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For example, does 150% chance to ignite have any benefit over 100%?

I have been thinking of trying an ignite warpath build (stacking bleed and ignite chance), if there is any benefit to having over 100% chance of course.

Edit: Also does "Earthscorcher" from warpath tree apply to minions? (forge weapons)If I'm thinking right the "Smelter's Might" passive from Forge Guard should give (140%+140%) 280% ignite chance to both the player and minions in that case assuming you are wielding a 2H weapon.

Edit 2: Also I guess it's pointless to scale melee damage since it doesn't affect the ignite damage, rather you scale attack speed, elemental damage, fire damage, bleed damage, and damage over time.

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over 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Does ailments such as Ignite, Poison, Bleed etc. scale beyond 100% chance to apply?

Yes, at 150% you will always apply 1 stack and have a 50% chance to apply a 2nd stack. At 320% chance you will always apply 3 stacks and have a 20% chance to apply a 4th stack, etc.

does "Earthscorcher" from warpath tree apply to minions?

It does not. In general effects do not apply to minions unless they specifically say so.

Also I guess it's pointless to scale melee damage since it doesn't affect the ignite damage, rather you scale attack speed, elemental damage, fire damage, bleed damage, and damage over time.

Correct. It's also worth noting that most skills' attribute scaling provides generic "increased damage" which will also affect ailments the skill applies such as ignite. So, in the case of Warpath, getting more Strength will also increase ignite damage. You can check a skill's attribute scaling by holding alt on its tooltip.