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People talk about the game play is better on Diablo 4 but you also gotta remember the game just came out by a smaller company than Blizzard/Activision. Diablo is great cause I do love the franchise but after the ending though, it's the same go here and go there to mindlessly slaughter the same Uber boss to pray that you manage something better. With as much greedy money that Activision is getting from the players (including myself) on cosmetics and the what will be probably an Expensive small Expansion, you would think that the teams working on Diablo 4 would add in at least some of what Last Epoch is forking out. I just wish Last Epoch was on console and cross platform with a guild/clan that you could have. A things that I wish Diablo 4 had with their Guilds was Guild Dungeons and Guild Raids that allowed you to get items and gear that you could ONLY get from those locations and with a Guild (as in with games like Atlantica Online). Also the items that you receive from those areas, you can trade with a member in the guild that went into the Dungeon and/or Raid with you. Another thing that doesn't make sense with Legendary Uniques in Diablo 4 is that the ones you get at an earlier level easily becomes obsolete and weaker than the stronger higher level gear but it becomes harder to find that item the higher level that you go. At least have it that if you get the right amount items needed, you can upgrade the items' gear level and stats. One thing that Last Epoch and especially POE 1 and 2 has over Diablo 4 is that you can not only increase the skills' power level itself but you can combine it with other skills. You would at least think that Activision/Blizzard would put more time into making the game even more amazing for players instead of just saying "Here is what we are giving you, take it and give us all your money" or at least that is the feeling that I've noticed the players have been saying. Even ESO has been on that big microtransaction and Pay To Win bandwagon since forever it seems. At the game is actually Open World with a long list of Quest and Dungeons. I still play Diablo 4 but I think it's mostly due to the Guild interactions that I've received from my Guild Members.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by wewfarmer

Didn’t read due to formatting.

LE has things that D4 doesn’t. D4 has things LE doesn’t. I enjoy both. Both need work.

It doesn’t have to be a team sport.

Can I take that line about it not needing to be a team sport? That's a great way to put it.