over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last Epoch Dev stream as
7s usual I'm your host Mike hello how's it
11s going
12s everybody just hanging out playing my
15s Sentinel say hi to people in town hello
18s people in town okay let's get back in
20s our
21s Quest yeah we're just going to keep
23s going going to keep playing our quest uh
25s it is the first of the month so uh new
30s charity right up here hanging out doing
34s stuff for research for kids cancer which
37s is great well the research is great to
41s be
42s clear uh
47s yeah if you have any questions this is
49s your first time here in the Stream
50s welcome glad to have you with us please
53s put an atlast OT game in the question so
56s I see it and can respond quickly to you
60s right now now I'm just leveling up my my
61s Forge Guard we're doing a little uh
63s Shield
64s throw Shield throw
66s action with our manifest armor we're
69s going to do manifest armor spinny boy
71s Shield
72s throw think it's the plan
77s now where's the where's the shield throw
85s Synergy sweet is The Shield throw node
87s is The Shield throw interaction here
92s there it
94s is yeah we got to get to that do we have
96s enough points left yeah we
104s do we've got to go that way for the Mana
107s cost or sadly we have to go that way and
109s hit the Mana cost we want to take that
111s node there's a node we wanted to take
112s out in our passes as
115s well I do actually like this
119s idea
121s to drop our Mana cost down cuz Mana cost
123s is a little high right now is there
125s anything cool down
126s here a secret
139s chest oh hello Rogue
144s poison how you doing how you
146s feeling let's actually grab this chest
148s up
149s here
155s which one is
160s it ooh ooh Singularity that's pretty
167s neat uh are any of
174s [Music]
176s these is there is
179s it
180s none of those oh interesting
193s okay not much there but couple cool
204s rings I had I had I feel like I had a
206s long week but at the same time it feels
207s like it just like flew by somehow like
211s uh I know that's a little contradictory
216s but maybe it feels like it flew by but
219s it feels like it did a lot like more
229s accurate which not really a bad thing I
231s like doing
238s stuff yeah we we we we have to go back
241s and uh undo that passive
244s point cuz we just don't have the Mana to
246s sustain
264s this next time we get to a new
268s Zone we'll go to UND do it CU this is
271s not
277s awesome now we're trying to spam
285s it if we were doing it more as like a
287s nuke might be
290s good we have to mix something else in
293s there and
296s I kind of want to SL bring of shields
298s into this build
302s don't there's room for
305s it right we've got a slight boss fight
309s to
309s do
313s whoops all right we got a question it's
315s good
317s timing uh I'd really enjoy an update I
320s I'd really enjoy an update to the visual
322s immersion of dots and Dot related skills
325s and Elemental damages all right
328s sweet
330s just going try and not die
334s here probably going to die
337s here I'm not feeling good about not
339s dying
345s here
348s Mist you keep telling me I made a
350s mistake and I believe
354s you tell
356s me your
358s secret
367s no can
369s help you
372s now uh let's see question uh more green
375s numbers and onscreen animations uh more
378s poison damage more burning and red
382s numbers for ignite more blues and cold
384s damage for chilling effects Etc I very
386s much enjoy seeing it uh play out
388s visually if I put a fire build want to
390s see things burn is that something HG
392s connects with and appreciates has hope
395s for in the future um well so the the
398s damage numbers aren't going to get
399s colored based on the damage type um so
403s we're not going to do that but like I
405s mean he's ignited he's on fire he's
409s burning it's actually easier to see when
411s you're zoomed out but
414s like very much on
416s fire your
418s secret
425s um there
427s are no one can help uh there are there
432s are some cool dot
435s things it's not really a big change but
437s like the little like there's there's new
439s elements we adding that have cool
440s effects that go with them for sure and
442s and delivering on the fantasy of those
444s elements is really
446s important
448s um
451s but the damage numbers themselves
453s changing the colors on those is not
455s something you're interesting to
475s do nah bad items are bad hi first cyle
479s going release on 21 February or later
481s yes uh on the 21st the ladder will open
484s up and you'll be able to create psycle
496s characters okay let's
498s go
502s eot and uh let's let's just clear off
505s one of these nodes so we can just throw
508s way faster
515s hello
518s traveler met
524s caust
526s yeah I kind of think we got to just do
528s both of them
531s even
533s oh uh well good thing we can put points
537s [Music]
538s elsewhere
542s two weap we before attack damage sure
545s we'll do that one hello traveler yeah we
549s can put points back in this later we
550s just don't have the Mana for it right
551s now do not dwell on the
568s regets yeah
576s yeah feel like that's just the way to
585s go all right let's head back out there
588s there we just go right to
594s here hey Mike hi Andrew how's it going I
597s can't recall if you've answered this
599s already
600s but uh are you are your team CF are you
604s team coff or team mg uh which faction do
607s you see yourself playing the most um
610s it's a good
613s question I
615s think uh I think it'll depend a lot on
618s what my like friends who play the game
621s are are going to be playing this is the
624s quickly um cuz I'll just I'll just want
626s to go to the center of the device be as
628s helpful as possible
631s um and there just a little more overlap
633s when you play the same
635s thing but if um if I'm picking for
638s myself I'll probably want to play coff I
640s don't know I like I like the systems it
642s has
644s um I've never been huge
647s on on on trade in general hopefully like
650s I'll get into it and everything but
654s like I much I much prefer finding stuff
656s even if even if it ends up being like um
660s I'm I'm kind of referring to other games
661s now but like even in other games if it
662s ends up being worse to try and find
664s things yourself I'll still try and do
673s it our Mana right now zero okay great we
675s can just Spam
688s this is the same yeah it's yeah like I
693s think it's a controversial thing to be
694s like I prefer finding it myself for the
696s most part I think a lot of people like
698s that but um I like trade can be fun too
701s so it's it's hard to say like I it's a
703s better option
718s really
726s I still I still want to do the the the
728s two-handed shields so bad or dual
730s wielding Shields I I want to do it so
733s bad oh be great I know it's it's like
739s pipe dream or whatever but so much
748s fun
758s God
761s ding yeah let's let's copy
764s Shields all right how good is my shield
767s not fantastic I forgot it's got some
770s stats on it
773s though should we go on the rift or
775s should we skip
778s it let's just skip the ri for
789s now we don't need the uh item that comes
792s out of
799s it that is this one right this is the
801s the
803s pedals ah doesn't
808s matter
815s I'm sure you've gotten this before but
817s will leie ever see wasd movement pe2
819s recently received revealed that they are
821s adding it for instance yes I haven't
823s heard anything about the three Reddit
825s posts and the Reddit post I had to
827s delete and the um the two Forum posts
831s recently and the several Discord
834s messages about it haven't seen anything
837s no sorry yes it's a bit of a Hot Topic
839s right now for
842s sure
844s um I
847s I all I can really talk about
850s is what we're going to do for
852s 1.0
855s um we did discuss the there's even if
859s even if we wanted to switch right now
861s like we're we're not going to switch for
862s 1.0 um the the timing of things how
865s we're locking out content and features
867s um to to make sure there's plenty of
868s time for
869s testing it's just it's just not
871s happening sorry it's it's a it's a
873s logistics thing even if we wanted to do
875s it it's just not happening so the like
878s if we want to do it or not is kind of
879s irrelevant for if it's going to happen
881s at 1.0 sure if if there's something
883s urgent enough or pressing enough like
885s we'll we'll still put it in but like
887s we're we're trying to cut content off
888s right now and uh um you know like Polish
893s Polish Polish until until um until we're
897s out um so so like we're we're past the
901s point and there's there's 50 other
902s things that are trying to squeak their
903s way into 1.0 still so like we are well
905s past the point of like let's add a new
908s control scheme to 1.0 like just
911s no um that aside we did very recently
915s have a a very lengthy design discussion
918s on this topic
921s um and
924s um
927s oh Poe adding it's not really a good
929s reason for us to add it
933s um it it definitely uh begs the question
937s for us a lot more and and might require
940s us to uh have another meeting to talk
941s about it again
943s um but in in the recent meeting we did
945s very explicitly decide not to do it um
949s doesn't mean we won't ever do it but at
951s least for 1.0 we did recently actively
954s choose not to
956s um which which I mean
960s not everyone's going to like that
961s decision then that's fine
964s um and uh we're definitely still waiting
966s to hear feedback on on the topic so like
969s if if you want it you're are more than
971s you're encouraged to leave feedback um
974s on it if you don't want it you're
975s encouraged if you just feel like leaving
978s feedback on the game where you're
979s encouraged to leave feedback you know
980s like it's um we're very happy to talk
983s about it and
985s um I'm trying to do this without dying
987s here and this guy's a a little strong
989s for
994s me
997s um it's like it's possible we could have
999s overestimated people's
1002s um like desire not to have it um maybe
1008s it's something we want to add maybe it's
1010s something we still don't want to add I
1011s don't know um there we go downam I I
1015s guess what I'm trying to get it is it's
1016s not going 1.0 um
1020s um but we we don't like closing the door
1023s on discussions so if people want to talk
1025s about it please talk about
1035s it I haven't I'll say this I haven't
1038s read anything in those topics to change
1040s my mind personally about
1047s it
1063s all
1067s right next question the game quite the
1071s game is quite open about oh thank you
1073s very much uh gonium thanks for the sub
1077s appreciate you glad to have you with us
1080s hope we having
1081s fun um I was answer your question was I
1085s oh things are dying keep
1087s going the game is quite open about many
1090s numerical info like uh drop rates and
1093s monster stats and
1095s such uh there's a lot of data mining
1097s that goes on to pull those things
1099s out
1101s um but uh we generally don't communicate
1104s those
1105s things uh but we can keep going here um
1109s then there's things like
1111s LP malice
1114s chance uh for Runes of ascendants which
1119s seems to be more of a secret what's the
1121s philosophy of policy behind releasing
1122s such info um well yeah like we we don't
1125s really release any of that info um at
1128s all like on on any of those categories
1131s um but some things are easier to data
1132s mine than
1137s others
1146s um the the the the legendary potential
1149s chance on run of ascendence is probably
1152s done by some
1154s formula um that's just like hidden
1156s somewhere that hasn't been
1163s found CU it's probably in a weird
1167s spot
1182s we we tried I guess the general
1183s philosophy on like data that we actually
1185s release is
1188s um stuff we think people will have a
1191s significant impact on um people's play
1196s patterns I think is generally what it
1200s is uh what else has some cool
1205s stuff put like um Fire Res shred
1208s [Music]
1214s anywhere I mean the war one's pretty
1217s sweet while since I've really gone
1218s through this
1222s tree oh charge attack which seems
1226s great keep them forward
1229s I could just be wrong about that we're
1231s going to try
1235s it it has been quite a while since I
1237s looked at this
1243s tree it just hasn't had too many bugs I
1247s guess all right uh I love leie cool
1250s thank you that's awesome Hope leie G to
1252s grow like Poe but first your goal
1254s supposed to be to get more player based
1256s than Grim Dawn I guess um
1259s yeah I mean it's we're we're just trying
1261s to make the best game we can it's kind
1263s of all it is um Grim Don's got a pretty
1266s sweet Resurgence right now cuz they're
1267s leading up to an awesome
1272s patch or possibly just they they just
1275s came with a patch and we're waiting for
1276s an expansion I think that's what's
1278s happening I should I should probably
1280s know exactly what's
1287s happening
1300s uh but the game engine can't handle wasi
1302s yes it can handle wasi that's basically
1304s the more important part right whether it
1306s can even be added to the engine yeah it
1307s can definitely added to the engine I
1309s don't
1310s know can absolutely be add I don't know
1312s why it couldn't be
1317s added
1325s the the the important part is if we want
1326s to add it or not whether it's possible
1329s to be added is well I I guess it's a
1331s requirement yes it's it needs to be
1333s possible first but like it's definitely
1347s possible
1351s I hope no one thought we weren't adding
1352s it cuz it wasn't
1355s possible now it is a design
1374s decision all
1375s [Music]
1377s right
1379s passive Point put
1383s bestest round up some
1390s fools Forge guard's struggling to stay
1392s alive
1394s here we need we need some stuff to help
1396s him out I
1403s think manifest armor struggle to stay
1407s alive
1409s we forgot to speak with alri so that's a
1414s problem I'm sure it'll be
1424s fine players that play beta will get
1427s some special skin or something you need
1428s for that um well most people that
1431s have uh I don't I don't think there's
1433s any special MTX
1435s that's um like set up to go for but most
1438s packs that people bought already had um
1442s special skins in them
1444s so
1462s yes there was a backpack the doggy
1464s backpack yeah there was a
1467s uh that was for anyone who was playing
1470s before multiplayer went live I
1474s think that was the cut off for the
1476s backpack I could be
1480s wrong should we just be slapping more
1482s stuff in
1483s these this one's
1485s 6% attack
1489s damage this one's this one's so great
1497s though
1507s this is pretty nice does this this does
1509s scale with the tunan
1511s too yeah gains health and damage we just
1514s do this
1516s then some defense for us some defense
1519s for our minion who clearly needs it
1521s keeps
1523s dying what stats are we giving him right
1525s now that's some boots boots have not
1529s great for uh transferring stats so we
1532s should maybe look at getting some uh
1535s some exed
1544s boots nice mob speed boots that' be
1548s sweet some be mic
1550s Wings
1553s yeah it's my Halloween
1557s outfit you haven't seen me at Halloween
1559s here I wear be wings like like Princess
1562s Tutu ballerina be
1571s wings and it's
1576s fantastic does this game have a Captain
1577s America builds I
1579s mean I'm I'm literally throwing my
1581s shield at
1582s people so
1587s yes
1593s I'm even
1594s getting my uh buddy to spin it around
1598s for me my he's my I I'm Captain America
1601s this is my iron
1603s [Laughter]
1610s man that actually works pretty
1617s well
1623s I feel like that's a joke everyone got
1625s like four years ago and I'm just
1626s catching up
1638s now we got that we're coming over here
1640s somewhere what are we
1645s doing uh yeah mobilize sounds great
1648s Frailty chant sounds
1650s wonderful what are we
1664s doing and here I was hoping this would
1667s lead us
1674s closer Shield thr really power ability
1676s fil correctly yep but but I will not be
1679s building it
1683s correctly cuz I'm the
1695s worst I have a bad side guys I'm I'm
1700s Dastardly
1702s and mean nailed
1706s it
1718s we've been uh doing bug fixing on the
1721s falconer right
1724s now it's getting
1731s there where we going with
1735s this was it just like hey damage sounds
1738s good let's do
1742s damage armor shred saacks yes
1746s please we got to get up here don't
1758s we
1760s yep yep y yeah uh-huh
1766s uh-huh
1777s might cosplays Captain
1781s America I
1790s mean seems like a lot of
1795s work my B outfit is so much easier
1800s here anything cool planned for the
1802s marketing push I am sure there's cool
1804s stuff planned uh do I know anything
1807s about it no I'm
1809s sorry
1812s um yeah I do not know the cool stuff
1815s they got planned but I have complete
1818s faith that they do have cool
1826s stuff
1836s I know there's stuff okay I can say this
1838s I know that there's stuff that I've
1840s tried
1841s to um to to teas on stream that I've
1844s been told I'm not allowed to reveal
1847s yet
1851s um mostly details about the new
1856s masteries
1866s those shards are worth two added Health
1877s shards yeah K's right nothing we can
1879s talk about
1885s unfortunately oh feels it feels like a
1888s slow day in chat you guys are going to
1890s hit me with some harder
1896s questions maybe I'll maybe I'll bribe
1898s some questions out of
1903s you okay here we
1906s go question bribery
1914s incoming uh here
1916s is
1918s a little little sneak peek at a new new
1920s new item tool tip style I know we we've
1922s teased this item style before tool tip
1924s style before um there some cool new
1926s stuff sprinkled in there
1946s um we're just going to shove it over to
1948s the side here I'll keep
1951s playing see this is this is the the
1954s style that new item tool tips are going
1955s to be in um yeah I think I visually it's
1959s it's just a step up which is great
1961s trundle God one welcome to the party
1965s glad to have you with
1968s us if you're just joining us we're
1971s talking about cool
1976s stuff
1978s yeah I really pleased with the way our
1979s tool tips are in game right now but just
1981s like I don't know it's just like The
1983s Next Step Up in awwesome
2004s going to resummon my uh manifest armor
2008s quite a
2009s bit get some more defense on
2018s him so we got to start we I guess we'll
2020s start using him for killing and that
2022s will Spike his survive ability just by
2025s the fact that
2026s he's not taking hits cuz things are
2031s dying it's crazy we found a singularity
2033s at such low level is is that that that
2035s must be a seated chest
2041s will we be able to disable the info at
2043s the bottom uh the keys
2046s info
2048s um I would assume
2056s so where is
2066s that
2070s oh yeah the the like the the alt for
2072s this the compare for that the control
2073s for yeah that info yeah I I
2078s um feel like we should if we
2083s don't I think some of those are context
2085s specific as well so like certain things
2088s show up and disappear depending on
2090s what's going
2096s on
2098s what's down
2104s here so cool and when he fled I saw him
2109s heading
2110s deep the heart of the Citadel is beyond
2113s there is an exit near the emperor's
2115s Throne giving you a chance I do feel
2117s like the uh the mini map in this zone is
2126s wanting plus percent damage basing your
2128s graphics
2131s card it doesn't say that does
2135s it that would be
2141s insane oh that doesn't happen to this
2144s very
2153s often let's pull that
2156s controller
2171s out it's okay right back
2175s in there's a game where damage is high
2177s dep
2179s yes see that seems
2183s insane you
2186s know
2191s it seems like something me a crazy
2192s person would
2193s do but I
2195s mean it's probably a ton of fun though
2198s that's the
2201s thing where you like it's kind of the
2204s ultimate pay to win or like overclock to
2212s win like better better uh repace your
2215s CPU and you know
2218s uh make sure you got that negative
2220s pressure in your case like graphics card
2222s as cool as
2224s possible let's get that dust build
2246s up
2251s there we
2256s go I mean just straight strength and
2258s increase health is
2260s gorgeous oh look at
2263s that it's just it's just the things we
2267s do let's just be better at the things we
2272s do is s like a
2276s plan
2278s I like
2290s it we probably want to get rid of our
2292s beekeepers gloves here they're
2296s uh they're getting a little outclass I
2298s think
2306s sadly
2317s how far until we've got
2320s 50 little
2332s while all
2336s right
2337s I want I want that that charge so he can
2339s get into the fight
2347s sooner
2360s dagger please don't forget to put at
2362s lyot game in your question if you'd like
2363s me to answer it be happy to uh any plans
2367s to tweak the leveling speed flow early
2369s Lev feels fast which is nice but 9 up is
2371s really slow um so
2374s like I don't think there's any um major
2377s plans to change leveling speed um having
2381s said that if we were to change it it
2384s likely would be to extend 95 to
2387s 100 so the exact opposite of what you're
2390s asking for
2394s sorry but I don't think there's any
2396s plans to change it from where it is
2397s right now not substantially
2409s anyways torch like one you having some
2411s really weird modifiers like more damage
2413s the less gold you have that's
2415s cool um and there there's some some
2418s weird ones uh in like Zelda as well
2421s where uh the magic armor you get hit you
2423s just like Drop
2425s rupes
2429s so you're like Invincible as long as you
2430s got cash on you but every time you take
2432s damage you lose some of your
2447s money be funny if if um like Health
2451s costs of abilities followed it too so
2453s you get on a uh acolyte you like
2455s transplant they'll be 50 gold
2479s please uh what is the future for Le
2481s music do you plan to add more tracks yes
2483s do you plan to release OST in the
2484s downloadable version um I hope so I
2487s think that there's uh either plans to
2489s add it or it already exists on Steam as
2491s like a separate thing
2494s um but I hope we have like a launch OSD
2496s that be sweet
2499s um and yeah there's there's new tracks
2502s getting added all the
2505s time not all the time but you semi
2515s frequently
2519s real question will you support steam
2521s deck um I can't say for certain any
2523s additional platforms that will support
2524s post launch um we do plan to increase
2527s the number of platforms we support so um
2530s for example that could include steam
2532s deck and or uh Playstation Xbox other
2537s platforms to maybe I don't know um as
2541s for launch launch will not have any more
2545s platforms
2547s um I think steam deck is likely a pretty
2550s high on the list candidate for um
2553s additional platform support because it
2555s is uh very close to functioning
2559s already uh a lot of people have got it
2562s working which is great um and we do
2564s already have controller support and
2566s Linux support so it's you know the two
2568s of the key things you need to get it
2569s really working are already there um both
2573s of those things do need a lot of work
2575s still so uh um until we have our
2578s controller support and Linux support in
2580s a better place we probably won't be
2582s looking towards
2584s it um I can't I can't give you a hard
2588s yes or hard no on that right now
2592s um just cuz we haven't had a definitive
2594s meeting about hey are we going to do
2596s this what's the like what's it going to
2599s take what are the risks y y y
2603s um personally I'd be pretty surprised if
2605s we didn't eventually
2613s but I don't know what sort of possible
2614s time something like that or if we like
2616s it's possible we don't do it still I
2618s hope we do
2625s though there's one guy that was on
2627s either our Discord or Reddit possibly he
2629s said he had like hundreds of hours in it
2631s I was on on specifically on steeve Deck
2634s was quite
2635s surprised
2640s cuz I other people have like just can't
2642s even get to stay on for more than 30
2662s seconds I wasn't looking where I was
2665s going
2668s op guil
2672s TOS such a terrible
2686s ability I I was I was like which which
2689s one's that from but I'm like it's in
2690s multiples are there is it is it one of
2691s those things that's like it's sort it's
2693s in all of
2695s them or just modern ones or the medium
2714s ones see B don't even sold in your
2716s country that
2717s sucks it's really cool it's a really
2719s cool platform
2721s um like I kind of want
2724s one I don't know I don't I don't know if
2726s I do or not I have a switch which hits a
2729s lot of the same like usage situations
2732s for
2733s me
2740s um I I think I'd look at a real console
2742s cuz I don't have an Xbox or Playstation
2744s so I probably look at one of those
2755s first
2761s stand down or
2766s die oh we having a bit of a I feel like
2770s a slow stream
2774s today get the KFC
2777s console I rather the uh KFC spaceship
2781s thank you very
2785s much
2797s you games
2808s here
2813s yeah just moan people down here these
2816s these Watchers are uh a little bit
2821s tanky we need better single
2825s Target which is going to be from the
2827s armor and ricocheting
2831s offit once we get
2844s there we right there
2853s yet how much you have left in
2858s this okay let me in I want in
2867s please thank
2869s you it's quite kind of
2875s you
2880s any new tech coming with the two new
2881s classes oh
2885s yes
2887s yes can you tell I love
2893s it Falcon has been a pain Falcon has
2896s been a huge
2899s pain but it's going to be great it's
2900s going to be really
2904s great now the falcon the Falcon's a new
2907s beast and um nothing really works the
2910s way it does it's we we always do this
2912s we're like ah okay keep this one more
2914s simple like try not to do anything crazy
2916s here as far as like new tech we have to
2918s create um not specifically with this but
2921s like we've said that so many times and
2923s it always ends up just being like ah
2925s it's this new innocuous sounding thing
2928s like nope it's
2933s pain I'll have to check but I there's a
2936s possibility that one of the new skills
2939s has like the largest mutator we have of
2941s any
2942s skill just by sheer number of lines of
2955s code you know
2958s what can I can I just
2965s leave
2979s bye move slowly you should have seen you
2981s I've heard of your power I've been
2984s expecting
2986s you do not look
2989s surprised okay I won't welcome mostly
2992s cuz I'm not
2995s interes
2998s my loyalty is eternal now
3003s die do not die too
3009s fast you die the emperor
3014s pres their taunts are so
3017s great I love
3022s it the immortal Empire shows Mery
3030s what's a mutator oh sorry um it is a CH
3033s I do throw a lot
3037s um so skills have basic like core
3042s functionality that they just have like
3043s so for example
3046s um uh let's use for strike as an example
3049s so for strike has um properties that
3053s make Forge strike Forge strike like it
3054s has a Mana cost it it has cool down it
3057s has a giant hammer that falls out of the
3059s sky and Deals a certain amount of damage
3060s when it impacts uh it it creates forged
3064s weapons that fly around um you know like
3067s it's it's got these properties and then
3068s you go into the skill tree and you
3070s change these properties you say like
3072s okay I want to now have it drop a uh a
3075s spear instead of a hammer and I I want
3077s it needs to have more crit damage and um
3079s the Minions that it spawns need to have
3081s new new properties um or like it it
3085s needs to done things better or the Mana
3087s Cost needs to change you know like
3088s there's anything that that that changes
3090s about the
3092s skill um and so every skill has a
3094s mutator that goes with it that runs
3098s those changes that makes sure that when
3101s you use the
3102s Ability uh it checks how you have it
3105s specialized and it creates the ability
3107s such that it matches your specialization
3110s selection um so that all that happens on
3112s the fly when you press the button
3113s between pressing the button and the
3115s ability coming out it's going through
3117s your skill tree well a a saved compiled
3120s version of the skill tree
3123s um the properties that you picked out
3125s basically and it is customizing that
3127s version of the ability on the fly to be
3131s what you would expected to
3134s me um and so yeah that's that's what the
3137s m theator is doing it's it's figuring
3139s out how your ability should
3142s behave um when you use it
3147s your
3151s soul
3155s was uh and so one of the abilities oh I
3157s was talking earlier one of the abilities
3159s with the
3161s Falcon
3164s um like like with with the Falcon remed
3167s Falcon Mastery one of the skills that
3170s comes with the Falcon Remy there we go I
3172s said it right like eigh times a charm um
3175s has a humongous mutator that's been
3177s quite a big
3185s pain
3187s no can
3190s help
3196s got something's missing in there you see
3201s that there's there's something under the
3203s under the ice that's like a missing
3205s texture
3206s it's
3210s funny do we get muffin next week you do
3212s get muffin next week I am going to be
3214s taking the week off next week and you'll
3217s get muffin joining you uh leading you on
3220s a epic
3223s adventure a fantastic
3228s journey I mean those are pretty
3234s beautiful
3253s your pain is the player's pleasure
3254s usually like I imagine the Run Master
3256s stuff wasn't easy to do I would have
3258s made it for Relief enjoyable new class
3259s yeah um yeah and sometimes the simplest
3262s things are the hardest to do like um
3267s this s so stupid getting Rune bolt yes
3271s Rune bolt to just show you the right
3275s information on the tool tip of what the
3276s next thing you were going to cast is
3278s going to be shockingly
3287s difficult cuz it meant it had to
3289s precalculate what it was going to use
3292s when you used the one before
3294s it
3300s um so it always had to know what was
3302s coming next and things could
3303s change what's coming
3308s next um like and weird things can change
3310s what's coming next like using other
3312s abilities can can cause it to change um
3314s changing the ability order on your bar
3317s can change like there's just so many
3320s things that can change
3324s it
3346s was an odd Nova seemingly out of
3350s nowhere this point yes Into The
3354s Fray although probably doesn't need
3358s it are any of the stats on one of these
3361s particularly good
3366s for
3369s defense real bad cloves are
3373s bad we need new
3378s boots we Big Time need new boots that's
3380s that's our goal here is new
3383s boots I think we just want to get like a
3385s nice pair of of rare boots
3391s here feel we should have a full tab of R
3395s boots floating around
3414s somewhere
3430s that guy has a lot tougher than I was
3437s expecting reinforce on death but it
3440s won't be enough
3442s and multiple
3444s enemies
3446s too
3454s heavy frenzy if use a traversal
3460s skill it's pretty cool
3463s actually uh let's see what we get as our
3465s free stat
3468s here
3470s dexterity
3474s vitality how's our how's our res we're
3476s in fire area so Cold's not too hard
3478s we're going to cold next
3481s though let's roll it so move speed on
3485s here which is
3498s frustrating oh my god I'm an
3503s idiot move speed is a pre
3507s the instant I did it I
3511s knew say
3515s bad we we'll take that we'll just we're
3517s going we're going to beef up our
3518s tankiness here
3523s anyways drop some move speed not a ton
3527s this is what only giv us 14 it's 10 now
3531s yeah it's not much of a difference
3534s but
3536s cuz our armor that death is just
3541s epic should make him um like dissolve
3544s into
3553s dust definitely do that
3561s too there a dissolve Shader I was
3564s playing around with I think at some
3574s Point hey Mike any plans for Global chat
3579s ladder oh ladder announcements like
3581s player X is the first remaster to kill
3583s Dro yeah um I don't
3590s think
3592s um I don't think we are doing this for
3597s 1.0 um but I'm I I know we we definitely
3600s we talked about it a bunch
3605s um and if we can get it in I know people
3609s really want to I really want
3612s to I don't think it's going to be 1.0
3618s thing but it's it's that's like a ladder
3621s start a PE ladder start is like that's
3625s one of my favorite things is is is
3628s watching those those tick up and be like
3630s oh my God I'm so far
3634s behind but it's just cool to get a feel
3636s of the pace that some people are
3639s on um and just those like 10 seconds of
3643s of announcement like oh so and so is the
3645s first to defeat This and like like oh
3648s congrats cool yeah like like all those
3650s that's just so
3652s cool
3654s um
3656s I I
3657s remember uh getting a getting a server
3660s first in wow and having that the an go
3662s out that was like that that was really
3668s cool and like one of my friends who I
3670s know idea even played on the same server
3672s as
3673s me uh but recognized my name in Game he
3676s didn't we he didn't know he's on the
3678s same server as me
3679s either um but just knew that that was
3681s like a tag I use all the time M was like
3683s was that you did did that just happen
3685s like like message me on uh my
3689s [Music]
3707s phone uh both PE and leie use 4 second
3710s duration as recently but L CDs in
3712s gameplay is so much more different than
3715s Poe is that top is that a topic to
3719s chance both Poe and leie use 4 second
3722s duration as recently but Le cooldowns
3724s and gameplay is much more different than
3727s Poe cool is that a topic to
3732s change is to change
3736s um
3738s I okay I is change I I don't know
3742s if uh
3745s really know how to answer I'm
3749s sorry I think having consistent
3752s terminology across the genre is really
3755s useful um for things like that having so
3761s like if if there's if there's not a good
3763s reason to have it be different I think
3765s having it be the same is quite useful
3767s like uh what what Critical Strike chance
3770s means um by default is is the same like
3774s and that's thing is is pretty obious
3775s like what Dodge chance means um is the
3779s same and we we I think it's good that
3781s these things try to stay semi consistent
3784s um especially with the
3786s more
3788s um I guess the less the less gamify
3792s terms so like the term recently has
3795s nothing to do with a video game really
3797s um term you just use um but having so
3800s having that term mean something
3803s relatively consistent I think is a
3804s positive thing
3806s um just so it's easier for people to
3808s understand because you get the sort of
3809s like shared knowledge of what terms mean
3814s sometimes
3817s um but if you mean like should we use a
3821s longer number for recently such that it
3824s works better for a slightly slower
3826s pacing um
3829s maybe
3831s um I I don't think so but like if you're
3834s welcome to to leave feedback on our
3836s feedback places about it if you'd
3839s like too heavy just ditch some of these
3848s things I know don't hate
3851s me
3863s woo
3874s all
3878s right PE CH is hilarious when someone on
3881s Hardcore
3883s dies does it I I haven't played uh
3886s hardcore Poe in what the decade um does
3891s it does it announce it for everyone that
3894s dies or just
3896s like region or just above a certain
3899s level
3906s or feels like everyone would be Overkill
3909s but maybe
3920s not hey is there any chance to make the
3922s faces of the characters less ugly see
3925s like they're already super super un ugly
3928s and so like if we make them too un ugly
3930s like we could have problems on our hands
3932s and and we're just not prepared to be to
3934s deal with the backlash of making them
3935s too un
3947s ugly on Ser the whole server
3953s wow
3958s that's pretty
3960s cool I guess I guess the like early
3964s early ladder for is uh pretty intensely
3968s littered
3969s with
3978s memorials I do love these guys are
3980s fighting each other like all the all the
3983s solar ascendants are and Flame Griffins
3985s are fighting the The Ice
3993s Elementals no matter how much they try
3995s to mend their
3997s fences they just don't
4001s mix coming to n youc this
4013s fall
4017s uh any events for Christmas not this
4019s year no
4020s um we're we're pretty heads down on on
4024s working on
4025s 1.0 and
4027s um you know like that that 1.0 launch is
4031s just so important that
4034s we're we're we're we're not going to
4036s stretch ourselves and um try and make
4039s Christmas
4040s content while we're trying to get that
4042s one point0 pushed out but I I could see
4044s doing some like holiday activities and
4047s and like an event where you can like I
4049s don't know get a Santa hat n probably
4052s not Santa hat but you know you know like
4054s have
4057s holiday emphasis or something I don't
4059s know at some point I think would be
4061s would be
4061s cool we try to keep things in Universe
4064s if we
4066s can so maybe it's just like a a hior
4070s event oh my
4073s God
4078s the first
4080s rule gets me every
4092s time o hereo you're kicking butt hope I
4095s don't have to beat your butt
4100s later oh yeah okay
4103s cool you are no good evening good
4107s evening from Belgium welcome glad to see
4109s you in Grim Dawn Shield thr has addition
4112s or additional damage against single
4114s Target like boss and he plans this same
4116s Le because it a fun skill really weak
4118s against the boss in my playing
4119s experience I mean there's things so we
4121s like to do um put things into a
4123s specialization tree for stuff like that
4126s so um there's like there's nodes in the
4127s tree that make it really good at
4129s fighting a boss where you can make it
4130s bounce off of um
4133s allies so if there's only one enemy
4135s there you can have a Ricochet off allies
4137s to get those multiple hits in um on a
4140s single Target and uh better bossing so
4143s yeah we we we try and put like um having
4146s the base skill have to disc there sort
4149s of this s of this like this balancing
4151s act with with every base
4153s skill um and we try and have it
4155s be uh as simple as possible while still
4160s being fun and
4162s engaging so there's as much room as
4164s possible for um like actually
4167s significant changes in the skill tree
4170s and as you increase complexity in the
4171s base skill quite frequently it edges out
4175s functionality you can put into the skill
4176s Tre freus is what we must do then we
4179s must be
4184s ready we're going to ditch a bunch of
4186s this stuff in our
4187s stash a
4191s bunch do we
4193s have
4195s all
4208s right let's try some like Idols in here
4211s that are amazing that I'm just
4215s missing that's not
4217s terrible it's actually really not
4223s terrible
4242s yeah yeah why
4248s not uh any secret stuff coming 1.0 that
4251s will be a surprise yeah um
4254s yes farewell I mean there's no
4259s like uh there's no
4262s secret um like Mega System we're not
4265s going to be like we're not we're not
4267s hiding some gigantic new system the the
4272s the major headlining features have been
4277s announced major headlining features
4279s being item factions oh my God that's a
4282s big system it's huge it affects
4284s basically everything uh and Falconer and
4289s warlock which are
4291s also quite cool and significant in that
4295s they like they're adding a lot to the
4298s game but yeah it's those are the
4300s headlining features there's no there's
4302s no secret um extra Mastery coming
4305s there's no secret extra dungeon coming
4307s there's no secret extra um I I don't
4311s know big like there are there's there's
4314s lots of things we haven't announced but
4315s they're they're not
4317s um they're not like whole systems that
4321s are
4326s unannounced we haven't we haven't talked
4328s about like all the unique items that are
4330s coming we haven't talked about you know
4331s there's there's there's tons of things
4333s in like little categories that um I
4335s think will have pretty significant
4336s effects um but they're not
4340s like system announcement level uh Worthy
4364s oh yeah yeah our manifest armor is still
4366s getting his butt handed to
4372s him
4375s not sure if those points to get the dash
4377s were worth
4383s it
4385s okay do we give up our bees for
4397s this we don't need Ward on potion
4401s use increase area for areas
4414s S I
4416s mean yeah I love RB's but it's just so
4421s much
4425s better what did it say it changes yeah
4428s it's not ins significant change that
4430s gives
4432s there
4447s Oh I thought I was going to sneeze we
4449s saved
4454s it thought it was going to sneeze real
4462s bad
4469s interesting to
4472s craft
4479s no you just got you be
4484s yourself oh Robin
4487s Williams so
4491s good that was one of the first time so
4494s like all of Rob Williams lines in that
4495s movie were done over the course of like
4496s a
4497s week uh and they actually went back and
4500s animated the genie based on the lines he
4503s improved rather than uh the other way
4509s around usually they'll have set lines
4511s that are planned but they just like let
4514s him go and
4517s uh you know dress the genie up based on
4520s what lines what characters he was
4522s doing there there were that got
4547s cut you don't use Shield throw to
4549s trigger M attacks I will I will I'll get
4552s there
4554s I will uh I actually might be there
4560s now not there yet next point we'll get
4564s there we're real
4567s close I was focusing on just being able
4569s to kill stuff with the shield
4571s itself
4575s um which may have been a
4580s mistake but a fun one
4585s I'm really enjoying the shield throw
4597s [Music]
4601s build Robin agreed to do the movie
4603s because they animated one of his
4604s standups with the genie doing it as an
4606s example I did not know that that's I
4608s would love to see
4610s that that would be really cool
4621s if anyone has any questions about last
4623s Epoch they'd like to know things please
4626s feel free to drop in chat puts at lasto
4629s game in the chat let me
4632s know just cuz there's a lot more people
4634s here than when I said this the first
4635s time as well we do stream for charity so
4638s anything that is here
4640s is directly to them
4644s e
4650s no yeah
4653s buddy save my
4655s bacon you'll be
4659s remembered oh hey
4670s buddy noname related so feel free to SK
4673s question ah got lots of time here today
4676s I always wondered if developing game
4677s kills enjoyment of playing that game do
4679s you enjoy playing leie in your free time
4682s um I don't I don't think uh well it
4685s hasn't for me I should say that it
4686s hasn't for me I just don't have any free
4691s time um yeah I just like do not have any
4695s free time so
4700s um I I I don't I don't play ell as much
4703s as I would like
4711s um uh but I definitely still really
4712s enjoy
4713s it that's that's one of my favorite
4715s Parts about doing the dev streams on on
4717s Fridays is that I just get to sit down
4718s and play for two
4727s hours love thetic of your character with
4729s the shield very cool thank
4731s you this is one of our relative ly new
4739s shields one of the new W Weaver will
4741s Shields which I got really good rolls on
4744s I didn't have um super high stat super
4746s high values on all it but like give me
4748s that t7 Health two off
4760s perfect it's kind of the only reason I'm
4762s using it at this point just for the
4773s heal uh will we see gameplay video of
4776s Falconer before 1.0
4780s yes yes um there is a uh a road map
4786s document uh Linked In many places I
4789s still have it handy um but there's a pre
4792s there's a date on there that says when
4793s we previewing the falconer on U Max
4797s roll. and that will include gameplay
4800s footage of skills and just just like
4804s like go go look up the Run Master reveal
4806s um and it will be very similar to that
4808s in style and size and scope um and so
4812s there's like like gameplay Clips with
4814s specific skills and specific um nodes
4818s for those skills to show off like some a
4819s few key noes here and there um it won't
4822s have like full skill
4825s trees
4827s um but it'll be like oh here's this
4830s ability and here's what it looks like by
4831s default oh you can take this note and it
4833s changes it to look like this and that
4834s note looks like that probably something
4835s like that I don't I haven't done been
4838s involved with that but I feel like
4839s that's generally what those sort of
4840s things
4841s are my beasts will eat
4847s well I'll feed you to your
4852s beasts
4873s wo not going
4878s great they're hanging on by a thread
4881s where are my potion drops
4888s that was
4900s wild are you going to add the skill that
4903s does the damage with the mechanic
4905s against the enemy yeah you know it
4908s definitely how can we forget that one
4911s just pitiful really
4916s uh the fact that we have uh zero potions
4918s when we load a character in offline is a
4920s bugger feature
4923s bug I haven't paid much attention
4925s recently but how will the launch affect
4928s the pricing it
4930s won't uh are there any plans to allow us
4933s to modify or scale some of the unique
4935s abilities in skill trees for example the
4937s void beams and rasing strike tree guess
4939s we can steal damage but what about
4941s duration beam a etc yeah that's just
4943s that all comes down to
4946s um how much weight we want to put on
4948s that sub skill in the tree so and by
4950s weight I mean like um how many nodes in
4953s that cluster do we want to put there how
4955s many how many total points do we want to
4957s allocate to that um that effect
4961s that
4963s section so like for example here's the
4966s the lava burst on rius section of uh
4969s Shield throw and it has the the key node
4971s here and then two nodes behind it that
4972s affect it and and that's like the so the
4973s weight that this effect has over the
4977s whole tree is like um I guess a total of
4980s like eight out of probably
4985s 70 it's probably about 70
4992s um
4994s human or or you can look at it as like
4997s eight out of if you look at a full build
4999s is 20
5001s 23 um
5004s so it's let's say eight of 22 on like an
5006s endgame Bill where you you likely get
5008s about two plus skills pretty easily
5011s um and so it's it's like that's the
5013s weight of uh like that the opportunity
5016s cost is like eight other nodes if you
5018s fullest in that effect um so it's we
5021s when we're building the skill tree we
5022s have to decide um how much we want the
5026s tree to possibly allow you to invest in
5028s that sub skill um I there's no way I
5031s survive this cold 12 no
5034s way zero
5039s chance
5048s um so I guess when we made that we just
5051s didn't put weight on on that so like
5056s the like we we we put modifications for
5058s sub skills and triggered abilities all
5060s the time uh in in various abilities and
5063s we'll continue to do that for sure
5067s um it's not even surviving his cool down
5069s right
5091s now
5094s I think I needed that skill that does
5095s the damage to the
5099s guys have so much health this is just
5117s crazy let's see if I can get a question
5121s here um
5123s in the far future will you guys add more
5125s monoliths and monolith bases or bosses
5128s yeah I'm dead that makes
5130s sense happens when I don't look at the
5133s screen uh in the far future will you
5135s guys add more monoliths and monolith
5137s bosses uh maybe like Beyond level
5141s 100 um so usually we call them we call
5144s them
5145s timelines um so this is the
5150s monolith and each of these is a timeline
5154s and then once you're in that timeline
5155s each Zone you go into or map is an echo
5159s so monolith timeline individual ones are
5164s echoes um we don't plan to oh it's
5168s already
5169s going
5171s uh hey at least the health
5176s said
5181s um
5191s uh we don't plan to add any more
5192s timelines which is I think what you're
5194s asking at
5197s 1.0 um we do plan to use the um
5203s readjusting the timelines as a like like
5206s like reorganizing them adding new ones
5208s removing old ones um those sorts of
5210s things as as a way of shaking up up the
5212s monolith as we uh do have cycle
5216s turnover um in the
5220s future
5231s me much there but um yeah initially 1.0
5236s will be what you you see what you
5240s get yeah I wanted to point in there so I
5242s can get these cuz those are
5243s [Music]
5249s nice I
5258s mean it's up there why am I down
5269s here uh more questions love it
5277s uh when 1.0 is out and running smoothly
5280s how long do you think it will take for
5282s reskins of skills like from Poe I have
5284s no idea on that sorry um
5288s yes Gods you we don't we don't really
5292s have the like the skill MTX back in
5296s setup
5298s yet so it'll take a bit still um
5304s the biggest thing is that we're still uh
5307s we still need to ramp up if if we if we
5308s want to start doing that more we need to
5310s ramp up our
5313s um like MTX team basically because right
5316s now it's still pretty darn
5319s small they're crushing
5322s it we need a new helmet let's pick out a
5325s new helmet
5327s here it's pretty pretty weak
5331s too
5339s but it yeah so the getting
5343s new get getting that stuff going is is
5345s something we're going to have to like
5347s get on pretty quick here
5349s um but I don't have a timeline for you
5351s I'm
5357s sorry nothing's jumping out of
5361s me
5365s I'm playing too much
5374s Mage here's that item that's the tool
5377s tip looks like right now for item just
5378s like
5379s that cool
5389s comparison some cool stuff there not
5392s much I can use it doesn't
5394s look it's
5400s funny what are these yeah
5408s mind any of these that I
5412s want something's better than
5416s nothing oh something better than
5421s that
5428s armored Health take
5443s it oh
5451s no it's a nice
5460s base lot of physical res we can get
5463s those that health regen we don't need
5466s that oh wait that is way too hell for us
5468s to craft
5472s on right we're going to try and get a
5474s better helmet
5481s here
5490s [Music]
5492s stuck The
5498s Landing it's
5504s unfortunate all right still better than
5506s what we
5509s got we not wielding a swords that's
5512s that's a little awkward but we even get
5513s that out of
5515s there the health is
5520s nice where we going
5523s next go up
5529s here it's not up here at
5532s all always do
5541s this
5545s just warm up by the fire for a
5547s second so chilly out there at my metal
5550s armor that's
5558s nice uh what kind of class or new hero
5561s could we see realistic in the future
5563s would you like to see um so I can't I we
5565s don't have the um any new classes set in
5570s stone yet so like we do we we def we
5572s know that we want to add more masteries
5575s for the classes that exist like at at a
5578s fourth Mastery um we know we want to add
5581s new base classes that have their own
5582s masteries as well like we we know these
5584s are things we want to do um we we
5587s haven't decided what's going to be next
5589s whether it's going to be a new Base
5590s Class whether it's going to be a new
5591s Mastery um given the scope of those two
5593s things Mastery a new Mastery is way
5595s smaller scope than a new full-on base
5597s class so I suspect we'll see new
5599s masteries first but I don't no
5605s um uh as for what those are going to be
5608s I I I do know the like Front Runners so
5611s I don't really want to speculate too
5613s much cuz I'll probably just say one of
5614s them that it's going to be
5618s um but there's there there's a few that
5621s I few that I know I want that I know
5623s won't get in I can talk about
5625s those um no it's it's it's hard to to
5630s really talk about specifics on this
5631s topic cuz it's you know it's not set in
5634s stone and it's a pretty big deal to
5636s reveal this sort of thing so
5639s um I I usually just talk about where the
5643s gaps are in
5646s theming um so I don't want to talk about
5649s specific Mastery ideas for specific base
5650s classes but like where Gap some gaps in
5653s theming are um so there's no class
5656s that's really focused around unarmed
5658s combat and you usually this is this is
5660s um weapon theming
5662s um so I guess like weapon types that are
5664s underrepresented or just like don't
5666s exist yet um quite often I think the we
5669s we look at certain weapon types and say
5671s hey we could make a whole Mastery
5672s focused around that um or we could like
5676s introduce a master that specializes in
5677s that and um unlocks that type of weapon
5681s for other classes too but like this
5682s master is going to really focus on
5684s it and I so I think those are really
5686s cool I think that you see you see that
5688s in like so unarmed combat there's
5689s there's there is one way to do unarmed
5691s but there's not like a whole class
5692s that's focused around it there's no
5694s there's nothing like that there's um
5697s there's no class that uses fist weapons
5699s um there's no class that uses um
5706s crossbows uh there's no class that uses
5708s one-handed
5709s Spears um like these items just like
5711s don't even exist in the game right now
5714s and on the case of and this doesn't
5716s actually improve its chances of doing
5717s anything but I think it's just
5718s interesting to show where our thought
5719s process was when we started doing this
5721s we already like so every every base type
5724s has uh a number that Associates with it
5726s so like
5727s um uh I think helmet is zero I think it
5731s kind of goes down the body I think it
5732s goes like zero one two uh three
5736s four and then uh I think there's there's
5739s different types of onee headed weapons
5740s that are like 5 six seven8 and then two
5742s headed weapons that are like 9 10 11 12
5744s um it gets to like 16 or something and
5747s there's like Shields and
5749s um I think bows are there next next I
5753s think it's like Idols amulets Rings or
5757s Idols Rings amulet I don't know my point
5759s is that in there there is a um unarmed
5762s or there's a fist weapon ID that's
5764s already reserved and there's a crossbow
5765s ID that's already reserved
5768s um and this this is stuff that's been
5770s data mined because when they did the
5771s data mining they're like why are these
5772s the unused IDs and it it says clearly
5774s what they're for so like it's not it's
5776s not a secret or anything
5778s um but yeah so like we we we definitely
5781s have had plans to uh to bring these
5784s archetypes to last Epoch for quite a
5785s while
5787s now um and there's there's there's
5790s definitely room for them as well and
5791s there's other things you can look at
5792s other places where stuff's missing so
5794s like um for example if you look at the
5797s the elements that are here and which
5798s classes can utilize these elements
5800s offensively and you'll notice there's
5802s some pretty big gaps or there's some
5804s some uh hot spots I should say I guess
5807s um like fire has basically every class
5810s can wield fire in some way like there's
5813s some where it's not very good like um
5816s it's probably weakest on primalist I
5819s think
5821s maybe um you still do it if you really
5825s want uh and then there's like necrotic
5828s and void that only exist on one Mastery
5831s really like necr there's hardly any
5833s necrotic on Necromancer it's almost all
5835s Lich this some on on Necromancer um and
5839s there's void is basically only on void
5842s Knight but there is some on um there's
5845s there's an item that gives you void
5847s spell damage on a mage so you can like
5850s you can there's like a really neich way
5852s there to do it so it's it's there
5855s there's there's there's there's
5858s um uh element types that we can focus
5860s Poison's also pretty low representation
5863s but not that bad really cuz
5866s um there's lots of ways to do it but
5868s yeah uh so there's there's definitely
5871s there so those those gaps in both weapon
5873s types and element types are the things
5875s that we're probably going to be looking
5876s at um closing up or not closing up but
5879s like
5880s exploring um in in our early choices for
5886s new masteries and classes to use is
5888s those like like looking at those weapons
5889s that are underutilized looking at those
5892s um Elemental types that are
5893s underutilized and and finding cool
5896s things that we can do with
5900s those
5913s and in those in those categories like
5916s there's like we've got a few things
5918s picked out that we're like oh okay
5920s that's going to be that's going to be
5921s one we're going to do
5925s quick I think I know what the first
5927s one's going to be it's not like we
5929s haven't decided but like I have a pretty
5931s good feeling is what I think we're going
5932s to decide it's going to
5934s be Jo tells you nothing and I'm
5939s sorry while we're while I've got you
5942s here let's take a look at something else
5945s new it's a cool
5948s thing so there's uh there is some stuff
5950s on here to kind of show you a little bit
5952s how we're doing stuff so this is I think
5954s the first time we've shown off um what
5957s either of
5959s the um Merchant Guild or circle of
5962s Fortune would look like as a requirement
5966s tag in on an
5968s item I'm interested to know which one
5970s you think this
5972s is little little bit of a little bit of
5975s a
5980s test um also a new effect I think uh you
5983s know
5985s casually so yeah which which which do
5987s you that little purple
5990s um
5992s where is it on the
5993s screen that little purple thing right
5995s here on the other side just on there on
5997s the screen do you think that that is
5998s representing Merchant skill or do you
6000s think that is representing circle of
6001s Fortune let me know in the chat
6004s please I'll tell you
6009s after definitely circle of
6012s merchants nailed
6020s it
6022s while I play
6024s underneath I got to do it once every
6028s [Music]
6032s stream show off to the side and shrink a
6035s little
6037s bit not not asking which one you want to
6041s do asking which one you think it
6048s is what does rank five on the bottom
6050s right mean that's what I'm asking you
6052s what you think it
6054s is okay so there there's a purple symbol
6057s beside the word beige in the bottom
6059s right of that item it's on screen still
6062s um and it's a purple symbol and it says
6065s rank five beside it uh that is that
6068s means requires rank five of either
6070s Circle Of Fortune or Merchant Guild do
6072s you guys think that that symbol best
6074s represents Merchant skilled or circle of
6077s Fortune um intuitively just like just
6079s gut reaction you see it you're like oh
6081s that must
6082s be which one do you think it
6088s is this is me this is me using you for
6103s feedback looks like an
6109s eye okay it is circle of
6129s Fortune we actually getting some really
6131s good feedback from the CTS about um
6134s about the whole
6135s system c p Merchant ski the item
6138s factions together and I'm really happy
6141s we got a preliminary version out as
6142s early as we
6145s did cuz there was some changes that
6147s needed to be
6168s made it is circle of Arin though just be
6172s clear all right which of the new classes
6175s is your team generally more excited for
6178s the reveal of warlock or
6180s Falcon um it's a good question I
6187s think I I think that's going to vary
6189s pretty heavily person to person uh on
6191s the team I'm more excited about the
6193s falconer reveal I
6197s think just because
6200s it's
6202s like like
6205s more
6207s unique a little
6222s bit but I know there's a bunch of people
6224s that just like I don't care warlock wins
6230s down
6235s oh we are a little bit
6238s squishy and a lot
6243s dead
6246s wow it's all right we'll push through
6249s we'll get there are we super
6250s underleveled oh we we are significantly
6254s underleveled not super but
6260s significantly
6267s that's like what invulnerability well
6269s dashing is designed for is to break
6270s through a stream of things coming at
6285s you uh did you watch yesterday's G
6288s presentation I watched uh bits of it I
6291s did not
6292s watch uh most of
6295s it it's actually queued up as one of my
6298s things to watch this
6312s weekend there was like there was a
6314s meeting that was about to start while
6316s not about to start but there was meeting
6317s that was like I had a couple hours
6318s before the meeting started uh while it
6320s was running I just had to get some stuff
6322s done before
6323s it and then I've pushed it off a few
6325s times
6327s since but I have seen a few
6330s Clips people link to
6341s me unique uni uniquest yes
6347s exactly I just want to get my shield
6351s leveled up one more
6353s time to get this like we're so far
6357s away I we're doing
6361s here remobilizing people
6364s [Music]
6370s sure this might be really good
6373s actually so we don't even have to get
6379s close
6383s that might be really nice
6391s too going go for a range
6398s extender
6400s uh that
6409s way yeah i' love be able to cast Forge
6411s strike at range that would be
6414s nice as long as it's still considered a
6416s melee ability at that point I think it
6418s is I don't think it gets rid of
6421s that minion health and
6424s CDR love
6439s it
6441s our cold res deficiencies are
6449s showing oh
6457s no please be a really good Shrine please
6459s be a really good Shrine please be a
6461s really good sh o really good
6469s shrine
6478s God uh now that I now I'm just a new but
6481s perhaps craft plus Shield throw Helm or
6484s any old thing just get an extra level
6486s well look at
6492s you that's really
6499s smart
6507s uh do I
6510s have oh
6517s goodness do I have
6522s any did I just pick one
6526s up I
6528s did it's actually good
6536s that's
6539s hilarious I don't need to craft one I'm
6541s just good at finding
6547s things I didn't have any I didn't have
6549s any shards of it
6552s either oh I will take that to the
6558s bank oh
6563s that could have been better That Could
6564s Have That Could That crafting did not go
6566s great but uh you know what it doesn't
6570s matter still worth
6574s it that's
6589s funny
6605s we need him to be tankier a lot
6609s tankier so we can stand in
6613s melee and not
6619s die
6649s okay
6655s nice we got
6659s there wasn't worry for a
6665s second remote
6667s enabled do you mind sharing your Dev
6670s client you playing on
6675s y I
6679s will
6682s show you this I know it doesn't say much
6684s but it is an unaltered beta non non beta
6688s client it is still using the same patch
6691s you can see the patch number at the top
6693s left that would say something else if it
6696s was I know it's I can't see but that
6698s would say something else if it was a um
6700s Dev
6709s client
6712s it's it's really just the game taking
6713s pity on me cuz it knows I'm
6735s bad oh excuse
6737s me snuck up on me
6750s and Al all lined up
6753s yep had that screenshot ready to
6769s go
6779s [Music]
6781s hello Mr Bend
6790s diesel how are you doing
6794s today I'm really enjoying this just
6796s having a good just having a chill stream
6797s just hanging out playing some meok no
6799s big deal
6801s question if you do have a question
6803s please put at last defa game in the
6804s question but I will answer this one
6806s anyways is there any builds in the game
6808s that have certain uh interactions that
6811s people haven't found yet I'm sure there
6816s are um can I think of an example of one
6820s no I mean it's everything's kind of
6826s there there's not really there's nowhere
6827s else there's nowhere to really hide
6834s um but there's probably something there
6837s probably some small interaction that
6838s that like I haven't really seen a build
6841s work
6849s with frost effects are hitting harder
6852s and
6858s harder I think there's a couple good
6860s Idols in
6874s there we're just going to grab
6882s some stuff
6889s hurts
6903s y about 500s play the game that is
6912s awesome does movement skills still have
6915s cool down
6917s yes this will be what brings me back to
6919s ell cool
6923s your
6926s life Oh you mean like if we remove them
6930s it would bring you back okay yeah um
6932s we're we're not planning on removing uh
6935s cool downs from movement
6937s skills um there are a
6940s couple ways you can do that
6945s um uh flame rush you can remove the cool
6948s down off flame rush and it gets pretty
6949s nutty
6950s the Mana cost just becomes un
6952s unsustainable to like really spam it for
6954s too long but it still is pretty
6956s frenetic
6962s um I feel like there's a couple
6969s others you make Fury leaps cool down and
6972s disappear if you uh get dealing enough
6974s damage and killing Little Critters along
6975s the way so
6976s like um if you're like Landing into
6979s groups of AOE you can keep jumping cuz
6981s it resets the cool
6991s down coming up blank other than
7001s that classes flame Rush FL Marsh is uh
7004s for run Master the newest
7008s class new Master
7038s Class
7044s free
7047s [Laughter]
7052s recast let's wait to do
7054s [Laughter]
7059s that if it's already alive and you give
7062s it a point in the tree it recasts it for
7068s free
7081s time to level a remaster yeah I
7086s um just want to be clear I it's it's not
7088s really uh I'm going to use my flame Rush
7091s as my only ability and just go forever
7092s and it's going to be super duper zoom
7094s zoom fast special uh cuz cuz it does
7098s wreck your Mana so it's not sustainable
7106s stand down or
7110s die just don't want you be dis SP that's
7117s all it will demolish your
7125s Mana it's extremely good at ruining your
7128s Mana
7136s uh are there any plans Beyond 1.0 to
7137s introduce varying puzzle mechanics into
7139s certain zones perhaps a dungeon themed
7141s around them um I'd love to do that I
7143s think I think you you've correctly
7144s identified the place to do it
7149s um we don't we don't have any specific
7151s plans for it but
7154s um uh whatever dungeon meeting we have
7157s after launch will not be the first time
7158s I've pitched said idea I said style of
7160s idea I should
7165s say oh we are out of
7168s potions with no
7172s minion and we are just running further
7174s into the belly of the Beast great job
7177s Mike real real smart play way to
7182s go you thought this one threw super
7188s well
7199s I hate Avalanche so
7203s much Avalanche has killed me more than I
7205s think any other ability in this
7211s game if if at any point you see an item
7214s that's just like you're immune to
7215s Avalanche that was
7218s me
7240s get me out of
7243s here that's left is loc the
7248s Lance
7250s all
7252s right super easy boss
7255s fight and then we're out of here for the
7264s day this guy that this attack he's in
7266s the middle of right now you do not want
7267s to be under when it
7269s lands he's getting Frozen and stuff so
7272s it's not Landing but like it is
7274s deceptively
7278s strong
7280s [Music]
7283s oh no it's past 3:00 so my mute
7288s notifications is
7298s expired if you do have questions please
7300s don't forget to put atlast def game in
7301s the question so I can see it
7303s [Music]
7306s better
7308s um
7310s uh
7315s here question when is more MTX coming I
7318s already own the entire store every patch
7319s we release new MTX items every major
7322s patch so uh February 21st More's
7331s coming I actually have to add some
7332s functionality to the
7336s store this is my
7341s shall be
7343s your we got
7345s there made that look
7348s easy no
7351s problem come
7352s [Music]
7360s on busting you out of
7363s here I love
7366s that we have the tell me more more of
7369s this imort we have the tell me more of
7372s this Immortal Emperor on our
7375s [Music]
7388s journey all
7391s right I think that's what we're going to
7393s call it for
7394s today I know things are yeah if what if
7397s all that is left is to take the Lance
7398s and bless it
7400s give me give me those idle
7402s slots some one in
7411s here gold
7418s res
7420s right C damage physical oh I could have
7423s just put that on right there actually
7427s sweet fiz res is that Stellar anyways
7430s but you know better than
7435s nothing all
7436s right
7441s well that's it for me today I hope you
7444s had fun I know I did I'll be back not
7447s next week but muffin will so next week
7450s same time same place you'll have muffin
7452s streaming for you and then uh we'll see
7455s we'll see how we round out the end of
7457s the year um I'll probably be back for
7459s one more and then we'll we'll probably
7461s take a little bit of a break over the
7462s new year uh over over um like Christmas
7465s holidays and uh I I don't I don't know
7468s what we're going to do in there I might
7470s just pop in for some
7471s I've Studio takes some time off at
7474s Christmas so we'll see what happens but
7476s um yeah if you do have a question that I
7479s didn't answer or didn't answer well
7481s enough for you please feel free to hop
7483s on over to our Discord Facebook Reddit
7485s lots of questions lots of great answers
7487s happening all over the place in there
7488s and it will'll be happy to answer
7491s them
7497s um
7501s see let's find someone to go say hi to
7510s them oh this person's doing late night
7514s streaming oh it is actually as
7518s content
7521s oh let's go say
7527s hi uh yeah and we'll be we'll be back to
7529s answer more questions and uh have some
7531s more fun see you next time drink lots of
7546s water