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Like you could spec twice into fireball, and turn one version into the lightning version and keep the other as fire with other nodes. Of course you would be able to use the two skills at the same time on the skillbar.

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5 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

100%, I'd love to use the same skill twice, one specced for clearing and the other for single target. I also don't see what could be broken or op about this. The only hurdle would probably be the coding side of things to make this work.

Yea, it will be cool but just to put it in perspective, refactoring the underlying way that all skills get their modifiers to this extent would take longer than adding a dozen new skills. And I'm saying that confidently because we've looked into this.

5 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

I can't really follow. What do you mean with refactoring? Like coding it all to work properly in every case or what do you mean?

Yea, the underlying way all skills get their modifiers would have to be redone. Each ability has a mutator that controls how it is modified on the fly based on currently active buffs, effects, nodes, items or anything else. The way that underlying system works would have be remade and every mutator would have to be redone in the new style.

5 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

Too bad then. Would've been cool to utilize the same skill in multiple ways, but if you're too commited to the current way it works there's not much you can do :/.

It's one of those things where if we had decided to do it 5 years ago it wouldn't have been too bad and we could have worked with it this whole time. However, it adds a significant layer of complexity to the system under the hood and we didn't have the capacity to support it at the time and it's too big to go back and change it now.