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So I've been playing ALOT ever since I started like a week back. The game is awesome. But I'm experiencing lagspikes, and it happens so frequently that whenever I'm starting a unique echo I have to clear it asap coz I'm afraid I'll lag out, die and lose the reward. It also happens whenever I finish an echo and enter town, but atleast I have nothing to lose at that point. In multiplayer it's even worse. To the point where I had to tell my friend that I couldn't play with him. I noticed it happens more when I'm doing arena echoes and the events where you have to kill mobs in the circle untill you finish the echo.

While my internet isn't great, I don't experience this in other games. Do you guys have the same experience? Is there anything I can do to minimize the issue?

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over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We have a large networking update that has been in progress for a few months now that we’re confident will address a lot of this. In short, in many instances that happen frequently we are transmitting more data than is necessary and is causing things to flow less quickly than it should. We have two engineers fully dedicated to the effort with the support of others. Over the next couple patches you should see this happen less and less.