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While I don't actually mind the font in Last Epoch, I've come to really appreciate being able to change fonts in ARPGs to one that I can read quickly.

In POE I used a regedit to change my font to Bahnschrift. It's easier on the eyes and the information just goes into my brain way faster. I might even try some of the dyslexia-accessible fonts (I'm not dyslexic myself but they are easier to read quickly).

Considering how important raw reading comprehension is in games like this (how many time have you died to map mods?), has anyone tried or successfully changed their in-game font? How?

I'm totally okay with some odd scaling/clipping issues or the font not really matching the theme of the game.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Wait for 1.0 the font on the tooltips is way better.