over 2 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Travelers and welcome to the second poll of the Community Designed Unique Event!

We hope you’re enjoying some of the new Uniques introduced in 0.8.5d (I know I have a few… ‘off meta’ ideas for myself). Last week’s poll had some amazing interaction and we’re very excited that so many members from the community are so interested in this event. Thank you all for being such a great community to be a part of.

From last week’s poll, it looks like Mage is going to be the target class for the new unique, very exciting! And we are shocked, simply shocked that a Two-Handed weapon was selected. We had no way to foresee this outcome. Ok, maybe we’re not that shocked. So keeping in mind that we’re looking at a Mage as the focus for a two handed weapon, please see the poll below for what kind of two-handed weapon this should be. Mages are capable of wielding all but bows, so what will it be: A Spellblade Spear? A Sorcerer Axe? You decide!

Weapon Type
  • Two-Handed Sword
  • Two-Handed Axe
  • Two-Handed Mace
  • Two-Handed Spear
  • Two-Handed Staff

0 voters

Please keep the ideas for the item themes coming in the comments below, as that will be the focus for next week’s poll, and start getting those ideas for two handed mage Unique mechanics rolling in. We’re excited to see what kind of ideas you have in mind! And remember to leave a heart on ideas you like the most so we know which ones we should be including in the polls. For this, please try to keep to one idea per post, so we know which idea people are enjoying.

Our Dev stream should be starting soon after this post on http://www.twitch.tv/lastepochgame . The timestamp here should change to your local time zone for the stream start time: 2022-04-15T20:00:00Z . Make sure to drop by to ask any questions concerning the game, this event and your unique ideas, or just hang out!

April 8th - Community Designed Unique Kick Off
April 15th - Community Designed Unique: Item Type
April 22nd - Community Designed Unique: Item Theme
April 29th - Community Designed Unique: Unique Effect
May 6th - Community Designed Unique: Item Art
May 13th - Community Designed Unique: Item Name and Flavour Text
May 27th - Community Designed Unique: Reveal!

Recent Last Epoch Posts

about 3 hours ago - EHG_Kain