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I'm actually not playing yet, plan to buy the game later this month, but i have been watching bunch of streams. One thing i have noticed is how huge the zones are, way too big. This + instances reseting everytime you leave them seems like a nightmare while progressing the story, especially when quests can give you up to 2 passive points. It forces you to full clear and explore those locations, sometimes more than once. Just the thought of it is dreadful to me.

The more linear, compacted zones in PoE has always been my favourite. You seem to aim more towards the Grim Dawn in this aspect. Imo it makes the progression worse, less smooth - having to keep track of all the quests, having those big zones and forcing players to explore so much. I doubt anyone plays arpgs for exploration, especially when you played the story several times. People want to get from point a to point b and start end game farm asap, not run around huge open world locations chasing optional quests and the passive points they give.

Apart from this game looks great, cant wait to get my hands on it.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback!

I'd just like to clarify one thing - zones resetting immediately is not a design decision; we'll be improving zone persistence in future.