over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Our next update, Patch 0.7.3, will include the following improvements;

  1. Companions will now teleport to you when you respawn after dying.
  2. Enemies will now have color-coded names above their health bars;
    • Normal enemies will have white names.
    • Magic enemies will have blue names.
    • Rare enemies will have gold names.
    • Unique enemies will also have gold names.
      • The names of unique enemies are paler than the names of rare enemies.
  3. Hardcore characters will now be converted to non-Hardcore characters on death.
  4. It will now be possible to abandon challenge modes (e.g. Solo, Masochist) after character creation. Please note that it won’t be possible to re-activate them for that character.
  5. Skill trees which receive substantial changes in a patch will now sometimes be flagged for free respecs. The decision on whether to grant one will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Patch 0.7.3 will release later this month, and we plan to post a Patch Preview thread in the near future. This update will form part of Phase 1 of our Early Access Development Forecast.

over 5 years ago - Trasochi - Direct link

Visibility is also a priority and darker enemy names proved difficult to see in some areas. Unique enemies still have a different style of health bar that helps distinguish them from rare enemies.