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New to the game and I am having lots of fun. I also love playing thieves and rogues, so I have a question.

Is the rogue supposed to be available now or is this still a class in progress? I have searched online but I haven't seen a definite answer. If it is supposed to be available now, I can't select it when I create a character. If it isn't available, does anyone have any idea when it will be?

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about 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Hey there!

I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying Last Epoch. :D

The Rogue class isn't available just yet. We have posted an Early Access Forecast to help loosely convey the order in which various parts of the game not yet implemented will be added. We're currently in Phase 2, and the Rogue is slotted into Phase 3.