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For me personally, I enjoy playing sentinel class but it kinda takes away the role playing aspect when my Holy Paladin can reverse time like that. I mean it really fits the void knight class, but seeing how every sentinel class runs Volatile reversal kinda takes away the theme of the Forgeguard and Paladin. Anyway, looking forward to seeing viable Paladin builds without the Volatile Reversal

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I think the whole skill needs to be completely redone from scratch. We almost took the plunge last year on it but decided to wait. I hope that we go through with it and place some key synergy on the upper part of the VK passive tree so that FG and pally can still use it but the true masters are the VKs.

No idea if this will happen but it's what I would do to the skill if I had a magic wand.

6 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by kenm130

Please rework it/nerf it. I don't like that it has to be used in every single Sentinel build. It makes for some weird movement management.

We are.