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I get it, I see it, and I experience it too. There are bugs, builds not working as intended, loot dropping 15 screens away and issues here and there. But my god is the LE dev team cooking still.

Loot? Absolutely fantastic in my restart to level 70 so far.

Shrines? The arcade feeling to it feels so right and so god damn funny/fun. Plus they are just strong but not too strong. Such love for shrines. (Blizzard take notes)

Builds? Buggy but still as flexible as ever with plenty to try and they feel strong enough to do most if not all content. I played start of this cycle and still find myself trying something new and fun, yet strong.

Unique bosses? Still fun. Same same but nice.

End game? Let them cook. Every arpg (maybe except grim and others I haven’t played) needed time too.

Look I get it, your steam deck doesn’t work and the frames drop and the UI can be funky along with 10 other things. I feel for you, and i experience it myself at times. I was super hesitant to start a new character with this mid season patch. I was honestly losing hope for a hot second. But damn has it been fun so far. Thanks LE team, keep cooking what you’re doing. Cheers.

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6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Appreciate you. Working on getting a hotfix out tonight still - it will address some of the things like loot labels, stash slowdown, isle of storms quest, and a few others.

Edit: encountered an issue with the hot fix build that we’ll be trying to resolve tomorrow. Will keep people posted