four LP
5716s yeah it's one of those items that's like
5719s awesome and terrible at the same time so
5722s somehow
5724s um it's it's it's yeah it's not actually
5727s good but it's a ton of fun to play with
5729s I love items like
5732s that you can mck
5735s about um what what can I slam into it to
5738s make it a useful weapon oh not much you
5741s just slab some people with a spoon
5743s there's a
5745s um there's there's not a lot of actually
5747s like good ways to use it where it's
5750s actually like a viable item even with 4
5753s LP which I know sounds ridiculous you
5755s can you
5756s can um you know get some decent stats on
5759s it just in general um and basically just
5762s treat it like
5763s a um like an exalted with um like a poor
5769s base stats that's effectively what it
5780s is
5787s the one thing you've got going for you
5788s is good ailment application
5791s but silly damage for that to be actually
5806s useful uh if you need help with the game
5810s just ask me I've got 174 hours in it
5812s thank you appreciate
5815s it also nice
5827s numbers uh hello hello happy Friday
5831s hello master
5834s sword glad to see you here hope you're
5837s doing
5838s well uh is the game still scheduled for
5840s all classes to have all their skills for
5842s one point at 1.0 launch um toine
5846s all no they're
5854s not let's
5859s go uh do you feel like most bugs with
5862s abilities will be fixed in 1.0 I love
5864s the game but frustrating when abilities
5865s don't work the way they're supposed to
5867s um I
5868s mean is
5870s your we we are spending we we're we're
5873s putting more time in the um bug fixing
5878s portion of our patch release than we
5879s ever had
5880s before um so we should be we should be
5883s we'll be catching more bugs than we had
5885s before we'll be spending more time
5886s making sure it's polished and smooth um
5889s so know yeah there'll be there'll be a
5891s lot of bug fixes happening
5899s um I dropping frames
5902s uh uh it's no
5906s good
5909s um what's causing
5915s that yeah it looks terrible over
5918s there what is
5925s happening okay well this is good so play
5928s over
5930s here
5941s [Music]
5950s uh where are we going what are we
5955s doing oh great good thing I got void
5957s resistance for
5960s this
5978s more
5979s [Music]
5985s questions uh you said you plan to make
5987s sigils less micromanagement heavy can
5990s you tell us a bit more I can't we
5992s haven't done it
5995s yet but that is the goal um we've got a
5998s couple there's a few abilities that that
6001s fall into the same problematic play
6003s pattern as
6004s sigils
6007s um and so we've got a few of them
6009s scheduled for for
6015s tinkering just shooting stuff that's
6017s already dead that's how I
6020s do
6022s all right we got 19 minutes of this boss
6024s fight including this including the
6025s Cosmetic or cosmetic cinematic what do
6028s you think you're doing my vessel hello
6032s will warlock come with 1.0 release yes
6035s it will will Healing Hand have a skill
6037s tree eventually yes do I know when no do
6041s I hope it's for 1.0
6042s yes are there any plans for void damage
6045s anywhere else other than void Knight
6050s yesel so you could live technically
6053s there already is some on
6054s [Music]
6057s Mage what
6062s are yeah a there there's a version of
6065s Mage you can do with that's void
6067s damage um that's something that's really
6070s viable right now what's
6073s happening get out of
6080s my
6086s this was literally your question earlier
6087s FPS issue uh is it strange or surreal
6089s playing this like you are now without
6091s thinking like wow I made this well I I
6095s know because that's literally what's
6097s going through my head every second of
6099s this entire
6102s uh
6110s always
6114s all right here we go Vasa you're
6138s mine thanks for localizing Le to je now
6141s my friends and family can play it you're
6143s welcome we are still working on
6145s improving our
6146s localization
6148s um cuz it's not good
6164s enough just start a poll of who thinks
6166s I'm going to succeed in this first
6167s before doing
6170s it L set of PS are kind of boring though
6174s I'm that
6178s [Laughter]
6182s good no I'm
6200s not
6209s okay more
6212s questions uh what was the philosophy for
6214s buff type skills like flame W Hora
6217s enchant weapons some classes Rogues seem
6219s like lacking in these uh more instant
6221s passive boosts and damage durability
6223s like the Rogues utility skills are a lot
6225s more active than the enchant weapon
6228s um I I think variety being being um such
6232s a huge and like class identity being
6234s such a huge um pillar of our game design
6238s it's we we quite quickly look to what
6242s can we do differently here for possibly
6244s more generically
6248s um like typically designed uh ability
6254s archetypes so you know like um like even
6258s even you just get like a basic
6259s projectile skill it's easy it's easier
6262s to talk about than Buffs cuz Buffs Buffs
6264s are the hardest thing in the game to do
6266s and and have them be unique um get out
6270s of my mind get out but we will like like
6274s we do we do try to make them different
6277s so gruesome I love
6290s it
6305s yeah that's right you're done I got
6319s you
6325s oh stay out of
6329s that okay more questions Mike oh you're
6332s going to die if you take more questions
6342s though oh my
6348s goodness this is not going to end well
6367s oh trying to find some
6369s questions do you guys upgrade the Rogues
6372s animation set there's always small
6373s updates happening um nothing major was
6375s done
6379s recently
6410s went okay
6415s oh come
6433s on okay more
6436s questions uh what are some mechanics
6439s elements you could use some what are
6442s some mechanics ANS that could use some
6444s adjusting and what's the process behind
6448s that
6450s uh I I have no idea I stop my head which
6453s ones could use
6456s adjusting come on yes there we
6469s go okay come
6474s on
6484s Y come
6486s on why do I not have calling on this
6489s build oh my
6493s goodness
6499s yes
6505s y you're hideous come
6510s on oh that was a good one that fight
6512s that fight's always fun I really enjoy
6513s it it's I I get a little intense when I
6515s do it but I really enjoy
6519s it okay let's read this question again
6522s what are some mechanics Els that could
6524s use some adjusting and what's the
6525s presence behind that especially now with
6527s a few of the bigger newer streamers
6529s being vocal about the state of some of
6531s them
6532s um I mean usually we'll try our best to
6537s isolate um if it's something we think
6539s like really desperately needs adjusting
6541s or or just something that needs
6542s adjusting in general we'll try and
6543s isolate the
6545s specific thing that that that's causing
6548s it to go over the top um which is I
6551s assume what you're referring to in some
6552s way but I don't know um you think this
6554s is
6555s over give me my stats give me give me my
6559s stats I will not yeah that's right one
6563s of each
6568s not um yeah and try and isolate the
6572s thing that's specifically causing that
6573s one ability to go crazy in that
6575s combination instead of um because if if
6578s you have like when a B and C are used
6581s together something ridiculous happens
6582s but um when A and D are used together
6585s something appropriate happens we don't
6588s want to Nerf a and when maybe B and e
6591s work well together we don't want to Nerf
6592s B and when C and F work well together we
6594s don't want to work Nerf C so we have to
6596s try and Nerf the interaction between
6597s them somehow welcome back TR I missed
6600s she don't give up it can't no yes
6604s farewell stay
6606s safe yes no yes farewell no stay
6612s safe
6616s um yeah is there any idea when 1.0 will
6619s release or still any still into the a uh
6621s when will full game release will there
6624s be a price increase we don't plan on it
6626s oh
6627s yes part name is Agony
6631s farewell just living with
6637s Agony uh what about crafting Buffs for
6639s example throw a few runes or aex shards
6641s together and combine them into some sort
6643s of power bird which lasts for an Echo
6646s anything like that plan there are
6647s interactions
6649s between crafting and monolith that we
6652s that that we've looked into and are
6654s continuing to look into
6660s um I can't really give you anything
6666s specific but it's not
6673s that uh since the Rogue is from Messa
6676s will Falconer have a snake gun no the
6679s falconer will not have a snake gun
6681s um uh any plans to have blessings be
6685s selective once unlocked rather than have
6687s to rerun the bosses
6689s yes are Shadow daggers supposed to be
6692s able to apply ailments yes I believe so
6695s pretty sure let see why
6698s not Shadow daggers and Spark charges are
6702s like the mechanic that I get wrong all
6705s the time it's it gets me so frequently I
6708s never can figure out how they actually
6710s work
6711s I have to go I always have to go check
6713s but I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure
6714s they're supposed to be able to apply
6714s elements I'm pretty sure they do apply
6717s elements
6719s um how are you so wise in your ways I'm
6723s not I don't
6725s know
6727s uh I just say things in a Cadence that
6730s makes me sound smart but it's a
6738s trick uh
6743s is there more story cut scenes that
6745s close out the story line yes there are
6747s three more chapters
6750s coming uh what do you guys think of
6752s doing a retrospective of Ellie's
6754s development in community before the game
6755s launches the one. there was actually a
6757s really cool video of this that just just
6759s had like clips from Patch videos from
6762s right around the start time we started
6763s Kickstarter to to now which was which
6765s was really cool there was one mistake in
6766s there so misl patch that's okay though
6770s um
6773s it it was like one off so it didn't
6775s matter just joking um but yeah I mean
6779s I'd love to do something like that we
6780s don't really have the
6782s time me being here right now is a
6796s stretch I do think it' be really cool
6799s though
6801s that's probably I feel that's the sort
6802s of thing that we probably would want to
6804s do like um partway between 1.0 and
6810s 1.1 that's that that's the timing that I
6813s would I would probably be more
6814s interested in seeing
6816s that uh what should be players
6818s expectation on the game's first lead
6820s mechanic cycle after launch considering
6822s the recent uh game first seasons have
6824s been underwhelming perhaps if you uh it
6826s would have been better to set
6827s expectations appropriately what are you
6829s guys expectations on early League scope
6831s we should the players expect I mean um
6834s item factions and Warlock
6838s and um item factions Warlock and
6842s Falconer that's what your expectations
6844s should
6848s be and i' I've been I've been saying
6851s that over and over and over and over and
6853s over again for months now so I I
6858s yeah that one should be surprise
6873s hopefully okay so more specifically the
6876s stun mechanic in the game seems to be
6877s getting a decent amount of flack is
6879s something like this being looked at is
6880s she good with how stun currently Works
6882s uh we uh yes we are looking at it
6887s um there there are issues with how stun
6890s works that we are
6895s fixing both both in how player uh Less
6900s in how players get stunned and More in
6902s how players
6912s stun cuz right now one of the major
6915s problems is that it's typically less
6919s useful to take guaranteed stun abilities
6922s in in most situations like just
6924s naturally not really that synergistic
6926s with um stun affixes on your
6934s gear which which seems counterintuitive
6936s like you'd expect fire abilities to be
6937s synergistic with fire aices on your
6942s gear which they
6949s are
6955s guys have tank written all over
6965s them that ability do so much damage
6969s though doesn't even
6973s matter ding ding
6977s ding get that fire damage going
6990s uh why does maasa apply Shadow
6992s daggers is she secretly a blade dancer I
6995s didn't realize she
6996s did but she she might we
7001s we have like there's there's elements
7003s that can come from all over the place
7004s for
7006s sure I I don't know if there's a
7008s specific reason behind it pro probably
7010s really it's just as simple as they came
7011s out at the same
7014s time I
7016s think would be the answer uh kind of a
7019s Nuance question regarding the base
7021s attack speed of Rives third strike oh
7023s God uh does that value 1.57 one take
7027s into account I
7030s don't is that is
7033s uh yeah okay um also assum that's right
7035s take into account using the first two
7037s strikes prior to using the third for the
7039s purpose of calculating how many third
7041s strikes you can do per
7046s second
7050s uh I don't see how it could so I'm with
7054s no oh what favorite vacation Grand
7057s prison one this it's it's uh it's this
7059s one you see me do oops it's what's the
7064s the fireball is my favorite the giant
7065s Fireball is my favorite this is my the
7067s the the one that I like using the most
7069s because it does the most damage for my
7072s build but uh Fireball is my
7080s favorite uh follow blessing question
7081s will the select been 1.0 I don't know if
7083s that's going to be a 1.0 feature or
7090s not I have a feeling it's going to get
7097s pushed unless there's like a secret
7100s unless there's someone working on it in
7101s secrets that I don't know
7123s about which does happen every once in a
7128s while
7145s all
7149s right is warlock bird themed class no
7152s warlock's not a bird themed
7154s class Falcon is a bird theme class
7158s though uh am I supposed to shampoo my
7161s Bal spot are you soap I have I have no
7165s idea I would go
7167s with
7176s soap I would probably ask the internet
7183s [Music]
7186s though I'm just
7188s slow is nobody's fault but my own and
7191s right on time oh my gosh I forgot the
7193s last teaser I have another teaser here
7196s for you my goodness perfect timing
7198s because I just died right at the very
7200s end here we go it's another teaser it's
7202s a cool thing this is the one I was most
7204s excited to show off the the other one's
7206s pretty sweet I really want to get a
7208s large group of like a pack of wallpaper
7210s pack together because we have so much
7211s nice images that that are at such high
7213s res but we don't have them released
7214s anywhere um but this is something it's a
7218s ring
7223s who knows what it actually
7226s does um see more questions I can Rite
7229s off we're going do 10 minutes of
7230s questions or till I get to the bottom uh
7233s so with the sun changes would we expect
7234s erasing strike to also erase enemies
7237s ability to
7240s move probably not but
7243s maybe um we continue these streams after
7246s Leisa 1.0 that's the
7247s plan thank you Mike sorry for for
7249s exposing you to my math brain I don't
7251s remember which question it was but
7252s that's okay I like math brain uh I find
7255s the Rogue dancing blades ability to
7257s remind me of Riven from L yep
7260s absolutely um was her inspiration
7263s drawing from her mechanics and why can't
7265s I animation cancel her stuff to do more
7267s damage this would add more mechanical
7269s depth to that skill which for a ribbon
7272s fan like me would be a cool master over
7273s time combos would be cool too no um
7277s we're we're we're not planning on having
7279s um animation cancelling B DPS
7283s increase um probably anywhere in the
7286s game it's just it's just
7288s to um it's it's a fantastic mechanic in
7293s uh moas and I just don't think it works
7295s very well in
7296s RPGs I if we could find a way to do it
7299s maybe but I I I I I'm not a big fan of
7304s that type of mechanic and RPGs in
7307s general there just so much going on
7310s uh with a constant issue with emperor of
7312s corps's boss fight being pushable we'll
7314s get a rework similar to lagon who is
7316s also seemingly impossible to fix as well
7320s possibly
7322s um that that's a bug that we've known
7324s about since we started working on
7328s multiplayer um and oh my God there is a
7332s phone call I've been waiting for for so
7334s long I'm sorry I'm going to mute you
7337s guys and take this I'll be right back to
7338s the outro
7369s so that okay so that was I'm getting a
7370s bunch of really spicy peppers from a
7372s local Farm I get them every year to make
7374s hot sauce with and they've been uh out
7378s of um they it wasn't a very good year
7380s for them so they they took a long time
7382s to come in and I've been like pestering
7383s them being like I want some and they
7385s were just calling me to tell me that
7386s they were in ready to go two pounds of
7387s them very excited Armageddon Peppers oh
7390s yeah
7393s um I done for the day had a great stream
7397s I hope you did too I had fun I really
7400s enjoyed myself um the the the emper of
7401s corpses thing I I don't know if we'll
7403s get we'll get a rework or um a fix or
7406s not I hope we just get a fix for it
7408s there's a whole bunch of other things
7408s that are there there's a ton of other
7410s problems in the game that are the same
7412s fix required um it's not that's just
7415s that's just the most egregious example
7416s of that problem and it's not all just
7417s regards to enemies being pushable either
7420s um so we're going to try and fix the
7422s problem if we can't fix the problem it's
7424s possible that we might look to work
7425s around Sim much what we do
7427s G but I hope it doesn't come to that
7431s and will that ring help you find a waifu
7434s I already have
7437s one
7439s um had a great
7441s time thanks for stopping by we got some
7445s cool stuff Happening Here I know that
7448s Aaron who runs the action RPG Channel it
7451s is a very special milestone for him
7456s today so we're going to go say hi
7461s I think it is four years also he's one
7465s of the uh leaders for the race so you
7466s can go get get talking with him about
7469s that also Perry and vision check them
7471s all out have a great time see you later
7472s everyone I'll be back same time same
7474s place next week if I didn't answer your
7475s question you still want answered please
7476s head on over to our Discord ask the de
7478s Channel there answer lots of questions
7479s all the time also active on other
7481s platforms mostly Reddit um see you next
7483s week have a great
7488s time