almost 3 years ago - Trasochi - Direct link

To clarify, the purpose of reducing base stability and increasing bonus stability would not be to avoid having to backtrack. That is already avoided by being able to reach maximum bonus stability without having to clear the whole zone.

The point of reducing base stability and increasing bonus stability would just be to more strongly incentivise killing enemies rather than ignoring them on the way to the objective.

almost 3 years ago - Trasochi - Direct link

Sorry, my response was not meant to invalidate your original post, or imply that it’s a non-issue.

I think your post was well researched and generated good discussion. As a pierce of feedback, it was particularly useful for highlighting the issue that the bonus stability system currently rewards rounding up large groups of enemies while rushing through a zone and only killing them once you reach the boss. That will likely have an effect on what changes we prioritise for subsequent patches to refine the system.

The data comparing stability gain over time for rushing compared to killing enemies on the way to the boss was also helpful as it shows that we probably need to shift more of the total stability reward towards bonus stability rather than base stability if we want clearing enemies to consistently be the optimal strategy.

Feedback is always appreciated, regardless of whether other players disagree with it, and regardless of how much experience the person giving the feedback has. We’re not making the game only for people who have spent 100s of hours in endgame.

almost 3 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

I’ve seen a few of these kinds of complaints in the past, and I thought this would be as good a time as any just to make a quick comment regarding this. This is not directed towards anyone in particular, or in regards to anyone in particular. I’m only replying as a point of reference. The internet can frankly be a fairly spooky place sometimes. Many people may want to try to get involved with a community, try to share their ideas, and immediately get feedback concerning their ideas that may be a bit rough.

Generally, I personally find it’s the first few responses that have the hardest responses, and you’ll find later on that more people may come by that agree. However, it’s still quite easy to have social anxiety in such an environment and want to pull back when you receive some of these earlier responses. And while we certainly understand that that can cause frustration for some people to lose that information on what the topic was, we believe it’s important for people to be able to make the decision to rescind (delete) previous comments or topics. Perhaps because they’re no longer confident in them, or perhaps because they’ve changed their mind. For whatever reason it may be, It is not against the code of conduct or other rules to delete your own posts or replies . If anyone believes this is causing a serious issue, they’re free to reach out to us through a support ticket, and we would be happy to discuss it. We would however ask that players do not harass other community members if they are removing their posts for whatever reason, and instead bring any problems to us.

Lastly, Our forums also provide a great place for us to gauge what’s going on in the community, and see what people’s responses are. With this, while detailed feedback is always great, even things like “I think X sucks” is still important feedback, as while it may not clarify what the problem is, it lets us know that there may be a problem. We’ll then see if it’s a common source of complaints, and if so then work to gauge why the complaint exists. Even with detailed feedback, we may find that there’s a more “core” reason for something and try to work around that. So we do encourage players to leave their feedback on the forums whenever they’re confident doing so, because it may allude to something else, or provide part of a much bigger picture of something going on.