3 months
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
5s | back to another last Epoch Dev |
9s | stream as usual I'm your host Mike and |
12s | look at that coincidentally I happened |
13s | to be wearing the right shirt and I just |
15s | looked down and found that out woo it |
18s | was a a busy one to get |
21s | here but we did it we made |
25s | it um we're going to hop right back in |
28s | we're going have some fun uh we've never |
29s | cleared this one we're going to clear |
32s | it |
35s | oh how's everybody doing today oh feels |
38s | like a good day today I'm excited I got |
41s | some cool stuff to share hope you all |
44s | are ready to oh relax fun stream we |
47s | going do a boss |
48s | fight kick things |
51s | off starting next stream I think I'm |
54s | going to be playing a new build um I |
56s | think we're going to start doing the |
57s | community Spotlight builds so we do the |
61s | um if you haven't seen it yet there's a |
62s | sweet post the ATA week Ora monthly post |
65s | sorry uh the November one just got uh |
67s | put |
68s | out and there's some awesome awesome |
70s | stuff in it and uh I think we're going |
74s | to |
75s | start uh doing like |
78s | uh where like have the have like the |
80s | build of the build of the month every |
81s | month and then I'll play that on stream |
84s | um so people can get a get a feel for |
86s | what it looks like actually |
94s | Aaron hi Mike subathon done I'm free 65 |
97s | days I saw yeah it is uh your death has |
101s | you had you had a sneaky strategy for |
102s | for ending it not calling any attention |
104s | to it I think that was uh smart and uh I |
108s | definitely would not uh suggest that it |
110s | was cheating at all uh that's that's a |
113s | totally totally okay thing to do uh |
116s | totally yeah yeah well |
118s | done but but all serious that was pretty |
121s | pretty fantastic and uh I'm glad it went |
123s | so well for |
131s | you me hey Daddy Mike we need some |
134s | updates you need some updates have I got |
137s | updates for |
140s | you oh excuse |
145s | me the sound of my lunch was not the |
147s | update |
150s | and I |
151s | apologize will not take me Mike isn't |
154s | Aaron contracted to do another subathon |
156s | when season two gets here |
159s | oh see now if if we're oh that was |
164s | close if we're full on doing that and uh |
169s | then is there their conflicting interest |
170s | here where Aaron wants it to be delayed |
172s | more and |
175s | more you want you want Aaron to be on |
177s | your side to be to be telling us to to |
179s | do it at least as sooner |
192s | right all |
204s | right and no just for the record aon's |
207s | not contracted to a subathon but I think |
209s | he said he was going to uh |
212s | himself do do SUB start of season 2 and |
216s | I think because the midseason event |
218s | happened |
221s | um at the same time where he expected |
223s | season 2 to come I think that was the |
225s | same subathon cuz he's going to like |
226s | before the end of the year so I think I |
228s | think he's for his own self-imposed |
230s | contract I think he's fulfilled his |
232s | obligations but you |
234s | know I wouldn't hate to see another one |
236s | cuz I do love them |
242s | your death has come all |
245s | right if you do have a question please |
248s | feel free to ask it please put at last |
250s | defa game in the question so I see it |
252s | and know you want me to answer it also |
254s | we stream for charity boom child's plays |
255s | our charity this month they do wonderful |
259s | stuff check them out show them some love |
261s | all the all the everything from stream |
262s | goes to whoever we're we're charity |
265s | streaming for that month I know I know |
267s | all the terms cuz I uh yeah this |
274s | is something I should know |
278s | right PA Saint welcome good evening Mike |
281s | and I have a great and have a great |
283s | stream thank you very much Mike uh the |
286s | chronicler proposal is posted and I |
289s | promise this is the last you'll hear of |
291s | this for a good |
292s | while is is the chronicler the um new |
297s | name for the traveler class |
301s | is it is it a reworked version of |
305s | that cuz I read the original |
308s | one did I forget to leave |
312s | feedback okay you'll have you'll have to |
313s | tell me if I if I remember to leave |
314s | feedback or not cuz I I remember writing |
317s | up a big thing for |
319s | you on uh on your second one the the |
323s | Dragon Knight it wasn't that big it was |
325s | a little little little paragraph or two |
327s | I think and I don't remember remember if |
330s | I actually posted it or |
333s | not part of me is like did I like write |
335s | it out and then be like okay I'll prove |
337s | for you this and post it later and there |
338s | just never posted it so let me know if I |
340s | remember to do that |
343s | please pretty sure I |
346s | did I hope I |
354s | did uh hi Mike hope you're good with all |
356s | the hyper on poe2 do you guys feel any |
358s | pressure in the action art RPG space I |
361s | mean yeah there's always tons of |
362s | pressure coming from like uh from from |
365s | he of Exile from Diablo from plenty of |
367s | other games too that are fantastic |
370s | um and I pressure might be the wrong |
373s | word I think there's um like a little |
377s | bit of a renewed interest in the genre |
379s | right now |
381s | um and we're in this like we're in this |
383s | odd space like a week before their beta |
385s | starts where we can like almost like |
389s | there's more tra |
391s | um but at the same time a lot of it's |
393s | around po2 and we don't we're not quite |
396s | ready to start like just hey look at all |
399s | this stuff uh cuz I think it might get |
400s | kind of lost in the pe2 |
403s | beta so I don't know I don't know what |
405s | the strategy is around that but uh I'm |
408s | pumped for the po2 beta think going be |
410s | sweet or the Early Access |
414s | sorry I don't know I think I think it's |
416s | going to be really interesting to play |
417s | and see the the similarities and |
419s | differences and things cuz I I know that |
420s | there's |
422s | um like by starting fresh again they |
425s | managed to tackle a lot of the same |
427s | problems without having to like tackle |
430s | all the same problems we've had to |
431s | tackle without having to build off of an |
433s | existing system similar and so I think |
435s | that a lot of the ways that they've |
436s | approached some of these problems um |
439s | from a design perspective is kind of |
440s | similar to what we've gone for as well |
442s | like um sounds bad it's not what I mean |
446s | um like |
448s | the where where you start looking |
450s | looking at a problem and say how do we |
451s | fix that and then there's you're not |
452s | holding to a previous system to fix it |
454s | in a certain way makes sense um and so |
458s | I'm interested to see some of the |
460s | solutions they've come up with uh |
461s | because I think they'll be more relevant |
463s | to last Epoch than pee1 have |
466s | been |
468s | um and in some cames will just be the |
470s | same and in some cases they'll be |
471s | completely different |
482s | which build is it right now you playing |
485s | right now I am playing a harvest |
488s | L um see we're fully into Harvest or |
492s | into Lich here uh there's the stuff |
494s | we've |
496s | got really quickly I'll show you my |
498s | skill trees you can clip this and pause |
500s | it and if you want to see all the |
503s | stuff uh but we're using basically |
505s | reperform uh to get a bunch of damage |
507s | and not die death seals a ton of extra |
510s | damage bone Cur a ton of extra damage uh |
512s | Harvest does the damage and triggers all |
514s | the things and Transplant lets us move |
517s | places it's kind of it's kind of about |
518s | it transplants also a bunch of our |
520s | culling as well um primary weapon really |
523s | important uh this is good I really like |
525s | this this is sweet and a bunch of other |
527s | random |
530s | stuff also got this so I've been trying |
532s | to get Titan heart incorporate into the |
534s | build um it's not quite a good enough |
537s | one I don't think to really do but |
540s | the the the lack of regeneration and |
542s | lack of Ward gain puts me in very |
544s | awkward positions cuz I'll be like |
546s | sitting in town and I'll be like you see |
549s | what happens to my health it kind of |
560s | vanishes or I play pee2 at launch yeah |
563s | mer store update I asked |
566s | again I did ask again uh and there's a |
569s | everyone every time I ask I got someone |
571s | new and it's always like yeah I really |
573s | want one too so there's like there's |
574s | lots of interest for it I know I know |
575s | people are working on it uh I don't have |
577s | any details on when when next update q1 |
581s | 2025 so that is somewhere between the |
583s | start of January and the end of |
587s | March I can't be agreeing with Aaron |
589s | like that sorry my bad you said that |
592s | there are updates to the Lich Mastery if |
594s | I remember correctly any chance we might |
596s | see some of those tonight no the um Lich |
599s | is the updates we're doing for L are |
601s | pretty Minor by comparison to a lot of |
602s | the other things we're doing um one of |
605s | the things that was poised for Lich is |
608s | teetering on a knife edge right now if |
609s | it's going to make it or not what I |
611s | meant was there was someone who wanted |
612s | to do a supporter unique for for |
615s | Lich and um they wanted to wait until |
620s | the uh the thing that is like maybe or |
624s | maybe not coming to be released first |
626s | before they made their unique cuz they |
628s | were basically they pitched their unique |
630s | and I'm like and we're like that's kind |
632s | of the thing we're adding already so |
635s | maybe wait and build off that and |
638s | they've been around forever so um they |
641s | had no problem with |
643s | that uh all right losing a 3 LP slam is |
646s | the worst feeling in El IMO any plans to |
648s | address this issue in the next update |
650s | yes |
652s | um I don't think we want to make it |
654s | impossible to |
656s | fail um but I do think having ways to |
660s | affect it um is really positive and I |
665s | think we can make it to the point where |
667s | maybe you have to invest like if you're |
668s | like this is a really important one I |
669s | want to invest a little bit more into it |
671s | and improve the odds um there's there |
674s | there should be ways to do that where |
675s | it's uh where it feels good to do and |
678s | it's |
683s | yeah cuz yeah it's one of those few |
685s | moments that you feel like you're |
685s | actually going backwards which is really |
687s | unfortunate |
694s | I remember |
701s | you is the void is all that is |
706s | left |
707s | yeah we go can we just DPS through it we |
710s | can just DPS through |
713s | it the boy will take you we'd like to |
716s | see |
721s | all |
723s | right uh General Game Dev question when |
727s | you see a neat system in another game do |
728s | you try to find your own spin on it for |
731s | your game um I try really hard to |
734s | separate myself the player from myself |
736s | the designer when I'm playing other |
738s | games |
740s | um and I try really hard to just enjoy |
743s | them uh my wife sometimes gets a little |
744s | frustrated with me when I'm like |
746s | commenting on like the oh this system is |
748s | really welld designed and like oh you |
750s | see what they did there that was sneaky |
752s | it caused you to do this and she's like |
753s | I don't I don't care at all Mike I just |
754s | want to play the game I'm like yeah fine |
756s | fair enough um so I try really hard to |
758s | separate myself uh and just play enjoy |
760s | games and then when I when I'm in a |
762s | designing head space and I'm like okay |
764s | I'm going to design something I'll I'll |
765s | frequently like think about other games |
768s | I've played and things like that but it |
769s | won't be |
772s | um uh yeah's do actually I I I don't I |
776s | try really hard not to like start |
779s | designing something for last Epoch from |
782s | the standpoint of hey this worked really |
784s | well in that other game let's try and |
785s | Pull It in like that I think is often a |
790s | doomed place to start um not always |
793s | sometimes it works really well but um I |
796s | think there's there's a lot of room for |
797s | that to go bad cuz sometimes sometimes |
800s | you don't understand the motivation |
801s | behind why they were implementing that |
803s | thing um and sometimes it's reliant on |
807s | another system or it's solving a problem |
809s | you're game doesn't even have and just |
811s | like adding more complexity without |
812s | adding depth can not always be a |
814s | positive thing so |
817s | um yeah I I |
820s | think I I try not |
822s | to in |
826s | general I left feedback on the warrior |
829s | class and said the traveler chronicler |
831s | can't be implemented but that never |
832s | stopped me from posting a good idea ah I |
833s | see what you're saying yeah yeah the I I |
836s | didn't give I remember this I didn't |
837s | give any details on why I was like the |
838s | chronicle doesn't really work |
844s | um I think the the core thing is it |
847s | needs to |
849s | have some grounding in a a like a a |
855s | player fantasy that exists in the the |
859s | like the the world of gaming in general |
862s | kind of already and if it doesn't have |
864s | that it it's tough to have a class |
867s | attract people initially so um what I'm |
869s | talking about |
871s | Necromancer is the most played Mastery |
873s | we have but it always is it doesn't |
875s | matter if like some other classes had a |
877s | big update Necromancer always wins um |
880s | and there's a the the Warlock run master |
884s | that update um those two actually were a |
886s | little bit better but Necromancer was |
887s | like a very very close third and it's |
890s | it's one of those things where it's like |
891s | it's just so popular because it's so |
894s | good and it's so it's so ingrained in |
897s | people's um ideas of what's exciting |
900s | what's fun for |
901s | them uh that that people just people |
903s | just love that one um and so I I think |
907s | without having a I think the chronicle |
909s | class one of the big problems with it is |
910s | that it doesn't have a strong um fantasy |
912s | footing existing elsewhere already where |
914s | you can't see like okay I'm going to be |
916s | this thing it's kind of hard to decide |
917s | what that thing |
921s | is it's lacking an identity there we go |
924s | that's the clear way to say it |
930s | sometimes I just got to talk things out |
933s | sorry uh we talk a lot about new stuff |
935s | what about Nerfs uh what's on the teams |
937s | Raider for the Nerf Hammer um I mean |
940s | there's a few things I I don't want to |
942s | speak too specifically because um I |
945s | could get something a little bit wrong |
947s | and I also could miss things as well um |
949s | so I'm definitely this is far from an |
951s | exhaustive list I will not I will not |
953s | even attempt to uh to do that the I |
957s | think there's a few really obvious |
958s | targets are things that are just like uh |
960s | they're they're overtuned and it's |
962s | really obvious but it doesn't |
963s | necessarily mean like the entire class |
966s | fantasy is get why is this so much |
967s | harder I just realized because I clicked |
969s | him powered um got to be on your toes |
973s | Mike |
976s | the |
980s | um not die |
983s | here uh there's okay what's what's an |
985s | example something that's obviously |
986s | really incredibly powerful um the war |
988s | generation from the frostclaw |
992s | tree um it's it's it's a lot for putting |
995s | some skill points in and I think that |
997s | there's I think it would be better like |
999s | it's still good that there's a very high |
1001s | War generation possible in that type of |
1003s | game play um but it probably kicks in a |
1005s | little too early mostly because there's |
1008s | uh because it is purely in the skill |
1010s | tree so I think we likely be nerfing |
1013s | that a little bit but then looking for a |
1015s | way to to maybe itemize that process a |
1017s | little bit um so it's something that can |
1019s | be incorporated into your build a little |
1020s | bit later on |
1028s | um that that style of thing I think |
1031s | would be would be something to keep an |
1032s | eye on um I don't know if that's |
1033s | actually specifically happening or |
1037s | not I've been kind of in my own world a |
1039s | little |
1042s | bit uh working on a working on a project |
1045s | that you won't see for a long time |
1052s | it was a horrible tease to say I'm |
1056s | sorry just because it's not coming in |
1058s | this patch it's for a future patch |
1060s | that's |
1067s | all was trying to get close |
1070s | enough oh my |
1076s | goodness I I do not do enough damage for |
1079s | this this is |
1081s | crazy I don't want to death death seal |
1083s | myself in human form uh cuz I will just |
1091s | pop I think this one was targeted at me |
1094s | I will answer it I will I always |
1095s | wondered how is the philosophy on |
1097s | creating |
1099s | mechanics uh skills content do you come |
1102s | up with something that is in another |
1103s | arpg and then just throw it out or do |
1106s | you keep it and expand on it um I I |
1109s | think because we are far enough along in |
1112s | development like it's it's a it is a |
1115s | full wow I just got popped right out |
1116s | immediately H this is this is going to |
1118s | be bad um I think because we're far |
1121s | enough like we we're in a complete Game |
1123s | situation we're in like post launch and |
1126s | update scenario um we really have to |
1129s | look |
1130s | at um sort of like how do we increase |
1133s | the fun how do we make the game more |
1134s | engaging how do we make how do we remove |
1137s | uh things that are you know breaking up |
1139s | the flow too much things that are |
1141s | getting in people's way from like doing |
1143s | what they want to do and enjoy the game |
1145s | really um I think it's really rarely |
1149s | comes from a place of this is I was |
1150s | talking about earlier rarely comes from |
1151s | a place of like what does that game do |
1153s | how can we add it to our game |
1156s | um you know and not just from the like |
1159s | is that morally right type uh or or even |
1161s | legally okay um standpoint as well just |
1165s | from the like I I don't think it's the |
1166s | most effective way to get new high |
1168s | quality |
1169s | content for the game |
1172s | really oh this was a big one that uh so |
1175s | I think Fe feedback here's a here's a |
1177s | good place to start this here awesome |
1180s | segue thanks game high |
1182s | five uh all |
1185s | right and um we are running |
1191s | away |
1193s | um feedback feedback is a a huge part |
1196s | that we uh that we will We frequent |
1199s | start a design process like start a |
1201s | project from like a feedback standpoint |
1203s | so um the boss Ward system so when you |
1206s | when you fight a boss there's there's |
1208s | like health bar at the top I don't have |
1209s | anything that's going to trigger it no |
1212s | the health bar at the top and you like |
1213s | the little Pips that say like okay at |
1214s | this break point you're going to get a w |
1215s | bar at this breakpoint you're going to |
1216s | get a w bar um so that system is is a a |
1220s | very long form evolution of feedback |
1222s | iteration that we've been doing |
1225s | um there was a completely invisible |
1227s | system we didn't even tell anyone about |
1229s | right at the very start that didn't last |
1230s | very long at all uh and then there was a |
1234s | um a system where as you dealt damage to |
1238s | it uh bosses got more defenses and as |
1242s | you didn't do damage to it they they |
1243s | lost defenses and that uh that had that |
1246s | normalization effect but it was too |
1247s | hidden and it caused people to be like |
1249s | where did all my damage go and no one |
1251s | liked it so we replaced it with the boss |
1253s | board system um this just a bit of |
1255s | History here and segueing into a little |
1257s | something that was released in the |
1259s | monthly if you haven't read that yet um |
1261s | so the boss word system I think is a |
1263s | huge improvement over the boss Dr system |
1266s | but it's not perfect and it's kind of |
1268s | unnecessary in a lot of situations so |
1271s | what we're doing is we are focusing that |
1274s | system only where it's really needed and |
1277s | tweaking a bunch of the numbers so it |
1278s | feels a lot better what this will do is |
1280s | it will cause a larger um well it it'll |
1283s | mean that you won't see it anywhere near |
1285s | as much you'll see it rarely instead of |
1289s | ing it you'll be like oh this is a big |
1290s | when you see it you'll know this is a |
1292s | big boss fight a major like a chapter |
1295s | boss or a um a timeline boss like you'll |
1298s | know this is a big deal boss because it |
1299s | has a boss board or if it's really |
1302s | really really thematically appropriate |
1304s | and super like there's some other |
1305s | mechanical reason it's there um there |
1307s | aren't any of those yet but we're |
1309s | leaving the door open for that to be a |
1311s | possibility um the oh no |
1316s | Avalanche uh |
1319s | this guy needs to die got him uh so the |
1323s | boss board system is going to show up in |
1324s | way fewer places like it won't show up |
1325s | on exiled Mages anymore which you're |
1327s | going to see it here in just a second um |
1330s | if I can get that far down my goodness |
1332s | it is just going to bop me oh yeah tried |
1336s | to use a health potion through that |
1337s | didn't work |
1341s | um we might not be good enough for this |
1343s | I |
1346s | think um |
1349s | see yeah you're going to see boss W |
1350s | system show up in far fewer places uh |
1353s | when it does show up it's going to make |
1354s | a lot more sense uh and also the the |
1356s | ward is going to Decay faster |
1359s | um which means you'll start to uh build |
1364s | builds that aren't really chewing |
1365s | through that Ward themselves are going |
1368s | to see a big difference in Kill speed |
1369s | time basically if you're on the lower |
1372s | power characters you you're going to |
1374s | you're going to be like oh bosses just |
1375s | got a lot less Health um but if you're a |
1379s | high power like a super high power |
1380s | character you're not going to notice a |
1381s | ton of |
1382s | difference um which I think is fine cuz |
1384s | I don't think that the system was really |
1386s | a big problem for really high powered |
1389s | characters um at least that was the |
1391s | feedback we've been |
1394s | getting uh so I am interested to know |
1396s | what you guys think about this uh uh |
1399s | this this upcoming change in general and |
1402s | um we'll be looking at feedback more |
1404s | after it's hard it's hard to give |
1405s | feedback on a system when you're like uh |
1408s | when you when you just know |
1409s | theoretically what it is and not what it |
1410s | actually does yet and oh my God this |
1412s | combination of shrines is |
1418s | unreal that was great for a second let's |
1421s | see if we can do it with the shrine |
1442s | wow we actually did |
1448s | it |
1455s | sweet wow are you losing weight I am |
1457s | thank you it it feels fantastic that |
1459s | gets asked basically every stream now |
1461s | and it's |
1463s | uh |
1464s | yeah thank you |
1474s | [Music] |
1475s | uh oh what's your take |
1478s | on Rod Ferguson saying when he said |
1480s | about args being called Diablo likes uh |
1484s | do you think it was a little salty I |
1486s | mean I I I don't we've been marketing |
1490s | this game and uh like how do I say this |
1494s | whenever I tell people like about about |
1496s | my game it's it's a little bit of a |
1497s | niche genre I think I think RPGs are |
1501s | it's a sub genre of a sub genre and it's |
1503s | not like a super duper |
1507s | um like well-known genre in I'd say the |
1510s | modern era of gaming for for people that |
1512s | like are maybe like used to play games |
1515s | or just like very casual gamers that |
1517s | sort of thing um but a lot of people a |
1520s | lot of people know Diablo from when they |
1522s | were |
1524s | kids um and |
1527s | so like I personally anyways I guess |
1530s | this is just showing my age is that when |
1532s | I tell people like my friends and family |
1534s | and and stuff about or like I meet |
1535s | someone uh at a bar is like oh you're so |
1537s | and so's husband or I'm so and so's dad |
1539s | or or whatever and like I described the |
1541s | game I'm like it's like have you ever |
1542s | played Diablo that's kind of the first |
1544s | thing I ask people it's a lot like that |
1547s | um I just said Diablo like accidentally |
1550s | so you know it's I see where he's coming |
1552s | from like it is a very uh culturally |
1556s | ingrained way to talk about uh the the |
1559s | the genre and I I think it's like |
1565s | there's it it's being kind of an |
1567s | alternate name for the genre for a long |
1568s | time |
1571s | anyways I I heard it I'm like isn't that |
1574s | just something people call the genre |
1576s | already why is this a |
1579s | problem that's my feeling on it |
1592s | I guess I don't have any strong feelings |
1594s | about it one way or another but I see |
1596s | where he's coming from and I see why |
1597s | people are kind of like Grumble Grumble |
1598s | Grumble |
1602s | so that is too |
1608s | much I did one we did two actually Yay |
1612s | two empowered models down woohoo |
1615s | worthless anyway |
1620s | be looking if I'm finding |
1622s | anything might actually be |
1624s | useful health regen slap it on with this |
1631s | yeah uh who are you and what have you |
1634s | done with Mike hi I'm |
1638s | Mike I left |
1641s | like a third of me over |
1647s | there hello Mike uh have you ever |
1649s | thought of doing a free online play |
1651s | weekend uh Trail as a marketing strategy |
1654s | to attract new players I think we've |
1656s | already done that before once and I I |
1657s | think it's come up as an option again |
1658s | I'm |
1659s | not really at the Forefront of the |
1661s | marketing strategy conversations um at |
1664s | all so I don't know what's coming but uh |
1667s | I know it's something we've either we I |
1669s | think we've done before and I know we've |
1670s | talked about doing again so it's |
1673s | possible uh interested of Le but afraid |
1676s | they may not like it and have little |
1678s | money to RI |
1679s | I suggest offline so ideally a weekend |
1682s | surge of players won't crash the servers |
1684s | um I mean the weekend surge would have |
1686s | to be pretty astronomical to to Really |
1687s | mess the servers up these days but |
1691s | uh yeah I I I don't see why not um but |
1695s | I'm not in a position to make a an |
1697s | official statement on the that |
1702s | French so I like the |
1707s | idea going to fill up are oh no I put |
1710s | that away |
1712s | somewhere oh well we'll deal with it |
1714s | later we we've changed a bunch of the UI |
1717s | in the inventory uh and so like buttons |
1720s | are either gone or aren't where they |
1723s | were before and there's like there's |
1725s | stuff's moved and and it's like I keep |
1727s | I've been playing on the new UI for the |
1729s | inventory client it's not a huge change |
1730s | but it's like just enough that I'm like |
1732s | clicking in the wrong spot a whole bunch |
1740s | which is something that we mentioned I |
1741s | think already in the monthly as well is |
1744s | that there's uh now tabs for your |
1747s | inventory and different categories of |
1748s | things can go in different tabs |
1752s | uh and and it'll clean up the picking up |
1755s | process for a lot of |
1756s | stuff that people will be very happy |
1759s | about oh let's let's do a little teaser |
1761s | let's do a little teaser we've been |
1762s | going for a little while long half hour |
1763s | that's plenty of time to do one |
1766s | right boom here's a little void knife |
1769s | uh passive tree |
1773s | teero necro is the most played class |
1775s | because you guys do it so well thank you |
1777s | even the non- Summoner builds are so |
1778s | much fun |
1782s | yeah uh with season 2 will there be |
1784s | changes small and big ones for every |
1786s | class yes are there a few that will stay |
1788s | totally untouch no um if you can say |
1791s | anything to that of course yeah there's |
1793s | um I mean so you're going to see the |
1794s | biggest changes |
1796s | on um I would say |
1800s | uh Sentinel as that'll have the biggest |
1802s | changes across all all three masteries |
1804s | are getting a bunch a bunch of touches |
1806s | um there's one rework skill there that |
1808s | was it's volatile reversal which we've |
1810s | been talking about for a while now which |
1811s | which was you take volatile reversal in |
1813s | almost every single build because it had |
1816s | such a humongous damage output even if |
1818s | the functionality was brutal for your |
1820s | build and play style and you you just as |
1821s | a person didn't like it it was so |
1823s | powerful that you kind of had to take it |
1826s | um which which is just like it removes |
1828s | it's you know picking four skills |
1829s | instead of five so like the creativity |
1831s | in build crafting diminishes a whole |
1833s | bunch um and for a lot of people it |
1835s | wasn't a play style they enjoyed so we |
1836s | wanted to pull that out while still |
1838s | having it be a viable and fun and |
1840s | Powerful option for people who do like |
1841s | it um and so there's going to be there |
1844s | that that skill got reworked um base |
1846s | functionality tree everything we've been |
1848s | teasing nodes on that like crazy and |
1852s | um there's a whole bunch because of that |
1854s | there's a whole bunch of stuff around it |
1856s | that had to get adjusted to because a |
1858s | lot of stuff had to get buffed because |
1859s | it was all being propped up by volatile |
1861s | reversal um so yeah there's a lot |
1863s | there's a lot of changes in uh Sentinel |
1866s | in general um and that's a lot of the |
1868s | teasers we've seen uh for the last |
1870s | couple bit little bit has been on that |
1871s | because that's what we've been working |
1872s | on so much lately um but yeah there's |
1875s | there's there's stuff all over the place |
1876s | um and that comes from something as |
1878s | simple as like a new unique item can |
1879s | shake up an entire class and um I think |
1883s | we'll see that in a couple places |
1884s | there's like there's a new skill for |
1886s | another class coming um that's going to |
1888s | be so nice uh just kind of like |
1891s | Revitalize a uh a Mastery |
1895s | that's uh hasn't seen much in the way of |
1898s | changes in total ever |
1900s | really |
1908s | um we still take crits like crazy don't |
1911s | we yeah we |
1913s | do uh that's a big problem we can't we |
1915s | can't really afford to go into one where |
1916s | they get crit bonuses even though I want |
1918s | that |
1919s | experience we apply Mark for death to |
1921s | ourselves |
1925s | so well even if you pick up a few skills |
1927s | or ideas from the chronicler I will be |
1930s | more than happy I just wanted to share |
1931s | yeah I I love I love reading these class |
1933s | things and I know I frequently don't |
1935s | reply to long long posts like that but I |
1937s | do read them |
1941s | all thanks again I don't know what |
1944s | you're talking about |
1950s | yeah caught it I I caught it myself |
1951s | without any help uh |
1954s | y uh well even you answer that I love |
1958s | the inclusion of the loot lizard I'm |
1960s | curious how you guys decided on that |
1961s | choice of animal and creature |
1964s | um you know |
1966s | sometimes uh sometimes the convenient |
1969s | option is the best |
1971s | option when when you're um when you |
1975s | don't have a ton of resources to build |
1977s | something you work with what you have |
1982s | um and it was |
1985s | the it it was just like the we looked at |
1987s | what we had available and it was just |
1989s | the most absolute obvious choice and we |
1991s | kind of just went with it cuz it was um |
1994s | like the name works |
1996s | great uh we we had variants already |
1999s | prepared of it like it it was so |
2002s | obviously the right choice that we |
2003s | didn't really spend much time thinking |
2004s | about it um I think it was like it was |
2008s | it was it's even one of those systems |
2009s | that wasn't even planned really and |
2012s | someone uh was was just like I I could |
2016s | slip that in and what do we have that's |
2018s | what we have and just uh the first |
2021s | version came very |
2023s | quickly on the heels of deciding to even |
2025s | do something I |
2034s | think and so |
2041s | it pushed it it pushed |
2044s | it |
2048s | um yeah I think it was and it's it every |
2051s | every St on we like okay we like after |
2053s | the first version do we change this do |
2054s | we update it no it's great let's just |
2056s | keep going you know I think that's kind |
2058s | of what what it was uh to follow up on a |
2060s | free weekend hopefully you could get it |
2063s | as a steam Weekend Deal so Le be on the |
2065s | front page and gain interest uh in those |
2067s | who don't know all about Ellie at all |
2070s | yeah um there's a lot of stuff that does |
2073s | that and I feel like we'll be trying to |
2075s | push it back into a situation like that |
2077s | if possible |
2079s | um but yes we would do it through Steam |
2082s | that's that's definitely that's way we |
2084s | did it last time I'm pretty |
2089s | sure enemies en rage at half Health sure |
2093s | go |
2094s | wrong uh for new season what will be |
2097s | added to endgame we have haven't really |
2098s | talked |
2099s | about um we haven't really talked about |
2102s | specifics on what's coming next season |
2104s | for for endgame so I can't really talk |
2106s | about it much um just cuz |
2109s | it's uh I'd be spoiling a humongous |
2112s | portion oh that hurt I just got B I'm |
2115s | not going to survive this |
2123s | um oh my gosh this is this is too much |
2127s | Danger for me we're gonna we're gonna |
2131s | we're going to go do something else cuz |
2132s | it's no fun just getting your ass handed |
2133s | to |
2134s | you um what can we roll a better version |
2139s | of is this show roll ranges there is |
2141s | roll |
2142s | ranges at least we can improve that |
2147s | okay |
2154s | nope uh but but endgame is getting a |
2157s | very substantial |
2159s | update um this is something that we |
2163s | know it's it's the the system that we're |
2166s | uh releasing for endgame is kind of the |
2168s | the reason why uh season 2 got delayed |
2170s | so much cuz we were planning on uh |
2173s | having a smaller version of this for 1.3 |
2176s | originally um and from all the feedback |
2178s | we got from 1.1 people were kind of like |
2181s | that's not going to be good enough |
2183s | basically um and |
2188s | we really wanted to have a a big update |
2191s | to endgame to to come and kind of |
2194s | Breathe new life into the the the the |
2197s | moment to moment decision making but |
2198s | also the like meta decision making for |
2201s | endgame cuz right now it's there's not a |
2203s | lot |
2204s | of uh there's not a lot of meta decision |
2206s | making to make in endgame right now at |
2209s | all basically there's like your your |
2211s | endgame meta decision- making is do I go |
2214s | down this path or this path that's |
2216s | that's basically it |
2218s | right now |
2221s | um and there's there's there's like the |
2223s | little things of like when you're on the |
2224s | timeline web like oh do I do I go down |
2226s | this side of the tree on that side of |
2227s | the web like when you're in a specific |
2228s | timeline Echo web |
2231s | and like that's I I think that is less |
2235s | there's less |
2237s | like I don't know it feels like there's |
2240s | less impactful decisions that you're |
2242s | making |
2243s | there um because you're just making like |
2245s | the next decision you're not you're not |
2247s | there's no reason to like think ahead |
2248s | very much there's like little things |
2250s | here and there but it's it's really |
2251s | subtle and it doesn't feel very specific |
2254s | um and there's a few things we added |
2255s | with this with the |
2257s | um uh with the faction system the item |
2260s | faction system when we added in um like |
2263s | Circle Fortune has a few things with |
2264s | like lenses that you can do and like um |
2267s | making some decisions on like what type |
2268s | of content you're going to do thinking |
2269s | you have that way so like there's like |
2270s | some hints of it there a little bit but |
2273s | it's still not really fully flashed out |
2275s | and like and and once again there's a |
2277s | little bit of a gain with the Forgotten |
2278s | kns where you have to like um pick the |
2280s | order that you do this in so you're not |
2282s | leaving like really hard ones to the |
2283s | very end and like you know things like |
2285s | that so there's there's there's |
2287s | some things that |
2290s | are kind of hinting at that style of |
2292s | stuff but there's not really any big |
2294s | decisions and there's also just not |
2295s | enough variety of |
2297s | activities um so we don't we don't have |
2300s | like we've only got a handful of |
2301s | activities we've got um three different |
2303s | dungeons which are arguably the same |
2305s | thing but I think I'd call them |
2306s | different activities um but they're very |
2308s | similar um the big problem with that is |
2311s | counting them even in this category is |
2313s | that they you usually do them to get the |
2315s | specific rewards they have that you |
2317s | don't generally want to farm over and |
2318s | over again um and then you have the |
2321s | arena which is not really fantastic for |
2325s | experience or loot for the most part um |
2328s | and so you're kind of left with the |
2329s | monolith as as you're almost exclusive |
2332s | like endgame system to like interact |
2334s | with that's like the backbone of the |
2335s | whole endgame system and so like |
2339s | the the the number of different Echo |
2343s | types that are in the in the monolith as |
2344s | well is a little thin so I think these |
2346s | are like these are all categories we're |
2348s | targeting for improvements in the end |
2351s | game and like so adding more activities |
2353s | improving the activities that are there |
2355s | giving you giving you some meta |
2356s | decisions to work on and and I think |
2359s | it's all going to come together to have |
2360s | just a much better endgame experience in |
2362s | general one that where you feel like |
2364s | you're affecting your endgame experience |
2366s | and you're making decisions that are |
2367s | changing your activity I and your like |
2369s | these are all important things that |
2371s | we're trying to incorporate into the |
2372s | endgame um systems that I think other |
2374s | games that have been around for a lot |
2376s | longer do really well |
2379s | um and I think |
2382s | that players having those experiences in |
2384s | those other games is making it really |
2386s | clear what we're missing in these |
2388s | categories and they're telling us and so |
2390s | this is like this is another one of the |
2392s | things of like taking feedback and |
2393s | putting into action so we are um we we |
2396s | get a lot of that feedback and we are |
2397s | are uh implementing |
2400s | it which is why this is why we pivoted |
2402s | pretty hard on what 1.2 was originally |
2404s | going to be |
2407s | um and why I think it's why I got |
2410s | delayed and why it's going to be I think |
2411s | so much so much more |
2419s | fun but there was some tech we part part |
2421s | of the reason we had |
2424s | um excuse me picked this update to be |
2428s | picked the endgame update to be 1.3 |
2430s | originally was because of the time of of |
2432s | certain pieces of tech that we had to |
2434s | develop to make functional for uh those |
2437s | new systems to even |
2439s | work and we thought we could uh we |
2443s | thought we could do a more campaign |
2445s | Focus |
2446s | 1.2 uh to begin |
2450s | with I guess to buy time for those |
2452s | ingame systems but I don't think it |
2453s | would have gone over well |
2459s | dang |
2462s | it that's a spicy |
2479s | meatball okay has not super comfy |
2494s | all right more |
2501s | questions I guess I I I I just realized |
2504s | I spoke kind of negatively for a little |
2506s | while there but I just want to uh let |
2508s | everyone know that I am unbelievably |
2510s | excited for what endgame is going to |
2511s | changes are going to come in 1.3 and I |
2513s | think it's uh I would love to be able to |
2516s | be more EXP explicitly spoilery about |
2520s | it forgot those go away when you walk in |
2523s | dang |
2525s | it but you know what for listening to my |
2529s | rambling I present another node this is |
2532s | a paladin |
2535s | node oh we're going to save that one |
2537s | here's a here's here's something else |
2538s | instead yeah this is cool we we'll split |
2540s | the nodes |
2541s | up here's a thing oh what could that |
2544s | thing be it's a big thing |
2549s | all right hello maybe not popular |
2551s | opinion loot lizards when you find one |
2553s | it should be like woo lizard uh but when |
2556s | you have multiple lizards during the |
2557s | echo it's like oh no another one can you |
2560s | make them more special moment and be |
2561s | actually happy to see them we are so |
2562s | that's one of the things we are doing we |
2563s | are um we we we did made this adjustment |
2566s | a little bit I think we're making it a |
2567s | little bit more as well which is just |
2569s | like making them um drop a little bit |
2571s | higher quality Loot and a little bit |
2572s | less of it |
2575s | um so they'll drop like rarer sh shards |
2577s | but less shards and they'll drop rare |
2579s | items but less items and like so just |
2581s | turning up that uh quality and qu |
2584s | quality up quantity down just a touch on |
2586s | them I I think will have a big impact on |
2587s | that CU I think you'll more frequently |
2588s | find especially with loot filters so |
2590s | strict uh you'll find things that you're |
2591s | actually wanting to pick up more um and |
2594s | be more excited about |
2597s | them hi really love the game and I've |
2600s | got a minion question currently they |
2601s | always run behind the player uh and what |
2604s | do you think about being able to |
2605s | position them to always run in front |
2608s | or split range for front and uh uh split |
2611s | range for back and melee front uh and is |
2614s | this something that's been discussed |
2615s | before sorry it's been asked before yeah |
2616s | it's fine uh you don't have to apologize |
2618s | for asking questions um it's a good |
2620s | question it has been asked many times |
2621s | before it's less of a uh don't want to |
2624s | and and not really sure how to uh |
2628s | it's |
2630s | it having the minions be smart enough to |
2634s | know which direction is forward um in |
2638s | the grand scheme of things is really |
2639s | tough so like if you're if you're |
2641s | advancing toward you're advancing |
2643s | forward towards enemies and then you're |
2645s | like oh I moved forward a little bit too |
2646s | far and you turn around and go |
2649s | backwards having it be able to recognize |
2652s | that you're just retreating a little bit |
2653s | and not actually setting a new forward |
2655s | Direction cuz you literally have set a |
2657s | new forward Direction um causes so many |
2660s | problems um I think we are we we've been |
2664s | talking about minion stances as as an |
2666s | idea for years now |
2668s | um and I still haven't given up on it |
2669s | I'd really like to see them be more of a |
2672s | um just like an aggressiveness stance |
2676s | and and and have them be a little bit |
2678s | more like be able to tell certain minion |
2680s | types to be more aggressive and I'd like |
2681s | to see that set in uh in here so like |
2685s | you come in here and you you'd have like |
2686s | your summon skeleton tree and you'd have |
2687s | like a little like thing that's just |
2689s | like passive defensive and offensive and |
2692s | you just like set the minion type right |
2694s | there that's what I'd like to see I |
2695s | think um I have open to the one skill |
2698s | tree that actually has the most issues |
2701s | with that um because there are different |
2703s | types there's melean ranged minions in |
2705s | here so we may have to have like |
2706s | multiple inputs there it's like the this |
2708s | minion and it would show you which |
2709s | minions are enabled or something like |
2710s | that like that's a lot of work to do |
2712s | that for every minion in the game but um |
2714s | I think it would be really positive |
2722s | overall uh are you guys going to remove |
2725s | that pesky transfer correct materials |
2726s | button from the ventory menu in season |
2728s | 1.2 or you possibly rework how mats get |
2731s | sent to your stash |
2734s | um I I don't have any specifics to share |
2737s | on this category yet but it is |
2739s | definitely being talked about right now |
2742s | um I I don't think the button is |
2744s | completely going |
2748s | away I think I'm allowed to say |
2751s | that uh last def F like in a few years |
2755s | we got it |
2757s | no I uh I |
2761s | I think like in a few |
2767s | months we're November right |
2769s | now did I say it's the the wrong |
2774s | year uh all right no question just |
2777s | wanted to say you're looking great |
2778s | thanks |
2788s | yeah thanks |
2792s | kanee what I was talking about with the |
2795s | uh minions here when I had the UI open |
2797s | behind that image was having uh |
2800s | something |
2801s | here to say like passive offensive |
2804s | defensive or something like that or |
2805s | maybe up here you know like somewhere on |
2807s | the skill Tre is where I'd put |
2809s | it I have I I'm so bad at that I'm so |
2812s | sorry |
2819s | all |
2834s | right uh all |
2836s | right uh the job listing for your game |
2839s | play or add the job listing for your |
2840s | gameplay development lead isn't that |
2842s | your role if so are you moving up or on |
2846s | um that is not my role actually um I am |
2850s | so I I technically do have a new role |
2854s | um although although my I I have a new |
2857s | title uh but my responsibilities have |
2859s | not changed whatsoever yet |
2864s | um so I'm I'm moving more towards the |
2867s | design team side of things than the |
2869s | development team so I've been kind of |
2871s | straddling design and development for |
2872s | years now um and I've been I've been uh |
2877s | Le meaning I've been I've been a |
2879s | developer that does design work and I'm |
2881s | switching to be a designer that does |
2882s | development |
2887s | work um so kind of but yes that the I |
2890s | technically was never the lead uh lead |
2892s | gameplay developer |
2894s | either |
2901s | um but those positions uh that we do |
2904s | have posted right now you would be |
2905s | working very closely with me cuz it |
2907s | would be a lot of skill stuff that |
2910s | um basically I'd be spending more time |
2912s | designing and handing stuff to you for |
2915s | implementation rather than designing and |
2918s | then implementing it myself as well but |
2919s | I be doing some implementation stuff |
2921s | myself it's that's you know a lot of us |
2923s | wear a lot of different hats um I'm |
2927s | making my primary hat design instead of |
2929s | development stuff I think it's going to |
2931s | be a lot of fun it has been a lot of |
2934s | fun nothing's really changed for me over |
2937s | probably yet will |
2939s | not which is fine because I've been |
2941s | working on this awesome project that I |
2943s | love doing it's been so |
2947s | great last year around this time I was |
2951s | uh I do stuff I really liked but it was |
2954s | I guess early in the years as well it |
2956s | was less stuff that I really |
2959s | liked like it was half stuff I really |
2962s | liked and half stuff I just kind of |
2963s | liked and now I've been doing 100% stuff |
2966s | that I really like that's been |
2981s | awesome hey Mike uh regarding damage |
2984s | reduction Dr on bosses uh do you intend |
2986s | to keep that in that way currently it |
2989s | feels like players are being punished |
2991s | for trying to perform better |
2994s | um it's oh close here |
2999s | so it's it's not about punishment for |
3000s | for performing |
3002s | better that's that's that is definitely |
3004s | not what's what's what's |
3005s | happening I can understand how it might |
3007s | feel that way death will not take |
3013s | me but we're trying to give |
3023s | um we're trying to give different builds |
3026s | the opportunity to play differently and |
3028s | still be |
3036s | effective like a straight glass Cannon |
3041s | build and a full tank |
3049s | build |
3050s | um obviously the or let obviously but |
3054s | the the glass Cannon build kills bosses |
3056s | right now even kill kills bosses way way |
3058s | faster way faster it's it's it's |
3061s | extremely different um doing more damage |
3065s | gets the job |
3067s | done |
3070s | like here let's let's let's do some |
3072s | drwing I love drawing okay so let's say |
3076s | you've got uh the time it takes to kill |
3078s | a boss oh that's a it's a wonky |
3081s | line still bad who cares um so you got |
3085s | like youve got the time it takes to kill |
3087s | a boss um from start to |
3090s | end and this is this is a Pure Health no |
3092s | Dr No adaptive anything system um and |
3097s | [Music] |
3099s | the uh the red line |
3103s | is uh glass Cannon and the green line is |
3106s | let's say of of a tanky build Crazy |
3108s | tanky |
3110s | build and so um the goal is the goal I |
3116s | think some people think that the goal is |
3117s | to do is to do |
3125s | this I I think that's what some people |
3127s | think the goal is to do and that's the |
3129s | way it might seem that's really not what |
3130s | the goal is at |
3132s | all the the goal is |
3135s | to um or or actually that's probably not |
3138s | true I think I think what a lot of |
3139s | people think the goal is actually to do |
3140s | is is is this |
3143s | sorry I think this is a feedback we lot |
3145s | the goal I think people think the goal |
3146s | is this |
3147s | where we just want we just want to bring |
3149s | the tanks up so they can kill at the |
3150s | same speed as people who who Focus DPS |
3152s | and that's really not what we want to do |
3153s | at |
3154s | all um the goal is |
3157s | to is to bring the builds is is to bring |
3160s | the builds up that are that are maybe |
3161s | focusing a little bit more on tank and |
3164s | or or maybe just are a little bit less |
3165s | focused and aren't being quite as |
3166s | successful in in their damaging so to to |
3169s | to maybe bring them up so they are |
3170s | killing things a little bit |
3173s | better I know I've done this backwards |
3175s | cuz time and speed we'll just we'll just |
3178s | say bet like this direction is |
3190s | good oh my God okay I've botched this |
3192s | completely we're going to we're going to |
3193s | start over |
3195s | Okay we're going to start over here we |
3197s | go this is |
3201s | time time as we go this way so closer to |
3205s | the left is good so left is |
3209s | good uh so red is full DPS |
3215s | DPS |
3217s | and the boss W system we want this like |
3221s | full DPS build too get a small benefit |
3223s | from it and to actually kill things a |
3225s | little bit faster so it's great they get |
3227s | a little bit of boost to kill things |
3229s | faster |
3231s | awesome um and then we've got over here |
3234s | this is a a tank |
3237s | doesn't have a ton of DPS um and we want |
3241s | them to to to not |
3243s | take an insanely large amount of time so |
3246s | we want to bring them this way as well |
3247s | but we want to bring them more so we we |
3249s | we bring the tank up to here now the the |
3251s | DPS the the full DPS build character is |
3253s | still killing things way faster the tank |
3256s | build just gets more of a boost from the |
3258s | system than the DPS build |
3260s | does so |
3263s | the the distance between |
3268s | this is this is the important part here |
3269s | is so the distance between this line and |
3273s | this |
3275s | line is bigger than the distance |
3281s | between this line and this |
3285s | line okay and this is a mess that I'm |
3288s | sorry I hope I'm making some sort of |
3291s | sense um so we've this is offset a bit |
3295s | but like so this amount |
3298s | ount is is the amount that we've |
3301s | improved the difference between the two |
3304s | we improved depends on how you look at |
3306s | we brought them that much closer |
3307s | together um so it's just making this a |
3310s | little less extreme it's it's making |
3312s | this Gap a little less intense and it's |
3314s | providing a gameplay mechanic that you |
3316s | can see and understand and play with and |
3318s | maybe make some decisions around to |
3320s | optimize your Gameplay at the same |
3322s | time this is a mess H I don't know if I |
3325s | like this or not I think I hate it but |
3327s | it's fine um the point is is that it's |
3331s | not to punish these people here that is |
3333s | not the goal at all the goal is to give |
3337s | these people a little bit of help little |
3340s | little little bit of |
3342s | help um and I think the piece that's |
3345s | that's missing is that uh the assumption |
3347s | that if the ward was gone the health |
3349s | would stay the same if the ward was gone |
3351s | the health would get a lot bigger the |
3352s | ward was gone the health would get a lot |
3354s | bigger um and if the ward was gone the |
3358s | this this this line here is where the |
3360s | DPS people would be and with the ward |
3362s | the DPS people are |
3365s | here so it is helping everyone kill the |
3368s | boss |
3370s | faster I think that's the important part |
3373s | um it's just helping people that |
3375s | are maybe less uh super high power build |
3379s | players more |
3387s | hope that helps um but like I say we are |
3392s | um I just deleted I should have kept it |
3395s | oh well um we're trying to make that |
3397s | purple line |
3399s | longer um by helping them a little bit |
3401s | more and um making the whole system like |
3406s | making the purple line longer but also |
3408s | making the gap between the two red |
3409s | vertical lines bigger as well |
3412s | um and making it show up in fewer |
3414s | situations so you don't see it in many |
3416s | boss fights you don't see it when you're |
3417s | fighting the the the Exile Mages or you |
3420s | know any any of that those |
3423s | places |
3427s | oh |
3440s | whoa this is my first time trying the |
3442s | Apple bubbly flavor I do not like apple |
3445s | uh flavored bubbly water |
3450s | apparently |
3457s | woo all right can we get an option sorry |
3459s | for that gigantic ramble I'm going to |
3461s | answer a bunch of questions quickly |
3462s | because that was absurd I apologize uh |
3464s | can we get an option to stash tabs to |
3467s | allow us to highlight items that we can |
3469s | equip for lower level characters I would |
3471s | love to I don't think it works right |
3474s | now um we've been we've been talking |
3477s | about |
3479s | uh uh stash search improvements a bunch |
3482s | and um the person who will be working on |
3484s | those has been working on inventory |
3486s | improvements |
3489s | um but yeah they're on the |
3494s | list I'm curious about dancing strikes |
3496s | is it going to see any mechanical |
3498s | changes I feel like it being a proper |
3500s | channeled skill would make it better at |
3501s | least performance- wise uh but I'm |
3503s | concerned that Rogues lack support for |
3505s | channeled skills at all |
3507s | yeah there's not really much I don't |
3508s | think I don't think it's going to become |
3509s | a channeled ability |
3512s | um the way that it works having it end |
3516s | uh early doesn't work |
3520s | sorry uh we know the new skill uh you |
3525s | have so cryptically mentioned is for the |
3527s | Lich you might as well tell us what it's |
3529s | called it's |
3532s | not uh so you can scratch L off the L |
3536s | off the list will not take me uh Aaron |
3540s | is panicking slow down the teasers |
3542s | before he Strokes okay okay okay I'll |
3544s | say I'll save I'll save the others for a |
3545s | little bit um I'm going to ask the hard |
3548s | question no one wanted to ask uh what's |
3551s | the deal with this game we've got no |
3553s | content for insane long time and now |
3555s | it's too late how do you plan to compete |
3556s | with pee2 which looks insane um I mean |
3559s | 1.2 is going to have a ton of awesome |
3560s | content um it's I mean yeah the most |
3565s | recent patch wasn't huge but there was |
3566s | defin stuff there so |
3569s | um maybe a little hyperboy but yeah uh |
3573s | we're going to release an awesome update |
3574s | with tons of great content and it's |
3576s | going to be lots of fun I think we |
3578s | realized that releasing a |
3583s | um like a series of medium cool um |
3587s | updates over the course of the year |
3588s | would have been probably |
3592s | worse so we're going we're going for the |
3594s | the big the big one |
3597s | we also have to play strategically |
3598s | around um like marketing time and |
3600s | marketing money and things like that |
3606s | um you know cuz we don't have we don't |
3608s | have the budget to go for a huge |
3610s | marketing spend |
3611s | on um you know like four patches every |
3614s | year so it's uh like some of them we |
3617s | have to like be a little more subtle |
3618s | about and I know a lot of people didn't |
3619s | even like weren't even aware that we've |
3621s | done some of them um because we went |
3623s | maybe too subtle on some of the |
3625s | marketing for some of them you know |
3633s | oh Get |
3635s | It Go a close |
3640s | one that is too |
3648s | much |
3651s | uh uh how do you feel other devs using |
3655s | the monolith as an inspiration for their |
3657s | game you know what I'm talking about I |
3658s | know you guys are |
3659s | friends um I mean I I don't |
3663s | know they've been working on it for a |
3665s | long time so it's |
3668s | unclear the order that things happened |
3670s | in to me still like I know there's |
3672s | there's definitely sis like there's |
3673s | something I'm going to tease today |
3675s | there's there's a te here's a great |
3676s | example there's a teaser I'm going to |
3677s | show you later |
3678s | today um that that you might have a |
3682s | feeling of like oh you're just showing |
3683s | us this cuz poe2 just announced it too |
3686s | um and I swear I had the screenshot |
3689s | before the poe2 stream and I didn't show |
3691s | it last week because it was it was right |
3693s | on the heels of that unveiling and I was |
3695s | like this is too close to the unveiling |
3696s | so I'm going to save it to next week |
3699s | um but yeah it's it stu stuff gets |
3702s | developed simultaneously so often |
3706s | thatth I think it's I think it's tenuous |
3709s | if there actually was any like hey |
3711s | that's a good idea let's see if we can |
3713s | make our own version of it um and even |
3716s | if it was even like hypothetically even |
3718s | if it was I think it's great that people |
3720s | are are building off of other ideas in |
3722s | the genre and are like like I think game |
3726s | development should be a lot more um |
3729s | openly collaborative than it typically |
3730s | is in the world |
3733s | um and I'd love to see a a generally |
3736s | more free use of techniques and ideas |
3739s | amongst uh amongst developers and I I |
3741s | know this is like not anything that's my |
3744s | under my controll or uh or or I have any |
3747s | sort of like authority to say what |
3749s | should or shouldn't happen with this |
3751s | sort of thing but like um I don't know I |
3753s | I like I like a I like a |
3756s | collaborative approach to things like |
3758s | this let's take a prism wraps in there |
3760s | just cuz it's |
3766s | fun yeah why not |
3770s | [Music] |
3779s | next time you will perish that Health |
3782s | was just teetering that was |
3790s | crazy what what was the the animation |
3793s | required to do it is immense and |
3798s | uh any any hope of a wasi support is |
3800s | still pending a entire animation rework |
3803s | for the character |
3809s | which is thousands of animations that |
3810s | need to be done I know that sounds like |
3812s | an exaggeration it's |
3813s | not some of them do end up being |
3815s | overlapping with each |
3817s | other but every single one of them needs |
3819s | to be checked uh even if even if one of |
3821s | them does work for two it still needs to |
3823s | be |
3825s | like um like gone through as an |
3828s | individual item to make sure it's good |
3829s | and make sure it's not an edge case and |
3831s | all the sorts of things and usually they |
3833s | usually a lot of them apply for like |
3837s | two to three situations so it's maybe |
3839s | not thousands May it's only ends up |
3840s | being actually hundreds of new |
3841s | animations that need to be get get |
3843s | created |
3845s | um and it could still be thousands but |
3848s | my my point is it's it's just it's a ton |
3849s | of Animation work that we still got to |
3850s | do to even consider |
3854s | it and it's like it's it's animation |
3856s | work that we probably need to do anyways |
3858s | but it's a lot of it and it's going to |
3860s | take a long |
3863s | time and it slows down every other |
3865s | animation |
3867s | uh Reliant thing in the |
3873s | game or or is held up by you know like |
3876s | we have to prioritize these |
3878s | things your has but even if we like |
3881s | stopped all of the animation stuff for |
3884s | every other thing that needed it and |
3885s | went wholesale into that like it there's |
3888s | no way we could get it ready for 1.2 |
3889s | it's not |
3892s | possible unless unless I don't |
3894s | understand the system well enough which |
3895s | is I don't know |
3898s | I think unlikely |
3902s | but I am no |
3909s | animator uh oh Mike I almost forgot have |
3912s | you started working on the orbus |
3914s | monolith strategy idea thing that I the |
3917s | thing I was rambling about last week as |
3919s | a as a what if no we haven't started on |
3921s | that I haven't even pitched it |
3922s | internally |
3926s | I I started making a design dog for it |
3935s | though your death has |
3941s | come uh I mean p just copied your Echoes |
3945s | as a late game mapping so Props for the |
3947s | team thanks I mean there's there's lots |
3949s | of similarities with with other po |
3951s | systems already as well there so like |
3953s | ah I I feel like there's |
3956s | like there's always the chance that |
3958s | someone on on the design team played |
3959s | last defac at some point and then just |
3961s | like they were in a design meeting and |
3962s | someone had a thought they wasn't like I |
3964s | don't think there was any I don't think |
3966s | anyone actually believes this oh maybe |
3968s | some people do I don't I don't believe |
3970s | that there was at any point people were |
3972s | like what do they have what can we take |
3975s | let's figure it out type thing like that |
3976s | was I don't think that was the starting |
3977s | point for anything they did |
3982s | um and and the stuff that is similar is |
3986s | very largely just coincidence I |
3994s | think cuz like we weren't even the first |
3996s | game to do something quite like that |
3997s | either you know like there's I'm sure |
3999s | there's I I don't have good examples up |
4000s | top my head but I'm sure there's other |
4001s | games you could find that you're like |
4003s | well this is just that with this feature |
4005s | added on and this is just that with this |
4006s | other feature added on and |
4014s | like but I do I'll say this I'll put |
4017s | I'll put here's a great way to put it I |
4018s | really like the core um style of the |
4022s | monolith system and I'm really excited |
4024s | to play that in the poe framework as |
4027s | well so I think it's going to be |
4033s | great uh do you plan to add corruption |
4036s | number on mono so we don't need to check |
4038s | what corruption we had in specific zones |
4041s | I think people I think this is the |
4042s | request to put it in here um I really |
4045s | like the idea I don't know if it's being |
4046s | put in or not yet but I really like |
4052s | it uh thanks I just think about minions |
4055s | and |
4057s | formation yep the bug over there on the |
4060s | screen yep uh do you plan to add new |
4064s | dungeon MB or more unique Echoes like |
4068s | Echo with only lizard and timeline uh |
4070s | and limited time yeah I think new types |
4073s | of um new types of Echoes I think is a |
4076s | really important category of things we |
4077s | need to add yeah hey Mike po2 is gone in |
4081s | the direction of punishing player hard |
4083s | for dying is the team still confident on |
4085s | the current decision of no penalty on |
4087s | death uh I mean so we do a very limited |
4091s | penalty on death there's still death |
4093s | penalties in last Epoch they're just |
4096s | pretty |
4097s | tame |
4100s | um I think a lot of |
4103s | them if I was making last SE for myself |
4107s | only and I wasn't and I didn't have to I |
4109s | I use this caveat a lot and I didn't |
4110s | have to think about anyone else playing |
4112s | the game and it was just for Mike yeah |
4114s | the death penalty would be a lot more |
4115s | severe I think I think it there would be |
4117s | there'd be a a a and you can and I I |
4119s | will never I will never pitch either of |
4121s | these things to be in last OT cuz I |
4122s | don't think they'd actually be good for |
4123s | the game but if I was making last eot |
4126s | for myself only we would have we |
4129s | probably have durability we would |
4131s | probably have uh like like your stuff |
4134s | would drop on the ground you'd have to |
4135s | like go find it again we'd probably have |
4137s | like um like Resurrection Town Fe type |
4142s | things like like there there'd be all |
4143s | sorts of death penalties and and like |
4145s | experience loss like I I'm a I really |
4148s | like |
4149s | having um a high stakes death penalty |
4153s | that isn't quite all the way to hardcore |
4156s | I like I don't want the character to |
4157s | just be done but I want it to be like I |
4159s | want there to be significant penalties |
4162s | for dying and and it be like it to be |
4164s | like I love those Stakes where it's like |
4166s | there's like you you're you're going |
4167s | along and you get a death and it's like |
4168s | it's crushing and like or you you just |
4170s | narrowly escape death and it feels |
4172s | amazing I love those moments um I don't |
4176s | think they're awesome for last Epoch so |
4178s | I'm not I'm not I don't ever suggest |
4180s | those in design meetings I advocate |
4181s | against them in design meetings um but |
4184s | personally I do really like those |
4185s | heavier death penalties |
4191s | myself down stairs |
4206s | all right more questions here we go here |
4210s | we |
4211s | go uh with the update to engine do you |
4214s | think we'll finally see the Warlock |
4216s | necro be able to raise enemy mobs to |
4218s | fight with you no that's not an engine |
4221s | issue sorry |
4233s | that's a networking stack |
4251s | issue yes I'm on it be well on it like a |
4255s | carb on |
4260s | it let find out the question while that |
4262s | comes off cool |
4264s | down uh do you think to expand existing |
4268s | mechanics MB I don't know what the MB is |
4271s | something like oh maybe maybe something |
4274s | I got it maybe something like exiled |
4275s | Mage map where we can craft unique |
4279s | prefixes or maybe I'm learning a dungeon |
4283s | with exiled Mage boss at the end and |
4284s | some unique way to have something new I |
4286s | think you're um you're on the right |
4289s | track but I think you're uh I I think |
4293s | there's room to be a little bit |
4296s | more uh creative with the new things we |
4299s | could add to to do these things instead |
4300s | of trying to |
4301s | reuse um too much I think there's I |
4305s | think there's room for new stuff in the |
4307s | pipe um to to accomplish what you're |
4310s | trying to |
4312s | accomplish but yes I like where your |
4314s | head's at |
4330s | ah give me stormbolt yes |
4347s | all |
4348s | right there's there's a new mechanic |
4350s | that we that we that were adding for 1.2 |
4352s | and I just thought it was I thought it |
4354s | just happened here for a split second |
4356s | I'm like wait how is that on |
4359s | live but it didn't it was it was just |
4361s | something that happened to look kind of |
4362s | similar and I was uh it eludes me caught |
4366s | me off guard |
4378s | okay uh will procedurally gener |
4380s | generated areas be in next patch and if |
4383s | yes will they affect a effect uh both |
4386s | the campaign and the end game or just |
4387s | the end game um whoa that was |
4389s | close for not looking at my |
4393s | screen um we are we are I don't I don't |
4396s | know is the answer to this one we are |
4398s | actively working on procedural generated |
4399s | content I think it's going to make it in |
4401s | for 1.3 1.2 sorry um |
4406s | uh the majority of zones will not use it |
4409s | initially um it's going to be something |
4412s | that we eventually leverage for the |
4413s | entirety of the game campaign um |
4416s | monolith uh dungeons other things too |
4419s | that we add in afterwards like like it's |
4421s | going to be it's we're designing it as a |
4422s | core thing that we're going to use um in |
4424s | the game |
4426s | and um in initially the implementation |
4430s | is going to be very |
4431s | narrow um |
4435s | and we'll hopefully very quickly expand |
4438s | to become |
4439s | uh all over the place but not completely |
4442s | ubiquitous so we don't we we do still |
4444s | want handcrafted levels to exist in the |
4445s | game |
4450s | um uh there's just there's just so many |
4453s | in order to add the volume of things we |
4455s | want to add uh so that the game is like |
4458s | really exciting and I went into an echo |
4461s | uh so so there's like there's enough |
4462s | Variety in the game to do the things we |
4464s | want to do |
4466s | we need procedural generation in the |
4468s | game |
4478s | um so yeah the PCG systems are |
4481s | working |
4484s | um they're at least they're they're |
4487s | definitely functional right |
4489s | now |
4493s | um but they're they're early still |
4503s | come on worthless |
4508s | anyway I what I get for not cleaning up |
4510s | the |
4514s | mobs that was really |
4516s | close my my health just dipped into like |
4519s | double legit numbers I think |
4537s | okay more questions uh wait a second I |
4539s | know I heard you talk about a new Lich |
4541s | skill before I even remember you saying |
4542s | that it's too good at doing what you're |
4544s | supposed to be doing at needs more time |
4545s | to balance um yes |
4549s | um we did start developing |
4553s | one but that's not the one I was just |
4555s | talking talking |
4562s | about and also I described a class that |
4564s | hasn't been touched in a long time let |
4565s | has |
4566s | had a lot more changes recently |
4575s | than all right will the set item rework |
4577s | system be in the next patch |
4582s | maybe it's it's it's not impossible at |
4585s | this |
4593s | point uh what kind of improvements are |
4595s | you seeing with engine updates I mean a |
4596s | lot of it is um a lot of it's under the |
4598s | hood stuff that you that won't really be |
4600s | obvious at first at all um you know like |
4602s | performance things um there's there's |
4605s | there's a lot of things that are the |
4607s | game just feels better to play um and |
4609s | you're kind of like I wonder why that is |
4612s | that's why |
4620s | much stuff that's not supposed to be |
4621s | there but the tab for it is probably |
4629s | full yeah that's the nice one to shatter |
4633s | her uh hey what wasy please I did touch |
4636s | on this earlier in the Stream but I'll |
4637s | mention it again um there's a ton of |
4643s | um wasdi and twin stick is the same |
4646s | thing really it's the same thing holding |
4647s | them back is uh a ton of Animation work |
4649s | that needs to be done really it's just |
4650s | there's just so much animation updates |
4652s | that needs to be done before either of |
4653s | those work |
4656s | um so we're working on those long it |
4659s | it's a way quite a ways out though |
4660s | before like and it's it's Lo it's not |
4663s | really even I don't want to say like |
4665s | it's coming or anything like that cuz um |
4667s | it's animation stuff that has to be done |
4670s | um before we can even really decide if |
4671s | we want |
4672s | to before it can be put in really |
4679s | I hope we do though I don't really see |
4681s | why we wouldn't at this point either |
4686s | come but it is a big deal so it's like |
4689s | adding a new control scheme |
4691s | is okay I I I do actually did think of a |
4695s | reason why we wouldn't it's because of |
4696s | the huge updates we doing the controller |
4698s | control updates right now which which |
4699s | may actually help it I don't know yet |
4701s | but um so we are we're doing a big |
4705s | update to how controllers Target um |
4707s | which is it's so nice it's like I was I |
4710s | was playing on stream uh with controller |
4714s | and then we just had like an early |
4715s | version of the targeting update come |
4716s | through to um uh through to like our our |
4720s | internal gameplay |
4722s | testing and so I've been I played a |
4724s | controller test on stream a couple weeks |
4727s | back um or a live version of the |
4729s | controller build and I was like I was |
4731s | having a little bit of a problem with a |
4732s | couple skills and how they worked um and |
4734s | so I load up the same character on the |
4736s | new controller updates for it it's so |
4739s | much |
4740s | nicer like all my complaints were just |
4742s | gone right away I was so |
4746s | happy that's |
4752s | interesting um so yeah I think there's |
4755s | going to be some great stuff there it's |
4756s | basically um a skill specific targeting |
4759s | paradigms for a controller and it's it's |
4762s | not even just skill specific it's um |
4764s | specialization specific So like um |
4767s | what's a good example uh |
4771s | the |
4773s | uh smoke bomb smoke bomb a good one uh |
4778s | shurikens yeah shurikens is a good one |
4780s | when shurikens um is set to backflip |
4784s | mode |
4787s | um do shurikens have a front flip mode |
4789s | as well there there's one that has like |
4790s | a back flip mode and a front flip mode I |
4791s | think it's shurikens um maybe smoke bomb |
4796s | anyways it doesn't really matter there's |
4797s | so like it targets differently if you've |
4800s | taken the uh back flip Nob not the front |
4803s | flip node and then it like changes |
4804s | targeting a game if you're taking the |
4805s | front flip node um and it like it it |
4808s | just it it just it just feels you're |
4810s | like yes obviously that's what I wanted |
4812s | to do and I think that um anyone who's |
4816s | maybe hasn't played with an ability that |
4817s | was suffering from situations of |
4819s | problems like that won't uh won't really |
4822s | notice much um but anyone playing the I |
4828s | don't know one of a 100 abilities that |
4829s | suffers from it will will absolutely |
4831s | love |
4849s | it also triggered abilities oh triggered |
4852s | abilities feels so much better on it now |
4853s | too |
4856s | cuz you see people like like triggering |
4857s | like a a fireball Trigger or something |
4859s | like that and it just like goes flying |
4860s | off in whatever Direction you're facing |
4862s | not at the thing that you hit and you're |
4865s | just like come |
4869s | on or if You' played |
4877s | um yeah it just it just works so much |
4879s | better |
4881s | now all right if l61 was a pet what kind |
4884s | of pet would it be void necrotic visual |
4887s | themed um we we someone came up with |
4890s | this it was like someone has someone has |
4892s | like an actual answer for this I can't |
4893s | remember what it |
4900s | was I think it be void though need fall |
4903s | into the void oh unique one do we do we |
4906s | go for it or do we finish the |
4910s | boss we just we just go get it see what |
4913s | it is |
4915s | only a six corruption it can't be that |
4917s | good I just go for the |
4921s | boss uh po po2 stole the endgame D4 |
4925s | stole the itemization and greater |
4926s | affixes I wonder what Titan Quest 2 will |
4928s | steal just joking I love contributing to |
4930s | such things yeah yeah it's like there's |
4934s | so many similarities in in games across |
4936s | all sorts of genres that it's like I |
4937s | don't |
4940s | know is there any chance of getting a |
4942s | sub game incorporated into Le to gamble |
4945s | our gold for items maybe a casino update |
4948s | with interactive Min games you can wage |
4949s | your gold for prizes if you win it oh |
4952s | I'd love to I think okay so I think that |
4954s | the if we were going to do this serious |
4956s | question serious answer yes I think |
4959s | there's room for something like this um |
4962s | I don't think it would be uh I when I |
4965s | say when I say yes there's something |
4966s | room something like this I don't think |
4967s | there's room for a casino rather that I |
4969s | don't think it could be a casino I think |
4971s | that a casino I know the game's the |
4973s | game's not marketed at kids it's not for |
4975s | kids all that sort of stuff but I still |
4976s | don't like putting |
4978s | literal casinos in a game like that it's |
4982s | just it feels so |
4985s | um it it feels like a slippery slope it |
4987s | feels like uh you know you're you're |
4990s | encouraging things that might not be |
4992s | great habits in the real world for a lot |
4994s | of people that can't afford to do them |
4995s | um even even in a game when the |
4996s | consequences are so limited it's I think |
4998s | it's still possibly not quite |
5000s | responsible to be encouraging things |
5002s | like that for people and we know the |
5003s | kids do play the game even though not |
5005s | supposed to you know and that sort of |
5006s | thing so I I I'm not a big fan of Casino |
5008s | directly going in I would however be |
5011s | really interested in a miname where you |
5014s | could say um like it costs 100 goal or |
5020s | it's like nothing say it costs you say |
5022s | you could wager a fixed amount of gold |
5024s | and you be like like a a head-to-head |
5026s | Battle of like a mini a head-to-head |
5028s | mini game battle with another player |
5030s | where you could wage your gold and |
5032s | Winner Takes like so so you each put in |
5034s | in 100 gold and it'll be way higher than |
5036s | that but you each put in 100 gold and |
5037s | the winner gets 175 gold and the house |
5039s | keeps 25 or something like that as like |
5041s | it it acts as a gold syn back into the |
5043s | game to keep the economy um in a good |
5046s | place it acts as like a you know a uh |
5051s | Stakes for the mini game and a way you |
5053s | can actually improve your character with |
5055s | through the mini game playing because |
5056s | you can then use that gold to leverage |
5058s | for things in in the at the auction |
5059s | house and stuff like that I think there |
5061s | need to be more explicit gold syns for |
5064s | cof players to make that be really |
5066s | awesome um but I'd love to see it yeah I |
5069s | I'm like I'm reminded of I know it was a |
5072s | failed mechanic in that system but like |
5074s | I'm kind of reminded of like an anti |
5075s | system in like magic magic the Gathering |
5078s | where you'd like put a card from your |
5079s | deck up for anti um which is terrible in |
5083s | in Magic and and I I like they they got |
5086s | rid of it for a reason oh my God I'm |
5087s | just going to die right |
5089s | away |
5090s | okay do not stand in my way |
5098s | oh my God what did I click on okay |
5100s | uh this is a m uh okay that's |
5105s | okay oh my goodness not stand in my |
5110s | way behold the r of oh and someone |
5113s | mentioned uh last week or the week |
5115s | before uh they were talking about the |
5118s | this is of |
5120s | Mercy like the the Dodge and Dodge back |
5123s | issue where like you in my |
5128s | way where sometimes when you |
5132s | activate |
5134s | um this is a mercy |
5139s | sh when you activate evade it act it |
5143s | reactivates evade immediately taking you |
5145s | back to the original |
5146s | location um there's a few people there's |
5148s | people that are like this happen so much |
5149s | how is it not being fixed like it's |
5151s | insane type thing and then and I'm |
5153s | sitting here being like I've never seen |
5154s | this before no idea talking about um but |
5156s | we we've we've got a fix for it it was |
5158s | just announced in the uh November update |
5161s | um so we are working on |
5166s | that sons of which I'm really glad to |
5172s | see I wish this like this this shielding |
5175s | around him was a little more |
5177s | obvious it always takes me a second to |
5179s | realize cuz I don't fight this boss that |
5181s | often um it always takes me a second to |
5183s | re remember like oh yeah he's in |
5184s | vulnerable on the |
5188s | stage one of my friends that's playing |
5190s | through the game for the first time |
5191s | recently I walked right into |
5194s | it um not stand in my way he was |
5197s | mentioning that he's like I I I can't |
5199s | hit him he's invulnerable |
5205s | yes this is a mercy come on shut up see |
5210s | I wish it was a little more clear stand |
5212s | in my way |
5217s | yeah transplant kill to protect my |
5220s | people I'll take it oh better |
5223s | roll chill don't really care Fizz |
5226s | reses fiz reses is nice we do have a lot |
5228s | of |
5229s | it take stuff out |
5232s | elsewhere we don't have a ton of armor |
5235s | so you know more armor doesn't really do |
5240s | much percentage base armor is kind of |
5242s | useless for us let's do F res and we'll |
5244s | we'll will take the Fizz reses out of |
5246s | somewhere |
5247s | else we always switch back anyways later |
5249s | because it's discovered |
5255s | now all |
5258s | right please no XP de I don't like the |
5260s | death mechanic yeah don't worry I I I |
5262s | hope I said it enough times I have no |
5263s | interest in putting that into last |
5267s | Epoch I personally think uh XP death |
5270s | penalty is a good thing for the higher |
5272s | levels to make the journey to 100 feel |
5273s | more exciting to hit |
5275s | for me personally I do I do think I like |
5278s | that it's it is tough I've been through |
5280s | the like have you ever tried to level |
5282s | Diablo 2 to level 99 oh my God it takes |
5288s | forever it is brutal you're like I |
5291s | died there's that there's a week of |
5293s | grinding gone and like that sucks so |
5297s | it's it's such a hard thing to balance |
5299s | and decide if you want like I I almost |
5301s | there's a small part of me that almost |
5302s | wants like a medium core mode if that |
5306s | makes any sense where you're |
5309s | like these are all kind of good aren't |
5311s | they I've got good ones for all these |
5314s | want to replace them with better things |
5315s | okay can we try empowered we haven't |
5317s | done anything to make our character |
5320s | better not leveling up fast |
5327s | enough |
5331s | let's you know let's just go let's go |
5333s | right back in let's just let's just get |
5334s | more we need more |
5338s | more we're going |
5343s | up any teasers for mg improvements |
5346s | really like the system best training |
5348s | system for apgs yet I'm um anything I |
5350s | can share with that there's there's some |
5353s | little things there's uh we're at that |
5356s | point of like go noo on a few systems |
5359s | and there there's something that's kind |
5360s | of hanging on the edge right now that |
5361s | might make it in might not if it does |
5363s | it'll be awesome |
5365s | um if not it'll be next |
5368s | patch |
5371s | um but |
5378s | yeah there's definitely stuff on the |
5381s | way time sta for reference we are 18 all |
5385s | 218 2 yeah okay not too not doing too |
5392s | bad I think it's net that has back and |
5396s | forth uh there there's one of them that |
5397s | starts with no movement and you can add |
5400s | forward movement and then there's a node |
5401s | after it it's like I I know cuz I was |
5403s | testing it on the tree it's down here |
5405s | there's like it comes down and there's a |
5407s | node like right here that says uh I |
5410s | think it's backflip |
5412s | first and then it comes down on an angle |
5414s | and it says forward flip down here I |
5416s | think I it's it's on Rogue |
5422s | somewhere it's also a little thing like |
5424s | bista has a bunch of the nodes like that |
5425s | too where you're like if you've taken |
5428s | bista has some of the hardest ones too |
5429s | cuz it's there's one where it's like um |
5432s | the the bista explodes itself so you |
5433s | want it you want to drop it right next |
5435s | to enemies but then there's other ones |
5437s | where it gets Buffs for being close to |
5439s | you so you want it to drop right beside |
5440s | you so like depending on which nodes |
5441s | you've taken the the controller has to |
5443s | be smart enough or the game has to be |
5445s | start to know that because you're |
5445s | playing on controller you can't pick |
5447s | your targeting perfectly so it has to |
5449s | Target enemies or Target yourself based |
5452s | on which of those nodes you have |
5453s | selected and like |
5455s | it's just a ton like there's so many |
5456s | nodes that affect it and change the |
5458s | strategy and how you play the ability |
5460s | that all those decisions that you're |
5462s | making as a player on keyboard and mouse |
5464s | that you can't make on controller have |
5465s | to be able to be made for you and um cuz |
5470s | because the way it is right now it just |
5472s | does the same thing every time no matter |
5473s | what nodes you have taken Mak certain |
5474s | nodes actually be downsides to your |
5476s | build which is really problematic |
5480s | um so we're trying to make it so that |
5482s | all those issues go away and and and |
5484s | you're like oh it's not putting this in |
5487s | it's not like Advanced strategy things |
5488s | either it's not like we're taking the |
5490s | the skill away completely because like |
5492s | it's it's really basic things like do I |
5496s | want to jump like if I've taken backflip |
5498s | to save myself from enemies do I want to |
5501s | have to turn |
5502s | around in order to backflip away from |
5505s | the enemies first or can I just use |
5508s | backflip and |
5509s | backflip you know like |
5531s | okay that was a close |
5535s | one like hit hit and |
5538s | Dodge you can hear you can hear that |
5540s | space bar when I try and |
5543s | Dodge uh all |
5545s | right uh when will we get a veteran item |
5548s | set |
5550s | ah I I don't think we do many more of |
5552s | those I I'm kind of ho hum on that whole |
5555s | thing we'll see though uh what is the |
5557s | story with the dungeon guarding the |
5560s | black Sun uh when do we get to fight it |
5564s | oh Dragon dungeon oh get some glasses |
5566s | Mike the dragon uh guarding the black |
5570s | sun when do we to fight it and what does |
5571s | orbus come out and said black Sun |
5575s | uh will it collide with chapter 12 of |
5577s | The |
5579s | Campaign |
5581s | um I can't really tell you anything |
5584s | about that but there is there is |
5586s | stuff about that that is you |
5590s | know not fully unveiled |
5595s | yet uh you promise another teaser mic we |
5597s | still waiting yep I did I'm sorry here |
5600s | we go you want it you got it |
5609s | Paladin if a casino is a nogo how about |
5612s | an arcade where you can spend gold to |
5614s | play mini games like knockoff Galactica |
5617s | or pong we could still have LA classic |
5619s | games |
5621s | leaderboard I think that's a cool idea I |
5624s | think it's a cool idea |
5626s | um I think I think we'd want to tie it |
5629s | in a little bit to to Ellie and have |
5630s | that gameplay transfer over um a little |
5634s | bit I don't know I think that might be a |
5636s | little too removed but maybe I think |
5639s | there's I think there's definitely room |
5640s | for mini games that have effects on |
5643s | things you know like there's there's |
5645s | there's room for tie-ins there I think |
5647s | um I have a pretty clear picture of what |
5650s | I want that to look like but I'm really |
5652s | being really careful not to say that out |
5653s | loud |
5656s | um yeah uh why is it only fire-based |
5660s | special effects from attacks will crash |
5662s | my game I don't know but not other |
5664s | Elemental special effects what makes |
5666s | fire different I I don't know at all I'm |
5674s | sorry you got to ping me to see the |
5675s | question yeah can I look up a little bit |
5678s | ah yes will be seeing overhaul of the |
5681s | trade UI and removal of the faction grid |
5683s | no grind |
5687s | no uh will we see a fix to the trade oh |
5691s | that uh will volcanic orbs see some love |
5694s | in the next patch been asking for |
5695s | literally years well K corbs had had |
5697s | changes and things done to it for sure |
5700s | um I don't think it's going to H there's |
5703s | I don't think there's a giant overhaul |
5704s | plan for |
5706s | it are you playing pee2 on December 6th |
5710s | uh I'm playing last Epoch on December |
5711s | 6th that's stream day it's one week from |
5714s | today but yeah I'll be playing pe2 as |
5718s | well and I had already booked the day |
5720s | off before |
5724s | uh before they announce that date but |
5727s | yes I booked that day off accidentally |
5729s | accidentally I swear I booked the day |
5731s | off before it as |
5742s | well you watch the stream overall in |
5746s | Q yeah i' I've asked them to make sure |
5749s | that there's a queue that ends uh right |
5751s | when I finish stream so that I can hop |
5752s | in right away no |
5757s | let's just give this one let's give this |
5758s | one another try I know we got our butts |
5759s | handed to us but we're going to |
5767s | try oh hi first time stopping by the ATT |
5770s | monthly got me curious about the streams |
5772s | hope you're doing well I am doing well |
5774s | hello and I just realized without anyone |
5777s | telling me that it is still on screen I |
5779s | got it I got rid of the |
5781s | teaser you proud of me oh Kane sent me a |
5785s | message |
5786s | too and he deleted it |
5797s | yeah almost almost got through that one |
5799s | on my |
5802s | own I need I need like this must be a |
5807s | thing like some way to push a button or |
5812s | something I don't know that like when I |
5814s | when I put a teaser on screen oh my |
5818s | goodness ouch my face it really |
5821s | hurts what is going |
5823s | on run away |
5831s | fast so |
5838s | persistent oh my |
5841s | God what |
5847s | oh it doesn't do |
5849s | fire I popped a potion going in cuz I'm |
5852s | like this will be great it'll save me |
5855s | but no it is it's not it's not |
5860s | fire all |
5864s | right that we we just need we just need |
5866s | more damage that's how we fix problems |
5868s | we add |
5869s | damage I do need to take some time and |
5871s | actually like upgrade my gear a chunk |
5873s | cuz like there's some big gaps in it |
5875s | right now they're just not |
5878s | awesome I want |
5882s | this I want this I go for this |
5888s | instead I was going to ask about a gold |
5891s | saucer style Zone in Le with mini game |
5894s | funny someone else been asking about it |
5897s | today I think it'll be |
5898s | sweet uh maybe even an in-game Magic the |
5902s | Gathering style card system |
5905s | you know me too |
5908s | well uh recently I was talking to a |
5910s | friend about the fact that uh rooll is a |
5915s | fatally that rooll is a fatally |
5917s | implemented |
5920s | mechanic okay uh for the reason that it |
5923s | is slower than the character with |
5924s | average movement speed no it's |
5927s | not uh due to which it's easier to be |
5929s | hit by some of the opponent's abilities |
5932s | trying to avoid them with roll and |
5933s | simply running away from them uh no roll |
5936s | is a little bit faster it's not a lot |
5938s | faster but it's a little bit faster it's |
5939s | also faster over a short distance so if |
5941s | there |
5942s | is |
5943s | [Music] |
5945s | um like if if you're if you're standing |
5947s | in an AOE that's like this and and you |
5950s | have to and you have to close a gap |
5952s | that's like this distance um |
5955s | that is is much faster rolling that than |
5959s | walking that um but if you're just if |
5962s | you're just you're trying to get out of |
5963s | an that's like this big um the |
5967s | difference because there's a little bit |
5968s | of a stall after you roll that the rolls |
5970s | that the speed's |
5972s | nonlinear um trying to go like really |
5975s | long |
5976s | distances um if rolling is a tiny bit |
5980s | faster but the difference is much less |
5983s | over longer distances because you get |
5985s | those the stops partway through where |
5987s | you do take a pause um but used for |
5990s | repositioning specific motions in combat |
5993s | it is is more efficient than |
5995s | running |
5999s | um uh and and it also lets you uh go |
6002s | through certain things as well so it's |
6004s | it like it's definitely better than |
6008s | walking um also if you like if your move |
6010s | speed increases the roll speed increases |
6012s | as well by the same rate so it it |
6014s | there's no um you never have to qualify |
6016s | it with uh with average movement speed |
6020s | because low and high movement speed |
6022s | characters still have the same benefit |
6023s | from roll relative to their normal |
6025s | movement |
6032s | speeds |
6035s | yeah cuz I agree that the concern you |
6037s | have about it is very valid concern and |
6040s | and we very specifically uh designed it |
6043s | so that that wouldn't |
6051s | happen and it's not perfect |
6057s | but I do love |
6059s | it I don't use it nearly |
6080s | enough okay |
6087s | this is getting a little |
6090s | spicy getting a little |
6096s | spicy more questions got to do it any |
6099s | multiplayer improvements for next cycle |
6102s | we're doing Seasons now um me and my |
6105s | buds uh really like ell just uh not much |
6108s | incentive for playing together lots of |
6110s | crashes especially in dungeons um yeah I |
6112s | mean there's there's lots of stability |
6113s | improvements that are coming |
6114s | um multiplayer there's there's there's |
6116s | lots of great stuff with just having it |
6118s | be a smoother gameplay experience that's |
6119s | happening um we are uh we're |
6123s | we're switching uh chat |
6126s | providers um which I know doesn't seem |
6129s | like it would be that big of a deal but |
6131s | the reason why the uh the the friends |
6134s | list is kind |
6136s | of janky and doesn't always do what you |
6140s | hope it does and is slow uh is because |
6143s | of the polling rate that the chat |
6145s | provider we use runs through that it |
6146s | runs |
6148s | through |
6151s | um |
6152s | and um so yeah we we're definitely |
6155s | definitely working on that stuff uh |
6157s | there's yeah the dungeons is a known |
6159s | issue for for party play that we are |
6161s | very much actively working on um and |
6163s | it's getting tons of fixes around that |
6165s | too uh what else was on there like short |
6168s | answer is yeah we're doing stuff it's |
6169s | like multi the multiplayer experience is |
6172s | um either it depending on what day of |
6175s | the week it's either number one or |
6176s | number two priority and the thing that |
6177s | takes back its spot sometimes is just |
6179s | overall game |
6181s | performance so |
6186s | yeah uh have you been doing any work |
6188s | towards PVP no we have not doing any |
6190s | work towards PVP um I'd really like I |
6194s | can talk about PVP for a minute I'd |
6195s | really like PVP in the game I think um I |
6198s | think it's one of those things |
6199s | where um |
6206s | it's it's going to take a lot more work |
6208s | than I think I I expect it will take to |
6212s | get PVP actually functioning and |
6215s | fun um just because |
6217s | there's I think there's a lot there's a |
6220s | lot of things yeah say there's a lot of |
6222s | things we do in the game to give the |
6225s | player an |
6227s | edge so that it always feels fair so the |
6231s | game's never like cheating them |
6235s | like we we could have we could have |
6238s | minions or enemies be like Oh I'm |
6240s | standing in that AOE that you've got |
6242s | going on okay I'm going to use this |
6244s | movement ability and get out of it you |
6246s | know like |
6248s | sure |
6250s | [Music] |
6251s | um it probably wouldn't feel fantastic |
6255s | if enemies did that all the time players |
6258s | will do that um so there's a lot of then |
6261s | at the same time um you know like |
6264s | there's a lot of CC reduction stuff that |
6266s | we do for players like once you're |
6268s | stunned there's a cool down before you |
6270s | can get stunned again um and if if |
6273s | someone's building uh a character that's |
6275s | like really heavily around stun um it |
6279s | it's going to behave super differently |
6282s | against players than it is going to |
6283s | behave against |
6286s | enemies um and you know so there's |
6289s | there's a lot of these little things we |
6290s | do to be like so that the game feels |
6294s | Fair it's like kind of air quotes Fair |
6298s | um that we just wouldn't be able to do |
6301s | in a PVP situation or we'd have to edit |
6303s | and change and modify how it actually |
6304s | functions so that it still feels Fair |
6306s | because we're like there's like the the |
6309s | player side there's the like the |
6311s | offensive and defensive side that are |
6313s | sometimes fighting with each other and |
6314s | in PVE when you're fighting enemies and |
6317s | not um not players I know ease |
6320s | environment not enemies yeah anyways um |
6324s | when you're fighting other people and |
6325s | not the environment |
6330s | um which like who who the system gives |
6333s | deference to needs to be carefully |
6336s | decided in each |
6338s | situation |
6343s | um whereas when it's fighting just the |
6347s | like when it's PVE um we just like oh |
6349s | the player always gets the the |
6351s | consideration whenever there's like a |
6354s | conflicting things that say like if it |
6356s | always does this always happens and this |
6357s | never happens what happens like who who |
6359s | wins type thing um well in in the game |
6363s | right now we just say all the players |
6365s | effect just wins but when we go PVP we |
6368s | have to figure out which effect wins for |
6371s | every single one of those scenarios and |
6372s | then there's then there's just like the |
6373s | complete damage in Balance like the |
6375s | game's entirely balanced around um you |
6379s | know enemies having these ginormous |
6382s | Health pools and like I'm I'm critting |
6385s | players I'm critting enemies like I do |
6387s | not have a super high power build at all |
6390s | and I'm right now critting enemies for |
6392s | way more than my base than my my own |
6394s | health pool like high high high high DPS |
6399s | abilities are so so lopsided where |
6402s | you'll be like oh i' I've got a my tools |
6405s | up DPS shows a like a 7 digigit number |
6408s | and my health number is a four digigit |
6411s | number it's like if those two things |
6413s | Collide it's just going to be like two |
6416s | people with the longest range abilities |
6417s | they can possibly find sitting on |
6419s | opposite sides of the PVP Arena shooting |
6420s | at each other until you know like |
6422s | someone someone hits someone else and |
6424s | and there's just it's just all these |
6427s | little things that need to go together |
6428s | to make PVP really fun and and balanced |
6431s | and actually enjoyable for everyone and |
6434s | like all of these things I've said have |
6436s | Solutions all every single one of these |
6437s | problems has ways that you can solve it |
6440s | um but it's just it's going to be a long |
6441s | development process to find the right |
6443s | solution for all those problems test |
6445s | them make sure they all work together in |
6447s | a system as they as you as they play |
6449s | together well you know all these things |
6451s | and um you know it's going to be a |
6453s | process to get PVP into the game it's |
6455s | something that we've wanted to do for a |
6456s | long time it was one of the one of the |
6457s | stretch goals of our original |
6458s | Kickstarter we didn't get to it |
6459s | technically I don't think so you know |
6462s | debatable whether or not we committed to |
6464s | it or not but like eventually it's going |
6465s | to be something that we're going to do |
6466s | it's just going to take some time um and |
6469s | I think that the systems that people the |
6471s | core systems of the game that people |
6472s | interact with and play with a lot now |
6474s | are more important to be spending our |
6475s | time on than um PVP so like I think |
6479s | endgame is more important than PVP right |
6480s | now so we're focusing on end game for |
6481s | this patch uh I'd really like to see PVP |
6484s | go in I'd really like to see there's a |
6486s | few things I'd really like to see with |
6487s | it um in particular but think there's |
6489s | there's lots of room for awesome PVP |
6492s | content I like i' I've talked in the |
6495s | past about Stories We we've when we |
6496s | originally were starting out |
6499s | um with |
6503s | I have one yeah I have one more thing |
6504s | okay cool I got show I got there's |
6506s | another |
6506s | teaser um just we're running low on time |
6510s | the uh so I've talked |
6512s | about uh |
6516s | PVP what was I going to say I complet |
6518s | lost my train of thought anyways there's |
6519s | a cool thing on screen this |
6521s | way um so this is a bit of a tease of a |
6524s | teaser because it's cut off very |
6527s | strategically um because we haven't |
6529s | fully balanced this node yet um we have |
6532s | we know what the axes we're balancing it |
6535s | on are um but we don't have specific |
6538s | values for how much yet |
6541s | um but yes this is this is the thing |
6544s | that I was referencing earlier where I |
6546s | didn't show it last week because it had |
6548s | just been spoiled as a thing in po2 as |
6550s | well and I'm like no it's too soon but |
6553s | this week I realized whatever we're |
6554s | doing it anyways |
6557s | um so yeah this is this is in it feels |
6559s | great I've already started designing |
6561s | stuff for it there's there's stuff for |
6564s | 1.3 that uh i' I've been designing |
6567s | that's going to go in that's going to |
6568s | affect this as well and I'm so excited |
6570s | for this one um so you can equip a |
6573s | shield at the same time as a two-handed |
6576s | axe mace sword or spear um so it is it |
6580s | is worded very carefully and it is a |
6581s | little limiting so this is specifically |
6583s | you may notice Forge Masters might this |
6584s | is specifically on Sentinel um there's |
6587s | still room |
6588s | for you know expanding this in the |
6590s | future but initially it is specifically |
6592s | going to be a single two-handed weapon |
6595s | with a |
6596s | shield um so no no other like Catalyst |
6601s | or something like |
6604s | that yeah it is specifically allowing |
6606s | you to equip a shield in your off hand |
6608s | at the same time as a twohand or in your |
6609s | main hand um and it's a lot of fun it's |
6612s | a lot of fun and this is the sort of |
6613s | thing that like um wouldn't be possible |
6616s | if our entire animation team was was |
6617s | doing the uh wasd controls cuz this |
6620s | required a ton of Animation work to do |
6622s | which I know sounds kind of weird but |
6623s | it's a lot |
6628s | um are there any spear changes coming |
6630s | yep you're going to be able to use him |
6631s | with a shield |
6633s | now which is |
6640s | great |
6642s | oh here maybe then roll should just be a |
6645s | little longer maybe I'm pretty I'm |
6647s | pretty pleased with where it is right |
6650s | now personally but if you do have a a |
6653s | spe specific suggestion like that you'd |
6655s | like us to consider please head on over |
6657s | to our feedback and suggestions forums |
6660s | or feedback and suggestion sections in |
6663s | Discord as we do very |
6666s | frequently um PLL suggestions from there |
6670s | and feedback and like it gets it gets in |
6671s | the game like it really does I think |
6674s | this is this is I talk about this all |
6676s | the time people who come regularly or |
6677s | sick of hearing me say this but like it |
6678s | feels a little like um and I understand |
6682s | this feeling for sure it feels a little |
6683s | like the there there's this place we put |
6686s | where we're like oh we don't we don't |
6687s | care about the suggestions and here's a |
6689s | place that you can go throw them and we |
6690s | won't look at it over here in the corner |
6691s | just just go put him over here to AIA |
6692s | and be like yeah shut up and go put him |
6694s | over here that's so not what it is it's |
6696s | like the complete opposite it's just |
6698s | like we get so many awesome suggestions |
6700s | that trying to pull them all from every |
6702s | corner of the internet is |
6705s | painful uh so we just need your help in |
6708s | getting them organized a little bit and |
6710s | the easiest way to do that is if |
6711s | everyone just puts them in the same |
6712s | place |
6714s | um so we have like two or three places |
6716s | we pull them from specifically and then |
6717s | like we do look elsewhere too if it like |
6721s | casually happen to stumble upon it but |
6722s | the by far the best way to get us to see |
6724s | it is putting it in the feedback and |
6726s | suggestions Forums on our website or in |
6729s | the Discord channel it's like not even |
6731s | close to comparable how much better it |
6732s | is |
6739s | there and like we specifically go |
6742s | through the things that come through |
6743s | those channels as a group we like we |
6745s | like hey this game through that channel |
6747s | what do we think about this it's like |
6748s | part of our design meetings yeah really |
6751s | good use those channels they're |
6755s | awesome uh any thoughts on Community |
6758s | Driven in-game content on the likes of |
6760s | peee div cards and such feels like we |
6763s | have such a creative uh creative Creator |
6765s | Community uh that could be a great |
6767s | opportunity yeah I mean we do we do have |
6769s | like supporter uniques that go in I'm |
6770s | working on one right now it's awesome |
6773s | um there's you know like we we've done |
6777s | we've done a few |
6778s | collaborative uh like like a bunch of we |
6780s | we did a unique once where we just like |
6781s | pulled the community for every little |
6783s | piece of it we're like What face type |
6784s | what's the theme what's the you know we |
6786s | just like pulled each piece of it out um |
6788s | that was pretty cool you know there's |
6790s | there's yeah I think there's we might |
6792s | maybe need to do more of that but I do |
6794s | think there's room for it I think we've |
6795s | done some of it and they've been very |
6797s | successful as a game creator how do you |
6799s | keep yourself focused on one goal and |
6801s | stop the Mind goblins from pulling you |
6802s | into 10 different directions what makes |
6804s | you think I can stay |
6809s | focused um I I think having clear uh the |
6813s | way I do it myself is is having very |
6817s | clear uh mini goals so like having I I |
6821s | will frequently set out um like okay I |
6824s | need to get like I need to get I got a |
6827s | thousand of these things to do I've got |
6828s | to do um at least this rate okay let's |
6832s | take 20 % more of that onto the rate and |
6835s | let's set that as a as a weekly goal um |
6837s | and then like let's let's have specific |
6841s | like compartmentalized mini goals and I |
6843s | and I I really work well with that so |
6845s | that's how I do |
6847s | it uh doesn't mean we will see two we |
6850s | will see dual wielded two-handed weapons |
6852s | it's possible but that is not what that |
6853s | node enables um that node specifically |
6856s | enables a shield to go with a |
6858s | two-hander someone said attack |
6861s | speed yeah |
6863s | the obvious |
6865s | one uh do you plan to add new masteries |
6868s | or new classes and if you do when will |
6870s | we have a chance to play it we do uh |
6872s | plan to add new masteries and new |
6874s | classes um none of them will be |
6876s | appearing in 1.2 the next patch will not |
6878s | include a whole new Mastery or whole new |
6879s | Base Class um but we do plan on adding |
6882s | more of them and they're going to be |
6883s | great uh we I think I know what the next |
6886s | uh ma I I know what the next Mastery |
6888s | class is going to be for two of the base |
6890s | classes and I have a pretty good feeling |
6892s | what the next Mastery class is going to |
6894s | be for two more of them and I have no |
6896s | idea what the last one's going to be for |
6897s | the third for for the fifth Mastery the |
6899s | the fourth Mastery for the fifth Base |
6901s | Class no idea yet um and I have a pretty |
6906s | good feeling I know what the First new |
6908s | base class is going to be as well but |
6910s | I'm less confident on that one we're |
6911s | going to see new Mastery classes appear |
6913s | before we'll see new Bas classes appear |
6915s | likely just because the scope of the |
6916s | work required um |
6921s | and I think everything I've said is like |
6924s | not new information but recap of stuff |
6927s | I've said |
6929s | before uh people have been asking for |
6931s | dual wielding two-handed weapons and I'm |
6933s | waiting for a dual wielding wands and |
6935s | scepter we see this someday it's |
6936s | possible it's that there's there's a |
6938s | kind of a thematic issue there where |
6940s | it's like it's not doesn't really |
6943s | fit with how |
6946s | like there there's not really a core |
6948s | fantasy to fall back on for those things |
6949s | as much |
6963s | yes you know would be cool is if the |
6965s | cast speed affected the rate that |
6967s | Fireballs shot out at from the |
6974s | shrine that' be |
6978s | sweet all right |
6983s | so Barbarian is coming confirmed uh I |
6986s | still think that |
6989s | uh uh classic |
6992s | primalist uh that's the one people say |
6994s | it was for I still think primalist has |
6996s | room for uh a couple |
7000s | options |
7006s | um that I'd like to see I I think |
7008s | Barbarian would be a sweet option um if |
7011s | if I was given in |
7014s | the whatever I want goes card for that I |
7017s | I would uh it would not be barbarian |
7020s | from me I'm |
7021s | sorry I would take it a different |
7025s | direction but you'll be happy to know |
7028s | that I am far from The only voice in the |
7030s | room |
7045s | and I was not talking about Prim less |
7046s | when I was like I know one of them for |
7053s | sure and I say I know one of them for |
7056s | sure I |
7057s | mean you know you never |
7064s | know Barbarian would be sweet though I |
7066s | do I think it's I think it's a really |
7067s | cool play style um and it's it does it |
7071s | has fantastic root in in there's core |
7073s | fantasy to pull from you know like |
7075s | there's it it fits really great there's |
7078s | you know it's it's an obvious |
7084s | choice all right we're coming up on the |
7087s | end here so I'm not going to do any more |
7089s | uh Echoes but I will finish off |
7091s | answering some questions did I did I do |
7093s | all the spoilers for this week I did do |
7095s | all the spoilers this |
7101s | week uh |
7105s | um if |
7107s | barbar anyone there play Warhammer 40K |
7109s | Inquisitor martyr I just got into it in |
7111s | good time so far wondering if you had |
7113s | any influence from that as well it's |
7114s | been like I've been so close to starting |
7117s | it up so many |
7119s | times it just keeps getting pushed off |
7121s | by something else um I know a few people |
7124s | on the team have played it and have had |
7125s | have good things to say about it uh when |
7127s | can we expect Rogue Sentinel and |
7129s | primalist to reclaim their missing |
7131s | skills uh |
7133s | it's a weird weird way of woring it but |
7134s | yeah I see what you're saying Shadow uh |
7137s | Rogue is the worst affected with four |
7139s | slots still vacant I agree Rogue is the |
7141s | worst affected with four slot still |
7144s | vacant uh if Barbarian is in the game |
7147s | does that mean we will have uh shout |
7149s | cool and recovery |
7151s | rate yeah War that's one of the things |
7153s | war cry is pretty heavily linked to |
7156s | Barbarian theming um and it's it's |
7158s | pretty heavily integrated into like |
7161s | multiple it's it's pretty uh cuz it's |
7164s | got like totem mode it's got Werebear |
7166s | mode it's got um it's just really good |
7169s | with minions as well so it's like it's |
7171s | really uh integrated already across the |
7175s | classes but you know |
7177s | I it would be tough to build off war cry |
7179s | too much directly I almost want to like |
7181s | if you were going to this is not |
7183s | something we're working on so I can talk |
7184s | about it um if we were going to add a |
7187s | barbarian class I yeah I'd want to maybe |
7190s | add a second like more shouts possibly |
7192s | that might that might be a way to take |
7193s | it um as a theming |
7196s | route maybe just one more I don't |
7200s | know all |
7203s | right any time frame on missing skills |
7206s | for Shaman Lich Marksman Etc um they |
7208s | they'll slowly they'll slowly come in |
7210s | we're not really specifically saying hey |
7212s | there needs to be the same amount for |
7213s | every class but we do focus on the ones |
7216s | that have fewer uh hey Mike is anyone on |
7219s | your team testing with a handheld like |
7221s | the Ally X to check performance and |
7223s | compatibility with Ellie we don't |
7224s | officially support um those those |
7227s | devices so I don't think so at least no |
7230s | one's explicitly testing it for each new |
7232s | feature I could say that um I know |
7235s | there's a few people that on the team |
7236s | that do play with things like that um |
7239s | so vaguely a little bit but not really |
7242s | uh new class idea void Bishop Caster |
7245s | that just deals void damage I feel you |
7247s | to come with a way better name for that |
7249s | and is that acolyte or Mage base |
7255s | um I feel like psychic stuff is a great |
7256s | fantasy that could not support in the |
7258s | game yet any thoughts on that Mesmer was |
7259s | one of my favorite classes in um Guild |
7262s | Wars 1 I played way too much Guild Wars |
7266s | 1 |
7269s | um that was my gild War one was my first |
7271s | like fantasy RPG online |
7276s | game and uh Mesmer so good love love |
7281s | Mesmer class I would love to get |
7282s | something like that and I think that's |
7284s | like I I would jump the opportunity for |
7285s | that type of class yeah um any idea next |
7288s | season will start uh sometime between |
7290s | January 1st and March |
7295s | 31st uh do you think we would ever see a |
7298s | battle order style war cry uh or giving |
7302s | health or giving Health to op and El |
7305s | temporary health has problems in uh in |
7308s | our system um it's not impossible but it |
7310s | has problems so we avoid it if we |
7315s | can |
7317s | um I remember you say you plan to change |
7320s | set item somehow are we close to this |
7322s | change or still just far away um it |
7327s | is uh closer than it's ever been but I |
7330s | have no |
7332s | ETA I mean it's always closer than it's |
7334s | ever been that's the dumbest thing to |
7335s | say Mike you just said literally nothing |
7337s | um it's it's I would |
7340s | say there's been there's been some minor |
7343s | movement on it |
7344s | recently um I'll say |
7347s | that but I don't want to promise |
7349s | anything around it it's I'm still so |
7352s | it's one of those things it's a system |
7353s | we've had like like in the in the |
7356s | chamber for so long and like it's so |
7359s | it's going to be great and like H it's |
7363s | it's it doesn't need to be super |
7365s | complicated um but just getting set |
7368s | items integrated back into the like hey |
7370s | a set item dropped yay |
7372s | like having that moment come back is so |
7374s | important I |
7376s | think uh I feel like is Bard coming B |
7380s | Bard's a really tricky class I don't I |
7382s | haven't seen personally I haven't seen a |
7385s | good pitch internally or externally yet |
7387s | for um a Bard that would fit well in our |
7391s | uh class system a Bard is a base class I |
7394s | don't think would work I think it would |
7395s | have to be a Mastery um and I don't I |
7397s | haven't seen a good base class that fits |
7400s | Bard really well yet um there's there's |
7402s | been a couple there was an example I had |
7404s | a while ago that I thought was decent |
7406s | but it's still like B+ range and I want |
7411s | A+ |
7413s | um uh I feel like the Rogue archetype is |
7416s | you hit me with all these questions at |
7417s | the end I love these questions I I'm |
7418s | going to have to end at some point but I |
7420s | will keep answering this so I'm just |
7421s | going to I'm just not going to play so I |
7421s | can answer faster I feel like the Rogue |
7423s | archetype is one with the least |
7425s | defensive skills and passives any idea |
7427s | to give it uh at least evasion defensive |
7430s | option for the rad uh for the Rogue |
7433s | class I mean there's there's I think |
7434s | Rogue has a lot of uh I think Rogue |
7437s | actually has a lot of defensive |
7438s | mechanics |
7440s | um we've got Dodge we've got silver |
7443s | shoud we've got dust shoud we've got |
7444s | glancing blow uh We've now got Perry um |
7448s | and it does also have ways that you can |
7450s | instead uh like you can you can use |
7452s | armor as well um it also has like ey |
7455s | frame stuff on certain abilities um also |
7458s | super high Mobility I think Mobility not |
7460s | being counted as a defensive mechanic is |
7464s | um a missed opportunity sometimes so you |
7466s | know like and and yeah there are still |
7468s | options for other defensive things |
7469s | there's really good ways of applying |
7471s | offensive based defensive things so like |
7474s | applying Frailty applying blind applying |
7476s | slow applying stun he does all those |
7478s | things really well um you know |
7481s | immobilize things it it has so many of |
7483s | these tools it that you can leverage |
7485s | that I think it's actually kind of |
7487s | spoiled for Choice when it comes to |
7488s | defensive options but yeah there's |
7490s | there's always room for other things to |
7491s | come in as well well It's Tricky adding |
7494s | in too many axes that you can scale |
7496s | defenses on |
7498s | um and I think that Dodge is inherently |
7502s | a frowned upon mechanic in airp Gs in |
7504s | general unfortunately uh any plans to |
7507s | add was the support in the future I have |
7508s | answered this twice already this stream |
7509s | so I'm just going to go really shortly |
7511s | um the animation requirements for it are |
7513s | so immense that it holds it |
7516s | back uh here's an idea that's been |
7518s | submitted to Discord uh what your take |
7522s | what's your take I think it's what |
7523s | supposed to say uh new base type Idea |
7525s | new base item idea of incorporating oh |
7528s | God I'm going to butcher that |
7532s | name uh |
7536s | kasama close basically a chain with a |
7538s | sickle on one side and a weight on the |
7541s | other uh it would be a two-handed weapon |
7542s | that implicits would be uh percent |
7545s | chance to drag a distant enemy nearby on |
7547s | melee hit uh base stun nearby enemy on |
7550s | melee hit yeah the the the implicits are |
7554s | um kind of a non-starter so no on those |
7557s | implicits Al I hate saying no to ideas |
7560s | but like I'm sorry those those implicits |
7561s | are not okay to do um on on a base |
7564s | weapon type um they're they're too |
7566s | complex and moving enemies in general is |
7569s | not something that's very performant and |
7571s | so we try and avoid it and it's got tons |
7573s | of issues so we try and avoid it as well |
7575s | um from a design perspective as well so |
7578s | it's |
7580s | uh I could see a unique that kind of |
7582s | worked this way a little bit maybe and |
7584s | like there's really specific situations |
7585s | that those effects happen so you could |
7586s | build that fantasy in |
7590s | um as a base type I don't think there's |
7592s | enough variation in the uh in in the |
7595s | base type that you you'd be able |
7600s | to |
7602s | like if if you're interesting if you're |
7605s | uh if you're introducing a new bass type |
7607s | there needs to be a lot of variation in |
7608s | the mechanics that can go on those |
7609s | implicits um so like you know you get |
7612s | different theming for different base |
7614s | types Like You on like daggers you get |
7616s | much higher crit and attack speed um and |
7618s | then on like two-handed Maes you get a |
7620s | much higher damage and stun chance so |
7622s | there's like these theming that happen |
7623s | around these base types that you need to |
7625s | be able to um to spread across all the |
7628s | different types of of subtypes in that |
7630s | [Music] |
7632s | base all right I was just thinking that |
7634s | very interesting option would be to be |
7636s | able to get a special runes that would |
7637s | allow you to shatter set items in order |
7640s | to get shards with to upgrade them yeah |
7642s | that's a cool way of doing it um putting |
7645s | those shards back onto set items would |
7647s | feel kind of weird I |
7649s | think um vile of volatile ice well one |
7653s | thing we don't want to do with set items |
7654s | is add more stuff to existing set items |
7656s | that's that's something we're not really |
7657s | interested in doing CU that's basically |
7658s | what unique items do when you add |
7659s | exalted to |
7661s | them vile of volatile ice is one of |
7663s | those items I'd love to see more of on |
7666s | other classes but those items I think |
7668s | would be awesome to have different |
7669s | implicits to accommodate also why can't |
7671s | stay have melee attack speed aside from |
7673s | Quarter Staff |
7675s | implicit it's a void melee weapon it's a |
7677s | valid melee weapon after all um I think |
7679s | it just comes down to the like the class |
7681s | fantasy and we don't really have a like |
7684s | a |
7684s | dexterity two-handed staff type class |
7688s | fantasy yet like we don't have that monk |
7689s | play style um that I'd really love to |
7692s | see so I think I think we would need |
7694s | that that um that uh Mastery or base |
7697s | class that would have that theming to |
7700s | come through first like a marshall um |
7703s | like a low armor staff wielding Marshall |
7706s | type character um that we don't really |
7710s | have yet but I'd love to see sorry I |
7713s | missed it but if is anyone on your team |
7715s | testing Le I already answered that uh or |
7718s | maybe you missed it so um we we we are |
7721s | testing with so there's a question let |
7723s | me read the whole thing I may have |
7724s | missed it but is anyone testing on your |
7726s | team Le with handheld devices like Rog |
7728s | allyx or steam deck for performance |
7731s | improvements mostly we are testing on |
7732s | Steam deck and that is something we're |
7734s | actively developing improvements for the |
7735s | other things that get improvements |
7737s | because of that is is indirectly but |
7739s | steam deck is is a platform we're |
7740s | supporting the other ones are platforms |
7742s | that happen to |
7744s | work two-handed Shields oh my God I want |
7746s | it please uh are you guys addressing the |
7749s | disparity between one-handed and |
7751s | two-handers in 1.2 |
7754s | um there are lots of changes to both |
7757s | coming |
7759s | so it's going to be a different story |
7763s | all right I was just thinking that a |
7764s | very interesting option would be able to |
7765s | get a |
7767s | special you already said |
7773s | this uh thank you sir missed your reply |
7775s | earlier no |
7779s | problem Mogul I think that was one I |
7781s | just answered I don't know if it was |
7782s | intentionally a double question |
7787s | there well we did it 12 minutes over |
7790s | that's fine you had lots of great |
7791s | questions at the end there sorry I had |
7792s | to Rattle through them a little faster |
7794s | um if you do have any more questions or |
7796s | I missed your question I apologize it |
7797s | was not intentional uh please head on |
7799s | over to our Discord we have an ASD devs |
7801s | Channel where I'll be happy to answer it |
7802s | there for you um and uh that'll about do |
7806s | it for me I'll be back same time same |
7808s | place next |
7810s | week and even even though it's the I I |
7814s | okay we'll double check there might be |
7815s | an announcement that we may cut it I |
7816s | don't know they may decide there no |
7817s | point if the po2 is the exact same day |
7821s | um but I've streamed before on Peewee |
7823s | launch days so who knows I I I'll |
7824s | probably be streaming I want to um |
7828s | anyways I hope you had a great day I |
7830s | hope you had a good time I know I did |
7832s | I'll be |
7833s | back and let's go say hi to someone |
7836s | let's go see let's go see who's out |
7837s | there streaming Ellie right |
7848s | now let's see |
7860s | oh don't know if it's a reference but |
7863s | love the British version of the show |
7865s | couldn't get into the UK I couldn't get |
7866s | into the US One |