almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link


  • Re-enabled multiple social systems that had been temporarily disabled alongside the release of Patch 0.8, such as our new chat system & the leaderboards.
    • This may result in needing to accept the Terms of Use, link a Last Epoch account to your Steam account, or log into your Last Epoch account again.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug preventing God Hunter Argentus from spawning in the Monolith of Fate.
  • We have resolved the issue of cosmetic pets being unavailable for the majority of players.

Known Issues

  • The overlay map opacity might have been adjusted for users.
    • Changes to this setting should work as normal.
  • If you attempt to drag and equip a non-bow weapon to replace your bow when you have a bow and quiver equipped, the item may be deleted. This will also be resolved in Patch 0.8c.
  • The See Supporter Packs button in the game menu is currently not functioning correctly, and opens a file explorer window instead of going to the website.
almost 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Hi all!

We’ve been monitoring the situation since Patch 0.8b was deployed, and we have made the decision to pull this update to perform additional QA.

Your client being reverted to Patch 0.8 when it is once again available will resolve the various issues seen this evening. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.