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I love and adore the work that the dev team put into the game and have been looking to support them for awhile here, and love that in PoE you can customise how you look with different cosmetic sets, skill cosmetics and pets.. and i know the menus are in the game, but is there any news on the horizon when you are going to start selling cosmetics? or is it a post 1.0 thing?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by DoingbusinessPR

I think the shop being empty is a great sign that they clearly have prioritized development of core game mechanics and features instead of cosmetic revenue. The fact there is a shop at all should let you know they intend on offering them, but as long as there is more important work to do, I’m glad it’s empty.

This is accurate and how we view it. We need to get multiplayer out the door before we invest time into creating the shop. We do have a ton of awesome concepts created for MTX already but the development for the system will have to wait just a bit longer. We’ll have a ton of fun creating MTX when we get there!