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Man, it’s slow and boring.

Edit: By “slow”, I meant leveling corruption.

Edit2: for people saying that I am trying to spread negativity: nah mates, I am asking for people’s thought, suggestions and advices. Funny to see in LE, people so easily jump at you if you dare to say anything they deem to “not praising the game and the devs”.

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We’ll be expanding the end game systems quite a lot in the 1.x series patches. The monolith was built to be a baseline that we can continue expanding on.

While we do already have some solid plans for additional end game content, if you guys have any suggestions for what you’d like to see you could create a thread and I’d read through all of it and share it with the team. Love collaborating on things like that with you all