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Months ago during release/Cycle 1, I reported a bug in the Warlock passive tree. The node "Wreak Havoc" states it grants +8% Critical Multiplier per point invested, for a maximum total of +40%. Yet when you check your character sheet while investing points into this node, you'll notice that each point only grants +5% Critical Multiplier. I made a bug report on this and posted about it on this subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1ba6bf0/warlocks\_wreak\_havoc\_passive\_node\_bugged/).
To me this seems like it's a very easy to fix bug, or maybe even it's not a bug and the tooltip just is wrong. But whichever option it is, it hasn't been fixed months later. I find this very disheartening and discourages me from reporting other bugs I might discover.

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7 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

If it has been reported using the in game bug reporting tool, it's probably sitting in someone's queue listed as low priority. They probably have a half dozen high priority bugs that are consuming their life and haven't even noticed it yet. Who knows, it might even be sitting in mine.

We don't pull bugs from reddit as a primary reporting source. We sometimes get bugs from here if a dev stumbles upon it and you get lucky or it's so high impact that it gets a ton of attention. However, in that situation, they have also all been reported in game. The in game reports go directly into our triage system automatically.

Edit: but yes, this should be an extremely easy big to fix. However, it could be something crazy that's much more complicated. I doubt it though. Someone probably just typed 5 instead of 8.

7 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Sembiance

If you always just prioritize the higher priority bugs, this bug will literally never get fixed. Like ever. There will always be something more important.

Have you thought about tagging the bugs with a rough guesstimate of “time to fix” and then allocating 1 or 2 days every month or so to fix a bunch of the easy to fix bugs, low hanging fruit?

Sometimes fixing 100 little things like this will vastly improve the perception of quality of the game, rather than in the same time only fixing 1 higher priority bug.

Yes, part of the triage process is age and estimated duration. I frequently just grab a bug or two like this in between bigger ones. Or even if I just need a break from working on a big one. We also will sometimes put someone on task to just hit as many of these as possible. There was a patch a couple back that had a ton of little skill bug fixed, most of those were 2 people.